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Regenerative and restorative pedagogy: The foundation of a new contract for cognitive justice

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Regenerative and restorative pedagogy refers to a set of methods and knowledge aimed at regenerating ourselves, regenerating others, and repairing the past and present with a view to human, ecological, and planetary sustainability. It aims to reduce the processes of destructing the self, other humans, and non-humans. The main role of this alternative and transgressive pedagogy is to counter the neoliberal approach of hegemonic education, which contributes to destroying knowledge (epistemicide), identities (identicide), cultures (ethnocide), ethnic groups (genocide), natural environments (ecocide), and animals (zoocide). To achieve these goals, regenerative and restorative education aims to be transdisciplinary; in other words, to transcend the boundaries between disciplines. Regeneration and reparation in education require the creation of citizens capable of understanding that the whole world is one country, and that, wherever we may be, we all share a common destiny.

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Damus, O. Regenerative and restorative pedagogy: The foundation of a new contract for cognitive justice. Prospects (2024).

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