1 Introduction

The Internet has been embraced by most of the world and the world is moving toward Industry 4.0 which will revolutionize the way the industry work. The real-time data transmission of tools and applications through the internet has been seen as one of the major parameters to measure performance. The Internet provides the ability to collect and share data for understanding the efficiency and deficiency of its owners and developers. These data can be scientific, biological, operational, and social media by nature which shows the diversity of different datasets. Among various sources contributing to text, information is news headlines, tweets, social media posts, blog posts, user comments, news articles, scientific articles, etc. To meet the objectives, efficient machine learning methods, and algorithmic models are required for accurate data interpretability. Some of the texts mainly tweets, are considered short texts and, on the other hand, news and scientific articles are long texts. Analysis of both short and long texts is equally important as both are ubiquitous. Among the countless methods, theories, and applications in the text mining field, such as document clustering, text classification, information extraction, named entity recognition, text analytics, and so on, methods for detecting inherent themes and semantic structure in large-scale text collection have attracted the attention of both statisticians, analysts, and academicians [1,2,3]. The other well-known approach of this kind is topic modeling, typically determined using a probabilistic model called the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Topic Modeling (TM) techniques discover semantic themes and perform statistical analysis from collections of large-scale text documents [4]. Mostly performed without human intervention, TM is an unsupervised machine learning approach. The topic modeling finds topics distributed over documents and word distribution over topics [5].

Many topic modeling algorithms give thematic topics from text corpus successfully if the text is long, but topic quality reduces in the case of short texts. Each topic can be represented by the top ten most probable words. Many application areas for topic models are marketing, law agency, political science, forensics, and digital libraries. Some other important applications are information retrieval, computational biology, recommendation systems, and computer vision. The document collections from the application areas are huge so organizing and analyzing such massive collections of documents are quite a tedious task. In recent times many variants of LDA are being used e.g., the Topic model to capture correlations between the topics, to classify documents, to represent multilingual documents, and to analyze the evolution of documents over time [6,7,8]. In the example, (device, hardware, software, RAM, keyboard, price, configuration, system, windows, office), the top ten words are chosen. Based on the words one can say that the most appropriate topic label is “computer System”. In the given example, since words are coherent so choosing a suitable label for the topic is not difficult. The words in topics generated by topic models are not as coherent as they should be. While performing topic modeling on a large text corpus it is always good to have a good representation of the topics or labels for each topic [9, 10]. The interpretation of the topic becomes easy with the help of suitable labels and so the techniques for automatic labeling the topics are gaining popularity. In Fig. 1, the example of groups of the top ten words and their topic is mentioned.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Three groups of ten words each and the topic representing the group

Fig. 2
figure 2

Proposed Topic modeling framework to extract T1, T2…Tk topics

A lot of attention was given to methods like topic modeling and information extraction of textual corpora implemented to extract thematic structure and useful patterns from large text collections. Summarizing long publications like news, essays, and books is an effective use of TM. On the other hand, as microblogs like Twitter grew in popularity, so did the importance of being able to analyze brief texts. The traditional methods such as Latent Dirichlet and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis have proved to be useful in finding underlying themes or topics from the corpus, but these models are not suitable in changing environments where document collection size keeps on increasing due to real-time updates in databases. These non-parametric models are hard in computing posterior distributions and inference over the topics. The LDA model and many of its extended versions assume “bag-of-words” to represent documents, this assumption ignores word order and fails to capture semantic regularities in corpora [11]. Additionally, the traditional methods work at the document level and use global context information [12], which may not be useful or semantically coherent.

This contribution in this research paper is given as follows:

  • A topic modeling framework is proposed for incremental data, which analyzes massive document collections and extracts the topics.

  • An efficient topic model for extracting the topics from short and long texts in an incremental setting is proposed.

  • A comparative analysis with LDA, DTM, and ETM methods using three different datasets is performed.

The proposed Incremental Topic Model with Word Embedding (ITMWE) expands Embedded Topic Model (ETM) while integrating with the Dynamic topic model and LDA. ITMWE handles large document collections over time and scales very well by updating the topics with additional documents. The proposed model incorporates the benefits of Word embedding and the Dynamic Topic Model to give semantic structure between words and discover topics to represent document collections. The ITMWE models the similarity between words directly through the generative process. The goal in current research is to build an Incremental Topic Model with word embedding that can leverage word similarity in incremental settings. Many of the previous works are based on incremental document collection and a Dynamic Topic Model that evolves [13, 14]. The proposed model builds a topic model based on features through a dynamic topic model and word embeddings in an incremental setting. The model can identify meaningful topics by maintaining latent topics incrementally which makes it efficient in terms of time complexity. Figure 2 describes various steps in preprocessing large-scale text databases and other processes in topic modeling of the text corpora.

There are five sections in this paper; Sect. 1 introduces topic modeling and application areas. Section 2 examines related research on different topic models and their effectiveness in discovering relevant subjects. The backdrop of the topic model is discussed in Sect. 4, and the suggested topic modeling technique and assessment parameters are presented in Sect. 5. Section 6 presents all of the findings and comments, and Sect. 7 wraps up the study.

2 Related works

The review of the literature started with exploring terms and topics related to machine learning and text mining. The review of literature comprises more than 260 papers from online databases of Springer, IEEE Explore, Pubmed, and ACM. The main search keywords were “machine learning”, “unsupervised machine learning”, “text mining”, “information extraction”, “text corpus processing”, “topic modeling”, “word vectors”,”n-gram model”,“latent Dirichlet allocation” and “topic coherence”. All the articles were downloaded. An initial screening of the papers eliminated around 200 papers. The systematic review approach is illustrated in Fig. 3. From the initial set of 62 papers, only a few papers were selected for full-text review those have a focus on topic modeling studies and algorithms, the remaining papers were not considered due to incomplete results, nature of work, and use of the dataset. Table 1 in this section summarizes full-text review done on selected research papers on topic modeling methods.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Systematic Review of literature process flow

Table 1 Summary of various topic modeling techniques and their analysis

LDA model is a static model which only discovers latent topics from text corpus that does not capture time evolution. The vocabulary from which topics are extracted is always fixed [15,16,17]. The paper [18] proposes a method that extracts topics capturing the evolution within topics in an organized document collection where the document is sequentially arranged. The various articles from Journal Science have analyzed that span during the hundred years using the Dynamic Topic model based on year-wise grouping. The topic discovery and analysis of such massive text data is a very tedious and time-consuming task. The common topic model like probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) does not perform well on short texts due to the limitation of information related to word co-occurrence.

In the paper [18, 19] authors proposed, a dynamic model based on Brownian motion and identifies latent topics from a document sequence. The latent topics form a specific pattern that evolves. cDTM (continuous DTM) [19] is an extended version of discrete dynamic topic model (dTM) [18]. In the dynamic topic model, latent topics drift over time and are known as the mixed-membership bag-of-word model. The process brings new words and old words soon become obsolete The Wiener process prior is applied to achieve continuity on the topic matrices. The paper [20] proposes Gaussian processes (GP) as priors on topic matrices, that provides generalization keeping rich dynamics. The word embedding represents words in document collections and this low-dimensional way captures the semantics of the words in texts [21, 22]. Recently a lot of topic modeling variants have implemented word embedding to reduce sparsity in word representations. GloVe(Global Vector) model for word representation combines the goodness of the global matrix factorization model and local context window model [23]. GloVe model is based on statistical information and trains only the nonzero elements in the word-word cooccurrence matrix not on the entire sparse matrix of a large corpus [24]. An improvement over GloVe comes in the form of RGloVe[25] where the cosine similarity metric between entity vectors provides the measure for entity occurrences and converges easily.

In [26] authors proposed a Hyperspace Analogue to Language (HAL) word representation technique based on a matrix of the term-to-term type where rows and columns represent different words in a text corpus. The cell value in the matrix is the frequency count of the term-to-term pair. The drawback in HAL is that frequency count (number of times words co-occur together) has a large effect on similarity even though the pair does not provide any semantic relatedness. A scalable variational inference algorithm called skip-gram smoothing and skip-gram filtering [27] was proposed that was trained jointly over time. This algorithm gives a generalized embedding for historical texts which is sequential incorporating word and context vectors to drift through time. Another model that learns time-aware embeddings and solves the problem is known as the “alignment problem” [28]. Since LDA works on a fixed vocabulary, a model iVLDA [14] is proposed in the paper that follows Dirichlet process based on an incremental vocabulary. iVLDA identifies new words at the start of modeling process and adds those words into the vocabulary.

3 Material and Methods

A brief review of the topic models is discussed in this section, which forms the basis of the proposed topic model and algorithm. The ITMWE incorporates three main ideas LDA, DTM, and word embedding. The variables and symbols used in this section are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Variable and symbols used

Let us consider D as document collections, where the vocabulary V comprises all distinct words from the documents. Let \({w}_{dn}\) denote the \({n}_{th}\) word in the \({d}_{th}\) document.

3.1 LDA

The LDA model represents documents as multinomial distribution of topics and each topic as a distribution over many words. The earlier model Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) generates topics where different parameters are considered using documents, the limitation is overfitting, but LDA overcomes pLSA limitations by using two Dirichlet distributions [15]. The LDA can achieve a low value for perplexity as compared to pLSA but creates confusion as to how perplexity is related to retrieval tasks and other applications [18]. To learn, a good estimate of the number of topics for documents is required and gives a document vector as result. However, the LDA suffers from the same problem as the Bag-of-words model which disregards any structure within documents between words.

3.1.1 Limitations in LDA

The topic models and their computational complexity poses a concern for model efficiency. In this part, we will discuss the overall cost to run the topic model LDA and ETM [1]. Assuming that number of topics K is set based on specific criteria initially, for instance in the ratio of the total size of documents [29]. With the huge number of documents, LDA has two main demerits: overfitting problems and high time complexity.

3.2 Dynamic Topic Model (DTM)

The Dynamic Topic Model is a variant of the LDA model and captures the evolution of topics from documents in sequential order. The paper [3] explains the model by showing implementation on articles dataset from Science journal collection over 100 years. The DTM determines the evolving topics throughout the years by applying an efficient approximate posterior inference technique. The DTM and LDA are all batch algorithms that scan the entire dataset and then make an inexact variational approximation before each update of the model.

The document collections are segregated year-wise to show dynamic behavior, and then the k-component topic model is applied to each such part. The topics associated with part ‘t’ evolve from the topics associated with part ‘t-1’. For each time part ‘t’, a K-component model with V words is considered where \({\beta }_{t,k}\) refers to the V-vector of natural parameters for the topic k in time ‘t’. The steps in the generative process of the Dynamic topic model is given in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The generative process in DTM

The mean for parameters represents the multinomial distribution and is denoted by \(\pi \). The mapping \({\beta }_{i}=\mathrm{log}({\pi }_{i}/{\pi }_{v})\) gives an ith component of natural parameters because Dirichlet cannot be used in sequential modeling. The main drawback of the Dynamic Topic Model is its use of discretization of time into different periods, also it is not considering increments in document size.

3.2.1 Limitation in dynamic topic model

DTM is not able to capture the rise and fall in the popularity of a topic. The inference algorithm in DTM is not scalable so it does not perform well in capturing large topic dynamics.

3.3 Word Embeddings and Topic model

Word embedding is being used in natural language processing extensively. The word embedding algorithm processes text corpus performs training based on certain parameters and returns vector representations of words in corpus reflecting their semantic structure [20]. Such word representation in vector form makes mathematical operations easy to perform on text corpus, even subtraction is possible (Madrid-Spain + France = Paris). When the difference between words is calculated, this enables one to find the semantic relation between words in the corpus.

Words that occur in the same context are represented by vectors close to each other. When using word embeddings, the Topic Model can extract information from a huge number of texts, also known as the “corpus” by embedding it into vector representations. This is not true for bag-of-word models, which may damage the efficiency of the model because not a lot of data is available [21,22,23]. The method maximizes the classification of a word based on another word in the same sentence and training complexity is proportional to the maximum distance between the words. As explained in, pivot and target word pair (j, i) are extracted when they co-occur in a moving window scanning across the corpus. The pivot word predicts the nearest target word.

The Embedded Topic model (ETM) uses word vectors to represent text documents and successfully improves the performance of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation method in terms of topic coherence and perplexity for both short and large documents [1]. Let ρ is an \(L\times V\) matrix that contains embeddings in L dimensions of all the words in vocabulary where each column \({\rho }_{V}\in {\mathbb{R}}^{L}\) represents \({v}^{th}\) term in the vocabulary. In ETM, through embedding matrix ρ each topic \({\beta }_{k}\) can be defined by,

$${\beta }_{k}=softmax\left({\rho }^{T}{\alpha }_{k}\right).$$

The generative process in ETM includes word embedding \({\alpha }_{k}\) as done in LDA is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Generative Process in ETM

In step 1, LN notation is called logistic-normal distribution that converts Gaussian random variables to the simplex. Cat(.) denotes the categorical distribution. The ETM extracts meaningful topics from embedding space which is semantically related word assigned to similar topics.

3.3.1 Issues in word embedding

The main issue in the use of word embedding is dealing with out-of-vocabulary words. If a certain word does not exist in the word embedding phase, the model will fail in interpreting such words. In the domains, where lots of noisy and sparse data is there, this is a serious issue [30] and it becomes complex to implement the algorithm. Another limitation in word embedding is separating opposite word pairs such as “black” and “white”. The word pairs like these are usually semantically very close in vector space hence reducing the performance of word vectors in tasks such as sentiment analysis [31,32,33].

4 Proposed method for topic modeling

The ITMWE model utilizes word embedding representations for new documents in an incremental environment as well as word vectors from old text documents. This model represents vocabulary in L-dimensional space that is like traditional word embeddings and each document can be represented by K latent topics. As done in ETM, ITMWE uses word embedding in its generative process and performs better than DTM and ETM. To find the probability of a word in a topic is the product of word embedding and topic embedding is calculated and normalized at every incremental step. A dataset with D documents {\({w}_{1},\dots , {w}_{D}\}\) and \({D}_{new}\) documents included in period T. The model is fitted by finding posterior distribution over the model latent variable.

At a particular stage in the extraction process, there are three main components in the database: a document from the previous stage (d), topics z from d, and a new document set (\({d}_{new}\)). The algorithm in this section explains various steps in finding the latent thematic structure.

The ITMWE improves DTM and LDA model by adding the random variable from topic z from the previous stage. The generative process forms its basis on new documents \({d}_{new}\) and probability distribution \(p(d)\) of the new documents and old documents. The representation for document ‘d’ is given as a mixture of both new topics \({(z}_{new}=1\dots {Z}_{new} )\) and topics (z = 1…Z) from the previous stage. The process for generating document ‘d’ is interpreted as follows:

  • From probability distribution p(d), choose a document d.

  • For each word from the N-words in document d,

  • -Choose a pair \((z,{z}_{new})\) based on conditional distribution \(p(z,{z}_{new}|d)\) representing a document in the previous stage and incremental stage.

  • -Choose a word based on conditional distribution \(p(w|z,{z}_{new})\) representing the new topics and previous topic set for words.

figure a

The novelty of the proposed model is based on considering prior word embeddings but only learns new patterns and embeddings from newly added documents. The proposed method is efficient in training and better based on the topic coherence value.

5 Experiments

5.1 Datasets and preprocessing

Two publicly available datasets and one dataset of collected tweets are used for performing experiments.

  • The first dataset is the CORD-19 dataset [34].

  • The second dataset is the NIPS papers dataset [35].

  • The third dataset is the Tweets dataset collected during the covid-19 pandemic (TC19) [36].

CORD-19 dataset is prepared to deal with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic situation by the White House and other research agencies [34] that is freely available to all research communities providing useful data/metadata about COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and similar health issues. The NIPS dataset contains data from papers presented at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference published between 1987 to 2016 [35]. The collection of scientific papers provides a diverse range of topics from the field of machine learning, neural networks, and optimization methods. The third dataset [36] is a dataset of collected tweets that contain tweet information between July 2020 to September 2020. To collect tweets, Twitter API and web scraping tools were used. This dataset is a large collection of text documents of short text.

Various preprocessing methods were applied for each dataset such as tokenization, hashtag removal, removing numbers, punctuation marks, stop words, and URLs. We also filtered stop words, words having a length less than 3, and words with a frequency of more than 60 percent. We used 30 topics (k = 30) for various experiments with three datasets.

5.2 Quantitative measure

The quality and coherence of topics extracted from the proposed method are measured using Topic Coherence and Topic diversity metrics. Topic coherence measures how different words or terms in the corpus fit in a topic and provides interpretability [37,38,39], the expression is given in Eq. 2. It provides the average pointwise mutual information of two words/terms that are randomly drawn from document collections as given by Eq. 2. The topic coherence measure can be used to automatically measure the quality of topics, and this filters out topics that cannot be interpreted [40].

$$Topic coherence=\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^{K}\frac{1}{45}\sum_{i=1}^{10}\sum_{j=i+1}^{10}f({w}_{i}^{(k)},{w}_{j}^{(k)}) $$

where \(\left\{{w}_{1}^{(k)},{w}_{2}^{(k)},\dots \dots .{w}_{3}^{(k)}\right\}\) denotes the top-10 most likely words in the topic k. Here, \(f(.,.)\) is the normalized pointwise mutual information [34],

$$f\left({w}_{i},{w}_{j}\right)=\frac{\mathrm{log}\frac{P({w}_{i},{w}_{j})}{P\left({w}_{i}\right)P({w}_{j})}}{-\mathrm{log}P({w}_{i},{w}_{j})} $$

\(P({w}_{i},{w}_{j})\) is the probability of words \({w}_{i}\) and \({w}_{j}\) that occurs together in a text collection. High mutual information (MI) between co-occurring words is considered good and such topics are coherent. The other metric called; Topic Diversity is the ratio of distinct words in the top 25 words from various topics. Diversity close to zero indicates redundant topics. To find the overall quality of the group of words occurring in each topic, Topic Diversity and Topic Coherence values are multiplied. With the stated learning rate, log-likelihood ratings are produced for all the unseen documents. The model with the highest log-likelihood score is thought to be the best. Perplexity, also known as predictive likelihood, is a metric for determining how well a model can predict a sample. The loglikelihood of text documents with subjects generated by the topic model is used to calculate it.

6 Results and discussions

All three datasets utilized in this study yielded good interpretable topics because of the studies. Due to the pandemic COVID-19 predicament, the CORD-19 dataset has become a notable text dataset in recent times and is being used in several machine learning tasks. Python Gensim library is used for LDA, DTM, and Word embedding model, as well as several other python libraries for text mining and preprocessing.

Figure 6 shows the word embeddings obtained using the NIPS dataset. The word embeddings graphically depict how semantically close words are in the texts. Because the NIPS papers collection is a collection of scientific research articles, we can discern three primary categories in the embeddings in this section, such as themes like “computation”, “algorithm”, and “learning”. The word embeddings in the CORD-19 dataset are presented in Fig. 7.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Word embeddings through t-SNE plot drawn from NIPS papers collections

Fig. 7
figure 7

Word embeddings in CORD-19 dataset plotted through t-SNE

The results in form of the top 10 words using the various model we have discussed so far are given. All the words/terms from topic1 discovered from the three datasets is shown in Table 3. The topic coherence measure of topics inferred from the CORD-19, TC19 and NIPS datasets is illustrated through Table 4. The results given in Table 2 clearly indicates that the proposed model ITMWE outperforms the other models significantly for the TC19 dataset on topic coherence metric, which is significantly higher than long text topic models such as LDA and DTM.

Table 3 Top ten words in topic 1 learned by Models from CORD-19, NIPS, and TC19 dataset
Table 4 Topic coherence, Topic Quality values were observed for various models for CORD-19, NIPS, and TC19 datasets

The CORD-19 dataset contains articles and abstracts about coronavirus, SARS-CoV-22, and other related viruses. For the experiment, we took out papers published between November 2019 to decemeber’2020 and discovered key topics discussed in the abstracts of the papers. The topic 1 extraction has words such as ‘inflammatory’,’ immune’,’ induction’,’ damage’,’ liver’,’ lung’ which are very coherent. The topic 1 words extracted from the NIPS dataset through ITMWE are ‘model’,’ neural’,’ function’,’ learn’,’ datum’ etc. The topic coherence and topic diversity of models and ITMWE for all three datasets is put together in Table 2. The topic quality value is highest for ITMWE as compared to other models for all three datasets used in experiments. Another evaluation metric log-likelihood is used to evaluate LDA, DTM, ETM models with our proposed model. Figure 8 provides the relationship between several topics (k = 20, 30, 40, 50, 100) and topic coherence values for all four models used in the experiments. Part (b) in Fig. 8, illustrates the relationship between log-likelihood measure and document size. The figure clearly shows topic coherence value increases as the number of topics (k) increases but then decreases after reaching a value of 30–40.

Fig. 8
figure 8

a Topic quality measure depicted for all four models, b Log-likelihood measure for increasing document collection size

7 Conclusion

Topic modeling techniques discover a diverse range of topic terms automatically from a large text corpus and work at the core of many text mining applications. We propose an incremental topic model using word embedding to retrieve latent topics for both long and short-text document collections. The experiments were performed on a topic model using three different corpora publicly available. The topic modeling framework will provide retrieval of topics and themes hidden in texts in incremental text databases. The model is effective in both short and long text documents yielding high mean topic coherences and topic diversity. The models are evaluated using Topic coherence, Topic Quality, and Topic diversity metrics. The ITMWE interprets good quality topics from all three text datasets used for implementation purposes. It is discovered that the ITMWE learns a wider range of topics than the ETM while taking much less time to fit. The limitation of the proposed model is choosing a suitable label for the inferred topics automatically, therefore, the future work will include developing strategies and techniques to generate a label for inferred topics automatically for any large-scale document collections. The model can further be applied to multilingual text corpus.