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Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games

  • Research Article
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Economic Theory Aims and scope Submit manuscript


We provide several generalizations of the various equilibrium existence results in Reny (Econometrica 67:1029–1056, 1999), Barelli and Meneghel (Econometrica 81:813–824, 2013), and McLennan et al. (Econometrica 79:1643–1664, 2011). We also provide an example demonstrating that a natural additional generalization is not possible. All of the theorems yielding existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria here are stated in terms of the players’ preference relations over joint strategies. Hence, in contrast to much of the previous work in the area, the present results for pure-strategy equilibria are entirely ordinal.

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  1. This literature has grown substantially since the seminal contribution of Dasgupta and Maskin (1986). A sample of papers is Simon (1987), Simon and Zame (1990), Baye et al. (1993), Reny (1999, 2009, 2011), Jackson et al. (2002), Carmona (2005, 2009, 2011), Bagh and Jofre (2006), Monteiro and Page (2007, 2008), Barelli and Soza (2009), Bich (2009), Carbonell-Nicolau (2011), Prokopovych (2011, 2013), De Castro (2011), McLennan et al. (2011), Barelli and Meneghel (2013), Barelli et al. (2013), Bich and Laraki (2013), He and Yannelis (2013), Nessah (2013).

  2. Recent exceptions are Barelli and Soza (2009) and Prokopovych (2013). An important practical feature of the hypotheses that we shall introduce here is their local nature, which is in keeping with the conditions in most of the literature. This is in contrast to the hypotheses of Barelli and Soza’s (2009) Theorem 2.2 and Prokopovych’s (2013) Theorem 2, which, because of their global nature, are likely to be rather more difficult to verify in practice.

  3. Nash equilibrium will always mean pure-strategy Nash equilibrium, although we will include “pure strategy” for emphasis from time to time. We will always say mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium when mixed strategies are introduced.

  4. Together with A.1, convexity implies also that \(\{x_{i}^{\prime }\in X_{i}:\left( x_{i}^{\prime },x_{-i}\right) >_{i}x\}\) is a convex set. Indeed, suppose that \(\left( x_{i}^{1},x_{-i}\right) >_{i}x\) and \(\left( x_{i}^{2},x_{-i}\right) >_{i}x.\) By completeness, assume without loss that \(\left( x_{i}^{1},x_{-i}\right) \ge _{i}\left( x_{i}^{2},x_{-i}\right) .\) Then, \(\left( \lambda x_{i}^{1}+(1-\lambda )x_{i}^{2},x_{-i}\right) \ge _{i}\left( x_{i}^{2},x_{-i}\right) >_{i}x,\) where the first inequality follows from convexity. The desired result follows from transitivity.

  5. We will show by example that this security feature of the definition cannot be dropped.

  6. For example, when Bertrand duopolists choose the same price \(x_{1}=x_{2}\) above marginal cost, they each have profitable downward deviations \(\hat{x} _{1},\hat{x}_{2}\). But for any pair of prices \(y=(y_{1},y_{2})\) near enough x, the firm i whose downward deviation \(\hat{x}_{i}\) from \(y_{i}\) is profitable depends on whose price in y is higher.

  7. It is not too difficult to show that if each \(\ge _{i}\) is represented by a bounded utility function, then \(G=(X_{i},u_{i})_{i\in N}\) is better-reply secure in the sense of Reny (1999) if and only if whenever x is not a Nash equilibrium, there is an \(\varepsilon >0,\) a neighborhood U of x,  and \( \hat{x}\in X\) such that for every \(y\in U\), there is a player i for whom \( u_{i}(\hat{x}_{i},x_{-i}^{\prime })>u_{i}(y)+\varepsilon \) for every \( x^{\prime }\in U\) (see McLennan et al. 2011) for a closely related characterization of better-reply security). Hence, point security eliminates the \(\varepsilon \) and the need for a utility representation (whose existence is not obvious when preferences are not continuous).

  8. For any subset U of X,  such an \(x^{i}\) exists for each player i. To see this, say that \(y\in X^{0}\) i -dominates \(z\in X^{0}\) if for every \(x^{\prime }\in U\) there exists \(x^{\prime \prime }\in U\) such that \( (y_{i},x_{-i}^{\prime })\ge _{i}(z_{i},x_{-i}^{\prime \prime }).\) Because \( \ge _{i}\) is complete and transitive, so too is the i-dominance relation. We may therefore let \(x^{i}\) be any element of the non-empty finite set \( X^{0} \) that is maximal with respect to i-dominance.

  9. The i-th coordinate, \(d_{i},\) of d can always be chosen so that it depends only on \(x_{-i}^{\prime }.\) In particular, choose an open \( V\subseteq U\) such that \(x\in V=\times V_{i}.\) For any fixed \(x^{0}\in V\) define \(\hat{d}(x^{\prime })=\times _{i}d_{i}(x_{i}^{0},x_{-i}^{\prime })\) for all \(x^{\prime }\in V.\) Then, V and \(\hat{d}\) satisfy the conditions of the definition.

  10. See footnote 12.

  11. Section 5.2 considers games with non-convex preferences.

  12. It should be noted that the hypotheses of Theorem 2.2 in Barelli and Meneghel (2013) are inadequate to justify the claim on p.823 that the correspondence \(\Phi \) is compact-valued. One way to correct the deficiency would be to add the assumption that each of the correspondences \(\phi _{x}\) is convex-valued. But see also footnote 16.

  13. These new definitions are equivalent to the previous definitions when G is convex.

  14. For example, a closed correspondence \(F:Y\twoheadrightarrow Z\) is co-closed if Z is contained in a finite-dimensional subspace of an ambient topological vector space.

  15. Consider, for example, the correspondence mapping each point in [0, 1] into the set of all rational numbers with the usual topology.

  16. See footnote 12. But note that instead of adding the assumption that the \(\phi _{x}\) correspondences are convex-valued, it would suffice in Barelli and Meneghel’s (2013) Theorem 2.2 to replace the assumption that the \(\phi _{x}\) correspondences are closed with the assumption that they are co-closed.

  17. The straightforward extension to non-convex games follows the same pattern as in the previous section.

  18. It also generalizes Theorem 2.2 in Reny (2009).

  19. This follows from the Riesz representation theorem and Alaoglu’s theorem. See, for example, Dunford and Schwartz (1988).

  20. Suppose, by way of contradiction, that no Nash equilibrium exists. Then for every \(m\in M,\) each player has finitely many mixed strategies such that for every \(m^{\prime }\) in a neighborhood of m,  one of these mixed strategies is a profitable deviation from \(m^{\prime }\) for some player. The resulting open cover of M has a finite subcover, by compactness, and so in fact each player has finitely many mixed strategies—call them deviation strategies—such that for every m in M, some deviation strategy is a profitable deviation from m for some player. However, by Nash’s theorem, the finite game whose pure-strategy set is the product of the players’ finite sets of deviation strategies has a Nash equilibrium, producing an element of M that no player can profitably deviate from using any of his deviation strategies. This contradiction completes the proof.

  21. Prokopovych (2013) shows that the above conjecture is true for two-player games on the unit square.

  22. i.e., \(x\vartriangleright _{i}y\) iff \(x\trianglerighteq _{i}y\) and not \( y\trianglerighteq _{i}x.\)

  23. Suppose \(x\in U^{k}.\) If x is in no \(C^{j},\) then \(x\in W_{i}^{k}.\) Otherwise, let \(k^{\prime }\) be such that \(x\in C^{k^{\prime }}\subset U^{k^{\prime }}\) and \(x\notin C^{j}\) for all j such that \( j\vartriangleright _{i}k^{\prime }.\) Then, \(x\in W_{i}^{k^{\prime }}.\)

  24. That is, for each i,  the finite collection of functions \(\{\lambda _{i}^{k}\}_{k}\) is a partition of unity subordinated to the cover \( \{W_{i}^{k}\}_{k}\).

  25. Thus, choosing \(\alpha _{i}\in \Delta \) in the surrogate game is like choosing in the original game the reaction correspondence \( \sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{ik}d_{i}^{k}\) and selecting from it the “worst” reaction when it is multi-valued.

  26. For convexity, suppose \(\alpha _{i}^{1},\alpha _{i}^{2}\in \{\alpha _{i}^{\prime }:(a,c,\alpha _{i}^{\prime },\alpha _{-i})\ge _{i}^{*}(a,c,\alpha )\}\) and let \(\alpha ^{1}=(\alpha _{i}^{1},\alpha _{-i})\) and \( \alpha ^{2}=(\alpha _{i}^{2},\alpha _{-i}).\) Choose any \(\lambda \in [0,1]\) and any \(\bar{z}_{i}\in d_{i}(a,\lambda \alpha ^{1}+(1-\lambda )\alpha ^{2})=\lambda d_{i}(a,\alpha ^{1})+(1-\lambda )d_{i}(a,\alpha ^{2}).\) Then, \( \bar{z}_{i}=\lambda z_{i}^{1}+(1-\lambda )z_{i}^{2}\) for some \(z_{i}^{1}\in d_{i}(a,\alpha ^{1}),\) \(z_{i}^{2}\in d_{i}(a,\alpha ^{2}).\) By the definition of \(\alpha ^{1},\alpha ^{2},\) and \(\ge _{i}^{*},\) \(\exists z_{i}^{\prime },z_{i}^{\prime \prime }\in d_{i}(a,\alpha )\) such that \( (z_{i}^{1},a_{-i})\ge _{i}(z_{i}^{\prime },a_{-i})\) and \( (z_{i}^{2},a_{-i})\ge _{i}(z_{i}^{\prime \prime },a_{-i}).\) Without loss, suppose \((z_{i}^{\prime },a_{-i})\ge _{i}(z_{i}^{\prime \prime },a_{-i}).\) Then, convexity of \(\ge _{i}\) implies that \((\bar{z}_{i},a_{-i})\ge _{i}(z_{i}^{\prime \prime },a_{-i})\), and so \(\lambda \alpha _{i}^{1}+(1-\lambda )\alpha _{i}^{2}\in \{\alpha _{i}^{\prime }:(a,c,\alpha _{i}^{\prime },\alpha _{-i})\ge _{i}^{*}(a,c,\alpha )\}.\)


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Correspondence to Philip J. Reny.

Additional information

I am grateful to Richard McLean, Andy McLennan, Roger Myerson, and Guilherme Carmona for helpful comments and discussions. Financial support from the National Science Foundation (SES-1227506, SES-0922535, SES-0617884) is gratefully acknowledged. The present paper is a revision of the BFI working paper 2013-004 with the same title, although the latter contains some results not reported here.



The proof of Theorem 3.4 below is inspired by the proof in McLennan et al. (2011). A key distinction is that we must introduce a well-chosen “dominance” relation to play the role that, in McLennan et. al.’s proof, is played by the players’ utility functions, which are of course unavailable here. A secondary distinction is the presence here of a subset of players whose best-reply correspondences are well defined.

Proof of Theorem 3.4

Fix any \(x^{0}\in X\) and let \(J=N\backslash I.\) Letting \(F_{i}\) denote the best-reply correspondence of any player \(i\in J,\) the correspondence \(\times _{i\in J}F_{i}(x_{I}^{0},\cdot ):\times _{i\in J}X_{i}\twoheadrightarrow \times _{i\in J}X_{i}\) is non-empty-valued, non-convex-valued, and closed, and if \( x_{J}^{*}\) is any one of its fixed points, then \((x_{I}^{0},x_{J}^{*})\) is a member of \(B_{I},\) the set of points in X at which players in J are simultaneously best-replying. By Glicksberg’s (1952) theorem, \(B_{I}\) is non-empty. Moreover, \(B_{I}\) is compact because the best-reply correspondences of the players in J are closed.

Suppose, by way of contradiction, that there is no equilibrium in \(B_{I}.\) Then, by point security with respect to I,  for every \(x\in B_{I}\), there is a neighborhood \(U^{x}\) of x and a point \(x^{x}\in X\) such that for every \( y\in U^{x}\cap B_{I}\), there is a player \(i\in I\) for whom

$$\begin{aligned} (x_{i}^{x},x_{-i}^{\prime })>_{i}y,\text { for every }x^{\prime }\in U^{x}\cap B_{I}. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, we have a collection of pairs \(\{(U^{x},x^{x})\}_{x\in B_{I}}\) such that each \(U^{x}\cap B_{I}\) is non-empty (both sets contain x) and where the \(U^{x}\) form an open cover of \(B_{I}.\) We may therefore extract a finite subcollection \(\{(U^{k},x^{k})\}\) such that the \(U^{k}\) form a finite open cover of \(B_{I}\), and such that: for each k,  and for every \(y\in U^{k}\cap B_{I}\), there is a player \(i\in I\) for whom

$$\begin{aligned} \left( x_{i}^{k},x_{-i}^{\prime }\right) >_{i}y,\text { for every }x^{\prime }\in U^{k}\cap B_{I}. \end{aligned}$$

By construction, \(U^{k}\cap B_{I}\) is non-empty for every k. Say that k i -dominates \(k^{\prime },\) and write \(k\trianglerighteq _{i}k^{\prime },\) if for every \(x\in U^{k}\cap B_{I}\), there exists \( x^{\prime }\in U^{k^{\prime }}\cap B_{I}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \left( x_{i}^{k},x_{-i}\right) \ge _{i}\left( x_{i}^{k^{\prime }},x_{-i}^{\prime }\right) . \end{aligned}$$

The i-dominance relation inherits from \(\ge _{i},\) completeness, reflexivity, and transitivity. Let \(\vartriangleright _{i}\) denote the strict relation associated with \(\trianglerighteq _{i}\).Footnote 22

Because \(B_{I}\) is a compact subset of a Hausdorff space, for each k we may choose a closed set \(C^{k}\subset U^{k}\) such that the resulting finite collection \(\{C^{k}\}\) covers \(B_{I}.\) For each k and each player i,  define \(W_{i}^{k}=U^{k}\backslash \cup _{j\vartriangleright _{i}k}C^{j}.\) Then, for each i\(\{W_{i}^{k}\}_{k}\) is a finite open cover of \(B_{I}\) and \(\cup _{k}W_{i}^{k}=\cup _{k}U^{k}\) is independent of i.Footnote 23 Let \(W=\cup _{k} W_{i}^{k}.\) By Munkres (1975, Theorem 5.1) for each i,  there is for every k a continuous function \(\lambda _{i}^{k}:W\rightarrow [0,1]\) such that \(\sum _{k}\lambda _{i}^{k}(x)=1\) for all \(x\in W\) and such that \(\lambda _{i}^{k}(x)>0\) implies \(x\in W_{i}^{k}\).Footnote 24

Consequently, for each player i,  the function on W defined by \( g_{i}(x)=\sum _{k}\lambda _{i}^{k}(x)x_{i}^{k}\) is continuous. The correspondence mapping the compact, convex and locally convex space \((\times _{i\in I}co\{x_{i}^{k}\}_{k})\times (\times _{i\in J}X_{i})\) into subsets of \(co\{x_{i}^{k}\}_{k}\) defined by \(G_{i}(x)=\{g_{i}(x)\}\) if \(x\in W\) and \( G_{i}(x)=co\{x_{i}^{k}\}_{k}\) if \(x\in X\backslash W\) is therefore non-empty-valued, convex-valued, and closed. Hence, by Glicksberg’s (1952) theorem, there exists \(y^{*}\in X\) such that \((y_{i}^{*})_{i\in J}\times (y_{i}^{*})_{i\in I}\in (\times _{i\in J}F_{i}(y^{*}))\times (\times _{i\in I}G_{i}(y^{*})).\) Consequently, (i) \( y_{i}^{*}\in F_{i}(y^{*})\) for every \(i\in J\) and (ii) \(y_{i}^{*}\in G_{i}(y^{*})\) for every \(i\in I.\) But (i) implies that \(y^{*}\in B_{I}\subset W\) so that \(G_{i}(y^{*})=\{g_{i}(y^{*})\}\) which together with (ii) implies that (iii) \(y_{i}^{*}=\sum _{k}\lambda _{i}^{k}(y^{*})x_{i}^{k}\) for every \(i\in I.\)

Because the \(C^{k}\) cover \(B_{I},\) we may choose \(\hat{k}\) such that \( y^{*}\in C^{\hat{k}}\subset U^{\hat{k}}.\) Then, for any i and k with \(\lambda _{i}^{k}(y^{*})>0,\) we have \(y^{*}\in W_{i}^{k}\subset U^{k} \) and so \(k\trianglerighteq _{i}\hat{k}\) (otherwise \(\hat{k} \vartriangleright _{i}k\) implying that \(y^{*}\in C^{\hat{k}}\) is not in \( W_{i}^{k}=U^{k}\backslash \cup _{j\vartriangleright _{i}k}C^{j}).\) Consequently, because \(y^{*}\in U^{k}\cap B_{I},\) there exists \( x^{i,k}\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I}\) such that \((x_{i}^{k},y_{-i}^{*})\ge _{i}(x_{i}^{\hat{k}},x_{-i}^{i,k}).\)

For each player \(i\in I,\) let \(k_{i}\) be the value of k in the (non-empty by (iii)) set \(\{k:\lambda _{i}^{k}(y^{*})>0\}\) giving the least preferred outcome for i in all the \((x_{i}^{\hat{k} },x_{-i}^{i,k}).\) Then, for every \(i\in I\) and every k such that \(\lambda _{i}^{k}(y^{*})>0,\) \((x_{i}^{k},y_{-i}^{*})\ge _{i}(x_{i}^{\hat{k} },x_{-i}^{i,k})\ge _{i}(x_{i}^{\hat{k}},x_{-i}^{i,k_{i}}),\) and hence,

$$\begin{aligned} (x_{i}^{k},y_{-i}^{*})\ge _{i}(x_{i}^{\hat{k}},x_{-i}^{i,k_{i}}). \end{aligned}$$

Together with (iii) and the convexity of \(\ge _{i},\) this implies that \( y^{*}\ge _{i}\left( x_{i}^{\hat{k}},x_{-i}^{i,k_{i}}\right) \) for every \(i\in I,\) contradicting (*) because \(y^{*}\) and each \(x^{i,k_{i}}\) are in \(U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I}.\) \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 4.2

Let G be correspondence secure with respect to \(I\subseteq N.\) As shown in the proof of Theorem 3.4, the set \(B_{I}\) is non-empty and compact. Suppose by way of contradiction that G has no Nash equilibrium in \(B_{I}\). Then, for each \(x\in B_{I}\), there is a neighborhood U of x and a closed correspondence \(d:U\twoheadrightarrow X\) with non-empty and convex values such that the condition stated in Definition 4.1 holds. Since the collection of all such Us forms an open cover of the compact set \(B_{I},\) we may extract a finite subcover \(U^{1},...,U^{K}\), together with their associated correspondences \(d^{1},...,d^{K}.\) Hence, for every \(k=1,...,K\) and every \( y\in U^{k}\cap B_{I}\), there is a player \(i\in I\) for whom

$$\begin{aligned} (z_{i},x_{-i}^{\prime })>_{i}y,\text { for every }x^{\prime }\in U^{k}\cap B_{I}\text { and every }z_{i}\in d_{i}^{k}(x^{\prime }). \end{aligned}$$

We now define a surrogate game, \(G^{*},\) and will obtain the desired contradiction by showing that \(G^{*}\) satisfies all the hypotheses of Theorem 3.4 but has no Nash equilibrium.

For each \(i\in N\backslash I,\) let \(F_{i}:X\twoheadrightarrow X_{i}\) denote i’s best-reply correspondence. For each \(k=1,...,K,\) extend \(d^{k}\) to X by defining \(d^{k}(x)=X\) whenever \(x\notin U^{k}.\) Each \(d^{k}:X \twoheadrightarrow X\) is then closed with non-empty and convex values.

Introduce two new players, A and C. The surrogate game \(G^{*}\) has player set \(\{A,C\}\cup I.\) Player A chooses \(a\in X,\) player C chooses \( c\in X\), and each player \(i\in I\) chooses \(\alpha _{i}\in \Delta =\{\lambda \in [0,1]^{K}:\sum _{k=1}^{K}\lambda _{k}=1\},\) the unit simplex in \( \mathbb {R}^{K}.\)

Players A and C have preferences on \(X\times X\times \Delta ^{I}\) that are represented by the own-strategy quasi-concave utility functions \(u_{A}\) and \(u_{C},\) respectively, where \(u_{A}(a,c,\alpha )=1\) if \(a=c\) and 0 otherwise, and \(u_{C}(a,c,\alpha )=1\) if \(c\in d(a,\alpha )\) and 0 otherwise, where \(d(a,\alpha ):=\left( \times _{i\in I}\sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{ik}d_{i}^{k}(a)\right) \times \left( \times _{i\in N\backslash I}F_{i}(a)\right) .\)

Player \(i\in I\) has preferences \(\ge _{i}^{*}\) on \(X\times X\times \Delta ^{I}\) defined by \((a,c,\alpha )\ge _{i}^{*}(a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })\) if and only if \(\forall z_{i}\in d_{i}(a,\alpha ),\) \(\exists z_{i}^{\prime }\in d_{i}(a^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })\) such that \((z_{i},a_{-i})\ge _{i}(z_{i}^{\prime },a_{-i}^{\prime })\).Footnote 25 Each relation \(\ge _{i}^{*}\) is complete, reflexive, transitive, and convex.Footnote 26

So defined, the game \(G^{*}\) satisfies A.1–A.3, and players A and C (all players in fact) have locally convex strategy spaces. Note also that players A and C have closed best-reply correspondences whose values are non-empty and convex. We next show that \(G^{*}\) is point secure with respect to I, which will allow us to apply Theorem 3.4.

So as not to confuse the original game, G,  with the surrogate game, \( G^{*},\) let \(B_{I}^{*}\) denote the set of strategies \((a,c,\alpha )\) such that players A and C are simultaneously best-replying in \(G^{*}\) . Hence, \(B_{I}^{*}=\{(a,c,\alpha ):a=c\) and \(c\in d(a,\alpha )\}.\) Observe that if \((a,c,\alpha )\) is in \(B_{I}^{*},\) then \(a\in d(a,\alpha )\) and so \(a\in B_{I}.\)

Consider any \((a,c,\alpha )\in B_{I}^{*}.\) Then, as just observed, \( a\in B_{I}.\) Hence, there is \(\hat{k}\) such that \(a\in U^{\hat{k}}\) and so \((a,c,\alpha )\in (U^{\hat{k}}\times U^{\hat{k}}\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*}.\) For every \((y,w,\beta )\in (U^{\hat{k}}\times U^{\hat{k} }\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*},\) since (similar to a) \(y\in U^{ \hat{k}}\cap B_{I},\) condition (1) implies that there is a player \(i\in I\) for whom \((z_{i},a_{-i}^{\prime })>_{i}y\) for every \( a^{\prime }\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I}\) and every \(z_{i}\in d_{i}^{\hat{k} }(a^{\prime }).\) But then, because \(y_{i}\in d_{i}(y,\beta )\) ,

$$\begin{aligned} (a^{\prime },c^{\prime },e_{i}^{\hat{k}},\alpha _{-i}^{\prime })>_{i}^{*}(y,w,\beta ) \end{aligned}$$

holds for every \((a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })\in (U^{\hat{k} }\times U^{\hat{k}}\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*},\) where \(e_{i}^{ \hat{k}}\) is the \(\hat{k}\)-th unit vector in \(\Delta \).

Since \((a,c,\alpha )\in B_{I}^{*}\) was arbitrary, (2) holds in particular when \((a,c,\alpha )\in B_{I}^{*} \) is not a Nash equilibrium and so we have shown that \(G^{*}\) is point secure with respect to I. But (2) also shows that \(G^{*}\) has no Nash equilibrium since any Nash equilibrium \( (a,c,\alpha )\) must be in \(B_{I}^{*}\) and so we may set \((a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })=(y,w,\beta )=(a,c,\alpha )\). This contradicts Theorem 3.4 and completes the proof. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 5.5

Follow the steps of the proof of Theorem 3.4, except that (a) \(( \hat{x}_{i}^{x},x_{-i}^{\prime })>_{i}y\) in the display preceding (*) should be replaced with \(y_{i}\notin co\{w_{i}:(w_{i},y_{-i})\ge _{i}(\hat{x}_{i}^{x},x_{-i}^{\prime })\},\) (b) \( (\hat{x}_{i}^{k},x_{-i}^{\prime })>_{i}y\) in (*) should be replaced with \(y_{i}\notin co\{w_{i}:(w_{i},y_{-i})\ge _{i}(\hat{x} _{i}^{k},x_{-i}^{\prime })\},\) and (c) \(y^{*}\ge _{i}(x_{i}^{\hat{k} },x_{-i}^{i,k_{i}})\) in the final sentence should be replaced with \( y_{i}^{*}\in co\{w_{i}:(w_{i},y_{-i}^{*})\ge _{i}(\hat{x} _{i}^{k},x_{-i}^{i,k_{i}})\}.\) \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 5.6

The proof follows the steps of the proof of Theorem 4.2 except that (a) the correspondences \(d^{k}\) satisfying (1) are co-closed, even when extended to all of X,  (b) player \(B\,\)’s payoff is defined by \(u_{B}(a,c,\alpha )=1\) if \( c\in cod(a,\alpha )\) and 0 otherwise, (c) \(\ge _{i}^{*}\) is not necessarily convex and so \(G^{*}\) satisfies only A.1 and A.2, and (d) the last three paragraphs of the proof are replaced with the following four paragraphs:

So as not to confuse the original game, G,  with the surrogate game, \( G^{*},\) let \(B_{I}^{*}\) denote the set of strategies \((a,c,\alpha )\) such that players A and C are simultaneously best-replying in \(G^{*}\) . Hence, \(B_{I}^{*}=\{(a,c,\alpha ):a=c\) and \(c\in cod(a,\alpha )\}.\) Observe that if \((a,c,\alpha )\) is in \(B_{I}^{*},\) then \(a\in cod(a,\alpha )\) and so \(a\in B_{I}.\)

Consider any \((a,c,\alpha )\in B_{I}^{*}.\) Then, as just observed, a is in \(B_{I}.\) Hence, there is \(\hat{k}\) such that \(a\in U^{\hat{k}}\) and so \((a,c,\alpha )\in (U^{\hat{k}}\times U^{\hat{k}}\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*}.\) For every \((a^{1},c^{1},\alpha ^{1})\in (U^{\hat{k}}\times U^{\hat{k}}\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*},\) since (similar to a) \( a^{1}\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I},\) condition (1) implies that there is a player \(i\in I\) for whom

$$\begin{aligned} a_{i}^{1}\notin co\{w_{i}:(w_{i},a_{-i}^{1})\ge _{i}(z_{i},a_{-i}^{\prime })\} \end{aligned}$$

holds for every \(a^{\prime }\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I}\) and every \(z_{i}\in d_{i}^{\hat{k}}(a^{\prime }).\) Because \((a^{1},c^{1},\alpha ^{1})\in B_{I}^{*}\), we have \(a_{i}^{1}\in cod_{i}(a^{1},\alpha ^{1})=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{ik}^{1}cod_{i}^{k}(a^{1})=co\sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{ik}^{1}d_{i}^{k}(a^{1}), \) and so \(a_{i}^{1}\) is a convex combination of \( a_{i}^{1j}\)’s such that each \(a_{i}^{1j}=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{ik}^{1}\delta _{i}^{kj}\) and each \(\delta _{i}^{kj}\in d_{i}^{k}(a^{1}).\)

We claim that

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _{i}^{1}\notin co\{\gamma _{i}:(a^{1},c^{1},\gamma _{i},\alpha _{-i}^{1})\ge _{i}^{*}(a^{\prime },c^{\prime },e_{i}^{\hat{k}},\alpha _{-i}^{\prime })\} \end{aligned}$$

holds for every \((a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })\in (U^{\hat{k} }\times U^{\hat{k}}\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*},\) where \(e_{i}^{ \hat{k}}\) is the \(\hat{k}\)-th unit vector in \(\Delta \). Otherwise, for some such \((a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })\), \(\alpha _{i}^{1}\) would be a convex combination of \(\alpha _{i}^{1n}\)’s such that for each n, \( (a^{1},c^{1},\alpha _{i}^{1n},\alpha _{-i}^{1})\ge _{i}^{*}(a^{\prime },c^{\prime },e_{i}^{\hat{k}},\alpha _{-i}^{\prime }).\) Defining \( z_{i}^{nj}:=\sum _{k=1}^{K}\alpha _{ik}^{1n}\delta _{i}^{kj},\) we have \( z_{i}^{nj}\in d_{i}(a^{1},\alpha _{i}^{1n},\alpha _{-i}^{1}).\) Hence, because \((a^{1},c^{1},\alpha _{i}^{1n},\alpha _{-i}^{1})\ge _{i}^{*}(a^{\prime },c^{\prime },e_{i}^{\hat{k}},\alpha _{-i}^{\prime }),\) there exists for each n and j\(\tilde{z}_{i}^{nj}\in d_{i}^{\hat{k} }(a^{\prime })\) such that \((z_{i}^{nj},a_{-i}^{1})\ge _{i}(\tilde{z} _{i}^{nj},a_{-i}^{\prime }).\) Let \(\tilde{z}_{i}\) denote a \(\tilde{z} _{i}^{nj}\) that makes \((\tilde{z}_{i}^{nj},a_{-i}^{\prime })\) the least desirable for i as n and j vary. Then, \(\tilde{z}_{i}\in d_{i}^{\hat{k} }(a^{\prime })\) and for every n and j, we have \((z_{i}^{nj},a_{-i}^{1}) \ge _{i}(\tilde{z}_{i},a_{-i}^{\prime }).\) But, because \(a_{i}^{1}\) is evidently a convex combination of the \(z_{i}^{nj}\) and because \((a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })\in (U^{\hat{k}}\times U^{\hat{k}}\times \Delta ^{I})\cap B_{I}^{*}\) implies \(a^{\prime }\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I},\) this contradicts (3) and so establishes (4).

Since \((a,c,\alpha )\in B_{I}^{*}\) was arbitrary, (4 ) holds in particular when \((a,c,\alpha )\in B_{I}^{*}\) is not a Nash equilibrium and so we have shown that \(G^{*}\) is point secure with respect to I. But (4) also shows that \(G^{*}\) has no Nash equilibrium since any Nash equilibrium \((a,c,\alpha )\) must be in \(B_{I}^{*}\) and so we may set \((a^{\prime },c^{\prime },\alpha ^{\prime })=(y,r,\beta )=(a,c,\alpha )\). This contradicts Theorem 3.4 and completes the proof. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 5.8

The proof follows that of Theorem 3.4. One need only replace (*) and the display immediately preceding (*) with their weak point-security counterparts. Then, at the end of the proof of Theorem 3.4, let V be the neighborhood of \(y^{*}\) defined by \(V=\cap _{j,k}W_{j}^{\hat{k}},\) where the intersection is over all jk such that \(\lambda _{j}^{k}(y^{*})>0.\) Continuing now as in the proof of Theorem 3.4, it is not difficult to see that for every player i and every \(y^{\prime }\in V\cap B_{I},\) there exists \( x^{i}\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I}\) s.t. \((y_{i}^{*},y_{-i}^{\prime })\ge _{i}(\hat{x}_{i}^{k},x_{-i}^{i}),\) contradicting the adjusted (*) because \(y^{*}\in U^{\hat{k}}\cap B_{I}.\) \(\square \)

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Reny, P.J. Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games. Econ Theory 61, 553–569 (2016).

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