1 Introduction

In the process of fitness promotion, martial arts has had a huge impact on people’s choice of fitness programs with its unique fitness features and fitness functions. “Practicing martial arts for fun” is an important reason for the development of martial arts fitness theory [1]. During the period of building a healthy city, martial arts sports have been promoted unprecedentedly, and it has also had a great impact on people’s choice of fitness programs. First of all, the body method exercise of martial arts was originally required to release overall strength, but during the exercise process, we found that the body method exercise plays an important role in promoting health. Therefore, martial arts fitness should pay attention to the body method exercise. Second, breath is also an aspect that martial arts attaches’ great importance to compare with other sports, the breath exercise of martial arts has a significant effect on health promotion. Third, there are various self-discipline requirements for martial arts practitioners in martial arts ethics and disciplines, which make martial arts practitioners develop the spirit of perseverance and temperance. The cultivation spirit of martial arts is also a manifestation of self-discipline. The combination of practice and maintenance makes martial arts fitness more theoretical and practical [2]. The popularization of martial arts fitness is not only beneficial to people's physical and mental health but also promotes the inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Studying the current situation of martial arts fitness development and the factors that affect people’s choice has important theoretical value and practical significance for the development of martial arts fitness.

1.1 Writing Purpose

In the process of urban construction, a series of problems such as organizing citizen health campaigns are becoming more and more obvious. This paper introduces the LSTM cyclic neural network algorithm to collect and extract the current data of martial arts fitness in pursuit of health, which can significantly improve the accuracy of data flow collection and assist the development of citizen health movement.

2 Related Work

Scientists currently have the following research on martial arts fitness. Martial arts include a variety of formal movements and traditions that can be practiced for self-defense, competition, physical fitness, motor development, and emotional growth. There are both non-combat forms with less risk of injury and grappling/combat elements with a greater chance of injury. Koutures and Demorest [3] reviewed several common types of martial arts and the potential health benefits of participating in martial arts. It will specifically focus on head injuries/strikes, the possible damage to overall health from forced or rapid weight loss, and the particular risks found in mixed martial arts competitions, particular attention will be paid to head injuries/strikes, possible damage to overall health from forced or rapid weight loss, and specific risks found in mixed martial arts competitions [3]. The purpose of the Maltsev et al. [4] study was to analyze trends in modern training system design and management of elite martial arts. Research data and analysis suggested that martial arts elites should place a high priority on training process planning and management systems, especially prioritizing individual progress analysis and testing components applicable to specific sports. With the increasingly fierce competition, the requirements for competitive physical fitness are also becoming more and more strict. It is recommended that national martial arts elites pay special attention to training process management, customized and personalized tools and modern progress testing systems, and provide relevant qualitative and quantitative benchmarks for progress management [4]. The purpose of Podstawski et al. [5] was to determine the relationship between various forms of physical activity and anthropometric parameters and athletic ability in female students. Measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the summer term. Students with higher body mass and higher BMI scores were more likely to participate in golf, aerobics, general physical education and swimming lessons. Students who chose martial arts, swimming, and jogging showed significant improvements in most athletic ability tests, followed by sauna, suggesting that these activities had the most profound effect on participants’ athletic fitness levels [5]. The main problem of these studies is that the data collection rate of the current situation of martial arts fitness is slow. For this reason, the LSTM recurrent neural network algorithm is introduced in this paper.

For the cyclic neural network algorithm, the main research results are as follows. Data rates obtained by interferometric radio telescope arrays are getting higher and higher, and automatic data filtering procedures are mandatory. Burd et al. [6] presented the results of the implementation of a recurrent neural network for RFI detection using long short-term memory cells. A discrete model was used for the training of the algorithm, distinguishing between RFI and non-RFI data separately. The performance of the RNN is evaluated by analyzing the confusion matrix. The true positive and true negative rates of this network are around 99.9 and 97.9%, respectively [6]. To explore the application of deep learning algorithms in the field of reservoir operation, Zhang et al. [7] employed recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory, and gated recurrent units to predict the outflow of Xiluodu Reservoir. Comparing the simulation performance of the three models, the influence of parameter settings on the model performance was summed up. It analyzed the main factors affecting the operation of the reservoir, and provided a reference for the application of the model in the future. The results showed that the number of iterations and hidden nodes mainly affected the model accuracy, and the impact of the former is greater than that of the latter. The batch size mainly affected the calculation speed [7]. Inspired by the theory of technical analysis in the field of stock investment, Lu and Lu [8]) chose neural network models with different characteristics to extract effective feature combinations from short-term stock price volatility data. On the basis of ensuring that the prediction effect of the model is not lower than that of the mainstream model, the attention mechanism is used to further explore the prediction mode. Experiments showed that the line shape mined by the attention mechanism has a more significant predictive ability than the general line shape, and this result explains the prediction basis of the hybrid neural network [8]. Hossain et al. [9] proposed an algorithm using recurrent neural networks as a model and an extended artificial bee colony algorithm to search for conditioning networks that avoid local minima. A comprehensive analysis of artificial and real data demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method, also changing the network dimension and the noise level present in gene expression profiles. The reconstruction method successfully predicted the underlying network topology while maintaining high accuracy [9]. In this paper, the LSTM recurrent neural network algorithm is introduced to improve the acquisition rate of current data.

Data collection was carried out on the inducing factors of residents participating in martial arts fitness. The percentages of introductions from friends, government community recommendations, hobbies and courses offered by schools accounted for 15.3, 35.7, 17.3 and 31.6%, respectively. The time required by the existing method is 59.6, 58.3, 57.9 and 58.3 min, respectively. The accuracy rates are 67.54, 65.37, 66.28 and 67.69%, respectively, which are higher than the method in this paper, and the accuracy rate is lower.

3 Current Situation and Impact of Martial Arts Fitness in the Pursuit of Health

Martial arts is an important item in our traditional sports. Martial arts is an ancient sport that originated from the fighting skills of ancient people. To compete for their own living space, people gradually developed unarmed fighting and equipment fighting skills, that is, martial arts equipment [10]. At present, the basic connotation of Chinese martial arts is: Chinese traditional sports focus on martial arts, routines and fighting. And it focuses on the combination of internal and external. Martial arts fitness exercises firmly grasp the three aspects of essence, qi and spirit. It nourishes the spirit by adjusting consciousness; using qi as a guide, using qi to draw in, using qi to promote blood, and circulating it throughout the body; using qi as a guide, through the movements of the body, bones, and joints dredge the meridians of the whole body and nourish the whole body. Then a state of perfect body and spirit, unobstructed pulses, internal and external harmony, five viscera harmony can be achieved and the body is in the state of “yin ping yang mi”, which makes the body healthier and more energetic [11].

The key to fitness in martial arts lies in the treatment of syndrome differentiation. According to the general concept of Chinese culture, the relationship between Yin and Yang, the mutual generation of the five elements, the mutual restraint, multiplication, and aggression, the various martial arts cultivation methods are dialectically arranged to achieve the purpose of balancing yin and yang, making up for defects, and achieving the effect of strengthening the body [12]. Martial arts fitness exercises permeate the theory and practice of ancient Chinese medicine. It regulates yin and yang from a holistic perspective to improve the internal environment of the human body and has unique fitness effects. The “disease of civilization” in modern society is constantly threatening human health, and it is no longer completely resisted by modern Western medicine. It is necessary to start from the study of Eastern traditional medicine and use traditional Chinese health preservation theories to solve this problem [13].

Martial arts exercise has the functions of improving physique, strengthening muscles and bones, benefiting joints, regulating internal organs and dredging meridians, etc. In particular, some exercises focus on regulating the breath, nourishing qi, and enhancing physical fitness which has the functions of improving the internal environment of the human body, regulating the breath, improving the function of the human body, and enhancing the physique. The fast-paced and stressful life of modern people can easily lead to cardiovascular disease and neurasthenia [14]. Martial arts fitness is a light, gentle, slow movement that can relieve illnesses caused by prolonged periods of high stress. The whole movement is driven by the mind, focusing on the mind rather than the power, and using the mind to guide the qi. The combination of thinking and body movements makes the motor center of the cerebral cortex in a high state of excitement, which leads to negative effects on other parts of the brain, allowing the brain to get adequate rest [15].

With its unique sports form, martial arts fitness shows the charm of ancient oriental culture, and has a special aesthetic taste. In sports, people can express their emotions by exercising. The combination of rigidity and softness, virtuality and reality in martial arts fitness exercises complement each other. There are regular arrangements, graceful movements, harmonious body, lively rhythm, smooth and harmonious, and generous stretching, which is pleasing to the eye [16].

Qigong therapy uses consciousness, movement and breathing to practice mind, body and qi, so as to adjust the mind, body and breath. The three are interconnected and interact with each other. Through systematic physical exercise, the balance of yin and yang in the human body environment and the coordination and order of zang-fu and meridian functions can be improved, thereby achieving the curative effect of curing diseases and fitness [17]. In Tai Chi therapy, the movements of Tai Chi are gentle, round, and slow to guide qi. The mind guides the qi, and the mind and the body work together in coordination so that the excitability and inhibition of the cerebral cortex can be well exercised. In the practice of Tai Chi, breathing and movement should be coordinated. Abdominal breathing can promote abdominal blood circulation, promote intestinal peristalsis, and enhance the function of the digestive system. Its boxing movements are coherent, and there is no specific amount of exercise. It is suitable for men, women and children, especially it has a significant healthcare effect patients for people with poor physique and poor health. Tai Chi has a good therapeutic effect on hypertension, arteriosclerosis, ulcer disease, neurasthenia, chronic low back pain, tuberculosis and other diseases [18]. The promotion strategy of martial arts fitness is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Martial arts fitness promotion strategy

The consumption of martial arts fitness is an organic part of life consumption in modern society. With the improvement of people’s living standards, the consumption of martial arts fitness will account for an increasing proportion of all fitness consumption. There are two basic elements of life in human society: production and consumption, the production of products requires labor. The circulation of production means is transmitted between consumers and laborers, and consumption behavior is the basic premise of economic and social development [19]. The martial arts fitness industry can be regarded as a branch of the cultural industry, which not only symbolizes the degree of development of social and economic development but also an important symbol of social and cultural progress. The people’s growing material civilization and spiritual civilization complement each other. People pursue a higher enjoyment of the quality of life and continue to refine the essence of human culture. Martial arts fitness is rooted in modern life with fitness methods and traditional cultural symbols, and it can survive only by constantly adapting to society. This survey takes the consumption of martial arts fitness in a narrow sense as an entry point, that is, the expenses of consumers for purchasing technical services, rehabilitation and medical care, physical expenses for martial arts training, and expenses for watching games [20].

From the perspective of venue service items, the service items operated by martial arts fitness venues are mainly martial arts routines, which are relatively safe. There are many children and elderly people learning martial arts routines. The practice of martial arts routines is divided into priorities, which are determined according to their physical conditions; the other is Sanda teaching, this project mainly focuses on the consumer group of adults because this project has certain confrontation. For adults, whether it is to protect themselves or others, they should have a certain ability to control the situation. And most adults believe that practicing Sanda can protect themselves from being bullied in the event of an accident [21]. The second is fighting martial arts. This sport is actually more practical, but the fighting martial arts movements are relatively simple. The practitioners easily tend to feel boring, unless they are particularly fond of this sport. The last is wrestling. This project is difficult for beginners to accept, because it takes a lot of hardship to improve this project, so it is not very popular [22].

The traditional theory of health preservation takes the body as one, “the mind is the master of the body”, “the body of people”, and the coordination of body and mind, internal and external, is the fundamental guarantee for physical health and longevity. The unity of body and spirit is the ultimate goal of ancient health preservation. Yin Yang Five Elements originated in the pre-Qin period. It is the core and pillar of ancient Chinese civilization and the theoretical basis for health preservation in ancient China. The traditional Chinese health preservation method is to follow the operation route of the “extraordinary meridians and eight meridians” to dredge the meridians and collaterals, dredge the blood, and achieve the purpose of health preservation. No matter what kind of martial arts fitness, it is based on yin and yang, viscera, qi and blood, and meridians, and it is also based on nourishing essence, training qi, and regulating the mind. It takes the form of movement as the basic form of movement, uses the theory of yin and yang to guide the virtuality, reality, movement and stillness of movement. And it guides the flexion, extension and elevation of movement by opening and closing lifting, uses the overall thought to explain the unity of shape, spirit, qi, blood, outer and inner in sports and fitness. Every movement of martial arts fitness is closely linked with the concept of health preservation.

Research on the current situation and influence of martial arts fitness in the pursuit of health is of great significance for cultivating and developing the spirit of the Chinese nation and protecting the traditional martial arts in the region. At present, the speed of analyzing the current situation in this field is relatively slow. For this reason, this paper introduced the LSTM recurrent neural network algorithm. The recurrent neural network, like the traditional BP neural network, consists of three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer and the output layer. The biggest difference between them is that the hidden layer nodes in the RNN are connected to each other. The advantage of this connection is that the input of the hidden layer at the current moment includes not only the input of the input layer, but also the output of the hidden layer at the previous moment, which enables the hidden layer to utilize historical information. The LSTM neural network is an improved version of the RNN neural network, which mainly solves the problem of gradient disappearance. It can make the network memorize the content for a longer time and make the network more reliable. This feature of LSTM is caused by the improvement of its hidden neuron structure and does not require changes to the training method of the network. Figure 2 shows the LSTM neuron structure.

Fig. 2
figure 2

LSTM neuron structure

The parameters related to the forward propagation and backward propagation of the LSTM neural network are defined first. The following is the relevant algorithm for the feature extraction of the LSTM neural network data:

$${\mu }_{u}^{t}=\frac{\partial P}{\partial {i}_{u}^{t}}$$
$${\tau }_{u}^{t}=\frac{\partial P}{\partial {j}_{u}^{t}}$$

\({i}_{u}^{t}\) Input and output of neurons\({j}_{u}^{t}\) The activation output of the neurons

$${i}_{\sigma }^{t}=\sum_{u=1}^{U}{q}_{u\sigma }{m}_{u}^{t}+\sum_{g=1}^{G}{q}_{g\sigma }{j}_{g}^{t-1}$$
$${j}_{\sigma }^{t}={f}_{\sigma }\left({i}_{\sigma }^{t}\right)$$

\(\upsigma\) Input gate\({f}_{\sigma }\) The activation function of the gate


\({i}_{y}^{t}\) history information

\(\mathrm{G}\) the number of hidden layer neuron connections

$${d}_{c}^{t}={j}_{y}^{t}{d}_{c}^{t-1}+{j}_{\sigma }^{t}h\left({i}_{c}^{t}\right)$$
$${j}_{c}^{t}={j}_{\varsigma }^{t}g\left({d}_{c}^{t}\right)$$

At time t, for the output layer neurons:

$${\tau }_{c}^{t}=\sum_{o=1}^{O}{q}_{co}{\alpha }_{o }^{t}$$

Back-passed by the output layer to the output gate:

$${\alpha }_{\phi }^{t}={f}_{\phi }^{t}\left({i}_{\phi }^{t}\right)g{\tau }_{c}^{t}$$

State information passed to memory cell storage:

$$\tau_{d}^{t} = j_{\phi }^{t} g^{\prime}\left( {d_{c}^{t} } \right)\tau_{c}^{t}$$

Passing to memory unit:

$$\phi_{c}^{t} = j_{\sigma }^{t} h^{\prime}\left( {i_{c}^{t} } \right)\tau_{d}^{t}$$

Passing to forget gate:

$$\phi_{y}^{t} = f^{\prime}_{y} \left( {i_{y}^{t} } \right)\mathop \sum \limits_{c = 1}^{C} d_{c}^{t - 1}$$

Passing to the input gate:

$$\phi_{\sigma }^{t} = f^{\prime}_{\sigma } \left( {i_{\sigma }^{t} } \right)h\tau_{d}^{t}$$
$$\phi_{c}^{t} = j_{p}^{t} h^{\prime}\beta_{c}^{t}$$

\({\phi }_{c}^{t}\) Element weight derivative value

$$R\left( q \right) = \left\| {q_{2}^{2} } \right\| = \sum\nolimits_{u} {\left| {q_{u} } \right|}^{2}$$

\(q\) Parameter weight to be calculated loss

$$a_{t} \; = \;\sigma * a_{t - 1} \; + \;\left( {1 - \sigma } \right) * h_{t}$$
$$\Delta \theta_{t} \; = \; - \;\frac{at}{{\sqrt {b_{t} } + \mu }}*\omega$$

\({a}_{t}\) First-moment estimation

$${\text{ut}}\; = \;{\text{thnh}}\;\left( {{\text{Wx}}_{{\text{t}}} \; + \;{\text{Uhh}}_{{{\text{t}} - 1}} \; + \;{\text{b}}^{{\text{u}}} } \right)$$

It consists of an input gate \({\mathrm{x}}_{\mathrm{t}}\), forget gate \(\mathrm{W}\), output gate \({\mathrm{b}}^{\mathrm{u}}\), and a memory unit \({\mathrm{h}}_{\mathrm{t}-1}\).

The output form of the neural network generally has a lag period, which is determined by the principle of training the neural network. Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of the LSTM network structure. The gate structure of the LSTM network is in the hidden layer, and the hidden layer also includes the loop body of the LSTM network. The ellipsis in the hidden layer indicates the variable number of hidden neurons and LSTM layers.

Fig. 3
figure 3

LSTM network structure schematic

The single-layer LSTM neural network is in the entire feature extraction network, and the recurrent neural network layer contains only one LSTM network layer. The single-layer LSTM extracted feature map is shown in Fig. 4. The data related to the current situation of martial arts fitness is extracted through this method.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Single layer LSTM Extracted Feature Map

4 Proposed Methodology or Material and Methods

The workflow diagram of the LSTM neural network is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

LSTM neural network workflow chart. (i) block diagram(work flow) of proposed method. (ii) detailed diagram of the proposed method

Using the LSTM neural network to extract data related to the current situation of martial arts fitness. Due to the government's investment and planning in the city, today's healthy city has been created. However, due to various other reasons, the existing sports facilities still have a certain gap in meeting the needs of the public. In this gap caused by the problem of sports facilities, promoting martial arts fitness is the most effective method. The reasons for satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the existing local activity venues for different age groups are calculated respectively, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Satisfaction of different age groups with existing local activity venues

Fig. 7
figure 7

Statistics of reasons for dissatisfaction

It can be seen that most of the elderly people over the age of 60 were satisfied with the sports facilities. For most of the dissatisfaction, long distance, poor conditions, and insufficient quantity are the main reasons. These factors affected the development of some sports with relatively high requirements for venues and facilities. But for martial arts fitness, this is its unique advantage compared with other fitness programs. However, for its own development, such an environment lacks a martial arts fitness atmosphere, which also plays a certain hindering role.

Figure 8 showed the motivation situation of people with different educational backgrounds participating in martial arts fitness and martial arts fitness. Judging from the survey results, residents’ understanding of the functions of martial arts was multi-faceted. They can not only see the side of martial arts for physical fitness and self-defense but also recognize the social functions of martial arts in enriching life, entertainment, viewing and other aspects. Among them, 93.9% chose to strengthen the body, which showed that in the development of martial arts, the function of strengthening the body is the most prominent and most accepted by the masses.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Case of martial arts fitness motivation

The inducement factors for participating in martial arts fitness are shown in Table 1. 67.3% of the people who entered the ranks of martial arts fitness were promoted and guided by the government and schools. This showed that the government and schools were still the backbone of the development, inheritance and guidance of martial arts. The promotion of the government and the development of schools were the main reasons for the inheritance and continuation of martial arts.

Table 1 Inducing factors for participation in martial arts fitness

The items for residents to participate in martial arts fitness activities are shown in Table 2. It can be seen that the majority of people who choose Tai Chi as a martial arts fitness program, reaching 57.1%.

Table 2 Residents participate in martial arts fitness activities

As shown in Table 3, it is the popularity of residents in community activities. It can be seen that among the community activities carried out by community residents, among the activities that they like and want their families to participate in, 127 people chose the martial arts fitness club, accounting for 87.6% of the total number.

Table 3 Community activities to carry out activities in the popularity of residents

Comparing the method in this paper with the existing methods, the rate and accuracy of the current data collection of the two methods are compared, as shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that the time required by the method in this paper was at least 10.2 min. The highest accuracy rate was 99.03%, which was a great improvement over existing methods.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of the Rate and Accuracy of Current Data Collection

5 Result and Discussion

In Fig. 6, the proportion of people aged 7–17 who are satisfied and dissatisfied with the existing local venue is the same, both of which are 0.7%, and the proportion of people who feel average is 1.4%. The satisfaction of the 18–40 year old group with the existing local sports venues is higher than that of the 7–17 year old group, and the proportion of people who feel average is 28.9%. The proportion of people over 60 years old who are dissatisfied with the existing local venue is the highest, 12.4%, while the proportion of people aged 41–60 years old who are dissatisfied with the existing local venue is 7.6%. In Fig. 7, distance and poor conditions are the main reasons for dissatisfaction, accounting for 44.1 and 21.4%, respectively. The number of college diplomas is the largest, accounting for 49.4%, and the number of primary school diplomas is the smallest, accounting for 2.7%. Figure 8 is a case study of martial arts fitness motivation. Fitness, school requirements and entertainment are the main motivation of martial arts fitness, accounting for 93.9, 82.8 and 77.6%, respectively. From Table 1, 2, 3, it can be seen that the main factors for participating in martial arts training include government community referral and school curriculum arrangement, accounting for 35.7 and 31.6%, respectively. Participating in martial arts activities mainly includes Tai Chi Boxing and Mulan Boxing, accounting for 57.1 and 27.6%, respectively. The main places to participate in martial arts include martial arts clubs, community art groups and community culture and education groups, accounting for 87.6, 79.3 and 64.1%, respectively.

School education is the leading force that affects the physical and mental development of Chinese people. School physical education has always been an important part and an important practice base for national fitness in China. The school offers martial arts fitness courses to publicize and popularize martial arts knowledge to students, cultivate students’ own martial arts movement skills and then let students understand the charm of martial arts sports. During school, students can have the opportunity to get in touch with martial arts and learn martial arts. In the future, they can continue to practice martial arts and teach others to influence their interest in martial arts. The development of martial arts courses in schools is an important way for martial arts people to learn martial arts.

Interest is a prerequisite for doing anything, a steady tendency for people to know something or a hobby activity. It can not only promote people to pursue knowledge, study problems, and broaden their horizons but also has an important impact on the path people take. Throughout the ages, people have attached great importance to the cultivation of personal interest in learning. Only one person is interested in one thing, he will study. It was found in the survey that personal interests play a major role in personal factors. Whether the residents' interest in martial arts fitness can be cultivated in the early stage is a prerequisite for the continued development of martial arts fitness. A considerable number of people in the survey chose martial arts for fitness because of their personal interests.

Different people have different physical qualities. Even a family is divided into young and old. It is easier to carry out the same project in one family than to carry out different projects in one family. There are varieties of exercises and routines under martial arts fitness and different styles can be choosen to learn and practice. Tai Chi in the martial arts fitness program is suitable for all ages. People with different physical qualities have different requirements and standards, which is also an important reason for people to choose. The development of modern high technology has created a rich material foundation for society and provided convenience for people’s lives. At the same time, it has also brought some negative impacts to people's healthy life. This series of impacts is not only manifested in human physiology but also in the psychological aspects of people. According to incomplete statistics of relevant data, in the modern urban population, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have been ranked first among all diseases, and their causes are closely related to stress, insomnia, anxiety, lack of exercise, and obesity.

While arranging texts and publishing books, we should make full use of modern science and technology to strengthen the arrangement and publication of the practice routes, methods and requirements of traditional health-preserving exercises, so that the theories and methods of health-preservation in traditional Chinese medicine can be further promoted and developed. Using the means of propaganda of modern media to carry out martial arts fitness activities extensively, deeply and lastingly, enhance citizens’ awareness of physical exercise, and improve citizens’ awareness and initiative to participate in physical exercise. Technology should pay attention to when promoting. Other successful countries and regions’ experiments can be learned to motivate residents through rewards, such as setting up a “Family Sports Activity Award” to increase people’s interest and enthusiasm for martial arts. In addition, large-scale public service advertisements for martial arts and fitness should be established in places where residents can easily find or in sports and fitness venues. Martial arts performances and martial arts competitions be increased. People can participate in martial arts performance competitions as a community or as a family or as an individual. In this way, people can promote cooperation but also experience the happiness brought by martial arts and promote the publicity of martial arts. Mass martial arts observation and exchange meetings can be carried out, such as competitions in folk martial arts halls and schools; exchanges and observations of local boxing styles and schools.

Carrying out martial arts among urban residents has brought people emotional transfer and spiritual sustenance so that their minds have been fully and safely released. In the process of practicing martial arts, they can understand each other, share joy, vent their anger and frustration, share pain and grief. At the same time, using martial arts as a medium, social groups, government organizations and residents can unite and work together to build a healthy city. Through cooperation and mutual understanding, the incoherent dilemma of various departments, departments and people has been broken. In real life, it can be found that people with strong interpersonal skills tend to live a rich, optimistic and mentally healthy life; while withdrawn and incompatible people are difficult to eliminate negative emotions such as depression and sadness, which leads to mental illness. The unique fitness method and unique healthcare function have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Martial arts fitness can be seen everywhere. Their posture and mood have added a magnificent color to the stability and tranquility of society.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Martial arts fitness is a health-preserving culture with its own characteristics developed by Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and a hundred schools of thought. Different from Western sports that simply focus on human development, traditional fitness has focused on the harmonious development of human and nature from the very beginning. This paper introduced the LSTM cyclic neural network algorithm, constructing the state feature set through feature engineering. It used the classification algorithm to classify the data state, which effectively improved the speed and accuracy of the data collection of martial arts fitness status. In this paper, the preliminary prediction research was carried out. In view of the limited data sources and academic level, there are inevitably some omissions in the research. At the current situation analysis stage, the analysis is not thorough enough. For example, LSTM cannot use many computing units, usually because the system does not have enough storage bandwidth to meet the computing units. It is easy to add more computing units, but it is difficult to add more storage bandwidth. It only shows the change of relevant indicators and lacks internal judgment and analysis. At the stage of theoretical research, this paper does not grasp the theory deeply enough. LSTM preserves important features through various gate functions, which can effectively slow down the gradient disappearance or explosion that may occur in long sequence problems. Although this phenomenon cannot be eliminated, it performs better than traditional RNN in longer sequence problems. In the follow-up research, the multi-channel LSTM recurrent neural network can be used to extract features, and the LSTM features of multiple channels can be combined into a LSTM feature set, so as to improve the accuracy of data state estimation.