1.1 Motivation

Machine learning addresses the problem of automatically learning computer programs from data. A typical machine learning system consists of three components [13]:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \text{Machine Learning} = \text{Representation} + \text{Objective} + \text{Optimization}. \end{aligned}$$

We first transform helpful information from raw data into internal representations such as feature vectors to build an effective machine learning system. Afterward, by designing appropriate objective functions, we can employ optimization algorithms to find the optimal parameter settings for the system.

Data representation methods determine what and how valuable information can be extracted from raw data for further classification or prediction. If more information is transformed from raw data to feature representations, the performance of classification or prediction will be better. Hence, data representation is a crucial component of supporting effective machine learning.

Conventional machine learning systems adopt careful feature engineering as preprocessing to build feature representations from raw data. Feature engineering needs careful design and considerable expertise. A specific task usually requires customized algorithms for feature engineering, which makes the process labor-intensive, time-consuming, and inflexible.

Representation learning aims to learn informative representations of objects from raw data automatically. The learned representations can be further fed as input to machine learning systems for prediction or classification. This way, machine learning algorithms will be more flexible and desirable while handling large-scale and noisy unstructured data, such as speech, images, videos, time series, and texts.

Deep learning [22] is a typical approach for representation learning, which has recently achieved great success in speech recognition, computer vision (CV), and natural language processing (NLP). Deep learning has two distinguishing features:

Distributed Representation

Deep learning algorithms represent each object with a low-dimensional and real-valued dense vector. The representation form is usually named as distributed representation or embedding. Compared to conventional symbolic representation, distributed representation is more compact and smooth by mapping data in the low-dimensional and continuous space, as shown in Fig. 1.1. Hence, it is more robust to address the sparsity issue that is ubiquitous and inevitable due to the power-law distribution in large-scale data.

Fig. 1.1
An illustrative flow of the distributed representation of words and entities in human languages. William Shakespeare, author of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. Anna Hathway, spouse of William Shakespeare. These belong to entities. Embeddings include clusters for each object.

Distributed representation of words and entities in human languages. (The images are obtained from wikimedia.org.)

Deep Architecture

Deep learning algorithms usually learn a deep hierarchical architecture to represent objects, known as multilayer neural networks. Deep architecture may capture informative features and complicated patterns of objects from raw data. Take the sentence “you are a night owl.” For example, as illustrated in Fig. 1.2, the deep architecture of neural networks will be able to understand the deep semantics of the sentence, indicating a person stays up late using a metaphor, beyond the surface and shallow meanings. Hence, it is regarded as an important reason for the great success of deep learning for speech recognition, CV, and NLP.

Fig. 1.2
A deep neural network architecture starts with you, are, a, night, and owl as input. Each is linked to five nodes. The hidden layer has six nodes, followed by the output layer, which has five. Below is an illustration of an owl representing shallow features that lead to deep semantics.

Deep architecture enables representation learning to capture informative features and complicated patterns of human languages. Icons in this figure are bought or freely downloaded from IconFinder (https://www.iconfinder.com/)

The success of deep learning happens in speech recognition and C V first in around the 2010s, and in the following years, NLP also achieves significant improvements by following the deep learning approach. At the beginning of the revolution, deep learning for NLP significantly reduced feature engineering in NLP. In recent years, with the development of pre-trained language model techniques [17] in deep learning, the performance of almost all NLP tasks has achieved consistent and groundbreaking improvements. Hence, a growing number of researchers have devoted to developing effective deep learning methods for NLP.As per standard style, a footnote is not in the figure caption. So Footnote 1 has been moved to the corresponding citation, and the remaining footnotes are renumbered accordingly. Please check if okay.

In this chapter, we will first discuss why representation learning is essential for NLP and briefly review the development history and intellectual origins of representation learning for NLP. After that, we will introduce typical approaches of contemporary representation learning and summarize existing and potential applications of representation learning. Finally, we will introduce the general organization of this book.

1.2 Why Representation Learning Is Important for NLP

NLP aims to build linguistic-specific programs for machines to understand and use languages. Natural language texts are typically unstructured data with multiple granularities used in multiple domains. A deep understanding of natural languages also requires considerable human knowledge. There are multiple NLP tasks addressing different goals of NLP. These characteristics make NLP challenging to achieve satisfactory performance.

1.2.1 Multiple Granularities

NLP is concerned about multiple levels of language items, including but not limited to characters, senses, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and documents. As shown in Fig. 1.3, each word may be composed of multiple senses, a sentence is composed of multiple words, and a document is composed of multiple sentences. The World Wide Web is even composed of billions of documents linked to each other, which is not shown in the figure. Moreover, human languages connect with the physical world, which may be described as world knowledge.

Fig. 1.3
A diagram illustrates the multiple levels of language items. From the bottom, each word comprises multiple senses, and each word forms a sentence. Then, multiple sentences form a document. The World Wide Web comprises multiple documents.

There are multiple-grained language items, including characters, senses, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, documents, World Wide Web, as well as external world knowledge, with complicated compositional semantics. This figure shows some of them composed with each other. (The images are obtained from wikimedia.org.)

These language items are composed of each other following complicated patterns of compositional semantics. NLP is about understanding and processing these language items, and the key challenge is to model the complicated composition patterns. Representation learning is able to represent the semantic meanings of all language items in a unified semantic space. This significantly contributes to model complex semantic relations among these language items.

1.2.2 Multiple Knowledge

A deep understanding of natural languages requires external human knowledge such as linguistic, commonsense, world, cognitive, and domain knowledge. The types of knowledge will be introduced in detail in Chap. 9. People and machines with different knowledge will have different-level understandings of the text.

As shown in Fig. 1.4, let’s take the sentence “Shakespeare was an English playwright,” for example. With the support of linguistic knowledge, we can capture the subject, and the object from the sentence by parsing the syntactic structure. With the commonsense knowledge of A play is a work of drama, consisting of dialogue between characters, we know most of Shakespeare’s plays consist of character dialogues. If some persons also have some factual knowledge about Shakespeare, such as Hamlet is written by William Shakespeare, we can infer that Hamlet is an English play. A person with expert knowledge of literature may further think about the poetic form of Shakespeare.

Fig. 1.4
An illustrative process explains the understanding of natural languages. Knowledge such as linguistics, common sense, facts, and expertise supports the text.

Deep understanding of natural languages requires the support of multiple external knowledge such as linguistic knowledge, commonsense knowledge, world knowledge, and domain knowledge. Icons in the figure are bought or freely downloaded from IconFinder

Knowledge should be provided as much as possible to make machines more intelligent. For this goal, people have built many knowledge bases of multiple types and organized them in different structured forms. However, it is difficult for symbolic text and knowledge to work together due to their diverse representation forms, which are usually remedied by additional engineering efforts such as entity linking and suffered from error propagation. Representation learning, in contrast, can easily incorporate multiple types of structured knowledge into NLP systems by encoding both sequential text and structured knowledge into unified embedding forms.

1.2.3 Multiple Tasks

Many NLP tasks have been proposed and studied based on the same input to meet the needs of different scenarios, aspects, and levels. Take the sentence in Fig. 1.5 for example. We can perform multiple tasks on the same sentence as follows:

  • Part-of-speech (POS) tagging aims to classify each word in a text into corresponding part-of-speech types, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions, based on its context. In this figure, we show the annotated part-of-speech tags (e.g., NNP, VBD) following Penn Part of Speech Tags [34].

    Fig. 1.5
    A process flow represents multiple N L P tasks for the same input. The input sentence is as follows. William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor. Tasks are POS, dependency parsing, entity recognition and linking, relation extraction, and machine translation.

    There are various NLP tasks given the same sentence input, such as part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, named entity recognition, entity linking, relation extraction, question answering, and machine translation

  • Dependency parsing is a language grammar to build syntactic relations between language items in a sentence. Here we show the binary dependencies of language items and the dependency types. It can identify complicated syntactic relations inside a sentence, which is important in statistical NLP.

  • Named entity recognition aims to find named entities mentioned in the text with pre-defined classes such as person names, organizations, locations, and time expressions.

  • Entity linking further links named entity mentions to corresponding entities in external knowledge graphs by resolving those entities with the same names. The task is important for grounding human language understanding with the real world.

  • Relation extraction aims to find relations between two entities expressed by the sentence. Relation extraction is a core task of information extraction to acquire structured knowledge from unstructured text and complete large-scale knowledge graphs.

  • Question answering is to read a text and find answers for a given question. The task is important for the service of user information acquisition beyond search engines.

  • Machine translation automatically translates the sentence from one language to another language. Machine translation is a long-standing NLP task to break the language barrier among people all over the world.

Here we only show several NLP tasks, and there are many more tasks concerning different goals and specific languages. For example, since there are no natural space marks between words in the text of Chinese and Japanese, automatic word segmentation has been proposed for these languages.

It is evident that all NLP tasks rely on accurate understanding and representation of given text input. In this case, building a unified and learnable representation of an input for multiple tasks will be more efficient and robust: on the one hand, a better and unified text representation will help to promote all NLP tasks, and on the other hand, taking advantage of more learning signals from multitask learning may contribute to building better semantic representations of natural languages. Hence, representation learning can benefit from multitask learning and further promote the performance of multiple tasks.

1.2.4 Multiple Domains

Natural language texts may be generated from multiple domains, including but not limited to news articles, scientific articles, literary works, and online user-generated content such as product reviews. Moreover, we can also regard texts in different languages as multiple domains. Conventional NLP systems must design specific feature extraction algorithms for each domain according to its characteristics. In contrast, representation learning can take advantages of large-scale domain-specific data and can also transfer representation knowledge across multiple domains, especially from a much larger general domain to those specific domains.

1.3 Development of Representation Learning for NLP

We give a brief introduction to the development history of representation learning for NLP, from which we can see the paradigm shift of representation from symbolic representation to distributed representation, accompanied by the paradigm shift of machine learning from statistical learning to deep learning and further to pre-trained models. The development timeline is also shown in Fig. 1.6.

Fig. 1.6
A timeline diagram of representation learning in N L P. Symbolic representation begins in 1948 and ends in 2003 with latent Dirichlet allocation, whereas distributed representation begins in 1986 and ends in 2018 with pre-trained model.

The timeline for the development of representation learning in NLP. With the growing computing power and large-scale text data, distributed representation trained with neural networks from large corpora has become the mainstream

1.3.1 Symbolic Representation and Statistical Learning

Words would be a good start for studying representation schemes in NLP, because words are the minimum units in natural languages. The easiest way to represent a word in a computer-readable way (e.g., using a vector) is one-hot vector, which has the dimension of the vocabulary size and assigns 1 to the corresponding index of the word to be represented and 0 to others. It is apparent that one-hot vectors hardly contain semantic information about words other than distinguishing them from each other.

The idea of one-hot word representation can be further used for document representation, i.e., bag-of-words (BOW) models [18]. BOW models regard a document as a bag of its words, neglecting the orders of these words in this document. BOW represents a document as a vocabulary-size vector, with each word in the document corresponding to a nonzero dimension and other words to a zero dimension. The entry value of a word can be used to indicate the importance score of this word in the document, e.g., the number of its occurrences. BOW can be regarded as a combination of one-hot representations of all words in the document. BOW models are straightforward and work great in applications like spam filtering, text classification and clustering, and information retrieval. For example, in information retrieval, we build BOW vectors of a query and a document and compute the cosine distances as the semantic similarity for document ranking. Those documents that also attach importance to the important words in the query will be ranked higher. It proves that the distributions of words can serve as a good representation of documents.

One of the earliest ideas of word representation learning can date back to n-gram models [35]. It is easy to understand: when we want to predict the next word in a sentence, we usually look back at some previous words (and in the case of n-gram, they are the previous n − 1 words). And if going through a large-scale corpus, we can count and estimate a reasonable probability of a word under the condition of all combinations of n − 1 previous words. These probabilities can predict word sequences and form vector representations for word meanings because similar words usually share similar probabilistic distributions of previous words.

The idea of n-gram models is coherent with the idea of distributional hypothesis: language items sharing similar distributions of context have similar meanings [18]. In another phrase, “a word is characterized by the company it keeps” [14]. The distributional hypothesis has been a fundamental idea of many NLP models, from n-gram in statistical NLP to word2vec and BERT in neural NLP.

In the above cases of one-hot word representation, BOW document representation, and n-gram models, each entry in the representation explicitly matches one language item (e.g., word scores in BOW models). This one-to-one correspondence between representation entries and language items is called local representation or symbolic representation.

The idea of symbolic representation is natural and straightforward, and most NLP algorithms in the stage of statistical learning in the 1980s–2000s are based on symbolic representation. Here we give another two iconic examples, IBM Model and latent Dirichlet allocation. IBM model [7] is a classical word alignment algorithm in statistical machine translation. It automatically builds lexical translation probabilities between the words of two languages from their parallel sentences, where words are regarded as symbolic items without considering their internal semantic representation. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [4] is a classical word and document representation algorithm. LDA builds latent topics to represent words and documents. These learned topics are typically interpretable, even capable of being labeled with symbolic names [29]. By regarding each latent topic as a meaningful symbol, we can also regard LDA as an example of symbolic representation, especially when learning with Gibbs Sampling [16] by iteratively assigning latent topics for each word in documents.

1.3.2 Distributed Representation and Deep Learning

Distributed representation, on the other hand, represents an object by a pattern of activation distributed over multiple entries, i.e., a low-dimensional and real-valued dense vector, and each computing entry can be involved in representing multiple objects [27]. Distributed representation has been proved to be more efficient because it usually has low dimensions. It also prevents from the sparsity issue that is inevitable for the symbolic representation due to the power-law distribution in large-scale data. Beneficial hidden properties can be learned from large-scale data and emerge in distributed representation.

Word embeddings can also learn complicated word relations automatically from large-scale corpora. As revealed by word2vec, we can identify the analogical properties of words such as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{king}) - \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{man}) \approx \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{queen}) - \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{woman}), \end{aligned} $$


$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{king}) - \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{man}) + \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{woman}) \approx \mathbf{w}(\mathtt{queen}). \end{aligned} $$

It indicates the embeddings of both king and queen accurately encode similar semantic meanings with each other except for gender. The example shows the powerful capabilities of word embeddings for semantic representations.

The idea of distributed representation was initially inspired by the neural computing scheme of humans and other animals [20]. Brains can use various activation patterns of neurons to represent different objects. In distributed representation, the values of an entry in the low-dimensional vector can be regarded as the activation state of the specific neuron. It is named distributed because an object is represented as the activation pattern distributed over multiple neurons, and the activation state of one specific neuron does not mean anything.

With the great success of deep learning, distributed representation has become the most commonly used approach for representation learning. One of the pioneering practices of distributed representation in NLP is neural probabilistic language model (NPLM) [3]. A language model predicts the conditional probability of the next word given those previous words in a sentence. n-gram models can be regarded as simple language models based on symbolic representation. NPLM assigns a low-dimensional vector for each word (i.e., word embedding) and then uses a neural network to predict the next word based on distributed representations of previous words (i.e., context embedding, a combination of embeddings of previous words). By going through the training corpora, NPLM successfully learns word embeddings as model parameters to optimize the conditional probability of the next word or the joint probability of a sentence. Although it is hard to tell what each entry of a word embedding means, the vectors indeed encode semantic meanings about the words, verified by the performance of NPLM.

Inspired by NPLM, many methods have been proposed to learn word embeddings as model parameters optimized with language modeling objective, such as word2vec [30], GloVe [31], and fastText [6]. Although different in model and algorithm details, these methods are all very efficient for learning from large-scale corpora and have been widely used as word embeddings in many NLP models. Word embeddings can map discrete words into low-dimensional vectors as informative features in the NLP pipeline and help to shine a light on neural networks in computing languages. It makes representation learning a critical part of NLP.

1.3.3 Going Deeper and Larger with Pre-training on Big Data

The research on representation learning in NLP further takes a great leap by ELMo [32] and BERT [11]. These models apply larger corpora, more parameters, and more computing resources to build deeper and larger models. Moreover, they consider the complicated context of the text to learn richer knowledge of human languages. Instead of mapping a word to a fixed vector, ELMo and BERT use multilayer neural networks to build dynamic contextualized representations of each word based on its specific context in text, which is especially useful for those words with multiple meanings. Moreover, BERT starts a new fashion (although not originated from it) of the pre-training-fine-tuning pipeline. As shown in Fig. 1.7, previous word embeddings learned from large corpora were adopted as initialization of input representations of neural networks for downstream tasks; starting from BERT, it becomes a common practice to take the whole neural network structure such as BERT and all parameters pre-trained on large text corpora to downstream tasks, with those parameters further fine-tuned on supervised data of downstream tasks.

Fig. 1.7
A N L P pipeline illustrates how word embeddings and pre-trained language models work. Word embedding shifts to the target task model and target task objective. The trained model progresses to pre-training and the task objective.

This figure shows how word embeddings and pre-trained language models work in NLP pipelines. They both learn distributed representations for language items (e.g., words) through pre-training objectives and transfer them to target tasks. Furthermore, pre-trained language models can also transfer model parameters

The models like BERT are pre-trained through language modeling objectives on large corpora, thus named as pre-trained language models (PLM). PLMs take advantage of large-scale text corpora and have achieved state-of-the-art on almost all NLP benchmarks. Hence, although not a big theoretical breakthrough, PLMs have attracted wide attention in the NLP and machine learning community. Of course, PLMs reveal many distinct characteristics compared to conventional deep learning methods, such as parameter-efficient tuning capabilities [12] and in-context few-shot learning capabilities [8]. Some experiments of knowledge probing demonstrate that PLMs implicitly encode a variety of linguistic and world knowledge and patterns inside the multilayer neural network parameters [19, 24]. All these notable performances and interesting analyses suggest that there are a lot of open problems to explore in PLMs, as the future of representation learning for NLP.

In summary, representation learning for NLP has evolved from symbolic to distributed representation following the distributional hypothesis. Starting from word2vec, word embeddings learned from large corpora have shown outstanding performance in many NLP tasks. Recent PLMs learn complicated contextualized representations from large-scale text corpora and start the new paradigm of the pre-training-fine-tuning pipeline. Representation learning has revolutionized NLP in the past decades. What will be the next big breakthrough in representation learning for NLP? We hope this book can give some inspiration by introducing the evolutionary paths and most recent advances of representation learning for NLP.

1.4 Intellectual Origins of Distributed Representation

For this vital revolution in artificial intelligence (AI), one may be interested in the intellectual origins of the essential idea of distributed representation. To our knowledge, the exact term “distributed representation” was first proposed in parallel distributed processing (PDP) [27]. Still, the idea of distributed representation may have its prototypes in different areas. Here we try to find some clues between distributed representation and related areas, including neuroscience, AI, machine learning, and linguistics.

1.4.1 Representation Debates in Cognitive Neuroscience

The most direct intellectual origin of distributed representation is cognitive neuroscience. A central topic in cognitive neuroscience is how information and knowledge are represented in human brains, and a long-standing debate is whether representation is localized or distributed. In the history of cognitive neuroscience, researchers used the terms local and distributed in different ways. For example, they may be used to describe the views that particular knowledge is either stored in specific brain regions or spread across the entire cortex [15].

Here we focus on the most well-known version from the classical book of parallel distributed processing (PDP) [27]. In this book, they raise two opposite representation schemes where the definition of local representation is

Given a network of simple computing elements and some entities to be represented, the most straightforward scheme is to use one computing element for each Entity. This is called a local representation. (from [27])

and the definition of distributed representation is

Each Entity is represented by a pattern of activity distributed over many computing elements, and each computing element is involved in representing many different entities. (from [27])

We can build a metaphor between one-hot representation in NLP and local representation in neuroscience, by regarding each entry in the vocabulary-size vector as a neuron in human brains, with the value 1 indicating active and the value 0 inactive. The view of local representation was also referred to as the famous grandmother cell hypothesis, which assumes a hypothetical neuron can encode and respond to a specific and complicated entity such as someone’s grandmother [2]. From the view of one-hot representation, there will be an entry corresponding to someone’s grandmother.

Local representation is straightforward because it is a simple mirror of the knowledge structure, with each object and concept corresponding to distinct neurons. Based on local representation, high-level knowledge can be organized into symbolic systems, such as concept hierarchy, propositional networks, semantic networks, schemas, frames, and scripts [1].

The above metaphor also works on distributed representation between NLP and neuroscience by regarding each vector entry as a neuron. The entry values indicate the status of neurons, active or inactive. The distributed representation scheme is not so straightforward, but it is already widely accepted that visual signals may activate millions of neurons throughout many regions of the visual cortex.

Although it is debatable whether individual neurons encode high-level concepts or objects, distributed representation seems to be a general solution for information processing at different levels, ranging from visual stimulus to high-level concepts. As discussed in PDP [27], distributed representation has better representation capacity, automatic generalization to novel entities, and learnability to changing environments. All these characteristics are valuable to our modern world with rich data for machine learning and have been verified in the recent revolution of deep learning.

1.4.2 Knowledge Representation in AI

An essential branch of philosophy is the theory of knowledge, also known as epistemology. Epistemology studies the nature, origin, and organization of human knowledge and concerns the problems like where knowledge is from and how knowledge is organized.

In philosophy, for the problem of how knowledge is organized, philosophers have developed many tools and methods, typically in the symbolic form, to describe human knowledge, and some of them, such as formal logic, have played an essential role in computer science. For the problem of where knowledge is from, there are two basic views: rationalism regards reason as the chief source of human knowledge and regards intellectual and deductive as truth criteria; empiricism generally appreciates the role of sensory experience in the generation of knowledge.

By building a metaphor between AI and humans, knowledge representation can be regarded as the epistemology for machines in AI. AI is also concerned about the above two problems, and many works have been done following the two lines.

For the problem of how knowledge is organized in AI, we can conclude two main approaches, symbolism and connectionism.

Symbolism aims to develop formal symbolic systems to organize knowledge of machine intelligence. Most pioneering works in AI follow the approach of symbolism, ranging from general problem solvers by Newell and Simon in 1959 to expert systems and knowledge bases by Ed Feigenbaum in the 1980s. Hence, some news articles on AI may imply symbolism as an obsolete approach, named old-fashioned AI (OFAI). With the rise of the Internet, WWW, and big data, remarkable works such as semantic Web by Tim Berners-Lee in the 2000s and recent large-scale Knowledge Graphs by Google in the 2010s can also be regarded as following the symbolism approach for knowledge representation.

Connectionism is the approach inspired by cognitive neuroscience, rooted in the works such as the perceptron by Frank Rosenblatt in the 1950s and parallel distributed processing (PDP) [27] in the 1980s. We usually regard deep learning in the 2010s as the great success of this approach, which has been almost 40 years since distributed representation was first proposed in the 1980s.

For the problem of where knowledge is from in AI, the approaches can be divided into rationalism and empiricism. The rationalism approach indicates that knowledge, including facts and rules, is directly designed or collected by human experts, i.e., the creators of AI agents; AI agents can complete tasks based on the given knowledge. The expert systems in the 1980s typically follow this approach. It is obvious that the manually organized knowledge is not flexible and dynamic, cannot generalize well to novel cases, and cannot evolve as the environment changes. With the development of the Internet and big data, the empiricism approach becomes feasible to learn from large-scale data, including unlabeled general data and labeled task-specific data. Statistical learning starting from the end of the 1980s and deep learning starting from the 2010s both follow the empiricism approach.

Epistemology of philosophy only developed formal and symbolic tools extensively. But for computational epistemology in AI, the approach of knowledge source and the approach of knowledge form have been studied in mixed ways in different periods of AI history: in the preliminary stage of the 1950s–1980s, most works followed a mix of symbolism and rationalism, also named as old-fashioned AI (OFAI); in statistical learning 1980s–2000s, the mainstream is a mix of symbolism and empiricism; and in deep learning from 2010s, it becomes the mix of connectionism and empiricism.

Note that, although rationalism and empiricism represent two distinct approaches for where knowledge is from, it does not mean they don’t or cannot work together. On the one hand, machine learning models typically learn from data following the empiricism approach. On the other hand, the design of model architectures and algorithms involves the wisdom of human experts following the rationalism approach. It is the same to symbolism and connectionism. McCulloch and Pitts designed a computational scheme of symbolic logics using elementary units of neural systems in 1943 [28]; in the era of deep learning, neural-symbolic networks are also an active research area for reasoning and planning with neural networks [38].

It seems not feasible to explicitly mix rationalism and connectionism. However, as Noam Chomsky and many researchers indicated, human brains are not blank slates [9]. We can also regard the architectural design of neural networks as a kind of prior knowledge following the theory of rationalism. For humans and AI, we should not set up barriers between symbolism and connectionism or between rationalism and empiricism. All of them may play some roles in human and machine intelligence. It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.

As we will show in this book, deep learning with distributed representation can manipulate symbols as well as other discrete information, such as instructions, operations, and codes (Chap. 5). We can also modify the architecture of neural networks given prior knowledge to fit downstream tasks better (Chap. 9). Hence, we believe distributed representation is a good foundation to take advantage of all promising approaches of knowledge sources and forms, with many open and interesting problems deserving further exploration.

1.4.3 Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

Feature engineering is a critical step in the pipeline of statistical learning, aiming to build feature vectors of instances for machine learning. It can be regarded as the representation learning of instances in the era of statistical learning. Feature engineering provides another intellectual origin of distributed representation, i.e., dimensionality reduction of raw data by mapping from a high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional space, usually with the term “embedding.”

Feature engineering can be divided into feature selection and feature extraction. Feature selection techniques select the most informative features and remove redundant and irrelevant ones from large amounts of candidates to represent instances such as words and documents. This approach is expected to improve representation efficiency and remedy the curse of dimensionality. Many methods of feature selection and term weighting have been explored on specific NLP tasks such as text classification [36]. Since candidates for feature selection are usually symbols such as words, phrases, and n-grams, the selected feature vocabulary is also a symbolic representation.

Feature extraction aims to build a novel feature space from raw data, with each dimension of the feature space either interpretable or not. Latent topic models and dimensionality reduction can be regarded as representative approaches for feature extraction. Latent topic models represent each document and word as a distribution over latent topics, which can be regarded as interpretable space. Examples are probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA) [21] and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [4]. Dimensionality reduction methods learn to map objects into a low-dimensional and uninterpretable space. Examples are principal component analysis (PCA) and matrix factorization methods like singular value decomposition (SVD).

Note that the term embedding in machine learning refers to either the projection process (such as the algorithm locally linear embedding [33]) or the corresponding low-dimensional representation of objects. We can see that, without the metaphor between human brains and AI in deep learning and distributed representation, the idea of representing objects in a low-dimensional space has already been widely used in statistical learning. The representation scheme is the same between low-dimensional embedding and distributed representation in deep learning. Some neural networks, such as Autoencoder, used to be regarded as a dimensionality reduction method of data.

Hence, in recent years of deep learning and AI, the term distributed representation and embedding are used mutually to refer to each other. The difference is that the model architecture of most dimensionality reduction methods in statistical learning is usually shallow and straightforward and the algorithm is also restricted to specific data forms such as matrix decomposition. Those tasks that can easily organize data as matrix benefit much from these methods, such as recommender systems focusing on user-item interactions [23]. In contrast, the model architecture of deep learning is typically deep with multiple neural layers, capable of modeling complicated interactions and capturing sophisticated semantic compositions ubiquitous in human languages.

1.4.4 Linguistics

Human languages are regarded as the epitome of human intelligence, and linguistics aims to study the nature of human languages. Since human languages are regarded as one of the most complicated symbolic systems, linguistics typically follows the symbolism approach.

An influential theory of linguistics is structuralism derived from the founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure proposed the following perspectives [10]: (1) a symbol (or sign) in human languages is composed of the signified (i.e., a concept in mind) and the signifier (i.e., a word token, or its sound or image). (2) For a symbol, “the bond between the signified and the signifier is arbitrary” [10]. For example, there is no intrinsic relationship between the concept of “sister” and the sound of the word “sister”; for another example, the words in different languages may refer to the same concept. (3) Hence, a symbol can only get its meaning from its relationship with other symbols. For example, the meaning of the word “parent” is related to the meaning of the corresponding word “child.” In summary, the structuralism theory regards human languages as a symbolic system where each item is defined by its relationship to other items in the system [26].

The idea of distributed representation coincides in spirit with structuralism. By distributed representation learning, we can see that all language items we are interested in are projected into a unified low-dimensional semantic space. As demonstrated in Fig. 1.1, the geometric distance between two language items in the semantic space indicates their semantic relatedness; the semantic meaning of an item corresponds to its geometric relationships with other items, such as above-mentioned w(queen) ≈w(king) −w(man) + w(woman). In other words, the relative closeness with other items rather than its absolute position in the semantic space reveals an item’s meaning.

Later, the structuralism theory evolved into a more computational version, distributionalism, arguing that the meanings of linguistic items are defined by their distribution in text corpora. The distributionalism is further developed into the distributional hypothesis formalized by American linguist Zellig Harris, arguing that language items sharing similar distributions of context have similar meanings [18]. The distributional hypothesis provides a computational way of following the empiricism approach to learning semantic representations of text from large-scale corpora, which is essential to distributed representation learning.

1.5 Representation Learning Approaches in NLP

In the history of AI, researchers have developed various effective and efficient approaches to learning semantic representations for NLP. Here we list some typical approaches.

1.5.1 Feature Engineering

As introduced above, semantic representations for NLP in the early stage often come from statistics instead of learning with optimization. Feature engineering is a typical approach to representation learning in statistical learning and can be divided into feature selection and feature extraction.

During the era of statistical learning, feature selection techniques have been extensively explored in NLP, focusing on selecting the most informative symbolic features because of the symbolic nature of human languages. For feature engineering of NLP, researchers should take care of issues such as feature set construction, feature weighting, and smoothing.

For statistical learning of various NLP tasks, we should determine what features should be considered. All syntactic and semantic features of language items, such as words and their part-of-speech (POS) tags, n-grams, word and entity types, semantic roles, and parse trees, may be helpful in specific NLP tasks. These linguistic features may be extracted by specific NLP systems or provided by given tasks. Even for the features of language items, how to select those most informative ones to form the feature set is also an important issue [36].

After the feature set is determined, measuring the feature weight for a specific instance is also essential. For example, in n-gram or bag-of-words models, entries in the representation are usually frequencies, occurrence numbers, or other weight scores of the corresponding language items counted in a given text or large-scale corpora. These feature scores indicate essential semantic characteristics of the given instance.

Moreover, the dimension of the feature space in statistical NLP is usually substantial, and the feature vector of a word or document correspondingly exhibits the sparsity issue, i.e., the curse of dimensionality in the context of NLP. To address the sparsity issue, besides dimensionality reduction techniques, researchers also developed smoothing techniques of semantic representation [37] by taking advantage of more context of the given document, such as its related documents.

In summary, in a long period before the era of distributed representation, researchers devoted lots of effort to manually designing, selecting, and weighing useful linguistic features and incorporating them as inputs of NLP models. The feature engineering pipeline heavily relies on human experts of specific tasks and domains, is thus time-consuming and labor-intensive, and cannot generalize well across objects, tasks, and domains.

1.5.2 Supervised Representation Learning

Distributed representations can emerge from the optimization of neural networks under supervised learning. In hidden layers of neural networks, the different activation patterns of neurons represent different objects. With a training objective (usually a loss function for the target task) and supervised signals (usually the gold-standard labels for training instances of the target task), the networks can learn to find better parameters for representing language items via optimization such as gradient descent. With proper training, the hidden states will become informative and generalized as good semantic representations of natural languages.

For example, to train a neural network for sentiment classification, the loss function is usually formalized as the cross entropy of model predictions considering gold-standard sentiment labels as supervision. By optimizing the objective with many supervised training instances, in company with the training loss getting smaller and the classification performance getting better, the model is expected to build better sentence representations as classification features.

1.5.3 Self-supervised Representation Learning

In many cases, we do not have human-labeled data for supervised learning. We need to find “labels” intrinsically from large-scale unlabeled data to acquire the training objective necessary for neural networks. The approach can be regarded as a mixed way between supervised and unsupervised learning, called self-supervised learning.

Language modeling is a typical self-supervised objective because it does not require human annotations. For the learning objective of predicting the next word given previous context words, we can effortlessly obtain the gold standard of the next words from large-scale corpora.

Another example of self-supervised representation learning is Autoencoder. An Autoencoder has a reduction (encoding) phase and a reconstruction (decoding) phase. The model will encode an object into a low-dimensional representation in the reduction phase and reconstruct the object from the intermediate representation in the reconstruction phase. Here the training objective is the reconstruction loss, taking the original data as the gold standard. During the training process, meaningful information will be encoded and kept in latent representations, and noisy or useless signals will be discarded.

The most advanced pre-trained language models combines the advantages of both self-supervised learning and supervised learning. In the pre-training-fine-tuning pipeline, pre-training can be regarded as self-supervised learning from large-scale unlabeled corpora, and fine-tuning is supervised learning with labeled task-specific data. Self-supervised learning has dramatically succeeded in NLP because the plain text contains abundant knowledge and patterns about languages. Self-supervised learning can effectively learn from almost infinite large-scale text corpora. Nowadays, it is still one of the most exciting research areas of representation learning for NLP, and a growing number of researchers are devoting their efforts to learning better pre-trained language models.

Besides, many other machine learning approaches have also been explored in representation learning for NLP, such as adversarial training, contrastive learning, few-shot learning, meta-learning, continual learning, and reinforcement learning. It is still an active research topic on developing effective and efficient representation learning methods for NLP from large-scale and complicated corpora and computing power.

1.6 How to Apply Representation Learning to NLP

We summarize four typical approaches to applying representation learning of multiple objects to promote NLP systems, including input augmentation, architecture reformulation, objective regularization, and parameter transfer.

As shown in Fig. 1.8, a typical scenario is, if we have some structured knowledge, representation learning can help to incorporate the knowledge into various components of an NLP system, such as input, architecture, and objective. It also works with unstructured knowledge, such as word representations from large-scale text corpora. Moreover, the pre-training-fine-tuning pipeline in pre-trained language models offers parameter transfer to an NLP system.

Fig. 1.8
An illustration explains the approach to applying representation in N L P systems. The components are parameter transfer, objective reformation, and input augmentation.

The approaches of applying representation learning in NLP systems, including input augmentation, architecture reformulation, objective regularization, and parameter transfer. (The images are obtained from wikimedia.org.)

1.6.1 Input Augmentation

The basic idea of input augmentation is to learn semantic representations of objects in advance. Then, object representations can be augmented as some parts of the input in downstream models. For example, word embeddings can be learned with language modeling from large-scale corpora and then used as input initialization for downstream NLP models. During the learning process of downstream models, we can either keep these word embeddings fixed and only tune other model parameters or tune all parameters considering word embeddings. There is no answer to which strategy is better. In practice, it should be determined by empirical comparison, influenced by many factors, such as the amount of supervised downstream data and the complexity of downstream tasks.

We can also introduce external knowledge related to input to augment inputs of downstream models. In this book, we will introduce world knowledge (Chap. 9), linguistic and commonsense knowledge (Chap. 10), and domain knowledge (Chaps. 11 and 12), whose representations can be learned based on either knowledge graphs or symbolic rules and then integrated into specific NLP systems as input augmentation for improving performance.

1.6.2 Architecture Reformulation

We can use objects (such as entity knowledge) and their distributed representations to restructure the architecture of neural networks for downstream tasks. For example, as we introduce in Chap. 10, we take sememe as the minimum indivisible unit of semantic meanings in human languages [5] and build linguistic and commonsense knowledge graphs with sememe-sense-word hierarchy. With the help of sememe knowledge, we can reformulate the next-word prediction task in neural language modeling into a pipeline of first predicting sememes of the next word, then predicting related senses, and finally predicting the next word. In this way, we make neural language models more interpretable and robust.

1.6.3 Objective Regularization

We can also apply object representations to regularize downstream model learning. As mentioned above, there are usually multiple language items in NLP tasks. Since all these items are mapped into a unified semantic space using representation learning, we can formalize various learning objectives to regularize model learning. For example, suppose we train neural language models from large-scale corpora and learn entity representations from a world knowledge graph. We can add a new learning objective of entity linking as regularization by minimizing the loss of predicting a mentioned entity in a sentence to the corresponding entity in the knowledge graph. With the help of more informative signals for learning, NLP models are expected to achieve better performance.

1.6.4 Parameter Transfer

The semantic composition and representation capabilities of language items such as sentences and documents lie in the weights within neural networks. We can directly transfer these pre-trained model parameters to downstream tasks in an end-to-end fashion. We have mentioned the approach of parameter transfer in the pre-training-fine-tuning pipeline of pre-trained language models. Most NLP tasks are at the levels of sentences and documents: the tasks like sentiment classification, natural language inference, machine translation, and relation extraction require sentence representation; the tasks like question answering and information retrieval require document representation. All these tasks can benefit from the capabilities of sentence or document representations from pre-trained language models on large-scale corpora. Moreover, many representation learning methods have been designed specifically for sentences and documents and benefit these NLP tasks, which will be introduced in the corresponding chapters of this book.

1.7 Advantages of Distributed Representation Learning

From the above brief introduction, we can summarize the following advantages of distributed representation learning for NLP.

Unified Representation Space

As shown in Fig. 1.9, distributed representation can provide a unified representation scheme and space for natural languages. The unified scheme and space can facilitate knowledge transfer across multiple language items, multiple human knowledge, multiple NLP tasks, and multiple application domains, as discussed in Sect. 1.2, and significantly improve the effectiveness and robustness of NLP performance.

Fig. 1.9
A distributed representation starts with six language units and progresses to a unified semantic space. It leads to N L P tasks such as N L P applications, semantic analysis, syntactic analysis, and lexical analysis.

Distributed representation can provide unified semantic space for multiple language items and for multiple NLP tasks

Learnable Representation

The embeddings in distributed representation can be learned as a part of model parameters in supervised or self-supervised ways. It is the reason for the name “representation learning.” Unlike previous feature-engineered representation methods, this enables distributed representation adaptable to NLP tasks by learning from task-specific data.

End-to-End Learning

Feature engineering in the symbolic representation scheme usually consists of multiple learning components, such as feature selection and term weighting. These components are conducted step-by-step in a pipeline, which cannot be well optimized according to the ultimate goal of the given task. In contrast, distributed representation learning supports end-to-end learning via back-propagation across neural network hierarchies.

1.8 The Organization of This Book

The book focuses on the distributed representation scheme (i.e., embedding) in NLP and talks about recent advances in representation learning methods for (1) multiple language items including words, sentences, and documents; (2) closely related topics including graphs, cross-modality, and robustness; and (3) external knowledge including world knowledge, linguistic and commonsense knowledge, and domain knowledge.

We start the book from word representation. By giving a thorough introduction to word representation in Chap. 2, readers are expected to learn basic ideas of representation learning for NLP. After that, we introduce the techniques of sentence and document representation learning in Chap. 4, focusing on compositionally acquiring semantic representations of a higher-level language item from its components. We further introduce the most advanced techniques, pre-trained language models, in Chap. 5. After going through these chapters, readers will establish essential knowledge about deep learning techniques in NLP and realize the key to the deep learning revolution in NLP is distributed representation learning.

There are three essential and closely related topics for representation learning in NLP. First, the graph is also a natural way to represent objects and their relationships. In Chap. 6, we introduce representation learning techniques for modeling nodes, edges, and graphs; how graph representation learning can help NLP. Second, another important topic related to NLP is cross-modal representation learning. It studies how to build unified semantic representations across distinct modalities, such as texts, audios, images, and videos. In Chap. 7, we focus on the interaction between vision and text to introduce techniques and advances in cross-modal representation learning. Third, the robustness of semantic representations is critical for NLP applications, which will be introduced in Chap. 8.

In this book, we also argue that a deep understanding of natural languages requires the support of multiple human knowledge. Representation learning can incorporate external knowledge for NLP, known as knowledge-guided NLP, as shown in Fig. 1.10. Here, we introduce three typical forms of knowledge representation closely related to NLP: entity-based world knowledge, sememe-based linguistic and commonsense knowledge, and legal and biomedical domain knowledge.

Fig. 1.10
A framework starts with the deep learning model, which extracts knowledge and leads to the knowledge graph. Embedding and symbols are present in a knowledge graph. The knowledge-guided NLP is then incorporated.

The framework of knowledge representation learning (KRL), knowledge acquisition, and knowledge-guided NLP

In Chap. 9, we give a general introduction to knowledge representation learning (KRL) and take entity-based world knowledge as an example to introduce KRL methods and knowledge-guided NLP. World knowledge representation typically encodes world facts from knowledge graphs with entities and their relations into continuous semantic space. With world KRL, we can make NLP models knowledgeable of more information about those entities in text, such as rich attributes or relations with other entities.

Sememe representation encodes linguistic and commonsense knowledge of natural languages, where sememe is defined as the minimum indivisible unit of semantic meanings in human languages [5]. As shown in Chap. 10, with the help of sememe representation learning, we can get more interpretable and robust NLP models.

There is also rich and complicated domain knowledge along with large amounts of domain-specific texts. Domain knowledge is important for the accurate understanding of domain texts. In Chaps. 11 and 12, we take the legal and biomedical domains as examples to introduce how to represent domain knowledge of distinct forms and facilitate domain-specific NLP systems.

At the end of the book, we share some views about challenging topics in representation learning for NLP. We hope the outlook can inspire more readers to play a part in building more powerful representation learning for NLP and AI.