1 Introduction

The following note considers canonical, i.e. generator preserving dual prehomomorphisms from an X-generated group H into the Margolis–Meakin expansion M(G) of an X-generated group G. It was shown by Auinger and Szendrei [1] that such mappings play an important role in constructing (finite) F-inverse covers for (finite) inverse monoids. We give a necessary and sufficient order theoretic condition for M(G) to admit a canonical dual prehomomorphism from an X-generated group H. It can be seen as a variant of the key statement Lemma 3.1 in [1] and might be applicable on a computer. The idea is to represent the elements of both M(G) and H as congruence classes of words in the free monoid with involution \((X\cup X^{-1})^*\). This enables us to handle the elements of H in relation to M(G) by systematically going through the words in \((X\cup X^{-1})^*\). We use the slightly different view of M(G), introduced in [2], to show how already known positive examples fit into the picture. Further, for G the Klein four-group, we prove that a suitable group H must be of exponent 6 at least and recapture a result of Szakács [6]. It should be noted that in our construction the groups H, we consider as possible candidates for admitting a canonical dual prehomorphism into M(G), may be arbitrarily X-generated extensions by G. This is in contrast to [1], where H is assumed to be an X-generated subgroup of a semidirect product of a relatively free group by G.

2 Preliminaries and notations

For all undefined notions and notations, the reader is referred to [3, 5]. Let X be a nonempty set and let G be an X-generated group with respect to an injection \(\varepsilon _G:X \rightarrow G\setminus \{1_G\}\). Note that the mapping \(\varepsilon _G\) can be uniquely extended to a homomorphism \(\varphi _G:(X\cup X^{-1})^* \rightarrow G\), where \((X\cup X^{-1})^*\) is the free monoid with involution on X. For \(w\in (X\cup X^{-1})^*\) we denote \(w\varphi _G\) by \({\overline{w}}\). By the Cayley graph \(\Gamma (G)\) with respect to \(\varepsilon _G\), we mean the directed graph whose vertex set \(V(\Gamma (G))\) is G and whose edge set \(E(\Gamma (G))\) is \(G\times X\), where for each \(g\in G, x\in X, (g,x)\) denotes an edge with initial vertex g and terminal vertex \(g{\overline{x}}\). Put

$$\begin{aligned} M(G)= & {} \{(\Gamma ,g) :\Gamma \text { is a finite connected subgraph of } \Gamma (G) \text { with at least one edge} \\&\quad \text { and }1_G,g\in V(\Gamma )\} \cup \{(\emptyset ,1_G)\}. \end{aligned}$$

There is a natural action of G on the semilattice of all subgraphs of \(\Gamma (G)\) with operation the set theoretic union, defined as follows: Put \(g\emptyset = \emptyset\), and for each nonempty subgraph \(\Gamma\) of \(\Gamma (G)\) and \(g\in G\), let \(g\Gamma\) be the subgraph of \(\Gamma (G)\) with \(V(g\Gamma ) = \{gh:h\in V(\Gamma )\}\) and \(E(g\Gamma ) = \{(gh,x):(h,x)\in E(\Gamma )\}\). The graphs we consider do not have isolated vertices, whence they are solely determined by their edge sets, and we conveniently may regard them as (possibly empty) subsets of \(X\times G\).

The following theorem was essentially proved in [4].

Theorem 2.1

[4] M(G) is an E-unitary inverse monoid with respect to the multiplication \((\Gamma ,g)(\Gamma ^\prime ,h) = (\Gamma \cup g\Gamma ^\prime ,gh)\) with identity element \((\emptyset ,1_G)\) and maximal group homomorphic image G. Further, M(G) is X-generated as inverse monoid via the injection \(\varepsilon _{M(G)}:x \mapsto (\{(1_G,x)\},{\overline{x}})\).

We often represent the elements of M(G) by their corresponding images \(\left\langle w \right\rangle\) in \((X\cup X^{-1})^*/\ker \varphi _{M(G)}\), where \(\varphi _{M(G)}\) denotes the unique extension of \(\varepsilon _{M(G)}\) to a homomorphism from \((X\cup X^{-1})^*\) onto M(G). Then obviously \(\left\langle \emptyset \right\rangle\) corresponds to \((\emptyset ,1_G)\). Let \(\emptyset \ne w = \prod \limits _{i=1}^{n} x_i^{\eta _i},\,\eta _i \in \{-1,1\}\), be a word in \((X\cup X^{-1})^*\). To w we associate a word \(w^{\prime } =h_1 x_1 h_2 x_2 \cdots h_n x_n h_{n+1}\) in the free product \(X^* *G\), where \(X^*\) is the free monoid on X, by replacing each \(x_i^{\eta _i}\) in w by \(g_i x_i g_i\), where

$$\begin{aligned} g_i ={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1_G &{} \text {if }\; \eta _i = 1, \\ {\overline{x_i}}^{\,-1} &{} \text {if }\; \eta _i = -1. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Then \(\left\langle w \right\rangle\) corresponds to \((\Gamma (\left\langle w \right\rangle ),{\overline{w}})\in M(G)\), in symbols \(\left\langle w\right\rangle \widehat{=} (\Gamma (\left\langle w \right\rangle ),{\overline{w}})\), where \(E(\Gamma (\left\langle w \right\rangle )) = \{(h_1,x_1),(h_1{\overline{x_1}}h_2,x_2), \dots , (h_1 {\overline{x_1}}h_2{\overline{x_2}}\cdots h_n,x_n)\}\) and \({\overline{w}} = \prod \limits _{i=1}^{n} {\overline{x_i}}^{\eta _i}\). Conversely, for each \((\Gamma , g)\in M(G)\) there is a unique \(\left\langle w \right\rangle\) with \(\left\langle w\right\rangle \widehat{=} (\Gamma ,g)\) for some \(w\in (X\cup X^{-1})^*\). For details we refer to [2]. We illustrate the situation by the following example.

Example 2.1

Let \(X = \{x,y\}\) and let \(G = \{1_G,g,h,gh\}\) be the X-generated Klein four-group with \({\overline{x}}:= g\) and \({\overline{y}}:= h\). Then \(\Gamma (G) = \{(1_G,x), (1_G,y), (g,x),\) \((g,y), (h,x), (h,y), (gh,x), (gh,y)\}\). Now, let e.g. \(w = xy^{-1}x^{-1}\in (X\cup X^{-1})^*\). We get \(w^{\prime } = x{\overline{y}}^{\,-1}y{{\overline{y}}}^{\,-1}{{\overline{x}}}^{\,-1}x{{\overline{x}}}^{\,-1} = xhyghxg\), whence \(\left\langle w \right\rangle\) corresponds to

$$\begin{aligned} (\{(1_G,x),(gh,y),(h,x)\},h)\in M(G). \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand e.g. \((\{(1_G,x),(g,x),(h,y)\},g)\in M(G)\) corresponds to \(\left\langle x^2 y^{-1}yx^{-1} \right\rangle\), being equal to e.g. \(\left\langle x^2 y^{-1}yx \right\rangle\).

figure a

3 Canonical dual prehomomorphisms into M(G)

In M(G) the natural partial order is given by \(\langle v\rangle \le \langle w\rangle\) if and only if \({\overline{v}}={\overline{w}}\) and \(\Gamma (\langle w\rangle )\subseteq \Gamma (\langle v\rangle )\). The following order theoretic statements are straightforward.

Proposition 3.1

The least upper bound \(\vee _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle\) with respect to \(\le\) exists in M(G) if and only if all \({\overline{w_i}}\) are equal to a given \({\overline{w}}\), say, and

  1. (1)

    \({\overline{w}}\ne 1_G\) and \({\overline{w}}\) is a vertex of the \(1_G\) containing connected part of \(\cap _{i\in I}\Gamma (\langle w_i\rangle )\), denoted by \(\mathrm {cp}(\cap _{i\in I}\Gamma (\langle w_i\rangle ))\), in which case \(\vee _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle \;\widehat{=}\;(\mathrm {cp}(\cap _{i\in I}\Gamma (\langle w_i\rangle )) ,{\overline{w}})\) or

  2. (2)

    \({\overline{w}}= 1_G\) in which case \(\vee _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle \;\widehat{=}\;(\mathrm {cp}(\cap _{i\in I}\Gamma (\langle w_i\rangle )),1_G)\), if the latter exists, and \(\vee _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle \;\widehat{=}\;(\emptyset ,1_G)=1_{M(G)}\) otherwise.

Note that the greatest lower bound \(\wedge _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle\) exists in M(G) for each finite set I if and only if all \({\overline{w_i}}\) are equal to a given \({\overline{w}}\), say, in which case \(\wedge _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle \;\widehat{=}\;(\cup _{i\in I}\Gamma (\langle w_i\rangle ), {\overline{w}})\). Note further that \(\vee _{i\in I}\langle w_i\rangle\) exists if and only if the set \(\{\langle w_i\rangle , i\in I\}\) has an upper bound in M(G).

Let H be an X- generated group via an injection \(\varepsilon _H : X\rightarrow H\setminus \{1_H\}\). Like with M(G) we may represent the elements of H by their corresponding images [w] in \((X\cup X^{-1})^*/\ker \varphi _H\), where \(\varphi _H\) denotes the unique extension of \(\varepsilon _H\) to a homomorphism from \((X\cup X^{-1})^*\) onto H. A mapping \(\psi : H \rightarrow M(G)\) is called a dual prehomomorphism if \(([v][w])\psi \ge ([v])\psi ([w])\psi\) and \(([v]^{-1})\psi =([v]\psi )^{-1}\) for all \([v],[w]\in H\), see [5]. According to [1], we call \(\psi\) canonical if \(([x])\psi =\langle x\rangle\) for all \(x\in X\). Note that a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi : H \rightarrow M(G)\) always induces a generator respecting homomorphism from H onto G, given by \([w]\mapsto {\overline{w}}\), which follows from the fact that in M(G) we have that \((\Gamma (\langle v\rangle ), {\overline{v}})\le (\Gamma (\langle w\rangle ), {\overline{w}})\) implies \({\overline{v}}={\overline{w}}\) and \(\psi\) respects generators. Thus H necessarily must be an extension by G. Further \((1_H)\psi = 1_{M(G)}\) since

$$\begin{aligned} (1_H)\psi = ([xx^{-1}])\psi \ge ([x])\psi ([x^{-1}])\psi =([x])\psi (([x])\psi )^{-1} =\langle x \rangle \langle x^{-1} \rangle \end{aligned}$$

which corresponds to \((\Gamma (\langle x\rangle ), 1_G)=(\{(1_G,x)\},1_G)\) and on the other hand \((1_H)\psi = ([x^{-1}x])\psi \ge \langle x^{-1}\rangle \langle x\rangle\) is corresponding to \((\{({\overline{x}}^{\,-1},x)\},1_G)\). Consequently \(\Gamma ((1_H)\psi )\subseteq \{(1_G,x)\}\cap \{({\overline{x}}^{\,-1},x)\}=\emptyset\) implying \((1_H)\psi = 1_{M(G)}\).

In what follows we give a necessary and sufficient condition for M(G) to admit a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi : H\rightarrow M(G)\). Our condition is of an order theoretic form.

Theorem 3.2

Let G and H be groups as defined above. Then H admits a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi : H\rightarrow M(G)\) if and only if the following sequence of least upper bounds exists for each \([w]\in H:\)

$$\begin{aligned} P_0([w])&:=\vee _{[v]=[w]}\langle v\rangle \\ P_n([w])&:=\vee _{[w_1][w_2]=[w]} P_{n-1}([w_1])P_{n-1}([w_2]), \quad n\in {\mathbb {N}}. \end{aligned}$$


Necessity: Let \(\psi : H\rightarrow M(G)\) be a canonical dual prehomomorphism. Let \([w]\in H\), for some \(w\in (X\cup X^{-1})^*\). Since \(\psi\) is canonical we obtain \(([w])\psi \ge \langle v\rangle\) for all \(v\in (X\cup X^{-1})^*\) with \([v]=[w]\). Consequently \(P_0([w])=\vee _{[v]=[w]}\langle v\rangle\) exists and \(([w])\psi \ge P_0([w])\). Let now \([u],[v]\in H\) with \([u][v]=[w]\). Then \(([w])\psi = ([u][v])\psi \ge ([u])\psi ([v])\psi \ge P_0([u])P_0([v])\). Consequently \(P_1([w])=\vee _{[u][v]=[w]}(P_0([u])P_0([v]))\) exists and \(([w])\psi \ge P_1([w])\). Continuing this process we see that all \(P_n([w]), n\in {\mathbb {N}}_0\) exist.

Sufficiency: Let the condition in the assumption of Theorem 3.2 be satisfied. Note that \(\{P_n([w])\}_{n\in {\mathbb {N}}_0}\) is increasing and will be constant after a finite number of steps, for each \([w]\in H\), since all occurring graphs are finite. Let \(P([w]):=\lim \limits _{n \rightarrow \infty } P_n([w]), [w]\in H\). We show that the mapping \(\psi : [w]\mapsto P([w])\) defines a canonical dual prehomomorphism. Let \([u],[v]\in H\). It follows \(P_1([uv])\ge P_0([u])P_0([v])\), \(P_2([uv])\ge P_1([u])P_1([v])\), \(\ldots\), \(P_n([uv])\ge P_{n-1}([u])P_{n-1}([v])\), \(\ldots\) which after a finite number of steps gives \(P([uv])\ge P([u])P([v])\). Further \(P([w]^{-1})=(P([w]))^{-1}\), since \(\langle u\rangle \vee \langle v\rangle\) exists if and only if \(\langle u\rangle ^{-1}\vee \langle v\rangle ^{-1}\) exists in which case \(\langle u\rangle ^{-1}\vee \langle v\rangle ^{-1} = (\langle u\rangle \vee \langle v\rangle )^{-1}\). This fact holds in any inverse semigroup S and easily follows from \(s\le t \Leftrightarrow s^{-1}\le t^{-1}\), \(s,t\in S\). Finally \(\psi\) is canonical since from \(\Gamma (P([x]))\subseteq \Gamma (\langle x\rangle )\) we infer \(\Gamma (P([x]))=\Gamma (\langle x\rangle )\), whence \(P([x])= \langle x\rangle\). \(\square\)

Note that the above defined mapping P is the least possible canonical dual prehomomorphism with respect to the pointwise order of mappings, since in the necessity proof of Theorem 3.2 we have \(([w])\psi \ge P([w]), [w]\in H\).

Corollary 3.3

In case \(P_0([w])\;\widehat{=}\;(\cap _{[u]=[w]}\Gamma \langle u\rangle ,{\overline{w}})\in M(G)\), for all \([w]\in H\), it follows \(P_0([w])=P_n([w])\), for all \(n\in {\mathbb {N}}\), whence \(([w])\psi =P_0([w])\) defines a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi : H \rightarrow M(G)\).


Under the assumptions we obtain for arbitrary \([w_1], [w_2]\in H\) with \([w_1][w_2]=[w]\)

$$\begin{aligned} P_0([w_1])P_0([w_2]) &\,\,\widehat{=} \,(\cap _{[u_1]=[w_1]} \Gamma (\langle u_1\rangle )\cup {\overline{w_1}}\cap _{[u_2]=[w_2]} \Gamma (\langle u_2\rangle ),{\overline{w}})\\ & \le (\cap _{[u]=[w]} \Gamma (\langle u\rangle ),{\overline{w}}) \\ &\,\,\widehat{=}\,P_0([w]), \end{aligned}$$

since \(\cap _{[u_1]=[w_1]} \Gamma (\langle u_1\rangle )\cup {\overline{w_1}}\cap _{[u_2]=[w_2]} \Gamma (\langle u_2\rangle )\supseteq \cap _{[u]=[w]} \Gamma (\langle u\rangle ).\) Thus we have

$$\begin{aligned} P_1([w])=\vee _{[w_1][w_2]=[w]} (P_0([w_1])P_0([w_2]))\le P_0([w])\le P_1([w]), \end{aligned}$$

whence \(P_1([w])=P_0([w])\) follows. We conclude by induction

$$\begin{aligned} P_0([w])=P_1([w])=P_2([w])=\cdots =P([w]), \end{aligned}$$

proving the assertion. \(\square\)

Example 3.1

Let G be any X-generated group and let H be the free group on X. Then for any \([w] \in H\) we have \(P_0([w]) \,\widehat{=} \, (\Gamma (\left\langle r(w) \right\rangle ),{\overline{w}}) \in M(G)\) where r(w) is the reduced word associated to \(\left[ w \right]\).

Example 3.2

Let G be the \(\{x\}\)-generated cyclic group of order n and let H be the \(\{x\}\)-generated cyclic group of order 2n. Inspecting \(\Gamma (G)\) which is an n-cycle, we directly see

$$\begin{aligned} \cap _{[w]=[x^k]}\Gamma (\langle w \rangle ) = \Gamma (\langle x^k \rangle ), \quad 1 \le k \le n \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \cap _{[w]=[x^l]}\Gamma (\langle w \rangle ) = \Gamma (\langle x^{l-2n} \rangle ), \quad n \le l \le 2n. \end{aligned}$$

In particular we have \(\cap _{[w]=[x^{2n}]}\Gamma (\langle w \rangle ) = \emptyset\), since \([\emptyset ] = [x^{2n}]\) corresponds to \(1_{H}\). Hence \(\psi :H \rightarrow M(G)\) may be defined by \(([x^k])\psi = \langle x^k \rangle , 1 \le k \le n, ([x^l]) \psi = \langle x^{l-2n} \rangle , n< l <2n,\) and \(([x^{2n}]) \psi = \langle \emptyset \rangle \;\widehat{=} \;(\emptyset , 1_{G})=1_{M(G)}\), cf. ( [2], Theorem 19).

To check whether a given extension H by a group G satisfies the condition of Theorem 3.2 it is crucial to determine \(\cap _{[v]=[w]}(\Gamma (\langle v \rangle ))\) for any \([w] \in H\). In what follows we describe a way of doing that for finite H and G which might be implemented on a computer. We start to determine a finite subset T of \((X \cup X^{-1})^{*}\) satisfying the following property: For each \(w \in (X \cup X^{-1})^{*}\) there is \(v \in T\) such that \([w] = [v]\) and \(\Gamma (\langle v \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle w \rangle )\). To compute such a set T we describe a simple algorithm which directly implements the defining property of T.

  1. (0)

    Put the identity element of \((X \cup X^{-1})^{*}\) into T.

  2. (1)

    For T, constructed so far, construct a superset \(T^{\prime }\) of T in the following way: Put all elements of T into \(T^{\prime }\). List the elements of \(T\times X \times \{-1,1\}\) and check for each \((w, x ,\varepsilon )\) in \(T\times X \times \{-1,1\}\) if there is \(u \in T\) such that \([u] = [wx^\varepsilon ]\) and \(\Gamma (\langle u \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle wx^\varepsilon \rangle )\). If the answer for a given \((w, x ,\varepsilon )\) is yes, go to the next triple in the list. If the answer is no, put \(wx^\varepsilon\) into \(T^{\prime }\) and go to the next triple in the list.

  3. (2)

    If T is a proper subset of \(T^{\prime }\), as constructed in (1), take \(T^{\prime }\) as new T and start (1) again. If \(T = T^{\prime }\) the algorithm stops.

Note that since H and M(G) are finite, the computation stops after a finite number of steps. To see that in the end T has the required property, we note that if a word \(w^{\prime }\) is dropped in (1) of the above algorithm because \([w^{\prime }] = [u]\) with \(\Gamma (\langle u \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle w^{\prime } \rangle )\) for some \(u\in T\), then for each word \(w^{\prime }v, v\in (X \cup X^{-1})^{*}\) we have \([w^{\prime }v] = [uv]\) with \(\Gamma (\langle uv \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle w^{\prime }v \rangle )\), where uv is in T or has been dropped earlier in (1), i.e. there is some \(u^{\prime }\in T\) such that \([uv] = [u^{\prime }]\) and \(\Gamma (\langle u^{\prime } \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle uv \rangle )\), whence \([w^{\prime }v] = [u^{\prime }]\) and \(\Gamma (\langle u^{\prime } \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle w^{\prime }v \rangle )\). Consequently the final set T satisfies the property that for each word w in \((X \cup X^{-1})^{*}\) there is a word u in T such that \([w] = [u]\) and \(\Gamma (\langle u \rangle ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle w \rangle )\). Now for a given \([w] \in H\) we get

$$\begin{aligned} \cap _{[v]=[w]} \Gamma (\langle v \rangle )= \cap _{[u]=[w]} \Gamma (\langle u \rangle ), \end{aligned}$$

where \(v \in (X \cup X^{-1})^{*} , u \in T\), and in case \({\overline{w}} \ne 1_G\) we have to check whether the right hand intersection contains a connected subgraph with vertices \(1_G\) and \({\overline{w}}\), to see whether \(P_0([w])\) exists. Note that in case \({\overline{w}} = 1_G\), \(P_0([w])\) always exists. If for some \([w] \in H\), \(P_0([w])\) does not exist, the algorithm stops. If all \(P_0([w])\), \([w] \in H\) exist, we check whether for each \([w] \in H\) \(P_1([w]) = \vee _{[w_1][w_2]=[w]}(P_0([w_1])P_0([w_2]))\) exists, by going through all |H| factorisations of [w]. If \(P_1([w])\) does not exist for some \([w] \in H\), the algorithm stops. In the other case we continue, checking whether \(P_2([w])\) exists, and so on. After a finite number of computations we end up with \(n_0 \in {\mathbb {N}}\) such that either \(P_{n_0}([w])\) does not exist for some \([w] \in H\), in which case H does not satisfy the conditions of Theorem 3.2 , or \(P_{n_0}([w]) = P_{n_0+1}([w])\) for all \([w] \in H\). The latter must be the case since for each \([w] \in H\) the sequence \(\{P_n([w])\}_{n \in {\mathbb {N}}_0}\) is decreasing whence eventually constant, since all occurring graphs are finite. Further H is finite. We then have \(P_{n_0}([w]) = P_k([w])\) for all \(k \ge n_0\), \([w] \in H\). Thus H satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.2.

Even for a small finite noncyclic X-generated group G, an X-generated group H admitting a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi :H \rightarrow M(G)\) might be large. The following theorem points into this direction.

Theorem 3.4

Let \(G=\{1_G, g, h, gh\}\) be the \(\{x, y\}\)-generated Klein four-group with respect to \({\overline{x}}=g, {\overline{y}}=h\). Then any X-generated group H which admits a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi :H \rightarrow M(G)\) must be of exponent 6 at least.


We show that the \(\{x, y\}\)-generated Burnside group of exponent 4, B(2; 4), does not admit a suitable \(\psi :B(2;4) \rightarrow M(G)\). Assume that \(\psi\) exists. Note first that in B(2; 4) we have \([xyx^2yx^{-1}]=[x^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x]\), since

$$\begin{aligned}{}[xyx^2yx^{-1}]&=[xyx^2yx^3] \\&=[(xyx^2yx^2)x] \\&=[x^{-1}y^{-1}yx^2yx^2yx^2x]\\&=[x^{-1}y^{-1}(yx^2)^{-1}x]\\&=[x^{-1}y^{-1}x^{-2}y^{-1}x]\\&=[x^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x] =:[u]. \end{aligned}$$

We get \(\langle xyx^2yx^{-1} \rangle \le ([xyx^2yx^{-1}])\psi =([x^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x])\psi \ge \langle x^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x \rangle\), whence \(\Gamma ([u]\psi ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle xyx^2yx^{-1} \rangle ) \cap \Gamma (\langle x^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x \rangle )\).

figure b

Since the intersection of both graphs does not contain a connected subgraph having at least one edge and vertex \(1_G\), we conclude that \(\Gamma ([u]\psi ) = \emptyset\), whence \(([u])\psi =1_{M(G)}\). We infer

$$\begin{aligned} ([x^2y^{-1}x])\psi&= ( [ yxx^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x ] ) \psi \\&\ge ([yx]) \psi \underbrace{( [ x^{-1}y^{-1}x^2y^{-1}x ] ) \psi }_{1_{M(G)}} =( [yx] ) \psi \ge \langle yx \rangle , \end{aligned}$$

and on the other hand \(([x^2y^{-1}x]) \psi \ge \langle x^2y^{-1}x \rangle\) which means

$$\begin{aligned} \Gamma ( ([x^2y^{-1}x])\psi ) \subseteq \Gamma (\langle yx \rangle ) \cap \Gamma (\langle x^2y^{-1}x \rangle ) \end{aligned}$$

with contradiction, since the intersection on the right hand side does not contain a connected subgraph with vertices \(1_G\) and \({\overline{x^2y^{-1}x}} = gh\).

figure c


It is an open question whether the finite group B(2; 6) admits a canonical dual prehomomorphism into M(G) with G the Klein four-group, or a contradiction can be achieved following the pattern in the proof of Theorem 3.4. It is also an open question whether the group \(G^{U}\), as defined in [1], with U the variety of all groups of exponent \(n=3\), respectively \(n=4\), admits a suitable mapping \(\psi :G^{U} \rightarrow M(G)\) in this case. In our setting \(G^{U}\) may be represented by \(FG(\{x,y\})_{/\equiv }\), where \(\equiv\) is the congruence on the free group \(FG(\{x,y\})\) generated by the relators \(w^{3}=1\), respectively \(w^{4}=1\), where \({\overline{w}}=1_{G}\), \(w \in FG(\{x,y\})\). Since, by construction in [1], \(G^{U}\) is a subgroup of a semidirect product of the finite groups B(8; 3), respectively B(8; 4) by G, it is finite. Obviously B(2; 4) is a homomorphic image of \(G^{U}\) in case \(n=4\). However B(2; 4) itself is not of the form \(G^V\) for some group variety V, since the only possible choice of such V would be the variety of elementary Abelian 2-groups. Only if V has exponent 2, the group \(G^V\) has exponent \(2\cdot 2 = 4\). But in this case \(G^V\) is a subgroup of a semidirect product of the free elementary Abelian 2-group of rank 8 by G whence \(|G^V|< 2^8\cdot 2^2 = 2^{10} < 2^{12} = |B(2;4)|\). Note in particular that \(G^{U}\) has exponent 6 in case \(n=3\), and exponent 8 in case \(n=4\). Anyway it follows from [1], Proposition 4.4., referring to a remark of V. Guba, that \(\psi :G^{U} \rightarrow M(G)\) exists if U is the variety of all groups of sufficiently large odd exponent n.

We continue our considerations with a theorem which also follows from a result of Szakács [6]. For sake of completeness we give an elementary direct proof.

Theorem 3.5

Let G be an X-generated noncyclic group, and let H be a generator respecting X-generated extension by G such that the homomorphism \(H \rightarrow G\), defined by \([w] \mapsto {\overline{w}}\) has a nontrivial Abelian kernel K. Then there is no canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi :H \rightarrow M(G)\).


We show first that under the assumptions \(\Gamma (G)\) contains a subgraph consisting of two disjoint cycles connected by a path, of the form

figure d

where \(u_1, u_2, v, z_1, z_2\) are nonempty words in \((X \cup X^{-1})^{*}\), labeling the respective paths.

Assume first that there is \(y \in X\) such that \({\overline{y}}\) has finite order \(m \ge 2\). Since G is noncyclic there is \(x \in X\) such that \({\overline{x}} \ne {\overline{y}}^n\), for all \(n \in {\mathbb {N}}\). Consequently, by use of the words \(u_1=z_1=y, u_2=y^{1-m}, v=x, z_2=y^{m-1}\), we may define a graph which consists of two cycles with vertex sets \(A= \{ 1_G, {\overline{y}}, \ldots , {\overline{y}}^{m-1} \}\) and \(B= \{ {\overline{yx}}, {\overline{yxy}}, \ldots , {\overline{yx}}\, {\overline{y}}^{m-1} \}\) connected by the edge \(({\overline{y}},x)\). Since A is a subgroup of G and \(B={\overline{yx}}A\), with \({\overline{yx}} \notin A\) by assumption, we obtain \(A \cap B = \emptyset\).

Assume now that there is \(x\in X\), such that \({\overline{x}}\) has infinite order. Since K is nontrivial there is a nonempty reduced word \(w=y_1\ldots y_m\), \(m\ge 2\), with \(y_i\in X \cup X^{-1}\), \(1\le i\le m\), such that \({\overline{w}}=1_G\), and \(\Gamma (\langle w \rangle )\) forms a cycle. Let \(u_1=y_1=z_1, u_2=(y_2 \cdots y_m)^{-1}\), \(z_2=y_2 \cdots y_m\), and \(v^{\prime }=x^n\), where n is such that \({\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^na\ne b\) for all ab in the set \(A=\{1_G,{\overline{y_1}},\ldots ,{\overline{y_1 \cdots y_{m-1}}}\}\). Such n exists, since the equality \({\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^ka= b\) can only hold for at most one \(k\in {\mathbb {N}}\) by the assumption that \({\overline{x}}\) has infinite order, and the set A, whence \(A\times A\), is finite. We may use \(u_1,u_2,v^{\prime },z_1,z_2\) to define a graph which consists of the two disjoint cycles with vertex sets \(A=\{1_G,{\overline{y_1}},\ldots ,{\overline{y_1 \cdots y_{m-1}}}\}\) and \(B=\{{\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^n,{\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^n{\overline{y_1}},\ldots ,{\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^n{\overline{y_1 \cdots y_{m-1}}}\}\), connected by the path with initial vertex \({\overline{y_1}}\) labeled by \(v^{\prime }=x^n\). Let \(p,q\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}\) such that p is the least element with \({\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^p\notin A\) for all k, \(p\le k\le n\), and such that q is the least element with \({\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^q\in B\). Then the path with initial vertex \({\overline{y_1}}\,{\overline{x}}^{p-1}\) and label \(v=x^{q-p+1}\) connects the cycles with vertex sets A and B precisely as shown in the graph above. We conclude

$$\begin{aligned} \langle u_1vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_1^{-1} \rangle \vee \langle u_2vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_2^{-1} \rangle = 1_{M(G)}. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}{}[u_1vz_1z_2v^{-1}u^{-1}_1]&= [u_1vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_1^{-1}u_2u_2^{-1}] \\&= [u_1u_1^{-1}u_2vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_2^{-1}], \text { since } [u_1^{-1}u_2], [vz_1z_2v^{-1}] \in K \\&= [u_2vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_2^{-1}]. \end{aligned}$$

Hence for any canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi : H \rightarrow M(G)\) we get

$$\begin{aligned} \left( [u_1vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_1^{-1}] \right) \psi&= \left( [u_2vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_2^{-1}] \right) \psi \\&\ge \langle u_1vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_1^{-1} \rangle \vee \langle u_2vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_2^{-1} \rangle = 1_{M(G)}, \end{aligned}$$

whence \(\left( [u_1vz_1z_2v^{-1}u_1^{-1}] \right) \psi = 1_{M(G)}\).

By the rule \(\left( [w_1w_2] \right) \psi = 1_{M(G)} \Rightarrow ([w_2])\psi \ge ([w_1^{-1}])\psi \Rightarrow ([w_2^{-1}])\psi \ge ([w_1])\psi\), since \(\psi\) respects inverses, we obtain with \([w_1] = [u_1vz_1]\) and \([w_2] = [z_2v^{-1}u_1^{-1}]\) that \(([u_1vz_2^{-1}])\psi \ge ([u_1vz_1])\psi \ge \langle u_1vz_1 \rangle\), which together with \(([u_1vz_2^{-1}])\psi \ge \langle u_1vz_2^{-1} \rangle\) leads to a contradiction. Note in particular that \(\langle u_1vz_1 \rangle \vee \langle u_1vz_2^{-1} \rangle\) does not exist. \(\square\)

Note that in case K is trivial in Theorem 3.5, i.e. \(K= \left\{ 1_H\right\}\), we have that H is isomorphic to G via the homomorphism induced by the mapping \([x] \mapsto {\overline{x}}\).

It is shown in [2], see also Example 3.2, that for any \(\{x\}\)-generated cyclic group G of order n there is a canonical dual prehomomorphism \(\psi\) from the \(\{x\}\)-generated cyclic group H of order 2n into M(G). Clearly the homomorphism \([w] \mapsto {\overline{w}}\) has Abelian kernel. If we regard, however, G as an e.g. \(\{x,y\}\)-generated group where \({\overline{y}}={\overline{x}}^2\), say, \(n\ge 3\), then the assertion of Theorem 3.5 remains true, although G is cyclic, as the following example shows for \(n=3\).

Example 3.3

Let \(G = \{1_G,g,g^2\}\) be the three element cyclic group generated by \(X = \{x,y\}\) with respect to \({\overline{x}}=g,{\overline{y}}=g^2\). The Cayley graph \(\Gamma (G)\) looks as follows:

figure e

Assume \(\psi\) exists for some \(\{x,y\}\)-generated generator preserving group extension H by G , where \([w] \rightarrow {\overline{w}}\) has Abelian kernel. It follows

$$\begin{aligned}{}[y^{-1}xy^2]&= [x(x^{-1}y^{-1})(xy)y] \\&= [x(xy)(x^{-1}y^{-1})y], \text { since } {\overline{xy}} = {\overline{x^{-1}y^{-1}}} = 1_{G} \\&= [x^2yx^{-1}]. \end{aligned}$$

We obtain \(\left( \left[ y^{-1}xy^2 \right] \right) \psi \ge \langle y^{-1}xy^2 \rangle ,\langle x^2yx^{-1} \rangle\)

\(\Rightarrow \Gamma \left( \left( \left[ y^{-1}xy^2 \right] \right) \psi \right) \subseteq \Gamma \left( \langle y^{-1}xy^2 \rangle \right) \cap \Gamma \left( \langle x^2yx^{-1} \rangle \right)\)

\(\Rightarrow \Gamma \left( \left( \left[ y^{-1}xy^2 \right] \right) \psi \right) = \emptyset \Rightarrow \left( \left[ y^{-1}xy^2 \right] \right) \psi = 1_{M(G)}\).

figure f

We infer

$$\begin{aligned} \left( [x]\right) \psi&= \left( [y(y^{-1}xy^2)y^{-2}] \right) \psi \\&\ge \left( [y]\right) \psi \underbrace{\left( [y^{-1}xy^2]\right) \psi }_{1_{M(G)}} \left( [y^{-2}]\right) \psi \\&= \left( [y]\right) \psi \left( [y^{-2}]\right) \psi \ge \langle yy^{-1}y^{-1} \rangle , \end{aligned}$$

which means together with \(([x])\psi = \langle x \rangle\) a contradiction.

Note that \(\Gamma (G)\) contains a forbidden minor in the sense of Szakács, namely

figure g

In particular \(\Gamma (\langle x\rangle )\) is a breaking path in her terminology.