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Roma: A Nation Without a Homeland, Common Language, or Written Language – A Case Study of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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Handbook of the Changing World Language Map
  • 131 Accesses


Regardless of the Roma presence in Bulgaria for over six centuries, today our macro-society, as well as a certain number of researchers who study that community and their language, still do not possess enough knowledge, nor do they differentiate well enough the cultural matrices of the different Roma communities. Today over 100 Roma groups and subgroups live in Bulgaria. Exactly how many of those groups actually belong to the Roma ethnic group is hard to say. The cultural unification of the Roma and their attribution to the imaginary Roma community and its respective groups, subgroups, and communities with close cultural characteristics to those of the true Roma create both a terminological and a classificatory chaos. This confusion reflects directly on the correct knowledge about the culture of these communities and on the results of the policies for intervention. In this chapter, the reader is introduced to the cultural features of the largest Roma community in Bulgaria, called millet, Turkish gypsies, and yerlii. The research is based on studying the four Roma neighborhoods in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

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Asenov, K. (2019). Roma: A Nation Without a Homeland, Common Language, or Written Language – A Case Study of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In: Brunn, S., Kehrein, R. (eds) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Springer, Cham.

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