1 Introduction

In the intricate tapestry of global agribusiness, the wine industry stands as a sector of profound cultural, economic and ecological significance [1]. This industry is currently undergoing a paradigm shift, driven by the imperative of sustainable practices, which involve a strategic recalibration of growing areas balanced with advances in viticultural techniques, as well as by the reconfiguration of consumer preferences, which have led to a decline in traditional wine consumption and, consequently, to the intensification of the competitive environment [2].

Constant evolution, adaptation and innovation are therefore critical factors for the prosperity of wineries [3], given that, in the face of the decline in traditional wine consumption [4], there is a growing interest in products that not only satisfy the palate, but also meet ethical and environmental criteria [2], so wineries that anticipate these trends and reconfigure their production, both in terms of quality and sustainability, are better positioned to attract an increasingly aware and demanding consumer base [5]. Moreover, the integration of advanced technologies in viticulture and oenology not only optimizes production processes, but also offers a way to improve product quality and strengthen brand value, so wineries that successfully combine tradition with innovation, respecting the cultural heritage of wine while adopting sustainable and technologically advanced practices, can lead the way to a more resilient and dynamic future in the wine industry [6].

This dynamic landscape underscores the fundamental role of sustainability, which transcends mere ecological management to encompass dimensions linked to economic viability and social responsibility [7]. In this sense, the research aims to delve into the complex interaction between sustainability and competitive advantage in the wine industry through bibliometric and systematic analysis of the academic literature on the subject, showing the strategies examined in the literature to navigate and thrive in an ever-changing world, as well as promoting a future research agenda to continue expanding the frontiers of knowledge around the study of the subject under study. The exploration of the interplay between sustainability and competitive advantage in that sector is not merely an academic endeavor, but a critical examination of the strategies necessary for wineries' resilience and growth amid evolving global challenges and market transformations [8].

This holistic approach to research identifies current and emerging industry practices, while examining how these are shaping the future of the wine industry, as by examining the academic literature it aims to extract key patterns and lessons that can guide wineries in adapting to a changing market environment, where sustainability and competitive advantage are not isolated concepts, but interdependent. The interaction between these two elements is revealed as a synergy in which the implementation of sustainable practices benefits the environment and society on the one hand, and drives innovation, improves operational efficiency and opens up new market opportunities on the other, with this research also proposing an agenda for future studies to further analyze how these sustainable strategies can be optimized to different contexts and realities in the wine sector, thus contributing to a richer understanding of how sustainability can be a source of competitive advantage in a changing world.

Wineries face the dual challenge of adhering to sustainable principles while dealing with the complexities arising from market dynamics and technological advances, requiring a deep understanding of how sustainability can catalyze advantages linked to cost savings and market differentiation [9]. This dual advantage in cost and differentiation is the cornerstone of competitive advantage in the wine industry, enabling wineries to not only meet but exceed environmental and social expectations while maintaining economic viability [10]. In this context, competitive advantage is not merely a transitory market position, but a strategic orchestration of unique resources, capabilities and innovations that distinguish a winery from its contemporaries, representing a dynamic and sustained superiority based on unique value propositions and strategic foresight [11]. Similarly, sustainability in the wine industry transcends its traditional ecological connotation, embracing a holistic approach that integrates environmental management with social responsibility and economic viability [12].

In the contemporary wine business context, the integration of sustainable practices together with the adoption of advanced technologies stands as an indispensable strategy for the development of a sustainable competitive advantage [13], as the implementation of energy efficiency oriented technologies and advanced water resource management implies a significant reduction in operating costs and, at the same time, reflects a commitment to the preservation of the environment [14]. These measures, by reducing the carbon footprint and optimizing the use of natural resources, allow them to comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations [15], as well as resonate with a consumer base that is increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their consumer choices [16], thus becoming a powerful differentiator in a highly competitive market, since by positioning their products as environmentally responsible and sustainable, wineries can capture the attention of a market segment that values such attributes [17].

In the area of traceability and authenticity, emerging technologies such as blockchain bring additional value to wineries by guaranteeing the provenance and quality of products [18], as well as promoting transparency throughout the supply chain [19], this transparency being a testament to the winery's commitment to excellence and sustainability [20]. Therefore, the adoption of blockchain and other similar technologies facilitates the reduction of inefficiencies and waste in the supply chain, which enhances sustainability, demonstrating that sustainability and technological innovation in the wine sector transcend mere response to market demands or corporate social responsibility [21] and become central to the development of a robust and lasting competitive advantage [22], as these practices not only address contemporary challenges in the sector, but also strategically position companies for the future, highlighting the importance of adopting a sustainable and technologically advanced perspective in the wine industry [23].

The synergy between competitive advantage and sustainability in the wine industry is complex and profound, requiring a deep understanding of how sustainable practices not only contribute to environmental conservation, but also drive innovation, enhance brand equity, and consolidate a company's position in an increasingly aware marketplace [24]. In this sense, the present research represents an effort to address the literature on gaining a competitive advantage in the wine industry through sustainability. To this end, it employs a combination of bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review.

This research adopts a structured dual approach, providing a comprehensive perspective of the current sphere of studies in the selected field. Initially, bibliometric methodology is applied to quantitatively evaluate the scientific corpus, highlighting authors, institutions, crucial publications, key terms and geographical contributions to the subject. Subsequently, the systematic literature review brings clarity to current fields of research and lays the groundwork for future scholarly inquiry. This dual approach provides a robust and comprehensive framework, facilitating a deeper understanding of how sustainability can be capitalized upon by wineries to gain a competitive advantage, both from a quantitative analysis of the scientific output (bibliometric review) and from the perspective of the content analysis of the research examined (systematic review).

The current research is dedicated to expanding the analysis of academic literature on achieving competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry. Notably, this study seeks to address a significant gap in the existing literature, as there are no prior bibliometric and systematic analyses that comprehensively explore this theme. The goal is to map the current academic landscape thoroughly, identifying key trends, themes, and potential future trajectories within the realm of sustainability in the wine industry. This endeavor aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how sustainable practices are integrated into viticulture and winemaking, emphasizing the interplay between environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and technological innovation in enhancing competitive advantage. In addition to charting the academic territory, this study formulates three Research Questions (RQs) to guide its inquiry: (RQ1) what are the prevailing trends and future directions of sustainability as a competitive advantage in the wine industry? (RQ2) how is scientific knowledge organized and structured around sustainability as a competitive advantage in this sector? (RQ3) what are the implications of these trends for scholars, industry practitioners, and policymakers in the wine industry?

To fulfill these RQs, the study is structured post this introduction. The forthcoming Sect. 2 delineates the research methodology that has been adopted. Subsequently, Sect. 3 articulates the outcomes that have emerged from the comprehensive bibliometric and systematic examination. Concluding the paper, Sect. Conclusions and future research agenda encapsulates the principal insights and inferences of the study. This final section not only addresses the practical and theoretical repercussions of the research findings but also charts out a trajectory for future scholarly inquiries, setting a foundational framework for ongoing academic exploration in this domain.

2 Methodology

A bibliometric and systematic examination was performed in this research, employing the Web of Science (WoS) database as the primary source. The methodology of this study was designed to guarantee the precision and excellence of the analyzed documents. This involved the application of Boolean operators, complemented by a range of indicators, to refine the search process. Furthermore, the choice of the WoS Core Collection as the database for this study was grounded in its rigorous standards for the inclusion of articles. Such a selection emphasizes the dependability and academic significance of the resources utilized in this study.

Within the framework of the WoS Core Collection, three specific indices were utilized for this study: the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). First, SCI-E is acknowledged for its extensive encapsulation of literature in science and technology, dating back to 1900. This index encompasses over 8000 journals in scientific disciplines, augmented by an additional 12,000 entries from conference and press publications, as outlined by Clarivate Analytics [25]. Second, SSCI is recognized for indexing upwards of 3000 journals in the realm of social sciences, capturing a mix of periodicals and conference proceedings, as detailed by Clarivate Analytics [26]. Third, ESCI stands out for its broad spectrum of over 5000 journals. This index distinguishes itself by focusing on emerging scientific journals, including coverage of selected conference and press publications, being particularly acclaimed for its diverse range of scientific literature, in particular that from developing countries, as described by Clarivate Analytics [27].

After identifying the pertinent indices in the WoS Core Collection, the study embarked on devising a search strategy tailored to unearth articles closely aligned with the research theme. This strategy was underpinned by a meticulous evaluation process, with the goal of discerning between the most pertinent and the least relevant articles. This was essential to eliminate any search results that markedly strayed from the defined objectives of the study. Following a comprehensive analysis and scrutiny of several possible search approaches, the following search equation emerged as the most fitting choice among the alternatives considered:

TS = ((competitive advantage$) AND (sustainability) AND (wine*)).

The construction of the search equation was segmented into three principal categories: (1) competitive advantage, (2) sustainability, and the (3) wine industry. Initially, to encompass a wide array of terminologies, a Thesaurus dictionary facilitated the identification of synonyms for the central terms. Subsequently, the use of the 'AND' operator was pivotal in narrowing down the search results to articles that integrated elements from the three identified categories. Additionally, the application of the wildcard symbol (*) was instrumental in capturing different word variations within the search results. Moreover, the incorporation of the dollar sign ($) was strategic in including plural forms of the specified terms in the analysis. The use of Boolean operators plays a fundamental role in bibliometric studies, as they allow the formulation of intricate and precise search queries, increasing the relevance of the information obtained. These operators are indispensable for narrowing or broadening the scope of the search to cover specific topics, types of documents or publications from specific years.

The established search parameters were applied to the title, abstract, and keywords of the papers. The search covered documents added to the WoS from the start of this registry (2009) through the third quarter of 2023. This comprehensive approach was designed to ensure extraction of the most relevant and meaningful results while optimizing search duration.

The implementation of the designated search algorithm on October 5, 2023, led to the initial identification of 43 articles for this study's analysis. To uphold a thorough and systematic examination of the scientific literature, the research incorporated the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement as its guiding framework. The selection of PRISMA was informed by its proven effectiveness in enhancing the reliability, replicability, and rigor of systematic reviews, a fact underscored by Page et al. [28]. The application of PRISMA methodology significantly bolstered the transparency of the research process and improved communication between the authors and the readership. Ortiz-Martínez et al. [29] emphasize the contribution of this approach to ensuring the dependability and reproducibility of research outcomes. Furthermore, as noted by Yepes-Nuñez et al. [30], such a systematic approach is critical in elevating the quality of research studies by reducing biases and errors during data collection. While the initial tally stood at 43 articles, the employment of stringent inclusion criteria, focused exclusively on scientific articles (from 43 to 34 articles) and the elimination of articles that did not have the objective of analyzing the achievement of a competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry (from 34 to 31 records), refined the final count to 31 articles, as depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Source: own elaboration based on PRISMA guidelines

Flow diagram about the bibliometric review procedure developed.

The PRISMA methodology has therefore been used as a rigorous framework for the systematic review of the literature, materialized through detailed selection process, based on specific criteria, which were carefully chosen to align the objectives of the study with the quality of the selected articles. On the one hand, it started with the definition of inclusion and exclusion parameters, based on thematic relevance, methodological quality and scientific rigor, allowing this delimitation to effectively filter the articles, which focused the analysis on research specifically addressing the intersection of sustainability and competitive advantage in the wine industry. On the other hand, a critical evaluation of the selected studies was implemented, examining aspects such as methodological coherence, the soundness of the arguments presented and the contribution to the understanding of the topic of study. This two-pronged approach, based on PRISMA principles, ensured the inclusion of relevant literature and allowed for an in-depth synthesis and analysis of the findings, as well as providing a solid basis for the interpretation of the results obtained.

This research adopted a comprehensive and multidimensional methodology to evaluate the scientific literature. First, a quantitative analysis of the scientific literature (bibliometric review) was performed. This phase consisted of classifying the articles according to their year of publication in various journals, a fundamental step in tracing the trajectory of interest in the topic over time, identifying the main journals that had contributed to disseminating the research results, the main keywords, analyzing the most cited articles, identifying the most prolific authors in the field, exploring their collaborative networks, investigating their institutional affiliations, as well as examining the countries making substantial contributions to the field. To deepen the analysis, the research used VosViewer to create a map of networks and overlaps. This tool proved vital in identifying the dominant keywords in the literature and tracking their evolution over time. In addition, the study integrated Bibliometrix software, which enhanced the examination of the quantitative information examined around authors, papers, affiliations and countries. Second, we proceeded to the exhaustive analysis of the content related to the scientific production under study (systematic review), being able to identify the lines of research on the subject and, based on this, a future research agenda was designed. This holistic approach provided a solid basis for understanding the current and future research landscape related to the topic under investigation.

The methodology implemented has therefore been carefully designed to establish a direct correlation with the RQs proposed in the study. First, the bibliometric analysis, carried out with the WoS database, focuses on the quantitative identification of key authors, institutions, key publications and geographical contributions, thus identifying the structure of scientific knowledge around sustainability as a competitive advantage in the wine industry, as well as tracing a trajectory of thematic interest over time, which allows to comprehensively address the RQ1 related to the future trends and directions of sustainability in the sector. Second, the systematic literature review broadens the analysis by assessing the content of the scientific output in this area, providing clarity on current fields of research and establishing fertile ground for future academic exploration, and in doing so, this methodological phase aligns closely with the RQ2, focusing on the implications of these trends for academics, industry practitioners and policy makers, contributing to an in-depth understanding of how sustainable practices in viticulture and winemaking can be integrated for competitive advantage, as well as highlighting the interplay between environmental stewardship, social responsibility and technological innovation in strengthening such competitive advantage. This integration of the methodology with the underlying RQs strengthens the coherence of the study, ensuring that each methodological step is intrinsically linked to the search for answers to the questions posed.

3 Results and discussion

The research conducted in this study focused on examining a series of articles that discuss how sustainability can be leveraged to achieve a competitive edge within the wine industry. Presented in Table 1 are the findings, which encompass essential details of the articles. These details include the count of sources and papers, the average age of the articles, alongside the quantity of citations and references each paper has garnered. Additionally, the study provides a list of keywords and authors associated with each article.

Table 1 General information on the scientific production analyzed

As for the temporal evolution of scientific production, Fig. 2 shows how it is unevenly distributed from 2009, the year in which the first academic articles on the subject were published, to 2023. Specifically, the distribution of scientific production follows a sawtooth pattern, experiencing three notable peaks with 3 publications relating to the years 2011, 2012 and 2014, as well as the year 2022, with 5 records. However, despite the discontinuous evolution, it is necessary to highlight the effort to address the topic throughout the period analyzed. This academic effort on the subject may be due to several factors.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Source: own elaboration based on Bibliometrix®

Evolution over time of the scientific production analyzed.

First, from an academic perspective, this analysis contributes to the broader discourse on sustainable practices in agribusiness. The wine industry, with its unique dependence on natural resources and climatic conditions, provides a key case study for understanding how sustainable practices can impact agricultural sectors in general [31], potentially informing the formulation of theoretical models of sustainable competitive advantage and broadening academic understanding of the role of sustainability in business strategy. Second, from an economic perspective, the wine industry represents a highly strategic sector in global agriculture, with extensive supply chains and market influence [32], so analyzing the role of sustainability in this context offers insights into how companies can adapt to evolving market demand for environmentally responsible products. Moreover, as consumers increasingly prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions [33], understanding how this affects the competitive dynamics of the wine industry can provide valuable lessons for other sectors. Third, from an environmental point of view, wine industry practices have a substantial impact on ecosystems, requiring considerable use of land, water and other natural resources [4]. In this sense, exploring how to integrate sustainability into industry practices is crucial to minimize the environmental footprint and promote long-term ecological balance. Fourth, the growth of scientific production in the WoS Core Collection in the last decade, derived from the increased indexing of journals in this collection [34], may lead to a growing number of computable articles.

Figure 3 shows the main avenues for dissemination of research results related to gaining a competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry. The top journal is Sustainability (6), followed by International Journal of Wine Business Research (5), International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (2), Journal of Family Business Management (2) and Supply Chain Management: An international Journal (2). In addition, it is important to note that the top three publishers in terms of scientific production indexed in any of its associated journals are Emerald (14), MDPI (8) and Elsevier (4).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Source: own elaboration based on Bibliometrix®

List of the top ten most prolific journals in the field of automation in the wine industry.

To determine the topics analyzed in the scientific production under study, a keyword co-occurrence analysis was carried out, as shown in Fig. 4. For practical reasons, keywords that appear at least 5 times in the records considered were included, identifying a total of 4 keyword clusters around the topic.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Source: own elaboration based on VOSViewer

Network map on the co-occurrence of keywords.

Cluster 1, in yellow, is headed by the keywords performance, sustainability, resource-based view, management and green innovation. The intersection of these terms highlights the importance of a harmonious integration of sustainable practices with strategic and operational management, suggesting that the performance of wine companies depends not only on the efficiency and effectiveness of their internal processes, but also on how these processes are aligned and contribute to sustainable objectives [35]. The resource-based view, emphasized in the same cluster, underscores the crucial role of unique resources and distinctive capabilities in creating sustainable and differentiated value in the marketplace [36]. Strategic management, on the other hand, reflected through the keyword management, is interpreted as an essential element for the articulation and execution of sustainable strategies [37]. Furthermore, green innovation emerges as a key factor, implying that the adoption of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies and practices can be a significant driver for improving both sustainability and competitiveness [38].

Cluster 2, in red, is led by the keywords competitive advantage, sustainable practices, dynamic capabilities, corporate and stakeholders. The conjunction of competitive advantage and sustainable practices indicates an orientation toward the integration of environmental and social measures into business strategies, suggesting not only that such practices fulfill ethical and regulatory responsibilities, but also that they contribute significantly to the competitive positioning of companies in the marketplace [39]. Dynamic capabilities are highlighted as fundamental to adaptability and continuous innovation in response to changing market demands and environmental challenges, with these capabilities perceived as enabling wine companies to reconfigure their resources and strategies to maintain their relevance and competitive advantage in a volatile market environment [40]. Regarding the term corporate, the importance of governance and decision-making at the corporate level is emphasized, postulating that strategic sustainability decisions made at the corporate level are crucial to the effective implementation of sustainable practices and, ultimately, to the achievement of competitive advantage [41]. With regard to the keyword stakeholders, this highlights the relevance of effectively managing relationships with all stakeholders, understanding that a solid and responsible relationship with customers, employees, suppliers, local communities and the environment is vital for the long-term success and reputation of companies in the wine industry [42].

In cluster 3, in green, the words with the greatest weight are industry, wine tourism, food, innovation and carbon footprint. It is noted that the interaction between the wine industry and wine tourism suggests a mutual influence where wine-centered tourism is not only a vital economic component, but also a means to promote sustainable practices [43]. Furthermore, the integration of wine tourism into the wine industry is interpreted as an opportunity to educate and raise consumer awareness of sustainability while enhancing the tourism experience [44]. The term food, on the other hand, implies a consideration of how gastronomic aspects combine with the wine experience, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices in food production. In this sense, there is empirical evidence that the integration of gastronomy into wine tourism can broaden the scope of sustainable practices beyond wine production, encompassing the entire culinary experience [45]. Innovation also highlights the role of new technologies and processes in improving the sustainability of the industry, with innovation in wine production, wine tourism and gastronomy leading to a significant reduction in the environmental footprint and improved efficiency in the use of resources [46]. The carbon footprint, meanwhile, is identified as a critical indicator of the industry's environmental impact, suggesting that a focus on reducing the carbon footprint can not only improve the environmental sustainability of the wine industry, but also serve as a differentiator in the marketplace, aligning with growing consumer demands for responsible practices [47].

In cluster 4, in blue, the keywords that carry the most weight are green, supply chain, resources, impact and environmental management systems. The term green is identified as implying a focus on environmentally responsible practices and strategies, suggesting that these practices are essential both in the production phase and throughout the supply chain and emphasizing the importance of a sustainable approach in all wine operations [48]. The mention of the supply chain highlights the need to consider sustainability at every stage of the process, from growing the grapes to delivering the final product to the consumer, with sustainable supply chain management involving a comprehensive assessment of how environmental practices can be implemented and improved at each step [49]. Similarly, the term resources underlines the importance of efficient and conscientious management of resources used in the industry, which includes not only natural resources, but also energy and material inputs, with a focus on minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency [50]. The keyword impact, on the other hand, indicates an analysis of the environmental consequences of operations in the wine industry, which is crucial to understanding and mitigating the negative effects of these operations on the environment [51].

The analysis of the keywords is complemented by a study of their use over time to learn about the hot topics in the subject under study. The five most current keywords are innovation, wine tourism, carbon footprint, dynamic capabilities and climate change (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Source: own elaboration based on VOSViewer

Overlay map of the co-occurrence of keywords.

Innovation is identified as an essential component, highlighting the need for new practices and technologies to address emerging challenges, including climate change, ranging from advanced farming techniques to developments in carbon footprint reduction [52]. Wine tourism is highlighted as a growing phenomenon, reflecting a shift in consumer preferences toward more integrated and educational wine-related experiences, not only strengthening the relationship between wineries and consumers, but also offering a platform to promote awareness of sustainable practices and the environmental impact of wine production [53]. Carbon footprint emerges as a key concern, indicating a focus on measuring and reducing the industry's environmental impact, whereby attention to carbon footprint underscores a commitment to more sustainable practices and responds to the demands of consumers and more stringent environmental regulations [54]. Dynamic capabilities, meanwhile, are recognized as vital to wineries' adaptability and resilience in the face of an ever-changing market and environment, so the ability to respond quickly to market fluctuations and environmental challenges is crucial to maintaining long-term competitiveness and sustainability [55]. Climate change, as a keyword, reflects its pervasive impact on the industry, from altered cropping patterns to resource management challenges, emphasizing the growing relevance of this trend and the need for adaptive strategies to mitigate its impact [56].

Table 2 offers an exhaustive summary of the articles that have garnered the highest citation counts, encompassing both global and local contexts. Citations on a global scale refer to the aggregate count of how many times an individual article has been cited by sources from diverse fields and regions. Conversely, local citations are those accrued exclusively from other papers within the same dataset under analysis. Additionally, the table introduces the concept of normalized total citations. This measure adjusts the citation count of a research article or author, factoring in the time since its publication. It also considers the average citation frequency typical to articles in the same field and time period. This normalization process is vital as it levels out variations in citation practices across different disciplines and time frames, while also accounting for the evolving impact of citations over time. The analysis underscores a notable finding: out of the top 10 globally cited articles in the reviewed literature, 6 are also among the most cited locally. These include the studies by Flint and Golicic [57], Atkin et al. [58], Soosay et al. [59], Gilinsky et al. [60], Annunziata et al. [61] and De Steur et al. [62].

Table 2 Most cited papers (globally and within dataset)

As for the main institutions, the University of Zaragoza leads the research on the subject under study with 4 publications, followed by the University of Castilla La Mancha with 3 publications, as well as the Higher School of Hospitality and Tourism, Sonoma State University, University of California, Los Angeles, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University, University of South Australia and the University of Torino with 2 publications. Thus, of the top 8 institutions in terms of scientific production, Spain, Italy and the United States are the countries with the highest number of institutions, with 2 institutions (see Table 3). This is related to the data shown in Fig. 6 on production by country, since Italy is the country with the highest scientific production on the subject studied (10 articles), followed by Spain (7), and the United States and Australia (tied with 5 records).

Table 3 Most prolific institutions (with at least two records)
Fig. 6
figure 6

Source: own elaboration based on Bibliometrix®

Scientific production by country.

Regarding the ranking of the most important authors in the subject, the authors with the highest scientific production are Castillo-Valero J., Gilinsky A., and Newton S., with 2 articles each of the 3 authors, which shows that the difference between the most and the least prolific author in the subject is very small. Similarly, Fig. 7 also shows how the top authors in the subject are organized into 14 collaborative clusters, with the cluster formed by Gilinsky, A. and Newton, S, having the highest weight in terms of jointly published articles.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Source: own elaboration based on Bibliometrix®

Author collaboration network.

Collaborations, especially those that cross geographical and disciplinary boundaries, are fundamental to enriching research, as they allow for the convergence of diverse perspectives and expertise. Thus, these networks shown in Fig. 7, composed of nodes of prominent authors such as Gilinsky, A. and Newton, S., point to the importance of sustained collaborations over time, as these academic links strengthen the quality of research through the exchange of methodologies and approaches, while at the same time advancing research by addressing complex questions from multiple angles. Moreover, the collaborative networks illustrated reflect the evolution and current dynamics of the field of study, as the interaction between authors from different specializations and regions suggests an increasingly interdisciplinary approach to sustainability research in viticulture, necessary to address complex challenges such as climate change, technological innovation and wine tourism. Thus, the collaborative networks shown play an essential role in advancing knowledge in the field of sustainability in the wine industry by acting as channels for disseminating and reinforcing research, while indicating emerging trends and future directions in the field.

As regards the content analysis of the scientific production examined, Table 4 reveals the predominance of the quantitative approach (17 articles) as opposed to the qualitative (11 articles) and mixed (3 articles), the greater emphasis on the analysis of the countries of the Old World (17 entries) as opposed to those of the New World (11 entries), those focused on both the Old and New World (2) and those with a global approach (1), as well as the greater focus on the wine production phase (17 articles) compared to the rest of the phases that make up the wine value chain. In addition, from the analysis of the objectives pursued by the research, seven different research fronts linked to obtaining a competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry were identified.

Table 4 Scientific production analyzed on the basis of the objective pursued, the methodological approach, the sector and the research context

The first research front is linked to the study of sustainable business practices, consisting of a set of studies that explore and compare sustainable practices in wineries, focusing on drivers and implementation of sustainability strategies in different geographical contexts. The second research front focuses on competitive performance analysis, consisting of research that develops frameworks for measuring and analyzing the competitive performance of the wine industry in the global market, considering sustainability as a key factor. The third research front centers on sustainable supply chain management, addressing how sustainability impacts the wine supply chain, including resource management and logistics. The fourth approach focuses on sustainable innovation and technology, consisting of a body of research that analyzes the role of innovation and technology in promoting sustainable practices, and how these contribute to competitive advantage. The fifth approach analyzes consumer perceptions and sustainable marketing, focusing on consumer perceptions of sustainable products and how sustainable marketing strategies can influence consumer choice. The sixth front examines the economic and financial impact of sustainability, composed of research that evaluates the economic and financial impact of adopting sustainable practices in the wine industry and, finally, the seventh group of research is associated with corporate social responsibility and sustainability, being made up of studies that consider social responsibility and how wineries incorporate sustainable practices in their operations and corporate strategies.

The comprehensive analysis carried out offers essential answers to the RQs posed, providing a comprehensive view of the complexities inherent to sustainability in the wine industry. Regarding the RQ1, which focuses on identifying current trends and future directions of sustainability as a competitive advantage in the wine industry, the results reveal a dynamic evolution in the adoption of sustainable practices, uncovering a significant increase in the commitment to sustainable innovation, wine tourism and carbon footprint reduction, thus suggesting a decisive transition towards strategies that integrate environmental responsibility into the core of business operations, as well as marking a paradigm shift towards more ecologically conscious approaches in the sector. Regarding the RQ2, which explores the structuring of scientific knowledge around sustainability as a competitive advantage in this field, the results obtained from the bibliometric and systematic review highlight the formation of intricate collaborative networks that transcend disciplines and national borders, these being crucial for the enriching exchange of perspectives and methodologies, which facilitates a deeper understanding of sustainability in viticulture and, at the same time, the identification of influential authors, leading institutions and renowned publications within this study reflects the maturity of the subject matter under study. In relation to the RQ3, which explores the implications of these emerging trends for academics, industry professionals and policy makers in the wine sector, it is observed that sustainability emerges as a crucial element for the reputation of wineries, as well as an essential component for their competitive performance and operational efficiency, highlighting the need to develop sustainable management strategies that promote environmentally friendly practices, which translates into direct implications for decision-makers in the sector, who should consider the integration of sustainability not only as an ethical responsibility, but also as a pragmatic strategy to improve the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of the wine industry.

This bibliometric and systematic review of literature provides critical insights but also presents certain limitations that should be noted. First, the review effectively identifies important themes and trends in research, but it falls short in thoroughly examining the practical aspects and challenges associated with the implementation of gaining competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry. This observation highlights a research opportunity, especially in conducting multiple case studies, to delve deeper into the influence of automation on the operational efficiency of wineries. Second, the analysis conducted in this review relies exclusively on the WoS Core Collection database. Although this database is known for its extensive and high-quality content, depending solely on it could potentially overlook important articles not indexed in this database. Therefore, future research endeavors should consider broadening the scope of the bibliometric analysis by incorporating a range of databases, which would help in achieving a more exhaustive review of the academic literature in this area.

4 Conclusions and future research agenda

This research analyzes the structure of scientific knowledge related to gaining a competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry, providing a valuable resource for both novice and experienced scholars who wish to study the development of the scientific literature on the subject.

Gaining a competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry offers multiple benefits. Sustainability enhances the brand image and reputation of wineries, aligning with growing consumer expectations for responsible and environmentally friendly practices, which in turn increases consumer preference and loyalty, paving the way for increased sales. In addition, the implementation of sustainable strategies can lead to significant long-term cost reductions, especially in resource use and waste management. Similarly, sustainability facilitates access to new markets and customer segments, especially those that value environmental and social responsibility, thus strengthening the competitive position of wineries in an increasingly conscious global market.

In response to the RQ1, the findings point towards a notable emphasis on sustainable innovation, wine tourism and efficient carbon footprint management, with these trends evidencing both the growing importance of sustainability in the wine industry and the progressive and conscious shift towards business practices that integrate environmental considerations at the heart of their strategies, reflecting a growing commitment to ecological responsibility and adaptation to the demands of an increasingly environmentally conscious market. With respect to the RQ2, the results illuminate the formation of interdisciplinary and transnational collaborative networks, with these networks representing a vital catalyst for the enriching exchange of perspectives and methodologies, thus enabling a more detailed understanding of the topic. The identification of prominent academic figures, leading institutions and high-impact publications demonstrates a consolidated and evolving knowledge structure, reflecting the maturity of the field and underlining the importance of academic collaboration in advancing knowledge on sustainability in viticulture. In relation to the RQ3, the results of the study highlight the critical importance of sustainability for the image and competitiveness of wineries, highlighting the need for adaptive and effective sustainable management strategies and regulatory policies, which have far-reaching implications for decision-makers in the wine sector, accentuating the relevance of embracing sustainability as an ethical obligation as well as an essential strategic pillar for the long-term success of wineries. The study therefore poses a call to action to integrate sustainable practices comprehensively into the operations and strategies of the wine sector, underlining its role not only in preserving the environment, but also in shaping the future competitive landscape.

The study has identified a number of research fronts in the field of sustainability within the wine industry, each offering nuanced perspectives on different aspects of this evolving field. At the heart of these fronts is the exploration of sustainable business practices in wineries, where a comparative analysis across diverse geographic contexts sheds light on the drivers and methodologies for implementing sustainability strategies. This research is complemented by efforts in the analysis of competitive performance, where sustainability emerges as a key factor in frameworks designed to assess the global market positioning of the wine industry. Equally significant is the focus on sustainable supply chain management, where the impact of sustainability on resource management and logistics within the wine supply chain is meticulously examined, highlighting the seamless integration of sustainable practices in these areas. In addition, the role of innovation and technology is addressed, particularly in their ability to foster sustainable practices and enhance the competitive advantage of the sector. Consumer perceptions and sustainable marketing strategies also constitute a crucial research front, delving into understanding consumer attitudes towards sustainable products and the influence of marketing strategies on consumer choices, offering a critical perspective on the intersection between consumer behavior and sustainability. There is also a research front focused on assessing the fiscal outcomes of adopting sustainable practices, providing an in-depth analysis of the economic and financial landscape shaped by sustainability. Finally, the interaction between corporate social responsibility and sustainability is studied, addressing how wineries integrate sustainable practices into their corporate operations and strategies, emphasizing the importance of corporate responsibility in sustainable development.

Based on the gaps in scientific research on the subject, the authors propose a future research agenda with the aim of expanding the frontiers of knowledge on gaining a competitive advantage through sustainability in the wine industry. First, they highlight the need to explore and compare sustainability strategies implemented in different geographical contexts, which would allow a better understanding of the factors that drive the adoption of these practices and their impact on business performance. Second, it is crucial to analyze the competitive performance of the wine sector in the global market, considering sustainability as a key element, which would provide a framework for assessing how sustainable practices influence wineries' competitiveness. Third, the sustainable supply chain management should be further explored, examining the impact of sustainability on logistics and resource management in the wine sector, which is fundamental to understanding how sustainable practices are integrated and affect the entire wine value chain. Fourth, sustainable innovation and technology emerge as critical areas of study, since investigating the role of innovation and technology in promoting sustainable practices could reveal how they contribute to the competitive performance and operational efficiency of the sector. Fifth, in terms of marketing and consumer perceptions, further research into attitudes towards sustainable products and how marketing strategies influence purchasing decisions is essential and could provide valuable insights into the relationship between sustainability and consumer preferences. Sixth, the study of corporate social responsibility and sustainability from the perspective of how wineries integrate these practices into their corporate strategies and daily operations is fundamental, and can help to better understand the role of sustainability in shaping business strategies and their impact on the social and environmental surroundings. Thus, the identification of the current research fronts and the future research agenda allows to address RQ 1.

As regards the quantitative analysis of scientific production, it is unevenly distributed from 2009, the year in which the first academic articles on the subject were published, to 2023. The main journal for the diffusion of knowledge on the subject is Sustainability, followed by International Journal of Wine Business Research, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Journal of Family Business Management and Supply Chain Management: An international Journal. It is also important to note that the top three publishers in terms of scientific production indexed in any of its associated journals are Emerald, MDPI and Elsevier. As for the main institutions, the University of Zaragoza leads the research on the subject under study, followed by the University of Castilla La Mancha, as well as the School of Hospitality and Tourism, Sonoma State University and the University of California. Likewise, Italy is the country with the highest scientific production on the subject studied, followed by Spain, the United States and Australia. As for the ranking of the most important authors in the subject, the authors with the highest scientific production are Castillo-Valero J., Gilinsky A., and Newton S., the authors being organized in 14 collaborative clusters and the cluster formed by Gilinsky, A. and Newton, S, having the highest weight in terms of jointly published articles.

This study offers several contributions to the field, encompassing theoretical, practical, and policy aspects. Theoretically, it firstly provides a comprehensive survey of the academic literature focusing on sustainability in the wine industry. Secondly, it aids researchers in pinpointing key organizations and regions pertinent to this subject, which can facilitate research visits and collaborative projects. Thirdly, the study is instrumental in helping researchers find other experts for potential collaboration and for organizing topic-specific conferences. Fourthly, it assists in identifying appropriate journals and publishers for the dissemination of research findings. Finally, this research acts as a foundational resource for academics to discern emerging trends within the subject area.

From a practical perspective, the bibliometric and systematic review analysis conducted provides an in-depth understanding of how sustainable practices can be integrated into viticulture and winemaking, making this knowledge essential for industry practitioners seeking to implement or improve sustainable practices in their operations. In addition, the study highlights the importance of innovation and technology in promoting sustainable practices, offering wineries valuable information on how these tools can improve their operational efficiency and competitive advantage. At the policy level, the study’s findings underscore the need for policies and regulations that encourage sustainable practices in the wine industry and can inform policy makers, through the identified current and future trends, on key areas that require attention, such as sustainable supply chain management, innovation in sustainability, the promotion of wine tourism and the importance of environmental management systems. In addition, the study provides a basis for the development of collaborative strategies among various stakeholders, including researchers, industry professionals and policy makers, to foster a more integrated and effective approach to sustainability in the wine industry. Thus, the theoretical, practical and policy implications derived from this research provide an answer to RQ3.