
1 Introduction

figure a

The concept of Semantics of Computation or of Programming Languages, is nearly 60 years old. The notion started to be used in connection to Programming Languages (PL’s) by the ALGOL CommitteeFootnote 1 in the late ‘50’s. Semantics per se was weaned in 1964 when the IFIP WG 2.2 Formal Description of Programming Concepts was established. This occurred in the aftermath of the momentous IFIP TC2 Working Conference Formal Language Description Languages for Computer Programming held in Vienna in September 1964. The proceedings of that Conference [25] are an impressive as well as exhilarating catalogue of the embryos of the most influential ideas of Theoretical Computer Science to come, expressed by the founding fathers themselves!

But what a divergent collection of methodologies appears in [25]. It fully accounts for the fact that the word “Semantics” is a pluralia tantum and that the very title of [25], besides using the word “languages”, in the plural, has itself an ambivalent reading. It can be parsed both as “Formal (Language Description Languages)”, i.e. formal metalanguages, or, alternatively as “(Formal Language) Description Languages”, i.e. metalanguages for formal languages. The “true” meaning was probably both, i.e. “Formal (Formal Language) Description Languages”, but for æsthetical reasons the two adjectives “formal”, were coalesced. The 1964 Vienna Conference was a gathering of giants. D. Knuth introduced attribute grammars. P. Landin, C. Böhm, and C. Stratchey introduced different methods and metalanguages based on \(\lambda \) -calculus. Landin presented A formal description of Algol 60, using a precursor of ISWIM, Böhm defined the The CuCh Machine, combining (Cu)rry and(Ch)urch’s formalisms, and Strachey, in Towards a Formal Semantics, envisaged what was to become denotational semantics. J. McCarthy gave a formal description of ALGOL, M. Nivat discussed its semantics, and C. Elgot analysed RAM’s.

The following decades witnessed breathtaking developments, in the directions outlined in Vienna. (One may still wonder if all ideas in [25] have been fully explored!) Milestones in this triumphal march of Semantics are the papers by Scott, e.g. [5355] where he introduced domains, using topological spaces and advocated category theory; the results by Plotkin, e.g. [47, 48, 58], where both were developed to an outstanding level; the seminal work by Milner [42, 45] on calculi for communicating and mobile processes; and the later revolutionary and massive contributions of Girard [28, 29] and Abramsky [4, 6], who explored interaction categories and brought into the picture the crucial metaphor of games. Since the 70’s the growth of Semantics was strengthened also by a logical strain of research pioneered by Martin-Löf [41], based on the formulæ-as-types analogy, whereby programs can be extracted from proofs in Constructive Type Theory.

Standing on the shoulders of these giants, today we have full-fledged research fields such as Domain Semantics, Categorical Semantics, and Game Semantics, and excellent systems for extracting certified programs from formal proofs [18]. But frankly, today we are even further than in 1964 from a convergent view of what is the ultimate semantics or metalanguage, having given up completely the quest for the universal programming language.

The purpose of this paper is not in the least to attempt at providing, 60 years later, a unifying viewpoint or even an exhaustive account of Semantics. But rather, drawing from Philosophy, Logics, Mathematics, and ComputingFootnote 2 I will present various ideas and problematic issues calling for a general reflection on what do we mean by Semantics. Semantics is intended to explain. Hence any semanticist, not to sustain immediately an attack by an ad hominem argument, should show how it can explain itself. Many consolatory narratives are available, and it is easy to be carried away by the sheer logico-mathematical beauty of the constructions. For this reason, in the title, I rephrased Shakespeare’s ontological, almost tautological, question to express the need to address the dramatically naïve, but as yet unsettled, issue of What is the Semantics of Computation?

2 Some Intriguing, as Well as Distressing, Issues

2.1 The Pythagorean Dream and the Original Sin

There is no doubt that the power of digital simulation combined with the elementary simplicity of Universal Computational Models is the Pythagorean Dream made true. The Universe is apparently rational and comprehensible. We are capable of digitally simulating even the most challenging phenomena from, say, weather patterns to the style of impressionist painters. All natural processes appear to be encodable, once the appropriate data are gödelized, even using just a single symbol, and then processed computationally with a simple PL.

We have countless Universal Computational Models, e.g. Turing Machines, Church’s \(\lambda \)-calculus, Shönfinkel’s and Curry’s Combinatory Logic (see [15]), Von Neumann self-reproducing automata, and cellular automata such as Conway’s Game of Life. There are even more abstract devices such as the Billiard Balls Computers and other reversible computers which require theoretically no minimal energy for computation, trading off speed for energy cost. What we need is a little, but finite, control, and provided unlimited resources are available, we are up and running recursive functions, no matter whether our device is sequential or concurrent, reversible or not, deterministic or stochastic, digital or analogic.

At a closer look, there is a critical philosophical dychotomy among these models which is best expressed by the Dreyfuses in [19]. We can either proceed in the tradition of Socrates, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, Husserl, Wittgenstein and manipulate context-free, purpose-free symbols, to achieve formally specifiable tasks, or we can try to develop devices capable of performing tasks which can only be dealt with statistically, such as use or pattern recognition, and are difficult to grasp formally. This latter approach, which can be traced back to Heidegger and the later Wittgenstein, tries to capture “a socially organized nexus of equipment, purpose, and human roles”, common-sense performing, and every day know-how,

But there is a more critical issue involved, which often turns the Pythagorean dream into a nightmare. The very generality, remoteness and gratuitousness of these universal Computational Models, is also the original sin of Computing. In effect, the dynamics of the elementary token/symbol manipulation going on in these models is over-idiosyncratic and opaque. Despite Church’s Thesis these systems are not semantically insightful. When we look at how Universal Computational Models operate, we realize that the emerging phenomena which we would like to understand are accessible only indirectly. This is the root reason for developing abstract formal methods and formal metalangages, i.e. for studying the formal semantics of Computation.

2.2 The Myth of Formal Reasoning

The need for correct and dependable software has grown enormously in the post-modern world, because of the many life-critical applications of software such as those required in fly-by-wire, or the management of large hazardous industrial plants. “Digital woes” are always lurking in the background. The Pentium Bug, the Millennium Bug, and failures in space industry, e.g. the Ariane 501 flight [22], highlight the need for certified software.

Over the years a multitude of beautiful formal specification systems, metalanguages and programming logics based on semantics have been introduced to achieve this goal, e.g. [26, 27]. But many of these are often just as impenetrable and idiosyncratic as what they purport to explain. Just think a bout \(\lambda \)-calculus, CCS, \(\pi \)-calculus, Ambient Calculus, Dynamic and Temporal Logics, \(\ldots \)

A significant step forward in formal reasoning on software was made in the late 70’s when Milner first started using computers to assist in reasoning rigorously on computers, i.e. Computer Assisted Formal Reasoning (CAFR), see [43]. His seminal system LCF originated a vast research field which later converged with that on machine-checking Mathematics, which had been carried out in the AUTOMATH project since the 60’s by N. De Bruijn and his group [1] in the Netherlands. Capitalizing on the propositions-as-types and proofs-as- \(\lambda \) -terms analogies this line of research culminated in the late 80’s and 90’s with the construction of a number of interactive proof development environments such as NuPRL, Coq, \(\mathsf {LF}\)  Elf, Alf. Most of them are based on Constructive Logic and thus permit to synthesize a certified program meeting a given specification, by extracting it from a formal proof that the specification can be fulfilledFootnote 3.

Once CAFR was available for a given logic, the real challenge became not to start from scratch a new implementation for each logical system one needed. An ad hoc implementation for a specific formal system does not even appear to be worthwhile since there are often several different presentations of the same system. Moreover, starting from scratch requires a daunting effort to build tools for supporting syntactic operations related to binders and substitution, rule application, and all the necessary procedures associated with proof checking, proof construction, automated search, unification.

The crucial idea for solving this problem was to look for a Logical Framework, i.e. a universal proof metalanguage which can specify the features of a wide range of logics, and implement that system once and for all. The tools of the logical framework can than be tailored to the specific idiosyncracies of each object logic. The first Logical Framework, called the Edinburgh Logical Framework, \(\mathsf {LF}\) was introduced by Harper, Honsell, Plotkin in 1987, [32]. In 2007 it received the Test-of-Time Award at the ACM/IEEE LICS Symposium.

\(\mathsf {LF}\) is a dependent simply typed \(\lambda \)-calculus together with a paradigm for reducing all the notions and features of a generic logical systemFootnote 4 to \(\lambda \)-terms of a suitable, possibly higher-order, type. Then all meta-logical operations, e.g. instantiation or application of a rule, are reduced to \(\beta \)-application, all constraints are enforced by static scoping, and all judgements are expressed as types. Thence, providing the evidence for a judgment/assertion, the fulfillment of a task/specification, the satisfaction of an expectation, the proof of a theorem amounts to showing that a suitable type is inhabited by a closed \(\lambda \) -term. This methodology, whereby a logic is encoded as a signature in \(\mathsf {LF}\), is called the Judgements-as-Types paradigm. An important point to make here is expressed by the slogan “\(\mathsf {LF}\) is normative”. Namely, the \(\mathsf {LF}\) encoding can be taken also as the definition, actually one of the very few uniform definitions, of what is an axiom/rule, what is a theorem, what is a proof, what is a Logic!

The most successful enterprise in computer-assisted proof development is the system Coq [18] developed at INRIA since the late 80’s. Coq originated as an implementation of higher order constructive logic. Since then, it has been continuously enhanced and today important and complex mathematical proofs such as the Four-Color Theorem, the Feit Thompson Theorem in Group Theory, Kepler’s sphere-packing problem have been formalized and proof checked in Coq, as well as many areas of Mathematics and Computer Science. For this reason Coq has received the ACM SIGPLAN Software 2013 Award.

But is this the final word as far as software certification? We conclude this section with some provocative issues. It must be said, after all, that even if formal program correctness appears not to be used that much in practice, there have not been that many software failures, even if Murphy’s Law should be in full action given the extremely large number of times that a given software component is utilized. Why then proving formally program correctness, or formal proof checking which is decidable albeit super exponential? Is it really necessary to go through a formal proof which is so brittle and usually extremely cumbersome? What are formal proofs useful for? A modest answer is that once proofs become first class citizens, they can be carried along with the code and hence can act as verifiable certifications, with applications to security. But the utilitarian might still ask: “what does a proof that a program meets its specifications buy you?” Some generous arguments usually put forward are the following. To have a proof is to have a sort of invariant, more sophisticated, but similar to types in programming languages, the dimensions check in Physics, the divisibility by 9 test in decimal Arithmetic. A type correctness result expresses precisely that an invariant is preserved under program evaluation. Proofs increase our trust in the program or statement. Ancient Greeks made very few mistakes indeed, even if some of the proofs in Euclid’s \( \varSigma \tau o \iota \chi \epsilon \iota \alpha \) have minor errors.

A final provocative question: are all interesting mathematical statements easy Footnote 5 to prove? Are long proofs of universal statements practically useless? In that all instances that one can encounter in practice are true independently of the long universal proof?

2.3 Demystifying the Myth of Formal Reasoning

The crucial issue is whether formal proofs convey an intuitive understanding of a theorem or an algorithm? Proofs provide evidence but not explanations, Shopenhauer ([56], 15) criticism of Euclid’s proof of Pythagoras Theorem goes in this direction. In practice the hypothetico/deductive method has been and still is replaced by heuristics, by conjectures subject to counterexamples, and even empirical methods. But do proofs convey any information of the heuristics used to conjecture them? Are formal proofs, then, for the human user or for the machine? What difference does it make if we do not understand the proof to rely on a machine rather than another form of authority? What difference is there between: to know that something is true vs to know why it is true?

Following this line of thought a truly universal proof metalanguage should try to accomodate many different “proof cultures” such as proofs-without-word Footnote 6 which rely on visual intuitions, proofs using Diagrams and Constructions, which are crucial in Greek Mathematics when numbers are taken as measurable segments, proofs by analogy especially physicalFootnote 7. Apodyptic fundamentalism should be avoided. The only arguments which are forbidden are those by authority. But is it really so? What about axioms and rules?

Since Euclid first crystallized the concept of rigorous proof using the axiomatic/deductive method, philosophers have been questioning the nature of mathematics: is it analytic or synthetic? And have often opposed Algebra vs. Geometry, or computation according to rules vs. deduction from axioms, or verification vs. proof checking? What is the difference between proving a computation correct and demonstrating its verification by directly executing it? Shopenhauer ([56],15) contrasted obscure geometrical proofs to the sharp direct computation of \(\frac{(7 + 9) * 8\ -\ 2}{3}= 42\) [56]. A similar issue was taken up also by Poincaré in his discussion of \(2 + 2 = 4\) ([49], p. 20). Of course there are proofs of non-existence and uniqueness Footnote 8 which require arguments and not just computations. But once we have learnt that a rewriting rule is correct why are we not allowed to use it freely! The old alternative between proofs, in Euclid’s tradition, vs demonstrations, in many non-western traditions, can be phrased using the terminology of \(\mathsf {LF}\) as follows: “proving inhabitability of judgements” vs “postulating definitional equality of types”, i.e. internal vs external evidence? A proposal for accomodating different proof cultures in a single \(\mathsf {LF}\)-like framework following this suggestion appears in [35, 37].

There is a more radical problem, however. Absolute certainty is an unattainable goal. In the first place the very specification, or encoding, in the metalanguage, might be wrong or imprecise. This is the adequacy problem of every formalization. In fact the formalization process itself, cannot be formalized, and a potential infinte regress is triggered here. Moreover the proof engine of the Logical Framework might itself be flawed. The need for a simple proof engine in Logical Frameworks to reduce this risk is called De Brujin Principle. But we cannot escape the bootstraping problem, called Münchausen trilemma by Hans Albert. Either we have to face an infinite regress, or a circularity, or we have to rely on some form of reductionism via axiomatics e.g. FOL, Naïve Set Theory. And this takes us to the debate of Foundationalism vs Anti-foundationalism.

The point of the anecdote What the tortoise (taught-us) said to Achilles (Ah-kill-ease) by Lewis Carroll [15], is that at some stage we have to stop making assumptions and “Just do it”, turning knowledge into action. To avoid an infinte regress, we have to give up the need for a justification or a proof that the task can be fulfilled, besides the very fact that we can perform it. See [30] for a different more logical analysis of the story.

But what does it mean that we understand a Logic? The skeptical epistemological tradition taken up by Wittgenstein in his argument against private language, profoundly discussed in Kripke [40], shows clearly that there is a limit. There is no way by which we can be absolutely certain that we share the same understanding of how to apply a given rule. A rule can be applied only within a proof culture. From an epistemological viewpoint IQ tests are nonsense, unless what we want to test is whether the examinee is sharing the same prejudice of the examiner. IQ tests cannot show how bright we are, but just how conformist we are. This is essentially the old problem of justifying induction. As Hume and Wittgenstein showed, we have to resort to sociology to explain how rules are understood, or applied. Duhem-Quine’s argument, that there is no testing in isolation, or Popper’s remark that observations are heavily theory-laden go precisely in this direction. To exemplify concretely what I mean, consider the following classics in the puzzle genre: which rule gives the following ordering: 4 8 12 2 1 7 6 3 5 11 10 9?Footnote 9 What is the next number in the series: 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 0 2 1 3?Footnote 10 No finite sequence of data can entail any potentially infinite rule. If the answers given in the foonotes make you say “Aha!”, it means that you are belonging to a community which can make sense of that very answer!

A similar issue is: What counts as an Explanation? For instance, how do we explain humour? Why do we smile for the joke in the epigraph to this paper, or listening to the following dialogue between two students: “- Once I thought that correlation implied causation. Then I attended a course in probability. - said the first student. - And did it help you? - asked his friend. - May be! - was the answer he got.” Humour arises from a perceived incongruity w.r.t. a rule, a pattern, a structure, a convention. But there is no such thing as a stringent justification for our understanding of a joke. To understand a joke, we have to share something, as is the case of applying a logical rule. Similarly we can enjoy playing games such as Dixit\(^\copyright \) or the so called lateral thinking orodd-one-out Footnote 11 puzzles, although, strictly speaking, any solution put forward can be challenged.

Explanations are irreducible to complete formalization. They are narratives one can make sense of, within a given culture. In order to understand rules, puzzles, jokes, and explanations we need to belong to a culture. I think that the italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci was among the first to make this point explicit 323-43 (Q1112) [31]: “In acquiring one’s conception of the world one always belongs to a particular grouping which is that of all the social elements which share the same mode of thinking and acting. We are all conformists Footnote 12 of some conformism or other, always man-in-the-mass or collective man. The question is this: of what historical type is the conformism, the mass humanity to which one belongs?” In recent years Amartya Sen [57] has argued that this anthropological view of Gramsci significantly influenced Wittgenstein, through the economist Sraffa, who was well acquainted with Gramsci, and later moved to Cambridge where he met Wittgenstein. Thus indirectly, Gramsci contributed to shift Wittgenstein’s viewpoint from the one in the Tractatus to that in the Philosophische Untersuchungen.

Some degree of conformism, of conventionality, gratuitousness, is necessary to make understanding possible, in any field. But this makes formal reasoning ultimately a little less stringent than naïvely assumed.

3 Semantics as a “Partita Doppia

Whatever the limitations of Formal Methods, we need Semantics to justify logical tools. So we have finally come to the point where we address the problem of What is a Semantics of a programming language?

I think that we can all agree on the following:

  1. 1.

    The Syntax of a PL is an algebra of terms generated by constructors.

  2. 2.

    Terms have a behaviour on which various Observations can be made.

  3. 3.

    Semantics is an equivalence relation, i.e. a partition on Syntax. Terms are semantically equivalent if their behaviours yield the same observations.

  4. 4.

    Semantical equivalence, can be induced by an interpretation function into a domain of meanings. Thus Semantics is a translation which provides an invariant w.r.t the behaviour. The domain of meanings is called a model.

  5. 5.

    Semantics is compositional, or denotational, or extensional. when it is a congruence relation on the syntax constructors. Constructors themselves can then be assigned functional meanings.

  6. 6.

    The equivalence classes under meaning-equivalence can be structured so as to induce a refinement calculus.

  7. 7.

    If the behaviour of terms derives from their belonging to a rewriting system, \(\lambda \)-calculus say, then the semantics provides an invariant under evaluation, i.e. interpretation as evaluation.

Semantics is a plural concept. The more Semantics the better. The most profound semantical theorems amount to showing that conceptually independent procedures yield the same equivalence. A very satisfactory situation arises when one succeeds in relating, for the same PL, two dual semantics. This occurs when one is: bottom-up, algebraic, observational, denotational, initial, reductionist, while the other is top-down, co-algebraic, intentional, operational, behavioral, final, holistic. Semantics in the former family are usually compositional, while those in the latter are easier to define.

Standard examples are the following. In Propositional Calculus truth values are assigned bottom-up, but give the same semantics as a proof system, e.g. Tableaux, which is top-down. Regular expressions define languages from phrase-structure grammars bottom-up, but correspondingly we have finite state automata providing top-down recognizing procedures for the same languages. Least fixed point semantics for recursion, which is denotational, is equivalent to rewrite semantics for recursion, which is operational. Behavioural (bisimulation) co-algebraic equivalences are insightful when proved to be equivalent to observational congruences. We look for Reduction Systems, closed under congruence, for evaluating terms/programs, in order to grasp the operational essence of transition systems expressing the behaviour of communicating processes.

But even when the distance between behavior and denotations is small, nevertheless Semantics is useful enough to ground formal methods on it. Why? Semantics provides a kind of partita doppia, a simmetry or rather a duality, which enforces some kind of invariant, or check, entailing a safety, or even a liveness, property. I use the terminology partita doppia, the Renaissance term for double-entry bookkeping, because it was introduced precisely as a safety procedure for checking, in two different ways, the erratic behaviour of financial transactions, i.e. economic processes.

But how does Semantics induce Formal Methods? Models usually come with some algebraic/order/metric/topological/categorical structure of their own. Hence the interpretation function can enforce some preservation laws or proof principles deriving from that structure. Standard examples in this sense are: indexed reduction for \(\lambda \)-calculus, i.e.\((\lambda x. M)^{n+1}N\ \rightarrow _\beta \ M^n[x/N^n] \) for \(\bigcup _{n\in \mathbf{N}} [\!\![M^n ]\!\!] = [\!\![M ]\!\!]\), Least Fixed Point Induction, and Co-induction.

3.1 Initial and Final Semantics

The two alternate families of semantics mentioned previously can be given a very clean categorical account following [10, 39]. The interpretation function

$$\mathcal{I}: {\mathbf {Language}} \rightarrow {\mathbf {Model}}$$

can be seen in two different ways: as a morphism in category of algebras, thus giving rise to what is called Initial Semantics, or in category of coalgebrs, thus giving rise to Final Semantics. In Initial Semantics, Languages and Models are viewed as F-Algebras, while in Final Semantics they are viewed as F-Coalgebras, for suitable functors F. We recall that F-Algebras are pairs (AF) such that \(f: F(A) \rightarrow A\), while F-coalgebras are pairs such that \(f: A \rightarrow F(A)\). In the algebraic case, terms in the Language are construed as an initial F-algebra (i.e. it can be mapped into all F-algebras), whereby \(\mathcal I\) is the initial mapping. In the coalgebraic case, the behaviours in the model are construed as a final coalgebra (i.e. all F-coalgebras can be mapped into it), whereby \(\mathcal I\) is the final mapping. The standard example of an initial algebra is the free-algebra of the Syntax of a language given a signature, e.g. Natural Numbers \(1+N=N\). While Streams Footnote 13 \(f : Stream \rightarrow Nat \times Stream\), and the behaviours of processes \(Proc = A \times Proc\) are the standard examples of final colagebras. Initial Semantics is syntax-oriented and induces a congruence relation, which can be seen as a least fixed point, thereby supporting an induction principle. Final Semantics is behaviour oriented, it induces a bisimilarity equivalence which can be viewed as a greatest fixed point of suitable bisimulations, thereby supporting a coinduction principle. The functor F in intial semantics arises from a reduction system, while in final semantics it arises from a transition system. Initial Semantics are therefore compositional by definition, but it is difficult to find fully abstract models, i.e. models where the semantical equivalence is as coarse as intended, or fully complete models, i.e. models all whose points are definable in the language. Final Semantics are not immediately compositional, but yield more easily fully abstract and fully complete models, albeit these are often uninformative term models (apart from the equivalence). There is a precise duality between Initial and Final Semantics concepts, see [51]. A promising unifying framework is Bialgebraic Semantics, [59]. It yields natural conditions, on the intial algebra defining syntax and on the final coalgebra of behaviours, so that the bisimialrity given by the latter is a congruence w.r.t. the former. Furthermore rules defining structural operational semantics can then be understood as natural transformations. This approach is not completely satisfactory yet, in that, higher order objects and implicit or recursive definitions complicate considerably the picture.

The interest in co-algebras has grown, in the last decades, due to the fact that infinite and circular datatypes and non-terminatig processes have become more prominent, if not preminent, in Computer Science. Initial algebras are usually well-founded, terminating structures while final coalgebras are non-well-founded structures. “Which recursive function does the Internet or an operating system compute?” are natural questions from the traditional standpoint, but appear clearly ludicrous. Both processes are not algorithms in the standard sense, on the contrary, they are useless unless they do not terminate. Rather than in single input/output objects we are more interested in streams of interactions.

But co-algebras have a role to play also in the fields of logic, philosophy, ethics, politics, and art. The post-modern cultural milieu is characterized by the emergence of a range of reflexive discourses, circular phenomena and for the constant interplay between theoretic and metatheoretic levels. Co-algebras allow to construe such circular and self-referential situations as virtuous circles rather than vicious circles. In this respect it is intersting to notice that although gödelization, digitization, and stored-programs computers have considerably contributed to this aspect of post-modern culture, still since the 80’s, circular data were not seriously taken as first class citizens in Mathematics itself.

Circularities arise in various disciplines but also in everyday lifeFootnote 14. An exciting account of how to use coalgebras to model virtuous circularities appears in [14].

An intriguing class of vicious circles is highlighted by ad hominem arguments, see [23]. These can be levelled against theories which become inconsistent because in order to be stated need to assume a presupposition which they make a point to negate. Nothing is absolutely true for a skeptic, but then how can he be absolutely in favour of skepticism? Descartes introduced the methodic doubt, namely he could not doubt that he was doubting, and thus he found something that was beyond any doubt. Why does a solipsist bother to rebut who contradicts his theories? An ultraformalist, in claiming that only symbols are meaningful, assumes that a semantics exists, which is precisely what he claims not to exist. Type Theories ban any kind of self-reference, hence cannot assign a type to the notion of type, thus cannot be general theories for Semantics.

Non-wellfounded Sets and Automata. The final example of circular object presented above, namely “The set of all things in the list above”, clearly a non-wellfounded set, is the seminal example of co-algebras. The Axiom of Foundation, which goes back to the early formulations of Set Theory by Von Neumann and Zermelo in the 20’s, whereby all sets are well-founded, was not really challenged until the early 70’s, although non-wellfounded sets had been used earlier in permutation models and appropriate axioms had been introduced. But the first Anti-Foundation Axiom which asserts that the Universe is a final \(\mathcal{P}(\ )\) -co-algebra is Axiom \(X_1\) introduced by M. Forti, F. Honsell in 1983, [24]:

Axiom 1

( \(X_1\) ). Given \(f: A \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(A)\) there exists a unique function \(g: A \rightarrow B\) such that \(g(x) = \{ g(y) | y \in f(x)\}\).

A Universe satisfying \(X_1\) is not only full with what Mirimanoff in 1917 called teratologies, but it is also strongly extensional, namely it is a final \(\mathcal{P}-coalgebra\). This was expressed in [24] by saying that the equivalence induced on the structure \(f: A\rightarrow \mathcal{P}(A)\), namely the \(\mathcal{P}\)-coalgebra \((A,id_{|A})\), by g is the maximal fixed point of the operator \((\ )^+ : Equiv_A \rightarrow Equiv_A\) defined by \( (R)^+= \{(x,y)\mid (\forall t\in x. \exists s \in y. tRs) \& (\forall t\in y. \exists s \in x. tRs) \}\). Readers might recognize what later was to be called bisimulation. A non-wellfounded set is, in effect, a very elementary non-deterministic automaton when membership is viewed as transition. This idea of characterizing semantical equivalence as a maximal fixed point is at the core of the Semantics of Concurrency and the many observational equivalences and corresponding bisimulations, introduced since the 80’s by Milner and the large number of researchers which developed this vast body of formal methods. Final Semantics arose precisely in this context. The origin of bisimulations is remarkable since it occurred independently and almost simultaneously around 1980 in 3 fields at least, by Forti & Honsell in Set Theory, by D. Park in the Semantics of Concurrency, and by J. Van Benthem in the Semantics of Modal Logic.

Among the recent investigations on the foundational role of co-algebraic notions I point out the original paper by Yves André Qu’est-ce que coagir?: pour une philosophie de la coaction Footnote 16 [11], presented at a Seminar held in Paris in 2014 on the mathematical work of Alain Badiou, the outstanding philosopher, playwright, and militant intellectual. André illustrates the insights provided by dualities in various areas of Mathematics and discusses co-actions philosophicallyFootnote 17. He makes the intriguing suggestion of how would Mathematics develop if in high school we would learn to represent a function \(f: X \rightarrow Y\), both with the traditional representation as a graph, but also by means of its co-graph. The co-graph is a partition on the disjoint sum \( X\uplus Y\), or equivalently the equivalence relation induced by the pairs (xf(x)). In this respect André suggests to think about the partita doppia of Luca Pacioli, that is to the stream of the double entries of credits and debits. A double entry is a means to make a relation symmetric thus enforcing an invariance check. Axiom \(X_1\), above, gives “une théorie co-active de la circularité vertueuse” according to André.

The Foundation Axiom plays a role also in the view maintained by Alain Badiou himself, whereby Ontology is Zermelo-Frænkel-Gödel-Cohen Set Theory. In his book L’être et l’événement, [13], Badiou asserts that the event escapes Ontology precisely because ontological concepts are well-founded sets, i.e. sets founded on \(\emptyset \), what he calls the “pure doctrine of the multiple”. This is also the key point to undestand why he purports that “the empty is the proper name of being” and hence that the “one is not”. He claims that Foundation is a “metaontological thesis of Ontology”. On the other hand events belong to themselves, in that \(e_x\), the matheme of the event, i.e. its mathematical counterpart, is such that \(e_x = \{x \mid x \in e_x \}\). Badiou claims that in grasping an event we implicitly take into account the event itself through its name and also our very reference to that event, in a potentially infinite regress. The co-algebraic understanding of non-wellfounded sets is a possible counterpart to his outstanding 11\(^{th}\) Meditation in [13] on the poem of Mallarmé Un coup de dès: “\(\dots \) ou se fût l’événement accompli en vue de tout résultat nul \(\ldots \)”.

3.2 Denotational Semantics

Denotationl Semantics, the approach to Semantics orinally envisaged by C. Strachey in [25], is today probably the most successful and natural Semantics for PL’s. Denotational Semantics uses algebras, thus it is an initial semantics. Each syntactic component receives an extensional, functional, denotation in a suitable structure-enriched domain. It is compositional by definition. It fully exploits higher-order objects which can be proved to exist, even when defined implicitly, since domains support robust fixed point theorems. At the metalevel, domains can be viewed as objects of structure-enriched category. Within such category domains themselves can be defined implicitly, and domain equations can be solved by Inverse Limit (co-algebraic) constructions, because functors over domains have both initial algebras and final co-algebras. Many different categories of domains have been discussed in the literature. The original structures were Scott-Continuous Lattices, a particular category of \(T_0\)-topological spaces, [53]. Toady, there are many more order-enriched categories based on the information ordering, e.g. metric-enriched categories, and we have a very deep categorical understanding of the abstract and universal properties that categories need to satisfy to be used satisfactorily as domains, [50]. Each different category provides its own proof principles for establishing program equivalence. Such equivalences support refinement calculi and inferential programming, [52].

Relying on proper Denotational Semantics, we can naturally present the semantics of a PL by Reified Denotational Semantics. This amounts to the specification of an implementation, by means of Plotkin’s structured operational semantics, with the confidence that higher-order and implicitly defined objects such as closures (i.e. \(\rho \vdash \lambda .x M \Rightarrow < \lambda .x M , \rho>\)), can be naturally tamed in a well-behaved category of domains. This approach is useful pædagogically and allows for elementary tools, based on bisimulations, for reasoning on PL’s.

60 years on, since Denotational Semantics first appeared, denotations as points of a domain have lost importance. The objects we are concerned today are morphisms in categories. We speak therefore of domains as CPO’s and Scott-continuous functions, Metric spaces and Continuous functions, Games and Strategies. The latter being the only one which assigns, as we shall see, a new role to elementary points, namely as moves. Today we have excellent categorical conceptual compositional understanding of all features of PL’s using the categorical notion of monad, [46].

But a natural question arises:“Does Category Theory provide a basic insight as Naïve Set Theory does? The answer is probably yes, but Category Theory has suffered from too intense militancy.

Types as Finitary Approximations in Domains and Stone Duality. Scott-Strachey’s idea in Denotational Semantics, whereby computation per se is understood using the information ordering from Recursion Theory provides outstanding results. Computation is reduced to iteration of suitable operators in suitable domains using fixed points. This is what makes ordered models work. But how do we make sense of program logics, that is the logical invariants of computation? A very successful line of research views properties or types as Scott-open sets. Intersection Types, originally introduced by Dezani and Coppo, and later developed by Ronchi, Honsell, Cardone, Abramsky et al., to capture various properties of programs go precisely in this direction.

Intersection Types are essentially a suitable basis for the open sets of the domain. Observation/properties are represented by the compact points of the domain which define the open sets of all the objects which satisfy that property. The denotation of a term is the supremum of the observations that one can perform on it. Compact points are computable but not necessarily expressible in the language and this makes domain models not fully abstract. Abramsky [3] provided a categorical understanding of all this by viewing the emergence of program logics as a generalization of Stone Duality Footnote 18. Yet again a duality, a virtuous circularity, a “partita doppia”, lies at the core of Semantics.

A Long Standing Open Problem. We claimed that Denotational Semantics is the most successful semantics because it abstracts the functional behaviour of PL’s features. However the denotational semantics of the basic metalanguage of Denotational Semantics, i.e. \(\lambda \)-calculus, was extremely difficult to find because of cardinality reasons. One can say that Domain Theory really took off only when Scott, in [53], gave the first mathematical model, \(D_{\infty }\), for \(\lambda \)-calculus, using his famous inverse limit solution of the domain equation i.e. \(D \simeq [D \rightarrow D]\), in the category of Continuous Lattices and Scott-continuous functions. Such functions were suitable to model computable functions because they gave a mathematical account of the information ordering. But solutions of domain equations are not completely satisfactory because, usually, domains have too many points and hence do not provide fully abstract models. The operational/observational semantics are coarser than the denotational equivalences which these semantics induce. This drawback has been solved brilliantly in many important cases using Games and Strategies [6]. But there is a deeper question, see [34], which has not been satisfactorily solved yet. Is there a Domain Category which is complete w.r.t. the theories of \(\lambda \) -calculus? Namely are there equivalences which are necessarily enforced upon us, because of the specific way by which the information ordering is modeled mathematically in the category, which are not implied by the mere operational rewriting of \(\lambda \)-calculus? The problem is still open. Hence we cannot claim that we have a full account of the semantics of \(\lambda \)-calculus yet.

4 Games and Strategies

In the early 90’s a major paradigm shift appeared in Semantics: the game metaphor, which allowed for the “explanation” of proofs (programs) as strategies and computation as interaction. Games first arose, implicitily, in the seminal paper on the semantics of Linear Logic by J-Y. Girard, [29], where the new semantics was called Geometry of Interaction. Girard proposal stemmed from a very strong criticism to traditional denotational semantics. It deals only with the input-output, extensional nature of computation and does not provide any account for the dynamics of computation. Moreover, when it addresses dynamics this is too low-level, syntax-oriented, and ultimately idiosyncratic. The analogy games-as-propositions and strategies-as-realizers, on the other hand, provides a denotational account of dynamics. In just a few years, Game semantics was extended by Girard himself, Abramsky, Hyland and many others to cover most logics and most features of PL’s. Various categories of games were introduced which gave rise to many fully abstract and fully complete models.

Games are a pervasive metaphor indeed, which is useful in many diverse scientific areas and social milieux, precisely because games abstract many features of interactions. It comes as no surprise that the metaphor emerged in Theoretical Computer Science when the Internet and mobile communication devices turned modern society into the society of digital interactions and shifted the digital revolution to the digital communication revolution. Throughout this paper we used puzzles to promote an interactive particiaption of the reader. And what are puzzles but games! We used puzzles and the game Dixit\(^\copyright \) for explainig the unexplainable aspects of what counts as an explanation (see Sect. 2.3). Turing’s test for judging whether a behaviour is intelligent is based on the Imitation Game, i.e. on the interaction made possible by a game. The Hypergame Paradox Footnote 19 is a game-theoretic analogue of a classical set-theoretic paradox. Conway, [17], has defined a unifying approach to games, as objects of a wonderful mathematical universe given by the the initial co-algebra of the functor \(X\ =\ \mathcal{P}(X)\times \mathcal{P}(X)\). Conway games are terminating. In [33] we extend his theory to non-terminating games by studying the final co-algebra of that functor.

The crucial ingredient in the game metaphor is the polarity between the two players making alternating moves, rather than the idea of winning the gameFootnote 20. Polarity is yet another kind of “partita doppia”. In the context of game semantics, the concept of winning strategy, which is usually more emphasized than that of strategy, amounts to a liveness property. And this is precisely the essence of many winning strategies based on the preservation of some invariant. Canonical examples are winning strategies in perfect information Nim-like gamesFootnote 21.

From Resumptions to Strategies. There is a vast literature on Game Semantics and Geometry of Interaction, but the presbyopic view on contemporary research makes it difficult to grasp the true underpinnings. So I shall not discuss the many exciting narratives currently circulating. The risk not to be able to see the forest because of the tree in front of us is serious. I will just mention two insightful papers by Abramsky namely [5, 8], a small result and a conjecture.

In [5], Abramsky suggests a possible way of reconciling the denotations of processes-as-strategies with previous semantical concepts based on automata. The bridge is given by the concept of Resumption. Resumptions where introduced by Milner in 1973 to model Transducers, that is history-dependent automata which process streams of words in an input language, \(\varSigma _{in}\), and produce streams of words in an output language \(\varSigma _{out}\). Resumptions can be made into a category whose objects are sets and whose morphisms \(Hom(\varSigma _{in},\varSigma _{out})\) are the final co-algebra of the functor \(\mathcal{R}(X) = \varSigma _{in} \rightharpoonup (\varSigma _{out}\times X)\). Composition is defined coinductively by \(f \circ g (x) \cong ((\pi _1 \circ f) ((\pi _1 \circ g)(x)), (\pi _2 \circ f)( ( \pi _1 \circ g) (x))\circ (\pi _2 \circ g)(x))\). Resumptions, can be viewed as a primitive form of strategies in the game (\(\varSigma _{in},\varSigma _{out}\)), i.e. functions from opponent’s moves, or environment’s moves, or symbols in \(\varSigma _{in}\), to player’s moves, or system’s moves, or symbols in \(\varSigma _{out}\). History free strategies arise as resumptions r such that \(\pi _2(r(x))= r\). The non-deterministic behaviour of the transducer which is not subsumed already by \(\varSigma _{in}\) can be recovered by using the functor \(\mathcal{R}(X) = \varSigma _{in} \rightharpoonup \mathcal{P}(\varSigma _{out}\times X)\).

What is remarkable, is that Resumptions can be made into a traced symmetric monoidal category defining a suitable notion of feedback operator \(\mathtt{Tr}^{U}_{X,Y}: \mathcal{R}(X\otimes U,Y\otimes U) \rightarrow \mathcal{R}(X,Y)\). This makes Resumptions a category of boxes and wires, where we can find suitable objects, called by Abramsky GoI-situations (GoI for Geometry of Interaction), which yield models of Combinatory Logic.

I will not give details, but just provide a concrete example by Abramsky, [8], where the connection between automata and strategies is impressively put to use yielding a reversible Universal Model of Computation. Abramsky, abstracting on earlier work [7], defines a structrue of history-free resumptions, \(\mathcal{I}\), as follows:

  • \(T_\varSigma \) is the language defined by the signature \(\varSigma _0\)= {\(\epsilon \)}, \(\varSigma _1\) = {l,r}, \(\varSigma _2\ = \{<\,\ > \}\); terms of the form r(x) are input moves, terms l(x) are output moves;

  • \(\mathcal{I}\) is the set of partial involutions over \(T_\varSigma \), i.e. the set of all partial injective functions \(\{f | f: T_\varSigma \rightharpoonup T_\varSigma \}\) such that \(f(u)=v \Leftrightarrow f(v)=u\);

  • \(\mathcal{I}\) is endowed with the structure of a Linear Combinatory Algebra (LCA), i.e. the linear decomposition of Combinatory Logic, where

  • Replication is defined by \(! f \ =\ \{ (<t,u>,<t,v>)| t \in T_\varSigma \ \wedge (u,v)\in F\}\);

  • linear application is defined by \(LApp(f,g)\ =\ f_{rr}\bigcup f_{rl};g;(f_{ll};g)^*;f_{lr}\), where \(f_{ij} \ =\ \{ (u,v)| (i(u),j(v))\in f\}\) for \(i,j \in \{r,l\}\).

The LCA of Partial involutions \(\mathcal{I}\) illustrates how the notion of application makes use of the trace, or feedback, operator. Abramsky’s beautiful metaphor of combinators as boxes and wires arises from the fact that the denotations of combinators in \(\mathcal{I}\) can be viewed as copy-cat strategies which link the polarities (input and output moves) of its arguments in a suitable way. The application of two combinators corresponds to linking the input and output wires of the two combinators and pulling the strings.

In [8], Abramsky gives an automata-language account of a subset of \(\mathcal{I}\) which he calls Reversible Patern Matching Automata which he shows is still a Combinatory Logic, in fact a reversible universal model of computation. Reversible Pattern Matching Automata are particularly interesting because they provide a remarkable illustration of the potential that moves can have. Moves, which provide the crucial feature of games which is polarity, are usually the most gratuitous ingredient in Game Semantics. In this context, instead, strategies become reversible precisely as operations on moves, and the behaviour on some tell-tale moves are enough to discriminate results, without having to compute irreversibly the full combinator which would be the result of an application.

The automatic interpretation of Combinators given by Abramsky illustrates in what sense Geometry of Interaction provides a semantics to the dynamics of a PL, i.e. Combinators in this case. The idyosincratic metalanguage which we use to describe Combinators, receives a straightforward abstract interpretation into a world of Automata. This interpretation provides a first kind of intensional equivalence, not yet all that meaningful. The interpreting automaton, in turn, induces a partial involution on the language of moves \(T_{\varSigma }\). This is the execution invariant of the automaton, which provides the traditional denotational meaning. This is the sense of Girard’s “execution formula” [29].

But this is not the end of the story. The equivalence given by partial involutions has contrasting effects. On one hand it is yet too fine, in that it does not equate all that we would like to equate in interpreting \(\lambda \)-calculus. We would like to enforce Curry’s Axioms to equate all the differences arising from the “coding tricks” in the definition of replication, thus obtatining a \(\lambda \)-algebra. But, on the other hand, it equates many more terms than Combinatory Logic would. Of course, this is precisely the main success, and the original reason for introducing Game Semantics, namely defining fully abstract models. But if game models are to be the ultimate semantics they should be flexible enough to model just about any semantics even the pure \(=_{\beta \eta }\), as we discussed in Sect. 3.2.

Whether this is possible is yet under investigation. Some partial negative results have been obtained in [20, 33].

Proposition 1

Let M be a non-terminating term of Combinatory Logic, i.e. a term whose head reduction does not terminate, then \([\!\![M]\!\!]_\mathcal{I} = \emptyset \), i.e. its interpretation is the empty strategy.

Proof (sketch). Use indexed reduction, where the index is the cardinality of the graph of the partial involution. One can see that the interpretation of any term whose head reduction does not terminate is evenutally empty. \(\square \)

The above result is rather robust and is generalized in [36]. We conjecture that by adding Curry’s Axioms the natural bisimilarity on \(\mathcal I\) yiels a model for Böhm Trees, and that a suitable variant to the definition of application to partial involutions accomodate lazy functions yielding a model of Levy-Longo Trees. Removing the \(f_{rr}\) component from application allows for modeling strict functions yielding the first fully abstract model for the observational theory of Landin’s ISWIM, see [21] for the drawbacks using domains. Whether strategies can help to understand the world of non terminating lambda-terms is still wide open!

5 Conclusion

We have illustrated some highlights in the exciting history of 60 years of Semantics and Formal Methods, inevitably from a subjective viewpoint. 60 years on we understand that the irreducible plurality of Semantics rather than being a drawback, or the indication that something is missing, is indeed what makes it useful. In this paper we have raised and discussed, sometimes rhapsodically, various phiosophical issues concerning Formal Reasoning, Proof Cultures, Logical Frameworks, the Algebraic/Coalgebraic Duality, and Games. We put forward the thesis that Semantics of Computation is really a “partita doppia”, a multiple/double check on what we think we understand about Computing. Dualities are at the core. I hope that this paper might have a socratic effect in calling for more attempts at understanding what we mean by Semantics of Computation, or at least in soliciting alternative narratives of its triumphal march.