1 Introduction

Environmental damage caused by different human activities like deforestation and overconsumption [1] is a severe contemporary issue worldwide. This has created some adverse environmental consequences, like increasing global warming, floods, cyclones, and droughts. This, in turn, has exacerbated social effects like poverty and displacement [1]. While people from different generations and geographical areas are affected by climate change, adolescents or youths are most affected [2].

Adolescents are teenagers aged between 10 and 19 years [3]. In this phase of life, they experience cognitive and social development with increased sensitivity to social issues [4], such as climate change. They may not engage in environment-friendly behavior if not adequately guided [5]. Hence, they are expected to behave in an environmentally appropriate manner, which requires the identification of factors influencing their pro-sustainable behavior (PSB). PSB refers to the behavior that motivates environmental protection [6]. The pro-environmental behavior of adolescents is different compared to other age groups, such as adults, who have higher PSB levels than adolescents [7]. Therefore, it is essential to have a discourse on PSB among adolescents, as adolescents are most affected by climate change [2]. The study of PSB among adolescents helps young people to act positively on the environment and allows them to become ambassadors of sustainable development in the future [6]. Pro-environmental behavior can be interchangeably used for PSB [8]. The first author of this study searched for PSB on Google, and Google provided many articles on pro-environmental behavior. Hence, this study used the term PSB hereafter.

The literature offers a wide range of factors influencing PSB among adolescents. For example, [9] found demographic variables like types of living areas as factors of ecological behavior among adolescents. Likewise, [10] claimed other demographic variables like age, gender, and income level as determinants of PSB. However, many researchers argue that subjective norm is a major determinant of sustainable behavior. Authors [11] claimed pressure from subjective norms like peers, teachers, and parents as determinants of PSB. Some researchers, like [12], claimed that connectedness to nature or interest in nature influences adolescents to have environment-friendly behavior. Others argue that attitude towards pollution, environmental conservation behavior and intention, and environmental responsibility are essential factors of PSB among adolescents [13]. While diverse factors influence sustainable behavior among adolescents, there have been hardly any studies that consolidate scattered studies of adolescents’ PSB.

A review is essential for producing knowledge in research, identifying gaps in existing literature, and providing future development [14]. Undertaking a review allows researchers to build on existing intellectual knowledge [15]. It helps researchers to understand the context that lies in the findings of other researchers [16].

There are different ways of doing the literature review. For example, [14] suggested 14 typologies based on searching, appraising, synthesizing, and analyzing previous studies that provide new knowledge. Among them, a systematic review is one of the techniques used in a literature review. It is regarded as a valuable method of reviewing because it minimizes biases, helps increase reliability, and develops good communication of findings [17]. This scientific and replicable method provides an audit mechanism for other researchers' procedures and conclusions [18]. Therefore, a systematic literature review effectively and efficiently delivers unbiased searches [18]. Systematic review provides well-explained steps with inclusion and exclusion criteria, which help researchers follow the process efficiently.

A systematic review has been primarily used in disciplines like the medical field [19]. However, systematic review has expanded on other domains like development studies, social science, psychology, and educational research. For example, the study of [20] was conducted using a systematic review of propensity scores on psychological and academic research. Similarly, [19] carried out a systematic review of tourism and hospitality. Also, the systematic review method is increasing in the field of environment and nature. For example, [21] systematically reviewed the importance of the natural environment for health.

As explained previously, several studies have shown that diverse factors influence adolescent’s PSB. However, these factors can be provided with a common theme to better understand adolescents’ ecological behavior. Furthermore, no study utilizes a comprehensive systematic review of studies focusing on factors that influence PSB among adolescents. Thus, the main objective of this study is to find comprehensive factors influencing the pro-environmental behavior of adolescents through a systematic review. Therefore, with a systematic literature review, the key factors influencing PSB among adolescents are identified and categorized into several themes to present a model for understanding the comprehensive factors influencing adolescents’ PSB.

2 Methodology

For this study, a systematic review of literatures on adolescents' PSB was conducted. We used a systematic review to ensure a transparent and replicable process [22]. For the process, a systematic review needs to define the review scope, set selection criteria, extract data, synthesize the result, develop a framework, and suggest future implications [23].

This study used the domain-based [24] synthesis approach, which is useful when the issues of interest are scattered or diverse and help identify the gap [25]. This approach helps to highlight commonalities from different theoretical, methodological, and thematic perspectives [24,25,26]. This approach is important for this study because the main objective of this study is to identify comprehensive factors from different scattered factors of PSB. The authors conducted this study using the well-defined guideline of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) techniques. PRISMA is the process of searching for relevant articles for content analysis on the issue [27]. This method is well-established across several disciplines [27]. Below, the authors provide stepwise details.

2.1 Search strategy

Selecting relevant articles is the key to a systematic review [23]. A good search strategy is essential when choosing relevant articles. This study implemented four stages for searching comprehensive literature. The stages are identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion [27].

2.2 Identification

The researchers considered four factors during the identification stage to cover the entire body of literature: database, keyword, source type, and period. To find the relevant literature on factors influencing PSB, the authors initially conducted searches on two major electronic databases: Scopus and Web of Science. After the selection of the databases, using the Boolean combination of the keywords representing PSB like ‘ecological behavior’, ‘eco-friendly behavior’, ‘sustainable behavior’, ‘pro-sustainable behavior’, ‘pro-ecological behavior’, ‘sustainable consumption’, and ‘green behavior’, keywords representing adolescents like ‘adolescents’ and ‘youths’ and keywords representing factors like ‘factors’ and ‘determinants’ were implemented to search in title, abstract, and keywords of databases as mentioned earlier. Following, [28] authors in this study only considered peer-reviewed publications in English. They disregarded other types of literature, including editorial notes, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc., to ensure methodological and conceptual integrity.

Similarly, articles published between 2010 and 2023 were chosen because, as stated by [27], the discourse on PSB increased after 2010 and to ensure an ongoing discussion of those factors influencing adolescents' PSB. This search technique retrieved 63 articles over 13 years, ending on September 9, 2023.

2.3 Screening and eligibility

After identifying articles, the screening stage was performed by removing the duplicates from two databases. This resulted in the elimination of 16 articles. Thus, a total of 47 articles were selected after the screening phase. Two authors (PCB and RS) performed abstract scanning to determine eligibility. Those articles focused on the PSB of adolescents were retained for further processing. This resulted in 21 articles.

2.4 Inclusion

In the inclusion stage, the full paper was scanned to ensure consistency with the definitions of adolescents. The researchers included only those articles whose empirical study focused on the PSB of adolescents aged 10–19. All other articles that were not empirically researched on the PSB of adolescents were excluded. Researchers cross-checked the results with a reference search via Google Scholar [29]. All 21 articles from screening and eligibility were empirically studied. Thus, this resulted in a sample of 21 articles. The flow diagram of the process based on PRISMA is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flow Diagram for the Selection of Literature Reviewed based on PRISMA. PSB: pro-sustainable behavior

3 Findings

3.1 Research frequency

The study on factors influencing adolescents is relatively new. The number of publications on this issue has increased over the past few years. It has accelerated since 2020. Figure 2 shows the yearly evolution of the publications of the article. From Fig. 2, more than 80% (N = 17) papers were published after 2020.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Yearly evolution of the Published Article on the Topic: Pro-sustainability behavior

3.2 Methods in use

The review of selected 21 articles suggested that a quantitative method dominates the methodology in research on the PSB of adolescents. Of 21 screened articles, 20 adopted quantitative methods like [30] and [31]. Some of the popular statistical tools used in quantitative methodology are confirmatory factor analysis [32], path analysis [33], and regression analysis [7].

3.3 Key factors

The main objective of this systematic review is to identify the factors influencing the PSB of adolescents by reviewing retrieved literature. For this purpose, two authors (PCB, RS) identified the factors influencing adolescents' PSB. These factors are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Factors of adolescents’ pro-sustainability behavior

Table 1 shows various factors that have been identified. However, the factors are diverse. It is necessary to bring them together and provide nomenclature accordingly for their aggregate theme [45]. Thus, from these factors, this study developed the aggregate theme. These themes are created by reviewing the study of [46]. This is shown in Fig. 2. After finding diverse factors, researchers in this study clustered the common factors and developed the three aggregate themes, as shown in Fig. 3. Three themes are: (1) demographic factors, (2) internal factors, and (3) external factors [46].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Aggregate themes

3.4 Demographic factors

Demographic factors include but are not limited to age, gender, living area, education, and income level. Through the review, researchers identified the age factor of PSB as explored by [35] and [7]. Similarly, [10, 11, 35], and [7] revealed gender as a factor in ecological behavior. Likewise, living area or locale was a determinant of environment-friendly behavior by [9] and [7]. Researchers like [10] suggested income level as a factor in PSB. A similar result was explored by [9]. They claimed that an economic factor (income) is associated with PSB. One of the demographic factors influencing adolescents' sustainable behavior is education and knowledge of the environment [33, 42].

3.5 Internal factors

Internal factors like self-efficacy, interest, awareness, attitude, interest, belief, etc., are also essential factors in determining PSB among adolescents. They are also known as personal or psychological factors that determine ecological behavior [36]. For example, [34] claimed self-efficacy mediates the PSB. Authors [44] also suggested the role of self-efficacy in environmental behavior. Likewise, connectedness to nature or interest in nature influences sustainable behavior, as pointed by [12]. That emotional connectedness to nature drives positive ecological behavior was also found by [7]. Authors [41] also suggested the role of environmental self-identity in environmentally friendly behavior.

Personal norms are other important determinants of PSB. Many researchers have suggested that personal norms influence positive environmental behavior. For example, the study by [44] suggested personal sustainability-related norms as one of the factors in ecological behavior. Likewise, the study by [30] also suggested the role of personal norms as influential factors in PSB. A similar result was presented by [37]. Authors [41] also suggested eliciting personal norms as a factor to determine adolescents' ecological behavior.

Attitude is another crucial internal factor determining ecological behavior. Authors [12] suggested environmental attitude as one of the factors determining green behavior. Likewise, [13] found attitudes toward pollution driving adolescents to adopt PSB. A similar result was presented by [44]. They suggested a pro-environmental attitude as one of the determinants of sustainable behavior. Likewise, [31] also found attitudinal ambivalence to be a factor in ecological behavior.

PSB is also determined by environmental awareness, environmental behavior and intention, and environmental responsibility. Authors [37] suggested behavioral control plays a role in determining the PSB. In line with this, [30] found perceived behavioral control and intention for positive environmental behavior. Two authors [13] also found environmental conservation behavior, intention, and environmental responsibility as influential factors of ecological behavior. Likewise, [44] suggested self-reported general ecological intention as a determinant of sustainable behavior. Similarly, [31] claimed climate change worry and optimism lead to PSB.

As part of the factors discussed above, habits are also an influential internal factor of PSB. Authors [30] suggested habit as one of the factors in ecological behavior. Habits like preservation, utilization, and appreciation lead to positive environmental behavior. The study by [32] claimed that preservation, utilization, and appreciation influence ecological behavior. Likewise, [43] also found preservation and utilization to be factors in PSB. Similarly, [40] suggested goal setting as a habit that leads to better sustainable behavior. The habit of having pets also leads to PSB [35].

3.6 External factors

In addition to the demographic variables, external elements, such as subjective norms and social, cultural, institutional, and technological factors, influence the PSB. Authors [9] claimed social factors as determinants of PSB. Another group of authors [39] also suggested the role of contextual social factors in shaping the ecological behavior of adolescents. Peers, family, teachers, and others influence adolescents to behave ecologically. Two authors [11] also suggested external pressures like peers, teachers, and parents as important determinants of environmental behavior. Likewise, [34] found peers to be dominant in influencing adolescents to adopt climate-friendly behavior. In line with this, short stories by others and societal role models also influence positive ecological behavior [38]. Many researchers claimed that institutional factors were also determinants of PSB. For example, the study by [44] found school agency to be one of the factors in ecological behavior. Apart from school, other agencies like clubs influence adolescents to behave sustainably [42]. Similarly, environmental policies lead to ecological behavior [30].

Cultural factors are another determinant of green behavior. Researchers like [34] suggested the moderating role of culture in environment-friendly behavior. Similarly, [36] also suggested the role of cultural factors in PSB. A similar result was presented by [39]. Similarly, religion might influence sustainable behavior [42].

With the rise of technology, many researchers have claimed that technological factors are also influential in shaping the ecological behavior of adolescents. Authors [10] found the role of media in influencing green behavior. Likewise, [36] suggested the role of technological factors in PSB. Similarly, [40] claimed that promo videos and prompts influenced ecological behavior among adolescents.

The model has been developed with all these findings, as shown in Fig. 4. From Fig. 3, demographic variables like age, gender, living area, education, and income level influence PSB. Likewise, internal factors like self-efficacy, interest, awareness, attitude, interest, belief, etc., are also essential factors in determining PSB among adolescents. Finally, external factors like social, subjective norms, cultural, institutional, and technological factors influence the PSB.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Model for factors predicting Pro-sustainable behavior among adolescents

4 Discussion

This systematic review study summarized various factors in adolescents’ PSB. As important determinants of PSB in teenagers, these factors are divided into three categories: demographic, internal, and external. This is consistent with several studies [46,47,48]. Demographic variables like age, gender, income level, and education may influence the ecological behavior of adolescents. The study of [48] also suggested demographic variables as important factors influencing environment-friendly behavior. In line with this, the study of [46] also claimed demographic variables as a factor of PSB. Likewise, [49] suggested demographic variables as essential determinants of PSB. However, some researchers found a contrasting result. For example, the study by [50] stated that demographic variables such as age and gender do not significantly influence PSB. Although there is a contrasting result, it can be claimed with reference from several reviewed studies that demographic variables affect PSB.

Similar to demographic variables, this study also found that internal factors like self-efficacy, interest, awareness, attitude, beliefs, etc., are essential in determining PSB among adolescents. Several studies contributed to this result. For example, the study of [46] claimed that internal factors like attitude, values, and responsibility positively or negatively influence PSB. Likewise, the study of [47] suggested that internal factors like attitude are significant in influencing consumer participation in green electricity programs. Internal variables are essential determinants of pro-sustainable behavior [48, 49, 51, 52]. Hence, the influence of internal factors on PSB is given importance.

Apart from demographic and external factors, this review showed external factors like social, subjective norms, cultural, institutional, and technological factors influencing the PSB. Several studies found external factors as determinants of ecological behavior. For example, the study by [46] contended that external factors like institutions, culture, social, and economic factors positively or negatively influence PSB. In line with this, the study of [48] claimed external factors as important determinants of PSB. Likewise, the study of [47] suggested external factors influence consumer participation in green electricity programs. Thus, it can be argued that external variables impact teenagers' PSB. Therefore, the finding of this study suggests factors influencing PSB are demographic factors, internal factors, and external factors. The influence of internal and external factors and demographic variables can be explained by utilizing the theory of planned behavior [53]. This theory has been used in some of the reviewed articles of this study, like [9] and [44]. Similarly, many other researchers, like [54] and [55], have also used this theory to explore ecological behavior. Thus, based on the results of this review, the model of factors predicting the PSB of adolescents may be suggested, as shown in Fig. 3.

4.1 Other results from this review which may be of interest for the future research

Acceleration in the number of published articles mirrors the increase of research interest in studying factors associated with PSB among adolescents. This might be influenced by the adaptation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) by all United Nations member states since 2017. Mainly, goal 12 advocates sustainable practices like recycling, waste reduction, reuse, etc.

This systematic review has also revealed that only one of the identified studies has been carried out using qualitative methodology and focus group discussion as an instrument [9]. This shows the necessity of other methods, as determining the PSB among adolescents is a complex psychological process [56]. This helps in in-depth understanding and may undermine the possibilities of practical and research implications.

5 Limitations of the study

This study posits some limitations. First, this study only used two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) to search for the required literature. The search in other databases could yield different or varying results. Second, it is a time-bound study (after 2010). However, the articles before 2010 could have brought different dimensions to the factors influencing the PSB of adolescents. Third, this study used the keywords of ‘ecological behavior’, ‘eco-friendly behavior’, ‘sustainable behavior’, ‘pro-sustainable behavior’, ‘pro-ecological behavior’, pro-sustainability behavior’, sustainable consumption’, and ‘green behavior’. More keywords could have been used to search the articles. Likewise, the keywords for adolescents could have been more. Fourth, this study is mainly focused on developing insights on the issue rather than critiquing the findings of reviewed articles on factors influencing adolescents' PSB.

6 Conclusion

Environmental damage is an essential contemporary issue around the world. People from different generations and geographical areas are affected by climate change. Among them, adolescents or youths are mostly affected. They must be encouraged to have appropriate environmental behavior, which requires the identification of factors influencing their PSB. Therefore, it is essential to have a discourse on PSB among adolescents. The literature on factors influencing PSB among adolescents in general offers a wide range of factors, and they are not provided with a common theme. Thus, the primary goal of this study was to identify a comprehensive theme based on various factors. This study used a systematic literature review using the PRISMA framework to find contemporary trends and factors. This study found that the frequency of research on the issue is increasing. This study also explored the factors influencing PSB, which were categorized as demographic, internal, and external factors.

This study has added rigor to the discourse on PSB factors, and it might be helpful for other researchers conducting their study on PSB. Likewise, researchers in developing countries can use these findings to conduct future studies. Future researchers can also consider mixed methods research for researching adolescents' PSB. Finally, this research aids policymakers by letting them know what areas to emphasize to encourage adolescents' participation in global climate change mitigation.