2.1 Introduction

The nineteenth-century philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt described language as the infinite use of finite means, which is frequently quoted by many linguists such as Noam Chomsky, the father of modern linguistics. Apparently, the vocabulary in human language is a finite set of words that can be regarded as a kind of finite means. Words can be infinitely used as building blocks of phrases, sentences, and documents. As human beings start learning languages from words, machines need to understand each word first so as to master the sophisticated meanings of human languages. Hence, effective word representations are essential for natural language processing (NLP), and it is also a good start for introducing representation learning in NLP.

We can consider word representations as the knowledge of the semantic meanings of words. As discussed in Chap. 1, we can investigate word representations from two aspects, how knowledge is organized and where knowledge is from, i.e., the form and source of word representations.

The form of word representation can be divided into the symbolic representation (Sect. 2.2) and the distributed representation (Sect. 2.3), which respectively correspond to symbolism and connectionism mentioned in Chap. 1. Both forms represent words into vectors to facilitate computer processing. The essential difference between these two approaches lies in the meaning of each dimension. In symbolic word representation, each dimension has clear meanings, corresponding to concrete concepts such as words and topics. The symbolic representation form is straightforward to human understanding and has been adopted by linguists and old-fashioned AI (OFAI). However, it’s not optimal for computers due to high dimensionality and sparsity issues: computers need large storage for these high-dimensional representations, and computation is less meaningful because most entries of the representations are zeros. Fortunately, the distributed word representation overcomes these problems by representing words as low-dimensional and real-valued dense vectors. In distributed word representation, each dimension in isolation is meaningless because semantics is distributed over all dimensions of the vector. Distributed representations can be obtained by factorizing the matrices of symbolic representations or learned by gradient descent optimization from data. In addition to overcoming the aforementioned problems of symbolic representation, it handles emerging words easily and accurately.

The effectiveness of word representation is also determined by the source of word semantics. A word in most alphabetic languages, such as English, is usually a sequence of characters. The internal structure usually reflects its speech or sound but helps little in understanding word semantics, except for some informative prefixes and suffixes. By taking human languages as a typical and complicated symbolic system as structuralism suggests (Chap. 1), words obtain their semantics from their relationship to other words. Given a word, we can find its hypernyms, synonyms, hyponyms, and antonyms from a human-organized linguistic knowledge base (KB) like WordNet [52] to represent word semantics. By extending structuralism to the distributional hypothesis, i.e., you shall know a word by the company it keeps [24], we can build word representations from their rich context in large-scale text corpora. Since most linguistic knowledge graphs are usually annotated by linguists, they are convenient to be used by humans but difficult to comprehensively and immediately reflect the dynamics of human languages. Meanwhile, word representations obtained from large-scale text corpora can capture up-to-date semantics of words in the real world with few subjective biases.

We can summarize existing methods of word representation as a mix of the above two perspectives. In the era of statistical NLP, word representation follows the symbolic form, obtained either from a linguistic knowledge graph (Fig. 2.1a) or from large-scale text corpora (Fig. 2.1b), which will be introduced in Sect. 2.2.

Fig. 2.1
A table with two columns and two rows. Column headers include both symbolic and distributed representation and row entries include rationalism and empiricism sources. a, b, and c represent the symbolic representations as source, foundation, and distributed hypothesis, respectively.

The word representations can be divided according to their form of representation and source of the semantics: (a) shows the symbolic representations that use the knowledge base as the source, which is adopted by conventional linguistics; (b) shows the symbolic representations that adopt the distributional hypothesis as the foundation of the semantic source; (c) shows the distributed representation learned from large-scale corpora based on the distributional hypothesis, which is the mainstream of nowadays word representation learning

In the era of deep learning, distributed word representation follows the spirits of connectionism and empiricism. It learns powerful low-dimensional word vectors from large-scale text corpora and achieves ground-breaking performance on numerous tasks (Fig. 2.1c). In Sect. 2.3, we will present representative works of distributed word representation such as word2vec [48] and GloVe [57]. These methods typically assign a fixed vector for each word and learn from text corpora. To address those words with multiple meanings under different contexts, researchers further propose contextualized word representation to capture sophisticated word semantics dynamically. The idea also inspires subsequent pre-trained models, which will be introduced in Chap. 5.

Many efforts have been devoted to constructing more informative word representations by encoding more information, such as multilingual data, internal character information, morphology information, syntax information, document-level information, and linguistic knowledge, as introduced in Sect. 2.4. Moreover, it would be a bonus if some degree of interpretability is added to word representation, and we will also briefly describe improvements in interpretable word representation.

Word representation learning has been widely used in many applications in NLP and other areas. In NLP, word representations can be applied to word-level tasks such as word similarity and analogy and simple downstream tasks such as sentiment analysis. We note that, with the advancement of deep learning and pre-trained models, word representations are less used in isolation in NLP but more as building blocks of neural language models, as shown in Chaps. 3, 4, and 5. Meanwhile, word representations play indispensable roles in interdisciplinary fields such as computational social sciences for studying social bias and historical change.

2.2 Symbolic Word Representation

Since the ancient days of knotted strings, human ancestors have used symbols to record and share information. As time progressed, isolated symbols gradually merged to form a symbol system. This system is human language. In fact, human language is probably the most complex and systematic symbol system that humans have ever built. In human language, each word is a discrete symbol that contains a wealth of semantic meaning. Therefore, ancient linguists also regard each word as a discrete symbol.

This common practice can also apply to NLP in modern computer science. In this section, we introduce three traditional symbolic approaches to word representations, i.e., one-hot word representation, linguistic KB-based word representation, and corpus-based word representation.

2.2.1 One-Hot Word Representation

One-hot representation is the simplest way for symbol-based word representation, which can be formalized as follows. Given a finite set of word vocabulary V = {w(1), w(2), …, w(|V |)}, where |V | is the vocabulary size, one-hot representation represents an i-th word w(i) with a |V |-dimensional vector w(i), where only the i-th dimension has a value 1 while all other dimensions are 0. That is, each dimension \({\mathbf {w}}^{(i)}_j\) is defined as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{w}}^{(i)}_j = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } j=i, \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$

In essence, the one-hot word representation maps each word to an index of the vocabulary. However, it can only distinguish between different words and does not contain any syntactic or semantic information. For any two words, their one-hot vectors are orthogonal to each other. That is, the cosine similarity between cat and dog is the same as the similarity between cat and sun, which are both zeros.

Although we do not have much to talk about one-hot word representation itself, it is the foundation of bag-of-words models for document representations, which are widely used in information retrieval and text classification. Readers can refer to document representation learning methods in Chap. 4.

As mentioned, there is no internal semantic structure in the one-hot representation. To incorporate semantics in the representation, we will present two methods with different sources of semantics: linguistic KB and natural corpus.

2.2.2 Linguistic KB-based Word Representation

As we introduced in Chap. 1, rationalism regards the introspective reasoning process as the source of knowledge. Therefore, the researchers construct a complex word-to-word network by reflecting on the relationship between words. For example, human linguists manually annotate the synonyms and hypernymsFootnote 1 of each word. In the well-known linguistic knowledge base WordNet [52], the hypernyms and hyponyms of dog are annotated as Fig. 2.2. To represent a word, we can use the vector forms just like one-hot representation as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{w}}^{(i)}_j = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } (w^{(i)}, \mathtt{has\_hypernym} , w^{(j)}), \\ -1 & \text{if } (w^{(i)}, \mathtt{has\_hyponym} , w^{(j)}), \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$
Fig. 2.2
A wordnet explains the hypernyms and hyponyms of dog. Beginning with domestic underscore animal dot n dot 01 divides into dog dot n dot 01 and domestic underscore cat dot n dot 01. Dog dot n dot 01 divides into corgi dot n dot 01 and puppy dot n dot 01.

Hypernyms and hyponyms of dog in WordNet [52]. The dog.n.01 denotes the first synset of dog used as a noun

But it is clear that this representation has limited expressive power, where the similarity of two words without common hypernyms and hyponyms is 0. It would be better to directly adopt the original graph form, where the similarity between the two words can be derived using metrics on the graph. For synonym networks, we can calculate the distance between two words on the network as their semantic similarity (i.e., the shortest path length between the two words). Hierarchical information can be utilized to better measure the similarity for hypernym-hyponym networks. For example, the information content (IC) approach [61] is proposed to calculate the similarity based on the assumption that the lower the frequency of the closest hypernym of two words is, the closer the two words are.

Formally, we define the similarity \(\operatorname {s}\) as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \operatorname{s}(w_1, w_2) = \operatorname{max}_{w\in C(w_1, w_2)}[-\operatorname{log} P(w)], \end{aligned} $$

where C(w1, w2) is the common hypernym set of w1 and w2 and P(w) is the probability of word w’s appearance in the corpus.Footnote 2 Intuitively, P(w) is the generality of the word w. It indicates that if all common hypernyms of w1 and w2 are very general, then \(\operatorname {s}(w_1, w_2)\) will be very small. But if some hypernyms of w1 and w2 are specific, \(\operatorname {s}(w_1, w_2)\) will have a higher score, which indicates that these two words are closely related to each other. A vivid example is shown in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3
A wordnet starts with the person dot n dot 01 divides into adult dot n dot 01 and intellectual dot n dot 01. Adult dot n dot 01 divides into health underscore professional dot n dot 01, and ends with doctor dot n dot 01 and nurse dot n dot 01.

doctor.n.01 and nurse.n.01 share a rare ancestor health_professional.n.01, their similarity is large. But the closest common ancestor of doctor.n.02 and nurse.n.01 is people.n.01, which is common. Therefore the similarity between them is small

2.2.3 Corpus-based Word Representation

The process of constructing a linguistic KB is labor-intensive. In contrast, it is much easier to collect a corpus. This motivation is also supported by empiricism, which emphasizes knowledge from naturally produced data.

The correctness of automatically derived representations from a corpus relies on the linguistic hypothesis behind them. We start with the bag-of-words hypothesis. To illustrate this hypothesis, we temporarily shift our attention to document representation. This hypothesis states that we can ignore the order of words in a document and simply treat the document as a bag (i.e., a multisetFootnote 3) of words. Then the frequencies of the words in the bag can reflect the content of the document [66]. In this way, a document is represented by a row vector in which each element indicates the presence or frequency of a word in the document. For example, the value of the entry corresponding to word cat being 3 means that cat occurs three times in the document, and an entry corresponding to a word being 0 means that the word is not in the document [67]. In this way, we have automatically constructed a representation of the document.

How does this inspire us to construct the word representations of greater interest in this chapter? In fact, as we stack the row vectors of each document to form a document (row)-word (column) matrix, we can shift our attention from rows to columns [17]. Each column now represents the occurrence of a word in a stack of documents. Intuitively, if the words rat and cat tend to occur in the same documents, their statistics in the columns will be similar.

In the above approach, a document can be considered as the context of a word. Actually, more flexibility can be added in defining the context of a word to obtain other kinds of representations. For example, we can define a fixed-size window centered on a word and use the words inside the window as the context of that word. This corresponds to the well-known distributional hypothesis that the meaning of a word is described by its companions [24]. Then we count the words that appear in a word’s neighborhood and use a dictionary as a word representation, where each key is a context word whose value is the frequency of the occurrence of that context word within a certain distance.

To further extend the context of a word, several works propose to include dependency links [56] or links induced by argument positions [21]. Interested readers can refer to a summary of various contexts used for corpus-based distributional representations [65].

In summary, in symbolic representations, each entry of the representation has a clear and interpretable meaning. The clear interpretable meaning can correspond to a specific word, synset, or term, and that is why we call it “symbolic representation.”

2.3 Distributed Word Representation

Although simple and interpretable, symbolic representations are not the best choice for computation. For example, the very sparse nature of the symbolic representation makes it difficult to compute word-to-word similarities. Methods like information content [61] cannot naturally generalize to other symbolic representations.

The difficulty of symbolic representation is solved by the distributed representation.Footnote 4 Distributed representation represents a subject (here is a word) as a fixed-length real-valued vector, where no clear meaning is assigned to every single dimension of the vector. More specifically, semantics is scattered over all (or a large portion) of the dimensions of the representation, and one dimension contributes to the semantics of all (or a large proportion) of the words.

We must emphasize that the “distributed representation” is completely different from and orthogonal to the “distributional representation” (induced by “distributional hypothesis”). Distributed representation describes the form of a representation, while distributional hypothesis (representation) describes the source of semantics.

2.3.1 Preliminary: Interpreting the Representation

Although each dimension is uninterpretable in distributed representation, we still want ways to interpret the meaning conveyed by the representation approximately. We introduce two basic computational methods to understand distributed word representation: similarity and dimension reduction.

Suppose the representations of two words are u = [u1, …, ud] and v = [v1, …, vd],Footnote 5 we can calculate the similarity or perform dimension reduction as follows.


The Euclidean distance is the L2-norm of the difference vector of u and v.

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} d_{\text{Euclidean}}(\mathbf{u},\mathbf{v}) = \Vert \mathbf{u} - \mathbf{v}\Vert_2 = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^d |u_i - v_i|{}^2}. \end{aligned} $$

Then the Euclidean similarity can be defined as the inverse of distance, i.e.,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} s_{\text{Euclidean}}(\mathbf{u},\mathbf{v}) = 1\big /\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^d |u_i - v_i|{}^2}. \end{aligned} $$

Cosine similarity is also common. It measures the similarity by the angle between the two vectors:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} s_{\text{cosine}}(\mathbf{u},\mathbf{v}) = \frac{\mathbf{u}\cdot \mathbf{v}}{\Vert \mathbf{u}\Vert_2 \Vert \mathbf{v}\Vert_2}. \end{aligned} $$

Dimension Reduction

Distributed representations, though being lower dimensional than symbolic representations, still exist in manifolds higher than three dimensions. To visualize them, we need to reduce the dimension of the vector to 2 or 3. Many methods have been proposed for this purpose. We will briefly introduce principal component analysis (PCA).

PCA transforms the vectors into a set of new coordinates using an orthogonal linear transformation. In the new coordinate system, an axis is pointed in the direction which explains the data’s most variance while being orthogonal to all other axes. Under this construction, the later constructed axes explain less variance and therefore are less important to fit the data. Then we can use only the first two to three axes as the principal components and omit the later axes. A case of PCA on two-dimensional data is in Fig. 2.4. Formally, denoting the new axes by a set of unit row vectors {dj|j = 1, …, k}, where k is the number of unit row vectors. An original vector u of the sample u can be represented in the new coordinates by

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{u} = \sum_{j=1}^k a_j{\mathbf{d}}_j \approx \sum_{j=1}^r a_j{\mathbf{d}}_j, {} \end{aligned} $$

where aj is the weight of the vector dj for representing u, and a = [a1, …, ar] forms the new vector representation of u. In practice, we only set r = 2 or 3 for visualization.

Fig. 2.4
A graphical representation illustrates the largest to smallest variance of the axes. The small arrow pointing to the left denotes the second principal component, while the large arrow pointing to the right denotes the first principal component.

The PCA specifies new axis directions (called principal components), and the axes are ordered from largest to smallest variance in their directions so that keeping the coordinates on the first few axes retains most of the distribution information

The set of new coordinates {dj|j = 1, …, k} can be computed by eigendecomposition of the covariance matrix or using singular value decomposition (SVD). Then we introduce SVD-based PCA and present its resemblance to latent semantic analysis (LSA) in the next subsection. In SVD, a real-valued matrix can be decomposed into

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{U} = \mathbf{W} \varSigma \mathbf{D}, \end{aligned} $$

such that Σ is a diagonal matrix of positive real numbers, i.e., the singular values, and W and D are singular matrices formed by orthogonal vectors. For a data sample (e.g., i-th row in U):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{U}}_{i,:} = \sum_{j=1}^{k} {\sigma_j} {\mathbf{W}}_{i,j} {\mathbf{D}}_{j,:}\ . \end{aligned} $$

Thus in Eq. (2.7), aj = σjWi,j and dj = Dj,:.

Although widely adopted in high-dimensional data visualization, PCA is unable to visualize representations that form nonlinear manifolds. Other dimensionality reduction methods, such as t-SNE [73], can solve this problem.

2.3.2 Matrix Factorization-based Word Representation

Distributed representations can be transformed from symbolic representations by matrix factorization or neural networks. In this subsection, we introduce the matrix factorization-based methods. We introduce latent semantic analysis (LSA), its probabilistic version PLSA, and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) as the representative approaches. Readers who are only interested in neural networks can jump to the next section to continue reading.

Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)

LSA [17] utilizes singular value decomposition (SVD) to perform the transformation from matrices of symbolic representations. Suppose we have a word-document matrix \(\mathbf {M}\in \mathbb {R}^{n\times d}\), where n is the number of words and d is the number of documents. By linear algebra, it can be uniquelyFootnote 6 decomposed into the multiplication of three matrices \(\mathbf {W}\in \mathbb {R}^{n\times n}\), \(\varSigma \in \mathbb {R}^{n\times d}\), and \(\mathbf {D}\in \mathbb {R}^{d\times d}\):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{W} \varSigma {\mathbf{D}}^\top, \end{aligned} $$

such that Σ is a diagonal matrix of positive real numbers, i.e., the singular values, and columns of W, D are left-singular vectors and right-singular vectors, respectively.Footnote 7

Now let’s try to interpret the two orthogonal matrices. The i-th row of the matrix M that represents the i-th word’s symbolic representation (denoted by Mi,:) is decomposed into:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{M}}_{i,:} = {\mathbf{W}}_{i,:} \varSigma {\mathbf{D}}^\top. {} \end{aligned} $$

From Eq. (2.11), we can see only the i-th row of W contributes to the i-th word’s symbolic representation. More importantly, since D is an orthogonal matrix, the similarity between words wi and wj is given by:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{M}}_{i,:}{\mathbf{M}}_{j,:}^\top = {\mathbf{W}}_{i,:} \varSigma^2 {\mathbf{W}}_{j,:}^\top\ . \end{aligned} $$

Thus we can take Wi,:Σ as the distributed representation for word wi. Note that taking Wi,:Σ or Wi,: as the distributed representation is both ok because Wi,:Σ is Wi,: stretched along each axis j with ratio Σj,j, and the relative positions of points in the two spaces are similar.

Suppose we arrange the eigenvalues in descending order. In that case, the largest K singular values (and their singular vectors) contribute the most to matrix M. Thus we only use them to approximate M. Now Eq. (2.11) becomes:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{M}}_{i,:} \approx {\mathbf{W}}_{i,:K} \odot [\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \ldots,\sigma_K]{\mathbf{D}}_{:,:K}^\top, \end{aligned} $$

where ⊙ is the element-wise multiplication and σi is the i-th diagonal element of Σ.

To sum up, in LSA, we perform SVD to the counting statistics to get the distributed representation Wi,:K. Usually, with a much smaller K, the approximation can be sufficiently good, which means the semantics in the high-dimensional symbolic representation are now compressed and distributed into a much lower-dimensional real-valued vector. LSA has been widely used to improve the recall of query-based document ranking in information retrieval since it supports ambiguous semantic matching.

One challenge of LSA comes from the computational cost. A full SVD on an n × d matrix requires \(\mathcal {O}(\min \{n^2d, nd^2\})\) time, and the parallelization of SVD is not trivial. A solution is random indexing [36, 64] that overcomes the computational difficulties of SVD-based LSA and avoids expensive preprocessing of a huge word-document matrix. In random indexing, each document is assigned a randomly-generated high-dimensional sparse ternary vector (named as index vector). Note that random vectors in high-dimensional space should be (nearly) orthogonal, analogous to the orthogonal matrix D in SVD-based LSA. For each word in a document, we add the document’s index vector to the word’s vector. After passing the whole text corpora, we can get accumulated word vectors. Random indexing is simple to parallelize and implement, and its performance is comparable to the SVD-based LSA [64].

Probabilistic LSA (PLSA)

LSA further evolves into PLSA [34]. To understand PLSA based on LSA, we can treat the Wi,:K as a distribution over latent factors {zk|k = 1, …, K}, where

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{W}}_{i, k} = P(w_i|z_k), \quad k = 1,\ldots,K. \end{aligned} $$

We can understand these factors as “topics” as we will assign meanings to them later. Similarly, Di,:K can also be regarded as a distribution, where

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{D}}_{j, k} = P(d_j|z_k), \quad k = 1,\ldots,K. \end{aligned} $$

And the {σk|k = 1, …, K} are the prior probabilities of factors zk, i.e., P(zk) = σk. Thus, the word-document matrix becomes a joint probability of word wj and document dj:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{M}}_{i,j} = P(w_i, d_j) = \sum_{k=1}^{K} P(w_i|z_k)P(z_k)P(d_j|z_k). \end{aligned} $$

With the help of Bayes’ theorem and Eq. (2.16), we can compute the conditional probability of wi given a document dj is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_i|d_j) = \frac{P(w_i, d_j)}{P(d_j)} = \sum_{k=1}^{K} P(w_i|z_k)\frac{P(d_j|z_k)P(z_k)}{P(d_j)}= \sum_{k=1}^{K} P(w_i|z_k)P(z_k|d_j). \end{aligned} $$

Now we can see a generative process is defined from Eq. (2.17). To generate a word in the document dj, we first sample a latent factor zk from P(zk|dj) and then sample a word wi from the conditional probability P(wi|zk). The process is represented in Fig. 2.5.

Fig. 2.5
Two diagrams of the P L S A model and the L D A model are on the left and right, respectively. The word N stands for the documents, and the large rectangle block stands for the number of documents. Left. d block directs to z and w of the N block. Right. Alpha points to theta, z, and w of the N block.

The generative process of words in documents in the PLSA model (left) and LDA model (right). N is the number of words in a document, M is the number of documents, and K is the number of topics. w is the only observed variable, and we need to estimate the other white variables based on the observation. The figure is redrawn according to the Wikipedia entry “Latent Dirichlet allocation”

Note that to make Eq. (2.14)∼Eq. (2.17) rigorous, the elements of W, Σ, D have to be nonnegative. To do optimization under such probabilistic constraints, a different loss from SVD is used [34]:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L} = - \sum_{j}\sum_{i} {\mathbf{M}}_{i,j} \operatorname{log} P(w_i,d_j). \end{aligned} $$

The following works prove that optimizing the above objective is the same as nonnegative matrix factorization [20, 38]. We omit the mathematical details here.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

PLSA is further developed into latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [10], a popular topic model that is widely used in document retrieval. LDA adds hierarchical Bayesian priors to the generative process defined by Eq. (2.14). The generative process for words in document j becomes:

  1. 1.

    Choose \(\boldsymbol {\theta }_j \in \mathbb {R}^{K}\sim \operatorname {Dir}(\boldsymbol {\alpha })\), where \(\operatorname {Dir}(\boldsymbol {\alpha })\) is a Dirichlet distribution (typically each dimension of α <1), where K is the number of topics. This is the probability distribution of topics in the document dj.

  2. 2.

    Choose \(\boldsymbol {\phi }_z\in \mathbb {R}^{|V|}\sim \operatorname {Dir}(\boldsymbol {\beta })\) for each topic z, where |V | is the size of the vocabulary. Typically each dimension of β is less than 1. This is the probability distribution of words produced by topic z.

  3. 3.

    For each word wi in the document dj:

    1. a.

      Choose a topic \(z_{i,j}\sim \operatorname {Multinomial}(\boldsymbol {\theta }_j)\).

    2. b.

      Choose a word from \(w_{i,j} = P(w_j|d_j) \sim \operatorname {Multinomial}(\boldsymbol {\phi }_{z_{i,j}})\).

The generative process in LDA is in Fig. 2.5 (right). We will not dive into the mathematical details of LDA.

We would like to emphasize two points about LDA: (1) the hyper-parameter α, β in Dirichlet prior is typically set to be less than 1, resulting in a “sparse prior”, i.e., most dimensions of the sampled θ and ϕ are close to zero, and the mass of the distribution will be concentrated in a few values. This is consistent with our common sense that a document will always have only a few topics and that a topic will only produce a small number of words. Moreover, the total number of topics K is pre-defined as a relatively small integer. The sparsity and interpretability make LDA essentially a kind of symbolic representation, and LDA can be seen as a bridge between distributed representations and symbolic representations. (2) Although PLSA and LDA are more often used in document retrieval, the distribution of a word over different topics (latent factors) P(w|zi) can be used as an effective word representation, i.e., w = [P(w|z1), …, P(w|zK)].

However, the information source, i.e., counting matrix M, of matrix factorization-based methods is still based on the bag-of-words hypothesis. These methods lose the word order information in the documents, so their expressiveness capability remains limited. Therefore, these classical methods are less often used when neural network-based methods that can model word order information emerge.

2.3.3 Word2vec and GloVe

The neural networks, revived in the 2010s, are similar to the neurons of the human brain, where the neurons inside a neural network perform distributed computation. One neuron is responsible for the computation of multiple pieces of information, and one input activates multiple neurons at the same time. This property coincides with distributed representation. Hence, distributed representation plays a dominant role in the era of neural networks. Moreover, neural models are optimized on large-scale data. The data dependency makes the distributional hypothesis particularly important in optimizing such distributed representations. In the following section, we first present word2vec [48], a milestone work of distributional distributed word representation using neural approaches. After that, we introduce GloVe [57] that improves word2vec with a global word-occurrence matrix.


Word2vec adopts the distributional hypothesis but does not take a count-based approach. It directly uses gradient descent to optimize the representation of a word toward its neighbors’ representations. Word2vec has two specifications, namely, continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) and skip-gram. The difference is that CBOW predicts a center word based on multiple context words, while skip-gram predicts multiple context words based on the center word.

CBOW predicts the center word given a window of context. Figure 2.6 shows the idea of CBOW with a window of five words.

Fig. 2.6
An architecture of the C B O W model begins with four input blocks. W. Each block is linked to the average or concatenate, which has four nodes. It then concludes with w sub i.

The architecture of the CBOW model. (The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 1 from Mikolov et al. [49])

Formally, CBOW predicts wi according to its contexts as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_i| w_{i-l}, \ldots, w_{i-1}, w_{i+1}, \ldots, w_{i+l}) = \operatorname{Softmax}\big( \mathbf{W} (\sum_{i-l\leq j\leq i+l, j \neq i} {\mathbf{w}}_j^\top) \big), \end{aligned} $$

where P(wi|wil, …, wi−1, wi+1, …, wi+l) is the probability of word wi given its contexts, 2l + 1 is the size of training contexts, wj is the word vector of word wj, W is the weight matrix in \(\mathbb {R}^{|{V}|\times m}\), V  indicates the vocabulary, and m is the dimension of the word vector.

The CBOW model is optimized by minimizing the sum of the negative log probabilities:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=-\sum_i \log P(w_i|w_{i-l}, \ldots, w_{i-1}, w_{i+1}, \ldots, w_{i+l}). \end{aligned} $$

Here, the window size l is a hyper-parameter to be tuned. A larger window size may lead to higher accuracy as well as longer training time.

Contrary to CBOW, skip-gram predicts the context given the center word. Figure 2.7 shows the model.

Fig. 2.7
An architecture of skip-gram model. It starts with w sub i, W, and is connected to the block with four nodes. It then ends with W sub i minus 2, W sub i minus 1, W sub i plus 1, and W sub i plus 2.

The architecture of the skip-gram model. (The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 1 from Mikolov et al. [49])

Formally, given a word wi, skip-gram predicts its context as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_j|w_i) = \text{Softmax}(\mathbf{W}{\mathbf{w}}_i^\top),\quad \text{where}\quad i-l\leq j\leq i+l, j \neq i,\end{aligned} $$

where P(wj|wi) is the probability of context word wj given wi and W is the weight matrix. The loss function is similar to CBOW but needs to sum over multiple context words:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=-\sum_i \sum_{i-l\leq j\leq i+l, j \neq i} P(w_j|w_i).\end{aligned} $$

In the early stages of the deep learning renaissance, computational resources are still limited, and it is time-consuming to optimize the above objectives directly. The most time-consuming part is the softmax layer since the softmax layer uses the scores of predicting all words in the vocabulary V  in the denominator:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_j|w_i) = \operatorname{Softmax}(\mathbf{W}{\mathbf{w}}^\top_i) = \frac{\operatorname{exp}({\mathbf{W}}_{j,:}{\mathbf{w}}^\top_i)}{\sum_{j, w_j\in V}\operatorname{exp}({\mathbf{W}}_{j,:}{\mathbf{w}}^\top_i)}.\end{aligned} $$

An intuitive idea to improve efficiency is obtaining a reasonable but faster approximation of the softmax score. Here, we present two typical approximation methods, including hierarchical softmax and negative sampling. We explain these two methods using CBOW as an example.

The idea of hierarchical softmax is to build hierarchical classes for all words and to estimate the probability of a word by estimating the conditional probability of its corresponding hierarchical classes. Figure 2.8 gives an example. Each internal node of the tree indicates a hierarchical class and has a feature vector, while each leaf node of the tree indicates a word. The conditional probabilities, e.g., p0 and p1 in Fig. 2.8, of two child nodes are computed by the feature vector of each node and the context vector. For example,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} p_0&=\frac{\exp ({\mathbf{w}}_0 {\mathbf{w}}^\top_c)}{\exp({\mathbf{w}}_0 {\mathbf{w}}^\top_c)+\exp({\mathbf{w}}_1 {\mathbf{w}}^\top_c)}, \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} p_1&=1-p_0, \end{aligned} $$

where wc is the context vector, w0 and w1 are the feature vectors.

Fig. 2.8
An illustration of the hierarchical SoftMax starts with the node that divides into leaf nodes. They are the is and the words. Then it separates into dog and cat.

An illustration of hierarchical softmax

Then, the probability of a word can be obtained by multiplying the probabilities of all nodes on the path from the root node to the corresponding leaf node. For example, the probability of the word the is p0 × p01, while the probability of cat is p0 × p00 × p001.

The tree of hierarchical classes is generated according to the word frequencies, which is called the Huffman tree. Through this approximation, the computational complexity of the probability of each word is \(\mathcal {O}(\log |V|)\).

Negative sampling is a more straightforward technique. It directly samples k words as negative samples according to the word frequency. Then, it computes a softmax over the k + 1 words (1 for the positive sample, i.e., the target word) to approximate the conditional probability of the target word.


The word2vec and matrix factorization-based methods have complementary advantages and disadvantages. In terms of learning efficiency and scalability, word2vec is superior because word2vec uses an online learning (or batch learning paradigm in deep learning) approach and is able to learn over large corpora. However, considering the preciseness of distribution modeling, the matrix factorization-based methods can exploit global co-occurrence information by building a global co-occurrence matrix. In comparison, word2vec is a local window-based method that cannot see the frequency of word pairs in a global corpus in a single optimization step. Therefore, GloVe [57] is proposed to combine the advantages of word2vec and matrix factorization-based methods.

To learn from global count statistics, GloVe firstly builds a co-occurrence matrix M over the entire corpus but does not directly factorize it. Instead, it takes each entry in the co-occurrence matrix Mij and optimizes the following target:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=\sum_{i,j=1}^{|V|} f({\mathbf{M}}_{ij})d({\mathbf{w}}_i,{\mathbf{w}}_j,{\mathbf{M}}_{ij}). {} \end{aligned} $$

The d(wi, wj, Mij) is a metric that compares the distributed representations of word wi and wj with the ground-truth statistics Mij. f(Mij) is a weight term measuring the importance of the word pair wi, wj. Specifically, GloVe adopts the following form as the metric d:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} d({\mathbf{w}}_i,{\mathbf{w}}_j, {\mathbf{M}}_{ij}) = ({\mathbf{w}}_i {\mathbf{w}}^\top_j+b_i+{b}_j - \log {\mathbf{M}}_{ij})^2, \end{aligned} $$

where bi and bj are bias terms for word wi and wj. Interested readers can read the original paper [57] for the derivation details.

For the weight term f(Mij), most previous approaches set the weight of all word pairs to 1. However, common word pairs may have too weak semantics, so we should lower their weights and increase the weights of rare word pairs slightly. Thus, GloVe observes that it should satisfy three constraints:

  • f(0) = 0 and \(\operatorname {lim}_{x\rightarrow 0}f(x)\log ^2x\) is finite.

  • A nondecreasing function.

  • Truncated for large values of x to avoid overfitting to common words (stop words).

A possible choice is the following, where α is taken as \(\frac {3}{4}\) in the original GloVe paper:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} f(x)= \begin{cases} (x/x_{\text{max}})^\alpha, & \text{if } x<x_{\text{max}},\\ 1, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$

In summary, GloVe uses weighted squared loss to optimize the representation of words based on the elements in the global co-occurrence matrix. Compared with word2vec, it captures global statistics. Compared with matrix factorization, it (1) reasonably reduces the weights of the most frequent words at the level of matrix entries, (2) reduces the noise caused by non-discriminative word pairs by implicitly optimizing the ratio of co-occurrence frequencies, and (3) enables fitting on large corpus by iterative optimization. Since the number of nonzero elements of the co-occurrence matrix is much smaller than |V |2, the efficiency of GloVe is ensured in practice.

Word2vec as Implicit Matrix Factorization

It seems so far that the neural network-based methods like word2vec and matrix factorization-based methods are two distinct paradigms for deriving distributed representation. But in fact, they have close theoretical connections. Omer et al. [41] prove that word2vec is factorizing pointwise mutual information matrix (\(\operatorname {PMI}\)), where

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\operatorname{PMI}}_{i,j} = \operatorname{log}\frac{P(w_i, w_j)}{P(w_i)P(w_j)}. \end{aligned} $$

Omer et al. [41] then compare the performance of factoring the PMI matrix using SVD and skip-gram with the negative sampling (SGNS) model. SVD achieves a significantly better objective value when the embedding size is smaller than 500 dimensions and the number of negative samples is 1. With more negative samples and higher embedding dimensions, SGNS gets a better objective value. For downstream tasks, under several conditions, SVD achieves slightly better performance on word analogy and word similarity. In contrast, skip-gram with negative sampling achieves better performance by 2% on syntactical analogy.

2.3.4 Contextualized Word Representation

In natural language, the semantic meaning of an individual word can usually be different with respect to its context in a sentence. For example, in the two sentences: “willows lined the bank of the stream.”, “a bank account.”,Footnote 8 although the word bank is always the same, their meanings are different. This phenomenon is prevalent in any language. However, most of the traditional word embeddings (CBOW, skip-gram, GloVe, etc.) cannot well understand the different nuances of the meanings of words in the different surrounding texts. The reason is that these models only learn a unique and specific representation for each word. Therefore these models cannot capture how the meanings of words change based on their surrounding contexts.

Matthew et al. [58] propose ELMo to address this issue, whose word representation is a function of the whole input. More specifically, rather than having a look-up table of word embedding matrix, ELMo converts words into low-dimensional vectors on-the-fly by feeding the word and its context into a deep neural network. ELMo utilizes a bidirectional language model to conduct word representation. Formally, given a sequence of N words (w1, …, wN), a forward language model (LM)Footnote 9 models the probability of the sequence by predicting the probability of each word wk according to the historical context:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_N) = \prod_{k=1}^N P({w_k} \mid w_1, \ldots, w_{k-1}). \end{aligned} $$

The forward LM in ELMo is a multilayer long short-term memory (LSTM) network [33], which is a kind of widely used neural network for modeling sequential data, and the j-th layer of the LSTM-based forward LM will generate the context-dependent word representation \(\overrightarrow {\mathbf {h}}^{\text{LM}}_{k,j}\) for the word wk. The backward LM is similar to the forward LM. The only difference is that it reverses the input word sequence to (wN, wN−1, …, w1) and predicts each word according to the future context:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_N) = \prod_{k=1}^N P(w_k \mid w_{k+1}, \ldots, w_N). \end{aligned} $$

Similar to the forward LM, the j-th backward LM layer generates the representations \(\overleftarrow {\mathbf {h}}^{\text{LM}}_{k,j}\) for the word wk.

When used in a downstream task, ELMo combines all layer representations of the bidirectional LM into a single vector as the contextualized word representation. The way to do the combination is flexible. For example, the final representation can be the weighting of all bidirectional LM layer’s hidden representation, and the weights are task-specific:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{w}}_k = \alpha^{\text{task}} \sum_{j=0}^L s^{\text{task}}_j {\mathbf{h}}^{\text{LM}}_{k,j}, \end{aligned} $$

where \({\mathbf {s}}^{\text{task}} = [{s}^{\text{task}}_1, \ldots , {s}^{\text{task}}_L]\) are softmax-normalized weights and αtask allows the task to scale the whole representation, and \({\mathbf {h}}^{\text{LM}}_{k,j} = \operatorname {concat}(\overrightarrow {\mathbf {h}}^{\text{LM}}_{k,j}; \overleftarrow {\mathbf {h}}^{\text{LM}}_{k,j})\).

Due to the superiority of contextualized representations, a group of works led by ELMo [58], BERT [19], and GPT [59] has started to emerge since 2017, eventually leading to a unified paradigm of pre-training-fine-tuning across NLP. Please refer to Chap. 5 for further reading.

2.4 Advanced Topics

In the previous section, we introduced the basic models of word representation learning. These studies promoted more work on pursuing better word representations. In this section, we introduce the improvement from different aspects. Before we dive into the specific methods, let’s first discuss the essential features of a good word representation.

Informative Word Representation

A key point where representation learning differs from traditional prediction tasks is that when we construct representations, we do not know what information is needed for downstream tasks. Therefore, we should compress as much information as possible into the representation to facilitate various downstream tasks. From the development of one-hot representations to distributional and contextualized representations, the information in the representations is indeed increasing. And we still expect to incorporate more information into the representations.

Interpretable Word Representation

For distributed representations, a single dimension is not responsible for explaining the factors of semantic change, and the semantics is entangled in multiple dimensions. As a result, distributed representations are difficult to interpret. As Bengio et al. [9] pointed out, a good distributed representation should “disentangle the factors of variation.” There is always a desire for an interpretable distributed representation. Although PLSA and LDA have already increased interpretability, we would like to see more developments in this direction.

In this section, we will introduce the efforts that enhance the distributed word representations in terms of the above criteria.

2.4.1 Informative Word Representation

To make the representations informative, we can learn word representations from universal training data, including multilingual corpus. Another key direction for being informative is incorporating as much additional information into the representation as possible. From small to large information granularity, we can utilize character, morphological, syntactic, document, and knowledge base information. We will describe the related work in detail.

Multilingual Word Representation

There are thousands of languages in the world. Making the vector space applicable for multiple languages not only improves the performance of word representation in low-resource languages but also can absorb information from the corpora of multiple languages. The bilingual word embedding model [78] proposes to make use of the word alignment pairs available in machine translation. It maps the embeddings of the source language to the embeddings of the target language and vice versa.

Specifically, a set of source words’ representations that are trained on monolingual source language corpus is used to initialize the words in the target language:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{w}}_{\text{t-init}}=\sum_{s=1}^{S}\frac{N_{ts} +1}{N_{t}+S}{\mathbf{w}}_{s}, \end{aligned} $$

where ws is the trained embeddings of the source word and wt-init is the initial embedding of the target word, respectively. Nts is the number of times that the target word t is aligned with the source word s. Nt is the total times of word t in the target corpus. The add-on terms + 1 and + S are the Laplace smoothing. S is the number of source words. Intuitively, the initialization of target word embedding is the weighted average of the aligned words in the source corpus, which ensure the two sets of embeddings are in the same space initially.

Then the source and target representation is optimized on their unlabeled corpora with target \(\mathcal {L}_{s}\) and \(\mathcal {L}_{t}\), respectively. To improve the alignment during training, alignment matrices \({\mathbf {N}}_{t\rightarrow s}\) and \({\mathbf {N}}_{s\rightarrow t}\) are used, where each element Nij denotes the count of a word wi is aligned with source word wj normalized across all source words. Then a translation equivalence objective is used:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{s\rightarrow t}&=\Vert {\mathbf{w}}_{t}-{\mathbf{N}}_{t\rightarrow s}{\mathbf{w}}_{s}\Vert^2_2, \\ \mathcal{L}_{t\rightarrow s}&=\Vert {\mathbf{w}}_{s}-{\mathbf{N}}_{s\rightarrow t}{\mathbf{w}}_{t}\Vert^2_2. \end{aligned} $$

Thus the unified objective becomes \(\mathcal {L}_s + \lambda _1 \mathcal {L}_{t\rightarrow s} \mathcal {L}_t + \lambda _2 \mathcal {L}_{s\rightarrow t}\) for source words and target words, respectively, where λ1 and λ2 are the coefficients to weight the different sub-objectives.

However, this model performs poorly when the seed lexicon is small. Some works introduce virtual alignment between languages to tackle this limitation. Let’s take Zhang et al. [77] as an example. In addition to monolingual word embedding learning and bilingual word embedding alignment based on seed lexicon, this work proposes an integer latent variable vector \(\mathbf {m}\in \mathbb {N}^{V^T}\) (VT is the size of target vocabulary, and \(\mathbb {N}\) is the set of natural numbers) representing which source word is linked by a target word wt. So mt ∈{0, 1, …, VS}. m is randomly initialized and then optimized through an expectation-maximization algorithm [18] together with the word representations. In the E-step, the algorithm fixes the current word representation and finds the best matching m that can align the source and target representations. And in the M-step, it treats the mapping as fixed and known, just like Zou et al. [78], and optimizes the source and target word representations.

Character-Enhanced Word Representation

Many languages, such as Chinese and Japanese, have thousands of characters compared to other languages containing only dozens of characters. And the words in Chinese and Japanese are composed of several characters. Characters in these languages have richer semantic information. Hence, the meaning of a word can be learned not only from its context but also from the composition of characters. This intuitive idea drives Chen et al. [14] to propose a joint learning model for character and word embeddings (CWE). In CWE, a word representation w is a composition of the original word embedding w0 trained on corpus and its character embeddings ci. Formally,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{w} = {\mathbf{w}}_0+\frac{1}{|w|}\sum_i {\mathbf{c}}_i, \end{aligned} $$

where |w| is the number of characters in the word. Note that this model can be integrated with various models such as skip-gram, CBOW, and GloVe.

Further, position-based and cluster-based methods are proposed to address the issue that characters are highly ambiguous. In the position-based approach, each character is assigned three vectors that appear in begin, middle, and end of a word, respectively. Since the meaning of a character varies when it appears in the different positions of a word, this method can significantly resolve the ambiguity problem. However, characters that appear in the same position may also have different meanings. In the cluster-based method, a character is assigned K different vectors for its different meanings, in which a word’s context is used to determine which vector to be used for the characters in this word.

Introducing character embeddings can significantly improve the representation of low-frequency words. Besides, this method can deal with new words while other methods fail. Experiments show that the joint learning method can perform better on both word similarity and analogy tasks.

Morphology-Enhanced Word Representation

Many languages, such as English, have rich morphological information and plenty of rare words. However, most word representation models ignore the rich morphology information. This is a limitation because a word’s affixes can help infer a word’s meaning. Moreover, in traditional models, word representation is independent of each other. So when facing rare words without enough context to learn the representations, the representations tend to be inaccurate.

Fortunately, in morphology-enhanced word representation, morphologies’ representation can enrich word embeddings and are shared among words to assist the representation of rare words. Piotr et al. [11] propose to represent a word as a bag of morphology n-grams. This model substitutes word vectors in skip-gram with the sum of morphology n-gram vectors. When creating the dictionary of morphology n-grams, they select all morphology n-grams with a length greater or equal to 3 and smaller or equal to 6. To distinguish prefixes and suffixes from other affixes, they also add special characters to indicate the beginning and the end of a word. This model is efficient and straightforward, which achieves good performance on word similarity and word analogy tasks, especially when the training set is small. Ling et al. [44] further use a bidirectional LSTM to generate word representation by composing morphologies. This model significantly reduces the number of parameters since only the morphology representations and the weights of LSTM need to be stored.

Syntax-Enhanced Word Representation

Continuous word embeddings should combine the semantic and syntactic information of words. However, existing word representation models depend solely on linear contexts and have more semantic information than syntactic information. To inject the embeddings with more syntactic information, the dependency-based word embedding [40] uses the dependency-based context. Dependency-based representation contains less topical information than the original skip-gram representation and shows more functional similarity. It considers the dependency parsing tree’s information when learning word representations. The contexts of a target word w are the modifiers mi of this word, i.e., (m1, r1), …, (mk, rk), where ri is the type of dependency relation between the target node and the modifier. During training, the model optimizes the probability of dependency-based contexts rather than neighboring contexts. This model gains some improvements on word similarity benchmarks compared with skip-gram. Experiments also show that words with syntactic similarity are more similar in the vector space.

Document-Enhanced Word Representation

Word embedding methods like skip-gram simply consider the context information within a window to learn word representation. However, the information in the whole document, e.g., the topics of the document, could also help word representation learning. Topical word embedding (TWE) [45] introduces topic information generated by latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) to help distinguish different meanings of a word. The model is defined to minimize the following objective:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{i-l\leq j \leq i+l, j\neq i}\left( \log P({\mathbf{w}}_{j}|{\mathbf{w}}_i)+\log P({\mathbf{w}}_{j}|{\mathbf{z}}_i)\right), \end{aligned} $$

where wi is the word embedding and zi is the topic embedding of wi. Each word wi is assigned a unique topic, and each topic has a topic embedding. The topical word embedding model shows the advantage of contextual word similarity and document classification tasks.

TopicVec [42] further improves the TWE model. TWE simply combines the LDA with word embeddings and lacks statistical foundations. Moreover, the LDA topic model needs numerous documents to learn semantically coherent topics. TopicVec encodes words and topics in the same semantic space. It can learn coherent topics when only one document is presented.

Knowledge-Enhanced Word Representation

People have also annotated many knowledge bases that can be used in word representation learning as additional information. Yu et al. [76] introduce relational objectives into the CBOW model. With the objective, the embeddings can predict their contexts and words with relations. The objective is to minimize the sum of the negative log probability of all relations as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned}\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{w\in{R}_{w_i}} \log P(w|w_i),\end{aligned} $$

where \({R}_{w_i}\) indicates a set of words that have a relation with wi. The external information helps train a better word representation, showing significant improvements in word similarity benchmarks.

Moreover, retrofitting [22] introduces a post-processing step that can introduce knowledge bases into word representation learning. It is more modular than other approaches which consider knowledge base during training. Let the word embeddings learned by existing word representation approaches be \(\hat {\mathbf {W}}\). Retrofitting attempts to find a knowledgeable embedding space W, which is close to \(\hat {\mathbf {W}}\) but considers the relations in the knowledge base. It optimizes W toward \(\hat {\mathbf {W}}\) and simultaneously shrinks the distance between knowledgeable representations of words wi, wj with relations. Formally,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=\sum_{i}\big(\alpha_i \Vert {\mathbf{w}}_i-\hat{\mathbf{w}}_i\Vert _2 + \sum_{(w_i,w_j)\in {R}}\beta_{ij}\Vert {\mathbf{w}}_i-{\mathbf{w}}_j\Vert _2\big),\end{aligned} $$

where α and β are hyper-parameters indicating the strength of the associations, and R is a set of relations in the knowledge base. With knowledge bases such as the paraphrase database [28], WordNet [52], and FrameNet [3], this model can achieve consistent improvement on word similarity tasks. But it may also reduce the performance of the analogy of syntactic relations if it emphasizes semantic knowledge. Since it is a post-processing approach, it is compatible with various distributed representation models.

In addition to the aforementioned synonym-based knowledge bases, there are also sememe-based knowledge bases, in which the sememe is defined as the minimum semantic unit of word meanings. Due to the importance of sememe in computational linguistics, we introduce it in detail in Chap. 10.

2.4.2 Interpretable Word Representation

Although distributed word representation achieves ground-breaking performance on numerous tasks, it is less interpretable than conventional symbolic word representations. It would be a bonus if the distributed representations also enjoy some degree of interpretability. We can improve the interpretability from three directions. The first is to increase the interpretability of the vector representation among its neighbors. Since a word has multiple meanings, especially those polysemy words, the vectors of different meanings should locate in different neighborhoods. Therefore, we introduce work on disambiguated word representations. Another direction is to increase the interpretability of each dimension of the representation. A group of nonnegative and sparse word representations is shown to be well interpretable in each dimension. The third direction is to increase the interpretability of the embedding space by introducing more spatial properties in addition to the translational semantics in word2vec. In this section, we illustrate related work in these three directions.

Disambiguated Word Representation

Using only one single vector to represent a word is problematic due to the ambiguity of words. A single vector that implies multiple meanings is naturally difficult to interpret, and distinguishing different meanings can lead to a more accurate representation.

In the multi-prototype vector space model, Banerjee et al. [5] use clustering algorithms to cluster different word meanings. Formally, it assigns a different word representation wi(w1) to the same word w1 in each different cluster i. When the multi-prototype embedding is used, the similarity between two words w1, w2 is computed by comparing each pair of prototypes, i.e.,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \operatorname{AvgSim}({w_1},{w_2})&=\frac{1}{K^2}\sum_{i=1}^K \sum_{j=1}^K s({\mathbf{w}}_i({w_1}), {\mathbf{w}}_j({w_2})),\\ \operatorname{MaxSim}({w_1},{w_2})&=\max_{1\leq i,j \leq K} s({\mathbf{w}}_i({w_1}), {\mathbf{w}}_j({w_2})), \end{aligned} $$

where K is a hyper-parameter indicating the number of clusters and s(⋅) is a similarity function of two vectors, such as cosine similarity. When contexts are available, the similarity can be computed more precisely as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \text{AvgSimC}({w_1},{w_2})&=\frac{1}{K^2}\sum_{i=1}^K \sum_{j=1}^K s_{c, {w_1}, i} s_{c, {w_2}, j} s({\mathbf{w}}_i({w_1}), {\mathbf{w}}_j({w_2})),\\ \text{MaxSimC}({w_1},{w_2})&=s(\hat{\mathbf{w}}({w_1}), \hat{\mathbf{w}}({w_2})), \end{aligned} $$

where \(s_{c, {w_1}, i}=s(\mathbf {w}(c),{\mathbf {w}}_i({w_1}))\) is the likelihood of context c belonging to cluster i, w(c) is the context representation, and \(\hat {\mathbf {w}}({w_1})={\mathbf {w}}_{\arg \max _{1\leq i \leq K}s_{c,{w_1},i}}({w_1})\) is the maximum likelihood cluster for w1 in context c. With multi-prototype embeddings, the accuracy of the word similarity task is significantly improved, but the performance is still sensitive to the number of clusters.

The multi-prototype embedding method can effectively cluster different meanings of a word via its contexts. However, the clustering is offline, and the number of clusters is fixed and needs to be pre-defined. It is difficult for a model to select an appropriate amount of meanings for different words; to adapt to new senses, new words, or new data; and to align the senses with prototypes. A unified model is proposed for both word representation and word sense disambiguation [13]. It uses available knowledge bases such as WordNet [52] to provide the list of possible senses of a word, perform the disambiguation based on the original word vectors, and update the word vectors and sense vectors. More specifically, as shown in Fig. 2.9, it first initalizes the word vectors to be the skip-gram vectors learned from large-scale corpora. And then, it aggregates the words in the definition of the sense (provided by knowledge bases) to form the sense initialization, where only the words in the definition whose similarity with the original word is larger than a threshold are considered. After initialization, it uses the sense vector to update the context vectors. For example, in the sentence “He sat on the bank of the lake,” the “bank” which means “the land alongside the lake” is closer to the context vectors formed by words “sat, bank, lake,” and then the representation of bank1 is utilized to update the context vectors. The process is repeated for all words with multiple senses. After the disambiguation, a joint objective is used to optimize the senses and word vectors together

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=-\sum_i \sum_{ i-l\leq j \leq i+l, j \neq i} P(w_j|w_i)P(M(w_{j})|w_i)), \end{aligned} $$

where M(wj) is the disambiguated sense of word wj and 2l + 1 is the window size. With the joint learning framework, not only performance on word representation learning tasks are enhanced, but the representations of concrete senses are more interpretable than the representations of polysemy words.

Fig. 2.9
A structure begins with a bank input, directs to a projection, which has four nodes. It then produces the output. They are sat, sit 1, on, the, of, the, lake, and lake 1. Sit 1 and Lake 1 are highlighted.

The framework of Chen et al. [13]. We use the center word to predict both the context word and the context word’s sense. The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 1 from Chen et al. [13]

Nonnegative and Sparse Word Representation

Another aspect of interpretability comes from the interpretability of each dimension of distributed word representations. Murphy et al. [53] introduce nonnegative and sparse embeddings (NNSE), where each dimension indicates a unique concept. This method factorizes the corpus statistics matrix \(\mathbf {M}\in \mathbb {R}^{|V|\times |D|}\) into a word embedding matrix \(\mathbf {W}\in \mathbb {R}^{|V|\times m}\) and a document statistics matrix \(\mathbf {D}\in \mathbb {R}^{m\times |D|}\), where |V |, |D| and m are the vocabulary size, the number of documents, and the dimension of the distributed representation, respectively. Its training objective is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \arg &\min_{\mathbf{W},\mathbf{D}} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{|{V}|} \Vert{\mathbf{M}}_{i,:}-{\mathbf{W}}_{i,:} \mathbf{D}\Vert_{2}+\lambda\Vert{\mathbf{W}}_{i,:}\Vert_{1}, \\ \text{s.t. } \ & {\mathbf{D}}_{i,:}{\mathbf{D}}_{i,:}^\top\leq 1, \text{ for } 1 \leq i \leq m, \\ & {\mathbf{W}}_{i,j}\geq 0, \text{ for } 1\leq i \leq |V|, 1\leq j \leq m. \end{aligned} $$

The sparsity is ensured by λWi,:1, and non-negativity is guaranteed by Wi,j ≥ 0. By iteratively optimizing W and D via gradient descent, this model can learn nonnegative and sparse embeddings for words. Since embeddings are nonnegative, words with the highest scores on each dimension show high similarity to more words. Therefore, they can be regarded as superordinate concepts of more specific words. Again, since embeddings are sparse and only a few words correspond to each dimension, each dimension can be interpreted as the concept (word) with the highest value in that dimension.

A word intrusion task is designed to assess the interpretability of the word representation. For each dimension, we pick the N words with the largest value for that dimension as the positive words. Then we select the noisy words with the value of that dimension in the small half. Finally, we let human annotators pick out these noise words. The performance of the human annotators in all dimensions is the interpretability score of the model.

Fyshe et al. [27] further improve NNSE by enforcing the compositionality of the interpretable dimensions. For a phrase p composed of words wi and wj, the following constraint can be applied:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{W}}_{p,:} = f({\mathbf{W}}_{i,:}, {\mathbf{W}}_{j,:}). \end{aligned} $$

Therefore, the objective becomes

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} & \arg \min_{\mathbf{W},\mathbf{D}} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{|{V}|} \Vert{\mathbf{M}}_{i,:}-{\mathbf{W}}_{i,:} \mathbf{D}\Vert_{2}+\lambda_1\Vert{\mathbf{W}}_{i,:}\Vert_{1} \\ & + \lambda_2\sum_{\text{phrase} p=(w_i,w_j)} ({\mathbf{W}}_{p,:} - f({\mathbf{W}}_{i,:}, {\mathbf{W}}_{j,:})) ^2, \end{aligned} $$

where λ1 and λ2 are the coefficients to weigh different sub-objectives.

The f has many choices. The authors define it to be a weighted addition between Wi,: and Wj,:, i.e.,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{W}}_{p,:} = \alpha {\mathbf{W}}_{i,:} + \beta {\mathbf{W}}_{j,:}.\end{aligned} $$

The resulting word representations are more interpretable since the multiple dimensions can form compositional meanings.

The above method applies to the matrix factorization paradigm, which encounters difficulty when the corpus and global co-occurrence is large. Can we apply the same nonnegative regularization for neural word representations such as word2vec? Luo et al. [47] present a nonnegative skip-gram model OIWE (online interpretable word embeddings), which adds constraints to the gradient descent process. Specifically, the update rule of the parameter is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{w}}_k \leftarrow \operatorname{max}(0, {\mathbf{w}}_k + \gamma\nabla \mathcal{L}({\mathbf{w}}_k)),\end{aligned} $$

where w is the word representation that needs to be updated, k is its k-th dimension, and γ is the learning rate.

However, directly using this update rule leads to unstable optimization because the update deviates from the true update too much. What we need is to make fewer dimensions of wk + γf(wk) less than 0. To achieve this goal, we use a dynamic learning rate. The learning rate is chosen to make the following violation ratio small:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} R(\gamma) = \frac{|\{k|{\mathbf{w}}_k > 0, {\mathbf{w}}_k + \gamma\nabla \mathcal{L}({\mathbf{w}}_k) < 0\}|}{K},\end{aligned} $$

where K is the number of dimensions.

The resulting word representation exceeds NNSE in both word similarity and word intrusion detection tasks.

Non-Euclidean Word Representation

Interpretability also comes from an embedding space with comprehensible spatial properties. For example, the translation property of word2vec makes the difference between male and female interpretable (i.e., relation gender). Therefore, we are looking for more interpretable spatial properties. We introduce two special embedding spaces, i.e., Gaussian distribution space and hyperbolic space. Both of them enjoy hierarchical spatial properties that are understandable by humans. Vilnis et al. [74] propose to encode words into Gaussian distribution N(x;μ, Σ), where the mean μ of the Gaussian distribution is similar to traditional word embedding and the variance Σ becomes the uncertainty of the word meaning. The similarity between two representations can be defined either using asymmetric similarity (e.g., the KL divergence) or symmetric similarity (e.g., the continuous inner product between two Gaussian distributions):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \int_{x\in\mathbb{R}^n}N(x;\mu_i,\varSigma_i)N(x;\mu_j,\varSigma_j)dx = N(0; \mu_i-\mu_j, \varSigma_i+\varSigma_j), \end{aligned} $$

where n is the dimension of vectors.

Note that the focus of Vilnis et al. [74] is on the uncertainty estimation of word meanings, which increases the interpretability of word meanings in terms of uncertainty estimation. But on the other hand, it is very easy to define entailment relations between two Gaussian embeddings of different sizes (variances), thus natural to encode the hierarchy into the representation, which increases the interpretability of the embedding in terms of ontology. This line of work further develops into representations based on the Gaussian mixture model [2] and elliptical word embedding [54].

Another line of work focuses on hyperbolic embeddings. Hyperbolic spaces \(\mathbb {H}^n\) are spaces with constant negative curvature. The volume of the circle in hyperbolic space grows exponentially with radius. This property makes it suitable for encoding the tree structure, where the number of nodes grows exponentially with depth. Hence, it is a suitable space for encoding hierarchical structures. For example, Nickel et al. [55] use a special hyperbolic space, namely, Poincaré Ball, as the embedding space. They propose to encode word relations such as those explicitly given by the hierarchy in WordNet using supervised learning. A subsequent work [72] successfully applies Poincaré embeddings in a completely unsupervised manner. Specifically, they propose Poincaré GloVe, a modified target of GloVe, for encoding hyperbolic geometry. Considering the GloVe target in Eq. (2.26), it can be generalized into more general metrics as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} d({\mathbf{w}}_i,{\mathbf{w}}_j,{\mathbf{M}}_{ij}) &= ({\mathbf{w}}_i {\mathbf{w}}^\top_j+b_i+{b}_j - \log {\mathbf{M}}_{ij})^2 \\ &= (-\frac{1}{2}\Vert {\mathbf{w}}_i-{\mathbf{w}}_j\Vert^2_2 + b^\prime_i+{b^\prime}_j- \log {\mathbf{M}}_{ij})^2 \\ &= (-\frac{1}{2}h_{\text{Euclidean}}(\Vert {\mathbf{w}}_i-{\mathbf{w}}_j\Vert_2) + b^\prime_i+{b^\prime}_j- \log {\mathbf{M}}_{ij})^2, \end{aligned} $$

where Mij is the global co-occurrence matrix and hEuclidean = (⋅)2 is the metric for accessing the similarity of the two embeddings. Now it can be substituted with \(h_{\text{hyperbolic}} = \operatorname {cosh}^2(\cdot )\). The embedding is optimized using Riemannian optimization [8]. The use of this word vector for inference (e.g., word analogy tasks) requires using the corresponding hyperbolic space operators, which we omit the details.

In summary, encoding more information and improving interpretability have been pursued by researchers. With such efforts, word representations have become the basis of modern NLP and are widely used in many practical tasks.

2.5 Applications

Word representation, as a milestone breakthrough in NLP, has not only spawned subsequent work in NLP itself but has also been widely applied in other disciplines, catalyzing many highly influential interdisciplinary works. Therefore, in this section, we first introduce the applications of NLP itself, and then we introduce interdisciplinary works such as in psychology, history, and social science.

2.5.1 NLP

In the early stages of the introduction of neural networks into NLP, research on the application of word representations was very vigorous. For example, word representations are helpful in word-level tasks such as word similarity, word analogy, and ontology construction. They can also be applied to simple higher-level downstream tasks such as sentiment analysis. The performance of word representations on these tasks can measure the quality of word representations, so they can also be considered as evaluation tasks of word representations. Next, we introduce word similarity, word analogy, ontology construction, and sentence-level tasks.

Word Similarity and Relatedness

Word similarity and relatedness both measure how close a word is to another word. Similarity means that the two words express similar meanings. And relatedness refers to a close linguistic relationship between the two words. Words that are not semantically similar could still be related in many ways, such as meronymy (car and wheel) or antonymy (hot and cold).

To measure word similarity and relatedness, researchers collect a set of word pairs and compute the correlation between human judgment and predictions made by word representations. So far, many datasets have been collected and made public. Some datasets focus on word similarity, such as RG-65 [62] and SimLex-999 [32]. Other datasets concern word relatedness, such as MTurk [60]. WordSim-353 [23] is a very popular dataset for word representation evaluation, but its annotation guideline does not differentiate similarity and relatedness. Agirre et al. [1] conduct another round of annotation based on WordSim-353 and generate two subsets, one for similarity and the other for relatedness. We summarize some information about these datasets in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Datasets for evaluating word similarity/relatedness

After collecting the datasets, quantitative evaluations of the word representations for the datasets are needed. Researchers usually select cosine similarity as the metric. After that, Spearman’s correlation coefficient ρ is then used to evaluate the coherence between human annotators and the word representation. A higher Spearman’s correlation coefficient indicates they are more similar.

Given the datasets and evaluation metrics, different kinds of word representations can be compared. Agirre et al. [1] address different word representations with different advantages. They point out that linguistic KB-based methods perform better on similarity than on relatedness, while distributed word representation shows similar performance on both. With the development of distributed representations, a study [68] in 2015 compares a series of word representations on a wide variety of datasets and gives the conclusion that distributed representations achieve state of the art in both similarity and relatedness.

Besides evaluation with deliberately collected datasets, the word similarity measurement can come in an alternative format, the TOEFL synonyms test. In this test, a cue word is given, and the test is required to choose one from four words that are the synonym of the cue word. The exciting part of this task is that the performance of a system could be compared with human beings. Landauer et al. [39] evaluate the system with the TOEFL synonyms test to address the knowledge inquiring and representing of LSA. The reported score is 64.4%, which is very close to the average rating of the human test-takers. On this test set with 80 queries, Sahlgren et al. [63] report a score of 72.0%. Freitag et al. [25] extend the original dataset with the help of WordNet and generate a new dataset (named as WordNet-based synonymy test) containing thousands of queries.

Word Analogy

Besides word similarity, the word analogy task is an interesting task to infer words and serves as an alternative way to measure the quality of word representations. This task gives three words w1, w2, and w3, and then it requires the system to predict a word w4 such that the relation between w1 and w2 is the same as that between w3 and w4. This task has been used since the proposal of word2vec [49, 51] to exploit the structural relations among words. Here, word relations can be divided into two categories, including semantic relations and syntactic relations. Word analogy quickly becomes a standard evaluation metric once the dataset is released. Unlike the TOEFL synonyms test, the prediction is chosen from the whole vocabulary instead of the provided options. This test favors distributed word representations because it emphasizes the structure of word space. The comparison between different models on the word analogy task measured by accuracy could be found in [7, 68, 70, 75].

Ontology Construction

Another usage of word representation is to construct the ontology knowledge bases. Section 2.4.1 talked about injecting knowledge base information into word representations. But conversely, learned word embeddings also help build the knowledge base. Since word representation is better at common words than rare words, word representations are more suitable for building ontology graphsFootnote 10 than building factual knowledge graphs.

In ontologies, perhaps the most important relation is the is_a relation. Traditional word2vec models are good at expressing analogous relations, such as man-womanking-queen but not good at hierarchical relations, such as mammal-catcelestial body-sun. To model such relationships, Fu et al. [26] propose to use a linear projection rather than a simple embedding offset to represent the relationship. The model optimizes the projection as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{W}}^*=\arg\min_{\mathbf{W}}\sum_{i,j}\Vert{\mathbf{w}}_i\mathbf{W} - {\mathbf{w}}_j\Vert_{2}, \end{aligned} $$

where wi and wj are hypernym and hyponym embeddings and W is the transformation matrix.

The non-Euclidean word representations introduced in Sect. 2.4.2 also help build the ontology network. Another knowledge base that word embedding can help is the sememe knowledge introduced in Chap. 10.

Sentence-Level Tasks

Besides word-level tasks, word representations can also be used alone in some simple sentence-level tasks. However, word representations trained under purely co-occurrence objectives may not be optimal for a given task, and we can include task-relevant objectives in training. Take sentiment analysis as an example. Most word representation methods capture syntactic and semantic information while ignoring the sentiment of the text. This is questionable because words with similar syntactic polarity but opposite sentiment polarity obtain close word vectors. Tang et al. [71] propose to learn sentiment-specific word embeddings (SSWE). An intuitive idea is to jointly optimize the sentiment classification model using word embeddings as its feature, and SSWE minimizes the cross entropy loss to achieve this goal. To better combine the unsupervised word embedding method and the supervised discriminative model, they further use the words in a window rather than a whole sentence to classify sentiment polarity. To get massive training data, they use distant supervision to generate sentiment labels for a document. On sentiment classification tasks, sentiment embeddings outperform other strong baselines, including SVM [15] and other word embedding methods. SSWE also shows strong polarity consistency, where the closest words of a word are more likely to have the same sentiment polarity compared with existing word representation models. This sentiment-specific word embedding method provides us with a general way to learn task-specific word embeddings, which is to design a joint loss function and generate massive labeled data automatically.

Interestingly, as subsequent research in NLP progressed, including the development of sentence representations (Chap. 4) and the introduction of pre-trained models (Chap. 5), simple word vectors gradually ceased to be used alone. We point out the following reasons for this:

  • High-level (e.g., sentence level) semantic units require combinations between words, and simple arithmetic operations between word representations are not sufficient to model high-level semantic models.

  • Most word representation models do not consider word order and cannot model utterance probabilities, much less generate language.

We recommend that readers continue reading subsequent chapters to become familiar with more advanced methods.

2.5.2 Cognitive Psychology

In cognitive psychology, a famous behavioral test examines the correlation in the subconscious mind, named the implicit association test (IAT) [30]. This test is widely used to detect biases, such as gender biases, religion biases, occupation biases, etc.

IAT is based on a hypothesis. The hypothesis says that people’s reaction time decreases when faced with similar concepts and increases when faced with conflicting concepts. For example, given target words (woman, man) and attribute words (beautiful, strong), we want to test a subject’s perspective: which attribute is associated more closely with each target. If a person believes that woman and beautiful are close and man and strong are close, then, when faced with category A (woman, beautiful) and category B (man, strong), he/she will quickly categorize the word charming into the former group. Whereas if he/she is faced with two categories A (woman, strong) and B (man, beautiful), then faced with the word charming, he/she will hesitate between the two pairs of words, thus increasing the reaction time substantially, although the correct answer is clear that charming should be grouped into B since it’s an attribute word, and thus should be classified according to beautiful or strong. A part of an IAT is shown in Fig. 2.10.

Fig. 2.10
Four rectangular blocks illustrate the part of I A T. The blocks contain categories A and B. Category A is associated with woman and beautiful and man and beautiful, while category B is associated with man and strong and woman and strong.

Parts of the IAT. The box in the second row is considered to be harder than the first row for people who have an implicit association between women and beautiful (man and strong)

IAT can detect implicit thoughts and biases in the human mind. Considering that bias is so prevalent in people’s perceptions, it will likely be reflected in the texts written by humans. A pioneering article [12] in Science magazine proposes WEAT (word-embedding association test) to detect bias in texts. Given two sets X, Y  as the target words and A, B as two sets of attribute words, WEAT defines a difference between the target sets to the two sets of attribute words as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} s(X,Y;A,B) = \sum_{x\in X} s(x; A,B) - \sum_{y\in Y} s(y; A,B), \end{aligned} $$


$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} s(x; A,B) = \operatorname{mean}_{a\in A}\operatorname{cos} (\mathbf{x},\mathbf{a}) - \operatorname{mean}_{a\in B}\operatorname{cos} (\mathbf{x},\mathbf{b}), \end{aligned} $$

where x, y, a, b are the vector representation of word x, y, a, b. \(\operatorname {cos} (\mathbf {x},\mathbf {a})\) that can be treated as the response time in the IAT. And \(\operatorname {mean}(\cdot )\) is the average function. Thus, s(x;A, B) measures the closeness of x to two sets of attributes. And s(X, Y ;A, B) measures the bias difference between X and Y  to A and B. If X, Y  are not biased differently for A and B, then they should not exceed at least the bias difference of (Xi, Yi), where X ∩ Y  is randomly divided into two sets Xi, Yi of equal size. Hence, we test whether the following metric is small:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P[s(X_i,Y_i;A,B) > s(X,Y;A,B)]. \end{aligned} $$

After some statistical derivations, we are able to calculate the above probabilities. In their experiments, WEAT is capable of capturing the occupational gender bias, where the occupational gender association calculated from the word representation is highly correlated with the publicly available proportion of female workers in each industry. For the name gender association, WEAT can find a similar pattern.

2.5.3 History and Social Science

It is possible to detect human thoughts without conducting live experiments using tests built on texts. This makes it very helpful to study the thoughts of ancient people. That is, we can explore the thoughts of the ancients through the texts they wrote, and this is precisely the important role of word representations in history and social sciences. In this section, we talk about how to use word representations to study the changes in history and society across time.

In order to track the chronological changes in word meanings, we first need to have a corpus of different chronologies. Google NGram Book Corpus [43] is a relatively early chronological corpus. This dataset counts the words/phrases’ frequency used during the last five centuries and includes 6% of all published books, which is a very large dataset. Another COHA dataset [16] has 400 million words, documenting the development of American English between 1810 and 2009, contains a wide variety of genres, and is relatively balanced across genres.

The work on tracking word sense changes [31, 37] divides these datasets into bins of equal size by time. They then train word representation models on the text within each period. For example, in the work [31], the SVD decomposition of the PPMI (positive pointwise mutual information) matrix and SGNS (skip-gram with negative sampling) are used as two base models. As mentioned earlier, the dimensions are not aligned for different groups of distributed representations, even if they are derived from the same counting matrix. Therefore, the authors propose to optimize a mapping matrix that maps the word vectors of the previous period to the word vector space of the latter period.

Aligning the word vectors after training them usually does not yield satisfying results because simple transformations cannot always align the two vector spaces, and complex transformations carry the risk of overfitting. Time-sensitive word representation is developed to address these issues. Bamler et al. [4] propose a dynamic skip-gram model which connects several Bayesian skip-gram models [6] using Kalman filters [35]. In this model, the embeddings of words in different periods could affect each other. For example, a word that appears in the 1990s document can affect the embeddings of that word in the 1980s and 2000s. Moreover, this model puts all the embeddings into the same semantic space, significantly improving against other methods and making word embeddings in different periods comparable. Experimental results show that the cosine distance between two words changes much more smoothly in this model than in those that simply divide the corpus into bins.

We can arrive at interesting societal observations using word representations from different periods. Hamilton et al. [31] perform two analyses, the first of which computes the time series formed by the cosine value of a word pair over time. They use Spearman correlation coefficients of the time series against time to estimate whether this change is an upward or downward trend and how significant the trend is. For the second analysis, the authors track the degree of change in the word vector of the same word over time to see the semantic drifts of a word across periods. They have come to some interesting conclusions. (1) Some established word sense shifts can be confirmed from the corpus. For example, the shift of gay change from happy to homosexual is observed from the word representation. (2) The authors also find the ten words that changed the most from 1900 to 1990. (3) Combining some experimental observations, the authors found two statistical rules of semantic variation. The first is that common words change their meanings more slowly, and rare words change their meanings more quickly. The second is that words with multiple meanings change their meanings more quickly.

The follow-up work [29] is based on the same diachronic word vectors as Hamilton et al. [31] but makes some observations with more depth in social science. Specifically, it compares trends in gender and race stereotypes over 100 years. To get the stereotype information from word representations, this article computes the difference in the association scores of an attribute word (e.g., intelligent) to two groups of words (e.g., woman, female versus man, male). The association score can be calculated by either cosine similarity or Euclidean distance. This is similar to the WEAT mentioned in Sect. 2.5.2. The work further compares the association score with publicly available data about the gender per occupation statistics over the year. They find the two trends match almost exactly. When studying the association of adjectives to genders, a clear phase shift is found. The similarity of adjectives’ association scores to genders is similar within the 1910s∼1960s and the 1960s∼1990s, respectively, but differs substantially between the two time periods. The phase shift in the 1960s corresponds to the US women’s movement in history.

2.6 Summary and Further Readings

In this chapter, we focus on words, which are the basic semantic units. We introduce the representative methods in symbolic representation and distributed representation. Some well-known models are introduced, such as one-hot representation, LSA, PLSA, LDA, word2vec, GloVe, and ELMo. We also present the methods to make the representations more informative and interpretable. At last, the applications of word representations are introduced, where interdisciplinary applications are emphasized. For further readings, firstly, we encourage the readers to read Chaps. 3 and 4 for higher-level representations as they are more widely used in practical tasks. We also encourage the readers to review historical research, such as the review paper on representation learning by Yoshua Bengio [9], and the review paper on pre-trained distributed word representations by Tomas Mikolov, the author of word2vec [50].