
Quantum measurement is one of the fundamental building blocks of quantum physics, connecting the quantum world to its classical counterpart. The linear expectation value of the quantum state ρ in the form \({{{\rm{tr}}}}(O\rho )\) can be measured directly in the basis of the observable O by Born’s rule. However, the measurement of nonlinear functions, such as the Rényi entropy and the moment \({P}_{m}={{{\rm{tr}}}}({\rho }^{m})\), generally involves quantum circuits interfering among m copies of the state ρ by the generalized swap test1,2,3,4, which transform nonlinear functions to linear ones on all that copies. Although there are significant experimental advances for the m = 2 case5,6,7,8, it is still challenging to extend to a larger degree m with a moderate system size on current quantum platforms9.

Recently, alternative approaches based on the randomized measurement (RM)10, such as the shadow estimation11,12, are proposed. By postprocessing the results from random basis measurements of sequentially prepared states, the shadow estimation is efficient for measuring local observables and the fidelity to some entangled states. However, when measuring nonlinear functions, such as the purity P2, RM protocol inevitably needs an exponential number of measurements and postprocessings12,13,14, which hinders its further applications for large systems.

By trading off the swap test and the RM protocol, here we propose a hybrid framework for estimating nonlinear functions of quantum states to fill the gap between them, which inherits their advantages and reduces weaknesses. Specifically, one can conduct RM on a few jointly prepared copies of the state by utilizing the partial coherent power of the quantum processor, and then estimate many nonlinear functions in a more efficient way, i.e., less demanding on both the quantum hardware and classical post-processing.

The nonlinear function of quantum states \({\{{\rho }_{i}\}}_{i = 1}^{m}\) with some observables \({\{{O}_{i}\}}_{i = 1}^{m}\) of interest reads

$${{{\rm{tr}}}}({O}_{1}{\rho }_{1}{O}_{2}{\rho }_{2}\cdots {O}_{m}{\rho }_{m}),$$

which is general and includes, such as the state overlap and fidelity15,16,17, the purity and higher-order moments18,19, quantum Fisher information20, out-of-time-ordered correlators21,22, and topological invariants23,24. For simplicity, hereafter we mainly adopt the moment function Pm to illustrate the framework, where \({O}_{i}={{\mathbb{I}}}_{d}\) and ρi = ρ in Eq. (1), and assume ρ is an n-qubit state, i.e., \(\rho \in {{{{\mathcal{H}}}}}_{d}={{{{\mathcal{H}}}}}_{2}^{\otimes n}\) with d = 2n.

Before moving to the following Results, let us first take a quick review of the swap test and the RM protocol for measuring Pm, respectively. The moment can be written as \({P}_{m}={{{\rm{tr}}}}({S}_{m}{\rho }^{\otimes m})\), with Sm the shift operation on \({{{{\mathcal{H}}}}}_{d}^{\otimes m}\) satisfying \({S}_{m}\left\vert {{{{\bf{b}}}}}_{1},{{{{\bf{b}}}}}_{2}\cdots \,,{{{{\bf{b}}}}}_{m}\right\rangle =\left\vert {{{{\bf{b}}}}}_{2},\cdots {{{{\bf{b}}}}}_{m},{{{{\bf{b}}}}}_{1}\right\rangle\), with each \(\{\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle \}\) the basis of each copy. Using the swap test, one can measure Pm efficiently with complete coherent control over multiple copies of the state, as illustrated in Fig. 1a. In particular, one initializes a control qubit and prepares the m-copy state ρm, and then conducts the Controlled-shift operation

$${{{{\rm{CS}}}}}_{m}={\left\vert 0\right\rangle }_{c}\left\langle 0\right\vert \otimes {{\mathbb{I}}}_{{d}^{m}}+{\left\vert 1\right\rangle }_{c}\left\langle 1\right\vert \otimes {S}_{m}.$$

Finally one measures the control qubit to get the value of Pm1,2. The corresponding quantum circuit requires a quantum processor with a total of N = nm + 1 qubits. Although the shift operation on m-copy can be expressed as a product of 2-copy swap operations, this approach would significantly increase the quantum circuit depth. Furthermore, preparing m copies of the state in parallel imposes stringent demands on quantum memories. Therefore, the generalized swap test presents significant challenges for cases where m ≥ 3.

Fig. 1: Illustrations of generalized swap test, shadow protocol12, and hybrid shadow protocol.
figure 1

All these three protocols in (a) (b) and (c) can be divided into two phases, the quantum experiment and the classical postprocessing labeled by green arrows. In (c) of hybrid shadow protocol, one measures not only the control qubit but also the last copy of ρ after the random evolution U. The information of U and measurement results \({\hat{b}}_{c}\) and \(\widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}\) are used to construct the unbiased estimator \(\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}\) according to Eq. (6), and thus estimate t-degree function \({o}_{t}={{{\rm{tr}}}}(O{\rho }^{t})\) directly. One can also patch them together to estimate higher-degree functions like \({P}_{m}={{{\rm{tr}}}}({\rho }^{m})\) by Eq. (8). Note that the collected RM results can also be processed with other postprocessing protocols10, as shown in Proposition 2 for P3.

The RM toolbox10 was recently developed to ease the experimental challenge mentioned above25,26,27. Compared with swap test, one only needs to control a single-copy state to realize the estimation. For shadow estimation12, independent snapshots of the state \(\{{\widehat{\rho }}_{(i)}\}\) can be constructed using data conllected in RMs, as shown in Fig. 1b. This is referred to as the shadow set and has the property that the expectation \({\mathbb{E}}({\widehat{\rho }}_{(i)})=\rho\). Denote the random unitary evolution sampled from some ensemble as \(U\in {{{\mathcal{E}}}}\), and the Z-basis measurement result as b = {b1b2 ⋯ bn} ∈ {0, 1}n,

$$\widehat{\rho }={{{{\mathcal{M}}}}}^{-1}\left({U}^{{\dagger} }\left\vert \widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}\right\rangle \left\langle \widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}\right\vert \widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}U\right),$$

where \(\widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}\) is a random variable with probability \(\left\langle {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\vert U\rho {U}^{{\dagger} }\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle\), and the inverse (classical) postprocessing channel \({{{{\mathcal{M}}}}}^{-1}\) is determined by the chosen \({{{\mathcal{E}}}}\)12,28,29,30,31. For instance, \({{{\mathcal{E}}}}\) can be the global or local Clifford ensemble, denoted as Clifford and Pauli measurements hereafter, respectively. After constructing the shadow set, the unbiased estimator of Pm can be constructed as

$${{{\rm{tr}}}}\left({S}_{m}{\widehat{\rho }}_{(1)}\otimes {\widehat{\rho }}_{(2)}\otimes \cdots {\widehat{\rho }}_{(m)}\right).$$

In principle, any nonlinear function can be obtained with only an n-qubit quantum processor using sequential RMs. However, the number of measurements needed generally scales exponentially with the qubit number, and the scaling becomes worse for larger m values, such as m≥312,13.


Hybrid framework for nonlinear functions

By trading off the quantum and classical resources, here we develop a hybrid framework for nonlinear functions. All proofs and more detailed discussions are left in Supplementary Notes 1-4.

For a nonlinear function of degree m such as Pm, where \(m=\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{L}{m}_{i}\), we demonstrate that it can be estimated using a quantum processor with only \(N=n(\mathop{\max }_{i}{m}_{i})+1\) qubits. The core idea is to conduct RM on ρt, where t = mi, by leveraging the coherent operation on t copies of ρ. Note that as t = 2 one needs the 3-qubit Controlled-swap operation also known as quantum Fredkin gate32,33, by observing that the swap operation can be decomposed to qubit-wise ones. Quantum Fredkin gate has been realized, say, in the photonic system34.

Instead of directly reading the control qubit outcome to obtain Pt, as in the swap test, we perform RM on one of the prepared t copies of ρ. As the permutation symmetry holds, the RM can be performed on any copy, like the final one shown in Fig. 1c. By measuring the expectation value of the Pauli-X operator on the control qubit and performing the projective measurement on the final copy, we obtain

$$\begin{array}{ll}{{{\rm{tr}}}}[{X}_{c}\otimes {{\mathbb{I}}}_{d}^{\otimes (t-1)}\otimes \left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle \left\langle {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\vert \,U\,{{{{\rm{CS}}}}}_{t}\,\left({\left\vert +\right\rangle }_{c}\left\langle +\right\vert \otimes {\rho }^{\otimes t}\right)\,{{{{\rm{CS}}}}}_{t}^{{\dagger} }\,{U}^{{\dagger} }]\\ =\frac{1}{2}\left\{{{{\rm{tr}}}}[{X}_{c}{\left\vert 1\right\rangle }_{c}\left\langle 0\right\vert ]{{{\rm{tr}}}}\left[\left\langle {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\vert U{S}_{t}{\rho }^{\otimes t}\,{U}^{{\dagger} }\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle \right]\right.\\ \quad+{{{\rm{tr}}}}[{X}_{c}{\left\vert 0\right\rangle }_{c}\left\langle 1\right\vert ]{{{\rm{tr}}}}[\left\langle {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\vert U{\rho }^{\otimes t}{S}_{t}^{{\dagger} }\,{U}^{{\dagger} }\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle]\left.\right\}\\ =\left\langle {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\vert U{\rho }^{t}{U}^{{\dagger} }\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle .\end{array}$$

Here the identity operators \({{\mathbb{I}}}_{d}^{\otimes (t-1)}\) are on the first t − 1 copies, and the projective measurement \(\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle \left\langle {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\vert\) and random unitary U is on the final t-th copy, as shown in Fig. 2. The result in the last line indicates that one can effectively conduct RM on ρt.

Fig. 2: The demonstration of Eq. (5) by the tensor diagram.
figure 2

The vertical dotted lines denote the periodic boundary condition, i.e., the trace operation. The shift operation St and its conjugate \({S}_{t}^{{\dagger} }\) are represented by the cyclic permutations of the indices (legs) of the t copies of ρ.

The full measurement procedure is listed in Algorithm 1, which aims to construct the shadow set \({\{{\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(i)}\}}_{i = 1}^{M}\) of ρt from the RM results collected in Fig. 1c, and these shadow snapshots can be used to estimate more complex nonlinear functions. We show the general form of the hybrid framework in Supplementary Note 2 for the m-degree function in Eq. (1). We also remark that other postprocessing strategies on these RM data could also be adopted for some specific functions of the state18,19,35, like state overlap.

Algorithm 1

Hybrid shadow estimation

Input: M × K sequentially prepared ρt and control qubit initially set as \({\left\vert 0\right\rangle }_{c}\).

Output: The shadow set \({\{{\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(i)}\}}_{i = 1}^{M}\).

1: for i = 1 to M do

2: Randomly choose \(U\in {{{\mathcal{E}}}}\) and record it.

3: for j = 1 to K do

4: Conduct the quantum circuit shown in Fig. 1c.

5: Measure the control qubit and the final copy of ρt in the computational basis \(\{\left\vert {b}_{c}\right\rangle \}\) and \(\{\left\vert {{{\bf{b}}}}\right\rangle \}\).

6: Construct the unbiased estimator \({\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(i)}^{(j)}\) using the results \({b}_{c}^{(i,j)}\) and b(i, j) by Eq. (6), where i and j denoting the jth measurement under the i-th unitary.

7: end for

8: Average K results under the same unitary to get \({\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(i)}=\frac{1}{K}{\sum }_{j}{\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(i)}^{(j)}\).

9: end for

10: Get the shadow set \(\left\{{\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(1)},{\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(2)},\cdots {\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}}_{(M)}\right\}\), which contains M independent estimators of ρt.

Theorem 1

Suppose one conducts the circuit shown in Fig. 1c for once (M = K = 1), the unbiased estimator of ρt shows

$$\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}:= {(-1)}^{{\widehat{b}}_{c}}\cdot {{{{\mathcal{M}}}}}^{-1}\left({U}^{{\dagger} }\left\vert \widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}\right\rangle \left\langle \widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}\right\vert U\right),$$

such that \({{\mathbb{E}}}_{\{U,{b}_{c},{{{\bf{b}}}}\}}\left(\widehat{{\rho }^{t}}\right)={\rho }^{t}\). Here bc and b are the measurement results of the control qubit and the final copy from ρt, respectively; the inverse classical postprocessing \({{{{\mathcal{M}}}}}^{-1}\) depends on the random unitary ensemble applied.

Furthermore, to evaluate \({o}_{t}={{{\rm{tr}}}}(O{\rho }^{t})\) with O being some observable, the variance shows

$$\begin{array}{ll}{{{\rm{Var}}}}(\widehat{{o}_{t}})\,=\,{{{\rm{Var}}}}\left[{{{\rm{tr}}}}(O\widehat{\rho })\right]+\left[{{{\rm{tr}}}}{(O\rho )}^{2}-{{{\rm{tr}}}}{(O{\rho }^{t})}^{2}\right]\\ \qquad\qquad\le \,\parallel {O}_{0}{\parallel }_{{{{\rm{shadow}}}}}^{2}+{{{\rm{tr}}}}{(O\rho )}^{2}\end{array}$$

where \({{{\rm{Var}}}}\left[{{{\rm{tr}}}}(O\widehat{\rho })\right]\) is the variance of measuring O on the original single-copy shadow snapshot \(\widehat{\rho }\), which can be upper bounded by the square of shadow norm ∥O0shadow12 for the traceless operator \({O}_{0}=O-{{{\rm{tr}}}}(O){{\mathbb{I}}}_{d}/d\).

Theorem 1 is the central result of this work, which gives the unbiased estimator of ρt and also relates the statistical variance to the previous single-copy one, i.e., t = 112. The proof and related discussions are left in Supplementary Note I. Note that the shadow norm is also related to the chosen random unitary ensemble12. According to Eq. (7), the hybrid shadow can dramatically reduce the variance of estimating nonlinear functions compared with the original shadow protocol. Take the Pauli measurement as an example, for a k-local observable O, the shadow norm \(\parallel {O}_{0}{\parallel }_{{{{\rm{shadow}}}}}^{2}\le {4}^{k}\parallel O{\parallel }_{\infty }^{2}\)12 and thus the variance of evaluating \({{{\rm{tr}}}}(O{\rho }^{t})\) is independent of the total qubit number n by Eq. ((7)). However, the variance of the original shadow protocol shows an exponential scaling with n12,13. This point is also clarified by the numerical result in Fig. 3a. We will discuss this advantage in detail in the application of quantum error mitigation later.

Fig. 3: Scaling of errors and the measurement times using OS, HS, and HR protocols.
figure 3

Here the state is the noisy n-qubit GHZ state \(\rho =0.8\left\vert {{{\rm{GHZ}}}}\right\rangle \left\langle {{{\rm{GHZ}}}}\right\vert {{{\rm{GHZ}}}}+0.2{{\mathbb{I}}}_{d}/d\). The random Pauli measurements are used for (a), (c), and (d), and the random Clifford measurements are used for (b). In (a), (b), and (c), we set M = 10 and K = 1 for OS and HS, and M = 2 and K = 5 for HR. In (a), we estimate local observable \(O={\sigma }_{Z}^{1}\otimes {\sigma }_{Z}^{2}\). In (b), we estimate \({F}_{2}=\left\langle GHZ\right\vert {\rho }^{2}\left\vert GHZ\right\rangle\) with \(O=\left\vert GHZ\right\rangle \left\langle GHZ\right\vert\). In (d), we set M = 400 and find the total measurement is about MK = 200d0.75 to keep the error less than 0.1 using HR.

Furthermore, one can repeat the above procedure for all \(\widehat{{\rho }^{{m}_{i}}}\) and patch them together to evaluate more complex functions. For Pm the unbiased estimator now shows

$${{{\rm{tr}}}}\left({S}_{L}\widehat{{\rho }^{{m}_{1}}}\otimes \widehat{{\rho }^{{m}_{2}}}\otimes \cdots \widehat{{\rho }^{{m}_{L}}}\right).$$

With the hybrid framework, one can equivalently transform an m-degree function in the original shadow protocol in Eq. (4) to a lower L-degree one here. This not only reduces the sampling and postprocessing cost, but also makes other postprocessing strategies19,35 available for higher-degree functions. In particular, the postprocessing cost is reduced from \({{{\mathcal{O}}}}({M}^{m})\) to \({{{\mathcal{O}}}}({M}^{L})\). We take the moment estimation of P3 as an example to show these advantages.

Besides the functions like om and Pm here, we give the hybrid shadow estimation for more general functions of Eq. (1) in Supplementary Note II, by directly extending Theorem 1.

Application for the moment estimation

In this section, we explicitly show how to construct the unbiased estimator for the moments, by taking the third moment P3 as an example. We also analyse the statistical variance under finite measurement times here.

We divide m = 3 to 2 + 1 to estimate \({P}_{3}={{{\rm{tr}}}}({S}_{2}{\rho }^{2}\otimes \rho )\). For \(\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}\), by following Algorithm 1 (K = 1, t = 2) one collects the shadow set

$$\left\{{\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}}_{(1)},{\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}}_{(2)},\cdots {\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}}_{(M)}\right\};$$

one also collects the shadow set of ρ using the original shadow estimation,

$$\left\{{\widehat{\rho }}_{(1)},{\widehat{\rho }}_{(2)},\cdots {\widehat{\rho }}_{({M}^{{\prime} })}\right\},$$

and then combines two sets to get the estimator of P3.

Proposition 1

By combing the shadow sets \(\{{\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}}_{(i)}\}\) and \(\{{\widehat{\rho }}_{({i}^{{\prime} })}\}\), one gets the unbiased estimator of P3 as

$$\widehat{{P}_{3}}=\frac{1}{M{M}^{{\prime} }}\sum\limits_{i\in [M],{i}^{{\prime} }\in [{M}^{{\prime} }]}{{{\rm{tr}}}}\left({S}_{2}{\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}}_{(i)}\otimes {\widehat{\rho }}_{({i}^{{\prime} })}\right).$$

Suppose one applies the random Pauli measurements, the variance of \(\widehat{{P}_{3}}\) can be upper bounded by

$${{{\rm{Var}}}}\left(\widehat{{P}_{3}}\right)\le {{{\rm{tr}}}}\left({\rho }^{2}\right)\left[\frac{d+1}{M}+{{{\rm{tr}}}}\left({\rho }^{2}\right)\frac{{d}^{3}}{{M}^{2}}\right],$$

with \(M={M}^{{\prime} }\) for simplicity.

The result of Eq. (12) is almost the same as that of P2 using the original shadow estimation (Eq. (D16) in Ref. 13). This indicates that the hybrid framework reduces the statistical error from a 3-degree problem to a 2-degree one, with coherent access to a limited (t = 2) quantum hardware. We leave the analysis of the estimator and the statistical variance for random Clifford measurements and higher-order moments in Supplementary Note III.

Moreover, one can adopt another postprocessing protocol35 with the same measurement data collected in Algorithm 1, and the estimator \({\widehat{{P}_{3}}}^{{\prime} }\) is given in Proposition 2. This protocol with Pauli measurements mainly works for 2-degree functions and is proved infeasible for higher-degree ones14. With the hybrid framework here, one can make it feasible for the 3-degree function P3 and also reproduce the same variance scaling of P2 in the original protocol16,35, indicating the advantage again.

Proposition 2

Using the RM results, \(\{{\widehat{{b}_{c}}}^{(i,j)},{\widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}}^{(i,j)}\}\), collected in Algorithm 1 for t = 2, one can construct an alternative unbiased estimator of P3 as

$${\widehat{{P}_{3}}}^{{\prime} }=\frac{1}{MK(K-1)}\sum\limits_{i\in [M]}\sum\limits_{j\ne {j}^{{\prime} }\in [K]}{(-1)}^{{\widehat{b}}_{c}^{(i,j)}}{X}_{c\backslash p}\left({\widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}}^{(i,j)},{\widehat{{{{\bf{b}}}}}}^{(i,{j}^{{\prime} })}\right).$$

Here the choice of the postprocessing function, \({X}_{c}({{{\bf{b}}}},{{{{\bf{b}}}}}^{{\prime} })=-{(-d)}^{{\delta }_{{{{\bf{b}}}},{{{{\bf{b}}}}}^{{\prime} }}}\) or \({X}_{p}({{{\bf{b}}}},{{{{\bf{b}}}}}^{{\prime} })=\mathop{\prod }\nolimits_{k = 1}^{n}-{(-2)}^{{\delta }_{{b}_{k},{{b}_{k}}^{{\prime} }}}\), depends on the RM primitives, random Clifford or Pauli measurements.

For Pauli measurements, the variance is about

$${{{\rm{Var}}}}\left({\widehat{{P}_{3}}}^{{\prime} }\right)={{{\mathcal{O}}}}\left(\frac{{d}^{{\log }_{2}3}}{M{K}^{2}}\right).$$

To complement the above analytical results, in Fig. 3c, we numerically study the scaling of the statistical errors for estimating P3, using the estimators \(\widehat{{P}_{3}}\) in Eq. (11) and \({\widehat{{P}_{3}}}^{{\prime} }\) in Eq. (13), and also the one from the original shadow protocol13, in the regime d ≫ M(K). They are denoted for short as Hybrid Shadow (HS), Hybrid Random (HR) and Original Shadow (OS), respectively. The numerical results, which correspond to the standard variance, are consistent with the analytical ones, and we summarize them together in Table 1.

Table 1 The statistical errors for estimating P3 with different protocols

The numerical errors correspond to the standard variance, and are consistent with the theoretical predictions. As shown in Fig. 3a for the noisy GHZ state, α = 1.05 < 1.5 for HS as predicted by Eq. (12); α = 0.75 is quite close \(({\log }_{2}3)/2=0.80\) in Eq. (14) for HR; α = 1.91 < 3 for OS13.

Consequently, in practise one needs \(M={{{\mathcal{O}}}}({d}^{1.27})\) for OS, \(M={{{\mathcal{O}}}}({d}^{1.05})\) for HS, and \(K={{{\mathcal{O}}}}({d}^{0.73})\) for HR to make the error less than some constant. It is clear that HS and HR from the hybrid framework both show an advantage compared to OS, and HR is the most efficient one for P3. In Fig. 3d, we further find the total number of measurements is about MK = 200d0.75 to make Error(P3)≤0.1, showing great enhancement than OS protocol13,20. And the advantage of the hybrid framework is more significant for measuring higher-order moments like P4, and we leave more discussions in Supplementary Note III and IV.

Application in quantum error mitigation

Recently purified-based methods are proposed36,37 for quantum error mitigation38,39,40,41 by virtually purifying multiple copies of the prepared states. Suppose the perfect target state is Ψ and the noisy prepared state is ρ. The central task there is to estimate \({o}_{m}:= {{{\rm{tr}}}}(O{\rho }^{m})\), and use the normalized value \({o}_{m}/{P}_{m}\to {{{\rm{tr}}}}(O\Psi )\) to approach the target value \({{{\rm{tr}}}}(O\Psi )\) with Ψ the noiseless state, which can suppress the error exponentially with the copy-number m. The original protocol is based on the swap test to measure om, and very recently there have been ones by shadow estimation42,43. There is also an experimental advance for that of m = 244, however, similarly it is still challenging to extend both approaches to m≥3. Here we show that the hybrid framework gives various advantages on estimating om.

Suppose one has access to the coherent operation on m-copy quantum states. By only adopting the classical postprocessing, the shadow set collected in Algorithm 1 for t = m can be reused for many different observables {Oi}, say totally T ones, and the estimation error scales like \({{{\mathcal{O}}}}(\log (T))\) using the median-of-mean technique12. However, in principle the swap test approach should adopt different quantum circuits for different observables37, and also the error would scale linearly \({{{\mathcal{O}}}}(T)\). This advantage is significant for quantum chemistry simulation with the polynomial number of terms in Hamiltonian44,45,46.On the other hand, compared to OS protocol42, HS significantly reduces the statistical variance and thus the sampling cost. For instance, suppose one applies Pauli measurements with OS protocol to estimate om for a local observable O. Since \({o}_{m}={{{\rm{tr}}}}({O}_{m}{\rho }^{\otimes m})\) and \({O}_{m}:= \frac{1}{2}(O{S}_{m}+{S}_{m}^{{\dagger} }O)\) the symmetrized observable is actually a global one with locality about mn12,13, and thus the shadow norm scales exponentially with n. While in HS protocol, the variance is independent of the qubit number n by Eq. (7). See Fig. 3a for this exponential advantage as t = 2, and similar advantage also appears in the fidelity estimation using the Clifford measurements as shown in Fig. 3b, with more discussions left in Supplementary Note IV.

In reality, one generally can not implement Algorithm 1 directly for t = m when m ≥ 3 due to the hardware limitation. Like the moment estimation, one can alternatively patch low-degree snapshots to measure higher-degree om. For instance, when m = 3 and t = 2, similar as Eq. (11), one can construct the estimator \(\widehat{{o}_{3}}={(M{M}^{{\prime} })}^{-1}{\sum }_{i,{i}^{{\prime} }}{{{\rm{tr}}}}({O}_{2}{\widehat{{\rho }^{2}}}_{(i)}\otimes {\widehat{\rho }}_{({i}^{{\prime} })})\), and the error also scales logarithmically with the total number of observebles. In addition, one can construct an alternative estimator \({\widehat{{o}_{3}}}^{{\prime} }\) by the following Eq. (13). Similar as in the moment-estimation of P3, both estimators show statistical error advantages compared to the original shadow. The details of the unbiased estimator for general observable O and numerical results are left in Supplementary Note IV.


The hybrid framework proposed here utilizes the partial coherent power of quantum devices and can act as a subroutine for many quantum information tasks, for instance, measuring entanglement47,48,49,50, characterizing quantum chaos51,52, and constructing quantum algorithms53,54,55. Note that the framework reduces to previous RM protocols as t = 1 in Algorithm 1, and the advantage essentially comes from the coherent processing the few-copy state. So it is intriguing to build the ultimate result of this replica advantage8,56 considering the limited quantum memory. Moreover, it is also appealing to extend the current framework to quantum channel57,58,59,60 and boson or fermion systems61,62.