
Effectively and efficiently managing irrigation water for vegetable crops is crucial for economic and sustainable farming. Vegetables are short-season, high value crops that cannot be deficit or over-irrigated and still maintain marketability (Luna et al. 2012, 2013). Effective water management is especially important for farms in the Southwestern USA where all production relies upon the severely stressed Colorado River. While many of the farms in this region have high priority water entitlements, continuous and future access is not assured. Given the high fraction of freshwater resources used by agriculture, 65–72% (ADWR 2014; Hutson et al. 2005; Mpanga and Idowu 2021) it is important to establish how much irrigation supplies are used by arid land crops and to promote effective water management tools.

Yuma, Arizona, and nearby low desert areas in the Southwest produce the majority of winter lettuce and other cool-season vegetables in the USA (Sanchez 2000). In Yuma, vegetable crops are a $730 million industry (USDA NASS 2021), of which the lettuce industry dominates. Lettuce varieties are grown on diverse soils ranging from light-textured soils to heavier clay soils and are selected for their optimal climate (Kerns et al. 1999; Sanchez 2000). Planting dates vary from early September to late December to cover the market time window of November to March (Bealmear and Nolte 2014). At Yuma, there is only one lettuce cycle each year. The length of the growing season to harvest varies from about 60 to 130 days for early and late plantings, respectively (Simko et al. 2014). Typically, iceberg lettuce is seeded in twin rows on raised beds, at 1.02–1.07-m bed spacings, whereas romaine will sometimes be seeded in wider beds with 5 or 6 seed lines per bed (Simko et al. 2014). Because lettuce quality and yield can be significantly reduced by soil salinity, lettuce fields normally require pre-plant irrigation to reduce salt concentrations in the lettuce rooting depth (Kerns et al. 1999). After planting, solid set sprinklers are usually employed to irrigate near-daily for about a week to cool beds and allow germination. It is customary in Yuma to switch to closed-end level furrow irrigation once seedlings have emerged (Sanchez et al. 2009), which usually includes furrow irrigation applied 14–21 days after planting to sufficiently soften the soil prior to thinning and cultivation operations. Thereafter, furrow irrigation is managed to avoid saturating the middle of the lettuce bed, which can increase the occurrence of plant disease (Turini et al. 2011; Kerns et al. 1999). Typically, three to four more furrow irrigations are applied after thinning (Sanchez et al. 2009).

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS 2019), the average seasonal irrigation for romaine and iceberg in Arizona farms was about 740 mm in 2018. Earlier studies indicated that lettuce irrigation in USA desert areas can exceed 1000 mm per season (Sanchez et al. 2009; Turini et al. 2011). However, applicable crop water requirement information to guide water planning and efficient irrigation scheduling for marketable lettuce in Yuma is limited. Erie et al. (1982) provided daily and total consumptive use (i.e., crop evapotranspiration, ETc) for lettuce in 1960–1962 studies in Mesa, AZ, using periodic gravimetric measurements of soil water depletion. They reported a seasonal ETc of 216 mm. However, details on irrigation methods, application rates, and lettuce spacings for that study are unavailable and results may not be comparable to present-day Yuma lettuce production. Other evapotranspiration studies pertinent to Yuma conditions are scarce. Gallardo et al. (1996) reported lettuce ETc in a Salinas, CA study using only sprinkler irrigation. Oliveira et al. (2005) used subsurface drip irrigation in a Maricopa, AZ study. Neither study included the ETc that occurred in approximately the first 1/3 of the season and consequently reported low total ETc of approximately 150 mm (Gallardo et al. 1996) and 100–134 mm (Oliveira et al. 2005). In a San Joaquin Valley (SJV), CA study, Johnson and Trout (2012) used remote sensing to quantify lettuce crop transpiration (Tc), which totaled 125–138 mm for ≈ 60-day seasons, planted in late summer.

In addition to total lettuce crop water requirements, recent guidance on lettuce ETc demands over the course of the season is lacking for Yuma. Irrigation scheduling could be done using daily curves from Erie et al. (1982) and recommendations provided by Sanchez (2000). Alternatively, seasonal ETc dynamics could be determined in fields using detailed soil moisture monitoring. Options for ground-based ETc observations include soil–water balance measurement from gravimetric sampling (Tanner 1967), soil moisture profiling with neutron probes (Holmes et al., 1967), plot specific monitoring with weighing lysimeters (e.g., Slatyer and McIlroy 1961) and surface energy flux observations via Eddy Covariance (EC) stations. Optimal lettuce production is achieved when the upper surface soil moisture profile is maintained slightly less than field capacity (FC), an approach that maximizes yield and minimizes nutrient loss (Sutton and Merit 1993; Luna et al. 2013; Michelon et al. 2020). The upper surface layer extends to 0.5 m with most feeder roots within the top 0.15 m (Jackson and Stivers 1993).

Another approach estimates daily lettuce ETc by applying weather-based crop coefficient (Kc) methods, as done in FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998). These have been widely adopted over the past two decades (Pereira et al. 2021). In the single crop coefficient approach for FAO56, daily ETc is determined by multiplying the daily Kc and ETo. Kc values are derived from crop growth stages and from condition end-member values representing bare soil and full cover. ETo values are calculated with weather data using a standardized equation for a short reference crop (Allen et al. 1998). Alternatively, the FAO56 dual crop coefficients could be more effective for lettuce because they quantify the soil evaporation (Es) contribution of ETc more accurately than the single Kc procedure. In the dual procedures, Kc is separated into coefficients of basal (Kcb), representing Tc, and (Ke), representing Es. Simplified ETc methods exist to monitor lettuce, e.g., by Gallardo et al. 1996, which uses ETo observations to estimate crop growth. These, or similar, approaches might be effective management tools. More recently, however, the free and wide availability of satellite data, notably Sentinel 2, makes possible the monitoring of crops, and their water requirements almost every day.

In either FAO56 procedure, daily Kc and Kcb curves for a crop are derived as segmented lines over four growth stages: initial, development, mid-season, and late season (Allen et al. 1998). Difficulties, however, emerge in applying the time-based Kc procedures for lettuce and other crops because growth stage lengths can be highly variable due to climate and cultural factors, such as plant density (Grattan et al. 1998). Consequently, some have promoted using ground cover observations to adjust the crop coefficient in time (Allen and Pereira 2009; Johnson and Trout 2012; Fernandez-Pacheco et al. 2014), an approach that removes the growth stage-based segmentation. The results for lettuce are inconsistent. Johnson and Trout (2012) present a tight relationship between Kcb and ground cover fraction for data collected in an experimental field in SJV, CA. Conversely, Grattan et al. (1998) found large differences in measured Kc as a function of percent cover in commercial fields, one in the low desert near Yuma, AZ, and the other on the central coast of California. The Kc variability was high at all levels of cover and varied between the locations.

Sustaining the economic and societal benefits of Yuma lettuce production is crucial locally and nationally for farms, growers, distributors and employees. Achieving sustainability is especially timely considering the current drought and reduced irrigation water supplies. Answers lie in part with achieving efficient irrigation management and alignment with actual crop water needs at each growth stage. In this regard, a project was designed with a main objective of establishing present-day crop water use, crop coefficients, and irrigation practices for two major Yuma commodity crops, iceberg and romaine lettuce.

This lettuce study proceeds as follows. In "Methods", observations and data sets needed to measure and estimate ETc are described. This section consists of five parts: "Study sites" a description of the Yuma study sites, "Evapotranspiration measurements" a presentation of deployment and data collection procedures using eddy covariance stations, "Fractional cover estimation" a description of remote sensing for fractional vegetative cover (fc) estimation methods, and related field experiments, "Estimation of lettuce soil evaporation and basal crop coefficients with EC Data" a presentation of soil water balance methods to evaluate single and dual crop coefficients, and "Estimation of total ETc with heat units" a description of the use of two heat unit metrics to estimate crop growth stages and total ETc. In "Results", results are summarized: "Evapotranspiration from iceberg and romaine lettuce" reports irrigation water use and ETc results from eddy covariance collections, "Plant heights" presents techniques used to estimate plant height, "Fractional cover" describes fc estimation via remote sensing, in "Measurement and modeling crop coefficients" FAO56 crop coefficient analyses are described, and "Application of heat unit modeling"  shows the use of heat units to estimate growth stages, time to maturity, and total ETc. In “Conclusion”, the significance of the ETc and crop coefficient findings from EC and the remote sensing results are discussed.


Study sites

Eddy covariance studies were conducted for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Yuma, Arizona, a hot, arid, and low-lying (~ 35 m above sea level) region receiving about 80 mm of precipitation annually ( The study consisted of 12 lettuce field sites, located on private commercial farms, distributed within three Yuma County water regions: Yuma County Water Users Association (YCWUA), Yuma Irrigation District (YID), and North Gila Irrigation and Drainage District (NGIDD) (Fig. 1, image background is Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI). Site areas ranged from 5.7 to 14.5 ha, where romaine was grown at four sites and iceberg at eight sites (Table 1). To preserve growers’ anonymity, each site identifier is coded by its corresponding irrigation district, deployment years, and a deployment sequence letter. For example, YID19-20a means: YID—Yuma Irrigation District; 19–20—deployment period from fall 2019 to spring 2020; a—first deployment. The study years extended from the fall of 2016 through winter 2020. The EC deployment dates (Table 1) are indicative of lettuce seeding dates, which varied for sites from mid-September to late November. Lettuce harvest dates varied from mid-November to early March. Lengths of lettuce seasons were shorter for September and October plantings (60–80 days) than November plantings (90–106 days).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Yuma, Arizona irrigation districts for this study: Yuma County Water Users Association (YCWUA, orange), Yuma Irrigation District (YID, blue), and North Gila Irrigation and Drainage District (NGIDD, red). Mexico lies immediately to the South and Southwest of the districts, and California to the Northwest. Background image is NDVI from Sentinel 2 (colour figure online)

Table 1 Lettuce eddy covariance site deployment locations, crop types, field sizes, and schedules

Sites were chosen, 5 ha or larger, within three irrigation regions- Yuma Irrigation District, Yuma County Water Users Association, and North Gila Irrigation and Drainage District- that sampled different soil types and included strong land-owner support. Twelve lettuce sites were occupied over 3 growing seasons (2016–2020). Selection criteria for observations needed at Yuma were feasibility, spatial representativeness, and high temporal resolution. Observations based on soil water data can meet these requirements, but spatial representation is low. Eddy covariance observations, adopted for this study, produce much better temporal and spatial sampling of weather conditions at the field sites: samples are representative of several hectares and can be nearly time-continuous for entire growing seasons. By combining daily EC observations of ETc with logs of irrigation/precipitation, a soil water balance can be calculated at the lettuce field sites. When used in conjunction with the FAO56 dual crop coefficient computations, Kcb and Ke can be modeled. In turn, the Es and Tc contributions of the daily ETc at sites can be tracked.

Lettuce irrigation and salinity management practices and field configurations for the sites were generally similar. All were furrow irrigated prior to planting to reduce salt concentrations in the lettuce rooting depth. The lettuce at iceberg sites and two romaine sites (YID17b and NGIDD19-20) were seeded in dual parallel lines on raised beds, at bed spacings of 1.02 m, center to center. Romaine at site YID16 was seeded in three lines at bed spacing of 1.07 m, while romaine at site YID17a was seeded in seven lines at bed spacing of 2.2 m. In all but one instance (YID17a), fields were initially sprinkler irrigated, then furrow irrigated after establishment. Because of wide beds at YID17a, irrigation at this site was sprinkler applied throughout the season. Otherwise, sprinklers were used for at least the first 5–8 days after planting. Distribution uniformity for sprinkler irrigation at Yuma is generally ~ 85% (Sanchez and French 2023). For the subsequent 9–16 days, fields were again irrigated, either by sprinkler or furrow irrigation, prior to lettuce thinning. All sites thinned the lettuce seedling lines at a standard spacing of ≈ 0.23 m between plants. Following thinning, the field sites were irrigated using closed end level furrows. Furrows were built and compacted to a trapezoidal profile to speed furrow irrigation advance times and to promote irrigation uniformity, which exceeds 90% at Yuma (Sanchez et al. 2009). Furrow irrigation lengths for sites varied from ≈ 200 to 300 m. Irrigation water amounts applied to all fields were measured. For sprinkler irrigation systems, in-line meters and both automatic and manual rain gauges were used. Except at site YID17a, all rain gauges were removed from the field at sites just before furrow irrigation was applied. Thus, following initial sprinkler irrigations, precipitation at the 11 other sites was not measured. For furrow irrigation, we used meters at the farm canal gates when they were available (i.e., at YID sites). Where these were not available, furrow irrigation deliveries were determined by measured water velocity, water depth, and irrigation time during each irrigation event based on canal ditch geometry.

Reference climate data used in this study were provided by the University of Arizona, Yuma Agricultural Center AZMET weather station and denoted as the Yuma Valley station (32° 43′ N; 114° 42′ W; 36 m above sea level) ( AZMET data are collected over short, clipped and well-watered grass, approximately 50 ft2, and are considered representative of reference ET. The station was located near the northern boundary of the YCWUA district and the proximity of the station relative to the 12 field sites varied from 1 to 10 km. Two other AZMET stations in the Yuma area were also available. One, located about 16 km east of Yuma Valley was in the lower NGIDD district and had close proximity to the YID and NGIDD sites (6 km) but was far away from some YCWUA sties (26 km). The other station in the southern portion of YCWUA (Yuma South) was further away from the majority of sites. Table 2 lists the Yuma Valley station data of monthly means for the period between planting and harvest for the 12 sites. These include: monthly means of maximum, minimum air temperature (Tmax, Tmin), minimum relative humidity (RHmin), solar radiation (Rsolar), wind speed at 2-m height (u2; re-calculated from AZMET wind speed measurements at 3 m), growing degree days (GDD), and the Penman–Monteith reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for a short crop (Allen et al. 1998). GDD values were computed using the single-sine method with horizontal cutoff (Baskerville and Emin 1969; with basal and maximum temperature thresholds, respectively, of 4.5 °C (Sanders et al. 1980; Dufault et al. 2009) and 28 °C (Wurr et al. 1992; Wheeler et al. 1993). Cumulative GDD (CGDD) between seeding and harvest for the 12 sites varied from about 965 to 1270 °C-days.

Table 2 Monthly weather summaries for years as observed at the Yuma Valley AZMET site

Also calculated from AZMET data, though not shown in Table 2, were effective degree days (EDD), which adjusts GDD values when light levels are growth limiting, as might occur for cloudy intervals or winter months (Scaife et al 1987; Wurr et al. 1988):


where a is an empirical constant (0.5 [deg-day-m2/MJ] used for this study), and R is total daily solar radiation (MJ/m2).

Between the seeding and harvest dates for sites planted in 2016 and 2017 (Table 1), the cumulative precipitation recorded at the AZMET Yuma Valley station was 2.0 mm or less. Most of the 2016–2017 sites were in the YID district, closer to the NGIDD AZMET station, which recorded between 0 and 4.0 mm for those growing seasons. During lettuce seasons planted in 2018 and 2019, differences in cumulative precipitation recorded at the Yuma Valley and NGIDD stations were small, between ± 5 and 10 mm.

Measured soil texture fractions were used to estimate the soil type, soil water holding, and near-surface heat capacity parameters needed for determining surface energy balance corrections for shallow heat storage (Table 3). Soil texture values represent three samples from each site from the top 0.15 m depth, the interval corresponding to heat stored above soil heat flux plates. Samples were analyzed using a laser diffraction particle size analyzer (LS13320, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, Indianapolis, IN, USA).Footnote 1 The sampled soil depths are also relevant to soil evaporation (Es) parameters, namely, readily evaporable water (REW) and total evaporable water (TEW). The USDA soil texture triangle (USDA 2017) was used to classify the measured textures to soil type (Table 3). Values of field capacity (FC) and wilting point (WP) were estimated with typical FC and WP values for the given site soil type, as provided in FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998; Table 19). Values of FC varied from 0.26 to 0.40 m3 m−3 for loam and clay soils, respectively. Similarly, the REW for the 0.12-m evaporation layer (Ze) was assigned to fields according to soil type following FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998) and Allen (2011) guidelines. The TEW for sites were calculated by the FAO56 equation for TEW, assuming Ze = 0.12 m, and varied from 23 to 32 mm (Table 3).

Table 3 Measured sand, silt, and clay fractionsa, USDA soil typeb, and estimated values of field capacity (FC), wilting point (WP), readily evaporable water (REW) and total evaporable water (TEW) for the 12 Yuma lettuce study sites

Lettuce plant height (h) was observed almost every 12 days (3–7 times per site and season) using a meter stick at randomly selected points near the EC sites. The h measurements started about three weeks after planting and corresponded to approximately a 4-true-leaf stage.

Evapotranspiration measurements

Eddy covariance deployments (Table 1) were conducted for sites in YID, YCWUA, and NGIDD. Water allocations, priorities, and delivery sources are noted in Noble (2015). Deployments of EC stations were similar to those as described for wheat experiments (French et al. 2020): following shaping and planting of beds, but just prior to the first irrigation, equipment tripods and sensors were positioned mid-field. Systems were mostly Campbell Scientific manufacture (Logan, UT, USA), but also included sensors from: LI-COR Biosciences (Lincoln, NE, USA; infrared gas analyzers), Kipp & Zonen (Delft, Netherlands; 4-way net radiometers), Hukseflux (Delft, Netherlands; soil heat flux plates), and Vaisala (Helsinki, Finland, temperature/humidity probes). Six unique stations were used for the study, 4 of which were new as of 2017. All loggers and covariance sensors were calibrated by the manufacturer in 2016 and 2017. Zero and span of infrared gas analyzers (IRGA) were done in July 2017 and again in July 2018. Each station consisted of two tripods, one for measurements and the other for power supply. The measurement tripod included a sonic anemometer, infrared gas analyzer (IRGA), net radiometer (all 2 m above the ground), two soil heat flux plates, data logger, and cell modem. A storage battery was placed at the tripod base. The power supply tripod was placed approximately 5 m northeast of the measurement tripod and contained two 60 W solar panels, a solar power regulator, and connecting power cables. Sonic units were set horizontally- all sites were precision leveled. Due to short maximum h (~ 0.33 m) and short season (< 100 days), EC assemblies did not need to be raised during the season. EC azimuths were set due west to reduce instances of self-obstructed airflow: predominant winds were from the north and secondarily from the south-southwest.

Each station collected multiple micrometeorological observations (~ 108 variables per time step) at 20 Hz sample rates, configured under Campbell Scientific’s EasyFlux DL ™ (Logan, UT) program to allow continuous data measurements during the cropping cycle. Simultaneously 30-min block-averaged fluxes, adjusted with Webb–Pearman–Leuning (Webb et al. 1980) corrections, were stored. Computation of 30-min evapotranspiration (ET) estimates used WPL fluxes. With few exceptions, EC stations were visited weekly to inspect alignment, assess instrument operations, check for rodent damage, farm equipment damage, vandalism, and cleared of bird debris. Station functioning was monitored daily via cell-phone modem links. Data were stored on compact flash cards and changed approximately every 2 weeks.

Subsequent processing used EddyPro V.7.0.8 software (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA) in Express Mode to compute 30-min fluxes sourced from the original 20 Hz time series files (Fratini and Mauder 2014). Results from this processing updates values previously reported in Dhungel et al. (2023). Changes in energy storage within the soil mass above the two heat flux plates were computed using logged soil temperature and volumetric water content. R scripts were applied to remove data spikes and fill short-duration data gaps. Spike removal followed the methodology described by Vickers and Mahrt (1997). The on-line gap filling tool (; employing techniques as described in Falge et al. 2001) was used to fill time gaps not previously filled. The tool’s friction velocity (U*) filtering with a moving point test method (Papale et al. 2006) was chosen.

Assessment of energy balance closure was done at daily time steps by regressing advective energy against radiative energy and correcting for net energy storage (Anderson and Wang 2014). Considering that daily average Bowen ratio for all stations ranged between − 0.09 and + 0.14, and that preferred closure methodology is an open question (Wohlfahrt et al. 2010), closure errors were corrected at the daily time step by assigning residuals to LE fluxes. Two stations, YID17a and YID17b, had IRGA failure for most of the deployment periods and closure errors for them could not be assessed. In this case LE fluxes were computed via residual of the energy budget, i.e., LE = Rn − G − H − ΔS. 2-D Flux footprint analyses were done using a modification of an R script provided by Kljun (; Kljun et al. 2015).

Fractional cover estimation

Modeling of ETc requires knowledge of fractional vegetative cover (fc) at all stages of growth. Vegetation cover controls partitioning between evaporation and transpiration (Skaggs et al. 2018). Use of spectral vegetation indices (VI) from remote sensing is a practical way to obtain fc because correlations between some of them are strong and the corresponding data are readily and freely available (e.g., Landsat and Sentinel 2). Studies have quantified correlations between fractional vegetation cover and NDVI (e.g., Gao et al. 2020; Tenreiro et al. 2021). Considering lettuce, Johnson and Trout (2012) collected fractional ground-based observations with a pole-mounted camera to calibrate cover vs. NDVI. For their San Joaquin Valley, CA study they found a strong linear relation: fc = 1.26 × NDVI − 0.18, with coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.96. Crucial to know for this study, however, is if this relationship is accurate for Yuma, AZ sites—climate, soils, and cropping practices in southwestern Arizona are not the same as for the Central Valley, CA. Considering that the spectral sampling provided by satellites is richer than before—while Landsat 9 has 4 VNIR bands, Sentinel 2 has 8 corresponding bands—this is an opportune time to consider other chlorophyll-related indices besides NDVI. To answer these questions, we collected fractional cover data with high resolution drone imagery and close-in-time multispectral, 5–20 m satellite remote sensing data over 7 Yuma sites (Table 4). To obtain fc vs. time, we conducted 26 flights over two romaine sites from 29 September to 6 November 2020, and composited 18 flights over five iceberg sites 4 December 2019 to 28 January 2021. Plot-averaged cover for each sortie was computed, linearly interpolated to daily time steps, smoothed using a 7-day convolution time filter, and matched with results from satellite-based VI time series.

Table 4 Drone acquisition dates for fractional cover measurements at Yuma, AZ

UAS Processing

Ground-truth fc were obtained from unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) data. Remotely sensed images were acquired with a DJI Inspire 1 drone, flown 15 m above the ground with 70% front overlap and 50% side overlap. An Inspire X3 camera (4000 × 3000 pixels) was used to acquire red–green–blue (RGB) images in JPG format. The average image resolution was ~ 0.7 cm/pixel. During field acquisition, three to four geo-referenced targets were placed at field corners prior to each flight. Pix4Dcapture (Pix4D, Switzerland) software was used to design and control flight sorties. Pix4Dmapper (Pix4D, Switzerland) was used to create ortho-mosaics.

The fc classification was obtained with a simple-to-implement unsupervised spectral classification approach based on the Green/Red (G/R) spectral ratios. For lettuce grown in Yuma, AZ, the statistical distributions of G/R data are strongly bimodal, as illustrated in Fig. 2. This meant that discrimination between bare soil and vegetation could be done by finding the inter-modal minimum and segregating pixels less than or greater than this minimum. Addition of Blue band data, as might be done with the Canopeo approach (Patrignani and Ochsner 2015), did not improve classification results and were not used.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Drone imagery of 2-row iceberg (left) and romaine (center). Bed spacing was 1.06 m (42 in), plants within each bed were separated by 0.31 m (12 in), planting density after thinning was 4.3 plants/m (~ 14 plants/ft). Crop classification was based on the ratio of green to red channels (right). Shown is a 2-D histogram for mature romaine where the 1:1 line (white) discriminates between plants and bare soil. Vegetation instances lie above the line, while soil occurred in two clusters: one just below the line representing shaded and wet soil elements, and a second cluster much further below and representing surface dry soil (colour figure online)

Satellite-based remote sensing processing

Besides NDVI (Rouse et al. 1974), numerous options exist for candidate indices to map vegetation cover. This study considered ten vegetation indices (Table 5): CIRE (Gitelson et al. 2005), CIGN (Clevers and Kooistra 2012), MTCI (Dash and Curran 1994), REIP (Guyot and Baret 1988), IRECI (Frampton et al. 2013), NDI45 (Delegido et al. 2011), MCARI (Daughtry et al. 2000), TCARI (Haboudane et al. 2002), OSAVI (Rondeaux et al. 1996), and TCARI/OSAVI (TO, Haboudane et al. 2002). Reasons for choosing one index over another depend on objectives and consider correlation with chlorophyll content, soil background, other non-photosynthetic matter, and index saturation. Criteria for index selection in this study were the following: lettuce cover prediction accuracy with a linear model, range of applicability, and availability.

Table 5 Vegetation indices evaluated for fractional vegetation cover

Vegetation indices were calculated from two satellite sensors: Sentinel 2 a/b, ( for 2017–2020, and Venus ( for parts of 2018–2020. Sentinel 2 (a/b) are a pair of identical satellites collectively observing identical targets at 10–20 m resolution nominally every 5 days, but due to Yuma’s location, observations were often available at 3-day intervals. Sentinel 2 sensors are multispectral push-broom instruments in sun-synchronous orbits with overpass times in Arizona at ~ 11AM. Because of its still better sampling (5 m spatial and 2 day temporal), Venus data were incorporated when available.

All data sets used were calibrated, multispectral, visible to near infrared surface reflectance images. Multispectral data were used to improve consistency against atmospheric effects and to create vegetation indices. Higher spatial resolution of satellite data was important to resolve lettuce fields without significant field-edge effects. At the Yuma sites, field widths ranged between 174 and 555 m. High temporal frequencies were essential to track rapid lettuce growth and frequent irrigation events.

A majority of the analyzed data (352 scenes) were from Sentinel 2. Orthorectified, surface reflectance L2A, 100 km × 100 km tiles, were downloaded from Copernicus data hub ( From these, NDVI and OSAVI were computed at 10 m resolution, while other red-edge indices were obtained at 20 m. VI values were generated as indicated in Table 5. Sentinel 2 surface reflectance data, L2A, were used for images acquired from mid-2018 and later. For earlier acquisitions where L2A were not available, L1C top of atmosphere data were downloaded and atmospherically corrected using the Sen2Cor program (

Additional data provided by Venus data (173 scenes, L2) contributed 5 m resolution data for all indices. Each were atmospherically corrected by CNES via the MAJA program, a combination of the Multi-sensor Atmospheric Correction and Cloud Screening (MACCS) algorithm and ATCOR use estimates of atmospheric thickness as described in Hagolle et al. (2015).

Estimation of lettuce soil evaporation and basal crop coefficients with EC Data

As described in "Evapotranspiration measurements", actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc act) was acquired daily using EC observations at the 12 Yuma lettuce sites in Table 1. At each site, the daily actual single crop coefficient (Kc act) was calculated as ETc act/ETo, where the daily ETo was provided by the Yuma Valley AZMET station. In this section, additional analyses were developed to estimate the dual crop coefficients (i.e., Kcb and Ke) of daily Kc act and, thereby, estimate Tc and Es components of the daily ETc act. The framework involved modeling a daily soil water balance (SWB) for two depth intervals: a layer representing the lettuce rooting depth (Zr) and a shallow soil evaporation layer (Ze) for each of the 12 sites. The simultaneous SWB modeling of the two layers followed methodologies given in FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998).

Soil water depletion (Dr,i) within the rooting zone at the end of each day was estimated from a depletion balance equation (all in mm units):

$${\text{D}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}}}} = {\text{ D}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}} - {1}}} - {\text{ P}}_{{\text{i}}} - {\text{ I}}_{{\text{i}}} + {\text{ ET}}_{{{\text{c}},{\text{i act}}}} + {\text{ DP}}_{{\text{i}}}$$

where (Dr,i − 1) is the depletion state for the prior day. ETc,i act (actual crop ET from EC), and deep percolation (DPi) increase depletion amounts, while precipitation (Pi) and irrigation events (Ii) decrease them. The irrigation method, dates, times, and amounts for Ii were available for each field site. Equation 2 does not consider possible water runoff or potential capillary rise from a water table. The Pi were provided by the Yuma Valley AZMET station. Effective Pi included in the two SWBs were cumulative amounts greater than 1.0 mm within a 24-h period. Daily values of total available water (TAWi) of the daily rooting depth (Zr,i) were calculated as shown in Eq. 3:

$${\text{TAW}}_{{\text{i}}} = { 1}000{\text{ Z}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}}}} \left( {{\text{FC }} - {\text{ WP}}} \right)$$

where TAWi is in mm, Zr,i in m, and FC and WP are in m3 m−3. The values of FC and WP used for each site are provided in Table 3. The limits for Dr,i in Eq. 2 were zero at FC and TAW at WP. Since Dr,i cannot be less than zero on a given day i following irrigation and/or precipitation, an amount for DPi was computed, when necessary, to balance Eq. 2. Initiation of the SWB model for the analyzed sites was on the day when the dry-planted seed was wetted by sprinkler irrigation. For the dry-seeded lettuce, it was assumed that the Dr,i − 1 in Eq. 2 was at WP. The initial Dr,i in Eq. 2 was the end of the first lettuce sprinkler wet-up day (first day). Description of the lettuce Zr,i modeling is presented later in this section.

The separate daily SWB of the soil evaporation layer (Eq. 4) was computed for all fields using Ze = 0.12 m (Allen et al. 1998).

$${\text{D}}_{{{\text{e}},{\text{i}}}} = {\text{ D}}_{{{\text{e}},{\text{i}} - {1}}} - {\text{ P}}_{{\text{i}}} - {\text{ I}}_{{\text{i}}} /{\text{f}}_{{{\text{w}},{\text{i}}}} + {\text{ E}}_{{{\text{s}},{\text{i}}}} /{\text{f}}_{{{\text{ew}},{\text{i}}}} + {\text{ DP}}_{{{\text{e}},{\text{i}}}}$$

where De,i and De,i − 1 are the daily cumulative depth of evaporation following wetting of the exposed and wetted fraction of the surface soil at the end of day i and end of day i − 1, respectively, Pi and Ii are as previously defined, Es,i is daily soil evaporation, and DPe,i is daily deep percolation loss if soil water content exceeds FC on day i, where all these variables are in units of mm. The fw,i and few,i are the fraction of the soil surface wetted by Pi and Ii and the exposed and wetted fraction, respectively, on day i. For the lettuce sites, fw,i was assumed as 1.0 for precipitation events greater than 1.5 mm, sprinkler irrigations, and pre-thinning irrigations, which completely wet the lettuce beds (regardless of irrigation method). For subsequent furrow irrigation events, the fw,i was assumed to be 0.60, where growers apply water to only cover the furrow and not the beds. The few,i are a minimum function of either fw,i or (1 − fc,i), where fc,i is daily canopy cover fraction. The fc,i were estimated by the OSAVI data for each site using the OSAVI-based canopy cover fraction relationship derived from drone and satellite observations: fc,i = 1.33 × OSAVI − 0.312, and presented later in the Results section. The upper limit for De,i in Eq. 4 is the TEW, shown for sites in Table 3.

Daily coefficients of basal (Kcb,i), soil evaporation (Ke,i), and water stress (Ks,i) were derived based on the daily actual ETc (ETc,i act), daily ETo (ETo,i), estimated Zr,i and soil water properties (Eq. 5):

$$\left( {{\text{K}}_{{{\text{cb}},{\text{i}}}} {\text{K}}_{{{\text{s}},{\text{i}}}} + {\text{ K}}_{{{\text{e}},{\text{i}}}} } \right){\text{ ET}}_{{{\text{o}},{\text{i}}}} = {\text{ET}}_{{{\text{c}},{\text{i act}}}} \approx {\text{ K}}_{{{\text{c}},{\text{i act}}}} {\text{K}}_{{{\text{s}},{\text{i}}}} {\text{ET}}_{{{\text{o}},{\text{i}}}}$$

where ETc,i act and ETo,i are in mm and the coefficients are dimensionless. The Kc,i act is the daily actual single Kc. The daily Ks was calculated as:

$${\text{K}}_{{{\text{s}},{\text{i}}}} = \left( {{\text{TAW}}_{{\text{i}}} - {\text{ D}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}}}} } \right)/\left( {\left( {{1 }{-}{\text{ p}}} \right){\text{ TAW}}_{{\text{i}}} } \right) = \, \left( {{\text{TAW}}_{{\text{i}}} - {\text{ D}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}}}} } \right)/\left( {{\text{TAW}}_{{\text{i}}} - {\text{ RAW}}_{{\text{i}}} } \right)$$

where Ks,i, TAWi, and Dr,i are as previously defined; p is the fraction of TAWi that can be extracted from Zr before suffering water stress (i.e., Ks less than 1.0) and RAWi is the daily readily available soil water in Zr. For Dr,i > RAWi, Ks,i is less than 1.0. The p value for lettuce was set to 0.40 for ETc act = 5.0 mm/day, and adjusted daily for atmospheric demand, per FAO56 Table 22 and footnote 2. The Ks,i were not computed until the fc,i for the given lettuce site was above 0.15, i.e., the Ks,i were set to 1.0 before fc,i > 0.15.

Assessment of Ks,i during the lettuce growing seasons was dependent on the estimation of Zr,i. A lettuce model for lettuce Zr,i based on cumulative growing degree days (CGDD; ℃ day) by Thorup-Kristensen (2006) was used for this estimation. For each site, an initial minimum Zr value of 0.12 m at planting was increased at a rate of 1.2 mm per ℃ day starting after 200 ℃ days were accumulated (Thorup-Kristensen 2006). A maximum lettuce Zr,i of 0.50 m for modeling water stress was suggested in FAO56 and by others, where that depth corresponds with the approximated depth of primary lettuce root mass (Jackson and Stivers 1993). However, assuming a maximum Zr,i of 0.50 m in the SWB calculations (Eq. 2) generated calculated Dr,i values that far exceeded RAWi on numerous days for all but one site (YID19-20a). Consequently, assuming 0.50-m or even 0.70-m as the maximum Zr resulted in Ks,i values substantially below 1.0 on numerous days for 11 of the 12 sites. Given that the commercial Yuma lettuce sites were managed to minimize water stress for attaining high yield quality, estimated TAW values were considered reasonable, and ETc act from EC was representative. This means that assessment of Ks,i should be based on a deeper maximum Zr,i, such that the calculated water stress was minimal. Detailed analyses of the 11 sites showed that a maximum Zr,i of 0.90 m was a reasonable assumption, resulting in Ks,i less than 1.0 on only a few days for some fields. The differences in the calculated RAWi and resulting Ks,i as affected by assumed maximum Zr of 0.50, 0.70, and 0.90 m are illustrated for site YID17c (Fig. 3a–c, respectively). Note in Fig. 3 that the Ks,i were assumed as 1.0 until estimated fc,i was greater than 0.15, which occurred after CGDD exceeded 730 ℃-days for this site. The Thorup-Kristensen (2006) model, supported by tap root measurements beyond 1.0 m, predicted a lettuce Zr,i of 0.90 m at CGDD of about 800–900 ℃-days for the Yuma sites, which coincided with the occurrence of maximum fc,i for each site. Gallardo et al. (1996) also reported measured tap roots as deep as 0.90 m, 63 days after planting, for well-watered romaine and crisp head lettuce in California, while Erie et al. (1982) showed lettuce depleted soil water to a depth of 0.92 m in studies in Arizona.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Daily values of the water stress coefficient (Ks), depletion (Dr), readily available water (RAW), irrigation (I), and precipitation (P) as a function of cumulative growing degree day (CGDD) assuming maximum root depths of 0.50 (a), 0.70 m (b), and 0.90 m (c) for site YID17c in Yuma

Besides the parameters used in Eq. 4, derivation of daily Ke and Kcb values included REW and h. The estimated REW varied between 9 and 10 mm based on soil type (Table 3). Prior to lettuce h measurements, it was assumed that the h was zero for the first 5–8 days after the first wet-up irrigation. Subsequently, measured h data were interpolated on a daily basis for each site.

The daily Ke calculations started on the first day of wet-up and were governed by Eqs. 7 and 8, which follow the FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998) equations:

$${\text{K}}_{{{\text{e}},{\text{i}}}} = {\text{ min }}\left[ {{\text{K}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}}}} \left( {{\text{K}}_{{{\text{cmax}},{\text{i}}}} {-}{\text{ K}}_{{{\text{cb}},{\text{i}}}} } \right),{\text{ f}}_{{{\text{ew}},{\text{i}}}} \times {\text{ K}}_{{{\text{cmax}},{\text{i}}}} } \right]$$

where Kr,i is the daily evaporation reduction coefficient as calculated in Eq. 8:

$${\text{K}}_{{{\text{r}},{\text{i}}}} = \, \left( {{\text{TEW}} - {\text{ D}}_{{{\text{e}},{\text{i}} - {1}}} } \right)/\left( {{\text{TEW}} - {\text{REW}}} \right)$$

where Kr,i = 1.0 during stage 1 drying (energy limiting), i.e., when De,i − 1 ≤ REW, Kr,i less than 1.0 during stage 2 drying (falling rate), and Kr,i is zero when De,i − 1 = TEW. In FAO56, Kcmax,i is the theoretical upper limit of the combined daily Kcb and Ke coefficients that can occur following Ii or Pi and is calculated as a function of the daily values of mean u2, RHmin, and h. In this analysis, the Kcmax,i used was the greater of either Kc,i act or the Kcmax,i calculated by the FAO56 equation (Eq. 72), which ensured that the sum of Kcb,i plus Ke,i was equal to Kc,i act.

For each of the 12 lettuce site data sets, iterations of the daily SWB for Ze and Zr were made to derive the Ke,i and Kcb,i. A first iteration required initial estimates of daily Kcb so that Ke,i by Eq. 7 could be solved. In the initial iteration, the daily Kcb,i were calculated as a function of estimated fc,i by the relation derived by Johnson and Trout (2012) for lettuce, where Kcb,i = 0.209 + 1.08 fc,i − 0.07 fc,i2. Using these initial Kcb,i values in Eq. 7 to solve for Ke,i and then, calculating resultant Kcb,i (as Kcb,i = Kc act,i − Ke,i) gave a new set of Kcb,i estimates. The second iteration used the new estimates of Kcb,i in Eq. 7 resulting in another set of estimated Kcb,i. These iterations continued for each site until the mean absolute percent difference (MAPD; Li et al. 2005) between the entire set of estimated Kcb,i and those used in solving in Eq. 7 was less than 5.0%. The number of iterations needed varied from four to six.

Crop growth stages (Allen et al. 1998) were assessed after final estimation of Kcb,i at each lettuce site. Length of the initial growth stage, corresponding to the interval up to 5 true leaves, was estimated as the number of days before the estimated Kcb,i were consistently greater than 0.20, which was then the start of the development stage. The end of development stage was estimated as the day when the estimated fc,i reached 75% of the maximum lettuce fc. This event is approximately 30 true leaves for romaine and heads > 10 cm for iceberg and corresponds approximately to the beginning of stage 4 as presented by Jenni and Bourgeois (2008). From that day on, the mid-season continued until the day before the lettuce was harvested. A late season was not defined for fresh lettuce (Pereira et al. 2021). For each site, average Kcb values were calculated from all data within the initial and mid-season growth stages and used to construct FAO56 segmented Kcb curves. The average Kcb values for the initial and mid-season stages were interpolated daily to provide the development stage diagonal line of the Kcb curve. To facilitate comparison of the derived lettuce crop coefficients at Yuma to the literature, the local average Kc and Kcb values for the mid-season stage for each site were adjusted to the standard climate conditions proposed in FAO56, where RHmin = 45% and u2 = 2 m s−1. The climate adjustments were made using the transfer equations provided in Pereira et al. (2021), which require the h at mid-season. The h values used in the adjustments were those measured at mid-season for each site.

The average Kc act over estimated growth stages was compared to an estimated Kc (Kc est) calculated by the soil depletion balance over the growth stage lengths for each site:

$${\text{K}}_{{\text{c est}}} = \left[ {{\text{D}}_{{{\text{r}},{2}}} - {\text{ D}}_{{{\text{r}},{1}}} + \, \sum \left( {{\text{P}}_{{\text{i}}} + {\text{ I}}_{{\text{i}}} } \right) \, - \, \sum {\text{DP}}_{{\text{i}}} } \right]/\sum {\text{ET}}_{{0,{\text{i}}}} = \left( {\Delta {\text{D}}_{{\text{r}}} + {\text{ TWA }}{-}{\text{ DP}}} \right)/{\text{ET}}_{{\text{o}}}$$

where Dr,1 and Dr,2 (∆Dr) are the depletion values at the beginning and end of the growth stage, respectively, ∑(Pi + Ii) is the summation of precipitation and irrigation over the stage, i.e., the total water applied (TWA) over the stage, ∑DPi is the summation of DP loss over the stage, and ∑ET0,i is summation of ETo over the stage, where units are in mm. Linear regression of Kc est versus Kc act over each growth stage was performed. Performance indicators for Kc est accuracy were the coefficient of variation (r2) and the root mean squared error (RMSE). Similarly, linear regression of average Kc act versus the average estimated Ke was computed over growth stages to evaluate the variation in average Ke at sites, as explained by Kc act.

Estimation of total ETc with heat units

Weather-based heat units are useful for estimating h, the number of days to maturity, and expected total ETc. We evaluated GDD and EDD heat units accumulated between the day of planting (DOP) to the day of first harvest. The two heat unit metrics were computed from the AZMET Yuma Valley station. To estimate total ETc, a combined empirical and climatological approach was used. First, the observed cumulative GDD and EDD values were computed for the three growth stage transition times: end of the initial, end of development, and date of first harvest. Second, these cumulative heat unit values were combined with AZMET ETo data observed 2003–2021, along with average Kc values (reported in Sect. "Results"), to obtain daily Kc and subsequently total ETc for DOP values ranging between 1 September and 31 December.


Evapotranspiration from iceberg and romaine lettuce

Daily ETc, ETo, and water inputs from all 12 sites are shown in Fig. 4. DOP was between 13 September and 19 November (days of year 256–323 respectively), though at several sites initial seed wet-up by sprinkler occurred 1–2 days later. Planting and harvest days corresponded closely to EC deployments delineated in black symbols (Fig. 4). Day of first harvest was from 14 November to 5 March in the subsequent year. There were 83 ± 14 days to maturity (DTM). DTM increased with DOP: approximately 65 days for early September planting, to 107 days for 19 November planting. However, neither DTM nor DOP were significantly correlated to total ETc: r2 values were 0.29 and 0.15, respectively. ETc values were distinguished by an initial period with high day-to-day variability followed by a subsequent period with lower ETc variability. The initial period, approximately 20–30 days, exhibited spikes, 6–8 mm/day, and were due to evaporation from bare soil during sprinkler and furrow irrigation events. In the subsequent period, encompassing development and mature stages, ETc tended to track ETo. Thus, daily ETc values did not correspondingly increase with plant development as would be expected for other crops such as wheat or cotton, but they followed the seasonal ETo trend, which decreased towards solstice (DOY 355), and then increased afterwards.

Fig. 4
figure 4

EC observed daily ETc (black), reference evapotranspiration ETo (red), sprinkler events (blue), furrow irrigation events (orange), rain (green) (colour figure online)

Cumulative ETc ranged between 242 and 314 mm when considering all sites (Table 6). Average cumulative ETc was 283 ± 34 mm for romaine (N = 4), and 276 ± 25 mm for iceberg (N = 8), suggesting that romaine and iceberg crop water requirements were not much different in this study, although site sample sizes were unequal. Cumulative TWA (irrigation plus precipitation) was about 21% higher for iceberg than romaine. Consumptive use fraction of TWA (Pereira et al. 2012) averaged 82%. With the exception of YID17a, a site that was sprinkler irrigated for the entire season, sites partitioned seasonal irrigation applications similarly, with ≈35% of water applied by sprinkler (120 mm) and the remainder by furrow (228 mm). TWA to lettuce varied from 257 mm (YID17a) to 508 mm (YID19-20a). On average sites planted in 2016 and 2017 received about 100 mm less TWA than those planted in 2018 and 2019. The 2018 and 2019 sites had more precipitation and generally heavier furrow irrigation applications than those in 2016 and 2017. Precipitation constituted ≈3% of TWA for all sites but accounted for 5–11% of TWA for 2018 and 2019 sites, and less than 1% of TWA for sites in 2016 and 2017.

Table 6 Cumulative ETc and total water applied (TWA), partitioned to sprinkler irrigation, furrow irrigation, and precipitation for 12 lettuce sites at Yuma, AZ

Flux footprint results

To evaluate the existence and possible impact on the ETc data due to advection from beyond field boundaries, two-dimensional flux footprints were estimated for all sites. The estimation used the algorithm and R script developed by Kljun et al. (2004), local weather data from AZMET, crop heights, and EC instrument heights. The climatology option was selected and roughness height to Monin–Obukhov ratios (zm /L) less than − 15.5 were excluded. Most of the flux footprints lay within the experimental field (Fig. 5), however, there were three instances: YCWUA17-18a, YCWUA17-18b and YID19-20a, where flux footprints significantly extended into adjacent fields. To estimate the impact upon total ETc from these cases, ETc for the core and adjacent fields were modeled using NDVI, crop coefficients, and local weather data. NDVI time-series were obtained from analyses of Sentinel 2 surface reflectance (L2A). NDVI served to partition growth stages, while tabulated FAO56 crop coefficients for lettuce were used, where only Kc INI, Kc MID (respectively 0.7 and 1.0) were relevant. Neighboring crops were unknown but assumed to have lettuce crop coefficients.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Seasonal flux footprint contours for lettuce, colors denote cumulative percentage of total flux: 50% (red), 80% (yellow), and 90% (blue). Plot experimental sites outlined in red rectangles. Background gray scale is NDVI derived from Planet satellite data with acquisition dates indicated in white (colour figure online)

The modeled ETc influence was computed using weighted averages of flux footprint fractions inside and outside of the EC sites. In all three instances where the flux footprint was a concern, the modeled influence of neighboring fields was a seasonal reduction in observed ETc. This suggests that tabulated cumulative ETc might be underestimated as follows: YCWUA17-18a by 41 mm, YCWUA17-18b by 108 mm, and YID19-20a by 83 mm. In comparison, modeling of adjacency effect at the other sites showed minor biases ranging between 1 and 6 mm.

Assessment of EC closure

Gap-filled EC data were assessed for energy balance closure at daily time steps (Table 7) using daily cumulative radiative and advective fluxes (Anderson and Wang 2014). Based on linear regression, mean closure was strong for 8 sites, with mean slope coefficient (b1) of 0.80. Two sites, YID17a and YID17b could not be assessed because of data gaps. Site NGIDD19-20 had anomalously high closure error and could be possibly due to flux input from the adjacent field to the north, but unfortunately documentation is unavailable to assess that possibility.

Table 7 EC closure statistics, coefficient of determination (r2) and slope (b1), performed at daily time steps. IRGA failures precluded closure assessment at YID17a and YID17b

Plant heights

Iceberg and romaine heights increased linearly by heat units, with effective degree days (EDD, Wurr et al. 1988) providing better estimates than GDD (Table 8). For the Yuma sites maximum h were ≈ 0.30 m, reached about 71 days after planting (DAP) and when 1012 GDD and 672 EDD were accumulated. Using all measured h from iceberg and romaine (no height data available from YID16), DAP = 23.8 + 191 × h (m), with r2 = 0.61, and RMSE = 13 days, which means that h at emergence is about 24 DAP, while maximum h is about 81 DAP.

Table 8 Estimation coefficients for iceberg and romaine heights (h) vs. growing-degree-days (GDD) and effective-degree-days (EDD), where h = b0 + b1 × [GDD or EDD]

Fractional cover

Fractional vegetation cover (fc) vs. vegetation indices (VI) were assessed using 2 romaine and 5 iceberg sites between fall 2019 and winter 2021. Fractional cover was continuously tracked for romaine and episodically for iceberg. Results from one field, ‘S9’, are shown in Fig. 6. Drone and satellite observations spanned 40 days from planting to near maturity. Observed cover ranged from 0 to 0.55 for S9 with other sites reaching 0.75 cover. No index exhibited saturation for the range of observed cover. VI types showed smooth patterns and would require second or third order polynomials to obtain accurate fc predictors for all conditions. However, all VI types exhibited an early season, low-cover inflection at 0.05 cover, beyond which a good linear fit was possible. Adopting this approach for simplicity, whereby inflection points were chosen for the lower limit, each VI/cover relation was linearly modeled (red lines in Fig. 6). Results show that all indices predict fc with high correlation (Table 9). However, two of them, and notably NDVI, ranked relatively low with r2 of 0.92. The top ranked indices were red-edge CIRE, REIP, and TCARI. Comparisons between these suggest that TCARI could have better linearity at high cover, while REIP is non-linear below 0.10 fc. Thus, one might choose TCARI as a preferred fractional cover estimator. However, the fourth ranked index was a non-red-edge index, OSAVI, and its correlation was marginally different from TCARI. Considering ease of use, accessibility, linearity, and accuracy, OSAVI was chosen to estimate fc: it is almost as accurate as the top indices in Table 9 and it is more widely accessible because it uses conventional red and NIR bands.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Romaine cover development and fractional cover (fc) vs. VI for 11 indices. For cover development (upper left sub-figure) drone observations are in black, daily interpolations in green. For the VI displays (all other sub-figures), interpolated and 5-day smoothed values are in black. Linear models (red) are fit to values following a subjectively chosen early season inflection (colour figure online)

Table 9 Ranked linear regression statistics for romaine fractional cover vs. vegetation index

Measurement and modeling crop coefficients

Values of daily Kc act and estimated daily Ke and Kcb as a function of CGDD are illustrated for four of the Yuma lettuce field sites in Fig. 7a, b (YID17b and YCWUA17-18a, initial wet-up dates DOY 264 and 317, respectively) and Fig. 7c, d (YID18-19a and YCWUA19b, initial wet-up dates DOY 282 and DOY 270, respectively). The initial CGDD on the first sprinkler irrigation wet-up dates varied from ≈ 17 to 21 ℃-days for the sites. The estimated number of days for sites from wet-up through the end of initial growth stages averaged 23.5 ± 5.1 days (coefficient of variation, CV, of 22%), while the CGDD of the initial stage for sites averaged of 398 ± 50 ℃-days and CV of 13%. From wet-up through the estimated end of development stages the sites averaged 51 ± 8.2 days and CV = 16%, whereas CGDD for sites over that period were much more alike (787 ± 37 ℃-days and CV = 5%), as depicted in Fig. 7a–d. From wet-up through harvest date, sites averaged 83 ± 10.2 days and CV = 13% and CGDD averaged 1146 ± 88 ℃-days and CV = 8%. The four sites in Fig. 7 had different planting dates and diverse day lengths for growth stages and total season. Using CGDD as the temporal scale shows that growth cycles for the sites were more uniform at that scale than day lengths.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Daily values of actual single (Kc) and estimated basal (Kcb) crop coefficients, estimated soil evaporation (Ke), coefficients, and fitted FAO56 Kcb curve, along with estimated daily cover fraction (fc), irrigation and precipitation events at YID17b (a), YCWUA17-18a (b), YID18-19a (c), and YCWUA 19b (d) sites at Yuma, Arizona

During the initial growth stage, the Kc act are generally highest following the near daily establishment sprinkler irrigations at the beginning of the seasons (Fig. 7). The Kc act then declined for following periods when no irrigation was applied and increased again following the irrigation prior to lettuce thinning, where those irrigation applications were given at a CGDD of ≈ 285, 270, 270, and 375 ℃-days for sites (Fig. 7a–d, respectively). The variations in estimated daily Ke during the initial stages corresponded to the irrigation application periods (high Ke) and the non-irrigated periods (low Ke). Estimated fc greater than zero for the sites was not observed until CGDD was ≈ 600, 490, 550, and 570 ℃-days for sites (Fig. 7a–d, respectively). During initial stages, the estimated daily Kcb values for the sites fluctuated from slightly above zero to values 0.20 or higher for several days prior to the thinning irrigations. The higher Kcb at those times occurred as the computed Es and, thus, estimated Ke became very small, while Kc act values were generally 0.45 and higher for those days, forcing the higher estimated Kcb. Following the thinning irrigations, the Kcb values again dropped below 0.20 for a period of a few days, which varied by site. The initial stages ended when daily Kcb were consistently above 0.20 for the remainder of the growing seasons. The averages of Kc act and estimated Kcb in the initial stage for the four sites are tabulated in Table 10.

Table 10 Growth stage lengths in days, cumulative growing degree days (CGDD), and cumulative effective growing degree days (CEDD), with averages of estimated basal (Kcb) and actual single (Kc) crop coefficients and cumulative amounts of actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc), estimated crop transpiration (Tc), and estimated soil evaporation (Es) during the growth stages for 12 Yuma lettuce sites

During the development stages, before subsequent irrigations were applied at sites, the estimated Ke declined rapidly such that the estimated daily Kcb became closer to the Kc act (Fig. 7). When the irrigations were then applied during the development stages, the Kc act increased markedly for several days, as did the Ke estimates. In general, the estimated Kcb increased with CGDD during the development stage, though slight dips in Kcb occurred immediately following the irrigations at sites, reflecting the balance between estimated Ke and Kc act.

During the mid-season growth stages, when estimated fc was highest and estimated Ke was low, the Kc act at the two YID sites were seen to occasionally fluctuate ~  ± 0.50 to 0.60 over periods of about 4–8 days, e.g., sites YID17b (Fig. 7a) around 830–890 ℃-days and YID18a-19 (Fig. 7c) around 950–1035 ℃-days. The YID sites were closer to the NGIDD than Yuma Valley AZMET station than for sites in Fig. 7b, d, which were much closer to Yuma Valley station, though those sites occasionally had high Kc act fluctuations over several days during the mid-season. While using NGIDD ETo instead of Yuma Valley ETo generally reduced day to day Kc act variation at YID sites, the NGIDD station ETo also resulted in Kc act values that were theoretically inconsistent, e.g., 1.8–2.2. Using Yuma Valley ETo for all sites provided a more reasonable upper limit constraint for Kc act values (less than 1.80). As seen in Fig. 7, estimated Kcb became close in magnitude to Kc act during mid-season for sites. Like prior stages when fc was smaller, there was also an association of increased Kc act values following the irrigation and precipitation events. The estimated fc declined rapidly towards the end of the mid-season stage for YID17b and YCWUA17-18a (Fig. 7a, b), respectively. The decline in late-season fc indicates that parts of these fields were being harvested, though not at the EC location, where measurements continued until the EC location was harvested. Thus, as the field-wide fc declined at those sites, the estimated Ke increased and the differences between daily Kc act and Kcb became larger. In contrast, sites YID18-19a (Fig. 7c) and YCWUA19b (Fig. 7d) had much smaller changes in estimated fc at the end of the mid-season stages, which indicated limited harvesting in the fields had begun prior to the harvests at the EC location. Accordingly, late-season Ke were not increased appreciably at those sites.

Estimated growth stage lengths in days, CGDD, and CEDD and the average Kcb and actual Kc values for the growth stages are given for all 12 Yuma lettuce sites in Table 10. Wet-up dates for the sites varied from DOY 256 to 324 (Sep. 13 to Nov. 20). Wet-up through harvest varied from 61 to 106 days. The estimated initial growth stage lengths from wet-up varied from 18 to 37 days for sites and were generally shorter for sites having wet-up before DOY 288 i.e., Oct. 15 (Table 10). However, the duration of the initial stages based on CGDD and CEDD was more uniform than day lengths, where the average CGDD and CEDD for sites was 399 and 265 ℃-days, respectively, with coefficients of variation (CV) of 10% compared to a CV of 24% based on day lengths. The estimated day lengths from wet-up through development stages were variable (39–77 days; average of 52 days and CV of 24%) and generally increased from earlier to later wet-up dates. Variation of sites through development stage were small (CV less than 6%), where average CGDD and CEDD values were 783 and 520 ℃-days, respectively. Estimated mid-season day lengths varied for sites (21–41 days) and averaged 30 ± 6.3 days and CV of 21%. While mid-season lengths were generally shorter for earlier wet-up dates, the trend was inconsistent for the later planting dates. Mid-season lengths were likely also influenced by farm manager harvest decisions. There was also more variation in CGDD and CEDD duration for sites over mid-season stages than over the initial and development stages, where the mid-season CV for CGDD and CEDD were 21 and 17%, respectively, compared to CV between 10 and 12% for the earlier growth stages. For the 12 sites, total season lengths averaged 82 ± 14 days with a CV of 18%. The average CGDD and CEDD for total season were 1133 ± 87 and 754 ± 48 ℃-days, respectively, (Table 10) with CV of 8 and 6%, respectively. Thus, the heat unit results indicate consistency in season durations for sites despite differing day lengths of up to 45 days.

The average Kc act for the initial growth stage for sites was variable, from 0.67 to 1.14, and averaged 0.90 ± 0.13 for the 12 sites (Table 10). The lowest initial Kc act was at YCWUA17-18b having the latest wet-up date (DOY 324) and longest initial growth stage length in days, while the highest was at YID19-20a, which was also a late wet-up date (DOY 313).

During the initial lettuce stages, growers at the 12 sites applied variable amounts of cumulative irrigation, i.e., 190–220 mm at four sites and 85–170 mm at the others. YID19-20a was the only site that had significant precipitation (32 mm) during the initial stage in addition to 160 mm of cumulative irrigation. Cumulative ETo during initial stages varied from 75 mm (YID19-20a) to 134 mm (YCWUA19b). According to the daily SWB of Zr for the sites (Eq. 2), irrigation amounts during initial stages often resulted in DP, where estimated cumulative DP varied from 3 mm (YID17b) to 115 mm (YID18-19a) and averaged 75 mm for all sites. The SWB for sites also indicate that the change in estimated Dr from the beginning to the end of the initial stage was variable for fields (− 5.0 to 19 mm), where small or negative changes in Dr were generally at sites where higher amounts of irrigation were applied at the thinning irrigation, e.g., the site in Fig. 7c. The greatest increase in Dr over the initial stage (19 mm) was calculated for YID17b, where a much lighter thinning irrigation was applied (Fig. 7a). The Kc est, based on the SWB for sites, varied from 0.65 to 1.11 for the initial stage. Regression indicated that Kc est accounted for 97% of the variability in average Kc act for the 12 sites, where the RMSE was 0.03.

The average estimated Kcb during the initial stage varied from 0.13 to 0.30 and averaged 0.20 ± 0.05 for all sites. The difference between average Kc act and estimated Kcb for the initial stage of sites in Table 10 is the average Ke, which averaged 0.70 for all sites. The initial estimated Ke was highest at YID19-20a (0.91) and lowest at YID17a and YCWUA17-18b (both 0.54). Generally, the lower average Kc act, the lower the average estimated Ke during the initial stage. Regression indicated the average Kc act explained 85% of the variation in estimated average Ke. Other factors, such as irrigation frequency during the initial stage and variable TEW values (Table 3), would also affect average Ke.

The average Kc act for individual sites for the development stage was also highly variable, from 0.76 to 1.25 with an average of 0.96 ± 0.14 for all sites (Table 10). In development stages, growers at the 12 sites applied either 0, 1, 2, or 3 irrigations, where cumulative TWA was from 32 to 203 mm and averaged 93 mm for all sites. Cumulative ETo varied were from 66 to 111 mm (96 mm average), and estimated DP was from zero to 80 mm, where positive DP occurred at only five sites during development stages. The estimated ∆Dr over the development stage varied from − 16 to 51 mm. The two highest average Kc act during the development stage occurred at the NGIDD19-20 (1.25) and YID19-20a (1.13) sites. The NGIDD19-20 site (highest Kc act) was the only site not irrigated during the development stage but had three precipitation events totaling 32 mm. It also had the lowest cumulative ETo, no DP, and a ∆Dr of 46 mm. At that site, Kc est was 1.20 and highest among all sites. Conversely, site YID19-20a had the highest TWA (3 irrigations plus some small precipitation), highest ETo, the most estimated DP, and a ∆Dr of near zero during its development stage. At that site, Kc est was 1.10 or second highest for sites. For the other 10 sites, one or two irrigations were applied during development stages and precipitation was minimal. The three sites that had two irrigations during the development stage had slightly higher Kc est (0.90) than the seven sites that received only one irrigation (0.84). These differences were similar to average Kc act for the sites, which were 0.98 and 0.87 for two versus one irrigation. Considering the development stages for all sites, Kc est explained 97% of the variation of average Kc act with RMSE of 0.03.

The average Kcb for all sites over the development stage varied from 0.54 at YCWUA17-18b to 0.92 at NGIDD19-20 and the average for all sites was 0.70 ± 0.10. The difference between Kc act and estimated Kcb for all sites in Table 10 indicates Ke averaged about 0.26 during the development stage. The highest Ke were at the YID19-20a (0.41) and YID17a (0.38) sites, where the latter site was the only field site that was sprinkler irrigated during the development stage. Regression indicated that average Kc act explained only 47% of the variation of Ke with RMSE of 0.06. However, Ke variation was also affected by differences in fc and the number of irrigations applied at sites during the development stages, which would help explain the Ke variation among sites.

The average mid-season Kc act varied from 1.02 to 1.37 for the 12 sites and the 12-site average was 1.19 ± 0.11 (Table 10). During mid-season, growers applied either 1, 2, or 3 irrigations, where cumulative TWA was from 35 to 196 mm and averaged 98 mm for all sites. Several fields planted in 2018 and 2019 had a few precipitation events during mid-season that totaled less than 20 mm. Cumulative ETo varied were from 59 to 114 mm (87 mm average) and estimated DP was from zero to 69 mm, where positive DP occurred at only four sites during mid-season. The estimated ∆Dr over the mid-season stage varied from − 32 to 59 mm. For mid-season, 92% of the variation in average Kc act was explained by Kc est with RMSE of 0.03.

The average mid-season Kcb varied from 0.88 to 1.13 for sites and the 12-site average was 1.01 ± 0.11 (Table 10). The variation of average mid-season Kcb values for sites did not show trends due to the different wet-up dates or length of the mid-season stages. However, there appeared to be a trend of higher mid-season Kcb (and Kc act) for the Romaine sites than at the Iceberg sites. Though sample sizes are too small to generalize, it is worth noting that estimated fc averaged 0.71 for the four Romaine sites at mid-season, which was 18% greater than mid-season fc averaged for the eight Iceberg sites, respectively. The average Ke for the 12 sites for mid-season was about 0.18 but varied for sites from 0.07 to 0.31. The difference in average Ke for sites was not explained by differences in Kc act. However, sites with lower average Ke (less than 0.18) were generally those having higher fc (0.65–0.75) and earlier termination of seasonal irrigations prior to harvest. The average estimated Kcb values at mid-season after adjusting to the standard climate of FAO56 were from 0.84 to 1.09 for sites and averaged 0.97 for all sites. The adjusted average mid-season Kc act values varied from 0.99 to 1.33 for sites with an average of 1.15 for all sites. Thus, climate-adjusted mid-season coefficients were about 0.04 lower than the locally derived values at the Yuma sites.

The root zone SWB computations indicated water stress (Ks < 1.0) occurred on several days for three field sites. Water stress was computed for sites YID17c (4 days in mid-season), YID17d (8 days in mid-season), NGIDD19-20 (5 days in mid-season). On days when Ks < 1.0 was computed, the Kc act (and estimated Kcb) were adjusted according to Eq. 5. The estimation of water stress for the most extreme case (YID17d) increased the estimated Kcb at mid-season by only 3.7% (i.e., from that if water stress was not considered).

Cumulative ETc act and the partitioned cumulative Tc and Es estimates are shown for each growth stage for the 12 sites (Table 10). The cumulative ETc act for growth stages match the calculated TWA-DP + ∆Dr from first to last day of stage and that for the total season determined in the SWB for each site. The average cumulative ETc act during the initial stage for all sites was 93 ± 14 mm, where eight of the 12 sites had ETc act less than 93 mm. Higher cumulative ETc act at NGIDD19-20, YCWUA18d, and YCWUA19b corresponded to higher amounts of cumulative TWA-DP (108–119 mm) during the initial stage than for other sites. The estimated cumulative Es was also greatest at those sites (82–96 mm). In contrast, the lowest cumulative ETc act in the initial stage, i.e., at YCWUA17-18b and YID18-19a (≈75 mm) had cumulative TWA-DP from 58 to 78 mm and lower cumulative Es. Table 10 shows that the average estimated cumulative Tc for the sites during the initial stage was quite small (19.4 mm) compared to average estimated cumulative Es (74 mm). Given the differences in irrigation and climate for the 12 lettuce sites, the ratio of cumulative Es to cumulative ETc act during the initial stage was generally consistent, averaging 0.79 ± 0.04 for all sites.

As the lettuce season progressed to later growth stages, cumulative Es was diminished and cumulative Tc increased at all sites (Table 10). For the development stage, cumulative ETc act averaged 87 mm, cumulative Tc averaged 62 mm, and cumulative Es averaged 25 mm for the sites. The ratio of cumulative Es to ETc act was variable among sites, 0.19–0.40, and averaged 0.29 ± 0.07. Sites with the higher ratios (0.37–0.40) were irrigated two or three times during the development stage, including YID17a, YCWUA17-18b, and YID19-20a. The cumulative ETc act at mid-season stages varied from 70 to 132 mm for sites and averaged 98 ± 18 mm for all sites. Sites with ETc act > 100 mm were those having mid-season lengths > 30 days and two to three irrigations plus some precipitation. The ratio of cumulative Tc to ETc act at mid-season varied from 0.75 to 0.93 and averaged 0.84 for all sites. The ratio of cumulative Es to ETc act at mid-season varied from 0.07 to 0.25 and averaged 0.15 ± 0.05. The cumulative Es /ETc act ratio at mid-season was highly correlated with estimated Ke at mid-season (r of 0.96, p < 0.01). For the total lettuce season, estimated Es was a large contribution of ETc act and constituted between 37 and 46% of ETc act with an average of 41% for all sites. However, on average 65% of the cumulative Es occurred in the initial growth stage, which coincided with the frequent establishment and subsequent thinning irrigations under bare soil conditions.

Application of heat unit modeling

In "Plant heights" heat units were used to estimate h, but they also provide a way to estimate FAO56 crop growth stages, and from there a way to model total ETc vs. day of planting. Assessing cumulative heat units vs. crop growth stages as defined in FAO56 results in cumulative heat units at the three transitions (Table 10): end of INI, end of DEV, and end of season (Begin of Harvest). Maximal units were 1133 and 754 for CGDD and CEDD respectively. By comparison, Wurr et al. (1988) reported lower values for their Wellesbourne experiments: ~ 900 CGDD and 589 CEDD. These differences highlight that heat unit thresholds need to be developed locally. At Yuma the variability of CGDD and CEDD units were nearly the same, with the coefficient of variation ranging 0.06–0.10. Using the Table 10 CEDD transition values along with AZMET weather data for 2003–2021 shows the dependence of growth stage lengths (L) upon day of planting (Fig. 8). Shown are mean and standard deviations of L value vs. DOP. Progressively later planting days increases the duration of the INI stage from ~ 20 days (22 September) to over 30 days by DOY 310 (6 November). At still later planting days, the maximum INI of 45 days is reached on 1 December, while the length of DEV begins to decrease. Total season length varies from less than 60 days when lettuce is planted early September to more than 100 days when planted in November.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Climatological estimation of lettuce growth stages: L INI, L DEV, and L Total, vs. day of planting (DOP) at Yuma, Arizona. Black lines denote mean stage lengths estimates obtained from EDD for DOP ranging September 1 to December 31 while blue dots denote values as reported in Table 10. Light blue shading indicates ± 1 standard deviation around mean DOP values (colour figure online)

Combining growth stage results shown in Fig. 8 with mean single Kc values from Table 10 allows simulation of total ETc vs. day of planting (Fig. 9). The simulations capture much of the observed ETc variability (red symbols) and show that minimal total ETc (~ 280 mm) is obtained for an early October planting date. For earlier or later plantings, expected total ETc would be 10–20% greater, approximately 310–340 mm. Mid-season stress events at YID17c, YID17d, and NGIDD19-20 (circled red symbols) did not affect total ETc.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Total ETc vs. DOP for Yuma Valley lettuce sites. EDD-based modeled ETc values for weather observed at Yuma Valley AZMET range ~ 280 to 340 mm (black), with averaged ETc values shown in blue. EC-based ETc values indicated by red symbols. Circled red symbols denote instances for mid-season stress at sites YID17c, YID17d, and NGIDD19-20 (colour figure online)


Primary results for iceberg and romaine lettuce at the 12 Yuma sites are summarized in Table 11. Average seasonal total water was 278 ± 24 mm, a value that represents an ETc increase of 29% from the 216 mm value reported for lettuce in Mesa, AZ by Erie et al. (1982). However, it is important to note that the Erie et al. data show minimal ETc (25 mm) for the first 30 days of the season. At the Yuma sites, cumulative ETc during the initial growth stage (or about the first 20–30 days of the season for sites) averaged 93 ± 14 mm, which was predominately soil evaporation, arising from frequent sprinkler irrigations applied at the Yuma sites. While environmental differences between the locations may be important, the Yuma region is generally warmer in the fall-winter season than Mesa, it is possible Erie et al. (1982) did not use sprinkler irrigation for establishment or did not measure ETc until after the lettuce crops were established. Specific details on the lettuce experimental methodologies used in the 1960’s Mesa, AZ field studies could not be found. Measured cumulative ETc for the development stage through harvest (28–63 DAP) was reported to be approximately 150 mm for spring-seeded lettuce grown under sprinklers in Salinas, CA (Gallardo et al. 1996). Cumulative ETc for development stage through harvest (31–110 DAP) computed for the Mesa, AZ data would be about 190 mm. These data would be comparable with the cumulative ETc at Yuma, which averaged 185 mm from development through harvest (25–82 DAP). The fall-planted cycles in Arizona were longer than the cycle shown in Gallardo et al. (1996).

Table 11 Summary of lettuce water use and growth attributes for 12 Yuma lettuce sites

In recent years, progress has been made in Yuma to better control furrow irrigation applications for improved efficiencies, where long run furrows are replaced by shorter runs, field slopes are laser or gps-leveled, and furrows are compacted. For six of the Yuma sites, seasonal ETc closely matched the total water applied indicating those sites were managed efficiently. On the other hand, several sites had poor irrigation efficiency, where TWA was about 150–200 mm more than seasonal ETc. However, at those sites, managers applied furrow irrigations shortly before harvest, whereas more efficient sites did not. Presumably, the late irrigations were applied to preserve lettuce quality. Such sites illustrate a potential need to provide Yuma lettuce growers with updated information on crop water requirements so that in-season irrigations can be more efficiently scheduled.

The lengths of lettuce seasons, as well as the estimated initial, development, and mid-season stages were variable for sites, where differences were primarily related to date of lettuce wet-up. The FAO56 paper (Allen et al. 1998) gives an indicative initial growth stage length of 25 days for lettuce planted Oct./Nov. in arid regions. The six sites that were wet-up in Oct./Nov. in the present study averaged 27 days for the initial stage, which is close to the FAO56 estimate. Average initial stage length was 21 days for sites with wet-up prior to Oct. 1. This is similar to the 20 days for an indicative initial stage for lettuce planted in April in a Mediterranean climate (Allen et al. 1998). Although not specifically addressed by Gallardo et al. (1996) in lettuce studies in Salinas, CA, also similar to a Mediterranean climate, initial stage length was likely in the 25-day range for spring-planted lettuce. Bryla et al. (2010) reported a 24-day initial stage length for iceberg lettuce in SJV, CA experiments planted in late summer. Both California studies also suggest that lettuce cover is negligible until after the initial stage ends, as at Yuma. Modeling with CEDD indicates that the initial stage duration depends on day of planting, and ranges between 19 and 44 days. However, the duration of initial stages at the 12 study sites in thermal units of CGGD and CEDD were more uniform than number of days, where the thermal unit variations were less than half the variation in day lengths.

Estimated development length for Oct./Nov. wet-up at Yuma averaged about 33 days, which is consistent with the available literature. However, for the six Yuma sites wet-up before Oct. 1 (Sep. 13–28), average development length was only 23 days. The shorter development length for earlier wet-ups corresponded to accumulations of GDD and EDD that were similar to those with longer development day lengths. Typical length of the development stage for lettuce is 35 days per FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998) for the arid region (Oct./Nov. planting), which was also 35 days in the Bryla et al. (2010) study. In a similar way for the initial stage length results, CEDD modeling shows that length of development strongly depends upon day of planting and at Yuma can range between 19 and 43 days. However, considering the period from wet-up through the end of the development stage, the variations in CGDD and CEDD for sites were four times smaller than the variation in the number of days for that period. The mid-season length averaged about 26 and 34 days for early and later wet-up sites at Yuma, respectively. Thus, average mid-season lengths for Yuma sites were 4 days shorter and 4 days longer than FAO56 for early and later wet-ups, respectively, but otherwise were consistent with FAO56. Total season lengths for the Yuma sites averaged 82 days with a coefficient of variation of 18%. As with the individual growth stages, the consistency of site total season in terms of thermal units was much tighter than days, where the CVs for CGDD and CEDD were only 8 and 6%, respectively. The study also found that date of maturity can be estimated from either conventional sinusoidal heat units or the enhanced heat unit model which incorporates solar radiation. Results were similar where GDD estimated maturity within 1 ± 8 days and EDD < 1 ± 6 days. Based on climatological data, EDD appears to be a better growth stage estimator for late-in-year plantings.

In this Yuma study, we found average Kc act for initial and mid-season stages were 0.90 and 1.19, respectively, while they were 0.20 and 1.01 for Kcb, respectively. Corresponding Ke averages were 0.70 and 0.18, respectively. The FAO56 standard Kc for the initial stage of lettuce is given as 0.70 (Allen et al. 1998), which is lower than site-wide average and also lower than most of the sites in this study. However, as pointed out in FAO56, the initial Kc in lettuce and other vegetables is highly dependent on irrigation wetting frequency, infiltration depth, and potential evaporation rates. Frequent sprinkler irrigations may increase Kc to 1.10.

Updated standardized FAO56 mid-season Kcb and Kc that considered lettuce studies conducted after FAO56 was published are 0.95 and 1.0, respectively (Pereira et al. 2021). However, the fall-winter lettuce climates in Yuma are much drier than the FAO56 standard climate, where average RHmin at Yuma was typically less than 20% at mid-season. The locally derived mid-season Kcb and Kc averages at the Yuma sites, after adjustment to the FAO56 standard climate, averaged 0.97 and 1.15, respectively. Thus, the average adjusted Kcb was only 0.02 higher than FAO56 standardized lettuce Kcb given in Pereia et al. (2021). However, the average adjusted Kc at Yuma was 0.15 higher than the standardized FAO56 Kc. This indicates that soil evaporation was a larger contribution of the actual ETc at the Yuma sites during mid-season than generally assumed. Higher mid-season soil evaporation might occur at Yuma due to more frequent irrigation events than applied in other lettuce studies (e.g., Bryla et al. 2010), or when drip irrigation was used (e.g., Oliveira et al. 2005; Fernandez-Pacheco et al 2014). Nevertheless, estimated soil evaporation at mid-season for Yuma sites was relatively low, ranging 7–24 mm. In the lettuce sprinkler irrigation study in Salinas, Gallardo et al. (1996) did not provide specific mid-season crop coefficient values but did evaluate the ratios of Tc and Es to total ETc for various lettuce growing stages, including head formation and maturity. These events approximately correspond to the beginning and end of the FAO56 lettuce mid-season stage. Their Es/ETc ratio at maturity was 0.18, which was slightly greater than the average ratio for all Yuma sites at mid-season (0.15). However, their Es/ETc at head formation was much higher, 0.33, suggesting a higher soil evaporation component of ETc at mid-season than for the Yuma sites. Gallardo et al. (1996) also presented the Es/ETc ratios for other lettuce growth stages, which averaged about 0.79 for rosette stages, where the rosette stages would be comparable to the FAO56 lettuce development stage. Although actual Es/ETc ratios were not provided for lettuce stages encompassing the initial growth stage, Gallardo et al. (1996) inferred this ratio would be near 1.0. Other data on the contribution of soil evaporation in irrigated lettuce systems are limited. For the Yuma lettuce systems in this study, soil evaporation was estimated at about 40% of total ETc.

Multiple vegetation indices were analyzed for fractional cover and all were potentially useful. Considering accuracy and accessibility, OSAVI was preferred: its accuracy for cover estimation over lettuce was marginally less than red-edge indices—CIRE, REIP, and TCARI—while its input bands, red and NIR, were much more widely available for high spatial and temporal resolution sensors. The slope and intercept coefficients for fractional cover estimation using NDVI were 1.05 and − 0.315 respectively, significantly different from Johnson and Trout (2012) who reported 1.26 and − 0.18, r2 = 0.96. Application of those coefficients would have over-estimated cover by ~ 0.20. However, neither of those relations were used in this study: the NDVI cover regression at Yuma was less accurate (r2 = 0.917) than OSAVI (r2 = 0.986).


A study was conducted to evaluate water used by lettuce grown in the Yuma Valley, Southwestern Arizona, USA. Lettuce is a crucial food crop for North America and is produced under irrigation from late summer through early winter using Colorado River supplies. Despite its importance, water requirements, crop coefficients, and heat unit relationships, have not been updated for decades. To remediate these shortfalls, assessments of crop water use were conducted over 12 production scale fields from fall 2016 to winter 2020. Water requirements were evaluated using eddy covariance (EC) measurements of crop evapotranspiration, ETc. The EC data were processed using standardized corrections, including spike removal, gap filling, energy balance closure analysis, and flux footprint assessment. Average lettuce ETc was found to be 278 ± 24 mm per year. To improve modeling water requirements under the FA056 methodology, crop coefficients were then evaluated. Plant heights and drone-calibrated fractional vegetation cover data were collected and applied to model the daily soil water balance, soil evaporation, and crop transpiration. Data from these activities enabled an updating of FAO56 single and dual crop coefficients. The updates increased Kc values compared with those reported in FAO56. Based on measured ETc and irrigation applications, the average consumptive use fraction was 82%, where 38% of irrigation amounts were provided by sprinkler. To improve the ability to forecast lettuce water requirements, heat unit relationships with growth stages were analyzed using two metrics, one based on air temperature alone (the degree-day metric GDD) and another based on air temperature and incoming solar radiations (the enhance metric, EDD). EDD was found to be a better estimator for days to maturity, with accuracy to within 6 days, and also a better way to forecast seasonal ETc from local weather and day of planting. The water use and crop coefficient findings from this study are the first in years and will be useful for farmers, irrigators and water planners.