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The Paraná-Paraguay Fluvial Corridor (Argentina)

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
The Wetland Book
  • 186 Accesses


The Paraná-Paraguay Corridor forms the main fluvial axis of De la Plata River basin, spanning free of hydroelectric dams, between 20° S and 35° S, crossing Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. There are big differences in precipitation and hydrological seasons which drive the pulsing regimes of its large wetlands with extended wet and dry phases. From the Pantanal wetlands in the north and ending with the Rio de la Plata Estuary in the south, the corridor connects large tropical and subtropical wetlands with temperate deltaic and coastal areas, making it a remarkable thermal, geochemical and biogeographic highway. Species richness figures for the whole area are not available although some of its major wetlands (Middle Paraná, Lower Paraná Delta) have been extensively studied. A thorough assessment of the conservation status for the whole Fluvial Corridor has not been made yet. Its wetland mosaics contribute to buffer the effects of extraordinary floods and function as water reservoirs during dry seasons or spells. The Fluvial Corridor provides land settings, freshwater for domestic and industrial uses, pollution cleanup services, recreation opportunities, and local and international commerce transportation to more than 40 million urban dwellers which inhabit its shores. Major threats for the whole system are related to climate variability, river flow regulation from hydroelectrical projects and waterway development expansion, excessive runoff from agricultural and industrial mainland activities with few or no water treatments. Current economic development is heavily focused on transforming wetlands into terrestrial ecosystems for recreational urban development, year round cattle ranching and agriculture.

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Minotti, P.G. (2016). The Paraná-Paraguay Fluvial Corridor (Argentina). In: Finlayson, C., Milton, G., Prentice, R., Davidson, N. (eds) The Wetland Book. Springer, Dordrecht.

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