1 Introduction

Scaling transformations are as pervasive in natural image data as translations. In any natural scene, the size of the projection of an object on the retina or a digital sensor varies continuously with the distance between the object and the observer. Compared to translations, scale variability is in some sense harder to handle for a biological or artificial agent. It is possible to fixate an object, thus centring it on the retina. The equivalence for scaling, which would be to ensure a constant distance to objects before further processing, is not a viable solution. A human observer can nonetheless recognise an object at a range of scales, from a single observation, and there is, indeed, experimental evidence demonstrating scale-invariant processing in the primate visual cortex [1,2,3,4,5,6]. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) already encode structural assumptions about translation invariance and locality, which by the successful application of CNNs for computer vision tasks has been demonstrated to constitute useful priors for processing visual data. We propose that structural assumptions about scale could, similarly to translation covariance, be a useful prior in convolutional neural networks.

Encoding structural priors about a larger group of visual transformations, including scaling transformations and affine transformations, is an integrated part of a range of successful classical computer vision approaches [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] and in a theory for explaining the computational function of early visual receptive fields [19, 20]. There is a growing body of work on invariant CNNs, especially concerning invariance to 2D/3D rotations and flips [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36]. There has been some recent works on scale-covariant and scale-invariant recognition in CNNs, where recent approaches [37,38,39,40,41] have shown improvements compared to standard CNNs for scale variability present both in the training and in the testing sets. These approaches have, however, either not been evaluated for the task of generalisation to scales not present in the training set [38, 39, 41, 42] or only across a very limited scale range [37, 40]. Thus, the possibilities for CNNs to generalise to previously unseen scales have so far not been well explored.

The structure of a standard CNN implies a preferred scale as decided by the fixed size of the filters (often \(3 \times 3\) or \(5 \times 5\) kernels) together with the depth and max pooling strategy applied. This determines the resolution at which the image is processed and the size of the receptive fields of individual units at different depths. A vanilla CNN is, therefore, not designed for multi-scale processing. Because of this, state-of-the-art object detection approaches that are exposed to larger-scale variability employ different mechanisms, such as branching off classifiers at different depths [43, 44], learning to transform the input or the filters [45,46,47], or by combining the deep network with different types of image pyramids [48,49,50,51,52,53].

The goal of these approaches has, however, not been to generalise between scales and even though they enable multi-scale processing, they lack the type of structure necessary for true scale invariance. Thus, it is not possible to predict how they will react to objects appearing at new scales in the testing set or a to real world scenario. This can lead to undesirable effects, as shown in the rich literature on adversarial examples, where it has been demonstrated that CNNs suffer from unintuitive failure modes when presented with data outside the training distribution [54,55,56,57,58,59,60]. This includes adversarial examples constructed by means of small translations, rotations and scalings [61, 62], that is transformations that are partially represented in a training set of natural images. Scale-invariant CNNs could enable both multi-scale processing and predictable behaviour when encountering objects at novel scales, without the need to fully span all possible scales in the training set.

Most likely, a set of different strategies will be needed to handle the full-scale variability in the natural world. Full invariance over scale factors of 100 or more, as present in natural images, might not be viable in a network with similar type of processing at fine and coarse scales.Footnote 1 We argue, however, that a deep learning-based approach that is invariant over a significant scale range could be an important part of the solution to handling also such large scale variations. Note that the term scale invariance has sometimes, in the computer vision literature, been used in a weaker sense of “the ability to process objects of varying sizes” or “learn in the presence of scale variability”. We will here use the term in a stricter classical sense of a classifier/feature extractor whose output does not change when the input is transformed.

One of the simplest CNN architectures used for covariant and invariant image processing is a channel network (also referred to as siamese network) [26, 63, 64]. In such an architecture, transformed copies of the input image are processed in parallel by different “channels” (subnetworks) corresponding to a set of image transformations. This approach can together with weight sharing and max or average pooling over the output from the channels enable invariant recognition for finite transformation groups, such as 90 degree rotations and flips. An invariant scale-channel network is a natural extension of invariant channel networks as previously explored for rotations in [26]. It can equivalently be seen as a way of extending ideas underlying the classical scale-space methodology to deep learning [65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75], in the sense that in the absence of further information, the image data are processed at all scales simultaneously, and that the outputs from the scale channels will constitute a nonlinear scale-covariant multi-scale representation of the input image.

1.1 Contribution and Novelty

The subject of this paper is to investigate the possibility to construct a scale-invariant CNN based on a scale-channel architecture. The key contributions of our work are to implement different possible types of scale-channel networks and to evaluate the ability of these networks to generalise to previously unseen scales, so that we can train a network at some scale(s) and test it at other scales, without complementary use of data augmentation. It should be noted that previous scale-channel networks exist, but those are explicitly designed for multi-scale processing [76, 77] rather than scale invariance or have not been evaluated with regard to their ability to generalise to unseen scales over any significant scale range [37]. We here implement and evaluate networks based on principles similar to these previous approaches, but also a new type of foveated scale-channel network, where the individual scale channels process increasingly larger parts of the image with decreasing resolution.

To enable testing each approach over a large range of scales, we create a new variation of the MNIST data set, referred to as the MNIST Large Scale data set, with scale variations up to a factor of 8. This represents a data set with sufficient resolution and image size to enable invariant recognition over a wide range of scale factors. We also rescale the CIFAR-10 data set over a scale factor of 4, which is a wider scale range than has previously been evaluated for this data set. This rescaled CIFAR-10 data set is used to test if scale-invariant networks can still give significant improvements in generalisation to new scales, in the presence of limited image resolution and for small image sizes. We evaluate the ability to generalise to previously unseen scales for the different types of channel networks, by first training on a single scale or a limited range of scales and then testing recognition for scales not present in the training set. The results are compared to a vanilla CNN baseline.

Our experiments on the MNIST Large Scale data set show that two previously used scale-channel network designs or methodologies, in one case, do not generalise any better than a standard CNN to scales not present in the training set or, in the second case, have limited generalisation ability. The first type of method is based on concatenating the outputs from the scale channels and using this as input to a fully connected layer (as opposed to applying max or average pooling over the scale-dimension). We show that such a network does not learn to combine the output from the scale channels in a correct way so as to enable generalisation to previously unseen scales. The reason for this is the absence of a structure to enforce scale invariance. The second type of method is to handle the difference in image size between the rescaled images in the scale channels, by applying the subnetwork corresponding to each channel in a sliding window manner. This methodology, however, implies that the rescaled copies of an image are not processed in the same way, since for an object processed in scale channels corresponding to an upscaled image, a wide range of different, (e.g. non-centred) object views, will be processed, compared to only processing the central view for an object in a downscaled image. This implies that full invariance cannot be achieved, since max (or average) pooling will be performed over different views of the objects for different scales, which implies that the max (or average) over the scale dimension is not guaranteed to be stable when the input is transformed.

We do, instead, propose a new type of foveated scale-channel architecture, where the scale channels process increasingly larger parts of the image with decreasing resolution. Together with max or average pooling, this leads to our FovMax and FovAvg networks. We show that this approach enables extremely good generalisation, when the image resolution is sufficient and there is an absence of boundary effects. Notably, for rescalings of MNIST, almost identical performance over a scale range of 8 is achieved, when training on single size training data. We further show that, also on the CIFAR-10 data set, in the presence of severe limitations regarding image resolution and image size, the foveated scale-channel networks still provide considerably better generalisation ability compared to both a standard CNN and an alternative scale-channel approach. We also demonstrate that the FovMax and FovAvg networks give improved performance for data sets with large scale variations in both the training and testing data, in the small sample regime.

We propose that the presented foveated scale-channel networks will prove useful in situations where a simple approach that can generalise to unseen scales or learning from small data sets with large scale variations is needed. Our study also highlights possibilities and limitations for scale-invariant CNNs and provides a simple baseline to evaluate other approaches against. Finally, we see possibilities to integrate the foveated scale-channel network, or similar types of foveated scale-invariant processing, as subparts in more complex frameworks dealing with large scale variations.

1.2 Relations to Previous Contribution

This paper constitutes a substantially extended version of a conference paper presented at the ICPR 2020 conference [78] and with substantial additions concerning:

  • The motivations underlying this work and the importance of a scale generalisation ability for deep networks (Sect. 1),

  • A wider overview of related work (Sects. 1 and  2),

  • Theoretical relationships between the presented scale-channel networks and the notion of scale-space representation, including theoretical relationships between the presented scale-channel networks and scale-normalised derivatives with associated methods for scale selection (Sect. 4),

  • More extensive experimental results on the MNIST Large Scale data set, specifically new experiments that investigate (i) the dependency on the scale range spanned by the scale channels, (ii) the dependency on the sampling density of the scale levels in the scale channels, (iii) the influence of multi-scale learning over different scale intervals, and (iv) an analysis of the scale selection properties over the multiple scale channels for the different types of scale-channel networks (Sect. 6),

  • Experimental results for the CIFAR-10 data set subject to scaling transformations of the testing data (Sect. 7),

  • Details about the data set creation for the MNIST Large Scale data set (“Appendix A”).

In relation to the ICPR 2020 paper, this paper therefore (i) gives a more general motivation for scale-channel networks in relation to the topic of scale generalisation, (ii) presents more experimental results for further use cases and an additional data set, (iii) gives deeper theoretical relationships between scale-channel networks and scale-space theory and (iv) gives overall better descriptions of several of the subjects treated in the paper, including (v) more extensive references to related literature.

2 Relations to Previous Work

In the area of scale-space theory [65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75], a multi-scale representation of an input image is created by convolving the image with a set of rescaled Gaussian kernels and Gaussian derivative filters, which are then often combined in nonlinear ways. In this way, a powerful methodology has been developed to handle scaling transformations in classical computer vision [7,8,9,10,11, 13,14,15,16, 18]. The scale-channel networks described in this paper can be seen as an extension of this philosophy of processing an image at all scales simultaneously, as a means of achieving scale invariance, but instead using deep nonlinear feature extractors learned from data, as opposed to handcrafted image features or image descriptors.

CNNs can give impressive performance, but they are sensitive to scale variations. Provided that the architecture of the deep network is sufficiently flexible, a moderate increase in the robustness to scaling transformations can be obtained by augmenting the training images with multiple rescaled copies of each training image (scale jittering) [79, 80]. The performance does, however, degrade for scales not present in the training set [62, 81, 82], and different network structure may be optimal for small versus large images [82]. It is furthermore possible to construct adversarial examples by means of small translations, rotations and scalings [61, 62].

State-of-the-art CNN-based object detection approaches all employ different mechanisms to deal with scale variability, e.g. branching off classifiers at different depths [44], learning to transform the input or the filters [45,46,47], using different types of image pyramids [48,49,50,51,52,53], or other approaches, where the image is rescaled to different resolutions, possibly combined with interactions or pooling between the layers [82,83,84,85]. There are also deep networks that somehow handle the notion of scale by approaches such as dilated convolutions [86,87,88], scale-dependent pooling [89], scale-adaptive convolutions [90], by spatially warping the image data by a log-polar transformation prior to image filtering [42, 47], or adding additional branches of down-samplings and/or up-samplings in each layer of the network [91, 92]. The goal of these approaches has, however, not been to generalise to previously unseen scales and they lack the structure necessary for true scale invariance.

Examples of handcrafted scale-invariant hierarchical descriptors are [93, 94]. We are, here, interested in combining scale invariance with learning. There exist some previous works aimed explicitly at scale-invariant recognition in CNNs [37,38,39,40,41] These approaches have, however, either not been evaluated for the task of generalisation to scales not present in the training set [38, 39, 41] or only across a very limited scale range [37, 40]. Previous scale-channel networks exist, but are explicitly designed for multi-scale processing [76, 77] rather than scale invariance, or have not been evaluated with regard to their ability to generalise to unseen scales over any significant scale range [37, 48]. A dual approach to scale-covariant scale-channel networks that, however, allows for scale invariance and scale generalisation, is presented in [95, 96], based on transforming continuous CNNs expressed in terms of continuous functions for the filter weights with respect to scaling transformations. Other scale-covariant or scale-equivariant approaches to deep networks have also been recently proposed in [97,98,99,100].

There is large literature on approaches to achieve rotation-covariant and rotation-invariant networks [25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34] with applications to different domains, including astronomy [64], remote sensing [101], medical image analysis [102,103,104] and texture classification [105]. There are also approaches to invariant networks based on formalism from group theory [24, 106, 107].

3 Theory of Continuous Scale-Channel Networks

In this section, we will introduce a mathematical framework for modelling and analysing scale-channel networks based on a continuous model of the image space. This model enables straightforward analysis of the covariance and invariance properties of the channel networks, that are later approximated in a discrete implementation. We, here, generalise previous analysis of invariance properties of channel networks [26] to scale-channel networks. We further analyse covariance properties and additional options for aggregating information across transformation channels.

3.1 Images and Image Transformations

We consider images \(f: \mathbb {R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) that are measurable functions in \(L_\infty ({\mathbb {R}}^N)\) and denote this space of images as V. A group of image transformations corresponding to a group G is a family of image transformations \(\mathcal {T}_g\) (\(g \in G\)) with a group structure, i.e. fulfilling the group axioms of closure, identity, associativity and inverse. We denote the combination of two group elements \(g,h \in G\) by gh and the cardinality of G as |G|. Formally, a group G induces an action on functions by acting on the underlying space on which the function is defined (here the image domain). We are here interested in the group of uniform scalings around \(x_0\) with the group action

$$\begin{aligned} (\mathcal {S}_{s, x_0} f ) (x')&= f(x), \quad \quad x' = S_s(x - x_0) + x_0 , \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_s = \mathrm{diag}(s)\). For simplicity, we often assume \(x_0=0\) and denote \(\mathcal {S}_{s,0}\) as \(\mathcal {S}_s\) corresponding to

$$\begin{aligned} (\mathcal {S}_s f)(x) = f(S_s^{-1} x) = f_s(x). \end{aligned}$$

We will also consider the translation group with the action (where \(\delta \in {\mathbb {R}}^N\))

$$\begin{aligned} (\mathcal {D}_\delta f) (x')&= f(x), \quad \quad x' = x + \delta . \end{aligned}$$

3.2 Invariance and Covariance

Consider a general feature extractor \(\varLambda : V \rightarrow \mathbb {K}\) that maps an image \(f \in V\) to a feature representation \(y \in \mathbb {K}\). In our continuous model, \(\mathbb {K}\) will typically correspond to a set of M feature maps (functions) so that \(\varLambda f \in V^M\). This is a continuous analogue of a discrete convolutional feature map with M features.

A feature extractorFootnote 2\(\varLambda \) is covariantFootnote 3 to a transformation group G (formally to the group action) if there exists an input independent transformation \(\tilde{\mathcal {T}}_g\) that can align the feature maps of a transformed image with those of the original image

$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda (\mathcal {T}_g f) = \tilde{\mathcal {T}}_g (\varLambda f) \quad \quad \forall g \in G, f \in V. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, for a covariant feature extractor it is possible to predict the feature maps of a transformed image from the feature maps of the original image or, in other words, the order between feature extraction and transformation does not matter, as illustrated in the commutative diagram in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Commutative diagram for a covariant feature extractor \(\varLambda \), showing how the feature map of the transformed image can be matched to the feature map of the original image by a transformation of the feature space. Note that \(\tilde{\mathcal {T}}_g\) will correspond to the same transformation as \(\mathcal {T}_g\), but might take a different form in the feature space

A feature extractor \(\varLambda \) is invariant to a transformation group G if the feature representation of a transformed image is equal to the feature representation of the original image

$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda (\mathcal {T}_g f) = \varLambda (f) \quad \quad \forall g \in G, f \in V. \end{aligned}$$

Invariance is thus a special case of covariance, where \(\tilde{\mathcal {T}_g}\) is the identity transformation.

3.3 Continuous Model of a CNN

Let \(\phi : V \rightarrow V^{M_k}\) denote a continuous CNN with k layers and \(M_i\) feature channels in layer i. Let \(\theta ^{(i)}\) represent the transformation between layers \(i-1\) and i such that

$$\begin{aligned} (\phi ^{(i)} f)(x,c)&= (\theta ^{(i)} \theta ^{(i-1)} \cdots \theta ^{(2)} \theta ^{(1)} f)(x,c), \end{aligned}$$

where \(c \in \{1,2, \dots M_k\}\) denotes the feature channel and \(\phi = \phi ^{(k)}\). We model the transformation \(\theta ^{(i)}\) between two adjacent layers \(\phi ^{(i-1)}f\) and \(\phi ^{(i)}f\) as a convolution followed by the addition of a bias term \(b_{i,c} \in {\mathbb {R}}\) and the application of a pointwise nonlinearity \(\sigma _i:{\mathbb {R}}\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\):

$$\begin{aligned}&(\phi ^{(i)} f)(x, c)\nonumber \\&\quad = \sigma _i \left( \sum _{m=1}^{M_{i{-}1}} \int _{\xi \in {\mathbb {R}}^N } (\phi ^{(i-1)}f)(x{-}\xi , m)\, g^{(i)}_{m,c}(\xi ) \, d\xi {+} b_{i,c} \right) \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

where \(g^{(i)}_{m,c} \in L_1({\mathbb {R}}^N)\) denotes the convolution kernel that propagates information from feature channel m in layer \(i-1\) to output feature channel c in layer i. A final fully connected classification layer with compact support can also be modelled as a convolution combined with a nonlinearity \(\sigma _k\) that represents a softmax operation over the feature channels.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Foveated scale-channel networks. a Foveated scale-channel network that processes an image of the digit 2. Each scale channel has a fixed size receptive field/support region in relation to its rescaled image copy, but they will together process input regions corresponding to varying sizes in the original image (circles of corresponding colors). b This corresponds to a type of foveated processing, where the centre of the image is processed with high resolution, which works well to detect small objects, while larger regions are processed using gradually reduced resolution, which enables detection of larger objects. c There is a close similarity between this model and the foveal scale space model [109], which was motivated by a combination of regular scale space axioms with a complementary assumption of a uniform limited processing capacity at all scales

3.4 Scale-Channel Networks

The key idea underlying channel networks is to process transformed copies of an input image in parallel, in a set of network “channels” (subnetworks) with shared weights. For finite transformation groups, such as discrete rotations, using one channel corresponding to each group element and applying max pooling over the channel dimension can give an invariant output. For continuous but compact groups, invariance can instead be achieved for a discrete subgroup.

The scaling group is, however, neither finite nor compact. The key question that we address here is whether a scale-channel network can still support invariant recognition.

We define a multi-column scale-channel network \(\varLambda : V \rightarrow V^{M_k}\) for the group of scaling transformations S by using a single base network \(\phi : V \rightarrow V^{M_k}\) to define a set of scale channels \(\{\phi _s \}_{s \in S}\)

$$\begin{aligned} (\phi _s f)(x,c) = (\phi \, \mathcal {S}_{s} f)(x,c) = (\phi f_s)(x,c), \end{aligned}$$

where each channel thus applies exactly the same operation to a scaled copy of the input image (see Fig. 2a). We denote the mapping from the input image to the scale-channel feature maps at depth i as \(\varGamma ^{(i)}: V \rightarrow V^{M_i |S|}\)

$$\begin{aligned} (\varGamma ^{(i)} f)(x,c,s) = (\phi ^{(i)}_s f)(x, c) = (\phi ^{(i)} \mathcal {S}_s f)(x,c). \end{aligned}$$

A scale-channel network that is invariant to the continuous group of uniform scaling transformations \(S = \{s \in {\mathbb {R}}_+ \}\) can be constructed using an infinite set of scale channels \(\{ \phi _s \}_{s \in S}\). The following analysis also holds for a set of scale channels corresponding to a discrete subgroup of the group of uniform scaling transformations, such that \(S = \{\gamma ^i | i \in {\mathbb {Z}}\}\) for some \(\gamma > 1\).

The final output \(\varLambda f\) from the scale-channel network is an aggregation across the scale dimension of the last layer scale-channel feature maps. In our theoretical treatment, we combine the output of the scale channels by the supremum

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{\sup } f)(x,c) = \sup _{s \in S} \left[ ( \phi _s f)(x,c) \right] . \end{aligned}$$

Other permutation invariant operators, such as averaging operations, could also be used. For this construction, the network output will be invariant to rescalings around \(x_0=0\) (global scale invariance). This architecture is appropriate when characterising a single centred object that might vary in scale and it is the main architecture that we explore in this paper. Alternatively, one may instead pool over corresponding image points in the original image by operations of the form

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{\sup }^{\mathrm{local}} f)(x, c) = \sup _{s \in S} \{ (\phi _s f)(S_s x, c) \}. \end{aligned}$$

This descriptor instead has the invariance property

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{\sup }^{\mathrm{local}} f)(x_0, c) = (\varLambda _{\sup }^{\mathrm{local}} S_{s, x_0}f)(x_0, c) \quad \text{ for } \text{ all } x_0, \end{aligned}$$

i.e. when scaling around an arbitrary image point, the output at that specific point does not change (local scale invariance). This property makes it more suitable to describe scenes with multiple objects.

3.4.1 Scale Covariance

Consider a scale-channel network \(\varLambda \) (10) that expands the input over the group of uniform scaling transformations S. We can relate the feature map representation \(\varGamma ^{(i)}\) for a scaled image copy \(\mathcal {S}_t f\) for \(t \in S\) and its original f in terms of operator notation as

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varGamma ^{(i)} \mathcal {S}_t f)(x,c,s) = (\phi _s^{(i)} \, \mathcal {S}_t f)(x,c) \nonumber \\&\quad =(\phi ^{(i)} \, \mathcal {S}_s \, \mathcal {S}_t f)(x,c) = (\phi ^{(i)} \, \mathcal {S}_{s t} f)(x,c) \nonumber \\&\quad = (\phi _{st}^{(i)} f)(x,c) = (\varGamma ^{(i)} f)(x,c, s t), \end{aligned}$$

where we have used the definitions (8) and (9) together with the fact that S is a group. A scaling of an image thus only results in a multiplicative shift in the scale dimension of the feature maps. A more general and more rigorous proof using an integral representation of the scale-channel network is given in Sect. 3.5.

3.4.2 Scale Invariance

Consider a scale-channel network \(\varLambda _{\sup }\) (10) that selects the supremum over scales. We will show that \(\varLambda _{\sup }\) is scale invariant, i.e. that

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{\sup }\, \mathcal {S}_t f)(x,c) = (\varLambda _{\sup } f)(x,c). \end{aligned}$$

First, (13) gives \(\{\phi ^{(i)}_s (\mathcal {S}_t f)\}_{s \in S} = \{ \phi _{st}^{(i)} (f) \}_{s \in S}\). Then, we note that \(\{st\}_{s \in S} = St = S\). This holds both in the case when \(S = {\mathbb {R}}_+\) and in the case when \(S = \{\gamma ^i | i \in {\mathbb {Z}}\}\). Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \{(\phi _s^{(i)} \mathcal {S}_t f)(x,c)\}_{s \in S}= & {} \{(\phi ^{(i)}_{s t} f)(x,c)\}_{s \in S}\nonumber \\= & {} \{(\phi ^{(i)}_{s} f)(x,c)\}_{s \in S} , \end{aligned}$$

i.e. the set of outputs from the scale channels for a transformed image is equal to the set of outputs from the scale channels for its original image. For any permutation invariant aggregation operator, such as the supremum, we have that

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varLambda _{\sup }\, \mathcal {S}_t f)(x,c) = \sup _{s \in S} \{(\phi ^{(k)}_{s t} f)(x, c)\} \nonumber \\&\quad = \sup _{s \in S} \{(\phi ^{(k)}_{s} f)(x,c)\} = (\varLambda _{\sup } f)(x, c), \end{aligned}$$

and, thus, \(\varLambda \) is invariant to uniform rescalings.

3.5 Proof of Scale and Translation Covariance Using an Integral Representation of a Scale-Channel Network

We, here, prove the transformation property

$$\begin{aligned} (\varGamma ^{(i)} h)(x, s, c) = (\varGamma ^{(i)} f)(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_t x_2, st, c) \end{aligned}$$

of the scale-channel feature maps under a more general combined scaling transformation and translation of the form

$$\begin{aligned} h(x') = f(x) \quad \text{ for } \quad x' = S_t (x - x_1) + x_2 \end{aligned}$$

corresponding to

$$\begin{aligned} h(x) = f(S_t^{-1}(x - x_2) + x_1) \end{aligned}$$

using an integral representation of the deep network. In the special case when \(x_1 = x_2 = x_0\), this corresponds to a uniform scaling transformation around \(x_0\) (i.e. \(S_ {x_0,s}\)). With \(x_1 = x_0\) and \(x_2 = x_0 + \delta \), this corresponds to a scaling transformation around \(x_0\) followed by a translation \(\mathcal {D}_\delta \).

Consider a deep network \(\phi ^{(i)}\) (6) and assume the integral representation (7), where we for simplicity of notation incorporate the offsets \(b_{i,c}\) into the nonlinearities \(\sigma _{i,c}\). By expanding the integral representation of the rescaled image h (19), we have that the feature representation in the scale-channel network is given by (with \(M_0 = 1\) for a scalar input image):

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varGamma ^{(i)} h)(x, s, c) = \{ \hbox {definition } (9) \} = (\phi _s^{(i)} h)(x, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = \{ \text{ definition } (8) \} = (\phi ^{(i)} \, h_s)(x, c) = \{ \text{ equation }\,(6) \} \nonumber \\&\quad = (\theta ^{(i)} \theta ^{(i-1)} \dots \theta ^{(2)} \theta ^{(1)} h_s)(x, c) = \{ \text{ equation }\,(7) \} \nonumber \\&\quad = \sigma _{i,c} \left( \sum _{m_i=1}^{M_{i-1}} \int _{\xi _i \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} \sigma _{i-1,m_i} \left( \sum _{m_{i-1}=1}^{M_{i-2}} \int _{\xi _{i-1} \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} \dots \right. \right. \nonumber \\&\qquad \left. \left. \sigma _{1,m_2} \left( \sum _{m_1=1}^{M_0} \int _{\xi _1 \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} h_s(x - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1) \right. \right. \right. \nonumber \\&\qquad \left. \left. \left. \times g_{m_1,m_2}^{(1)}(\xi _1) \, d\xi _1 \right) \dots g_{m_{i-1},m_i}^{(i-1)}(\xi _{i-1}) \, d\xi _{i-1} \right) \right. \nonumber \\&\qquad \left. g_{m_i,c}^{(i)}(\xi _i) \, d\xi _i \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Under the scaling transformation (18), the part of the integrand \(h_s(x - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots -\xi _1)\) transforms as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&h_s(x - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1) \nonumber \\&\quad = \{ h_s(x) = h(S_s^{-1}x) \text{ according } \text{ to } \text{ definition } (2) \} \nonumber \\&\quad = h(S_s^{-1} (x - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1)) \nonumber \\&\quad = \{h(x) = f(S_t^{-1} (x-x_2) + x_1) \text{ according } \text{ to } (19) \} \nonumber \\&\quad = f(S_t^{-1} S_s^{-1} ((x - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1) \nonumber \\&\qquad - S_s x_2 + S_s S_t x_1) \nonumber \\&\quad = \{ S_s S_t = S_{st} \text{ for } \text{ scaling } \text{ transformations } \} \nonumber \\&\quad = f(S_{st}^{-1} ((x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2 - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1)) \nonumber \\&\quad = \{ f_{st}(x) = f(S_{st}^{-1} x) \text{ according } \text{ to } \text{ definition } (2) \} \nonumber \\&\quad = f_{st}(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2 - \xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1).\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Inserting this transformed integrand into the integral representation (20) gives

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varGamma ^{(i)} h)(x, s, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = \sigma _{i,c} \left( \sum _{m_i=1}^{M_{i-1}} \int _{\xi _i \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} \sigma _{i-1,m_i} \left( \sum _{m_{i-1}=1}^{M_{i-2}} \int _{\xi _{i-1} \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} \dots \right. \right. \nonumber \\&\quad \quad \left. \left. \sigma _{1,m_2} \left( \sum _{m_1=1}^{M_0} \int _{\xi _1 \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f_{st}(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2 \right. \right. \right. \nonumber \\&\quad \quad \left. \left. -\xi _i - \xi _{i-1} - \dots - \xi _1) \right. \right. \nonumber \\&\quad \quad \left. \left. \left. \times g_{m_1,m_2}^{(1)}(\xi _1) \, d\xi _1 \right) \dots g_{m_{i-1},m_i}^{(i-1)}(\xi _{i-1}) \, d\xi _{i-1} \right) \right. \nonumber \\&\qquad \left. g_{m_i,c}^{(i)}(\xi _i) \, d\xi _i \right) , \end{aligned}$$

which we recognise as

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varGamma ^{(i)} h)(x, s, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = (\theta ^{(i)} \theta ^{(i-1)} \dots \theta ^{(2)} \theta ^{(1)} f_{st})(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = (\phi ^{(i)} \, f_{st})(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = (\phi _{st}^{(i)} f)(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = (\varGamma ^{(i)} f)(x + S_s S_t x_1 - S_s x_2, st, c) \end{aligned}$$

and which proves the result. Note that for a pure translation (\(S_t = I\), \(x_1 = x_0 \) and \(x_2 = x_0 + \delta \)) this gives

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varGamma ^{(i)}\, \mathcal {D}_\delta \, f)(x,c,s) = (\varGamma ^{(i)} f)(x - S_s \delta , s, c). \end{aligned}$$

Thus, translation covariance is preserved in the scale-channel network, but the magnitude of the spatial shift in the feature maps will depend on the scale channel. The discrete implementation and some additional design choices for discrete scale-channel networks are discussed in Sect. 5, but, first, we will consider the relationship between continuous scale-channel networks and scale-space theory.

4 Relations Between Scale-Channel Networks and Scale-Space Theory

This section describes relations between the presented scale-channel networks and concepts in scale-space theory, specifically (i) a mapping between scaling the input image using multiple scaling factors, as used in scale-channel networks, or instead scaling the filters multiple times, as done in scale-space theory, and (ii) a relationship to the normalisation over scales of scale-normalised derivatives, which holds if the learning algorithm for a scale-channel network would learn filters corresponding to Gaussian derivatives.

4.1 Preliminaries 1: The Gaussian Scale Space

In classical scale-space theory [65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75], a multi-scale representation of an input image is created by convolving the image with a set of rescaled and normalised Gaussian kernels. The resulting scale-space representation of an input image \(f: \mathbb {R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) is defined as [69]:

$$\begin{aligned} L(x; \sigma ) = \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f(x - u)\,g(u; \sigma )\,\mathrm{d}u, \end{aligned}$$

where \(g: {\mathbb {R}}^N\times {\mathbb {R}}^+ \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) denotes the (rotationally symmetric) Gaussian kernel

$$\begin{aligned} g(x;\sigma ) = \frac{1}{(\sqrt{2\pi } \sigma )^{N}} e^{\frac{-x^2}{2 \sigma ^2}}, \end{aligned}$$

and we use \(\sigma \) as the scale parameter compared to the more commonly used \(t = \sigma ^2\). The original image/function is thus embedded into a family of functions parameterised by scale. The scale-space representation is scale covariant, and the representation of an original image can be matched to that of a rescaled image by a spatial rescaling and a multiplicative shift along the scale dimension. From this representation, a family of Gaussian derivatives can be computed as

$$\begin{aligned} L_{x^{\alpha }}(x;\sigma ) = \partial _{x^\alpha } L(x;\sigma ) = ((\partial _{x^{\alpha }} g(\cdot ;\; \sigma )) * f(\cdot ))(x), \end{aligned}$$

where we use use multi-index notation \(\alpha = (\alpha _1, \cdots \alpha _N)\) such that \(\partial _{x^\alpha } = \partial _{x^\alpha _1} \cdots \partial _{x^\alpha _N}\) with \(\alpha _{x_i} \in {\mathbb {Z}}\).

The scale covariance property also transfers to such Gaussian derivatives, and these visual primitives have been widely used within the classical computer vision paradigm to construct scale-covariant and scale-invariant feature detectors and image descriptors [7, 8, 10, 11, 13,14,15,16, 18, 108].

4.2 Scaling the Image Versus Scaling the Filter

The scale-channel networks described in this paper are based on a similar philosophy of processing an image at all scales simultaneously, although the input image, as opposed to the filter, is expanded over scales. We, here, consider the relationship between multi-scale representations computed by applying a set of rescaled kernels to a single-scale image and representations computed by applying the same kernel to a set of rescaled images. Since the scale-space representation can be computed using a single convolutional layer, we compare with a single-layer scale-channel network. We consider the relationship between representations computed by:

  1. (i)

    Applying a set of rescaled and scale-normalised filters (this corresponds to normalising filters to constant \(L_1\)-norm over scales) \(h: \mathbb {R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\)

    $$\begin{aligned} h_s(x) = \frac{1}{s^{N}} h(\frac{x}{s}) \end{aligned}$$

    to a fixed size input image f(x):

    $$\begin{aligned} L_h(x;s) = (f*h_s)(x) = \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f(u)\,h_s(x - u)\,\mathrm{d}u, \end{aligned}$$

    where the subscript indicates that h might not necessarily be a Gaussian kernel. If h is a Gaussian kernel then \(L_h = L\).

  2. (ii)

    Applying a fixed size filter h to a set of rescaled input images

    $$\begin{aligned} M_h(x;s) = (f_s*h)(x) = \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f_s(u)\,h(x - u)\,\mathrm{d}u, \end{aligned}$$


    $$\begin{aligned} f_s(x) = f\left( \frac{x}{s}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

    This is the representation computed by a single layer in a (continuous) scale-channel network.

It is straightforward to show that these representations are computationally equivalent and related by a family of scale-dependent scaling transformations. We compute using the change of variables \(u =s\,v\), \(\mathrm{d}u = s^{N} \mathrm{d}v\):

$$\begin{aligned} L_h(x;s)&= (f*h_s)(x) \nonumber \\&= \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f(x-u)\, \frac{1}{s^{N}}h\left( \frac{u}{s}\right) \,\mathrm{d}u \nonumber \\&= \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f(x - s v )\, \frac{1}{s^{N}}h(v)\, s^{N} \mathrm{d}v \nonumber \\&= \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f\left( s\left( \frac{x}{s}-v\right) \right) \, h(v)\, \mathrm{d}v \nonumber \\&= \int _{u \in {\mathbb {R}}^N} f_{s^{-1}}\left( \frac{x}{s}-v\right) \,h(v)\, \mathrm{d}v \nonumber \\&= \left( f_{s^{-1}} * h\right) \left( \frac{x}{s},s^{-1}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Comparing this with (30), we see that the two representations are related according to

$$\begin{aligned} L_h(x;s) = M_h\left( \frac{x}{s};s^{-1}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

We note that the relation (33) preserves the relative scale between the filter and the image for each scale and that both representations are scale covariant. Thus, to convolve a set of rescaled images with a single-scale filter is computationally equivalent to convolving an image with a set of rescaled filters that are \(L_1\)-normalised over scale. The two representations are related through a spatial rescaling and an inverse mapping of the scale parameter \(s \mapsto s^{-1}\). Note that it is straightforward to show, using the integral representation of a scale-channel network (7), that a corresponding relation between scaling the image and scaling the filters holds for a multi-layer scale-channel network as well.

The result (33) implies that if a scale-channel network learns a feature corresponding to a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation \(\sigma \), then the representation computed by the scale-channel network is computationally equivalent to applying the family of kernels

$$\begin{aligned} h_s(x) = \frac{1}{s^N} h\left( \frac{x}{s}\right) = \frac{1}{(\sqrt{2\pi } s\sigma )^{N}} e^{\frac{-x^2}{2 (s\sigma )^2}} \end{aligned}$$

to the original image, given the complementary scaling transformation (33) with its associated inverse mapping of the scale parameters \(s \mapsto s^{-1}\). Since this is a family of rescaled and \(L_1\)-normalised Gaussians, the scale-channel network will compute a representation computationally equivalent to a Gaussian scale-space representation. For discrete image data, a similar relation holds approximately, provided that the discrete rescaling operation is a sufficiently good approximation of the continuous rescaling operation.

4.3 Relation Between Scale-Channel Networks and Scale-Normalised Derivatives

One way to achieve scale invariance within the Gaussian scale-space concept is to first perform scale selection, i.e. identify the relevant scale/scales, and then, e.g. extract features at the identified scale/scales. Scale selection can be done by comparing the magnitudes of \(\gamma \)-normalised derivatives [7, 8]:

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{\xi ^{\alpha }} = \partial _{x^\alpha , \gamma {\text {-norm}}} = t^{|\alpha |\gamma /2} \, \partial _{x^{\alpha }} = \sigma ^{|\alpha | \gamma } \, \partial _{x^{\alpha }} \end{aligned}$$

over scales with \(\gamma \in [0,1 ]\) as a free parameter and \(|\alpha | = \alpha _1 + \cdots + \alpha _N\). Such derivatives are likely to take maxima at scales corresponding to the relevant physical scales of objects in the image. Although a multi-layer scale-channel network will compute more complex nonlinear features, it is enlightening to investigate whether the network can learn to express operations similar to scale-normalised derivatives. This would increase our confidence that scale-channel networks could be expected to work well together with, e.g. max pooling over scales.

We will, here, consider the maximally scale-invariant case for scale-normalised derivatives with \(\gamma =1\)

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{\xi ^{\alpha }} = \sigma ^{|\alpha |} \partial _{x^\alpha }. \end{aligned}$$

and show that scale-channel networks can indeed learn features equivalent to such scale-normalised derivatives.

4.3.1 Preliminaries II: Gaussian Derivatives in Terms of Hermite Polynomials

As a preparation for the intended result, we will first establish a relationship between Gaussian derivatives and probabilistic Hermite polynomials. The probabilistic Hermite polynomials \(H e_n(x)\) are in 1-D defined by the relationship

$$\begin{aligned} H e_n(x) = (-1)^n e^{x^2/2} \, \partial _{x^n} \left( e^{-x^2/2} \right) \end{aligned}$$

implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{x^n} \left( e^{-x^2/2} \right) = (-1)^n H e_n(x) \, e^{-x^2/2} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{x^n} \left( e^{-x^2/2\sigma ^2} \right) = (-1)^n H e_n(\frac{x}{\sigma }) \, e^{-x^2/2\sigma ^2} \frac{1}{\sigma ^n}. \end{aligned}$$

Applied to a Gaussian function in 1-D, this implies that

$$\begin{aligned}&\partial _{x^n} \left( g(x;\; \sigma ) \right) \nonumber \\&\quad = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi } \sigma } \partial _{x^n} \left( e^{-x^2/2\sigma ^2} \right) \nonumber \\&\quad = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi } \sigma } \frac{(-1)^n}{\sigma ^n} H e_n\left( \frac{x}{\sigma }\right) \, e^{-x^2/2\sigma ^2} \nonumber \\&\quad = \frac{(-1)^n}{\sigma ^n} H e_n\left( \frac{x}{\sigma }\right) \, g(x;\; \sigma ). \end{aligned}$$

4.3.2 Scaling Relationship for Gaussian Derivative Kernels

We, here, describe the relationship between scale-channel networks and scale-normalised derivatives. Let us assume that the scale-channel network at some layer learns a kernel that corresponds to a Gaussian partial derivative at some scale \(\sigma \):

$$\begin{aligned}&\partial _{x^{\alpha }} g(x;\; \sigma ) \nonumber \\&\quad = \partial _{x_1^{\alpha _1} x_2^{\alpha _2} \dots x_N^{\alpha _N}} g(x;\; \sigma ) = g_{x_1^{\alpha _1} x_2^{\alpha _2} \dots x_N^{\alpha _N}}(x;\; \sigma ). \end{aligned}$$

We will show that when this kernel is applied to all the scale channels, this corresponds to a normalisation over scales that is equivalent to scale normalisation of Gaussian derivatives.

For later convenience, we write this learned kernel as a scale-normalised derivative at scale \(\sigma \) for \(\gamma = 1\) multiplied by some constant C:

$$\begin{aligned} h(x) = C \, \sigma ^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} g_{x_1^{\alpha _1} x_2^{\alpha _2} \dots x_N^{\alpha _N}}(x;\; \sigma ). \end{aligned}$$

Then, the corresponding family of equivalent kernels \(h_s(x)\) in the dual representation (29), which represents the same effect on the original image as applying the kernel h(x) to a set of rescaled images \(f_s(x) = f(x/s)\), provided that a complementary scaling transformation and the inverse mapping of the scale parameter \(s \mapsto s^{-1}\) are performed, is given by

$$\begin{aligned} h_s(x)&= \frac{1}{s^N} \, h\left( \frac{x}{s}\right) \nonumber \\&= \frac{C}{s^N} \, \sigma ^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} g_{x_1^{\alpha _1} x_2^{\alpha _2} \dots x_N^{\alpha _N}}\left( \frac{x}{s};\; \sigma \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Using Equation (40) with

$$\begin{aligned} g(x;\; \sigma ) = \frac{1}{(\sqrt{2 \pi } \sigma )^N} \, e^{-(x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \dots + x_N^2)/2\sigma ^2} \end{aligned}$$

in N dimensions, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} h_s(x)&=\frac{C}{s^N} \, \sigma ^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} (-1)^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} \nonumber \\&\quad He_{\alpha _1}\left( \frac{x_1}{s\sigma }\right) \, He_{\alpha _2}\left( \frac{x_2}{s\sigma }\right) \dots He_{\alpha _N}\left( \frac{x_N}{s\sigma }\right) \nonumber \\&\quad \frac{1}{(\sqrt{2 \pi } \sigma )^N} \, e^{-(x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \dots + x_N^2)/2s^2\sigma ^2} \frac{1}{\sigma ^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} } \nonumber \\&=C \, (s \sigma )^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} (-1)^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} \nonumber \\&\quad He_{\alpha _1}\left( \frac{x_1}{s\sigma }\right) \, He_{\alpha _2}\left( \frac{x_2}{s\sigma }\right) \dots He_{\alpha _N}\left( \frac{x_N}{s\sigma }\right) \nonumber \\&\quad \frac{1}{(\sqrt{2 \pi } s \sigma )^N} \, e^{-(x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \dots + x_N^2)/2s^2\sigma ^2} \nonumber \\&\quad \frac{1}{(s \sigma )^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} }. \end{aligned}$$

Comparing with (40), we recognise this expression as the scale-normalised derivative

$$\begin{aligned} h_s(x) = C \, (s \sigma )^{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N} g_{x_1^{\alpha _1} x_2^{\alpha _2} \dots x_N^{\alpha _N}}(x;\; s \sigma ) \end{aligned}$$

of order \(\alpha = (\alpha _1, \alpha _2, \dots \alpha _N)\) at scale \(s \sigma \).

This means that if the scale-channel network learns a partial Gaussian derivative of some order, then the application of that filter to all the scale channels is computationally equivalent to applying corresponding scale-normalised Gaussian derivatives to the original image at all scales.

While this result has been expressed for partial derivatives, a corresponding result holds also for derivative operators that correspond to directional derivatives of Gaussian kernels in arbitrary directions. This result can be easily understood from the expression for a directional derivative operator \(\partial _{e^n}\) of order \(n = n_1 + n_2 + \dots + n_N\) in direction \(e = (e_1, e_2, \dots , e_N)\) with \(|e| = \sqrt{e_1^2 + e_2^2 + \dots + e_N^2} = 1\):

$$\begin{aligned}&\partial _{e^n} g(x;\; \sigma ) \nonumber \\&\quad = (e_1 \, \partial _{x_1} + e_2 \, \partial _{x_2} + \dots + e_{N} \, \partial _{x_N})^n g(x;\; \sigma ) \nonumber \\&\quad = \sum _{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N = n} {n \atopwithdelims ()\alpha _1! \, \alpha _2! \, \dots \, \alpha _N!} \nonumber \\&\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad e_1^{\alpha _1} e_2^{\alpha _2} \dots e_N^{\alpha _N} \, \partial _{x_1}^{\alpha _1} \partial _{x_2}^{\alpha _2} \dots \partial _{x_N}^{\alpha _N} g(x;\; \sigma ) \nonumber \\&\quad = \sum _{\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N = n} {n \atopwithdelims ()\alpha _1! \, \alpha _2! \, \dots \, \alpha _N!} \nonumber \\&\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad e_1^{\alpha _1} e_2^{\alpha _2} \dots e_N^{\alpha _N} \, g_{x_1^{\alpha _1} x_2^{\alpha _2} \dots x_N^{\alpha _N}}(x;\; \sigma ). \end{aligned}$$

Since the scale normalisation factors \(\sigma ^{|\alpha |}\) for all scale-normalised partial derivatives of the same order \(|\alpha | = \alpha _1 + \alpha _2 + \dots + \alpha _N = n\) are the same, it follows that all linear combinations of partial derivatives of the same order are transformed by the same multiplicative scale normalisation factor, which proves the result.

4.4 Relations to Classical Scale Selection Methods

Specifically, the scaling result for Gaussian derivative kernels implies that a scale-channel network that combines the multiple scale channels by supremum, or for a discrete set of scale channels, max pooling (see further Sect. 5), will be structurally similar to classical methods for scale selection, which detect maxima over scale of scale-normalised filter responses [7, 8, 110]. In the scale-channel networks, max pooling is, however, done over more complex feature responses, already adapted to detect specific objects, while classical scale selection is performed in a class-agnostic way based on low-level features. This makes max pooling in the scale-channel networks also closely related to more specialised classical methods that detect maxima from the scales at which a supervised classifier delivers class labels with the highest posterior [111, 112]. Average pooling over the outputs of a discrete set of scale channels (Sect. 5) is structurally similar to methods for scale selection that are based on weighted averages of filter responses at different scales [18, 113]. Although there is no guarantee that the learned nonlinear features will, indeed, take maxima for relevant scales, one might expect training to promote this, since a failure to do so should be detrimental to the classification performance of these networks.

5 Discrete Scale-Channel Networks

Discrete scale-channel networks are implemented by using a standard discrete CNN as the base network \(\phi \). For practical applications, it is also necessary to restrict the network to include a finite number of scale channels

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{S} = \{ \gamma ^{i}\}_{-K_{\mathrm{min}} \le i \le K_{\mathrm{max}} }. \end{aligned}$$

The input image \(f:{\mathbb {Z}}^2 \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) is assumed to be of finite support. The outputs from the scale channels are, here, aggregated using, e.g. max pooling

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{\max }f)(x,c) = \max _{s \in \hat{S}} \{(\phi _s f)(x,c,s) \} \end{aligned}$$

or average pooling

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{\mathrm{avg}} f)(x,c)= \mathop {\mathrm{avg}}_{s \in \hat{S}} \{(\phi _s f)(x,c,s) \}. \end{aligned}$$

We will also implement discrete scale-channel networks that concatenate the outputs from the scale channels, followed by an additional transformation \(\varphi : {\mathbb {R}}^{M_i |\hat{S}|} \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}^{M_i}\) that mixes the information from the different channels

$$\begin{aligned}&(\varLambda _{\mathrm{conc}} f)(x, c) \nonumber \\&\quad = \varphi \left( [(\phi _{s_1} f)(x,c), (\phi _{s_2} f)(x,c) \cdots (\phi _{s_{|\hat{S}|}} f)(x,c) ] \right) . \end{aligned}$$

\(\varLambda _{\mathrm{conc}}\) does not have any theoretical guarantees of invariance, but since scale concatenation of outputs from the scale channels has been previously used with the explicit aim of scale-invariant recognition [37], we will evaluate that approach also here.

5.1 Foveated Processing

A standard convolutional neural network \(\phi \) has a finite support region \(\varOmega \) in the input. When rescaling an input image of fixed size/finite support in the scale channels, it is necessary to decide how to process the resulting images of varying size using a feature extractor with fixed support. One option is to process regions of constant size in the scale channels, corresponding to regions of different sizes in the input image. This results in foveated image operations, where a smaller region around the centre of the input image is processed at high resolution, while gradually larger regions of the input image are processed at gradually reduced resolution (see Fig. 2b, c). Note how this implies that the scale channels will together process a covariant set of regions, so that for any object size there is always a scale channel with a support matching the size of the object. We will refer to the foveated network architectures \(\varLambda _{\max } \), \(\varLambda _{\mathrm{avg}} \) and \(\varLambda _{\mathrm{conc}} \) as the FovMax network, the FovAvg network and the FovConc network, respectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An illustration of how discrete scale-channel networks approximate scale invariance over a finite scale range. Consider a foveated scale-channel network combined with max or average pooling over the output from the scale channels. Since the same operation is performed in all the scale channels, when comparing the output for an original image (left) and a rescaled copy of this image (right), we see that the output code is just shifted along the scale dimension. Thus, if the values taken at the edge of the scale range are small enough, then the maximum over scales will still be preserved between an original and a rescaled image. Correspondingly, for average pooling, there will in this case be no significant change of the mass of the feature response within the scale range spanned by the scale channels. Here, we illustrate the idea for a network that produces a scalar output, but the same argument is valid for vector valued output, where the only difference is that the pooling over the scale dimension is performed for each vector element separately

Fig. 4
figure 4

Samples from the MNIST Large Scale data set: The MNIST Large Scale data set is derived from the original MNIST data set [114] and contains \(112 \times 112\) sized images of handwritten digits with scale variations of a factor of 16. The scale factors relative to the original MNIST data set are in the range \(\frac{1}{2}\) (top left) to 8 (bottom right)

5.2 Approximation of Scale Invariance

Foveated processing combined with max or average pooling will give an approximation of scale invariance in the continuous model (Sect. 3.4.2) over a limited scale range. The numerical scale warpings of the input images in the scale channels approximate continuous scaling transformations. A discrete set of scale channels will approximate the representation for a continuous scale parameter, where the approximation will be better with a denser sampling of the scaling group.

A possible source of problems will, however, arise due to boundary effects, caused by a finite scale interval. True scale invariance is only guaranteed for an infinite number of scale channels. In the case of max pooling over a finite set of scale channels, there is a risk that the maximum value over the scale channels moves in or out of the finite scale range covered by the scale channels. Correspondingly, for average pooling, there is a risk that a substantial part of mass of the feature responses from the different scale channels may move in or out of a finite scale interval. The risk for such boundary effects would, however, be mitigated if the network learns to suppress responses for both very zoomed-in and very zoomed-out objects, so that the contributions from such image structures are close to zero. As a design criterion for scale-channel networks, we therefore propose to include at least a small number of scale channels both below and above the effective training scales of the relevant image structures. Further, we suggest training the network from scratch as opposed to using pretrained weights for the scale channels. Then, we propose that it should be likely that the network will learn to suppress responses for image structures that are far off in scale, since the network would otherwise classify based on use of object views that will hardly provide any useful information. An illustration providing the intuition for how invariance can be achieved in the discrete scale-channel networks is presented in Fig. 3.

5.3 Sliding Window Processing in the Scale Channels

An alternative option for dealing with varying image sizes is to, in each scale channel, process the entire rescaled image by applying the base network in a sliding window manner. We, here, evaluate this option, but instead of evaluating the full network anew at each image position, we slide the classifier part of the network (i.e. the last layer) across the convolutional feature map. This is considerably less computationally expensive, and, in the case of a network without subsampling by means of strided convolutions (or max pooling), the two approaches are equivalent. Since strided convolution is used in the network, it implies that we here trade some resolution in the output for computational efficiency, where it can be noted that a similar choice is made in the OverFeat detector [48].Footnote 4

Concerning max pooling over space versus over scale, where according to the most original formulation, a sliding window approach in a scale-space setting would mean that the base network that performs integration over scale should be applied and evaluated anew at all the visited image positions, we, again for reasons of computational efficiency, swap the ordering between max pooling over space versus over scale and perform the max pooling over space before the max pooling over scale, since we can then avoid the need for incorporating an explicit mechanism for a skewed/non-vertical pooling operation between corresponding image points at different levels of scale according to (11).

The output from the scale channels can then be combined by max (or average) pooling over space followed by max (or average) pooling over scalesFootnote 5

$$\begin{aligned} (\varLambda _{sw,\max } f)(c) = \max _{s \in S} \max _{x \in \varOmega } \{ (\phi _s f)(x, c, s) \}. \end{aligned}$$

We will here only evaluate this architecture using max pooling only, which is structurally similar to the popular multi-scale OverFeat detector [48]. This network will be referred to as the SWMax network.

For this scale-channel network to support invariance, it is not sufficient that boundary effects resulting from using a finite number of scale channels are mitigated. When processing regions in the scale channels corresponding to only a single region in the input image, new structures can appear (or disappear) in this region for a rescaled version of the original image. With a linear approach, this might be expected to not cause problems,Footnote 6 since the best matching pattern will be the one corresponding to the template learned during training. For a deep neural network, however, there is no guarantee that there cannot be strong erroneous responses for, e.g. a partial view of a zoomed-in object. We are, here, interested in studying the effects that this has on generalisation in the deep learning context.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Generalisation ability to unseen scales for a standard CNN and the different scale-channel network architectures for the MNIST Large Scale data set. The networks are trained on digits of size 1 (tr1), size 2 (tr2) or size 4 (tr4) and evaluated for varying rescalings of the testing set. We note that the CNN (a) and the FovConc network (b) have poor generalisation ability to unseen scales, while the FovMax and FovAvg networks (c) generalise extremely well. The SWMax network (d) generalises considerably better than a standard CNN, but there is some drop in performance for scales not seen during training

6 Experiments on the MNIST Large Scale Data Set

6.1 The MNIST Large Scale Data Set

To evaluate the ability of standard CNNs and scale-channel networks to generalise to unseen scales over a wide scale range, we have created a new version of the standard MNIST data set [114]. This new data set, MNIST Large Scale, which is available online [115], is composed of images of size \(112 \times 112\) with scale variations of a factor 16 for scale factors \(s \in [0.5, 8]\) relative to the original MNIST data set (see Fig. 4). The training and testing sets for the different scale factors are created by resampling the original MNIST training and testing sets using bicubic interpolation followed by smoothing and soft thresholding to reduce discretisation effects. Note that for scale factors \(>4\), the full digit might not be visible in the image. These scale values are nonetheless included to study the limits of generalisation. More details concerning this data set are given in “Appendix A”.

6.2 Network and Training Details

In the experimental evaluation, we will compare five types of network designs: (i) a (deeper) standard CNN, (ii) FovMax (max-pooling over the outputs from the scale channels), (iii) FovAvg (average pooling over the outputs from the scale channels), (iv) FovConc (concatenating the outputs from the scale channels) and (v) SWMax (sliding window processing in the scale channels combined with max-pooling over both space and scale).

The standard CNN is composed of 8 conv-batchnorm-ReLU blocks with \(3 \times 3\) filters followed by a fully connected layer and a final softmax layer. The number of features/filters in each layer is 16–16–16–16–32–32–32–32–100–10. A stride of 2 is used in convolutional layers 2, 4, 6 and 8. Note that this network is deeper and has more parameters than the networks used as base networks for the scale-channel networks. The reason for using a quite deep network is to avoid a network structure that is heavily biased towards recognising either small or large digits. A more shallow network would simply not have a receptive field large enough to enable recognising very large objects. The need for extra depth is thus a consequence of the scale preference built into a vanilla CNN architecture. Here, we are aware of this more structural problem of CNNs, but specifically aim to test scale generalisation for a network with a structure that would at least in principle enable scale generalisation.

The FovMax, FovAvg, FovConc and SWMax scale-channel networks are constructed using base networks for the scale channels with 4 conv-batchnorm-ReLU blocks with \(3 \times 3\) filters followed by a fully connected layer and a final softmax layer. The number of features/filters in each layer is 16–16–32–32–100–10. A stride of 2 is used in convolutional layers 2 and 4. Rescaling within the scale channels is done with bilinear interpolation and applying border padding or cropping as needed. The batch normalisation layers are shared between the scale channels for the FovMax, FovAvg and FovConc networks. This implies that the same operation is performed for all scales, to preserve scale covariance and enable scale invariance after max or average pooling.

We do not apply batch normalisation to the SW network, since this was shown to impair the performance. We believe that this is because the sliding window approach implies a change in the feature distribution for this network when processing data of different sizes. For the batch normalisation to function optimally, the data/feature distribution should stay approximately the same, which is not the case for the SWMax network.Footnote 7

For the FovAvg and FovMax networks, max pooling and average pooling, respectively, are performed across the logits outputs from the scale channels before the final softmax transformation and cross-entropy loss. For the FovConc network, there is a fully connected layer that combines the logits outputs from the multiple scale channels before applying a final softmax transformation and cross-entropy loss.

All the scale-channel architectures have around 70k parameters, whereas the baseline CNN has around 90k parameters.

All the networks are trained with 50,000 training samples from the MNIST Large Scale data set for 20 epochs using the Adam optimiser with default parameters in PyTorch: \(\beta _1 = 0.9\) and \(\beta _2 = 0.999\). During training, 15 % dropout is applied to the first fully connected layer. The learning rate starts at \(3e^{-3}\) and decays with a factor 1/e every second epoch towards a minimum learning rate of \(5e^{-5}\). For the SWMax network, the learning rate instead starts at \(3e^{-4}\), since this produced better results in the absence of batch normalisation. Results are reported for the MNIST Large Scale testing set (10,000 samples) as the average of training each network using three different random seeds. The remaining 10,000 samples constitute a validation set, which was used for parameter tuning. Parameter tuning was performed for a single-channel network, and the same parameters were used for the multi-channel networks and for the standard CNN.

Numerical performance scores for the results in some of the figures to be reported are given in [116].

6.3 Generalisation to Unseen Scales

We, first, evaluate the ability of the standard CNN and the different scale-channel networks to generalise to previously unseen scales. We train each network on either of the sizes 1, 2, and 4 from the MNIST Large Scale data set and evaluate the performance on the testing set for scale factors between 1/2 and 8. The FovMax, FovAvg and SWMax networks have 17 scale channels spanning the scale range \([\frac{1}{2}, 8]\). The FovConc network has 3 scale channels spanning the scale range [1, 4].Footnote 8 The results are presented in Fig. 5. We, first, note that all the networks achieve similar top performance for the scales seen during training. There are, however, large differences in the abilities of the networks to generalise to unseen scales:

6.3.1 Standard CNN

The standard CNN shows limited generalisation ability to unseen scales with a large drop in accuracy for scale variations larger than a factor \(\sqrt{2}\). This illustrates that, while the network can recognise digits of all sizes, a standard CNN includes no structural prior to promote scale invariance.

6.3.2 The FovConc Network

The scale generalisation ability of the FovConc network is quite similar to that of the standard CNN, sometimes slightly worse. The reason why the scale generalisation is limited is that although the scale channels share their weights and thus produce a scale-covariant output, when simply concatenating these outputs from the scale channels, there is no structural constraint to support scale invariance. This is consistent with our observation that spanning a too wide scale range (Sect. 6.4) or using too many channels, the scale generalisation degrades for the FovConc network (Sect. 6.5). For scales not present during training, there is, simply, no useful training signal to learn the correct weights in the fully connected layer that combines the outputs from the different scale channels. Note that our results are not contradictory to those previously reported for a similar network structure [37], since they train on data that contain natural scale variations and test over a quite narrow scale range. What we do show, however, is that this network structure, although it enables multi-scale processing, is not scale invariant.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Dependency of the scale generalisation property on the scale range spanned by the scale channels: a, b For the FovAvg and FovMax networks, the scale generalisation property is directly proportional to the scale range spanned by the scale channels, and there is no need to include training data for more than a single scale. c For the SWMax network, the scale generalisation is improved when including more scale channels, but the network does not generalise as well as the FovAvg and the FovMax networks. d For the FovConc network, the scale generalisation does actually become worse when including more scale channels (in the case of single-scale training), because there is no mechanism to support scale invariance when training the weights in the final fully connected layer that combines the different scale channels

Fig. 7
figure 7

Dependency of the scale generalisation property on the scale sampling density: a, b For the FovAvg and FovMax networks, the overall scale generalisation is very good for all the studied scale sampling rates, although it becomes noticeably better for \(2^{1/2}\) compared to 2. For a more close up look regarding the FovAvg and FovMax networks, see Fig. 8. c The SWMax network is more sensitive to how densely the scales are sampled compared to the FovAvg and the FovMax networks, and the sensitivity to the scale sampling density is larger when observing objects that are larger than those seen during training, as compared to when observing objects that are smaller than those seen during training. d The FovConc network actually generalises worse with a denser sampling of scales

Fig. 8
figure 8

Dependency of the scale generalisation property on the scale sampling density for the FovAvg and FovMax networks: FovMax and FovAvg networks spanning the scale range \([\frac{1}{4},8]\) were trained with varying spacing between the scale channels, either 2, \(2^{1/2}\) or \(2^{1/4}\). All the networks were trained on size 2. There is a significant increase in the performance when reducing the spacing between the scale channels from 2 to \(2^{1/2}\), while the effect of a further reduction to \(2^{1/4}\) is very small

6.3.3 The FovAvg and FovMax Networks

We note that the FovMax and FovAvg networks generalise very well, independently of what size the network is trained on. The maximum difference in performance in the size range [1, 4] between training on size 1, size 2 or size 4 is less than 0.2 percentage points for these network architectures. Importantly, this shows that, if including a large enough number of sufficiently densely distributed scale channels and training the networks from scratch, boundary effects at the scale boundaries do not prohibit invariant recognition.

6.3.4 The SWMax Network

We note that the SWMax network generalises considerably better than a standard CNN, but there is some drop in performance for sizes not seen during training. We believe that the main reason for this is, here, that since all the scale channels are processing a fixed-sized region in the input image (as opposed to for foveated processing), new structures might leave or enter this region when an image is rescaled. This might lead to erroneous high responses for unfamiliar views (see Sect. 5.3). We also noted that the SWMax networks are harder to train (more sensitive to learning rate etc.) compared to the foveated network architectures as well as more computationally expensive. Thus, while the FovMax and FovAvg networks still are easy to train and the performance is not degraded when spanning a wide scale range, the SWMax network seems to work best for spanning a more limited scale range, where fewer scale channels are needed (as was indeed the use case in [48]).

6.4 Dependency on the Scale Range Spanned by the Scale Channels

Figure 6 shows the result of experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the scale generalisation properties to how wide range of scale values is spanned by the scale channels. For all the experiments, we have used a scale sampling ratio of \(\sqrt{2}\) between adjacent scale channels. All the networks were trained on the single size 2 and were tested for all sizes between \(\frac{1}{2}\) and 8. The scale interval was varied between the four choices \([\sqrt{2}, 2\sqrt{2}]\), [1, 4], \([1/\sqrt{2}, 4\sqrt{2}]\) and \([\frac{1}{2}, 8]\).

6.4.1 The FovAvg and FovMax Networks

For the FovAvg and FovMax networks, the scale generalisation properties are directly connected to how wide a scale range is spanned by the scale channels. By including more scale channels, these networks generalise over a wider scale range, without any need to include training data for more than a single scale. The scale generalisation property will, however, be limited by the image resolution for small testing sizes and by the fact that the full object is not visible in the image for larger testing sizes.

6.4.2 The SWMax Network

For the SWMax network, the scale generalisation property is improved when including more scale channels, but the network does not generalise as well as the FovAvg and the FovMax networks. It is also noticeable that scale generalisation is harder when for large testing sizes compared to small testing sizes. This is probably because of the problem with unfamiliar partial views present for sliding window processing becoming more pronounced for large testing sizes.

6.4.3 The FovConc Network

For the FovConc network, the scale generalisation is actually worse when including more scale channels. This phenomenon can be understood by considering that the weights in the fully connected layer, which combines information from the concatenated scale channels output, are not controlled by any invariance mechanism. Indeed, the weights corresponding to scales not present during training may take arbitrary values without any significant impact on the training error. Incorrect weights for unseen scales will, however, imply very poor generalisation to those scales.

6.5 Dependency on the Scale Sampling Density

Figures 7 and  8 show the result of experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the scale generalisation property to the sampling density of the scale channels. All the networks were trained on size 2, with the scale channels spanning the scale range \([\frac{1}{2}, 8]\), and with a varying spacing between the scale channels: either 2, \(2^{1/2}\) or \(2^{1/4}\). For the FovConc network, we also included the spacing \(2^2\).

The number of scale channels for the different sampling densities were for the \(2^2\) spacing: 3 channels, for the 2 spacing: 5 channels, for the \(2^{1/2}\) spacing: 9 channels and for the \(2^{1/4}\) spacing: 17 channels.

6.5.1 The FovAvg and FovMax Networks

For both the FovAvg and FovMax networks, the accuracy is considerably improved when decreasing the ratio between adjacent scale levels from a factor 2 to a factor of \(2^{1/2}\), while a further reduction to \(2^{1/4}\) provides very low additional benefits.Footnote 9

6.5.2 The SWMax Network

The SWMax network is more sensitive to how densely the scale levels are sampled compared to the FovAvg and FovMax networks. This sensitivity to the scale sampling density is larger, when observing objects of larger size than those seen during training, as compared to when observing objects of smaller size than those seen during training.

This, again, illustrates the problem due to partial views of objects, which will be present at some scales but not at others, are more severe when observing larger size objects than seen during training.

6.5.3 The FovConc Network

The FovConc network does actually generalise worse with a denser sampling of scales. In fact, none of the network versions generalises better than a standard CNN. The reason for this is probably that for a dense sampling of scales, there is no need for the last fully connected layer, which processes the concatenated outputs from all the scale channels, to include information from scales further away from the training scale. Thus, the weights corresponding to such scales may take arbitrary values without affecting the accuracy during the training process, thereby implying very poor generalisation to previously unseen scales.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparing multi-scale versus single-scale training for a vanilla CNN. Training is here performed over the size ranges [1, 2] and [2, 4], respectively. The scale generalisation when trained on single size training data is presented as dashed grey lines for training sizes 1, 2 and 4, respectively. As can be seen from the results, training on multi-scale training data does not improve the scale generalisation ability of the CNN for sizes outside the size range the network is trained on

Fig. 10
figure 10

Results of multi-scale training for the scale-channel networks with training sizes uniformly distributed on the size range [1, 4] (with the uniform distribution on a logarithmic scale). These two figures show the same experimental results, where the second figure is zoomed in, to make comparisons between the networks more visible. The presence of multi-scale training data substantially improves the performance of the CNN, the FovConc network and the SWMax network. The difference in performance between single-scale training and multi-scale training is almost indiscernable for the FovAvg and FovMax networks. The overall best performance is obtained for the FovAvg network

6.6 Multi-Scale Versus Single-Scale Training

All the scale-channel architectures support multi-scale processing although they might not support scale invariance. We, here, test the performance of the different scale-channel networks when training on multi-scale training data. For the standard CNN, we also explicitly explore how generalisation is affected when training on a smaller scale range to see how this affects generalisation outside the scale range trained on.

Table 1 Compact performance measures regarding scale generalisation on the MNIST Large Scale data set: Average classification accuracy (%) over different size ranges of the testing data

6.6.1 Limits of Generalisation for a Standard CNN

If including multi-scale data within a some range, could a CNN learn to “extrapolate” outside this scale range? Figure 9 shows the result of training the standard CNN on training data with multiple sizes uniformly distributed over the scale ranges [1, 2] and [2, 4], respectively, and testing on all sizes over the range \([\frac{1}{2}, 8]\). (The size distributions are uniform on a logarithmic scale.)

Training on multi-scale training data does not improve the scale generalisation ability of the CNN for scales outside the scale range the network is trained on. The network can, indeed, learn to recognise digits of different sizes. But just because it might learn that an object of size 1 is the same as the same object of size 2, this does not at all imply that it will recognise the same object if it has size 4. In other words, the scale generalisation ability within a subrange does not transfer to outside that range.

6.6.2 Multi-Scale Training

Figure 10 shows the result of performing multi-scale training over the size range [1, 4] for the scale-channel networks FovMax, FovAvg, FovConc and SWMax as well as the standard CNN. Here, the same scale-channel setup with 17 channels spanning the scale range \([\frac{1}{2}, 8]\) is used for all the scale-channel architectures. When multi-scale training data is used, the advantage of using scale channels spanning a larger scale range no longer incurs a penalty for the FovConc network, since the correct weights can be learned in the fully connected layer.

We note that the difference between training on multi-scale and single-scale data is striking both for the FovConc network and the standard CNN. It can, however, be noted that the FovConc network works well in this scenario, especially for the scale range included in the training set. Outside this scale range, we note somewhat better generalisation compared to the CNN, while the generalisation is still worse than for the FovAvg and FovMax networks. The FovConc network does, after all, include a mechanism for multi-scale processing and when trained on multi-scale training data, the lack of invariance mechanism in the fully connected layer is less of a problem.

For the SWMax network, including multi-scale data improves the scale generalisation somewhat compared to single-scale training. The SWMax network does, however, have worse performance for spanning larger scale ranges compared to the other networks. The reason behind this is probably that the multiple views produced in the different scale channels indeed makes the problem harder for this network compared to the foveated networks, which only need to process centred digit views.

The difference in scale generalisation ability between training on a single scale or multi-scale image data is on the other hand almost indiscernible for the FovMax and FovAvg networks (less than 0.1 % difference in accuracy), illustrating the strong scale invariance properties of these networks.

6.7 Compact Benchmarks Regarding the Scale Generalisation Performance

Table 1 gives compact performance measures of the generalisation performance of the different types of networks considered in the experiments on the MNIST Large Scale data set. For each type of network (FovAvg, FovMax, FovConc, SW or CNN), the table gives the average classification accuracy over different ranges of the size of the testing data, for networks trained by single-scale training, for either of the training sizes 1, 2 or 4 or multi-scale training data spanning the scale range [1, 4].

Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 gives relative ranking of the different networks on specific subsets of this data, which can be treated as benchmarks regarding scale generalisation for the MNIST Large Scale data set. As can be seen from these tables, the FovAvg and FovMax networks have the overall best performance scores of these networks, both for the cases of single-scale training and multi-scale training.

The FovConc, CNN and SWMax networks are very much improved by multi-scale training, whereas the FovAvg and FovMax networks perform almost as well for single-scale training as for multi-scale training.

6.8 Generalisation from Fewer Training Samples

Another scenario of interest is when the training data does span a relevant range of scales, but there are few training samples. Theory would predict a correlation between the performance in this scenario and the ability to generalise to unseen scales.

To test this prediction, we trained the standard CNN and the different scale-channel networks on multi-scale training data spanning the size range [1, 4], while gradually reducing the number of samples in the training set. Here, the same scale-channel setup with 17 channels spanning the scale range \([\frac{1}{2}, 8]\) was used for all the architectures. The results are presented in Fig. 11. We can note that the FovConc network shows some improvement over the standard CNN. The SWMax network, on the other hand, does not, and we hypothesise that when using fewer samples, the problem with partial views of objects (see Sect. 5.3) might be more severe. Note that the way the OverFeat detector is used in the original study [48] is more similar to our single-scale training scenario, since they use base networks pre-trained on ImageNet. The FovAvg and FovMax networks show the highest robustness also in this scenario. This illustrates that these networks can give improvements when multi-scale training data is available, but there are few training samples.

Table 2 Relative ranking of the different networks for single-scale training at either of the training sizes 1, 2 or 4 evaluated over the testing size interval [1, 4]
Table 3 Relative ranking of the different networks for multi-scale training over the training size interval [1, 4] evaluated over the testing size interval [1, 4]

6.9 Scale Selection Properties

One may ask, how do the scales “selected” by the networks, i.e. the scales that contribute the most to the feature response of the winning digit class, vary with the size of the object in the image? We, here, investigate the relative contributions from the different scale channels to the classification decision and how they vary with the object size. For this purpose, we train the FovAvg, FovMax, FovConc and SWMax networks on the MNIST Large Scale data set for each one of the different training sizes 1, 2 and 4 and then accumulate histograms that quantify the contribution from the different scale channels over a range of image sizes in the testing data.

Table 4 Relative ranking of the different networks for single-scale training at either of the training sizes 1, 2 or 4 evaluated over the testing size interval [1/2, 4]
Table 5 Relative ranking of the different networks for multi-scale training over the training size interval [1, 4] evaluated over the testing size interval [1/2, 4]
Fig. 11
figure 11

Training with smaller training sets with large scale variations. All the network architectures are evaluated on their ability to classify data with large scale variations, while reducing the number of training samples. Both the training and the testing sets here span the size range [1, 4]. The FovAvg network shows the highest robustness when decreasing the number of training samples followed by the FovMax network. The FovConc network also shows a small improvement over the standard CNN

Fig. 12
figure 12

Visualisation of the scale selection properties of the scale-invariant FovAvg and FovMax networks, when training the network for each one of the sizes 1, 2 and 4. For each testing size, shown on the horizontal axis with increasing testing sizes towards the right, the vertical axis displays a histogram of the relative contribution of the scale channels to the winning classification, with the lowest scale at the bottom and the highest scale at the top. As can be seen from the figures, there is a general tendency of the composed classification scheme to select coarser scale levels with increasing size of the image structures, in agreement with the conceptual similarity to classical methods for scale selection based on detecting local extrema over scale or performing weighted averaging over scale of scale-normalised derivative responses. (In these figures, the resolution parameter on the vertical axis represents the inverse of scale. Note that the grey-levels in the histograms are not directly comparable, since the grey-levels for each histogram are normalised with respect to the maximum and minimum values in that histogram)

Fig. 13
figure 13

Visualisation of the scale selection properties of the not scale-invariant FovConc and SWMax networks, when training the network for each one of the sizes 1, 2 and 4. For each testing size, shown on the horizontal axis with increasing testing sizes towards the right, the vertical axis displays a histogram of the relative contribution of the scale channels to the winning classification, with the lowest scale at the bottom and the highest scale at the top. As can be seen from the figures, the relative contributions from the different scale levels do not as well follow a linear dependency on the size of the input structures as for the scale-invariant FovAvg and FovMax networks. Instead, for the FocConc network, there is a bias towards the size of image structures used for training, whereas for the SWMax network some scale levels dominate for fine-scale or coarse-scale sizes in the testing data. (In these figures, the resolution parameter on the vertical axis represents the inverse of scale. Note that the grey-levels in the histograms are not directly comparable, since the grey-levels for each histogram are normalised with respect to the maximum and minimum values in that histogram)

The histograms are constructed as follows:

  • FovMax  We identify the scale channel that provides the maximum value for the winning digit class and increment the histogram bin corresponding to this scale channel with a unit increment.

  • FovAvg  The FovAvg network aggregates contributions from multiple scale channels for each classification decision. For the winning digit class, we consider the relative contributions from the different scale channels and increment each histogram bin with the corresponding fraction of unity of this contribution. The contribution is measured as the absolute value of the feature response before average pooling.

  • FovConc  We compute the relative contribution from each scale channel as the sum of the weights in the fully connected layer corresponding to the winning digit class and the specific scale channel, multiplied by the feature values corresponding to the output from that scale channel. We increment each histogram bin with the fraction of unity corresponding to the absolute value of the relative contribution from each scale channel.

  • SWMax  We identify the scale channel that provides the maximum value for the winning digit class and increment the histogram bin corresponding to this scale channel with a unit increment.

The procedure is repeated for all the testing sizes in the MNIST Large Scale data set, resulting in two-dimensional scale selection histograms, which show what scale channels contribute to the classification output as a function of the size of the image structures in the testing data. The histograms are presented in Figs. 12 and 13. As can be seen in Fig. 12, for the FovAvg and FovMax networks, the selected scale levels do very well follow a linear trend in the sense that the selected scale levels are proportional to the size of the image structures in the testing data.Footnote 10 The scale selection histograms are also largely similar, irrespective of whether the training is performed for size 1, 2 or 4, illustrating that the scale-invariant properties of the FovAvg and FovMax networks in the continuous case transfer very well to the discrete implementation.

In this respect, the resulting scale selection properties of the FovAvg and FovMax networks share similarities to classical methods for scale selection based on local extrema over scale or weighted averaging over scale of scale-normalised derivative responses [7, 8, 18, 110, 113]. This makes sense in light of the result that the scaling properties of the filters applied to the scale channels are similar to the scaling properties of scale-normalised Gaussian derivatives (see Sect. 4.3.2). The approach for the FovMax network is also closely related to the scale selection approach in [112, 118] based on choosing the scales at which a supervised classifier delivers class labels with the highest posterior.

As can be seen in Fig. 13, the behaviour is different for the not scale-invariant FovConc and SWMax networks. For the FovConc network, there is a bias in that the selected scales are more concentrated towards the size of the training data. The contributions from the different scale channels are also much less concentrated around the linear trend compared to the FovAvg and FovMax networks. Without access to multi-scale training, the FovConc network does not learn scale invariance although this would in principle be possible, e.g. by learning to use equal weights for all the scales, which would implement average pooling over scales.

For the SWMax network, although the resulting scale selection histogram is largely centred around a linear trend, consistent with the relative robustness to scaling transformations that this network shows, the linear trend is not as clean as for the FovAvg and FovMax networks. For the coarsest scale testing structures, the SWMax network largely fails to activate corresponding scale channels beyond a certain value. This is consistent with the previous problems of not being able to generalise to larger testing scales and is likely related to the previously discussed problem of interference from zoomed-in previously unseen partial views that might give stronger feature responses than the zoomed-out overall shape. Furthermore, for finer or coarser scale testing structures, there are some scale channels for the SWMax network that contribute more to the output than others and thus demonstrate a lack of true scale invariance.

In the quantitative scale generalisation experiments presented earlier, it was seen that the lack of scale invariance for the SWMax network leads to lower accuracy when generalising to unseen scales and, for the FovConc network, which here shows the worst scale selection properties, no marked improvement at all over a standard CNN. For the truly scale-invariant FovAvg and FovMax networks, on the other hand, the ability of the networks to correctly identify the scale of the object in a scale-covariant way imply excellent scale generalisation properties.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Sample images from the rescaled CIFAR-10 testing set (of size \(32 \times 32\) pixels). The images in the original CIFAR-10 testing set are rescaled for scaling factors between \(\frac{1}{2}\) and 2, with mirror extension at the image boundaries for scaling factors \(s < 1\). Top row: “frog”. Bottom row: “truck”

Fig. 15
figure 15

Generalisation ability to unseen scales for a standard CNN and different scale-channel network architectures for the rescaled CIFAR-10 data set. The network is trained on the CIFAR-10 training set (corresponding to scale factor 1.0) and tested on rescaled images from the testing set for relative scale factors between \(\frac{1}{2}\) and 2. The FovConc network has better scale generalisation compared to the standard CNN, but for larger deviations from the scale that the network is trained on, there is a clear advantage for the FovAvg and the FovMax networks

7 Experiments on Rescalings of the CIFAR-10 Data Set

7.1 Data Set

To investigate if a scale-channel network can still provide a clear advantage over a standard CNN in a more challenging scenario, we use the CIFAR-10 data set [119]. We train on the original training set and test on synthetically rescaled copies of the test set with relative scale factors in the range \(s \in [0.5, 2.0]\). CIFAR-10 represents a data set, where the conditions for invariance using a scale-channel network are not fulfilled, in the sense that the transformations between different training and testing sizes are not well modelled by continuous scaling transformations, as underlie the presented theory for scale-invariant scale channel networks, based on continuous models of both the image data and the image filtering operations.

Because already the original data set is at the limit of being undersampled, reducing the image size further for scale factors \(s < 1\) results in additional loss of object details. The images are also tightly cropped, which implies that increasing the image size for scale factors \(s > 1\) implies a loss of information towards the image boundaries, and that sampling artefacts in the original image data will be amplified. Further, when reducing the image size, we extend the image by mirroring at the image boundaries, adding artefacts in the image structures, caused by the image padding operations. What we evaluate here is thus the limits of the scale-channel networks, near or beyond the limits of image resolution, to see if this approach can still provide a clear advantage over a standard CNN.

Figure 14 shows a few images from the rescaled testing set, with examples of two out of the 10 object classes in the data set: “airplanes”, “cars”, “birds”, “cats”, “deer”, “dogs”, “frogs”, “horses”, “ships”, and “trucks”.

7.2 Network and Training Details

For the CIFAR-10 data set, we will compare the FovMax, FovAvg and FovConc networks to a standard CNN.Footnote 11 We use the same network for the CNN as for the individual scale channels, a 7-layer network with conv + batchnorm + ReLU layers with \(3 \times 3\) kernels and zero padding with width 1. We do not use any spatial max pooling, but use a stride of 2 for convolutional layers 3, 5 and 7. After the final convolutional layer, spatial average pooling is performed over the full feature map down to \(1 \times 1\) resolution, followed by a final fully connected softmax layer. We do not use dropout, since it did not improve the results for this quite simple network with relatively few parameters. The number of feature channels is 32–32–32–64–64–128–128 for the 7 convolutional layers.

For the FovAvg and FovMax networks, max pooling and average pooling, respectively, is performed across the logits outputs from the scale channels before the final softmax transformation and the cross-entropy loss. For the FovConc network, there is a fully connected layer that combines the logits outputs from the multiple scale channels before applying a final softmax transformation and the cross-entropy loss. We use bilinear interpolation and reflection padding at the image boundaries when computing the rescaled images used as input for the scale channels.

All the CIFAR-10 networks are trained for 20,000 time steps using 50,000 training samples from the CIFAR-10 training set over 103 epochs, using a batch size of 256 and the Adam optimiser with default parameters in PyTorch: \(\beta _1 = 0.9\) and \(\beta _2 = 0.999\). A cosine learning rate decay is used with starting learning rate 0.001 and floor learning rate 0.00005, where the learning rate decreases to the floor learning rate after 75 epochs. The networks are then tested on the 10,000 images in the testing set, for relative scaling factors in the interval \([\frac{1}{2}, 2]\).

We chose the learning rate and training schedule based on the CNN performance using the last 10,000 samples of the training set as a validation set.

7.3 Experimental Results

The results for the standard CNN are shown in Fig. 15a. It can be seen that, already for scale factors slightly off from 1, there is a noticeable drop in generalisation performance.

The results for the FovConc network, for different number of scale channels, are presented in Fig. 15b. The generalisation ability to new scales is markedly better than for the standard CNN, but the scale generalisation is not improved by adding more scale channels. This can be compared with no improvement over a standard CNN when trained on single-scale MNIST data. We believe that the key difference is that for the CIFAR-10 data set there are indeed some scale variations present in the training set, and as discussed earlier, it is possible for the FovConc network to learn to generalise by assigning appropriate weights to the layer that combines information from the different scale channels. This illustrates that the method does have some structural advantage compared to a standard CNN, but that multi-scale training data are required to realise this advantage.

The results for the FovMax and FovAvg networks, for different numbers of scale channels, are presented in Fig. 15c, d, and are significantly better than for the standard CNN and the FovConc network. The accuracy for the smallest scale 1/2 is improved from \(\approx 40 \% \) for the CNN to above \(70 \% \) for the FovAvg and FovMax networks, while the accuracy for the largest scale 2 is improved from \(\approx 30 \% \) for the CNN to \(\approx 50 \% \) for the FovAvg and FovMax networks.

For the FovMax network, there is a noticeable improvement by going to a finer scale sampling ratio of \(2^{1/4}\) compared to \(2^{1/2}\). Then, the generalisation ability for the FovMax network is also somewhat better than for the FovAvg network. The FovAvg network does, however, have slightly better peak performance compared to the FovMax network.

To summarise, the FovMax and FovAvg networks provide the best generalisation ability to new scales, which is in line with theory. This shows that, also for data sets where the conditions regarding image size and resolution are not such that the scale-channel approach can provide full invariance, our foveated scale-channel networks can nevertheless provide benefits.

8 Summary and Discussion

We have presented a methodology to handle scaling transformations in deep networks by scale-channel networks. Specifically, we have presented a theoretical formalism for modelling scale-channel networks based on continuous models of both the filters and the image data and have shown that the continuous scale-channel networks are provably scale covariant and translationally covariant. Combined with max pooling or average pooling over the scale channels, our foveated scale-channel networks are additionally provably scale invariant.

Experimentally, we have demonstrated that discrete approximations to the continuous foveated scale-channel networks FovMax and FovAvg are very robust to scaling transformations and allow for scale generalisation, with very good performance for classifying image patterns at new scales not spanned by the training data, because of the continuous invariance properties that they approximate. Experimentally, we have also demonstrated the very limited scale generalisation performance of vanilla CNNs and scale concatenation networks when exposed to testing at scales not spanned by the training data, although those approaches may work rather well when training on multi-scale training data. The reason why those approaches fail regarding scale generalisation, when trained at a single scale or a over a narrow scale interval only, is because of the lack of an explicit mechanism to enforce scale invariance.

We have further demonstrated that a foveated approach shows better generalisation performance compared to a sliding window approach, especially when moving from a smaller training scale to a large testing scale. Note that this should not be seen as an argument against any type of sliding window processing per se. The foveated networks could, indeed, be applied in a sliding window manner to search for objects in a larger image. Instead, it illustrates that for any specific image point, it is important to process a covariant set of image regions that correspond to different sizes in the input image.

We have also demonstrated that our FovMax and FovAvg scale-channel networks lead to improvements when training on data with significant scale variations in the small sample regime. We have further shown that the selected scale levels for these scale-invariant networks increase linearly with the size of the image structures in the testing data, in a similar way as for classical methods for scale selection.

From the presented experimental results on the MNIST Large Scale data set, it is clear that our FovMax and FovAvg scale-channel networks do provide a considerable improvement in scale generalisation ability compared to a standard CNN as well as in relation to previous scale-channel approaches. Concerning the CIFAR-10 data set, it should be noted that full invariance is not possible because of the loss in image information between the original and the rescaled images. Our experiments on this data set show, nonetheless, that also in the presence of undersampling and serious boundary effects, our FovMax and FovAvg scale-channel networks give considerably improved generalisation ability compared to a standard CNN or alternative scale-channel networks.

We believe that our proposed foveated scale-channel networks could prove useful in situations where a simple approach that can generalise to unseen scales or learn from small data sets with large scale variations is needed. Strong reasons for using such scale-invariant scale-channel networks could either be because there is a limited amount of multi-scale training data, where sharing statistical strength between scales is valuable, or because only a single scale or a limited range of scales is present in the training set, which implies that generalisation outside the scales seen during training is crucial for the performance. Thus, we propose that this type of foveated scale-invariant processing could be included as subparts in more complex frameworks dealing with large scale variations.

Concerning applications towards object recognition, it should, however, be emphasised that in this study, we have not specifically focused on developing an integrated approach for detecting objects, since the main focus has been to develop ways of handling the notion of scale in a theoretically well-founded manner. Beyond the vanilla sliding window approach studied in this paper, which has such a built-in object detection capability, also the foveated networks could be applied in a sliding window fashion, thus being able to also handle smaller objects near the image boundaries, which is not possible if the central point in the image is always used as the origin when resizing the image multiple times to form the input for the different scale channels.

To avoid explicit exhaustive search over multiple such origins for the foveated representations, such an approach could further be naturally extended to a two-stage approach, where detection of points of interest is first performed using a complementary module that detects points of interest (not necessarily of the same kind as the current regular notion of interest points for image-based matching and recognition), followed by more detailed analysis of these points of interest with a foveated representation. Such an approach would then bear similarity to human vision, by foveating on interesting structures to look at them in more detail. It would specifically also bear similarity to two-stage approaches for object recognition, such as R-CNNs [49, 120, 121], with the difference that the initial detection step does not need to return a full window of interest. Instead, only a single initial point is needed, where the scale, corresponding to the size of the window, is then handled by the built-in scale selection step in the foveated scale-channel network.

To conclude, the overarching aim of this study has instead been to test the limits of CNNs to generalise to unseen scales over wide scale ranges. The key take-home message is a proof of concept that such scale generalisation is possible, if including structural assumptions about scale in the network design.