1 Introduction

The phenomenon of lying is the subject of various fields of psychological research [1]. Based on psycholological evidance of lying, there are various studies on deception in the field of applied technology. Deception-detection involves linguistic, behavioral, and physiological domains [2, 3]. Traditionally, deception-detection techniques measure physiological changes [4]. To detect physiological changes during lying, a polygraph [5] is most commonly used. Because polygraphs used in criminal interrogations measure various biosignals, they cannot be used if it is difficult to attach a sensor to the body for physical or legal reasons. Attachment of biosensors can make a suspect’s psychological state unstable and cause difficulties in deception detection [6]. In addition, as the suspect’s body is restrained, consent of a prosecutor is required. Because of this, suspects sometimes refuse to take deception-detection tests [7]. To address these shortcomings, and with the advent of voice recognition, imaging technology, and deep-learning analysis, deception-detection technologies using voice and video are also being develop [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]. However, in actual criminal interrogations, most biosignal analysis is conducted using traditional deception detectors [5], as deep learning-based deception-detection technology is difficult to apply to interrogations.

Lack of interpretation

In deception-detection technologies, the accuracy of the algorithm is of utmost importance. However, little research has been conducted on what kind of changes occur when an individual lies in a video recording, and there are cases where such the appearance of changes varies according to the method of data acquisition [7, 16]. This is a major obstacle in the application of deception-detection technology. Although there is evidence that polygraph performance based on physiological signals reaches 98% [17], the data produced is only used as a reference in court and is not recognized as evidence [18]. This is because the accuracy of deception-detection results cannot be guaranteed [19]. In deception detection based on audio and video records, there are several physiological hypotheses involving cognitive dissonance [20, 21]. However, it is necessary to present the changes caused by deception more concretely and quantitatively using observable indicators.

Nonconformity of the data acquisition protocol

Most deception-detection studies are conducted by collecting data from forensic video footage, fake news, fabricated statement experiments, and games played between participants [22,23,24]. However, when applied to investigations, the degree of accuracy in the development stage of such algorithms may become meaningless due to variables that differ from those of experimental environments. Concealed information tests (CITs) are used by investigative agencies to detect deception [25]. The theoretical basis of CIT is habituation and orienting response. To use a CIT, the investigator must ask questions by applying the relevant stimulus and mixing it with irrelevant stimuli in the same category. The answers are limited to “yes” or “no.” To prove the reliability of deception-detection research requires protocols that based on real-world test methods.

Among various non-contact modalities for deep learning-based deception detection, we developed a method that can utilize facial expressions in images. Humans express emotions through their faces, and there are several universal facial expressions across various cultures for happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust [26]. Even when lying, facial expressions change according to emotional states [24, 27]. Changes in facial expression at this time are related primarily to anxiety, and facial clues about lies are largely classified into two types based on studies of the effect of anxiety on facial expressions [28,29,30]. Even in those who try to hide their expressions, brief micro-expressions cannot be hidden because emotional expressions are generated not by the motor cortex but subcortical impulses [31]. Deep-learning technology can recognize patterns that are difficult for humans to recognize and make decisions based on them.

Because our main goal is to develop a deception-detection algorithm that can be used in criminal interrogations by utilizing facial cues and deep-learning, we proposed a video-based deep-learning network for deception detection that can effectively use instantaneous changes in facial expression and provide spatial and temporal interpretation of prediction results. In addition, we collected a database using a protocol based on investigative methods to train and evaluate proposed deception-detection model.

2 Related work

Deception-detection studies using facial expressions focus primarily on facial cues from data collected in the laboratory and an automated deception-detection algorithm based on data collected in the laboratory or within a public dataset.

2.1 Facial cues and dataset

When lying, lip pressing caused by emotional anxiety [30], frequent swallowing [32], unnatural duration of an expression, slips of the tongue [33], asymmetry in the face [34], fewer facial movements [35], a higher rate of blinking during anxiety [7], a lower rate of blinking during an experience of cognitive complexity [16], eye fixation accompanied by a reduced blinking rate [36], micro-expressions, and various other responses are often present. To quantify this, facial motion can be expressed as action units(AUs) using a facial action coding system [37]. As revealed by previous studies, several AUs can distinguish between deception and truthful responses [38,39,40,41,42]. For example, AU15 (lip corner depressed) is rarer during expressions of truth than deception; AU17 (chin raised) is rarer in truth than deception; AU20 (lip stretched) is less common when lying; AU25 (lips parted) is rarer in truth than deception; and AU45 (blinking) is less frequent when lying. Similarly, symmetry of the face can be an important deception cue when using the automated face-landmark detection method [42]. In addition, previous studies have confirmed that micro-expressions, in which real emotions are visible for brief periods (less than 0.5 s) due to involuntary emotional responses, also appear more frequently during lying [24, 43]. Other studies indicate that gaze is an important feature in deception detection [8, 44].

Methods adopted by research groups to induce lies in the laboratory to identify various lie cues on the face or to detect lies using facial expressions include role-playing and mock crimes, which requires a person to assume a specific role before the experiment [23]; a memorizing a script for a specific question [24]; and a method of generating a sudden situation and making up a story [22]. In addition, deception data obtained from television programs and court statements have been analyzed to identify cues that appear on the face when lying [42, 45]. However, because these deception-inducement experiments differ from deception-detection techniques used in the interrogation of actual criminals, it is difficult to apply them to criminal interrogations. In the case of data obtained from the internet, such as television programs and court statements, deception and truth can be mixed in a single statement, resulting in unclear labels, and the quality of the video may be too poor to analyze facial expressions (e.g., if the face is covered by subtitles, the recording resolution is too low, or an individual is not facing the camera). In these cases, it is difficult to use such data to train a neural network that can be applied to criminal interrogation. In this study, an algorithm using various facial cues was developed by collecting experimental data based on a real polygraph questioning technique. The ultimate goal was an automated, non-contact deception-detection algorithm that can be applied to the interrogation of real criminals.

2.2 Deep learning-based techniques

Various deep-learning structures have been used to create automated deception-detection systems. For example, because the responses are measured as time series data, a classifier structure using a long short-term memory (LSTM) [46] recurrent neural network (RNN) can be applied to analysis of gaze features [47]. One study [23] utilized a dynamic graph-embedding model based on face-to-face interactions to detect deception. To develop an algorithm that can be used for criminal interrogations, which is the target of this study, it is necessary to assess facial expressions in response to specific questions rather than interactions among individuals.

In many deception-detection studies, video-based algorithms developed as classifiers based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) show remarkable performance [10, 11]. Because deception-detection algorithms have the task of “classifying” videos with human facial expressions [48, 49], several attempts have been made to develop classifiers using a CNN and RNN in combination for more efficient video classification [9, 22]. However, these models are more suitable for classifying videos that show distinct characteristics by label (e.g., distinguishing between volleyball and swimming). Also, the number of public datasets for deception detection is not large, and performance cannot be guaranteed when models suitable for large-scale datasets are applied to deception detection. To tackle these problems, we developed a deception-detection model by designing a network structure that can utilize facial cues revealed in many studies, as well as a video-classification model. One study added interpretability to a classification model using attention beyond simply distinguishing deceptions from truth with a deep-learning network to reveal deception cues in a case study [9]. For a deception-detection algorithm to be used at a crime interrogation scene and provide helpful information to investigators, interpretation of the prediction results would be required. In this study, we developed a deception-detection model based on the latest video-recognition model and embedded a spatial-temporal attention module for classification interpretation [50].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Deception detection process using FacialCueNet

3 Method

To develop an automated deception-detection model using facial deception cues that can be applied to real-world criminal interrogations, an effective model structure should be used for video classification, various facial cues should be utilized, and an investigator should provide model interpretability, which is a description of the prediction. In this study, we tried to achieve this goal by developing FacialCueNet . As shown in Fig. 1, the first step was to collect video data based on criminal interrogation and then pre-process the data. Second, important cues appearing on the face during lying were extracted, and these cues and preprocessed face images were used to train FacialCueNet. Finally, the results were interpreted after classification.

Fig. 2
figure 2

FacialCueNet framework. The input images are face aligned (112,112) images. ‘Pretrained’ represents FaceNet, which is InceptionResNetV1 trained with the VGG-face2 dataset. The size of each layer’s output is written on the top of each layer. The ConvLSTM has 1 layer with kernel size (3,3) and 4 hidden units. “n” is the time length of the input video. “AVG” and “SUM” represent the average of the output of the ConvLSTM, which was performed over multiple axes (the first and second) and the summation, which was performed along the second axis, respectively

3.1 Spatial-temporal attention network

A video-recognition model was applied to the deception-detection model using facial expressions. A video-action-recognition model [50] including a spatio-temporal attention mechanism that shows excellent performance among video-recognition models and has spatial and temporal interpretability, was used as the basic structure of FacialCueNet. As can be seen in Fig. 2, because videos contain time series image data, we employed a convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) [51] to use time series data as input and inserted a temporal attention component using the output of the convLSTM. Several CNN layers were used in the spatial attention component using frames obtained from the video as input. The spatial attention component was designed for the CNN to learn the importance mask \(M_i\), which was calculated to be the spatially significant representation of the image feature \(X_i\) of the i-th frame from the video, and the output \(\widetilde{X_i}\) of the spatial attention component was an element-wise multiplication product, where \(\widetilde{X_i}=X_i\ \odot M_i\). The values of i were from 1 to n, where n is the number of frames. The spatial attention module had three 2D convolutional layers with the number of channels [896, 448, 1] and a kernel size of 3, stride 1. The importance mask \(M_i\) spanned 0 to 1 and attenuated certain regions of the feature map based on the model’s estimated importance. The output of the ConvLSTM in the spatial-temporal attention network was \(\bar{H}=\frac{1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^{n}H_i\) for a time length n, which was expressed by calculating the average of the hidden states in the ConvLSTM. Finally, the temporal attention component learned the importance weight of each frame from a video. The importance weight at each time step t obtained from the temporal attention mechanism can be defined as follows, where \(1\le i\le n\ \):

$$\begin{aligned} w_{i}= \frac{\textbf{exp}(\Phi \left( H_{i}\right) )}{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{(\textbf{exp}{\left( \Phi \left( H_{i}\right) \right) })}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\Phi \) is a feed-forward neural network and \(H_i\) is a ConvLSTM hidden state at time i. Two fully connected layers were used for temporal attention module with a dimensionality of n. The final output of the spatial-temporal attention network was \(\bar{H}=w_i\times H_i\), which is used as the input of the fully connected layer, the final classification layer. Regarding the detailed structure of the spatial attention component, the optimal model structure in the previous study [50] was used. The loss function L for this model was defined as follows to learn reasonable spatio-temporal importance and to increase classification accuracy:

$$\begin{aligned} L=L_{CE}+\lambda _{TV}L_{TV}+ & {} \lambda _{contrast}L_{contrast}\nonumber \\+ & {} \lambda _{unimodal}L_{unimodal} \end{aligned}$$

\(L_{CE}\) is the cross-entropy loss for classification. \(L_{TV}\) is the total variation regularization [52] for spatial smoothness of the importance mask. \(L_{contrast}\) is the contrast regularization of the learnable attention mask, and \(L_{unimodal}\) is the unimodality regularizer [50] that supports the unimodality of temporal attention, biasing against unimportant temporal weights. In this study, \(L_{unimodal}\) was modified for our temporal attention component as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} L_{unimodal}=\frac{\sum _{i=2}^{n-1}\sqrt{\max {\left\{ 0,w_{i-1}w_{i+1}-w_i^2\right\} }\ }}{n-2} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda _{TV}\), \(\lambda _{contrast}\), and \(\lambda _{unimodal}\)are the weights for the corresponding regularizers. The algorithm of spatial temporal attention network is presented below.

Algorithm 1
figure a

Spatial temporal attention network.

3.2 Facial cue extraction

To improve the classification ability of the video-based deception-detection model, we used deception cues presented in previous studies as hints for the classification model. Based on the various psychological grounds presented in the introduction section, AUs [38,39,40,41,42], symmetry on the left and right sides of the face [42], the presence or absence of micro-expressions [24, 43], and gaze features [8, 44] show a significant difference between deception and truth. Using OpenFace [53], which is used in various facial expression analysis, to extract the modality of each facial cue, AUs and face landmarks corresponding to the images were obtained. The face recognition accuracy of OpenFace using the LFW dataset was 0.9292 [53].

3.2.1 Action unit frequency

First, in constructing facial cues, AUs, which have been identified as significant factors when distinguishing lies from truth, [38,39,40,41,42] were extracted. The AUs were extracted using OpenFace, and pre-processing was performed by calculating whether they occurred as binary values. Because the number of specific AU occurrences in both truth and deception responses in previous studies differed, the frequency of frames in which AU15 (lip corner depressor), AU17 (chin raiser), AU20 (lip stretched), AU25 (lips part), and AU45 (blink) appeared were calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} freqAU=\frac{\left| AU_{frames}\right| }{n} \end{aligned}$$

where n represents the number of total frames in an input video and \(\left| AU_{frames}\right| \) represents the number of frames in which a specific action unit appears. When the total number of videos in the dataset is K, set \(AUs_{k}=\) \(\{freqAU15_{k}, \)\(freqAU17_{k},freqAU20_{k},freqAU25_{k},freqAU45_{k}\}\) is extracted from each input video \(V_k\) for \(1\le k\le K\).

3.2.2 Facial symmetry

The symmetry of facial movement was extracted using the detection method of the changes in the Euclidean distances of face landmarks presented in a previous study [54] that use the left and right symmetry of the face as one of the facial cues. As shown in Fig. 3, Euclidean distances were obtained for the face landmarks of the left/right eyebrow (index 20/25) and the face landmarks of the left/right eye (index 40/43), and the correlation of the distances was calculated. Where \(1\le i\le n\), each left distance (ld) and right distance (rd) were calculated in the i-th frame, in the form of two time-series signals. Cross-correlation of the mean-removed sequences [55, 56] was used to calculate the correlation between these two signals as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi _{LR}\left( \mu \right) =E\{\left( L-\mu _L\right) \left( R-\mu _R\right) ^*\} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\phi _{LR}\) represents the cross correlation of the ld signal (L) and rd signal (R), E is the expected value operator, \(\mu _L\) and \(\mu _R\) are the means of each signal, and \(\left( R-\mu _R\right) ^*\) represents the complex conjugate of \((R-\mu _R)\). A symmetry value \(Sym_k=\{Corr_k\}\) was extracted from each input video \(V_k\), where \(Corr_k\) represents the cross-correlation of mean-removed L and R.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Facial cue extraction framework

3.2.3 Gaze pattern

Gaze features were extracted to utilize the gaze pattern as a facial cue to be used as an input feature. For the i-th frame, the gaze pattern has x,y, and z values for each left and right eye, and it is expressed as six signals for \(1\le i\le n\). Gaze features were extracted using a method used in a previous study [47] from the gaze pattern expressed by 6 signals. The extracted gaze features are the mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, minimum value, and maximum value of each gaze signal on the left and right. Therefore, the following set consisting of a total of 36 gaze features was used as one of the facial cues:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} gaze_{k} =&\{L_{x}mean_{k}, L_{x}std_{k},L_{x}skew_{k},L_{x}kur_{k},L_{x}min_{k},L_{x}max_{k},\\&L_{y}mean_{k},L_{y}std_{k},L_{y}skew_{k},L_{y}kur_{k},L_{y}min_{k},L_{y}max_{k},\\&L_{z}mean_{k},L_{z}std_{k},L_{z}skew_{k},L_{z}kur_{k},L_{z}min_{k},L_{z}max_{k},\\&R_{x}mean_{k},R_{x}std_{k},R_{x}skew_{k},R_{x}kur_{k},R_{x}min_{k},R_{x}max_{k},\\&R_{y}mean_{k},R_{y}std_{k},R_{y}skew_{k},R_{y}kur_{k},R_{y}min_{k},R_{y}max_{k},\\&R_{z}mean_{k},R_{z}std_{k},R_{z}skew_{k},R_{z}kur_{k},R_{z}min_{k},R_{z}max_{k}\} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where L and R represent the left eye and right eye, std means standard deviation, skew means skewness, kur means kurtosis, and min and max mean minimum value and maximum value, respectively.

3.2.4 Micro-expression

The last facial cue was a micro-expression extracted from the video. Micro-expressions were detected using the action unit obtained from OpenFace. Among the 18 types of action units that can be obtained with OpenFace, the occurrence of micro-expressions was counted using the duration of 17 types of action units excluding AU45 (blinking). Because the latency of a micro-expression is up to 0.5 s and considering the frames per second (fps) of video \(V_k\), a micro-expression was counted when the expression time of each action unit was less than 0.5 × fps. When the AU expression latency was only a single frame, it was considered an error in AU detection and excluded from the count. Therefore, the number of micro-expression occurrences for each AU extracted from the input video \(V_k\) was obtained as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} ME_{k} =&\{countAU1_{k},countAU2_{k},countAU4_{k},countAU5_{k},\\&countAU6_{k},countAU7_{k},countAU9_{k},countAU10_{k},\\&countAU12_{k},countAU14_{k},countAU15_{k},countAU17_{k},\\&countAU20_{k}, countAU23_{k},countAU25_{k},countAU26_{k},\\&countAU28_{k}\} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

3.3 FacialCueNet

The FacialCueNet architecture was developed to use video input and simultaneously provide psychological cues to the deception detection model. The overall structure of FacialCueNet was optimized empirically. FacialCueNet has a multi-modal network structure using a spatial-temporal attention network described in the Spatial-temporal Attention Network section and facial cues described in the Facial Cue Extraction section were used for input. (Figure 2) Image feature \(X_i\) of the i-th frame was extracted using an appropriate pre-trained model that learned face information from n frames of video \(V_k\), and used as an input to the spatial-temporal attention network. The pre-trained model used for image-feature extraction was FaceNet, which is InceptionResNetV1 [57] trained on a VGG-face2 dataset [58]. In a previous study that used facial information extracted from the pre-trained InceptionResNetV1 as an input feature [59], the Inception 4e block was adopted from the entire model structure. The input feature shape was (3,3,1792). To prevent FacialCueNet from overfitting, we added dropout(p=0.5) and batch normalization layer before the spatial attention component. As a result, an output \(f(V_k)\) was calculated for the input video \(V_k\) using a pre-trained network with spatial-temporal attention network f. At the same time, we added two fully connected randomly initialized layers for g, with input dimensionalities of 58 (the first fully connected layer in Fig. 2), representing the size of concatenated facial cues) and 4 (the second fully connected layer in Fig. 2). g used \(facialcues_k\) as input, where \(facialcues_k = AUs_k\cup Sym_k\cup gaze_k\cup ME_k\) represents concatenated facial cues combining \(AUs_k\), \(Sym_k\), \(gaze_k\), and \(ME_k\) extracted from n video frames (see the Facial Cue Extraction section). The input to the final classification layer H was the feature concatenating the output of the spatial-temporal attention network and the output of the fully connected layer using facial cues in Fig. 3. The structure H included randomly initialized fully connected layers with output dimensionalities of 4 and 2. FacialCueNet F can therefore be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} F\left( V_k\right) =H(f\left( V_k\right) \oplus g\left( V_k\right) ) \end{aligned}$$

4 Experiments

The general deception-detection performance of FacialCueNet was validated using a public database, the process of collecting a dataset suitable for FacialCueNet to be applied to criminal interrogation was presented, and the performance of FacialCueNet on the collected dataset was validated. In addition, the usefulness of FacialCueNet was validated by checking model interpretability to provide useful information to investigators in actual criminal interrogations.

4.1 Dataset

Two datasets were used to validate the performance of FacialCueNet. First, to evaluate the general-purpose deception detection performance of FacialCueNet, we used “Real-life Trial Dataset” [45], which is the most widely used dataset in previous studies of deception detection. Second, we used the “Deception detection using the concealed information test” (DDCIT) dataset, which was a collected using a deception detection test technique used by professional investigators in an environment similar to criminal interrogations.

Table 1 Summary of the DDCIT dataset

4.1.1 Real-life trial dataset

The general performance of FacialCueNet was evaluated using the Real-life Trial Dataset [45] used in previous studies on deception detection. This study was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board of Hanyang University (HYU-2019-01-006-4), and the requirement for informed consent was waived. The database consisted of 121 video clips from the “The Innocence Project” website, courtroom trial videos, police interrogations, and statements for deception detection. In the video, the testimony is in the form of freely given responses to questions, and the label of the video was determined according to the verdict. The videos in the Real-life Trial Dataset were obtained from the internet. In cases in which a person was not seen in the video, a subtitle passed over the face, or the scene was changed, the videos were pruned from the dataset. Therefore, as in a previous study [60], 104 videos were selected, including 50 truthful videos and 54 deceptive videos, out of the 121 videos for FacialCueNet.

4.1.2 DDCIT(deception detection using the concealed information test) dataset

We collected a deception-detection dataset using the CIT, an actual polygraphic technique used for interrogation, with advice provided by a professional deception-detection investigation team to develop a deception-detection model that can be applied to criminal interrogations. The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Hanyang University (HYU-2019-01-006-4). The experiment was conducted by recruiting healthy adult males and females. Before taking the deception test, the subject picked one of three types of gift cards (for a cinema, coffee shop, or drug store) placed on a table in an empty laboratory and then hid the gift card anywhere in the laboratory, including in their clothes. In addition, several steps were taken to satisfy the structured circumstances and proper pretesting conditions with the help of an investigator who specializes in deception detection [61,62,63,64]. First, a detailed explanation of the purpose and procedure of the experiment was provided to the subject. Next, the subject filled out a questionnaire containing their name, date of birth, lie-detection-test experience, medical history, history of drug use, current medical history, physiological status, and medication history before the test. Finally, we interviewed the subjects about the prepared questionnaire to build rapport, which fosters trust in the subjects [6, 65, 66]. In the experiment, the galvanic skin response (GSR) signal from a finger was obtained along with the video using existing polygraph methods. Deception detection, referred to as stimulation testing, was performed, in which the subject was asked to draw a card labeled with the numbers 3, 4, or 5, and all answers were “no” (e.g., Q: Is the selected card number 3? A: No) By observing the GSR signal, the subject was informed of the accuracy of conventional deception detection so that a clearer deception response could appear before starting this experiment. After this process, the experimenter showed the image of gift card and asked the subjects questions such as “Is the gift card that you hidden?” for each type of gift card. Approximately 1-2 seconds after the question was asked by the experimenter, the subject gave an answer. At this time, the subject had to answer “no” to the three questions, and the next question was asked 10 seconds after the answer. Accordingly, two truth samples and one deception sample were obtained. The question order was shuffled, and a total of four truth samples and two deception samples were obtained from one subject during a total of two sessions. If the experimenter could not guess the hidden card after seeing the subject’s reaction, the subject’s compensation was doubled to give the subject an incentive to continue participating usefully in the experiment. The experimenter checked the hidden card and noted whether the subject’s answer on the video was truthful or deceptive. From 105 subjects, 315 samples were obtained for each session, including 210 truths and 105 deceptions. A total of 630 samples were obtained from the experiment. A summary of the DDCIT dataset is shown in Table 1.

4.2 Model validation

To create a deception-detection model that can be used for criminal interrogations, it was necessary to validate the objective performance of FacialCueNet for deception detection using facial video as a preliminary step. The generality of the model was checked using the Real-life Trial Dataset for objective performance validation of the developed FacialCueNet.

4.2.1 Data pre-processing

Facial cues that change according to time series data, such as AU frequency, facial symmetry, gaze features, and micro-expressions, could not be extracted using frames from raw video because the videos in the Real-life Trial Dataset do not all have the frame rate. Therefore, frames were sampled so that all videos have the same frame rate. Because micro-expressions last for less than 0.5 s [67], facial cues were extracted from frames sampled for 15 fps, which is sufficient to cover them. Face-aligned images were extracted from frames sampled at 1 fps as in the pre-research [9] for deception detection using images because general facial expression changes are unconscious biopsychosocial reactions caused by emotions and typically last for less than 4 s [68]. To compensate for the unequal number of frames in the videos, we adjusted the length of the other videos to the longest video, which was 79 s. If the length of the sampled video was shorter than 79 s, the video was zero-padded using a blank image.

4.2.2 Model settings

FacialCueNet was trained using the Real-life Trial Dataset, and its performance was evaluated using a 10-fold cross-validation method, following the approach of previous studies on deception detection, with videos from the same Real-life Trial Dataset. Regarding the hyperparameters, a batch size of 12, an initial learning rate of 0.0005 with a decrease rate of 0.99 per epoch, and a dropout rate of 0.5 were used. The convolutional LSTM in FacialCueNet had one layer, the kernel size was (3,3), and there were two hidden units in the LSTM. To increase the learning efficiency, we employed L2 regularization [69], and the lambda for L2 regularization was 0.00001. The values for \(\lambda _{TV}\), \(\lambda _{contrast}\), and \(\lambda _{unimodal}\) were 0.000001, 0.000001, and 1, respectively. The dropout ratio was 0.5.

4.3 Deception detection for criminal interrogation

FacialCueNet was optimized in a direction that can be applied to actual criminal interrogation using the DDCIT dataset. As an input of FacialCueNet, the DDCIT dataset was preprocessed. The overall model structure used was the same as the structure used for the Real-life Trial Dataset in the Model Validation section, but the optimal learning parameters for the DDCIT dataset were determined empirically.

4.3.1 Data pre-processing

Because the experimenter annotated the question start and end times during the experiment, all videos were divided based on this annotation time. The parts of the videos after the subjects answered were used because the subjects’ answers to the question were all ’no,’ and there was the same change in facial movement in all subjects during the answer. In previous studies, facial expression after lying was important for deception detection. The subjects’ answers, which appeared about 1 s after the experimenter’s questions, were detected by voice activity detection [70]. For efficient data-handling of the prediction model, we cropped videos 5 s after the end of speech. Because the frame rate of the collected videos was 30 fps, an input sample with 150 time steps was generated.

4.3.2 Model settings

The FacialCueNet architecture for the DDCIT dataset was constructed based on the architecture for the Real-life Trial Dataset. A polygraph session, a deception-detection method used in criminal interrogation, includes a pre-test in which a question with a known answer is asked before the main test. For practical use, it was necessary that the pre-test data obtained first were used as the training set, and the main test data obtained later were used as the test set for the deception-detection model. As FacialCueNet is being applied to criminal interrogation, the training and testing protocols were imitated. The 315 samples obtained from the first session of the DDCIT dataset were used for the training set, and the 315 samples obtained from the second session were used for the test set. Seven-fold cross-validation was used to determine the parameters used for training using the train set. The hyperparameters from the seven-fold cross-validation were a batch size of 9, an initial learning rate of 0.004 with a decrease rate of 0.99 per epoch, and a dropout rate of 0.4. The convolutional LSTM in FacialCueNet had 1 layer, a (3,3) kernel size, and four hidden units. To increase the efficiency of training, we used L2 regularization [69], and the lambda for L2 regularization was 0.00001. The values for \(\lambda _{TV}\), \(\lambda _{contrast}\), and \(\lambda _{unimodal}\) were \({10}^{-11}\), \({10}^{-12}\), and 1, respectively. The dropout ratio was 0.4. These hyperparameters were used for training the whole Session 1 samples and testing FacialCueNet performance using the whole Session 2 samples. Because the DDCIT dataset is a class-imbalanced dataset with a truth:deception ratio of 2:1, The \(L_{CE}\), cross-entropy loss in (3), was replaced with the weighted cross-entropy loss:

$$\begin{aligned} -\frac{1}{M}\sum _{m=1}^{M}\omega r_m\log (p_m) \end{aligned}$$

where M is the number of samples in the training set, \(r_m\) is the target label for sample m, \(p_m\) is the m-th score vector of the output, and \(\omega \) is the weight matrix. Using a weight matrix of [0.3, 0.7], we weighted the loss on the truth label as 0.3 and the loss on the deception label as 0.7, which was determined empirically.

4.3.3 Model interpretability

The interpretability of the model trained on the DDCIT dataset was evaluated using the spatial and temporal attention modules of FacialCueNet. Spatial attention was expressed as the value of the importance mask M, and temporal attention was expressed as the importance weight at the i-th frame \(w_i\). The \(w_i\) of the frame was normalized from 0 to 1 for each video to express intuitive spatial and temporal attention values. The importance mask obtained in each frame was visualized by multiplying the importance mask M and \(w_i\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Experimental results of FacialCueNet with different parameters. HU represents the number of hidden units in the LSTM

5 Results

We present the experimental results using the FacialCueNet structure and parameters required for learning. The Real-life Trial Dataset was used to evaluate the versatility of FacialCueNet, and the DDCIT dataset was used to optimize FacialCueNet so that it could be used for criminal interrogations, which was the goal of this study. Based on the DDCIT dataset, performance was measured using a combination of facial cues as input for FacialCueNet. In addition, we checked which facial cues were actually considered important in predicting deception using the attention module embedded in FacialCueNet.

5.1 Model reliability for deception detection

The generality FacialCueNet for deception detection was obtained using the Real-life Trial Dataset. With the abovementioned settings, the accuracy and area under the ROC curve of a 10-fold cross-validation were 88.45% and 0.954, respectively (Table 2). Additionally, the sensitivity (recall), specificity, and precision were 0.9062, 0.9064, and 0.8917, respectively. When comparing the results of deception-detection methods in previous research using only images and features extracted from faces with a frame sampling rate of 15 or higher and using 104 videos excluding images with no faces in the Real-life Trial Dataset, FacialCueNet showed comparable performance (Table 2).

Table 2 Comparison results of the presented approach with baseline facial deception detection models

5.2 FacialCueNet performance

The performance of FacialCueNet was evaluated using the DDCIT dataset. To determine the hyperparameters for training, we conducted seven-fold cross-validation using samples collected in Session 1 of the DDCIT dataset. As a result, an accuracy of 71.75%, an F1 score of 0.8125, a recall of 0.9238, and a precision rate of 0.7286 were obtained. The performance of FacialCueNet on the test set is shown in Table 3. This was similar to the seven-fold cross-validation result with the training set. As a result of FacialCueNet optimization using various hyperparameters for training, we found that the batch size and the number of the convolutional LSTM hidden units had a significant effect on performance. This was tested by comparing the results of the test set. FacialCueNet was trained using the entire train set by changing the batch size and number of hidden units. A comparison of the performances with the test set (Fig. 4) did not reveal a clear trend, but the best performance was obtained with batch sizes of 7 and 9 and when two, four, six, or eight hidden units were used. In addition, when the batch size was larger than 15 the overall performance deteriorated regardless of the number of hidden units, and the number of hidden units was greatly affected by the value of the batch size. Because FacialCueNet utilizes various facial cues, we conducted an ablation test on facial cues to confirm the effectiveness of the facial cues used. As shown in Table 4, among the cases where the combination of facial features extracted from the video frame and each facial cue was used as an input to FacialCueNet, the best performance was achieved when all four facial cues were used: AU, symmetry, gaze feature, and micro-expression. To develop a deception-detection model with interpretability, an attention module was added to FacialCueNet. Because the attention module has the advantage of improved performance, we also presented the ablation test results for the attention module (Table 5). In FacialCueNet, the spatio-temporal attention module had an effect on performance, and temporal attention had a greater effect on performance compared with spatial attention.

Table 3 FacialCueNet performance on the DDCIT dataset
Table 4 FacialCueNet accuracy, F1 score, recall, and precision results with facial cue combination on the DDCIT dataset
Table 5 Spatio-temporal attention module ablation test in FacialCueNet using the DDCIT dataset

5.3 Deception detection cue

Using the attention module in the FacialCueNet, we present interpretation results of deception detection. The results are shown in Fig. 5, in which three examples of the detected deception cues mentioned in introduction section are shown. The differences between deception and truth were seen in the videos at the time when deception cues appeared. In the case of the first subject, the blinking rate decreased in the deception case compared with the truthful case, and the spatial attention value was large in the eye area. In the second subject, lip pressing occurred in the case of deception, and the spatial attention value was larger in the lower part of the face. Finally, in the third subject, eye fixation occurred in the deception case, and many eye movements were observed in the truth video, relatively.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Spatial-temporal attention visualization. Each pair of lines shows the deception and truth aspects of the subject. The number above the picture represents the frame order in each video. The attention maps correspond to the right color bar

Fig. 6
figure 6

Average of action unit presence in video frames with normalized temporal attention weights of 0.9 or higher

6 Discussion

In this study, FacialCueNet, a deception-detection model using various cues that appear on the face during deception, was developed. For FacialCueNet to be applied to an actual criminal interrogation, FacialCueNet was trained on data collected from an actual application environment. In addition, beyond lie detection, we were able to analyze time zones and facial regions that are important for deception detection. FacialCueNet, a deception-detection model developed with a focus on criminal interrogations, showed sufficient performance to be used for deception-detection tasks using a public database (Table 2). As a result of training FacialCueNet with the DDCIT dataset, it achieved a high F1 score and recall compared with accuracy (Table 3). In the actual investigation and interrogation process, it is important to detect deception, but it is also important not to judge truth as deception in order to not persecute an innocent victim. In this regard, FacialCueNet has a potential application in criminal interrogation. As shown in Table 4, the basic structure of FacialCueNet uses facial features, action units, facial symmetry, gaze, and micro-expressions in video images. If all five features were not used, the performance was generally similar, but when four or more features were used, the performance was relatively good. All four facial cues, along with image features, contributed to the detection of deception. We used various parameters to optimize FacialCueNet. As shown in Fig. 4, as the batch size increased, the performance decreased. Although performance was poor when the number of hidden units was too small, performance also deteriorated when the number of hidden units was larger than the optimum. When we tried to optimize FacialCueNet, the loss of the model did not decrease when the model architecture was complicated. We assumed that this can be attributed to the simplicity of the data. The dataset used for deception detection was a relatively simple video with content that changed only slightly, unlike the datasets (e.g., playing basketball, or swimming) with marked differences by class used for general video classification. Therefore, we concluded that this tendency was because complex models can make training difficult when using simple data as FacialCueNet tried to increase interpretability when used in an actual criminal interrogation by using the spatial-temporal attention module as a model structure. In this paper, facial cues appearing during deception reported in various previous studies using attention modules were found, and among them, blinking rate reduction, lip pressing, and eyes fixation were presented during deception (Fig. 5). When we analyzed the spatial attention of FacialCueNet for all samples in the DDCIT dataset, there were relatively larger spatial attention values on the upper part of the face close to the eyes compared with the lower parts of the face closer to the mouth. In addition, we analyzed video frames with normalized temporal attention weights greater than 0.9. The presence of AUs was counted in video frames with normalized temporal attention weights greater than 0.9, and the average value for each AU was calculated for all videos (Fig. 6). As a result, the top three differences between deception and truth were AU45 (blink), AU23 (lip tightener), AU14 (dimpler). AU45 appeared less often in deception videos. This shows that the blinking rate decreases when lying, as reported in previous studies. AU23 and AU14 also appeared less often during deception. This suggests that there are fewer small movements at the bottom of the face than at the top of the face during deception in criminal interrogation situations. Although FacialCueNet performed relatively well, there is room for improvement. First, because the DDCIT dataset was collected from Koreans, it will be necessary to recruit and experiment with subjects of diverse nationalities to obtain a more generalizable model. Second, when the interpretation method is applied to actual criminal interrogations, a technique that can quantify the value of spatial and temporal attention will be required. Thirdly, an ethical anonymization method is required to render the extracted facial features unidentifiable. By utilizing data anonymization techniques, such as data quantization, which ensures that the data cannot be restored to its original image form, we can enhance security and improve the ethical feasibility of its application in deception detection during criminal interrogations. In addition, if various non-contact modalities, such as voice and infrared recording, are used, superior performance can be expected.

7 Conclusion

In this study, we present FacialCueNet, a non-contact deception-detection deep-learning model that utilizes facial expressions to aid in criminal investigations. The performance evaluation of FacialCueNet was conducted on public and additional datasets resembling real investigation conditions, demonstrating its potential for practical application in criminal investigations. The inclusion of the attention module in FacialCueNet enhances its utility by providing valuable insights into facial expression changes associated with deception. This research contributes to the advancement of deception detection methods, highlighting FacialCueNet as a reliable tool for improving the efficiency and accuracy of criminal investigations. Our future plans involve recruiting subjects of diverse nationalities to obtain a more generalizable model, developing a technique to quantify spatial and temporal attention in criminal interrogations, and exploring the use of various non-contact modalities for improved performance. These endeavors will enhance the applicability and effectiveness of FacialCueNet in real-world criminal investigation scenarios.