
1 Data and Policy

Policy-making is a process guided by ethical values, diverse interests and evidence. It is motivated by political convictions, limited by available resources, guided by assumptions and supported by theoretical considerations. It is also bound by reality checks, which are sometimes reassuring, at other times bring unexpected results, but which are in all cases beneficial.

Economists and social scientists have theoretical models that help assess the intended effect of policies. Given policy goals, these models guide the choice of intervention, such as public investment, changes in the reference interest rate or reformulations of market regulations. However, theory has its limits and can clash with reality.

In modern democracies, a comparison of expressed intentions with actual results is increasingly required by citizens, the media, political groups and policy-makers alike, and rightly so. As Milton Friedman, the 1976 Nobel Laureate in Economics, once said, ‘One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results’.

Recent years have seen the rise of a ‘what works’ approach to the policy cycle, in which policy interventions are designed using elements that have worked in the past and are evaluated quantitatively to measure their impact.Footnote 1 This is happening in parallel with a ‘credibility revolution’ in empirical economics, which Angrist and Pischke (2010) describe as the current ‘rise of a design-based approach that emphasizes the identification of causal effects’.

Public policy can derive benefit from two modern realities: the increasing availability and quality of data and the existence of modern econometric methods that allow for a causal impact evaluation of policies. These two fairly new factors mean that policy-making can and should be increasingly supported by evidence.

The remaining sections of this chapter briefly introduce these two realities: on the one hand, the availability and use of microdata, especially of the administrative type, and, on the other hand, the main modern counterfactual econometric methods available for policy evaluators. A short Glossary completes the chapter.

2 Data Granularity

The granularity of data plays an important role in building evidence for policy. Granularity ranges from ‘micro’, as in microdata, which usually relate to individuals, firms or geographical units, to ‘aggregate’, for state-level data, as in national accounts. Data of different granularities are good for different policy evaluation purposes. Microdata are especially fit for finding evidence of a policy intervention’s effectiveness at the individual level, while aggregate data are useful for studying macroeconomic effects.

As an example, consider a programme of incentives for post-secondary vocational training and its evaluation, during or after its implementation. It is usually assumed that these incentives help to attract young people to technical professions that increase their employability.

One might first think to use the number of youngsters enrolled in such training programmes and examine the aggregate unemployment rate of the cohorts which include people exiting these programmes. This approach would, however, present a number of pitfalls.

Firstly, it would be difficult to know whether a change in enrolment or in youth unemployment was due to general economic conditions or to the programme under analysis. Secondly, one would not be able to directly link employment with the training programme: it might be that the newly employed people were just those who had not attended the training programme. In summary, aggregate employment rates (even when broken down by cohorts) would not provide evidence of a causal link between the programme and the employment rate.

Suppose now that individual data (microdata) have been collected and that, for each young person eligible for the incentive programme, one knows whether or not he or she has applied to the programme and received the incentives, whether or not he or she has successfully concluded the training provided (treatment) and whether or not he or she has obtained a job (outcome of interest). On top of this, suppose one knows other individual characteristics, such as age, gender, education, parents’ occupations and family socio-economic status; these characteristics are examples of ‘control variables’.

Finally, assume that all this information is available for both the young people that accessed the incentives, i.e. the treated group, and for people of the same age with similar characteristics who did not follow the programme, i.e. a potential control group. If one could assume that the difference between the treated and the control group was not systematic, as reflected by their age and other individual characteristics (controls), then one could measure directly the success of the incentive programme and assess its impact. (A comparison of the employment rates of the two groups would deliver the average treatment effect of the incentive programme.)

This example shows how microdata, unlike aggregate data, can allow one to identify the impact of a policy. To access such information it is necessary to record it in the first place. Data then need to be linked to follow people throughout the whole relevant period. Next, data need to be made available for the study to be performed. Specific issues are involved at each stage.

3 Administrative Data

Administrative data (admin data) are data collected for administrative purposes by governments or other public administration agencies in the course of their regular activities. Admin data usually consist of large datasets containing, for example, in the case of individuals, data on taxes, social security, education, employment, health, housing, etc. Similar public archives exist containing data on firms or data on municipalities.

These datasets are extensively and continuously updated. They are used for general official purposes, such as control of payments or administrative actions. Recently, they have been recognised as an important data source for policy research and policy impact evaluation, see Card etal (2010).

Given the scope and extent of these databases (some of which may fall into the ‘big data’ category), there are several advantages for policy research in using admin data, possibly in combination with survey data. Firstly, the quality of the data is in some aspects superior to the one of the data made available via surveys, because the data are maintained and checked for administrative purposes; this results in greater accuracy, which is particularly important.

Secondly, the data usually cover all individuals, firms or municipalities present in the whole population, and hence, the database is much larger than the samples used in surveys.Footnote 2 Thirdly, as they coincide with the reference population, they are representative in the statistical sense. Moreover, they do not have or have fewer problems with attrition, non-response and measurement error than traditional survey data sources.Footnote 3

Moreover, admin data have other additional non-negligible practical advantages. Fourthly (adding to the previous list), data have already been collected, and so costs are usually limited to the extraction and preparation of records. Fifthly, data are collected on a regular basis, sometimes on a real-time basis, so they provide sequential information to build time series. Sixthly, data are collected in a consistent way and are subject to accuracy tests. Seventhly, data collection is not intrusive in the way that surveys are. Finally, data linkage across registries is possible and often straightforward, whenever individuals have unique identifiers, such as national ID numbers. Admin data can also be linked to survey data.

Admin data also have limitations with respect to surveys and other types of data collected for specific research purposes. Firstly, the variables recorded may fail to include information relevant for research. Secondly, data reliability may be suboptimal for some variables that are not of central concern for the administrative tasks. Thirdly, data collection rules may vary across periods and institutions. All this implies that admin and survey data may complement each other for a specific purpose.

During the past 15 or 20 years, interest in admin data for social research and policy evaluation has been increasing exponentially—see Poel et al. (2015), Card et al. (2015) and Connelly et al. (2016)—especially when they are complemented by other types of data, including big data; see Einav and Levin (2014) for a general discussion on how large-scale datasets can enable novel research designs.

In a process that began with some occasional uses in North America (see Hotz et al. 1998) and Europe, the wealth of admin data and the possibilities they offer have been increasingly recognised in the past two decades. The call to action in the United States reached the National Science Foundation (Card et al. 2010; White House 2014; US Congress 2016), which established a Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking, with a composition involving (a) academic researchers, (b) experts on the protection of personally identifiable information and on data minimisation and (c) policy-makers from the Office of Management and Budget. Its final report, CEP (2017), provides a vivid overview and outlook on evidence-based policymaking in the US.

There have been similar developments in Europe with regard to the use of admin data for policy research purposes, albeit with heterogeneity across states. Some countries already make considerable use of admin data for policy research.Footnote 4 The European Commission (2016) issued a directive establishing that data, information and knowledge should be shared as widely as possible within the Commission and promoting cross-cutting cooperation between the Commission and member states for the exchange of data for better policy-making.

In parallel with this progress, researchers have developed methods for improving data quality, data linkage and safety of data access and use. Data quality has been improving continuously in Europe as a result of a set of factors, namely, a continuous effort to make data classification criteria uniform, better monitoring of spending of European Union (EU) funds, increasing attention to regulation efficiency and an intensification of accounting information control over individuals and firms.

Record linkage has also progressed in many countries and has evolved into a highly technical task that has its own methods and issues; see Winkler (2006) and Christen (2012). In the collection of admin data, it makes good sense to establish routines for data linkage. Data are made available to researchers and public institutions in a way that protects confidentiality; there are ways of establishing safeguarding rules, legal standards, protocols, algorithms and computer security standards that make it almost completely certain that relevant data are accessed and studied without violating justifiable confidentiality principles (see, e.g. Gkoulalas-Divanis et al. 2014; Aldeen et al. 2015; Livraga 2015).

For scientific reproducibility (see Munafò et al. 2017), citizens’ scrutiny, policy transparency, quality reporting and similar goals, it is also desirable that essential data that support studies and conclusions are made available for replication (reproducibility) or contrasting studies.

A report by President Obama’s executive office (White House 2014) considers ‘data as a public resource’ and ultimately recommends that government data should be ‘securely stored, and to the maximum extent possible, open and accessible’ (p. 67). The previously cited communication to the European Commission of November 2016 also contains a pledge that, where appropriate, ‘information will be made more easily accessible’ (p. 5).

4 Counterfactual Methods

Human society is the result of such complex interactions that many people consider it almost impossible to assess the real effect of policies. Indeed, the evaluation of policies’ impact is fraught with difficulties; however, it is not impossible.

During recent decades, statisticians and econometricians have been developing techniques that allow for sound conclusions on causality. The better the data used, the sounder the conclusions can be. These methods build and expand on the methods used to analyse experimental data; these extensions are crucial, as microdata are often collected in real-life situations, rather than in experimental environments.

Coming back to the example of training incentives, the evaluation of the policy impact aims to answer the question: ‘What would have happened if this intervention had not been put in place?’ In natural sciences, this type of question can often be answered by conducting an experiment: in the same country and for the same population, two almost identical groups would be formed, and the policy measures would be put in place for one of the groups (the treated group) and not the other (the control group). The two groups could be formed by random assignment.Footnote 5

Only in rare social situations, however, can a controlled experiment be conducted. There may be objections, for example, on ethical grounds: a deliberate experiment may even be considered discriminatory against one of the groups. Outside controlled experiments, other problems arise. For instance, if individuals or firms self-select into policy interventions, this may change the reference populations for the treated and control groups and cause the so-called selection bias problem.

Notwithstanding all this, a reasonable answer to the same counterfactual question can be achieved with a judicious application of appropriate statistical techniques, referred to as counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE) methods. These methods are called quasi-experimental, because they attempt to recreate a situation similar to a controlled experiment.

CIE methods require data and specific linkages of different databases. Going back to the example previously discussed, the best way to study the effects of the programme would be to follow individuals and record their academic past, their family background, their success in the programme and their employment status. The relevant ministry of education might have data regarding their academic track record, a European Social Fund-funded agency might have data regarding people enrolled in the training programme, and the relevant social security department might have data regarding (un)employment. These data would need to be linked at the individual level, to follow each individual through the process.

5 Counterfactual Impact Evaluation Methods

In controlled experiments, the average of the outcome variable for the treated group is compared with that for the control group. When the two groups come from the same population, such as when assignment to both groups is random, this difference estimates the average treatment effect.

In many real-world cases, random assignment is not possible, and individuals (or firms) self-select into a treatment according to observable and unobservable characteristics, and/or the selected level of treatment can be correlated with those characteristics. CIE methods aim to address this fundamental selection bias issue.Footnote 6

Some of the standard classes of CIE methods are briefly introduced below in non-technical language. Many excellent books now exist that present CIE methods rigorously, such as the introductory book by Angrist and Pischke (2014) and the books by Imbens and Rubin (2015) and by Angrist and Pischke (2009).

5.1 Differences in Differences

This CIE technique estimates the average treatment effect by comparing the changes in the outcome variable for the treated group with those for the control group, possibly controlling for other observable determinants of the outcome variables. As it compares the changes and not the attained levels of the outcome variable, this technique is intended to eliminate the effect of the differences between the two populations that derive from potentially different starting points.

Take, for example, an impact evaluation of the relative impacts of two different but simultaneous youth job-training programmes in two different cities. One should not look at the net unemployment rate at the end of the programmes, because the starting values for the unemployment rate in the two cities may have been different. A differences in differences (DiD) approach instead compares the magnitudes of the changes in the unemployment rate in the two cities.

A basic assumption of DiD is the common trend assumption, namely, that treated and control groups would show the same trends across time in the absence of policy intervention. Hence, the change in the outcome variable for the control group can be used as an estimate of the counterfactual change in the outcome variable for the treated group.

5.2 Regression Discontinuity Design

This CIE technique exploits situations in which eligibility for the programme depends on certain observable characteristics, such as a requirement to be above (or below) an age threshold, such as 40 years of age. Individuals close to the threshold on either side are compared, and the jump of the expected outcome variable at the threshold serves as an estimate of the local average treatment effect.

As an example, consider an EU regulation that applies to firms above a certain size; regression discontinuity design (RDD) can be used to compare the outcome of interest, such as the profit margin, of treated firms above but close to the firm-size threshold with the same figure for control firms below but also close to the firm-size threshold. Firms that lie around the cutoff level are supposed to be close enough to be considered similar except for treatment status.

RDD requires policy participation assignment to be based on some observable control variable with a threshold. RDD is considered a robust and reliable CIE method, with the additional advantage of being easily presentable with the help of graphs. Since the observations that contribute to identifying the causal effect are mainly those around the threshold, RDD may require large sample sizes.

5.3 Instrumental Variables

Instrumental variable (IV) estimation is a well-known econometric technique. It uses an observable variable, called an instrument, which predicts the assignment of units to the policy intervention but which is otherwise unrelated to the outcome of interest.Footnote 7 More precisely, an instrument is an exogenousFootnote 8 variable that affects the treatment (relevance of the instrument) and the outcome variable only through its influence on the treatment (exclusion restriction).

For instance, assume one wishes to evaluate whether or not the low amount of R&D expenditure in a country is a factor hampering innovation. A way in which this question can be answered is by considering an existing public R&D subsidy to firms. Assume that in this specific case, subsidies have been assigned through a two-stage procedure. In the first stage, firms had to apply by presenting projects; in the second stage, only those firms whose projects met certain quality criteria were considered (Pool A). Within Pool A, a randomly selected subgroup of firms received the subsidy, as public resources were not sufficient to finance all the projects.

In this scenario, the evaluators can collect data on each firm in Pool A, with information on their amounts of R&D expenditure (policy treatment variable), the number of patent applications or registrations (outcome of interest) and an indicator of whether or not they were given the subsidy. This latter indicator is an instrument to assess the causal effect of R&D spending on innovation (e.g. the number of patent applications or registrations).

Receiving the subsidy presumably has a positive effect on the amount of R&D spending (relevance). Receiving the subsidy is exogenous, since the subsidies were allocated randomly and not according to a firm’s innovation potential, which may have caused an endogeneity problem, and is expected to affect innovation only via R&D effort (exclusion restriction).

There is a vast econometric literature on IV, which spans the last 70 years; see, for example, Wooldridge (2010).

5.4 Propensity Score Matching

This CIE technique compares the outcome variable for treated individuals with the outcome variable for matched individuals in a control group. Matching units are selected such that their observed characteristics (controls) are similar to those of treated units. The matching is usually operationalised via a propensity score, which is defined as the probability of being treated given a set of observable variables.Footnote 9

As an example, imagine that one needs to evaluate the impact of an EU-wide certification process for chemical firms on firms’ costs. This certification process is voluntary. Because the firms that applied for the certification are more likely to be innovative enterprises, one should compare the results for the treated firms with those for similar untreated firms. One possibility is to define the control group by matching on the level of R&D spending.

Propensity score matching (PSM) requires a (comparatively) large sample providing information on many variables, which are used to perform the matching.

6 A Call to Action

As briefly summarised in this chapter, it is now possible to make significant advances in the evaluation and readjustment of public policies. A wealth of admin data are already being collected and can be organised, complemented and made available with simple additional efforts.

Admin data allow for better, faster and less costly studies of economies and societies. Modern scientific methods can be used to analyse this evidence. On these bases, generalised and improved studies of public policies are possible and necessary.

At a time when public policies are increasingly scrutinised, there is an urgent need to know more about the impact of public spending, investment and regulation. Data and methods are available. Data collection and availability need to be planned at the start of policy design. It is also necessary to systematically evaluate the evolving impact of policies and take this evidence into account. In the end, citizens need to know how public investment, regulation and policies are impacting upon their lives.