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Input of Energy/Underwater Sound

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Handbook on Marine Environment Protection


Underwater sound is ubiquitous throughout the world’s oceans. Evaluating its impact and relevance for the marine fauna is highly complex and hampered by a paucity of data, lack of understanding and ambiguity of terms. When comparing sound (an energetic pollutant) with substantial pollutants (chemical, biological or marine litter) two notable differences emerge: Firstly, while sound propagates instantaneously away from the source, it also ceases immediately within minutes of shutting off the source. Anthropogenic noise is hence per-se ephemeral, lending itself to a set of in-situ mitigation strategies unsuitable for mitigation of persistent pollutants. Secondly, while pollution with hazardous substances can readily be described quantitatively with few parameters (concentration as the most important one), the description of sound and its impact on aquatic life is of much higher complexity, as to be evidenced by the issue’s multifaceted description following hereinafter.

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  1. 1.

    “Sound”, as defined by ISO/DIS 18405.2 constitutes the “alteration in pressure, stress or material displacement propagated via the action of elastic stresses in an elastic medium and that involves local compression and expansion of the medium, or the superposition of such propagated alterations.” The scientific meaning of sound therefore has no judgmental connotation, i.e. it is not used as the antonym of “noise”, regardless of its origin or deliberateness of emission. Hereinafter, use of the term sound is strictly confined its physical meaning.

  2. 2.

    The “acoustic environment”</Emphasis> represents the sound at the receiver from all sound sources as modified by the environment (ISO 2014. ISO 12913-1:2014(E) Acoustics—Soundscape—Part1: Definitions and conceptual framework.) In marine acoustics it is currently used synonymously with the term “soundscape”, which, however, in terrestrial acoustics represents a subjective perception, i.e. the acoustic environment as perceived by the listener.

  3. 3.

    Sometimes called “ambient noise”, a term we deprecate, due to the ambivalent meanings of the term noise. See also footnote #7.

  4. 4.

    “Nominal source levels” are used as parameter in far-field sound level calculations and must not be confused with true sound levels near the source. Note that Figure 1 depicts spectral source levels, not source levels, for discrete sources and spectral levels for diffuse sources.

  5. 5.

    The terms, high-, mid- and low-frequency are associated by different stakeholders with rather different frequency ranges. Whenever using these terms, their definition should be provided for clarification. Here we follow the classification used by Hildebrand (2009) anthropogenic and natural sources of ambient noise in the ocean. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 395, 5–20.

  6. 6.

    However, overly ambitious efforts to provide precise sound level for risk assessments are often futile, as error estimates of even simple sound propagation estimates are dwarfed by the order of magnitude(s) bigger uncertainties associated with the estimation of probability and severity of contingent risks to the marine fauna.

  7. 7.

    Alternatively, the term “noise” might also bear the connotation of being disturbing, however this is a rather subjective perception: Signals generated by marine animals may be experienced as distraction by a submarine’s sonar operator, while the sonar pings of a submarine might disrupt the underwater communication of marine mammals. Additionally, noise sometimes is understood as all sounds of anthropogenic origin or it can bear special meanings in the context of measurement techniques.

  8. 8.

    Note that the terms “low” and “mid” frequency are used differently by different navies, creating ambiguities. Discussion should specify the frequency range in Hertz.

  9. 9.

    “Naval” in English implies “belonging to the Navy”, i.e. a military context, whereas the French “naval” implies “nautical”, i.e. all seagoing activities including civil. The German text version simply refers to highly powerful (or efficient, the German term is ambivalent in this regard) active underwater sonars, including e.g. fishing sonars.

  10. 10.

    With recovering whale stocks, acoustic levels are expected to rise in their respective vocalization bands. For Antarctic Blue Whales, which already produce the most powerful signal in the Southern Ocean at 27 Hz when estimated at only about 1–2% of their pre-whaling population, acoustic levels might rise by up to 20 dB should the population fully recover. Estimates of natural levels should hence be based on the pre-whaling (status quo ante) acoustic state of the ocean.


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The authors would like to thank Michael Ainslie, René Dekeling and the editors of this book for their most helpful comments on the manuscript as it evolved.

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Boebel, O., Burkhardt, E., van Opzeeland, I. (2018). Input of Energy/Underwater Sound. In: Salomon, M., Markus, T. (eds) Handbook on Marine Environment Protection . Springer, Cham.

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