1 Introduction

In large development projects, the continuous inflow of bug reports is a considerable challenge (Bettenburg et al. 2008; Just et al. 2008). The Bug Tracking System (BTS) is a central repository in contemporary software development organizations. There are two archetypal bug assignment processes, i.e., approaches to distributing bug reports to developers. First, as is common in Open-Source Software (OSS) communities, individual developers can select bug reports to resolve in a pull-based process. Second, a push-based process can be used where a change control board or product manager assigns bug reports to either development teams or individual developers. In our research, we focus on a hybrid model, i.e., push-based bug assignment to development teams and pull-based assignment from the teams themselves.

Push-based bug assignment is normally done manually. However, several studies report that manual bug assignment is labor-intensive and error-prone (Baysal et al. 2009; Jeong et al. 2009), resulting in “bug tossing” (Anvik and Murphy 2011; Bhattacharya et al. 2012; Jonsson et al. 2012) and potentially slower bug resolution. Several researchers have proposed mitigating the challenges by automating bug assignment. The most common automation approach uses supervised Machine Learning (ML), i.e., a classifier is trained to find patterns in historical bug reports to make recommendations for new bugs. Early research on automated bug assignment focused on OSS development communities, especially the Eclipse and Mozilla projects (Sajedi-Badashian and Stroulia 2020). However, the OSS context differs from proprietary development in several aspects, e.g., organizational structures and developer incentives. Recent studies from Türkiye İş Bankası (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020a) and LGE Brazil (Oliveira et al. 2021) constitute rare examples of empirical studies in large companies.

In 2016, we presented a controlled experiment on ML-based bug assignment using five datasets from two companies in telecommunications and process automation (Jonsson et al. 2016a). This study was the first step in an incremental design science research process (Engström et al. 2020). Our findings in this controlled setting were positive and led to the internal productization of a simplified version of the solution within Ericsson. Since 2017, a team in Hungary has owned and maintained the solution, referred to as Trouble Report Routing (TRR). To align the terminology, we refer to bug reports as Trouble Reports (TR) in the remainder of this report. Furthermore, we use the terms “bug assignment” and “bug routing” synonymously in this paper, i.e., auto-routing refers to TRs assigned by TRR.

We have previously reported lessons learned from deploying TRR in an anecdotal manner (Carver and Prikladnicki 2018). Furthermore, we conducted a quantitative analysis of the prediction accuracy of TRR’s assignments (Sarkar et al. 2019) on a subset of the modules in the systems. In the latter paper, we concluded that the confidence-based approach of triaging TRs (Jonsson et al. 2016b) eventually adopted by TRR is promising. We continued improving and customizing TRR and in 2019 activated the solution — the very first TR assignment without human intervention happened on April 10, 2019. Since then, TRR has been in continuous operation and automatically routed roughly 30% of the incoming TRs. In this study, our overall goal is to evaluate the adoption of TRR within its industrial context. We now investigate 1) how TRR evolved from a prototype to an internal Ericsson product, 2) the accuracy of TRR, 3) how much value TRR provides, and 4) how the TRR adoption influenced the way of working.

This paper presents an industrial case study to evaluate the adoption of TRR within its industrial context. The case study protocol, developed in line with guidelines by Runeson et al. (2012), was accepted as a registered report at the 15th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) in 2021. As we now report our findings, we present new perspectives on automated bug assignment in proprietary contexts by moving beyond the prediction accuracy that has been in focus in previous work (Sarkar et al. 2019; Oliveira et al. 2021). Our study provides insights regarding the direct as well as indirect effects of deploying this research-based intervention in an operational setting.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces previous work on automated bug assignment and tool adoption in general. Section 3 describes the research method used in this case study. Sections 4 and 5 explain the data collection and analysis, respectively. In Sections 610 we share our findings and discuss their implications. Finally, we discuss the validity of our research in Section 11 before concluding the paper in Section 12.

2 Related Work

Numerous studies report quantitative evaluations of issue assignment using ML-based tools. Most studies target assignment to individual developers in OSS projects (Sajedi-Badashian and Stroulia 2020), whereas we target team assignment in a proprietary context. In this section, we focus the discussion on qualitative industrial experiences related to tool adoption. Two recent studies match our interests, i.e., a case study at a full-service bank in Turkey and an experience report from a consumer electronics company in Brazil. Moreover, we discuss previous work on factors that influence the adoption of software engineering tools in industry.

2.1 Evaluations of ML-Based Bug Assignment in Industry

Closest to our work is the case study by Aktas and Yilmaz (2020a) at Softtech, a subsidiary of the large Turkish bank Türkiye İş Bankası (IsBank). Since January 2018, the tool IssueTAG automatically assigns all incoming issues (on average 380 per day) to teams. In terms of technical implementation and evaluation method, the authors closely aligned their approach with our previous work (Jonsson et al. 2016a). IssueTAG uses ensemble models trained on 50k issue reports (although only represented by textual features) to automate assignment among 65 teams. The authors conducted an experiment on 13 months’ worth of data to assess IssueTAG’s accuracy. Moreover, they shared qualitative usability insights collected through informal meetings with stakeholders and a short questionnaire.

The deployment of IssueTAG was successful and Aktas and Yilmaz (2020a) report four main insights. First, deploying IssueTAG necessitated changes to the manual issue assignment process at IsBank. In our study at Ericsson, we explain how the process co-evolved with the introduction of TRR. Second, IssueTAG does not need to match the manual assignment accuracy at IsBank to be useful, i.e., slightly less accurate but more efficient issue assignment was reported as an improvement. We investigate this perspective at Ericsson and report a contrasting view. Third, successful adoption of IssueTAG required two features beyond automated assignment: 1) accuracy monitoring and 2) an explainability solution for assignment rationales. We confirm that the same features were needed for TRR. Fourth, (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020a) did not identify any objections at all regarding the deployment of IssueTAG at IsBank. At Ericsson, we present a richer analysis of skeptical stakeholders and thus complement the picture. Compared to the case study at IsBank, our work investigates issues collected during a longer time period and we focus more on qualitative insights from interviews.

Oliveira et al. (2021) present an industrial experience report from ML-based issue assignment at LG Electronics mobile division in Brazil. While the study is substantially less rigorous than both our work and the study on IssueTAG adoption, it contributes real-world insights from tool adoption. The quantitative analysis shows very accurate results (>90% for a two-step classification to six teams) using three ML models (SVM, logistic regression, and random forest) which were trained on 5,684 issues collected over 2.5 years. Notably, similar to Aktas and Yilmaz (2020a) but in contrast to our work with TRR, they exclusively trained their models using textual features. The researchers worked closely together with the practitioners by following the six phases of the established data mining process model CRISP-DM (Wirth and Hipp 2000). Following CRISP-DM, the researchers organized regular meetings with LG Electronics from which they collected qualitative data.

Oliveira et al. (2021) report four primary lessons learned. First, the adoption of automated issue assignment requires an iterative process with effective communication and gradual trust development. This finding resonates with best practice for industry-academia collaboration (Garousi et al. 2019) and corresponds to the gradual introduction of IssueTAG done at IsBank (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020a). Second, the researchers must be flexible and add new tool features when needed — which could be done as part of the mentioned iterative process. Third, ML model accuracy must be monitored over time. This insight is covered by the third insight reported by Aktas and Yilmaz (2020a). Fourth, automated assignments can provide value even when the accuracy is not so high. As this insight was also reported for IsBank, we note that misclassifications are considered a bigger problem at Ericsson.

On a more general level, (Zou et al. 2018) shared findings from a study on industrial practitioners’ perception of automated bug report management techniques. Automated bug assignment is one of ten techniques covered in the research. The study involved an online survey and follow-up interviews with 25 engineers. For bug assignment specifically, 72.3% of the survey respondents found automation important or very important. The main arguments for automation were 1) faster bug resolution, 2) saving triagers’ time, and 3) increased bug visibility, i.e., avoiding bugs falling through the cracks. The primary arguments against automating bug assignment were 1) questionable reliability and 2) that the manual way of working was sufficient. Our study brings evidence to support positive arguments 1) and 2). Moreover, we transparently report the prediction accuracy related to negative argument 1).

2.2 Tool Adoption in Industry

Numerous studies seek to understand factors that influence the adoption of novel innovations in software-intensive businesses. In this section, we present three papers from three different decades — indicating that the factors appear stable over time.

Premkumar and Potter (1995) studied characteristics impacting software engineering tool adoption in the 1990s. Based on a questionnaire survey of 90 managers in the US, inspired by research on innovation adoption, the authors developed a model of seven factors that are important for successful tool adoption. First, they discovered five technology variables: T1) Relative Advantage (how superior the new tool is perceived to be compared to the current solution) T2) Cost (the initial investment cost as well as costs for operations and training) T3) Complexity (the degree to which a tool is perceived as difficult to understand and use), T4) Technical Compatibility (how compatible the new tool is with existing technology), and T5) Organizational Compatibility (how consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of the organization a tool is perceived to be). Second, they found three organizational variables: O1) Product Champion (an internal person who actively facilitates the adoption), O2) Top Management Support (active involvement in allocating adequate resources and sending signals about the importance of the tool), and O3) Expertise (existing capabilities and skills in the organization). Discriminant analysis showed that O1, O2, O3, T1, and T2 mattered the most.

Favre et al. (2003) presented an experience report from a decade of collaborations with Dassault Systèmes in France. The development context presented is large (about 1,000 engineers working on the same product), although not as large and complex as the one we study at Ericsson. At Dassault Systèmes, three stakeholder groups must be convinced for the successful adoption of a new tool: managers, the tool support team (orchestrating all internally used tools), and software engineers (the end users). The authors report 10 categories of issues that can hinder tool adoption: 1) scalability, 2) usability, 3) tool integration, 4) process integration, 5) customization, 6) deployment, 7) administration, 8) evolution and continuity, 9) training, and 10) strategical. The lists represent different abstraction levels, but, we find that Favre et al. (2003)’s specific issues can be mapped to Premkumar and Potter (1995)’s seven factors.

Hameed et al. (2012) developed a model for the process of IT innovation adoption in organizations. The authors integrated theories from innovation research and user acceptance models into a comprehensive model. The model consists of five categories of factors, extracted from the literature, that influence adoption: 1) innovation characteristics (20 factors, e.g., relative advantage, cost, complexity, and compatibility), 2) organizational characteristics (41 factors, e.g., top management support, organization size, expertise, and product champion), 3) environmental characteristics (16 factors, e.g., competitive pressure and government support), 4) individual (decision makers’) characteristics (8 factors, e.g., CEO attitude and innovativeness, and 5) user acceptance attributes (22 factors, e.g., perceived usefulness and ease of use, user attitude, and experience). While Hameed et al. (2012) extracted many individual factors from the literature, the ones reported as the most significant resemble the conclusions by Premkumar and Potter (1995) from the 1990s, i.e., the factors appear to be stable.

Looking specifically at the adoption of ML-based products, (Paleyes et al. 2020) recently conducted a survey of case studies and experience reports. In their synthesis, they present 44 issues mapped to 13 ML deployment steps and four cross-cutting aspects. Furthermore, the deployment steps are organized into the deployment stages 1) data management, 2) model learning, 3) model verification, and 4) model deployment. We found that issues related to data management are not a major concern in the TRR adoption since the data is internal at Ericsson and mostly well-structured. Similarly, the model learning and model verification issues were not major obstacles, although Ericsson’s R&D put considerable effort into model selection and definition of evaluation metrics. Regarding model deployment, our study confirms issues of monitoring and updating in the Ericsson context. Finally, in relation to the cross-cutting aspects, we discovered no issues related to ethics, law, and security in the TRR adoption. The category end users’ trust, however, was vital in the Ericsson context, including (Paleyes et al. 2020)’s listed issues of end-user involvement, user experience, and explainability.

In an experience report from Atlassian, (Flaounas 2017) specifically discussed challenges in a software engineering context. The author organized eight challenges into three phases of building an ML-based product feature. The ideation phase involves challenges of 1) data availability, 2) privacy concerns, and 3) project risk estimation. In the execution phase, they report 4) build vs. rent (ML engineers are a scarce resource, thus online service providers might be needed), 5) scalability, and 6) productionization. Finally, the operation phase brings challenges to 7) monitor and maintain accuracy over time and 8) stability of data sources. In our work at Ericsson, we found none of these eight challenges to be major impediments to TRR adoption.

In summary, tool adoption within large organizations is a multifaceted process influenced by various factors. Throughout this paper, we will compare our findings with the challenges and factors highlighted in the studies mentioned in this section.

3 Overview of the Research Method

The case study protocol is available as a peer-reviewed registered report from ESEM 2021 (Borg et al. 2021). We conduct interpretivist research as the methods of natural science are insufficient for understanding the case in its social reality context (Baltes and Ralph 2020). Figure 1 illustrates the context, the case under study, and the units of analysis. As defined by Runeson et al. (2012):

case study in software engineering is an empirical inquiry that draws on multiple sources of evidence to investigate one instance (or a small number of instances) of a contemporary software engineering phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundary between phenomenon and context cannot be clearly specified.

Since the adoption of TRR cannot be isolated from the development context at Ericsson, we design an industrial case study. Our study relies on a flexible design with semi-structured interviews and a combination of purposive and referral chain sampling of interviewees (see Section 4.2).

Fig. 1
figure 1

The context, case, and units of analysis

3.1 Rationale and Purpose

Our overall goal is to evaluate the adoption of TRR within its industrial context at Ericsson (cf. Figure 3). Several aspects motivate us to pursue this goal. First, we want to follow up on research that was initiated 10 years ago (Jonsson et al. 2012). How does the automated bug assignment solution actually perform in the field? Are the assignments provided by TRR sufficiently accurate to provide value in the industrial context? Do engineers at Ericsson appreciate the support provided by TRR? How has the introduction of TRR influenced the ways of working? Are there any surprising indirect effects that should be reported? As discussed in Section 1, there is a lack of industrial case studies sharing these types of insights.

Second, we seek to provide insights regarding the industrial adoption of a research prototype. By conducting this study, we highlight an example of industry-academia collaboration (Rico et al. 2021) and successful technology transfer of practically relevant research (Garousi et al. 2020). The study contains a retrospective analysis of the evolution from prototype to internal product. We explore obstacles experienced in the productization and share lessons learned on how they were tackled in the industrial context. Our findings may hold relevance for other researchers considering developing and deploying new tools in proprietary contexts.

3.2 Context

As illustrated in Fig. 1, the context is software and systems engineering at Ericsson. Ericsson is a global actor in telecommunications. We characterize the context inspired by the facets proposed by Petersen and Wohlin (2009), focusing on the factors that we believe are the most relevant for our study.

Product The products in the analysis consist of two large systems in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) domain. Various programming languages are used in the products, but a majority of the code is developed in C++ and Java. Other languages, such as hardware description languages and tailored domain-specific languages, are also used. The two systems are mature with old code bases.

Processes The project model used to develop both systems is an adapted agile development process. Development in the ICT domain is heavily standardized, and adheres to standards by regulatory bodies such as 3GPP, 3GPP2, ETSI, IEEE, IETF, ITU, and OMA. Moreover, Ericsson is ISO 9001 and TL 9000 certified.

Practices and Techniques The development projects use agile practices that have been customized for the organization, e.g., sprint planning meetings, retrospectives, self-organization, and test automation. The development projects are organized into two-week sprints followed by releases.

People Staff turnover is very low in the development organization. Many of the engineers are senior developers who have been working on the same or similar products for many years.

Organization Thousands of engineers are distributed over several countries, e.g., Sweden, Hungary, China, and Canada. In total, Ericsson has 100,000 global employees. The BTS is the central point for organizing the bug-handling process. Tracking of analysis, implementation proposals, and verification are all coordinated through the BTS.

Market Both systems are deployed at customer sites worldwide in the ICT market. The telecommunications market is currently in a transition from the last generation of 4G networks to 5G. Software-oriented technology improvements are increasingly flexible high-speed connectivity at ultra-low latency.

3.3 Case and Units of Analysis

The case under study is automated bug assignment using TRR in its industrial context. Our preunderstanding was that TRR replaced parts of the manual push-based assignments carried out by TR Coords. However, as our understanding evolved during the study, we discovered that TR assignment at Ericsson is considerably more complex. Section 3.4 describes the process in detail.

TRR is currently in operation in a BTS used for the development of two major systems (4G and 5G) consisting of more than 20 high-level modules. The modules correspond roughly to the level of abstraction of the telecommunications technology stack, with applications on top, via modules responsible for traffic control and user equipment handling, to low-level modules such as radio technology and hardware at the bottom. Each module is maintained by several development teams. The largest module encompasses 1,000+ engineers in teams distributed globally. In this study, we refer to modules on the higher and lower levels of the technology stack HighLevel and LowLevel, respectively.

Since 2017, TRR is maintained by a team in Hungary, see TRR Team listed as a unit of analysis in Fig. 1. Furthermore, we define three additional units of analysis. First, a HighLevel development team that opted in as early adopters of TRR, heavily involved in the transition from research prototype to operational tool (cf. HighLevel Module). Second, a LowLevel development team that initially opted out from automatic routing, i.e., the LowLevel Module. Third, senior engineers who act as TR coordinators for the 4G/5G systems (cf. TR Coords.). TR coordinators have different roles within Ericsson, but perform TR assignments as part of their routine work.

3.4 The Issue Assignment Process at Ericsson

This section provides a detailed description of the current issue assignment process at Ericsson. While this is part of our results, we present the content here as this piece of the Ericsson context is important for readers to interpret all findings we present in Sections 610.

4G/5G product development at Ericsson is a highly complex endeavor involving thousands of globally distributed engineers. At this scale, issue management and TR triaging inevitably become complex activities. Figure 2 shows an overall picture of the process at Ericsson. The telecommunications technology stack is hierarchical and deep, spanning from higher application levels via layers such as traffic control and baseband down to the bottom radio layer. At Ericsson, the overall architecture is based on modules corresponding to the technology stack. Several modules are very large, e.g., the radio system with 1,000+ engineers organized into several sub-modules in different countries with many development teams. In the figure, we depict lower layers with increasingly dark shades of gray. At this scale of software development, with thousands of engineers in hundreds of teams across the planet, finding the development team corresponding to a particular responsibility is hard. To support navigating the modules’ internal team landscapes, each module has a front desk, i.e., engineers working on locating internal expertise. As indicated by thicker arrows, the large flow of TRs through the TR coordinators in the upper part of the figure is what TRR is intended to support.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The TR assignment process at Ericsson

A) in Fig. 2 shows the inflow of TRs into the tracking system. The main sources of TRs are the development organization, the internal test organization, and TRs that have been processed by the customer support organization. TRs originating in customer issues shall always be given a high priority. Every early morning, an assigned group of pre-screeners from each module analyzes the newly registered TRs. The duration of the daily pre-screening meetings varies based on the TR inflow on the last day, but they are typically concluded within an hour. In this meeting, pre-screeners augment TRs based on an initial analysis, e.g., based on analyses of extracted logs, of the issue to support the subsequent issue assignment process, or they immediately pull TRs to their module (cf. B) in Fig. 2) and assign them to one of the teams within the module. Modules rotate the pre-screeners to support knowledge sharing within the organization.

Later in the morning, the TR Coords. (cf. C) in Fig. 2) meet to analyze the newly arrived TRs that have not yet been assigned to any module. The TR coordinators are highly senior engineers with significant Ericsson experience. Based on their analysis, potentially advised by TR augmentations added by the pre-screeners, the TR Coords assign each TR to the module most suitable to initiate an investigation into the issue (cf. C) in Fig. 2). Note that the TR Coords.’ meetings are not only related to supporting TR assignments, as other equally important tasks are completed such as severity assignment and impact analysis related to the high-variability systems in Ericsson’s product lines.

In many cases, TR triaging starts at a higher layer of the technology stack. If a development team cannot resolve the issue at their level, teams augment the TR with their analysis results before passing them down to the front desk of a lower-level module for further triaging (cf. E) in Fig. 2). The phenomenon of “bug tossing” is present as development teams can reassign TRs both within their own module or to front desks of other modules (cf. F) in Fig. 2). As explained in Section 5.1, we measure the average length of bug-tossing chains. Note that the phenomenon of bug tossing is not necessarily caused by an incorrect initial team assignment. On the contrary, reassignments can be required when resolving complex bugs that necessitate changes by multiple teams.

The blue cogwheels in Fig. 2 depict the TRR add-on in the TR tracking system. For each incoming TR, TRR predicts how likely it is for each module to resolve it and appends this information to the TR. If the prediction for a single module has a very high confidence level, i.e., above a configurable threshold, TRR bypasses the TR Coords. and immediately sends the TR to the corresponding front desk. If the confidence level is lower, TRR only augments the TR with its predictions and the assignment process relies on the normal manual approach by one of the TR Coords. Moreover, modules can opt-in to get email notifications when TRR has provided relevant medium confidence predictions, i.e., an early heads-up for their next prescreening meeting.

3.5 Background

The general problem of inefficient and ineffective bug assignment was observed in the literature (Bettenburg et al. 2008; Just et al. 2008; Oliveira et al. 2021) as well as in the specific industrial contexts where this research was conducted (Jonsson et al. 2012; Sarkar et al. 2019). With the solution in mind (to use ML techniques to assign TRs to modules), the characteristics of the targeted problem instance were identified, i.e., we explored the nature of the TRs, the BTS, and the organizational context within a subset of the development at Ericsson. Related work on bug classification as well as on ML techniques was identified and carefully compared (Jonsson et al. 2016a), which underpinned the design decisions for the proposed solution. The ML solutions were implemented and trained using the Weka framework (Hall et al. 2009). Several alternative solution instances were validated on real data (about 50,000 TRs) from five projects across two companies/domains. A design artifact was produced specifically for Ericsson, namely a prototype ensemble-based bug assignment tool built on top of Weka.

In our 2016 paper, we stated that the translation from TRR’s prediction accuracy to the practical value of the solution might not be linear. Furthermore, we discussed this aspect in terms of the QUPER model (Regnell et al. 2008), a theoretical construct describing the perceived benefits of different degrees of quality as continuous and non-linear. The QUPER model suggests three quality breakpoints for TRR:

  • Utility Engineers start considering TRR as a useful addition to manual bug assignment.

  • Differentiation Engineers recognize that TRR provides a competitive advantage compared to fully manual work.

  • Saturation Increasing the quality of TRR beyond this point adds no practical value.

We base our evaluation of the adoption of TRR on two theoretical models. First, we revisit the QUPER model to assess where TRR belongs on the sliding quality scale. QUPER has been successfully employed to initiate software quality discussions in previous interview studies. Second, as we also did in the original paper, we discuss the direct and indirect effects of increased levels of automation using the model by Parasuraman et al. (2000) (AUTO) — the most established theoretical construct for addressing human factors in automation.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Breakdown of our goal to research questions, data sources, and metrics

3.6 Research Questions

As visualized in Fig. 3, the aim of the study is to evaluate the adoption of TRR within its industrial context. We have defined four main research questions, which may all be answered by applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. The lower part of the figure presents data sources and metrics, where the latter are indicated in bold font.

  1. RQ1

    How did TRR evolve from prototype to deployed tool?

  2. RQ2

    How accurate are the TRR assignments?

  3. RQ3

    How much value does TRR provide in the organization?

  4. RQ4

    How has the adoption of TRR influenced the way of working?

We answer RQ1 by studying the design decisions Ericsson engineers made along the way. How and why were potential adaptations to the original solution made? What were the major challenges during the tool introduction, including processes, technology, organizational issues, and human factors? The TRR team, one of four units of analysis, shared a collection of recorded virtual sprint meetings and internal documentation. Furthermore, we conducted interviews to collect lessons learned. After the analysis, the interviewees from the TRR team (authors 4–5) joined the research team (authors 1–3) as coauthors of this paper.

RQ2 involves a quantitative analysis of TRR’s prediction accuracy in the light of our previous work (Sarkar et al. 2019). Previously, we studied the feasibility of increasing the accuracy of TRR by augmenting the ML input data with logs and alarms. The study was performed on a set of roughly 10,000 TRs originating in nine of the modules, i.e., a subset of the full systems. Relying on easily accessible textual and categorical features, we obtained precision and recall values around 80 % on the subset of modules. Adding the alarm and log data, however, did not improve upon the standard TRR implementation. As the overall accuracy of TRR on the full system at the time (around 66%) was reported as insufficiently accurate for regular use, we proposed to only assign TRs for which the ML classifier was confident. In this study, we revisit the accuracy RQ to evaluate how TRR performed in the field using historical data since deployment in April 2019. As shown in Fig. 3, we measure the fraction of TRs resolved by the first assigned module, the length of bug tossing chains, and the relative TR handling time difference between TRs assigned by humans and TRR. To mitigate confounding factors, the cycle time covers the implementation time but not the verification by the test organization and subsequent deployment activities.

RQ3 targets the utility of TRR and its added value in the organization. We will complement the insights provided by RQ2 with an analysis of the TRR utilization, i.e., whether it has been available (uptime) and sufficiently confident to be effective (fraction of automatic TR assignments and distribution of confidence levels). Moreover, we will complement the analysis with qualitative insights from interviews with members of the HighLevel and LowLevel Modules and a sample of TR coordinators (cf. Fig. 1). Section 4.2 presents how we designed an interview guide supported by the theoretical models QUPER and AUTO (Regnell et al. 2008; Parasuraman et al. 2000). We have previously used QUPER to discuss the relation between tool accuracy and perceived value in the context of automated change impact analysis (Borg et al. 2016).

RQ4 explores the direct and indirect effects of introducing TRR in the organization. A tool never exists in isolation, i.e., the introduction of tool-oriented interventions ought to be studied through a holistic perspective. Among other things, we seek to understand what made certain teams quickly opt-in to an increasing level of automation whereas others remained skeptical. Analogous to RQ3, RQ4 will be answered using a combination of quantitative metrics and rich information from interviews.

4 Data Collection

The study relies on non-probability sampling (Baltes and Ralph 2020), i.e., there is no element of randomness when selecting items in the sampling frame. This section describes our quantitative and qualitative data collection, respectively.

4.1 Quantitative Data Collection

The BTS is an important source of data that constitutes a valuable target for mining software repositories (Borg and Runeson 2014). The BTS data contain details of TRs, e.g., assignments, submitters, severity levels, and time stamps. The data in the BTS does not directly contain the names of the modules but rather lower-level designations that are then mapped to the 20+ modules in the data pre-processing stage of the analysis pipeline. This pre-processing can sometimes introduce a lag, in the sense that low-level designations can be added by the design organization without this being reflected in the mapping to modules. This phenomenon, sometimes called data drift, typically requires correction when identified during the ML model monitoring process. Errors in TRR predictions may occur due to the absence of low-level designations in the mapping process. During shorter periods, this lag can negatively impact TRR accuracy due to missing mappings.

We collected all data available in the BTS related to the development of the 20+ modules, resulting in 21 months’ worth of data, i.e., 2019-04-10–2022-02-28. Thus, we apply whole-frame sampling by selecting all items in the sampling frame (Baltes and Ralph 2020). TRR logs all its actions and output in the BTS. The logs primarily show the TRR predictions, i.e., the bug assignment output provided by the tool and the confidence levels accompanying the individual predictions. Finally, all TRR actions have individual time stamps.

4.2 Qualitative Data Collection

Our qualitative data collection consisted of analyzing documents in digital archives and conducting interviews. For our document analysis, we collected all relevant meeting protocols during the time period, i.e., another example of whole-frame sampling.

We selected interviewees from the four units of analysis based on purposive sampling (Baltes and Ralph 2020). Our goal was to identify the candidate interviewees that could provide the richest information, while also complementing the perspectives of the previous interviewees from a heterogeneity perspective, e.g., roles, background, site, age, and gender. To mitigate selection bias, our initial set of interviewees included engineers from different levels of the organization as well as with different perceptions of TRR. As case study research allows a flexible design, we complemented the interviewee selection with referral-chain sampling. In practice, each interview session concluded by asking the interviewee to refer other members of the population whom they believe would provide valuable perspectives on the adoption of TRR. The sample of interviewees will be characterized later in this section.

We developed an interview guide with some variation points for the four units of analysis. The interview sessions with TRR Team, HighLevel Module, and LowLevel Module focused on challenges, solutions, and opportunities related to the evolution of TRR from a research prototype to an internal Ericsson tool. On the other hand, the interview sessions with the TR Coordinators primarily focused on the user experience and perceived value of TRR (corresponding to perceived ease of use and usefulness in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis 1989)). The interview questions were intermixed in several interview sessions, i.e., we performed semi-structured interviews. The complete interview guide is available in Appendix A, whereas an initial overview is presented below:

  1. 1.

    A formal introduction including overall purpose, non-disclosure agreements, integrity, security, and research ethics.

  2. 2.

    A brief description of the interviewee’s current role and engineering background.

  3. 3.

    Open questions related to TRR’s evolution from a research prototype to an internal tool.

  4. 4.

    Closed questions on TR assignment and TRR. Perceived TRR value and ease of use.

  5. 5.

    An open discussion on the value of TRR and its direct and indirect effects on the related work tasks.

  6. 6.

    Perceived value of TRR in relation to its prediction accuracy.

  7. 7.

    Final comments and suggestions for additional interviewees.

We conducted six individual interview sessions and a group interview with three TR coordinators between Oct 2021 and Jan 2022. The interview sessions lasted 60–90 minutes and were conducted by at least two interviewers, i.e., authors 1 and 3 were always present. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all sessions were done remotely using MS Teams. All interviewees provided consent for recording of both audio and video.

Table 1 shows an overview of the nine interviewees. [TRR1] and [TRR2] are the main developers of TRR. Both are experienced developers with roughly ten years of employment time at Ericsson. They are primarily Java developers, but they acquired practical skills in deploying and operating ML models while developing TRR. [CO1–3] are highly seasoned Ericsson engineers with substantial system and domain expertise. [CO1] has an overarching TR management role, whereas [CO2] and [CO3] are responsible for TRs for the 5G and 4G systems, respectively. [HL1] and [HL2] represent two separate high-level modules for which they have acted as single points of contact for TRs. Finally, [LL1] and [LL2] belong to the same (very large) low-level module. [LL1] is currently a line manager, whereas [LL2] is a maintenance leader responsible for orchestrating TRs for the module.

Table 1 Overview of the interviewees. (TC=Technical Coordinator, SPoC=Single Point of Contact.)

In the context of this paper, we use the term Technical Coordinator (TC) for engineers that assign TRs. TR SPoCs for specific modules are also TCs, i.e., [HL1] and [HL2]. [CO1–3] are TCs on the highest product level, whereas [HL1], [HL2], and [LL2] are TCs on the module level.

5 Data Analysis

This section describes how we analyzed the collected BTS/TRR data and our approach to qualitative analysis.

5.1 Quantitative Data Analysis

We open the discussion on quantitative data analysis with an important disclaimer. Bug data is highly sensitive to any development organization. As a result, we are not allowed to report any absolute numbers related to TRs at Ericsson. Instead, bug counts will mostly be presented in relative numbers.

We used the extracted data to calculate simple descriptive statistics for the HighLevel Modules (High-A and High-B) and the LowLevel Module (Low-A). The descriptive statistics were used as input to the interview sessions (cf. subsection 6 in Appendix A), to tailor figures for the individual interviewees when applicable.

As explained in the registered report (Borg et al. 2021), we worked iteratively with the quantitative data. Data collection and analysis were intertwined, and we found new research angles as we got more familiar with the data. Our final list of metrics (M1–M6), also presented in Fig. 3, are:

  1. M1

    Uptime was estimated by the TRR maintenance team.

  2. M2

    Fraction automatically routed is calculated from the TRR logs.

  3. M3

    Distribution of confidence levels for the TRR predictions is collected from the TRR logs. The confidence level is fundamental in TRR as it must surpass a certain threshold to allow automated assignments.

  4. M4

    Fraction of TRs resolved by the assignee was calculated by combining BTS data and TRR logs. This represents an ideal case, i.e., the team assigned the TR also resolved it.

  5. M5

    Length of bug tossing chains shows the number of TR reassignments as recorded in the BTS. This measure is commonly reported in studies on automated bug assignment (Jeong et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2018).

  6. M6

    Relative TR handling time difference is the relative difference in handling time between human-routed and auto-routed TRs based on the BTS data.

We present what we call a Bayesian Causal Analysis (BCA) where we combine causal analysis (Pearl 2009; Hernán and Robins 2020) with Bayesian statistics (McElreath 2020; Gelman et al. 2013) to estimate full posterior distributions of quantitative causal effects of interest. These are then used to investigate how automatic TR assignments impact the cycle time of TRs within Ericsson. Responding to calls for Bayesian data analysis in empirical software engineering (Furia et al. 2019), we present the first causal graph on the impact of automatic assignment of bug reports in large proprietary contexts where we estimate the effects using Bayesian analysis. Our visual model can be openly scrutinized by the community, as we quantify the confounding factors and measure the sensitivity to model noise and model misclassification as part of the BCA workflow.

5.2 Qualitative Data Analysis

To answer RQ1, RQ3, and RQ4 we primarily analyzed interview transcriptions. We iterated over the five steps of thematic analysis as described by Cruzes and Dybå (2011): 1) extract relevant data, 2) code the extracted data, 3) translate codes into themes, 4) create a model based on the themes, and 5) validate the synthesis. Moreover, we performed method triangulation and member checking.

5.2.1 Thematic analysis of interviews

Thematic coding was carried out by the first and third authors of this manuscript. We combined inductive and deductive coding, i.e., new codes were suggested based on the data, however, identified and organized guided by the current coding scheme. Data extraction, coding, and interpretation were carried out in iterations of two interviews at a time. The current coding scheme evolved after each iteration, see Appendix B.

Our starting themes, and input to the first iteration, were the high-level RQs and a general description of the case under study. For RQ1, our starting point was to identify and code information regarding design decisions when implementing and deploying TRR, while for RQ3 and RQ4 our starting point was to code effects (direct and indirect) of adopting TRR.

In each iteration, the two authors independently coded one interview transcript, based on the current coding scheme. Then they met to discuss interpretations of new and previous codes, and to identify themes among the codes. After each iteration, new codes and themes were derived, which in turn were used as input for the next iteration. When all interviews had been coded once, the coding scheme was reworked, i.e., the codes were restructured and new themes identified. In the final iteration, all transcripts were revisited to align the coding according to the final coding scheme. Sec B in the Appendix shows how the coding scheme evolved in each iteration. Examples include splitting the high-level code “People” into “Character traits” and “Politics” (see Iteration 4 in Fig. 17) and adding the low-level code “Shorter tossing chains” (see Iteration 5 in Fig. 19).

In Section 610, we use the following conventions when reporting the results of our qualitative analysis. To maintain a chain of evidence, we provide references in brackets to the interview IDs in Table 1, e.g., [HL2] and [TRR1]. Most raw data is presented as inline quotes, but longer snippets appear in separate paragraphs to support readability. When words in quotes have been replaced for clarity, they appear in brackets, e.g., [TRR] and [augmented TRs].

5.2.2 Method triangulation and member checking

In line with recommendations for case study research (Runeson et al. 2012), we triangulated findings from the interviews using evidence from the TRR team’s sprint meetings. This was especially useful when building a timeline of the TRR introduction as events remembered by interviewees’ often could be confirmed.

The second, fourth, and fifth authors had access to data from the sprint meetings and conducted the analysis. The TRR Team has a mature meeting culture and all sprint meetings result in detailed minutes-of-meeting (MoM) for the archive. Furthermore, as most meetings in the COVID-19 period were entirely virtual, almost all instances were available as recorded MS Teams meetings. In most cases, the minutes contained the information needed, but the video recordings were available when even more details were needed. In total, we had access to evidence from 56 sprint meetings that typically lasted 30 minutes. We primarily used the MoMs to validate the chronological order of events when reconstructing the timeline.

Finally, we validated our interpretations by testing the coding scheme, the main takeaways, and the causal effect model on the study participants. All interviewees also received a draft version of the manuscript for internal review before we finalized the article. In the takeaways boxes, presented last throughout Sections 610, we generalize from the Ericsson case to practical implications that should apply to other organizations adopting automated bug assignment. On the other hand, for highly specific findings, we explicitly mention TRR and leave it to the reader to attempt analytical generalization based on our rich context description.

6 RQ1-A: Evolution From Prototype to Tool

In this section, we present how TRR evolved from prototype to deployed tool in the Ericsson context. Note that the overall issue assignment process also evolved during the last years, and while the preunderstanding described in Section 3.3 used to be a valid abstraction, the current process depicted in Fig. 2 is considerably more complex. For the adoption of TRR, we present a longitudinal perspective from the conceptual ideas in the early 2010s to an operational internal Ericsson product roughly a decade later. As we investigated the TRR adoption process, we discovered several obstacles and facilitators. While these belong to RQ1, we present these separately in Section 7 to support the presentation of our results.

Figure 4 shows a timeline of the TRR evolution from prototype to deployed tool. The cloud on the left side illustrates the early research and proofs-of-concept described in Section 6.1. The large horizontal arrow depicts the TRR evolution until today, including six identified key phases A)-F). Dashed vertical arrows indicate when key TRR features were released. The rightmost part of the figure shows interviewees’ suggestions for future TRR improvements. Finally, the horizontal black arrows show the time interval during which quantitative data was collected for this study and the time frame of the individual interviews, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Timeline of the TRR evolution and adoption

Table 2 presents the 10 codes that emerged during the qualitative analysis of the interviews. The evolution of the codes is presented in the upper part of Fig. 17 in Appendix B.

Table 2 Codes used to describe the TRR adoption from the timeline dimension

6.1 Research and Proofs-of-Concept (2011–2017)

The ambition to increase automation in TR assignment at Ericsson arose from a process improvement initiative, driven by the significant volume of TRs. Manual analysis and routing of incoming TRs had become a bottleneck due to the increasing complexity of modern telecommunications systems — and only highly senior engineers were knowledgeable enough to do it. As [HL1] expressed it: “It originated in lots of manual work and lots of that work was on our top players, the main TR Coords. Who had a lot to do with just deciding who should start a TR and they became blockers because they had so many other technical issues.”

Before delving into the TRR introduction, we stress that improved tool support was not the only approach to improve TR handling at Ericsson. As [HL1-247] elaborated: “TRs are a cost that no one wants. So there is a constant hunt for better ways of handling TRs. Faster ways of handling TRs, routing them to low-cost countries and such things.”. Note that the TR process also evolved at this time. [HL1-58] described the introduction of the prescreeners’ meetings (cf. Fig. 2) as follows: “It was clear that a change was needed. What we did first was this manual task where a couple of guys locked [themselves] into a room and looked at [all incoming TRs].”

Prior to 2018, we researched, conceptualized, developed proofs-of-concept, and published academic papers that included evaluations. The use of supervised ML emerged as the most suitable approach, as manually encoding rules for TR assignment was not sustainable for Ericsson. [TRR1] elaborated:

figure a

The research leading to TRR resulted in several academic publications. The early work explored proposed stacked generalization for TR classification (Jonsson et al. 2012; Jonsson 2013). A large-scale evaluation in telecommunications and process automation provided positive results (Jonsson et al. 2016a). Concurrently, Bayesian classification for TR assignment was explored (Jonsson et al. 2016b). A later study in 2019 aimed to enhance the accuracy of the ML models (Sarkar et al. 2019).

Despite efforts to enhance ML model accuracy, Ericsson chose to implement a simpler model for TRR deployment. This choice excluded ensemble models and Bayesian learning in favor of a conventional logistic regression model. The model relies on nominal TR features such as submitting site and severity, complemented by common terms found in TR descriptions, with natural language processing limited to TF-IDF normalization. Ericsson’s preference for a more maintainable ML model over maximal accuracy aligns with observations in other fields adopting ML-based solutions (Hansen 2020). Note that this finding must be understood in relation to the data used to train models, i.e., richer training data could benefit more advanced models. Nevertheless, maintainability holds a high priority in TRR’s quality requirements. Both [TRR1] and [TRR2] are actively involved in automating ML training and deployment steps within a pipeline. [TRR2] highlights that model retraining frequency has increased, shifting from quarterly to weekly updates. Ericsson’s focus on the maintainability of internal ML products resonates with previous work (Flaounas 2017) and developing a customized pipeline is a recommended solution (John et al. 2021).

figure b

6.2 Productization Phase I: Recommendations for all TRs (2017–2018)

In March 2017, [TRR1] was the first developer tasked with turning the various proofs-of-concept into an internal Ericsson product (cf. A) in Fig. 4). He was told that “it can be productized within two weeks” (this initial optimism was confirmed by [TRR2]) but TRR’s first product owner assigned a development budget of two months. Adapting TRR for the operational context was non-trivial, but, in May 2017 [TRR1] presented the first prototype: “We had the team demo at 10:00 AM and I was sent the final fix that really did the real thing and not just a fake thing at 9:57.” A few meetings with the TR Coords. followed, and they were very supportive — TR assignment can be sensitive and trigger blame games, and [TRR1] remembered that the TR Coords. were happy to see that additional tool support was on the roadmap.

After the demo meeting, the TRR team integrated the tool into the BTS and implemented automatic augmentation of all incoming TRs. From this point in time, all new TRs got an attached note with the module predictions from TRR. The scheme for recommending modules was based on the cumulative confidence score reported by TRR, i.e., as long as the cumulative confidence was less than 80%, additional modules were appended to the recommendation list in order of decreasing confidence levels. That is, if TRR predicted only one module with 100% accuracy, only that single module would be in the recommendation list. On the other hand, if TRR’s prediction was more uncertain, for instance, one module with 50% confidence, one with 20% confidence, one with 12% confidence and two with 9% confidence, the recommendation list would contain three modules (50%+20%+12%=82% > 80%). [TRR1-64] explained: “First, it was just putting a prediction, some information, into the [BTS] and it was not routing [TRs] at all.” This type of decision support corresponds to Parasuraman et al. (2000)’s third level of automation, i.e., “the system narrows the selection and presents these to the human.” Data were collected over roughly a year to enable an internal evaluation of TRR’s prediction accuracy (cf. B) in Fig. 4).

Unfortunately, the evaluations showed that TRR’s prediction accuracy remained mediocre. [TRR2] said that while the manual process corresponded to 75-78% accuracy, TRR obtained roughly 50% (verified in Sprint meeting MoM 2018-06-04). [TRR1] explained the consequences:

figure c

The evaluation phase and the period on hold are shown as C) and D) in Figure 4, respectively. [TRR2] remembered that internal ML engineering pushed the accuracy toward 65% (verified in Sprint meeting MoM 2018-07-17), but the goal was not reached. Internal negotiations with several stakeholders followed, including TR coordinators, senior developers, the TRR team, and line managers. [TRR1] continued: “we saw that there is a module where we had a really good accuracy” — this was HL-ModB for which [HL2] was the TR Single-Point-of-Contact.

figure d

6.3 Productization Phase II: Automatic Assignment for a Subset of TRs (2019)

The TRR team met with representatives from HL-ModB during a physical two-day workshop at the end of 2018 to find a way forward. During the workshop, they decided to proceed with a less ambitious use case for TRR. Instead of automatically assigning all incoming TRs, only the ones for which TRR’s predictions were particularly confident should be automatically assigned — or as [TRR2-101] put it ’“we got a chance to route part of the TRR inflow, not all”. [TRR2-105] reported from evaluations that showed a correlation between the confidence and accuracy of predictions — thus, the confidence threshold turned into a vital parameter that could be customized for different modules or types of TR. Several interviewees remembered this as a critical turning point in the TRR productization, e.g., “That was a game changer /.../ We knew that we couldn’t route every TR.” [TRR1] and “we had a different idea in the beginning, that we needed to automate everything. But /.../ we couldn’t do that. The [accuracy] was not enough.” [TRR2-384].

The HL-ModB turned into an early TRR adopter and the TRR team worked on tailored controlled releases. We identify [HL2] as an internal champion facilitating the TRR deployment and successfully navigating the internal corporate politics. HL-ModB proactively approached the TRR team [TRR2-153] and [HL2] remembered the setup as somewhat unorthodox:

figure e

[HL2] hypothesized that the setup was possible since HL-ModB is a “slush bucket” module where miscellaneous components often end up. From the TRR team’s perspective, [HL2] was perceived as very supportive as he promised to smoothen the introduction of automatic bug assignment for HL-ModB: “Because the big question was... what happens if [TRR] would start routing incorrectly. And he said that we have this chance, let’s start it. Two or three hiccups he could manage.” (TRR1-220). Furthermore, [HL2] proposed a set of other suitable modules (beyond HL-ModB) that could be the next targets in the gradual introduction of TRR at Ericsson during 2019. We recognize that [HL2] was the type of product champion reported by Premkumar and Potter (1995) and Hameed et al. (2012) to strongly influence the success of industrial tool adoption.

In early 2019, the TRR team initiated a controlled deployment of the re-engineered tool (cf. E) in Fig. 4 (verified in Sprint meeting MoM 2019-02-27). In April 2019, HL-ModB and two additional high-level modules were the first modules to receive automatic TR assignments from TRR, but, only for predictions with a confidence above a specific threshold. When confident, TRR’s action corresponded to Parasuraman et al. (2000)’s seventh level of automation, i.e., “the system executes tasks automatically, and informs the human.” When less confident, TRR just augmented TRs the same way as before. [TRR2-236] confirmed that TRR matched the accuracy of the manual process for HL-ModB at this time. [TRR1-87] remembered that enabling automatic TRs assignments was a major step that involved a top management decision.

Later, in April 2019, three additional modules were included in the controlled deployment of TRR’s higher level of automation (verified in Sprint meeting 2019-05-09). [TRR1-223] shared: “We learned a lot, we received a lot of feedback, but, basically the the predictions and the routings made sense.” One of the learning outcomes was the tuning of the confidence thresholds for automatic TR assignment — stakeholders had contrasting preferences as will be described in Section 7. [HL2], the champion from HL-ModB, remained involved in the TRR adoption process, and explained the importance of managing the internal politics: “We had to flex the diplomatic muscles, ensure that we didn’t piss people off. Ensure that we had support from the organizations and so on” [HL2-158]. Moreover, [HL2-147] elaborated: “We very, very well established diplomatically in the organization. Present in all the relevant meetings. We knew all the stakeholders for essentially anything concerning processes. And we had established a fairly decent reputation as knowledgeable in the area and reasonably trustworthy.” Some modules valued the increased level of automation from the start, such as [HL1-70]: “the real gain came when we started to use [TRR] as a routing tool and actually allowed the tool to route TRs.” who considered this as “just a natural step.” [HL1-281].

Several TRR users actively provided feedback during the tool adoption. One of [HL1]’s feature requests ended up in TRR: email notifications. The feature allows users to opt-in to email notifications if TRR produces moderately confident predictions (roughly 50%) for an assignment to the user’s module, i.e., a “heads-up” for the next pre-screening meeting. This was a major improvement according to her: “That was a large improvement to our work, because as soon as we got the emails, we started to look at the TR and could say if it was ours. Or we could put a comment next to the comment from TRR. We could say ‘[HL-ModA] front desk saying: We suggest that [anonymous module] starts with this [TR]. We think it’s something with the throughput.”’ [HL1-146]. Another feature that was introduced was an explicit feedback button in connection to individual TRR predictions, i.e., users can now easily provide free-text feedback to the TRR developers [HL1-170].

Later in 2019, modules were incrementally added for auto-routing with TRR (cf. F) in Fig. 4. The new modules were large, both in terms of people and the number of TRs handled. By the end of the year, TRR encompassed all 4G/5G modules. TRR gradually auto-routed a larger fraction of TRs and [TRR1-223] reported the progress asFootnote 1: “In the summer of 2020 we really scaled it up. We went from routing 0.16-0.24 TRs [per time unit] to 0.6 plus TRs. /.../ and now we are between 0.8 and 1 TRs” This statement (cf. G) in Fig. 4) is supported by quantitative data that will be discussed in relation to Fig. 7. Two factors explain the scale-up in the number of routed TRs. First, Ericsson rolled out many 5G systems at this time. Second, the TRR team decreased confidence thresholds to auto-route more TRs.

TRR was seen as a natural part of the TR process by several interviewees in the end of 2021. [HL1-242] stated “[TRR] is for us the new normal already, so I think we have incorporated it”. Interestingly, we found that not all TR Coords. were aware that TRR currently performs automatic assignments. “We had a long discussion about whether [TRR] would actually route or just give a recommendation in the text and that was the big thing at that point. /.../ I don’t know whether it’s actually auto-routing now.” [CO1-103] [CO2] believed that TRR provided only recommendations, while [CO3] perceived that automatic assignments actually are in use. This suggests that the TR Coords. do not need to know on what automation level TRR operates. Automated assignments limit the number of TRs they need to manually process, but there has been no drastic difference in the work task.

figure f

6.4 Potential Future Direction and Indirect Improvements

TRR will inevitably need to keep evolving to match the needs of its users within the organization. While discussing TRR and the ways of working at Ericsson, we explicitly asked the interviewees to propose new tool features and related process improvements.

Some interviewees discussed increasing TRR’s accuracy. Perhaps TRR’s accuracy would increase if TR attachments, especially log files, were considered by the tool. Indeed, only a subset of the available information is currently used as features when training the ML model. [LL1] was particularly vocal about the importance of extracting information from the TRs’ attached logs, and repeatedly stressed the importance of extending TRR in this direction during the interview. It is obvious that [LL1] is used to find key information in the logs when processing TRs manually. [TRR1] also speculated about the possibility of increasing TRRs by extracting information from attached logs, thus confirming that the TRR team is aware of the potential.

Another approach to increasing TRR’s accuracy would be to make the predictions more fine-grained, which would be beneficial for large modules that are organized into sub-modules. [LL2-297] proposed the following improvement: “[Predict] which radio type. And which [communication] band /.../ That would be so nice not to search in the logs for this.” Again, the interviewee indicated the value of extracting information from the logs.

In the same vein, (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020b) explored adding information from screenshots in IssueTAG. They found that many of IssueTAG’s incorrect assignments at IsBank contained screenshots rather than detailed textual descriptions. While screenshots are less relevant in the embedded telecommunications context at Ericsson, it is possible that TRs with logs contain less descriptive text and, thus, are misclassified more frequently.

A subset of the interviewees proposed enhancing TRR to predict TR fields beyond the team assignment. During the issue management process, technical coordinators and pre-screeners assign values to several fields in the BTS, e.g., severity, priority, and target versions for patches. Both [HL1] and [LL2] proposed this, indicating a broad potential within the organization as they represent contrasting viewpoints, i.e., an optimistic high-level module and a skeptical low-level module. On the other hand, the two TC Coords. [CO1] and [CO2] expressed worry about automating such sensitive aspects as the decisions require a deep understanding of the market and different customers. [HL2] shared the same concern but from a developer’s perspective:

figure g

Three interviewees imagined how TRR could trigger other changes related to both processes and products. First, [HL1] proposed the introduction of an online forum where TR specifics could be discussed instead of stacking attached notes in the BTS. Second, [LL2] suggested that TRR should operate in two phases. For newly submitted TRs, he would prefer TRR to only route if highly confident. Then, after the pre-screening meeting, TRR could get a second chance to auto-route based on the additional information is available in the TR. Third, [TRR1] envisioned that TRR could impact the Ericsson products themselves to generate and augment TRs that more easily could be auto-routed. From this innovative perspective, using ML-based issue assignment could lead to TRs that are easier for TRR to route:

figure h

Finally, based on our interviews, we posit that a short internal training on how TRR works could be useful to remove some incorrect assumptions. In the interviews, we found that [LL2] had the wrong impression of when TRR acts, [CO2] was not aware that TRR currently does auto-routing of TRs, and also [CO1] was unsure. All stakeholders do not need to know the implementation details, but at which level of automation TRR operates should be a shared understanding within the organization. The internal TRR introduction appears to have been insufficient, as indicated by [LL2-200]: “I had just one introduction presentation from some of your colleagues in one hour, and then we knew that this was the way forward.” Maybe the fact that TRR is a “background tool” with limited user interaction (discussed next in Section 7) made the organization provide only minimal training.

figure i

7 RQ1-B: Obstacles and Facilitators in the TRR Adoption

In this section, also addressing RQ1, we present the most important obstacles and facilitators in the TRR adoption at Ericsson. Although some overlaps are inevitable, the discussion is organized into: acceptance, ML technology obstacles, organizational factors and character traits, and facilitators. Tables 3 and 4 present the 25 codes that emerged in the analysis. The evolution of the codes is presented in Fig. 17 in Appendix B.

Table 3 Codes used to describe obstacles and facilitators in the TRR adoption related to the high-level (HL) codes acceptance, technology, character traits, and internal politics
Table 4 Codes used to describe key facilitators in the TRR adoption

Several challenges related to the transition from research prototypes to industrial tools have been reported in the literature, e.g., limited trust, scalability, usability, process integration, staff training, and maintenance (Favre et al. 2003; Lee and See 2004). The SE community is also aware that industrial tool adoption often takes years (Garousi et al. 2019). We discuss our RQ1-B results in light of such previous work.

7.1 Accepting a Higher Level of Automation

Ericsson engineers must develop trust in TRR to accept its adoption in the organization. Many researchers have tried explaining the multi-faceted concept of trust. A systematic review by Hoff and Bashir (2015) reports that most explanations contain three constituents. First, there must be 1) a truster to give trust, 2) a trustee to accept the trust, and 3) something must be at stake. Second, the trustee must have an incentive to perform some task. Third, there must be a risk that the trustee will fail to perform the task. In the TRR case, 1) TRR is the truster, 2) Ericsson engineers are trustees, and 3) additional work is at stake if TRR does not perform adequately. Ericsson engineers are incentivized to delegate bug assignments to TRR, but, there is a risk that TRR will misclassify TRs. [HL2] elaborated on the risk:

figure j

Trust in increased levels of automation evolves as users interact with tools. Lee and See (2004) discuss how trust dynamically increases or decreases as users process information about the capabilities of automation. They distinguish three parallel processes, i.e., the affective process (emotional responses to violations and confirmations of implicit expectancies), the analytical process (rational evaluation), and the analogical process (comparing personal trust to opinions of others). Our study identified elements of all three, and [HL2] summarized it as:

figure k

The interviewees reported several instances of automatic TR assignments that decreased engineers’ trust in TRR. [LL1-280] emphasized TRR’s problem of assigning new TRs that do not resemble anything in the training data. If a batch of such similar TRs appears in a short time frame, it can quickly deteriorate trust:

figure l

[LL1] explained that part of the problem was that TRR could not distinguish between Radio as a product, Radio software, and the Radio hardware box itself. Apparently, TRR assigned everything to Radio software — during one period, Radio even requested the TRR team to disable automatic routing to their module. [LL2] mentioned several mails from Radio engineers who were unhappy about TRR assignments — the existence of such heated communication was confirmed also by [TRR1].

While there have been setbacks, our interviews confirm the development of trust in TRR at Ericsson — even the skeptical trustee [LL2-164], who personally suffered from TRR’s downsides, clearly showed signs of increasing trust: “But of course, machines are getting more and more intelligent, more inputs, better decisions, more accurate decisions.” A similar trust development was reported by [LL1], who initially did not at all believe in the approach for [LL-ModA] but gradually recognized the benefits over time.

In comparison, (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020a) reported trust development of IssueTAG at IsBank as easier. In fact, the authors strikingly identified no objections at all and hypothesize that “this was because all the stakeholders believed that they would benefit from the new system and none of them felt threatened by it.” It appears that the downsides of roughly 15% misclassifications at IsBank is a negligible problem compared to the benefits of savings time for most of the issues. Aktas and Yilmaz (2020a) also found that IssueTAG was accepted because no stakeholders were afraid to lose their jobs. At Ericsson, we found no indications that any engineers were afraid to be made obsolete by TRR — on the contrary, several interviewees welcomed a future involving less effort manual work in issue assignment.

figure m

7.2 Machine Learning Technology Obstacles

As for any engineering effort, the design and implementation of TRR necessitated overcoming some obstacles related to technology. Several implementation hindrances would apply to any tool adoption in a large organization, e.g., integrating TRR with the existing tool suite and developing proper web services for TRR operations. None of those aspects stood out in any way, thus we focus the rest of this section on novel considerations originating in the ML aspects of TRR.

Reaching useful accuracy levels is often a challenge when developing predictive ML models (Vogelsang and Borg 2019). Despite not being trained data scientists, the TRR team needed to perform ML engineering activities to reach the accuracy goals, e.g., devising proper evaluation methods and feature engineering. The accuracy challenge is described in relation to the timeline of the TRR adoption in Section 6.2.

The availability and quality of training data are essential for the success of supervised ML. TRR’s predictions largely rely on the textual content of TRs. Consequently, for some TRs, TRR barely has any input with predictive power as explained by [TRR2-236] “sometimes it is impossible for [TRR] when the TR is saying ‘OK, you can download the logs here.’ Or ‘some images is a attached and you can find the relevant information there.’ It is invisible for [TRR] or hard to retrieve.” [LL1] confirms this issue, and strongly calls for future versions of TRR to consider attached logs. Moreover, [LL1-90] complained that the quality of the textual content in TRs sometimes is limited: “[TRs] sometimes has wrong information and in most cases it doesn’t contain all the necessary information to determine where the problem actually is.”.

One intrinsic challenge with ML-based systems is explainability. Explainable AI is a trending research topic, and initiatives also exist in software engineering (Tantithamthavorn and Jiarpakdee 2021). In this study, we explicitly asked interviewees about their thoughts in relation to TRR explainability (cf. Part 5 of the interview guide in Appendix A). While none of the interviewees considered it to be a major issue, most remembered automatically assigned TRs that appeared strange, e.g., “Why on Earth did we get this one?” [HL1-230]. [HL1], [TRR1], and [LL2] brought up anecdotes of when TRR assignments triggered angry emails within the organization, e.g., “This was routed to us. This is unheard of /.../ This machine is always wrong!” [TRR1-335].

To support explainability, the TRR team developed a browser plugin to extract the rationale behind individual TRR predictions. The tool is not distributed to all users but has been used on a case-by-case basis when needed. [TRR1-433] explained how this tool has resolved arguments when TR assignees were unhappy: “When someone’s finger is in [the TRR Team’s] eye because of how stupid the prediction was. More often than not, there was a quite plausible explanation why [TRR] said that /.../ What features were extracted and what led to the prediction.” [TRR-1] clearly described how convincing it can be to extract a list of domain-specific keywords that motivate certain assignments. [LL1] agrees that rationales could be interesting, especially in cases where TRR makes predictions with low confidence levels.

On the other hand, presenting explanations when not requested can result in information overload. [CO1] and [LL2] were very clear about this and stressed that they do not want to know any details about how TRR predicts assignment destinations, for example

figure n

Contradictory to advice for recommendation system output (Murphy-Hill and Murphy 2014), the TRR team deliberately chose not to present any motivation for TRR’s predictions along with its output. In practice, finding the balance between explainability and output conciseness is non-trivial — it is evident that different types of users have contrasting preferences.

figure o

7.3 Organizational Characteristics and Personality Traits

Numerous studies have targeted the characteristics of organizations adopting novel technology. A review by Hameed et al. (2012) identified 41 factors in the innovation adoption literature. In this section, we report the most prominent related findings from the interviews, including the political and social dynamics that are always at play in large companies (Premkumar and Potter 1995). Furthermore, we present findings collected to personality traits, e.g., the tendency to champion new solutions and conservative points of view. The TRR team presented the internal inertia as more difficult to overcome than the technology challenges reported in Section 7.2. [TRR1-297] set the tone as follows:

figure p

Working toward acceptance within a large organization requires a trust development process as discussed in Section 7.1. Various aspects of negotiation and finding convincing ways forward were presented in relation to the TRR timeline in Sections 6.26.3. [HL2], previously identified as a champion with noteworthy diplomatic skills, stressed the importance of stakeholder identification and analysis during tool adoption in general:

figure q

[LL2-117] vocalized several skeptical concerns, e.g., “I have seen this auto-routing that I really don’t like. I have also stated that this is not in my interest to see TRs auto-routed to [LL-ModA].” His primary concern was that too many TRs are incorrectly assigned to modules related to LL-ModA and reassigning them to other modules is a very costly activity — once a TR has been initially assigned, they tend to stick. His top goal as a maintenance leader is to increase the accuracy of TRs assigned to LL-ModA as he clearly found that the previous manual process (corresponding to 75% accuracy) generated too much waste in the organization. He reported that increasing the level of automation before reaching high accuracy levels would lead to additional costs that the maintenance organization cannot bear. The problem of rerouting TRR’s initial assignments is confirmed on the high-level modules: “If you get an incorrectly assigned TR from [TRR], you have no human to reach out to. It came from a machine. /.../ You just cannot fight a machine.” [HL2-296].

[LL2]’s solution to minimize the number of misrouted TRs was to first let human pre-screeners add comments based on their analyses before TRR makes any predictions. He also wants TRR to use the prescreeners’ comments as input, also as a sign of respect: “There is a prescreening behind every TR and these guys are really putting a lot of effort at the moment. /.../ And we think that they should be respected because they are the guys who know the system and make the best assessments.” [LL2-149] On the other hand, [LL2] agrees that for very confident TRR predictions, LL-ModA could accept bypassing the human analysis to reduce manual effort.

[TRR1] expressed two statements that illustrated the opposite view of TRR’s automatic assignments to LL-ModA. First, he remembered an occasion when LL-ModA rejected a TR automatically assigned by TRR with the motivation that it did not come from the human TR Coords. — which was seen as provocative by the TRR team who responded by providing extensive statistics of manual and automatic accuracy levels. Second, he raised the point that it is hard for anyone to assign TRs to LL-ModA:

figure r

On the other hand, [TRR1] also stressed that he was aware of how difficult the maintenance activities are for LL-ModA as “their module is always on fire” and must “support an insane product portfolio” of legacy systems. He understood that TRR added to the pressure:

figure s

Despite their compassion for LL-ModA, the TRR team confirmed that it would have been detrimental to the TRR adoption if LL-ModA got an exemption to not receive automatically assigned TRs — it could have set a bad example for other modules within Ericsson.

figure t

7.4 Key Facilitators in the TRR Adoption

This section concludes the discussion on RQ1 by presenting key facilitators for the TRR adoption identified at Ericsson. The findings are both of an organizational and technical nature.

The TRR adoption was facilitated by the existence of explicit stakeholders. As described in Section 6.1, the development of TRR originated in a real need at Ericsson, i.e., the need to improve the costly TR handling process. The TR Coords. were stakeholders from the beginning, and additional stakeholders in the modules were gradually identified by the TRR Team: “In the beginning it was harder. But later, /.../ it went smoother because we already had the [communication] channels, the representatives to talk to.” [TRR2-167] [TRR2-184] also stressed that it is easier to convince engineers if the tool development originated in Ericsson’s internal improvement initiatives rather than external sources. This resonates with the well-known “not-invented-here” phenomenon in corporate cultures (Stefi 2015).

Another key TRR facilitator was the approach of gradual tool introduction. The gradual introduction encompasses both 1) the two steps of increased automation levels and 2) the controlled deployment of TRR to carefully selected modules. [CO1] explained it as follows:

figure u

[CO1] also commended the TRR team for carefully aligning the TRR deployment with the current TR handling process, i.e., there was no extra work required by the TRR Coords. post-deployment. In the IssueTAG adoption at IsBank, (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020a) emphasized the importance of a gradual tool introduction to build confidence and subsequently support acceptance of a higher automation level.

Decreasing the TRR ambition to only operate on the higher level of automation when above a configurable confidence threshold was reported as a game changer by [TRR1] in Section 6.3. Also [HL2] emphasized the importance of this decision, as it gave modules a greater sense of control. [HL1] recognized how her preferred confidence configuration stood out in the organization:

figure v

[HL1]’s viewpoint was that as long as her module had the highest confidence level among the candidates, the TR would most likely anyway reach her — she perceived her top-level module as the default target for most TR assignments.

Finally, we found that a key facilitator of the TRR adoption was that it is a background tool. Users do not have to operate TRR in any way; they only need to act on its output. TRR automatically augments a TR: “[The TRR adoption] went really smooth because it is really simple. On our end, it is a note, a row in the notebook of the TR.” [HL1-278] Only if confident does the TR get automatically assigned to the most likely module. Also [HL2] stressed that TRR is a tool from which no explicit user input is needed:

figure w
figure x

8 RQ2: Accuracy of TRR’s Assignments

This section presents our quantitative analysis of TRR’s accuracy. The analysis focuses on two metrics introduced in Section 5.1, i.e., Fraction of TRs resolved by the assignee (M4) and Length of bug tossing chains (M5).

Figure 5 shows TRR’s routing accuracy over time plotted per month. The upper left subplot depicts an overall view across all (25+) modules. The turquoise line represents the accuracy of the TRs that were auto-routed by TRR. This subset of TRs corresponds to predictions for which TRR’s confidence level was above the specified threshold. The red line, on the other hand, shows the accuracy of all predictions no matter the confidence level, i.e., it encompasses both the auto-routed TRs and the TRs that were only augmented in the BTS. Finally, the horizontal black line shows the accuracy of the ZeroR baseline, i.e., always predicting the majority class.

Since the summer of 2020, TRR has consistently auto-routed TRs with an accuracy within the range 75%–80%. Considering also the less confident TRR predictions, i.e., both auto-routed and augmented TRs, TRR’s accuracy has fluctuated around 50% in the same time frame. Both the turquoise and red lines show increases since TRR was deployed in 2019, but, we find that TRR’s accuracy appears to now be stable. Finally, it is clear that TRR outperforms the ZeroR baseline at 16%.

Fig. 5
figure 5

TRR’s accuracy over time. The turquoise lines represent auto-routed TRs, whereas the red lines depict the accuracy of all predictions (including those not auto-routed). The top left sub-figure visualizes the routing accuracy over time for all modules. The other three sub-figures show the results for three sample modules

The bottom subplots in Fig. 5 show TRR’s accuracy for HL-ModA and HL-ModB, respectively. As the total numbers of TRs are fewer on the module level, the values fluctuate more, and there is no apparent increasing trend. TRR’s accuracy for HL-ModA is within the range 75%–100% since the last quarter of 2019, whereas the accuracy has been around 80% on average for HL-ModB. We find that TRR’s predictions for the two high-level modules under study have been more accurate than the average module.

The upper right subplot in Fig. 5 depicts TRR’s accuracy for LL-ModA. This module displays the maximum initial variation just after TRR was deployed. Since the summer of 2020, TRR’s accuracy has stabilized within the range 65%–85%. While TRR is slightly less accurate for LL-ModA than HL-ModA and HL-ModB, it is not the sole reason why we found more skeptical views on the lower level — a deeper understanding is presented in RQ1 and RQ4.

Figure 6 shows the distribution of bug tossing chain lengths for the same time period. The data shows reassignment for both auto-routed only augmented TRs. We find that a majority (81%) of TRs are either never reassigned or reassigned once or twice. Only rarely, is a TR tossed five or more times (7%). Through an example, [TRR1] explained that some tossing is sometimes inevitable as the module that should analyze a TR first might not be the same as the closing module:

figure y

Bug tossing does not appear to be a major concern at Ericsson. Still, shorter tossing chains were mentioned as a direct effect in RQ4 discussed in Section 10.1. We believe that although bug tossing does not occur frequently, a TR turning into a ‘hot potato’ can be costly within the organization. Several interviewees remembered such noteworthy cases and thus brought them up in the interviews.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Distribution of bug tossing chain lengths

figure z

9 RQ3: The Value of TRR at Ericsson

This section is organized into descriptive statistics, the BCA, and a qualitative analysis based on the QUPER model. The section reports the metrics Uptime (M1), Fraction automatically routed (M2), Distribution of confidence levels (M3), and Relative TR handling time difference (M6) — all introduced in Section 5.1.

9.1 Descriptive Statistics of TRR’s Auto-Routing

For TRR to provide value at Ericsson, it must have a high availability. We did not find a way to measure this for the time period under study, thus we rely on a careful estimation by the TRR team: the estimated uptime of TRR since the tool was deployed is 97%. We consider this value sufficiently high to discuss the other value dimensions.

Figure 7 shows the fraction of auto-routed TRs over time. The more TRs that are automatically — and correctly — assigned, the more effort TRR can save. The top left subplot depicts the overall fraction for all modules. Starting with a low fraction in 2019, TRR has since 2020 consistently auto-routed 20–35% of all 4G/5G TRs at Ericsson. This translates into fewer TRs to manually process, which saves time at Ericsson:

figure aa
Fig. 7
figure 7

Fraction of auto-routed TRs over time

The upper right and bottom subplots in Fig. 7 show the fraction of auto-routed TRs on module level. HL-ModA has been hovering between 25–30% since the start of 2020. For HL-ModB, the fraction has been around 20% since the summer of 2020 with a slight upward trend. The fraction is lower for LL-ModA, with an average below 20% for the same time period. As [LL2] stressed the cost of misclassifications for LL-ModA, a lower fraction of auto-routed TRs appears logical.

Based on the fraction of auto-routed TRs by TRR, and the tool’s current accuracy level, Ericsson can make a rough estimate of how much manual effort has been saved. As presented in the registered report, Ericsson estimates a manual TR assignment by the TR Coords. takes three senior engineers 2 min on average (Borg et al. 2021). As we are not permitted to disclose anything about the volume of TRs managed by Ericsson, we can only provide hypothetical numbers: 1 000, 10 000, and 100 000 auto-routed TRs would then translate to time savings for the TR Coords. of 99 h, 999 h, and 9 999 h, respectively. As the TR Coords. are very expensive resources, and since TRR roughly matches their manual accuracy, we find these results very valuable. While the interviewees representing LL-ModA shared that TRR resulted in extra work for them, [HL1]’s time-saving estimates for HL-ModA were very positive:

figure ab

Figure 8 depicts the distribution of confidence levels for TRR’s top three predictions. Red, green, and blue bars show confidence levels for the first, second, and third TRR prediction. We find that the confidence of the first TRR predictions is left-skewed with 29% of the TRs predicted with a confidence level above 95%. For the second and third predictions, which are only generated if needed to reach a cumulative confidence score of 80% as described in Section 6.2, the scores are instead skewed toward 0. With only 32% of all top-3 TR predictions in the range between 0.1 and 0.9, we conclude that TRR’s logical regression model tends to produce either very confident or non-confident predictions.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Distribution of confidence levels for the top-3 ranked TRR predictions

In some cases, especially due to the effect of time zones, TRR saves many hours and sometimes even entire workdays in routing lead times. This can happen when a TR is detected during the night in Central European Time, and it would not have been routed until the next TC meeting in Sweden. TRR, on the other hand, automatically reacts as soon as a TR is registered in the BTS and (if confident) immediately routes the TR to a module. In fortunate cases, the module can immediately start working on the TR, rather than waiting for an assignment from the next TC meeting in the manual routing case. This phenomenon has been used by the TRR team when motivating their work on the tool. [TRR1] confirmed this and we share his illustrative success story under direct effects of TRR in Secion 10.1.

We were not able to find data to exactly calculate the number of days saved since for each routed TR, we would need to know where the team that handled the TR was located in the world and how soon they would be able to start working on the particular TR. We instead chose to calculate how often there was a potential for saving one day of work. This was done by calculating the time from when a TR was auto-routed until the next TC meeting. If this time exceeded eight hours, we assumed there was a potential to save one day of work (eight hours). This occurred in roughly half of the cases of auto-routed TRs. This is not to say that it would happen that often since many TRs are pulled by the design teams themselves.

figure ac

9.2 Bayesian Causal Analysis

Both efficiency and effectiveness are important when introducing tool support for bug assignment. TRR was initially started when the efficiency in the TR handling was too low, i.e., costly senior human TR Coords. were struggling to keep up with the TR inflow. Pre-screening was introduced to help the TR Coords, but inevitably some TRs were assigned to modules that did not expect them. A substantial amount of work is involved in the process as described by [TRR1-107]: “You wouldn’t believe how many hours are spent on meetings when [engineers] go through the TRs” . In this section, we present a BCA in which we investigate the quantitative effects of using TRR for the automatic assignment of TRs. We begin with a short introduction to the techniques of BCA, causal analysis, and Bayesian estimation techniques.

9.2.1 Causal Analysis

In the interest of space, we can only give a short introduction to the topic of causal analysis, but for excellent introductions to the topic, we recommend (Pearl and Mackenzie 2018) and Pearl et al. (2016) and Chapters 5-6 in McElreath (2020). For an in-depth technical discussion (Pearl 2009) is the reference work.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Causal DAG of the TR routing at Ericsson

The first component of the causal analysis is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) that is imbued with causal properties. Figure 9 visualizes the causal DAG that we use in our BCA. The DAG describes the causal relationships we model in our analysis. The DAG consists of nodes and directed edges. The nodes represent statistical variables that we study in our analysis as well as their corresponding real-world phenomena.

The directed edges represent the causal relationships between real-world phenomena. A directed edge from one node to another signifies that the first node affects the second, but not vice versa. Thus, causal relationships (contrary to statistical) only goes one way, in the direction of the arrows in the DAG. DAGs do not tell us anything about the concrete functional relationship between variables, only that a relationship exists and in which direction it goes. The functional relationship is later modeled in the estimation procedure which is separated from the modeling of the causal relationships.

Grey nodes represent unobserved or latent variables that we cannot measure in our context. The blue node, called the exposure node, represents the variable we are particularly interested in measuring the effect of on the red node, the outcome node. With this DAG, we communicate our interest in measuring the effect of machine vs. human routing (the blue Routing Entity node) on the TR handling time (M6), i.e., the time from TR submission to a finished implementation of a resolution (we do not include final handling and the release procedure to customers in this analysis). The handling time of the TR is represented by the red node denoted Total Time in the graph.

9.2.2 Causal Graph of TR Routing Flow

In this subsection, we motivate the causal relationships in Fig. 9 that reflect the TR handling process at Ericsson. Starting from the top left we conclude that Customer TRs are typically of higher quality than internal TRs in terms of documentation, so it affects the TR Quality node in our causal DAG. We have no quantitative measure of the TR quality in our data, hence this node is marked as a latent or unobserved node. From there on we claim that the quality of the TR (TR Quality — how well it is written, how detailed it is, how many logs are included, etc.) affects several aspects of the TR flow.

Specifically in our modeling, we claim that it affects the Uncertainty of the machine prediction of where the TR should be routed (more quality data — less uncertainty and vice versa), as well as if it will be correctly routed (Correct, better-written TRs are more likely to be correctly routed) as well as the Ping Pong Time (the same as “tossing time”, i.e., the time until the correct module starts working with the TR — with better data, less tossing should be needed) and Analysis Time (better TR data should lead to less analysis time). In the DAG, we separate between a ping-pong stage and an analysis stage, although you can argue, and it is certainly true, that some part of the analysis happens already during the ping-pong stage.

Next, the TR Difficulty (how hard it is to implement a solution for the TR, once it is understood what needs to be done), likely affects the uncertainty in the machine prediction as well as if it is correctly predicted. It also likely affects the Ping Pong Time (the more difficult it is to agree on how it should be implemented the longer a TR can be tossed around) and the Analysis Time (since a harder TR to implement, is likely also harder to analyze) as well as the Implementation Time (a TR that is hard to implement will likely also take longer time to implement. Perhaps code needs to be updated in several modules and extensive unit testing in several modules needs to be implemented). We have no direct data on TR Difficulty; hence, this node is tagged as a latent variable.

Further, Priority affects the Response Time (a low priority TR can lie around for a longer time) as well as the Analysis Time, since low priority TRs may be assigned to less experienced engineers causing longer time for analysis, and work on it may be swapped out for work on more important TRs. Priority also affects Implementation Time (same argument as for Analysis Time) and eventual Delays (shortage of staff causes low priority TRs to lie in waiting for longer times). Delays are again a latent variable in the model since we have no data on delays.

The Uncertainty node represents the uncertainty of the ML algorithm in its classification of where to route the TR. Uncertainty will affect if a human or the TRR machinery (the Routing Entity) will route the TR by checking the uncertainty against pre-defined confidence thresholds as described in Section 6.3. In our context, the relation between Uncertainty and Routing Entity is in principle a deterministic relation since the confidence thresholds deterministically decide if a TR will be routed by the machine or not, but we will treat it as a random variable anyway since the thresholds have varied over time and that variation is not reflected in the data (but the uncertainty is). The Routing Entity, in turn, affects to which degree a TR is correctly routed. If a TR is correctly routed or not, it in turn affects the Ping Pong Time. Wrongly routed TRs must, per definition, be reassigned, while correctly routed TRs do not ping-pong at all. Finally, the Routing Entity affects the Response Time (i.e., how long a TR is waiting to be routed from arriving to the routing inbox), since the machine can immediately route the TR, while if a human routes the TR it must wait until a human is available to route it.

As a final reflection on the causal model, we conclude that the Routing Entity has no direct effect, i.e., an edge directly from Routing Entity to Total Time, which means that the Routing Entity only has an indirect effect on Total Time, and this indirect effect is transmitted through Response Time and Correct (through Ping Pong Time and its descendants).

9.2.3 Developing the Causal Graph

The causal graph in Fig. 9 has been iteratively developed in collaboration with TR experts in the organization. Versions have been proposed, discussed, and critiqued — leading to new versions developed based on the feedback. Our target estimate is the causal effect of ML-based routing on the Total Time, so we will focus the discussion on this variable. What can mainly get us into trouble when we want to estimate causal effects are confounding variables, i.e., variables that introduce bias into our estimates of the effects of interest. We use causal inference libraries implemented in the R package ‘dagitty’ by Textor et al. (2016), which implements graph algorithms (Pearl 2009) to extract the variables we need to include in our estimation procedure to ensure that we get unbiased estimates of the entities of interest. The algorithms implemented in dagitty will give us the so-called adjustment set (i.e., the variables needed in our estimation procedure to ensure no bias due to confounders) from a given graph, but these algorithms assume that the graph is correct. Considerable time and discussions have been spent on the development of the DAG, but of course, there is always the possibility that aspects have been missed. In general, each node in the DAG can have incoming arrows with so-called unexplained effects, but it is standard in the literature to omit these arrows. The effect of such unexplained effects will be visible in the estimation of the effects in terms of variation of the estimates. Next, we move on to estimating the causal effects in the DAG.

9.2.4 Estimating Causal Effects in the TR Routing flow

With the causal graph in Fig. 9 and its motivation, we can now proceed by estimating the causal effects of auto-routing. Running dagitty on the graph with Routing Entity as the exposure node and Total Time as the outcome node gives us the adjustment set {Uncertainty}. This means that to estimate the causal effect of Routing Entity on Total Time we must also control for Uncertainty. In our case, we do this by adding Uncertainty as a variable in the regression we use to estimate the effect of the routing entity on the total handling time.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Distribution of total handling time by routing entity

9.2.5 Selecting a Model

We base the model selection on reasoning about the data generating process. Our data are the handling times of TRs, i.e., the data will be zero (some special case TRs) or positive, and continuous. We could arguably transform the data to integer data by rounding the handling time to full minutes, but we measure the time in minutes with second fractions. In practice there is an upper bound on how long a TR can be handled, but since there are some TRs that have been hanging in the system for a long time and we measure the time in minutes, there will be TRs with very large values of Total Time so we will model the data with an infinite upper bound. The distribution we select needs to have support in (0,\(\infty \)). There are several models that could be used just based on the positive continuous data with support in (0,\(\infty \)) for instance the exponential distribution, the chi-square distribution, the truncated normal distribution and the gamma distribution, and inverse versions of these.

To narrow the choice down, we think about more details of the data-generating process. As can be seen from the causal DAG in Fig. 9, the total time is a sum of a set of waiting times, and the gamma distribution is often used to model waiting times and the sum of several gamma distributions is again a gamma distribution (Chattamvelli and Shanmugam 2021). By visual inspection of the distribution of the data in Fig. 10 we can also see that the data seems gamma distributed. It has a mean and mode that is \(> 0\), and it is right-skewed. With the gamma model, we directly model the Total Time with a gamma distribution.

The gamma regression model is formulated as (Model. 1):

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{TotalTime}&\sim \textsf{Gamma}(shape,rate) \\ \mu&= \beta _1 + \beta _2 \textsf{Uncertainty} + \beta _3 \textsf{RoutingEntity} \nonumber \\ \beta _1&\sim \mathcal {N}(mean\_hyper,beta1\_hyper) \nonumber \\ \beta _{2,3}&\sim \mathcal {N}(0,1) \nonumber \\ shape&\sim \phi ^{-1} \nonumber \\ rate&= \frac{\phi ^{-1}}{\mu } \nonumber \\ \phi ^{-1}&\sim \textsf{Exponential}(1) \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

Another possible model that is frequently used when analyzing data with the mentioned properties and time-to-event data is the lognormal model (Model. 2) (Crow and Shimizu 1988). Specifically in the software engineering field, the lognormal model has been used by Schroeder and Gibson (2009) to model software repair times. They concluded that software repair times are better modeled by a lognormal rather than an exponential or gamma model. This is in line with our findings (see Section 9.4 and Fig. 13). Zhang et al. (2013) use the Weibull and lognormal models to fit repair times for three projects, where the Weibull gives the best fit for one project and the lognormal for the other two projects.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Log of distribution of total handling time by routing entity, with normal distribution overlayed in blue

In the lognormal (Model. 2) model we claim that the log(TotalTime) is normally distributed. We can check if this seems reasonable by plotting the incurred distribution. Figure 11 shows the distribution of the log of the outcome with a normal distribution overlayed. We see that it is a very close fit.

$$\begin{aligned} log(\textsf{TotalTime})\sim & \mathcal {N}(\mu _i,\sigma ) \\ \mu _i= & \beta _1 + \beta _2 \textsf{Uncertainty} + \beta _3 \textsf{RoutingEntity} \nonumber \\ \beta _1\sim & \mathcal {N}(mean\_hyper,beta1\_hyper) \nonumber \\ \beta _{2,3}\sim & \mathcal {N}(0,1) \nonumber \\ \sigma\sim & \mathsf {Exponential(1)} \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

We use Bayesian estimation techniques (McElreath 2020; Gelman et al. 2013) to estimate the effects of interest. The effects will be estimated using standard Bayesian linear regression by implementing Models 1 and 2 in the Stan programming language (Stan Development Team 2022). The Stan code for the models is available online.Footnote 2

9.3 Prior simulation

The first step in a Bayesian workflow is deciding on priors for parameters in the model. Ideally, we can think about what we are modeling and make sure that our selected prior distributions accommodate typical ranges of the data in question. We are working with data on software repair, i.e., the time it takes to resolve bug reports. We can then think about properties and typical ranges for such data.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Three different prior simulations for the variance of the lognormal

We have already discussed some aspects of the data in Section 9.2.5. We further conclude that in our system, there are some special cases where a TR goes directly through the system, and thus, the handling time is close to zero. Zero is obviously the minimum possible time. We can further think about the maximum time it can take to solve a TR. Sometimes, unimportant TRs can be postponed for a long time, even several years, so we would like our model to be able to cater to such data. We can then think about the typical time it takes to handle a TR. This will, of course, depend on project specifics, but as the goal in the prior specification is not to be too precise, we do not need to exactly match our data. We just need to ensure that the prior places most of the probability on typical values. Figure 12 shows simulations using three different values for the prior on the variance for the intercept in the lognormal model (\(beta1\_ hyper\)). These prior simulations are then used to select the so-called hyperparameters in the model, i.e., parameters that are selected using simulation and reasoning about the domain and then hard-coded into the model.

In this case we select the ‘medium prior’ since the ‘narrow’ one did not cover the extreme values in the data, and the ‘wide’ generated too many extreme values. We select the mean of the intercept to center on typical values on the log scale. For the other beta-coefficients we select a weakly informative standard normal prior following (Gelman et al. 2015). We give \(\sigma \) an exponential(1) prior following (McElreath 2020).

9.4 Fit and Posterior Predictive Checks

The posterior predictive checks of the Bayesian workflow are intended to show that we have managed to fit the parameters satisfactorily. In Fig. 13, the dark purple line is the density of the observed data, while the light purple multiple lines (they are very tight in the graph, so it can be hard to see the many simulations) are data simulated from the estimated model using the fitted parameters. Figure 13 shows the posterior predictive checks of the two models we have analyzed.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Posterior predictive checks of the gamma and lognormal models

Fig. 14
figure 14

Fit and Traceplot of \(\beta _3\) parameter

We see in Fig. 13a that the posterior predictive check shows that the fitted gamma model does not properly generate simulated data similar to the data we have, so we instead turn to the lognormal model. Figure 13b shows that the lognormal model gives an excellent fit.

Having verified that we get a good model fit with the lognormal model, we move on to inspecting the fitted parameter of interest. This is the effect of auto-routing TRs with TRR rather than routing with humans. This corresponds to the \(\beta _3\) regression parameter in the lognormal model.

We inspect the posterior distribution of that parameter in Fig. 14a. Since this parameter is on the log scale, the interpretation of the parameter is that auto-routed TRs, on average, require 21% shorter total handling time. Note that this does not suggest that TRR should auto-route all TRs, since TRs with high uncertainty may be incorrectly routed and take longer time. Instead, the result shows that for the configured confidence thresholds, TRR results in time savings at Ericsson.

In Bayesian estimation, the interpretation of uncertainty is very intuitive, contrary to confidence intervals in (classical) frequentist estimates. Figure 14a is plotted with an 80% high-density region (the light blue region), which symbolizes the uncertainty of the estimate, and the interpretation is straightforward; there is an 80% probability that the \(\beta _3\) parameter resides in that region.

We conclude the Bayesian analysis by finally checking the traceplot of the sampler to ensure that the sampling has gone well as well as sanity-checking the sampling procedure using the sampler diagnostics of divergent transitions, \(\hat{R}\) and the effective sample size.

Visual inspection of Fig 14b shows that the sampling has moved nicely in the sample space, and we see no trace of severe auto-correlation or abnormal behavior. Divergent transitions are samples that have gone wrong and should ideally be zero, this is also what happens in both our models. \(\hat{R}\) is 1 for all parameters and the ess_bulk is 2,163 and ess_tail is 2,773 out of 4,000 samples, both of which are sufficient. Gelman et al. (2013) recommends 5m where m is twice the number of chains. In our case that would lead to a recommended \(5 \times 8 = 40\) samples, so samples in the thousands are plenty.

9.5 Sensitivity Analysis

To examine how sensitive the model is to the specification of the priors is referred to as sensitivity analysis in the Bayesian workflow. We run the model several times with different sets of priors to see how much the parameter estimates and fit are affected. We ran the lognormal model with several sets of different priors, but the model is very robust. We do not present any plots of the different fits since they are indistinguishable from our previous figures. This is true even with quite extreme values of the priors. The reason for this nice behaviour is that the lognormal model is a quite simple model that is usually easy to fit if there are no complex interactions with other hard-to-fit distributions. Another contributing factor is the very large amount of data that we have. It is a general rule in Bayesian inference that with large amounts of data, it will overwhelm the priors, and they will turn less important. But care must be taken because complex models will require huge amounts of data, which sometimes is not realistic.

figure ad

9.6 Perceived Benefits of TRR’s Current Quality Level

Figure 15 shows the relation between perceived benefit and quality levels according to the QUPER model (Regnell et al. 2008). This section uses the construct of breakpoints for utility, differentiation, and saturation as described in Section 3.5. During the interviews, we presented the QUPER model and how it could be used to discuss the current benefit of the TRR adoption. Blue arrows depict the interviewees’ impressions given TRR’s current quality level. Using prediction accuracy as a proxy for TRR quality, all interviewees found that TRR had passed the utility breakpoint. However, we discovered contrasting viewpoints representing the entire spectrum from utility to saturation.

Fig. 15
figure 15

The interviewees’ perception on the benefit of TRR given its current quality level

[TRR2] and [HL1] experienced the current quality level of TRR to be close to the saturation breakpoint. [TRR2] motivated his perspective from the tool development side as follows:

figure ae

[TRR2] also clarified that TRR never reached the utility breakpoint when it comes to auto-routing all TRs, but when it comes to processing a fraction of TRs, saturation has almost been reached, i.e., additional quality improvements would be excessive and not get recognized by the users. [HL1] shared the same view:

figure af

[TRR1] and [LL1] believed that TRR is currently close to the differentiation breakpoint. This quality level implies that a slight accuracy improvement could turn the tool into a competitive solution that would be perceived as substantially better than the alternatives at Ericsson. Both interviewees argued that processing of TR attachments would be needed next, e.g.,

figure ag

[HL2] positioned TRR in the useful range, but not as close to the differentiation breakpoint. In his view, the competitive range would represent making TR Coords. obsolete, and that would require TRR to go beyond auto-routing into severity prediction, etc.

figure ah

In the QUPER discussion with the TR Coords., they preferred to split the perceived usefulness of TRR depending on feedback from the modules. [CO1-359] explained the viewpoint:

figure ai

[LL2] was the most critical interviewee, placing TRR just beyond the utility breakpoint. He finds that the current downsides of TRR outweigh the upsides, but still recognizes the value of the tool as a promising future approach for TR handling at Ericsson: “[TRR] is definitely not useless. Definitely not, because I see it more as a way forward. /.../ now [TRR] is more like maybe minus than plus, but it should not stay like that.” [LL2-374] Moreover, he shared the view of [HL2] that TRR would have to make some human roles obsolete for the tool to qualify as competitive. However, instead of making the TR Coords. redundant, he talked about removing the need for pre-screeners on the module level — the role whose work tasks he really defended earlier in the interview (cf. Section 7.3).

figure aj

10 RQ4: TRR’s Influence on the Way of Working

The adoption of TRR influenced the way of working at Ericsson in several ways, both positively and negatively. In the interviews, we discussed both direct and indirect effects (Engström et al. 2012) of increasing the level of automation in TR routing. As discussed in the model by Parasuraman et al. (2000), direct effects (i.e., the primary evaluative criteria for automation evaluation) refer to the human performance consequences of specific types and levels of automation. On the other hand, indirect effects (i.e., the secondary evaluative criteria) include automation reliability and the costs of action consequences. While Parasuraman et al. (2000) consider the automation effect on the individual in their model, we study the effect on the collective cognition (i.e., also including the effects on interactions and communication). In our analysis, direct effects refer to the intentional improvements in human performance, while indirect effects refer to effects that were not the main intent of the automation. In Parasuraman et al. (2000)’s model, the secondary evaluative criteria aim to identify risks and costs. In our study, we also include the positive side effects of automation in the indirect effects.

10.1 Direct Effects of TRR Adoption

Analogous to the deployment of IssueTag at IsBank reported by Aktas and Yilmaz (2020a), the deployment of TRR had direct effects on the issue assignment process at Ericsson. Table 5 presents the corresponding four codes that emerged during the qualitative analysis of the interviews. The evolution of the codes is presented in the upper part of Fig. 19 in Appendix B.

Table 5 Codes used to describe direct effects of the TRR adoption

Interviewees reported shorter tossing chains. This was not only an effect of the auto-routing (skipping the coordination step) but also mentioned by one interviewee (low level) as an effect on all TRs now being augmented with additional information, i.e., a ranked list of likely responsible modules with corresponding confidence levels. Instead of just returning TRs back to the highest level of the telecommunications stack, engineers can now assign TRs directly to another module guided by TRR’s ranked list. This was described as a real gain by one of the [HL1-90]: “for us it was a real gain that [TRR] started to propose the [TR Coords.] to route things elsewhere because otherwise we got everything.” We introduced the code “No defaulting to top-level” to describe this and Fig. 2 illustrates the previously routine of “top-down triaging.” Note that this side-stepping of modules is not an entirely positive direct effect, as interviewees from LL-ModA reported an important downside. TRR sometimes auto-routed TRs to LL-ModA for which they could not initiate their analysis before the higher level modules had provided details from investigations on their levels of the stack — [LL1] and [LL2] reported how this had caused considerable frustration in their teams. [HL1] confirmed the problem, which we will return to in Section 10.2.2

Interviewees from all three units of analysis except the TR Coords. estimated that the amount of manual work was reduced thanks to TRR. [HL1] estimated that TRR roughly saves 50h/week for their team (due to less defaulting to the top level, i.e., fewer misrouted TRs to their high-level module). On the lower level, [LL1] and [LL2] agreed that correctly routed TRs save manual work, but, they stressed the importance of accuracy — an increased number of misrouted TRs would instead increase the manual workload for their teams. However, the guidance from TRR, i.e., the augmented information, helps in the manual pre-screening also for them. Currently, around 30% of the TRs are automatically routed and thus removed from the agenda of the pre-screening meetings. Many senior engineers are involved in these meetings, who can now be more focused and efficient. As also reported in Section 6.4, [TRR1-382] envisioned a future where all TRs may be automatically routed “if 100% of the TRs could be auto-routed, then you could really switch from one day to another, freeing up like hundreds of people from screening and save a lot of senior staff from this tedious job.”

However, the same interviewees stressed that the most important gain from using TRR was the reduced lead times for TR routing. [HL1-420] explained: “The TRR routing is faster. The initial step of TR routing from that it comes in and goes to a module that will actually start working with it compared to when it’s on the top level and no one touches it.” [HL1] continued: “Really, I mean that’s a gain of on average /.../ like 12 hours for each TR, and that’s a gain. It’s hard to put money on it. For some TRs it doesn’t matter. For some TRs that’s gold.”. The working day estimate is repeated by [TRR1], who explained it with an experienced use case:

figure ak

With TRR, the dependency on the TC Coords. meeting at 10:30 AM every day is decreased and modules can pull TRs or work on auto-routed TRs when it suits them. [LL1] agreed: “Then we get the faster flow and everyone is happy.”

figure al

10.2 Indirect Effects of TRR Adoption

Interviewees made several reflections on the indirect effects of the TRR adoption. In general, we could see a pattern of changes in the TR handling process leading to changes in the internal communication about TRs, which in turn impacted the general awareness of the process itself but also of the products, the organization, and the customers’ requests. In addition, changes along all these dimensions had a general impact on the work environment. Most of the identified indirect effects were considered positive and the few negative side effects were outweighed by the direct gains of deploying TRR: “And I mean [TRR] has given great improvements. So I think we just have to live with the other drawbacks and mitigate those instead.” [HL1-128]

Tables 6 presents the 20 codes that emerged in the analysis. The evolution of the codes is presented in Fig. 19 in Appendix B.

Table 6 Codes used to describe obstacles and enablers in the TRR adoption related to the high-level (HL) codes process, communication, awareness, environment

10.2.1 Indirect Effects on the Process

The automation effort itself had a positive effect on simplifying the process at Ericsson and aligning its inputs. By deploying TRR, the process had to be clarified and some complexity of the process could be reduced. By forcing people to communicate with a ‘dumb’ tool, they adapted to better adhere to the process. [TRR2-317] elaborated: “I don’t think [TRR] will be needed for a long time, so I think the main goal is to make the process and the description or the logs so clear that it is obvious without any tool or machine learning how to route [individual TRs].” At the TR Coords. level, they stressed that the process learning originated in TRs that were not auto-routed, but augmented.

figure am

On the negative side, interviewees discussed the risk of misrouted TRs. Especially [LL1] and [LL2] stressed the significance of this risk:

figure an

However, although interviewees from all units of analysis brought up the risk, none of them considered it a current problem. One reason mentioned by [HL1-178] was the relative improvement: “[TRR] was smarter than the [TR Coords.] in a rush and that made it really a win situation for us. We could take the wrongly routed TRs because they were fewer than before.” The TRR team pointed out that initially, it was a problem that TRR made too many mistakes, but this was resolved by lowering the automation ambition to only auto-route if a high confidence threshold was met. At that initial state, [LL1] got a negative response from the team confirming that it was a problem:

figure ao

As discussed in Section 7.3, some TR Coords. felt relieved that they were no longer blamed for some of the misrouting — they could instead blame TRR. Questioning of the TR assignments was prohibited by the automation. Before TRR, during a sensitive period, one administrator was dedicated to only communicate routing decisions, via the BTS, and deal with complaints.

figure ap

10.2.2 Indirect Effects on Communication

In most cases, the adoption of TRR increased and improved the communication at Ericsson. The increased communication was mainly noticed by the TRR team:

figure aq

One reason communication increased was that people were forced to explain why they believed TRR was wrong:

figure ar

The TRR team also noted an increased documentation in TRs:

figure as

[TRR2] points out that a reason for more effective communication is that discussions start earlier after the TRR adoption.

figure at

TC Coords. added more aspects of effective communication in the ability to avoid fruitless discussions about routing decisions.

figure au
figure av

However, there was a reflection of possibly decreased communication as well, if TRR gets too good at predicting the final destination. As pointed out by [HL1], important intermediate steps of the analysis would then be omitted:

figure aw
figure ax

10.2.3 Indirect Effects on Awareness

The increased communication triggered by TRR led to increased awareness of some aspects such as the process. [HL2-306] explained: “[TRR] does kind of pave the way for additional work, since among other things it’s a success case. [TRR] sets up basic data, awareness, infrastructure and whatnot, and it is also an organizational lesson in how you actually work and deploy these types of tools.” [LL1-262] confirmed the benefit of increased awareness: “[TRR] kind of helps with the in between cases. It helps us to figure out what other modules do”.

Increased awareness was achieved by gathering all communication around TRs in one communication channel, instead of numerous informal channels:

figure ay

However, there were also examples of decreased awareness. Lifting parts of the routing burden from the TR Coords, also results in coordinators losing some of the general overview of the TR inflow:

figure az

Furthermore, the skill to manually route incoming TRs might decrease as automation increases. [LL2] expressed this risk and [TRR1] elaborated further:

figure ba
figure bb

10.2.4 Indirect Effects on the Work Environment

There were mixed feelings regarding TRR’s indirect effects on the work environment. The general reflection was that TRR had a positive effect on job satisfaction. Individual developers experience fewer interruptions due to questions about TRs, e.g., “I would suspect that the individual developers will be harassed slightly less by our poor middle project managers who do the routing otherwise.” [HL2-302]. However, although the general manual workload decreased, some modules experienced an increase in manual TR work. Similarly, although the general trust in the decisions made by TRR is high, in parts of the organization the trust in TR assignments decreased as a result of the increased level of automation.

One example of a positive impact on job satisfaction was improved relations between TC Coords. and the modules. As [CO1-254] expressed it: “Now [when decisions partly are attributed to TRR] they don’t hate us as much” Another example is the positive effect of generally reduced workload stressed by [HL2-228]: “Fundamentally it’s also a matter of less work for literally everyone involved in the chain.”, which is especially valuable for activities that traditionally are not in focus of process improvement.

figure bc

Both interviewees representing the low-level module believed their workload had increased as an effect of the automation. [LL1-243] had seen a higher expectation on analysis on their side also for misrouted TRs: “We heard the argument ‘OK, but this is your TR, TRR said that it’s your TR, so you have to look into it more closely.”’ [LL2] elaborated on the increased cost for this extra analysis:

figure bd

Hoff and Bashir (2015) reviewed factors influencing trust in automation. They identified three layers of variability in human-automation trust (dispositional trust, situational trust, and learned trust). In our case, the variability in situational trust may be attributed to external variability, such as differences in placement in the telecommunications technology stack, task difficulty, workload, and perceived risks and benefits.

figure be

11 Quality Assurance and Validity

The value of design science research may be assessed from three different perspectives Runeson et al. (2020), i.e., its relevance, its novelty, and its rigor. The design knowledge gained from this research is relevant for practitioners facing the challenge of manually assigning bugs to teams, and for researchers studying industrial adoption of ML approaches for automated bug assignment. Relevance is a subjective value, and to support its assessment, we identified and reported the context factors that affected the applicability and observed effects of the proposed intervention. Furthermore, the design knowledge is novel in terms of increased maturity of the general technological rule and in proposing refined rules with respect to the scope of validity and the effects of adoption. Rigor was achieved by following this pre-registered case study protocol (Borg et al. 2021) and by transparently reporting all steps of interpretation in the qualitative analysis. Furthermore, rigor may be assessed in terms of construct validity, internal validity, and reliability. As we design a single case study, pure statistical generalization will not be possible. External validity is instead covered by the discussion on relevance above.

Construct Validity. Since we conducted an exploratory study, not all constructs were known upfront. Our high-level constructs, such as “value” and “ways of working” were refined in the qualitative analysis. The metrics proposed in Fig. 3 represent our initial assumptions of how to measure these aspects — apart from M6 that was presented as “TR assignment time” in the registered report (Borg et al. 2021). We had to adjust this to a relative metric for confidentiality reasons. To further increase the final construct validity, we asked the study participants to assess our interpretations.

Internal Validity. As discussed in Section 5.1, we could not perform a controlled randomized trial to prove causal relationships within Ericsson — we cannot disable HighAuto TRR for a random subset of teams. As we have to deal with the complexity of in vivo research, we conducted a BCA instead (Pearl 2009; Hernán and Robins 2020). To increase the validity of the propositions, confounding factors were identified, and all our assumptions can be scrutinized as our causal DAG is fully transparent (see Section 9.2.3). Transparency is an important advantage of Bayesian analysis.

We highlight two potential threats to the internal validity related to our interviews. First, the issue assignment process and TRR (see Section 3.4) and TRR (see Section 6) co-evolved. As the process and the tool are intertwined, it is possible that some interviewees did not clearly distinguish which of the two caused the indirect effects reported in Section 10. Second, interviewees with substantial experience have seen many tool adoptions at Ericsson. Some provided answers might be general and not only relate to TRR. We addressed both these threats by regularly reminding the interviewees to focus on TRR during the interviews.

Reliability. This aspect of rigor concerns to what extent the analysis depends on the specific researchers. We mitigated threats to reliability through researcher and method triangulation Runeson et al. (2012). Additional measures included documentation of the evolving coding scheme (see Appendix B), prolonged involvement, i.e., the long-term relations that evolved during the study supported reliable interpretations, and member checking, i.e., participants of the study validated both data collection. All transcripts were sent to the interviewees shortly after the interview sessions. Finally, our analysis, containing the main takeaways, was shared with all interviewees before we concluded the paper.

12 Conclusions and Future Work

Ericsson’s TRR adoption was successful and automated bug assignment is now an incorporated part of 4G/5G product development. In the next paragraphs, we answer the four research questions.

RQ1: Evolution from prototype to tool. Originating in academic research, Ericsson developed several proofs-of-concept for ML-based bug assignment between 2011 and 2017. Evolutionary prototyping followed, and TRR recommended closing modules for all incoming bug reports during a year until an evaluation put the development on hold due to insufficient accuracy. In 2019, TRR was adjusted to only auto-route TRs to a module when highly confident and otherwise just augment recommendations. This version of TRR, embedding a substantially simpler ML model compared to the early research, has been in continuous operation at Ericsson since April 2019.

RQ2: TRR’s accuracy. As TRR operates at two levels of automation depending on prediction confidence, we report two figures. TRR’s overall prediction accuracy is about 62.5%. For automatically assigned TRs, the average accuracy is 75%. Accuracy differences between modules are minor. Since April 2019, bug tossing chains are mostly short, i.e., 81% of TRs are subject to 0–2 TR reassignments.

RQ3: The value of TRR. On average, TRR auto-routes 30% of all incoming bug reports. Compared to accuracy, the difference between modules is larger. The Bayesian causal analysis shows that TRs with an initial auto-routing by TRR are, on average, handled 21% faster compared to TRs routed by humans.

Moreover, several interviewees report that adopting TRR has saved highly seasoned engineers many hours of work at Ericsson. On the other hand, the value of TRR’s current accuracy level spans a wide interval of personal opinions from barely useful to highly competitive. Considering the abstraction levels of the telecommunications stack, high-level modules are more positive while low-level modules experienced some drawbacks.

RQ4: TRR’s influence on the way of working. Adopting automated bug assignment resulted in 1) reduced manual work, 2) reduced routing lead-time, 3) shorter bug tossing chains, and 4) less defaulting to top-level modules. Positive indirect effects of adopting TRR include 1) process improvements, 2) process awareness, 3) increased communication, and 4) higher job satisfaction. Negative effects include increased side-stepping of high-level modules in the TR analysis (when TRR immediately routes a TR to a low-level module) which can cause frustration on lower levels due to missing vital clues. Furthermore, when humans are less involved in the bug assignment, there is a risk that a complete picture of the product status on the market is lost.

Conclusion. We conclude that TRR has saved time at Ericsson, but increasing the level of automation in the bus assignment was more intricate compared to similar endeavors reported from IsBank (Aktas and Yilmaz 2020a) and LG Electronics (Oliveira et al. 2021). We primarily attribute the difference to the very large size of the organization and the complex 4G/5G products. Key facilitators in the successful adoption included a gradual introduction, product champions, careful stakeholder analysis, and a mature internal tools team.

Future work. We propose four main directions to improve TRR within Ericsson. First, the accuracy could be improved by considering additional features in the ML model, most importantly extracted from attached logs. Moreover, for large modules with sufficient training data available, TRR could also provide sub-module predictions. Second, Ericsson could improve TRR’s “recommendation delivery” by tailoring the amount of information depending on the user. A possible design could include information hiding, i.e., letting interested users easily click a “tell me more” button to access the rationales behind predictions for better explainability.

Third, TRR could be adjusted to instead predict the module that should start a TR analysis. The current training data leads to predictions of the modules most likely to close a TR. We know that this is not necessarily the same as the module most suitable to initiate analysis into an issue. Potentially, this discrepancy leads to unsatisfied users, especially in the low-level modules of the telecommunications stack. Future work could either 1) annotate training data according to which module that historically initiated the analysis, or 2) introduce a two-step prediction process. The two-step process could involve a first prediction of whether a TR needs an investigation of multiple modules. If yes, assign it to the team most likely to start investigating the TR. If no, send it to the module most likely to close the TR.

Fourth, Ericsson could explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) for automated bug assignment. The recent advances in LLMs suggest that this technology has the potential to disrupt various software engineering tasks (Fan et al. 2023). Questions arise, however, such as whether LLMs would offer easier maintenance compared to the rejected models discussed in Section 6.1. Moreover, given the sensitivity of the data involved (product defects), it is unlikely that third-party solutions would be a viable option. Therefore, exploring the feasibility of in-house retraining and customizing LLMs becomes crucial.

These questions and others in the same vein ensure that bug assignment research remains relevant for years to come. Regardless of the technology, the insights regarding industry adoption presented in this article will retain their significance — although readers must interpret them within their specific contexts.