1 Introduction

The environment, with all its components, is a blessing from the Almighty Creator for humans. It is upon them to derive sustenance from it and to live their lives within the buildings in the cities they inhabit, without causing damage or corruption to it. However, with the changing ecosystems, depletion of natural resources, and environmental pollution, the current global trend calls for an attempt to restore environmental balance. Hence, the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development have emerged, aiming to meet the needs of the present generation without harming the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This necessitates social participation, which is no longer separate from urgent environmental issues that have come to occupy the world’s attention in recent decades.

The global challenge faced by policymakers and decision-makers is the same challenge faced by professionals in the field of construction. Architects, in particular, have gained significant importance in making architectural decisions that have a clear impact on the environmental and economic future of societies. Today, several terms dominate the world, including green architecture and sustainable environmental technological design. While these terms may seem diverse, they collectively strive to achieve a balance between human needs on one hand and the preservation of natural resources, reducing environmental pollution, and the risk of depletion of non-renewable energy sources on the other.

Sustainability has given rise to numerous definitions and concepts, but the most comprehensive among them is the process of ensuring that our present capacity to meet our needs does not negatively affect the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Consequently, the application of sustainability and sustainable development in architecture has transitioned from being an academic consideration to a fundamental mission for advanced, industrial, and major countries in the field of architecture.

The integration of nanotechnology with architecture has had a positive impact on the construction industry. Nanotechnology has influenced the alteration of material properties and energy, leading to significant changes in architectural thinking and design. One of these differences will be presented to illustrate how the development in nanotechnology and the field of architecture contribute to improving the thermal comfort efficiency for users by providing a suitable thermal environment.

The research problem is characterized lies in the face of smart future architecture with numerous significant environmental challenges, Most of the modern technologies fall short of achieving the standards and environmental requirements demanded by society. Despite the ongoing technological advancements, architecture has started to have a negative impact on society in several important aspects, including:

Inability of our architectural structures to fulfill their role in achieving comprehensive sustainability concepts.

Increasing energy consumption rates used in cooling and heating processes within buildings, reaching unprecedented levels in recent years. This is not proportional to the increase in energy generation rates in Egypt, exacerbating the energy crisis in recent years.

Lack of awareness of nanotechnology in construction processes in Egypt due to the urgent need for building owners to reduce initial costs, despite the rising operating costs.

Lack of awareness in architectural education regarding the importance and role of pre-simulation processes for buildings and their ability to significantly save energy in both general and educational buildings. The research objectives are The study primarily aims to understand the interactive process between environmental design and modern technology. Therefore, the study focuses on the following objectives:

1.1 Main objective

Emphasizing the changes that modern systems, developed through advanced sciences and technologies, will bring and their impact on architectural thinking. This includes understanding the data to benefit from their positive aspects, which significantly contribute to enhancing the environmental efficiency of buildings. Additionally, shedding light on the influence of nanotechnology on various architectural spaces.

1.2 Subsidiary objectives

Identifying the key principles for achieving comprehensive sustainability, with a specific focus on the environmental aspect.

Monitoring the most important materials and treatments used in nanotechnology techniques in architecture that contribute to increasing the ability of our buildings to optimize energy utilization and efficiency.

Exploring how to achieve maximum preservation of the internal thermal environment and its suitability for users through materials modified with nanotechnology.

The research methodology is based on the following:

Theoretical Approach: Presenting the concept and fundamentals of sustainability and sustainable architecture, as well as the key principles and foundations of sustainable design and the implementation formula for achieving sustainable architecture.

Descriptive-Analytical Approach: Presenting and analyzing the most significant existing global projects that rely on photovoltaic systems as a renewable source of electrical energy. Additionally, analyzing the important local projects that utilize photovoltaic systems as a renewable source of electrical energy.

2 Sustainability: pioneering the path to environmental responsibility

The first environmental conference that called for sustainability took place in the early 1970s. Its recommendations emphasized the importance of preserving and interacting with the environment. Subsequently, environmental conferences continued to advocate for sustainability. As global environmental problems worsened, the concept evolved to include the achievement of conservation and sustainability goals. Modern architectural systems now bear a part of their environmental responsibility.[1]

In the early 1970s, numerous environmental and economic problems emerged worldwide, including depletion of energy sources, raw materials, and water resources due to human activities and economic processes aimed at improving human living standards. The close relationship between development and the environment became apparent, leading to several international conferences that clarified the relationship between development and the environment. The concept of environmental development encompasses various dimensions and is not limited to specific fields or sciences. It signifies the entire world, both present and future (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

shows humanitarian needs according to priorities Source: Ihab Mahmoud Okba, 2006

2.1 Sustainable development: a dual-focused approach

The Concept of Needs: This involves striving to ensure a decent standard of living for all individuals. It extends from basic necessities like food, water, and clothing to secondary needs as per Maslow's hierarchy, which vary based on age, gender, social status, and occupation [2].

3 Sustainable development goals

The system of sustainable development consists of three fundamental dimensions, which represent its main pillars. With the imbalance of any of these dimensions, the primary goals of sustainable development are affected (Fig. 2). These dimensions are:

Fig. 2
figure 2

Sustainable Development Goals Source: Ihab Mahmoud Okba,




For the success of sustainable development, these dimensions need to be interconnected and integrated due to the close relationship between the environment, the economy, and the level of social well-being. The concept of sustainability is based on leaving the environment in a good state for future generations, without pollution, degradation of ecosystems, or depletion of resources. This can be achieved by implementing various means to achieve sustainable development in its different dimensions.

The environmental dimensions of sustainability involve achieving environmental sustainability by reducing waste and environmental emissions, minimizing negative impacts on human health, and avoiding the use of toxic substances [3].

The economic dimensions of sustainability are achieved through creating markets and development opportunities, reducing costs, improving performance, and utilizing energy efficiently.

4 Principles of sustainable architecture

Sustainable architecture is based on a set of principles (Fig. 3) to achieve its goals of creating and operating healthy built environments. These principles rely on resource efficiency and environmental design. They can be clarified through the following elements:

  • Resource reduction—Reduce consumption of resources.

  • Resource reuse—Reuse of resources.

  • Resource recycling—Use of recyclable resources.

  • Environmental protection—Protect nature.

  • Toxics disposal—Proper disposal of toxins and pollutants.

  • Economic life cycle—Apply full life cycle costing.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Wind and biomass power generation turbines Reference: arabiaweather.com

These principles are the pillars that must be considered to achieve sustainable architecture. It primarily relies on resource efficiency in energy, water, construction materials, and other sources through strategies that emphasize good utilization, conservation, and waste management for recyclable resources. Additionally, it emphasizes the care, protection, and non-pollution of the environment by designing buildings that harmonize with the surrounding environment, avoiding harm to it, and striving to create better indoor environments that provide comfort for occupants [4].

5 The implementation of sustainable design

Many sustainability pioneers in architecture, as well as numerous professional and academic organizations, have made significant efforts in developing and implementing sustainable practices. They have strived to make sustainability accessible, tangible, and summarized in the following points [5] (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4
figure 4

Using solar cells in multiple ways to generate electrical energy Reference: www.digital.argaam.com

5.1 Design aspects

Building design should consistently fulfill its role and be resilient to natural disasters, while achieving maximum rates of energy, water, and material efficiency. This is demonstrated in the following points:

  • The building's ability to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

  • The building's readiness for future modifications and expansions.

  • Avoidance of health hazards in building design.

5.2 Site considerations

It is important to pay attention to the natural surroundings instead of ignoring them, evaluate and appreciate all their resources, and make use of existing buildings through adaptive reuse. The design should be directed in a way that minimizes the environmental impact on the building [6].

The perspective of renowned architects worldwide towards the environment and the surroundings, or rather towards sustainable architecture, has significantly changed. Along with it, many architectural concepts have also evolved. However, the challenge that architects face today is to make this architectural approach a design principle for 21st-century architecture [7].

6 Strategies for achieving energy efficiency

Energy efficiency in buildings is achieved through the implementation of an integrated strategy that aims to optimize energy consumption and usage in construction processes. It also involves harnessing renewable energy sources, as outlined in the following points:

6.1 Energy consumption optimization:

Efficient energy use in buildings in all forms, such as cooling, heating, and lighting, through environmentally compatible design that aligns with the surrounding environment.

Optimal utilization of passive solar design, considering orientation, shape, window placement, and selection of suitable site elements to meet building consumption requirements.

Use of high-efficiency building envelopes by selecting appropriate wall materials, ceilings, and other elements to achieve insulation, efficiency, and durability requirements.

Reducing harmful emissions resulting from non-renewable energy sources (such as petroleum and coal) [8].

6.2 Harnessing renewable energy sources:

Integration of renewable energy sources into building design, such as daylighting for natural lighting, solar passive design, and solar water heating.

Utilization of photovoltaic cells for generating electricity from clean solar energy, integration of wind turbines for energy generation, and utilization of biomass for energy production within buildings (Fig. 3, 4).

7 Integrating nanotechnology and nanoscience: a multifaceted perspective

Various and numerous definitions have emerged for the term "nanotechnology" by experts and researchers, and most of these definitions are close and similar in terms of content and the specific and general concept. Therefore, the definition that best suits the research field has been chosen, as follows:

The concept of nanotechnology is "the research, control, or manipulation of the internal structure of matter at the atomic and molecular scale by restructuring and arranging the atoms and molecules that constitute it, and dealing with structures whose sizes range between 1 and 100 nm in design, production, characterization, and applications of unique and distinctive materials, structures, and systems." [9]

7.1 Functional attributes of nanomaterials

The field of nanotechnology is developed at three different levels: nanomaterials, nanodevices, and Nano systems. Currently, the level of nanomaterials is the most advanced among the three levels, as nanomaterials are of great importance in terms of scientific research and commercial applications due to their size dependence on the physical and chemical properties of materials. There are many standard definitions of nanomaterials developed by specialized scientific technical committees within important international organizations and authorities such as ISO TS, OECD, SCENIHR, and they are clarified through Table 1.

Table 1 Definitions of nanomaterials approved by international organizations

Based on the previous terms, we find that they all share the common characteristic of being "materials with one or more external dimensions at the nanoscale ranging from 1 to 100 nm."

7.2 Functional properties of nanomaterials

With the increasing emphasis on the need to achieve a balance between the multiple demands for improving environmental performance and the aesthetic and trendy aspects of future building fixtures, it becomes important to ensure harmony with the functional properties and needs of materials [10].

The research here addresses how nanomaterial technology can be integrated with future architecture, which is classified as shown in Fig. 5, either through the functional properties and behaviors exhibited by these materials, arising from their mechanical, chemical, thermal, or optical properties, or through properties referred to as "smart" properties, which include properties that change color or shape over time and under external influences (e.g., self-cleaning property, bacteria resistance, or fire resistance).

Fig. 5
figure 5

External facade surfaces Reference Sustainable Architecture—Blogger.com

8 Focusing on the self-cleaning property

In the field of architecture, the primary and continuous cleaning processes of windows or external facades of buildings, as well as external solar cells, which involve removing large amounts of dust, dirt, and various environmental pollutants, are considered crucial for preserving the sustainability and beauty of external facades. These processes also contribute to achieving clear and unobstructed external views and maintaining the quality of interior lighting within building spaces [11].

As an alternative to costly periodic maintenance, internal and external window cleaning using human labor, advanced machinery, and cleaning agents that contribute to environmental pollution and long-term material damage, efforts have been made to develop the properties of glass, finishing products, and surface treatments using nanotechnology (Fig. 6). These products are known as self-cleaning or easy-to-clean products and are being used in future buildings by specialized global companies such as Pilkington-Saint Gobain and others. The following are presentations of two important properties that have been developed in this field by research groups in various universities and global companies [12]:

Fig. 6
figure 6

The nature of the water-repellent outer surface of lotus leaves at the nanoscale, which is called the lotus effect Reference: Lotus effect. 22 may. 2023 http://www.ryannygard.com/files/images/5_lotus.jpg

8.1 The lotus effect

The large green leaves of the lotus plant have always captured the interest of researchers because they remain clean at all times, with no accumulation of dust or natural environmental residues. This was observed before it was discovered that the lotus plant possesses a specific property that is rarely found in other plants. It has the ability to self-clean based on an environmental factor observed by the German plant scientist Wilhelm Barthlott, known as the "lotus effect," in the 1970s. This phenomenon was later patented in 1997 after being studied using scanning electron microscopy in Fig. 7 [13].

Fig. 7
figure 7

Company building Doro, Valentina. "4aMagazine: A sustainable talk with the lighting designer Dean Skira". 22 may. 2023 http://www.new4amagazine.com/2023/02/sustainable-talk-with-lighting-designer.html

Bartlett, who serves as a professor and director of the Institute of Plant Sciences at the University of Bonn, explains that the large lotus leaves that spread over the water's surface, such as in the Nile River in Egypt and Sudan, are not completely smooth, contrary to what may appear to the naked eye. Their surface, which exhibits a hydrophobic or water-repellent property, is composed of very fine and tiny hairs and particles with nearly equal dimensions ranging from 500 to 3000 nm. It secretes complex waxy substances that cause water droplets to roll off the surface, carrying away any debris and completely washing the leaves and plant, as illustrated in Fig. 8 [14].

Fig. 8
figure 8

The mechanism of action of the photocatalytic feature Source:Woody, Todd. "Air Freshener." Forbes

The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the property of surface tension, as the cohesive forces between water molecules are greater than the adhesive forces between water and the waxed surface. Therefore, water droplets gather on the surface and easily roll off without wetting it. Figure 9 illustrates an administrative building that has utilized self-cleaning lotus-effect paints [15].

Fig. 9
figure 9

Current and expected future commercial applications for products that have a photocatalytic property in the field of paints and coatings compared to traditional products in the ability to maintain the cleanliness of external surfaces independently. Reference: Ahmed Rashwan, 2014

In addition to possessing the property of fog and vapor resistance, these products can be integrated into solar cells. As a result, we can have photovoltaic panels that provide a greater amount of energy, far superior to their traditional counterparts, which lose 40% of their efficiency and energy within six months due to reflection and weather conditions that lead to the deposition of dust and dirt on their surfaces, reducing their efficiency [16]

The process of catalysis relies on a substance that increases the rate of reaction of reactants without being affected or depleted itself. This substance is known as a catalyst. It enhances the reaction rate by reducing the activation energy required. Therefore, photocatalysis refers to a reaction in which light is used as a stimulant for a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without directly participating in the reaction itself [16].

One of the most important semiconductor materials that can be used as a strong and significant photocatalyst is titanium dioxide (TiO2), represented as Titanium Dioxide TiO2. When titanium dioxide absorbs ultraviolet radiation from an external light source such as sunlight, as depicted in Fig. 9, the energy from the ultraviolet radiation is sufficient to generate an electron and a positive hole (h^ +) in titanium dioxide. This electron then reacts with oxygen molecules to form a very strong oxidizing ion. This process continues as long as light is available [17].

When the exterior facade of a building is treated with a thin layer of this transparent material, as shown in Fig. 10, with a thickness of 15 nm, and sunlight falls on it in the presence of moisture, it helps oxidize external materials, dust particles, and dirt particles, breaking them down and causing them to fall off, resulting in completely clean surfaces free from impurities. Additionally, it imparts the surface with water repellency and purifies the air from nitrogen oxide compounds, which are one of the most significant environmental pollutants.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Facade cladding for the Muhammad Ali Clay Cultural Center MAC in the US state of Kentucky Designed by Beyer Belle in 2005 Reference: "Muhammad Ali Center". Entertainment/Venues Precision Walls. 22 may. 2023 http://www.precisionwalls.com/gallery/entertainment-venues/muhammad-ali-center/print

Constructing the external facades of buildings, with an area of 900 square meters, using materials that possess photocatalytic properties with titanium dioxide allows air purification with an efficiency equivalent to that of 80 trees, capable of offsetting the pollution caused by four cars daily.

Products that possess photocatalytic properties, used in the field of textiles and exterior building paints, reduce maintenance costs and building preservation expenses by approximately one-third to one-half of the total annual costs. Figure 11 illustrates the textiles used in the facades of the Muhammad Ali Center MAC in Kentucky, USA, designed by Beyer Belle in 2005, which contributed to improving its surrounding environment and reducing pollution levels [18] (Figs. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28).

Fig. 11
figure 11

shows the House of Light building https://claywienerberger.com/expertise/lumenart-house-of-light-croatia20 Apr. 2023

Fig. 12
figure 12

Lumenart D.O.O. commercial building

Fig. 13
figure 13

Sonnenschiff Center—Reiburg–Germany

Fig. 14
figure 14

Muhammad Ali Cultural Center Building—New York, USA

9 Case study explanation

The practical study focuses on analyzing the building of Mansoura Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology located within the Mansoura College Educational Complex in the city of Mansoura, in the Delta region. The institute building was chosen as a case study for several reasons, including [19]:

A. The institute building is one of the newest university buildings in the Dakahlia Governorate, specialized in higher education, and it is widely used due to its modern construction and systems.

B. The presence of air conditioning systems in most of the interior spaces of the institute leads to increased heat load and electricity consumption rates. This distinguishes the institute from most educational buildings in the region.

C. There is a large number of users in the interior spaces, particularly in the lecture halls and art studios, where the number of users exceeds 60 during operating hours. They are all affected by the available thermal comfort in the space, which leads to increased cooling and air conditioning loads.

D. There is a clear diversity in the orientations of the building facades, especially in the distribution of the art studios on the north, east, and west facades. This results in a noticeable variation in the thermal environments provided within the building.

The Mansoura College complex is located in the Delta region of Dakahlia Governorate, in the city of Mansoura. It is situated outside the urban congestion of the city on Mansoura-Damietta agricultural road, which contributes to the presence of all the complex's buildings amidst agricultural lands, creating a better thermal environment for the spaces [20].

The Mansoura Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology building is located at the northernmost part of the complex, as shown in Fig. 20. The northern facades of the institute feature agricultural lands that provide suitable views for the educational spaces and offer good natural ventilation throughout most of the year. On the eastern facades, there are green spaces, playgrounds, and student parking areas that form part of the site landscaping for the institute's entrance [21].

Fig. 20
figure 15

Shows a general location of the Mansoura College Complex containing the institute building. Case of study—coordinated by the researcher

On the western facades, there is a large area of asphalt that forms the ground for the American Schools' assembly area, which is located west of the institute building. It also extends to the southern facades of the institute.

The institute building consists of five floors. In the basement and ground floor, there are administrative areas, workshops, and spatial laboratories. The first floor houses all the lecture halls, classrooms, and laboratories for the preparatory level [22]. The second and third floors accommodate the educational spaces for the Civil Engineering and Electronic Engineering departments, respectively. Finally, the fourth floor (study area) contains lecture halls, classrooms, and drawing studios for the Architecture department, as shown in Fig. 21 [23].

Fig. 21
figure 16

An external general perspective of the Mansoura Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology building, showing the fourth floor under study

The study will focus on analyzing and comparing the current situation of the classrooms and the depicted drawing studios in Figure 22. These spaces stand out for their diverse orientations, whether they are north, west, or south-facing, which results in variations in their cooling loads and the amount of solar radiation they receive.

Fig. 22
figure 17

Shows the horizontal projection of the fourth floor under study—coordinated by the researcher

10 Analysis of the studied spaces

A. Drawing Studio (1)

Drawing Studio 1 consists of 60 divided drawing boards arranged in four rows. The west wall of the studio houses a wall-mounted projector for lectures. The north and west facades have openings at a height of 1.1 m for seating sessions and thresholds at a height of 2.2 m with a clear height of 1.1 m and a fixed width of 2.5 m. There are eight aluminum windows with single-layer green glass covered by curtains. The south facade contains the entrance to the studio, as shown in Fig. 23.

Fig. 23
figure 18

Architectural details of the drawing room 1

Drawing Studio (2):

Drawing Studio 2 consists of 60 divided drawing boards arranged in four rows. The north wall of the studio houses a wall-mounted projector for lectures. The west facades have openings at a height of 1.1 m for seating sessions and thresholds at a height of 2.2 m with a clear height of 1.1 m and a fixed width of 2.5 m. There are six aluminum windows with single-layer green glass covered by curtains. The east facade contains the entrance to the studio, as shown in Fig. 24 Architectural details of the drawing room 2

Fig. 24
figure 19

Plan of the drawing room 2

Classroom (8):

Classroom 8 consists of 20 chairs equipped with writing desks. The west wall of the classroom contains the lecturer's presentation area. The south facades have openings at a height of 1.1 m for seating sessions and thresholds at a height of 2.2 m with a clear height of 1.1 m and a fixed width of 2.5 m. There are two aluminum windows with single-layer green glass covered by curtains. The north facade contains the entrance to the classroom, as shown in Fig. 27.

Fig. 27
figure 20

Architectural details, semester 8

10.1 Climate environment analysis: mansoura higher institute of engineering and technology case study

The Mansoura Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology building is located in the Delta region, according to the division of regions specified in the Egyptian Energy Code. The climate environment can be detailed based on the following points Fig. 29:

Fig. 29
figure 21

Heat map of temperatures for the Delta region from the Climate Advisory

10.2 Temperature variation

The temperatures range from 41 degrees Celsius in the summer, recorded in August as the highest temperature, to 12 degrees Celsius in January as the lowest temperature in the winter season. This information is illustrated in Fig. 30, which was extracted from the Climate Consultant program. This program is considered one of the primary sources of climate data approved by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Fig. 30
figure 22

This map showcases the climatic characteristics that achieve thermal comfort for users, including temperature, humidity, and wind speeds

10.2.1 Psychrometric map of the region

Figure 31 illustrates the thermal comfort psychrometric map specific to the Delta region. This map showcases the climatic characteristics that achieve thermal comfort for users, including temperature, humidity, and wind speeds.

Fig. 31
figure 23

The simulated model of the institute building and the horizontal projection of the spaces, case study

11 The selection of design builder software

Design Builder software is a simulation tool for building systems of all types. It was developed by The Design Builder Institute of America (DBIA) in 1993 by a group of design and construction experts. The software was integrated into building design processes as a simulation tool for building systems, energy efficiency, and the indoor and outdoor environmental aspects of the building. This integration aims to ensure a higher success rate for all building systems, benefiting both the designer and the owner.

Since its inception, the simulation tools provided by the Design Builder software have evolved and gained recognition from The Canadian Design-Build Institute (CDBI). The program is considered one of the computer applications in the field of sustainable environmental design. It fulfills the requirements of sustainable architecture and environmentally friendly design. The software evaluates the energy performance within the building, calculates carbon dioxide emissions, integrates natural and artificial lighting, and assesses various alternatives for optimizing energy consumption in the building.

12 Steps for utilizing DESIGN BUILDER in simulation processes

  1. 1.

    Input Building Specifications: Enter all the building specifications and dimensions into the software. This includes configuring a virtual model that simulates the building's energy consumption, thermal indoor environment, openings, and orientations. This process is depicted in Fig. 32.

  2. 2.

    Define Thermal Properties: Specify the thermal properties of the building materials used, such as insulation values, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity.

  3. 3.

    Set HVAC Systems: Define the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to be simulated, including equipment, controls, and setpoints.

  4. 4.

    Specify Occupancy and Usage: Input data related to occupancy patterns, usage schedules, and internal heat gains from occupants, lighting, and equipment.

  5. 5.

    Configure Environmental Conditions: Set the desired environmental conditions for the simulation, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality.

  6. 6.

    Run Simulations: Initiate the simulation process to calculate the energy performance, thermal comfort, and environmental impact of the building.

  7. 7.

    Analyze Results: Review and analyze the simulation results, which may include energy consumption, CO2 emissions, thermal comfort indices, and daylight availability.

  8. 8.

    Optimize Design: Use the simulation results to inform design decisions and identify areas for energy efficiency improvements or design modifications.

  9. 9.

    Iterate and Refine: Make adjustments to the building model, inputs, or system configurations based on the analysis of simulation results, and rerun the simulations as needed.

The building materials were defined as shown in Table.

Fig. 32
figure 24

Characteristics of the materials used in the structural elements within the program

13 Comparative simulation results for the building’s current state

After conducting the simulation for the building, the results were obtained to allow for comparisons between the current state of the indoor thermal environment and the state after implementing a series of modifications. These modifications involved introducing insulation materials and treating them with nanotechnology techniques. Based on these simulations, the results were as follows Fig. 33:

Fig. 33
figure 25

Operating times for the spaces defined within the program

Energy consumption rates for cooling in internal spaces:

The Figs. 34 and 35 display the energy consumption rates for cooling in the indoor spaces. They present the data in a table format, illustrating the cooling energy consumption for Drawing Hall 1 in yellow, the energy consumption for Drawing Hall 2 in red, and the energy consumption for Room 12 in blue.

Fig. 34
figure 26

Rates of electrical energy consumption in cooling for the current situation in kilowatts

Fig. 35
figure 27

shows a detailed breakdown of the energy consumed by the spaces study

14 Thermal energy exchange with the external environment

Table 2 illustrates the rates of heat energy gained from the external environment into the indoor environment through all architectural elements studied (ceilings, external walls, windows). Notable differences are observed in the graphical representations of walls and ceilings, particularly at 7:00 a.m., when the air conditioning systems in the spaces start operating. This results in a significant decrease in indoor temperatures compared to the outdoor temperature, leading to a rapid transfer of heat energy into the spaces until 8:00 a.m.

Table 2 Analysis of the theremal energy gamed in the current situation of the spaces under study

Afterward, there is a gradual increase or decrease in the heat energy transfer to the spaces based on their orientations, whether they are facing north, west, or south, until 3:00 p.m., which marks the end of the institute's study day and the cessation of air conditioning operation in the indoor spaces. This sudden increase in indoor temperatures leads to a sharp decrease in the heat energy gained from the external environment into the spaces until 4:00 p.m. Then, the heat energy transfer continues to decrease due to the drop in outdoor temperature during the night compared to the indoor temperature in the spaces.

Regarding the windows, it is observed that the rates of heat energy transfer through them follow gradual curves without sudden changes, thanks to their lower thickness and increased heat transfer coefficient. The highest window heat transfer rate in Drawing Hall 1, with a north orientation, was 1.18 kilowatts at 8:00 a.m. Through the windows, it was 0.6 kilowatts at 3:00 p.m., while through the ceilings, it was 6.47 kilowatts at 3:00 p.m. In Drawing Hall 2, with a west orientation, the heat transfer rate through the walls was 1.39 kilowatts at 8:00 a.m., through the windows, it was 4.59 kilowatts at 2:00 p.m., and through the ceilings, it was 0.45 kilowatts at 2:00 p.m. In Room 8, with a south orientation, the heat transfer rate through the walls was 0.19 kilowatts at 3:00 p.m., through the windows, it was 0.15 kilowatts at 2:00 p.m., and through the ceilings, it was 2.5 kilowatts at 3:00 p.m.

Fig. 36
figure 28

Description of the materials used in the program during the simulation process

14.1 Simulation results by adding unmodified insulation materials using nanotechnology—Foam Sla

The first amendments implemented on construction materials include the addition of non-modified insulation materials using nanotechnology. For example, Foam Slag, a commonly used material in finishing materials in Egypt, has been utilized as a traditional insulation material in ceilings and external walls. Please refer to Fig. 36. Table 3 illustrates the description of the materials used in the program during the simulation process.

Table 3 Follows the analysis of the thermal energy gained in the current situation of the sapces under study

15 Results

Exploring and understanding the dimensions of sustainability is the true starting point to achieve an accurate description and understanding of the nature of sustainable design.

Environmental, social, and economic sustainability cannot be achieved separately. It is necessary to consider all three aspects simultaneously to improve environmental quality, economic prosperity, and social justice.

There are five fundamental principles that are adopted in many sustainable building assessment systems to outline their evaluation criteria and elements. These principles include site sustainability, water use efficiency, energy and atmospheric conservation, indoor environmental quality, and resource preservation.

The philosophy of sustainable design implicitly includes achieving ecological and green design. Sustainable design aims to go beyond environmental aspects and also considers social and economic aspects, such as socially responsible use and design to meet human needs. Therefore, green design and eco-friendly design are elements of the sustainable design system.

Material forms are a result of different manufacturing methods and can include quantitative points, nanoballs, nanoparticles, tubes and fibers, wires and nanocomposites.

Integrating nanomaterial technology with architecture involves using these materials in the field of construction and building, which are classified based on their physical properties or functional behavior (self-cleaning, antibacterial, self-healing, thermal insulation, smart properties) or external appearance (textures, paints, adhesives, fabrics). Both physical and visual properties can coexist simultaneously.

The use of nanomaterials as an additional technology in construction and building has significantly contributed to higher ratings in global building assessment systems, indicating environmentally compatible and sustainable buildings.

Nanomaterials contribute to providing innovative future solutions due to their ability to change the physical and mechanical properties of construction materials, with significant environmental and economic impacts over the short and long term lifespan of the building. They also contribute to achieving construction speed, accuracy, and safety.

The practical study concluded the possible and expected improvements after applying nanotechnology as part of insulation materials by highlighting the significant reduction in energy consumption for cooling. In the case of Drawing Hall 1, which has north-facing openings, the cooling energy consumption was 29.45 kilowatts. After adding non-treated nanomaterial insulation, there was a reduction of 3.31 kilowatts, equivalent to 11%. In the last case, with the application of nanomaterial insulation in walls, ceilings, and windows, the reduction was 8.41 kilowatts, equivalent to 28%. Thus, the application of nanomaterials helps reduce energy consumption by 17%.

In the case of Drawing Hall 2, which has west-facing openings, the cooling energy consumption was 31.99 kilowatts. After adding non-treated nanomaterial insulation, there was a reduction of 4.44 kilowatts, equivalent to 14%. In the last case, with the application of nanomaterial insulation in walls, ceilings, and windows, the reduction was 8.3 kilowatts, equivalent to 26%. Thus, the application of nanomaterials helps reduce energy consumption by 12%

16 Recommendations

  • The necessity of focusing on the application of concepts, principles, and foundations of sustainable architecture, sustainable design, and nanotechnology at the academic level of university education by including them in the curricula and methodology of architectural design courses, increasing students' awareness and understanding of these principles, and then applying them to various design projects. This should also be emphasized in pre-university stages through relevant curriculum content presented in an engaging and simplified manner, explaining the nature of these sciences and their potential contributions to our lives and communities.

  • Scientific research in technological fields such as nanotechnology should be connected to recent and documented studies and data regularly published by specialized regional and international entities, institutions, and companies. Scientific research should be synchronized with such data.

  • The research recommends that responsible energy entities in Egypt focus on utilizing renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels as the primary source of electricity generation. It emphasizes the activation of the residential sector, considering it the largest consumer of electricity in Egypt. Energy conservation and reducing the cost of electricity supply in Egypt are also essential.

  • Careful consideration should be given to the research aspect concerned with environmental issues, sustainability, and nanotechnology to conserve energy at the national level in Egypt. This can be achieved by implementing sustainable design ideas in practice, starting with government and educational facilities.

  • The government should enforce mandatory laws that require the application of sustainability principles and green architecture on newly constructed buildings, especially educational and healthcare buildings, as practiced in most advanced countries. A set of privileges and penalties should be granted based on the degree of compliance with these regulations and laws.

  • Local sustainable building assessment systems, such as the Green Pyramid Rating System (GRPS), need to be developed to align with the latest international systems in the construction field. These systems should consider evaluating buildings over time rather than just at the time of assessment, incorporating the contributions of nanotechnology-modified materials.

  • The importance of specialized research centers in nanotechnology techniques and sciences, with dedicated departments focusing on the integration of nanomaterials with sustainable architecture and urbanism. These specializations should be supported financially and morally through holding general and specialized lectures to raise awareness about their role and importance in society

  • The study recommends the necessity of integrating enhanced insulation systems with nanotechnology as part of the construction processes for most public buildings, such as educational, healthcare, and governmental buildings. This is due to the high temperatures and energy consumption rates in the process of conditioning the indoor environment for users in such buildings.

  • The study also suggests integrating pre-building simulation processes as a fundamental requirement to obtain the necessary permits for construction. This ensures a better pre-design of the building, taking into account sustainability principles to achieve maximum user comfort within the building.

  • The study further recommends the importance of considering the economic feasibility of applying nanomaterials in buildings. This helps assess the economic benefits for private building owners through the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis, contributing to the dissemination of sustainable nanodesign as part of the overall culture in the construction sector.

  • It is essential to evaluate the energy consumption levels in existing buildings and study the possibilities for their development to reduce energy consumption, thus addressing the energy crisis in Egypt as a whole.