1 Introduction

We develop a laboratory research infrastructure dedicated to geological carbon storage (GCS) with a methodology for repeatable, meter-scale experiments with sufficient precision to allow investigation of any isolated parameter. The two-phase flow of CO2-rich gas and water-rich fluids in complex geological structures, combined with the development of density-driven convective mixing, is difficult to adequately resolve by numerical simulation (Nordbotten et al. 2012; Flemisch et al 2023). As such, there is a strong need for accurate and reproducible experimental data against which numerical simulation tools can be verified. To this end, this technical note details the construction and operation of a laboratory-scale GSC research infrastructure, which we term ‘FluidFlower’ (see Fig. 1), with the following set of characteristics:

  1. (A)

    Meter-scale, quasi-2D experimental systems containing unconsolidated sands that can be arranged to replicate realistic geological structures such as domes, pinch-outs and faults.

  2. (B)

    Operational conditions mimicking real GCS operations can be achieved by rate-controlled injection and localized pressure monitoring.

  3. (C)

    Multiphase flow characteristics such as free gas and CO2 dissolution and concomitant density-driven fingers can clearly be identified visually and quantified by image analysis tools.

  4. (D)

    Fluids in the pore space of studied geometries can be reset to their initial state, allowing investigations into reproducibility of experimental results as well as variations of operational conditions.

Fig. 1
figure 1

FluidFlower flow cell varieties used in the validation benchmark study. The porous media are built with unconsolidated sands within a vertical, quasi two-dimensional, optically transparent flow cell filled with water. A camera is located on the front side to monitor and record system changes with time lapse imaging. Other instrumentation and most operations such as fluid injections occur at the rear side. To achieve the scale of the experiments, operation occurs at standard sea-level pressure and temperature, still preserving the governing porous media physics, relevant displacement processes and trapping mechanisms for subsurface CO2 storage. The FluidFlower concept serves a dual purpose as research infrastructure for high-quality experimental data, and as a vehicle for public outreach and dissemination. The room scale (right) shown during CO2 injection in a faulted geological geometry motivated by typical North Sea reservoirs. Tabletop version (left) shown containing an idealized folded geometry. The FluidFlower concept produces quantitative meter-scale experimental data for study at both pore and Darcy scale. The data may also be scaled to field scale (Kovscek et al 2023) to provide new insight relevant for subsurface GCS. Virtual flow cells and meterstick

State-of-the-art simulators and experimental methodology build on a century of global oil and gas exploration and production. While this provides a solid scientific and technological foundation, in particular during the injection phase, there remain aspects unique to GCS that require further development. CO2 is physically and chemically very different from crude oil and gaseous organic hydrocarbons: CO2 is highly soluble in water, and its derivative dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) species both acidify and increase the density of the water. The density increase allows gravitationally induced convective mixing, an essential carbon sequestration mechanism and a dominant cause of post-injection dynamics. Convective mixing has therefore been extensively studied over the past decades (Pau et al. 2010; Riaz et al. 2006; Elenius et al. 2012; Erfani et al. 2022). The aqueous phase density change depends on total DIC concentration, in turn depending on dissolution rates, reactivity, convection and diffusion rate, and latent or induced flow in the reservoir. The acidification allows a range of reactions to occur in different geochemical environments leading to effects such as mineralization or grain dissolution, potentially altering the physical properties of reservoirs.

The technical note is structured as follows: Chapter 2 presents key features of the FluidFlower concept; Chapter 3 describes the FluidFlower laboratory infrastructure, with technical aspects and considerations for the flow cell; Chapter 4 details experimental operation and capabilities; and Chapter 5 provides the rationale for fluids used. The two flow cell varieties presented are further detailed in their own appendices with flow cell specifications, experimental protocols and example data. Appendix A details the room-scale flow cell (FF2), its operation and laboratory setup for the CO2 experiments (Fernø et al. 2023) in the 2022 FluidFlower validation benchmark (VB) study (Flemisch et al. 2023); Appendix B describes the tabletop flow cells (FF3.2) used for methodology development, rapid prototyping and iteration, and smaller meter-scale experiments (Haugen et al. 2023; Saló-Salgado et al. 2023; Keilegavlen et al. 2023; Eikehaug et al. 2023), together with a generalized experiment protocol representative of ongoing research.

2 Key FluidFlower Features

There are four essential features of the FluidFlower concept that enable meter-scale porous media flow experiments for quantitative studies of geological carbon sequestration.

2.1 Physical Repeatability

Repeated CO2 injection experiments performed on the same porous media geometry is a key capability of the FluidFlower concept. Cycling of fluids allows for investigation of isolated experimental parameters and identification of stochastic elements without the uncertainties and workload associated with rebuilding the geometry for each new experiment. The process of resetting fluids between repeated experiments is designed to keep colors and chemical conditions constant during an experiment series for increased reproducibility. Fluid cycling is documented in detail for the experiment series (Fernø et al. 2023) used in the VB study (Flemisch et al. 2023) in appendix section A.6, and a generalized example is presented in section B.4. This technique allows complete tabletop fluid resetting in a few hours and room-scale resetting in a few days.

2.2 Heterogeneous Porous Media

The porous media in the flow cells are constructed by depositing unconsolidated material with known properties to quantify observed processes for model verification, comparison and forecasting. Sand grains should remain within a known and comparatively narrow size distribution, ideally well-rounded grains with minimal shape variation to avoid unwanted packing effects and to minimize uncontrolled microheterogeneities caused by the sedimentation process. The sands should also be chemically inert unless grain dissolution or a similar process is the intended subject of study. The depositing process is designed to mimic natural underwater sedimentation. The above considerations, the construction of porous media geometries and the tools used are further detailed in (Haugen et al. 2023). Settling of unconsolidated sands may be traced using the open-source software DarSIA (Nordbotten et al. 2022, 2023; Both et al. 2023).

2.3 Seeing Fluid Phases

Differentiating between fluid phases is essential to the viability of the method. Both water and gas are normally transparent and provide little optical contrast to one another. For GCS applications, water and CO2 diffuse into each other. Mixes of these two are of particular interest, and its physical effects in a reservoir have been a topic of interest for some time in the simulation community. Aqueous concentration of CO2 and DIC depend on a complex relationship between gas capacity in the formation water, distance from gas phase CO2, diffusion rate, convective mixing, time, chemical environment and the equilibria between the DIC forms and other salts in that environment. To visualize this, we utilize the spontaneous reaction between CO2 and water producing carbonic acid. A range of water-soluble pH-sensitive dyes produce visible changes of color upon acidification, allowing clear distinction of water, gas and water containing dissolved gas. Further fluid details in chapter 5 and VB specifications in appendix A.5.

2.4 Data Collection

Time lapse images of the flow cells are captured at intervals synchronized to experiment time steps. Imperfections in camera optics cause spatial distortion in images, and the curvature of the room-scale flow cell does not communicate well with standard camera optics. Composite grid images of leveling laser lines provide a reference for correction of such lens effects via DarSIA prior to image segmentation. Images captured (by RGB sensors) never fully represent (full spectrum) true colors, and a standard color palette is included in all images as an image processing reference. Temperature, point and ambient pressure, and all fluid injections and production such as passive overflow are measured and logged. Data collection capabilities are exemplified in (Fernø et al. 2023; Saló-Salgado et al. 2023; Haugen et al. 2023; Keilegavlen et al 2023).

3 Infrastructure

The flow cells have vertical transparent plates separating observers and instrumentation from sands and fluids. Key flow cell structural considerations are detailed below.

3.1 Flow Cell Depths

Flow cell depth is a compromise between observational and operational aspects, limiting sand packing boundary and three-dimensional flow effects. The distance between the flowing gas and viewing window should be small so that diffusion allows for early detection of displacement processes in the third dimension, while allowing sufficient depth for manipulation of sands using sand manipulation tools described in (Haugen et al. 2023). Hydrophilic wall surfaces encourage gas flow within the sands rather than along the walls to minimize the effect of artificial grain structuring along the boundary. For grain sizes typically less than 2 mm associated with unconsolidated sands (e.g., Freeze et al. 1979), a depth on the order of 8–10 times the maximum grain size is preferred to mitigate poor packing conditions and preferential flow along the walls (Chapuis 2012).

3.2 Internal Forces and Hydraulic Deformation

Water exerts significant outward static pressure on the flow cell walls. The hydraulic load scales with the squared height of water in the flow cell, increasing with hydrostatic pressure and surface area (approximately eight tons for room-scale version and ¼ ton for tabletop version). Furthermore, the settling of the unconsolidated sands will lead to additional lateral forces. The large span of the walls argues for the accommodation of measurable and safe elastic deformation, rather than to strive for absolute rigidity to avoid potential brittle failure. Hence, transparent plastics has been the material of choice. The perforations of the rear panel weaken the structural integrity of the plate with unknown localization of material stresses, and a safety margin has been applied to all structural dimensions. The room-scale FluidFlower is curved to further increase rigidity with the front in a state of compression and the rear in a tensile state (see Figure 4 in Appendix A).

3.3 Viewing Window Reflections

The reflective surface of the viewing window causes artifacts in optical images. Images are captured by a camera located in the focal point of a curved flow cell, where any horizontal straight line drawn between the camera and the flow cell viewing window is orthogonal to the latter (see Figure 8 in Appendix A), which minimizes reflections compared to imaging of a flat flow cell such as the tabletop version. With maximum overlap between direct and reflected camera field of view, lamps and other objects remain hidden to the camera if not placed directly between the camera and flow cell. This allows illumination with high incident angle and a compact laboratory footprint. Curvature also increases structural rigidity and allows a larger window span without requiring impractically thick walls to withstand internal forces. Film studio standard high-frequency ‘flicker-free’ LED lamps are located outside of the camera field of view.

3.4 Construction Materials and Rear Plate Perforations

Materials in contact with the internal volume should have minimum influence on porous media chemistry and flow behavior. The materials must be resistant to the corrosive nature of the salts and fluctuating pH in the system to allow study of the contained system rather than the container itself. Rear plate perforation limits the instrumentation and tubing required to manipulate and measure the fluids of interest to the rear plate. Hence, the front side remains free of disturbing technical elements. Fluid resetting for repeated experiments occurs through a series of perforations along the lower flow cell boundary where water may be injected to replace the fluids in the system. The rigid flow cell boundary is provided by a double-flange frame for viewing window support. The chassis-like substructures are built to accommodate instrumentation, mobility and ease of operation. They connect to hinges on the flow cell and are constructed to transfer their load to the chassis bottom where adjustable legs are installed, as well as transport wheels for the room-scale version.

See appendix sections A.1 through A.3 and B.1 through B.3 for further details on the flow cell designs.

4 Experimental Operation and Capabilities

This chapter provides a general overview of technical instrumentation that enables the injection and quantitative monitoring of CO2 flow, trapping and dissolution in the geological geometries in the flow cells.

4.1 Water System

There are separate control systems for the aqueous and gaseous phase injections (illustrated in Fig. 2). Water flow is operated with computer-controlled double-piston pumps (Chandler Engineering Quizix Precision used in this work) that connect to the system via gas traps that double as particle traps. Valve manifolds connect gas traps to flow cell ports for controlled injection/production from specific ports, or with a total rate distributed between multiple ports. Manual and/or computer-controlled pneumatic valves may be used. Gravity induced flow has been used instead of piston pumps in experiment series such as (Saló-Salgado et al. 2023), utilizing the hydrostatic pressure obtained by simply placing the water supply above the flow cell.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Conceptual fluid systems: Water (left) and gas (right). Water from supply (A) to computer-controlled cylinder pump (B) and further through a gas trap (C) before it is directed to the system perforations by valve manifolds (D). Displaced water (overflow) € exits an open perforation and is collected by a waste canister (F) sitting on a mass logging scale (G). Gas flows from gas canister (H) with pressure regulator (J), and further through a flow restriction needle valve (K) and a computer-controlled mass flow controller (L) connected to the system perforations or the atmosphere via a three-way valve (M)

4.2 Gas System

Gas flow is regulated by computer-controlled mass flow controllers (MFC, e.g., Bronkhorst El-Flow Prestige), with gas supplied from pressurized gas canisters. Standard pressure regulators connect the gas bottles to the MFCs via a flow restriction needle valve that reduces pressure fluctuations originating from the spring-loaded pressure regulator mechanism. MFC performance must be tested and tuned prior to all experiments to keep fluctuations within listed instrument uncertainty. Aqueous and gaseous operations should ideally be scripted to limit the potential for human error.

4.3 Logging Water Displacement

A constant water level is maintained due to the passive overflow function of the always-open perforations positioned on the top of the flow cell. Water is injected at a constant rate into the free water above the porous media geometry to keep the overflow port wet to eliminate surface tension effects. This approach keeps fluctuations in the hydrostatic pressure to a minimum. By logging overflow rates via interval mass measurement, rates of volumetric displacement of water become detectable and may be coupled to gas phase CO2 volume and its dissolution rate in the system.

4.4 Degassing Water

Aqueous solutions should be degassed by a vacuum pump (e.g., Edwards RV5) prior to injection to minimize the influence of atmospheric gases dissolved in the water on measured variables. Agitation such as magnetic stirring significantly speeds up the equilibration process. Remaining atmospheric gases in the water affect the CO2 dissolution rates, and Henry’s law (further detailed in Chapter 5) implies that when CO2 dissolves into atmosphere-saturated water, non-negligible quantities of nitrogen and oxygen are expelled from water in atmospheric equilibrium. This presents significant challenges for quantitative analysis of time lapse image series and resetting of the porous media if unattended.

4.5 Pressure and Temperature

Pressure transducers connect to chosen perforations for point logging. Typically, fluctuations of interest in the systems occur in the sub-mbar regime and require sensors of adequate precision for any meaningful measurements. Working at sea-level pressure implies atmospheric fluctuations represent significant uncertainty if unattended. Not only may system response disappear in atmospheric noise, but flow experiments using gas phase CO2 are highly dependent on absolute pressure and temperature for both density and dissolution. Temperature is sought to be kept constant during experiment series, yet a gradient has been observed along the height of the flow cells in cold-floor laboratories. Point logging of temperature is collected by dual-purpose pressure transducers (e.g., ESI Technology GS4200-USB).

5 FluidFlower Fluids

Differentiating between fluid phases is essential to the viability of the FluidFlower concept. In pure form, water and gas are both transparent and provide little optical contrast to one another. By introducing water-soluble dyes, the transparent gas becomes clearly distinct from the colored water. The CO2 is injected as a dry gas and will partially dissolve into the formation water. Distinguishing CO2-saturated water is of particular interest for GCS applications.

Dissolved or aqueous CO2 complexes with water and forms carbonic acid. Acidification of the initially neutral to mildly acidic system allows compounds sensitive to pH changes to be an accessible method of aqueous CO2 detection. Common pH indicators are organic compounds that undergo a configurational change when a proton is added or subtracted from the molecule. The configuration change in turn causes a change in the wavelengths of light absorbed, observed as a visible and reversible change of color (Sabnis 2007).

Pure water has a theoretical pH of 7.0, with \(\left[ {{\text{H}}_{3} {\text{O}}^{ + } } \right] = \left[ {{\text{OH}}^{ - } } \right] = 10^{ - 7} {\text{M}}\), but with no buffering capacity it is extremely sensitive to impurities. Atmospheric CO2 diffuses into the water and acidification of freshly deionized water can be measured immediately after air exposure. Hence, pure water in equilibrium with atmospheric gases typically has a pH of approximately 6, compared with a pure CO2 atmosphere (emulating conditions inside the flow cells) at approximately pH 4. Several pH indicator compounds with a transition between pH 6 and 4 exist, typically with transition from a high-absorption color at higher pH toward a lower intensity color (lower pH). Improper match between indicator transition and CO2 saturation pH range complicates precise determination of CO2 concentrations and typically produces unappealing visual impressions.

pH indicators typically have a transition range of \(\Delta\) pH 1–2, regardless of specific pH transition range. With pH being a logarithmic measure of acid or base concentrations centered around 7, transition ranges closer to 7 distinguish a narrower range of concentrations. We have opted to work under the assumption that widening the pH range of the water phase with a diluted strong base has a measurable yet limited effect on CO2 dissolution and the overall system behavior. This allows more intense contrast colors and distinct transition ranges (see Fig. 3), leading to improved signal strength and the possibility of distinguishing multiple concentration levels of CO2.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Visible CO2 concentration gradient in a mixture of BTB and MRe. A Solution with no CO2, pH 8. B BTB transition, pH 7. C Transition overlap, pH 6. D MRe transition, pH 5. E CO2-saturated solution, pH 4. F gaseous CO2

Bromothymol blue (BTB, transition pH 6.0–7.6) and methyl red (MRe, transition pH 4.4–6.2) have been used extensively in our experiments (solution described in appendix section A.5). In an acidic environment, however, the protonated form of methyl red has a relatively low solubility in water, and high concentrations result in precipitation at pH 6 and below, like that observed in (Fernø et al. 2023; Haugen et al. 2023; Saló-Salgado et al.2023).

The equilibrium concentration of dissolved gas in water is proportional to the system pressure and inversely proportional to temperature and varies between types of gases and combinations thereof. This relation is given by Henry’s law as species specific solubility and remains a topic of experimental study (Henry 1803; Sander et al. 2015). Aqueous gas solubility under a mixed atmosphere is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas species. It follows that when water in equilibrium with an atmosphere containing a combination of gases A is exposed to a different atmosphere dominated by a different gas B, the gaseous partial pressure of A will decrease while its aqueous partial pressure remains high. To re-achieve equilibrium, aqueous concentration of B and gaseous concentration of A must both increase.

When CO2 is injected into water in equilibrium with our N2-rich atmosphere, CO2 displaces N2 (and O2, Ar, etc.) from the aqueous phase if temperature and absolute pressure remains constant. We have opted to reduce the overall concentration of aqueous gases in the water phase by equilibrating or ‘degassing’ the water phase by applying a partial vacuum and for experiments with equipment constraints, by manipulating temperature. Water evaporates at a full vacuum (and cannot alternatively be infinitely hot) and therefore cannot be entirely degassed, but rather exists somewhere on a gas saturation spectrum. The influence of varying degassing is discussed further in Haugen et al. 2023.

6 Concluding Remarks

The FluidFlower concept, as presented in this technical note, represents a new laboratory infrastructure for experimental research to add to the knowledge base for which decisions regarding GCS is made. Details and engineering insights for constructing and operating these highly controlled and adjustable systems are presented for flow cells of different complexity. Both designs have been proven viable and reliable for experiment series lasting up two years and counting. These physical flow cells, the methodology described and the in-house developed open-source software DarSIA (used to analyze high-resolution time lapse images), together make it possible to plan and perform a variety of porous media fluid flow experiments on the meter scale with quantification of key parameters. This provides an opportunity to obtain high-quality experimental data for validation and calibration of numerical simulation models.

The geological geometries that can be modeled by the FluidFlower are representative of large-scale structures (e.g., faults and folds) and stratigraphic layering (reservoir units, seal units, etc.) observed in subsurface reservoir systems, and the FluidFlower concept allows for studying the impact of these geological geometries on CO2 trapping and flow dynamics. Subsurface CO2 trapping mechanisms that can currently be studied with the FluidFlower concept include; structural and stratigraphic trapping under sealing sand layers; residual trapping is seen in regions with intermediate water saturation and is temporary because of rapid dissolution; dissolution trapping is observed almost instantaneously when the injected CO2 dissolves into the water phase; and convective mixing which occurs when the denser CO2-saturated water migrates downwards, generating gravitational fingers.

Ultimately, our concept allows observation of spatiotemporal interactions of physical processes of multiphase, multicomponent flow during CO2 immobilization in a porous medium at the meter scale, allowing investigations at both pore and Darcy scale. This has high relevance for GCS applications and we encourage the porous media community to explore this experimental method.