
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The construction of a summed-area table (SAT) is a well-studied problem in computer graphics and vision [1, 13, 14], with applications in texture filtering. Since first introduced by Crow [4], several parallel implementations for GPUs [6, 7, 9] have been proposed. Given a matrix x of size \(n\times m\), where n, m are the number of rows and columns, respectively, the problem is to compute the sum of all elements \(x(i,j),\ 0\le i < n\) and \(0\le j < m\), according to the formula:

$$\begin{aligned} y(i,j)=\sum _{0 \le r<i}\sum _{0 \le c <j}x(r,c) \end{aligned}$$

SAT is the 2D generalization of the prefix-sums, or scan, problem, whose parallelization has also been extensively studied; the prefix-sums problem (assuming \(+\) as the associative operation) for an array x of length n is to compute the sums \(y(i) = \sum _{0 \le r <i} x(r)\). Hence, a straightforward method to parallelize SAT is to scan the matrix row by row, and for each row apply a parallel scan kernel from the literature [5, 1012] to compute its prefix-sums in-place, and then perform in parallel vectorized additions with the prefix-sums of the previous row. Such an approach has throughput bounded by the column size; each process unit (core, warp), henceforth termed thread, operates on a block of size \(\frac{m}{p}\), where p is the number of threads. Hence, better performance is achieved with 2D blocks.

In literature, there have been several 2D block-based parallel SAT algorithms for GPUs (Hensley et al. [6], Kasagi et al. [7], Nehab et al. [9] and Yan et al. [15]) and CPUs (Zhang [16]). These can be classified to those that perform within a block prefix-sums along a single dimension [6, 15, 16], and those along both dimensions, [7, 9]. Methods of the former use blocks of size \(\frac{n}{p}\times m\) (or \(\frac{m}{p}\times n\)), resulting in performance degradation when run on NUMA multi-core systems, due to cache misses since blocks can be bigger than the LLC (Last Level Cache), and remote memory accesses imposed by the block assignment, explained later in the related work. On the other hand, algorithms of the latter use square \(b\times b\) blocks, and could thus suffer from strided memory accesses when row-major matrix allocation is used on multi-core systems. In addition, the degree of parallelism of [7] is bounded by the number of blocks of each anti-diagonal, which ranges from 1 to \(\frac{min(n,m)}{b}-1\).

Contributions. Our research is motivated by two important facts: (1) the performance limitations of square blocks used in [7, 9], and (2) the lack of performance and scalability in current parallel SAT implementations for multi-core systems. Both [7, 9] execute row- and column-wise prefix-sums, where the latter are expensive, w.r.t. performance, due to strided memory accesses. To alleviate this overhead, we propose to use non-square blocks of size \(br \times bc\), where br, bc are the number of rows and columns, respectively, that are horizontally “stretched” (while being vertically “squeezed”), i.e., \(bc > br\). The in-parallel processed blocks must fit into the LLC; thus, \(p \times br \times bc\) should not exceed the LLC size.

For the following discussion it helps to conceptually represent the matrix as a sequence of stripes each having size \(br \times m\). Depending on the value of bc relative to m, we distinguish two partitionings. In the first called stripe, bc is equal to \(\frac{m}{p}\), which means that all blocks processed in parallel lie within a stripe. In the second and more general called tile, \(bc \ne \frac{m}{p}\), meaning that a block can span over two consecutive stripes, and thus correspond to a non-rectangular area of the matrix. Figure 1 depicts the two partitionings on the actual matrix, and illustrates that a block in tile can be non-rectangular (shaded).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The 2D matrix partitioning policies: stripe (left), and tile (right). The grey box indicates the shape of a block according to each partitioning

In addition, we propose three cache-aware parallel SAT algorithms, called psat_cpps, psat_mcstl and psat_sarpps, which process square and non-square blocks, and are generalizations of three parallel block-based prefix-sums algorithms: CPPS [10], MCSTL [12], and the method of Chatterjee et al. [3], which we henceforth call SARPPS (Scan after Reduction Parallel Prefix-Sums). In particular, our algorithms operate in three phases: Phases 1 and 3 are devoted to in-block computations, and in Phase 2 shared data are propagated across the threads. They differ in the tasks performed in Phases 1 and 3, which are optimized (e.g., using vectorization, loop-unrolling) based on the target system and datatype. Depending on the matrix partitioning employed, certain tasks of Phase 2 are omitted resulting in distinct performance behavior for the same algorithm.

We carefully evaluate the performance and scalability of our kernels compared to the state-of-the-art method for GPU by Kasagi et al. [7], and CPU by Zhang [16]. We experiment on two NUMA systems (Westmere- and Opteron-based) and Intel’s Xeon Phi, considering different datatypes (int, float, double), while varying number of threads. Our results verify the limitations of existing work when deployed in multi-core and many-core systems. In particular, when utilizing almost the maximum available physical cores, the speedup of [7] drops, and in certain settings down-scale behavior is observed. On the other hand, [16] has the worst performance by a large margin in NUMA systems. In contrast, our proposed kernels have consistent performance behavior across all systems and datatypes, without requiring any modifications to the parallelization code, and in almost all cases outperform the competitors. Specifically, our kernels have up to 4.55x and 3.25x more speedup in NUMA systems, and up to 1.5x and 2.8x in the Xeon Phi system, compared to [16] and [7], respectively. Furthermore, we study the main parameters (e.g., block row and column size, row- and column-wise optimizations, matrix partitioning) and draw conclusions on how they influence the performance of our kernels. In summary, the performance gains we measure are due to the better utilization of the LLC, which is the direct result of larger (non-rectangular) blocks that could not be exploited by previous works.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes and reviews related works. Section 3 presents our algorithms in detail. Section 4 shows performance and scalability results. Section 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

Parallel Prefix-Sums Kernels. CPPS [10], MCSTL [12], and SARPPS [3] are block-based algorithms that solve the prefix-sums problem in parallel by splitting the input array in p or \(p+1\) blocks. Each block is processed in three phases, where the first and third perform in-block computations, while the second propagates shared data across threads. In Sect. 3, we discuss their generalization to SAT.

Parallel SAT Kernels. There are two algorithmic classes for parallelizing SAT. While, they both split the matrix in blocks assigned to individual threads, they differ in their in-block computations. The first class, termed 1D, is to perform either row- or column-wise prefix-sums, while the second, termed 2D, is to perform prefix-sums in both dimensions, i.e., compute the block’s SAT.

Previous 1D approaches on GPUs (Hensley et al. [6] and Yan et al. [15]) use 2-phase algorithms to compute in parallel first all horizontal and later all vertical prefix-sums. In [6], they use recursive doubling for computing the prefix-sums of both phases, whereas, in [15] they exploit vectorization over a column-major order input matrix by using an auxiliary \(n\times m\) matrix. Similarly, Zhang [16] present a 1D method for multi-core systems. Noticeably, the performance of all 1D approaches is expected to be penalized on multi-core systems due to cache-unawareness, because blocks may exceed the LLC. Particularly on NUMA systems, it is expected more performance degradation due to NUMA-unawareness, since the data needed in Phase 2 may reside in remote NUMA nodes.

Nehab et al. [9] present a generalization of the SARPPS algorithm for GPUs, which works quite similar to our psat_sarpps algorithm. The input matrix is partitioned in blocks of size \(b\times b\), where b matches the warp size of an SM (i.e. \(b=32\)). Each warp computes the SAT of a block with the help of the last block row and block column of the other warp’s. Their approach could compose and process also rectangular blocks but it is unable to exploit non-rectangular blocks.

Kasagi et al. [7] present a different 2D approach, called 1R1W, where each matrix element is read from and written to DRAM only once. To accomplish that, an \(n\times n\) matrix is partitioned into \(\frac{n}{b}\times \frac{n}{b}\) blocks of equal \(b\times b\) size, where \(b\le \frac{n}{p}\), and processed anti-diagonally in \(\frac{2n}{b}-1\) steps. In the kth step, where \(0\le k < \frac{2n}{b}-1\), there are \(\min (p, k+1)\) active threads, where each computes its own block by using elements of the adjacent left, top and diagonal blocks. Before entering each step, the threads must synchronize at a global barrier. This approach is expected to exhibit poor performance and scalability in NUMA systems for very large p due to two reasons. First, while increasing p more NUMA nodes are activated and subsequently, more LLCs can be utilized. However, in this approach the block size is bounded by n, implying that the increase of p leads to smaller block sizes and eventually, the LLC footprint is reduced. Exploiting less LLC footprint means that the CPUs process faster the cached blocks and the kernel’s performance is exposed to the main memory latency overhead. Second, while increasing p it would need more synchronization steps to reach the maximum degree of parallelism.

In-block Optimizations. Both 1D and 2D approaches benefit from prefix-sums optimizations. Zhang [16] optimizes the row-wise prefix-sums with an algorithm called enhanced parallelism, which breaks each row in groups of 6 elements; each group is computed by independent prefix-sums pairs. However, such a technique is not efficient for large vector widths machines like Xeon Phi due to its lack of leveraging vector instructions. Previous works on GPUs [6, 9, 15] exploit the SIMT (Single Instruction Multiple Thread) model in order to vectorize the row-wise prefix-sums. Unfortunately, SIMT is not compatible with the SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) programming model used in CPUs.

A SIMD-based approach is provided by OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) [2], which is a computer vision and machine learning library. This approach uses the SSE instruction set, which has a limited target group and works under specific input constraints (short numbers). Thus, it is not suitable for Xeon Phi systems and it is not applicable to arbitrary datatypes.

From the above discussion, it becomes clear that new optimizations techniques are necessary for multi-core systems. We remark that the sequential (in-block) SAT computation in all 2D methods is based on only one of the three known basic approaches for computing SAT [8]. In Sect. 3, we optimize this approach by further segmenting the assigned block to leverage deep cache hierarchies, investigate prefix-sums optimizations presented in [10], and also explore the optimization space of another basic SAT approach.

3 Parallel Summed-Area Table Kernels (PSAT)

Our algorithms construct the SAT of a matrix x in-place, with an associative operator \(+\) over the basic type, by splitting x in 2D blocks. The blocks are formed according to stripe and tile partitionings, and are further tuned to meet load-balancing requirements according to each PSAT kernel, later explained. Each block is assigned only once to a unique thread and processed in-cache across some or all the algorithmic phases, as illustrated in Figs. 2, 3 and 4. In addition, the threads use two shared buffers, called blr and blc, to propagate their last row and column, respectively, across all threads. For simplicity and readability, we use square blocks to describe our implementations.

3.1 Implementations

Psat_cpps. This algorithm is the generalization of CPPS [10], which works as follows: (1) Each thread computes the prefix-sums for its assigned block, (2) an inclusive scan is computed over the last element of all the assigned chunks, and (3) each thread, except for thread 0, propagates a previous corresponding cumulative sum to its own elements; thread 0 is assigned and process a new block.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Phase 1: each of the p threads is assigned a distinct \(b\times b\) block of the \(n\times m\) matrix and runs a sequential SAT kernel. The computed last block row and block column are copied into the blr and blc shared buffers, respectively. All the blocks fit into the system’s LLC. At the end of this phase, thread 0 has completed its block

In Phase 1 of psat_cpps (Fig. 2), each thread is assigned a \(b\times b\) block, on which a sequential SAT is invoked. At the completion of Phase 1, thread 0 is the only thread that has successfully computed its own block. Subsequently, each thread copies the last computed block row and block column to the shared buffers blr and blc, respectively, and synchronizes with the others at a global barrier. The role of these buffers is crucial. They hold the fragments of the final product computed later at Phase 3. For instance, thread \(p-1\) needs to sum up all the information from the blc’s and blr’s belonged to the threads accessing the matrix rows and matrix columns which are equal and less than \(p-1\)’s.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Phase 2: shared data propagation. Each thread collects the cumulative sum of the last element of each blr at its left and propagates it to its own blr (Phase 2.1). Subsequently, in parallel column-wise prefix-sums are computed by adding the elements of all the blr’s, from top to bottom, including the last blr’s from the previous group of cached blocks (Phase 2.2). In Phase 2.3, each thread computes and stores locally the cumulative sums of the blc’s at its left

Phase 2 (Fig. 3) is devoted to process and propagate the shared data from the buffers blr and blc across threads. The phase is split in three parts, where the first two are responsible to process the blr’s, and the third part handles to process the blc’s. Therefore, each thread computes the cumulative sum of the last element of the blr’s related to the threads at its left. Subsequently, the sum is used to propagate the elements of its own blr (Phase 2.1). Then, the threads synchronize once again before passing to Phase 2.2, where the aggregation of each shared-row blr’s is split in p segments of size \(\frac{m}{p}\) and each segment is assigned to each thread. In total, each thread has to process \(\frac{pb}{m}\) segments, on which is computed the column-wise inclusive prefix-sums by adding the ith element, \(i=0,1,...,\frac{m}{p}-1\), of the jth segment, \(j=0,1,...,\frac{pb}{m}-1\), with the ith element of the \(j+1\)th segment, and so on. The threads synchronize again before accessing Phase 2.3, where each thread computes the reduction of the elements of the blc’s of the threads located at its left by adding the ith element, \(i=0,1,...,b-1\) of the jth blc with the ith element of the \(j+1\)th blc, j starts with the id of the thread being the first at its left and ends with the id of the previous thread. It is implied that a barrier is unnecessary at this point. The reductions are stored in local buffers, and are accessed in Phase 3 locally by their associate thread.

Finally, in Phase 3 (Fig. 4), each thread uses its local blc and the updated blr (top) to construct the table by propagating their values to its block elements. In addition, thread 0 is assigned a new block, and invokes a sequential SAT kernel by adding at the same time the elements of the left and top buffers. After careful benchmarking, this new block must be a factor of 4 smaller; the block is fetched from DRAM while the other threads work on cached data.

Psat_sarpps. SARPPS [3] generalizes psat_sarpps kernel, and works as follows: (1) each thread first acquires the total sum of its elements, (2) an inclusive scan is performed over the previous sums, and (3) each thread computes the prefix-sums of its elements by adding first the corresponding sum from Phase 2.

In Phase 1, the threads do not invoke a sequential SAT but a 2D reduction kernel, which computes the sums of every block row and block column by storing the sum of the ith block row, \(i=0,1,...,b-1\), into the ith cell of the blc buffer and the jth block column, \(j=0,1,...,b-1\), into the jth cell of the blr buffer. Subsequently, in Phase 2, the threads are grouped according to which of them access the same matrix rows. The threads assigned non-rectangular blocks (refer to tile in Fig. 1) are potential members of two groups. However, we do not permit “double membership”, and we place those threads to the groups with the least members. Consecutively, each group runs a parallel prefix-sums on its elements by invoking CPPS [10], configured with a two-level-nested-loop sequential prefix-sums kernel, described in [10]. Phases 2.2 and 2.3 are executed as before (refer to psat_cpps). In Phase 3, each thread updates its first block column and row by using the computed data of its local blc and the shared blr (left), respectively, and subsequently it executes a sequential SAT kernel.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Phase 3: The adjacent shared top (blr) and local buffers are used by each thread to update its block. Thread 0 is assigned a new block and computes the SAT

Psat_mcstl. This algorithm is the generalization of the MCSTL [12] algorithm, which resembles SARPPS. However, they are distinguishable from each other. In MCSTL’s Phase 1, thread 0 computes the prefix-sums of a block, which differs from the block that it computes its prefix-sums in Phase 3.

In Phase 1 of psat_mcstl, a block of size \(\frac{b}{2}\times \frac{b}{2}\) is assigned to thread 0 and \(p-1\) blocks of size \(b\times b\) to the other threads. Thread 0 invokes a sequential SAT kernel and the others a 2D reduction kernel for their blocks. The block of thread 0 is a factor of 4 smaller than the other blocks because of the heavyweight computation of the sequential SAT compared to the 2D reduction task. The results of the last computed block row and column are stored again in the blr and blc buffers, respectively. At that time, thread 0 has produced the final result for its block. Phase 2 can be executed as described in psat_sarpps. However, since thread 0 blc holds already the final values it should not take part in Phase 2. Instead, we re-segment the input of its group and assign a task to thread 0. Phases 2.2 and 2.3 are executed as before (refer to psat_cpps). Consecutively, Phase 3 operates as described in psat_sarrps, however, thread 0 employs a different block; for better load balancing this block size must be \(b\times \frac{b}{2}\).

Optimizations. Due to space constraints, we briefly describe the optimizations that took place for improving the performance of the sequential SAT kernel used by our PSAT kernels. We have optimized two basic SAT approaches, described in [8]; one is used by [7, 9]. Since both approaches compute prefix-sums row-wisely, we first tested several optimized sequential prefix-sums kernels, presented in [10]. In addition, both approaches also compute the prefix-sums column-wisely, which can be easily vectorized. However, the size of the vectorized rows can be bigger than the underlying L2/L1 cache size. Thus, we considered performance improvements through further input segmentation. The new formed sub-blocks have 2–4 rows each, and the column size varies according to the architecture. We investigated improving the ILP and the spatial locality of the column-wise prefix-sums. The former through hard-coding the execution of 2–4 independent row-wise prefix-sums of each sub-block, and the latter by storing consecutively in memory the row-wise results (in vector-width chunks).

3.2 Matrix Partitionings

Conceptually, the matrix is composed by a sequence of stripes of size \(br\times m\). Accordingly, our PSAT kernels split the stripes in groups of blocks whose cumulative size does not exceed the aggregated system’s LLC. Subsequently, each group is processed in parallel by p threads. In stripe partitioning (Fig. 1 (left)), the kernels process one stripe at a time by computing groups of blocks located in one stripe, so that, \(bc\times p\le m\). On the contrary, in tile (Fig. 1 (right)), the formed groups of blocks may span across several stripes, as long as \(bc\le m\).

Stripe affects the functionality of our algorithms. In particular, Phases 2.1 and 2.2 are omitted since all threads operate within the same stripe, where the column-wise propagation is omitted. The reason is that each thread is assigned the same matrix columns across different stripes, and thus can directly access the last block row of the previous stripe without needing the blr buffer.

Regarding the scalability of our kernels, we make the following observations. Increasing the number of threads (p) in stripe means that the block column size (bc) decreases resulting in the following trade-off: we can increase the br (wider stripe) to improve the LLC utilization at the expense of multiple strided memory accesses, or keep the LLC utilization low, thus avoiding this overhead (strided accesses). In NUMA systems, this effect is amplified since the LLC size increases by activating more NUMA nodes. The benefit of stripe over tile is the decrease of the amount of propagated shared data. Thus, we expect stripe to perform better for small p. On the contrary, tile is not affected by this trade-off and promises better scalability in both multi-core and many-core systems.

4 Evaluation

We implemented our PSAT kernels in C with Pthreads and tested on three systems: two NUMA systems, called Mars and Saturn, and one Intel’s Xeon Phi, called MIC. Detailed system information are listed in Table 1. All benchmarks are compiled with Intel’s ICC 14.0.1 with -O3 optimization level and executed 30 times. The results show median values. Due to space limitations, we report only results for a specific problem size; similar behavior is observed in other problem sizes. Each kernel is configured and tested with different sequential SAT kernels and block sizes. We only report results for the best configurations. The experiments show the performance and scalability behavior of our PSAT kernels, comparing against 1R1W [7] and Zhang [16]. For a fair comparison, we re-implemented 1R1W for x86 systems according to [7], tested with rectangular blocks, and applied x86-based sequential optimizations. For the testbeds, in-parallel first-touch page placement was applied and consecutive thread pinning.

Table 1. Specifications of the three systems (Mars, Saturn and MIC)
Fig. 5.
figure 5

Performance comparison (left) between our three PSAT kernels (psat_cpps, psat_sarpps, psat_mcstl) configured with the two partitionings (tile, stripe), and breakdown phase analysis (right) of our PSATs in stripe mode, which reports the sum of the execution time of Phases 1 and 3 for computing p (\(=\) #threads) blocks. The testbeds run on Mars for different number of threads and a 12K\(\times \)12K integer matrix

PSATs Performance. Figure 5 (left) depicts the performance (execution time in seconds) of our PSAT kernels (psat_cpps, psat_sarpps, psat_mcstl). Each kernel has been separately tested with tile and stripe partitionings. In addition, Fig. 5 (right) depicts a breakdown phase analysis of our PSATs in stripe mode by reporting the sum of the execution time (in milliseconds) of Phases 1 and 3 when computing p (\(=\) #threads) blocks. All the testbeds construct the SAT of a 12K\(\times \)12K integer matrix on Mars with different number of threads. Due to quantitatively similar results, other systems and datatypes are omitted.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Absolute speedup comparison between 1R1W kernel [7], Zhang’s [16], and our best performing PSAT for each of the two partitionings: tile and stripe running on all systems. The kernels construct a 12K\(\times \)12K matrix for three datatypes (int, float, double). The best performing sequential kernel that we have is selected as a baseline

Figure 5 (left) justifies our assumptions about the behavior of both partitionings independently of PSAT kernel. The stripe behaves better for small number of threads due to less computations, and the tile is better for large number of threads due to better cache utilization and less synchronization steps caused by handling bigger block sizes. In most cases, psat_cpps outperforms the other kernels, even though Phase 1 of psat_sarpps is faster, due to the reduction computations being auto-vectorized by gcc and icc compilers, as depicted in the breakdown analysis of Fig. 5 (right). Therefore, our analysis suggests that running a sequential SAT kernel first leads to better performance.

PSATs Speedup. Figure 6 depicts the absolute speedup comparison between 1R1W, Zhang and our best performing PSAT for each of the tile and stripe partitionings. The results are collected by all our systems after composing the SAT of a 12K\(\times \)12K matrix separately for integers, floats and doubles. In addition, the best performing sequential kernel that we have is selected as a baseline.

Figure 6 shows that in all cases our kernels outperform 1R1W and Zhang for large number of threads (p) in tile. In particular, our kernels run 1.2\(\times \)–3.25\(\times \) faster than 1R1W (all datatypes) with all system cores: (1) 3.25\(\times \) in Mars, (2) 1.8\(\times \) in Saturn and (3) 2.8\(\times \) in MIC. Nonetheless, 1R1W behaves slightly better for small p since it spends zero time on processing shared data, and needs fewer synchronization steps until all threads are utilized in parallel. Regarding the performance of Zhang in MIC, it is almost equal to that of our best kernel for integers, but it is 1.5\(\times \) and 1.2\(\times \) slower for floats and doubles, respectively. In addition, Zhang proves to be inefficient in NUMA systems, for reasons discussed in Sect. 2. For instance, with all system cores, Zhang is slower by 3.25\(\times \) (integers and floats) and 3.5\(\times \) (doubles) on Mars, and 4.55\(\times \) (integers and floats), and 4.15\(\times \) (doubles) on Saturn. In conclusion, we observe that the best performance of our kernels, in tile with all cores, is achieved when the block column size (bc) is smaller than the matrix column size by 1.67\(\times \) (integers and floats) and 3.3\(\times \) (doubles) in Mars, 4\(\times \) (all datatypes) in Saturn and 5\(\times \) (doubles and floats) and 10\(\times \) (integers) in MIC. In addition, the block row size is by far smaller than the bc in NUMA (57\(\times \)–114\(\times \)), and still quite smaller in MIC (1.2\(\times \)–4.8\(\times \)).

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we present three new cache-aware parallel SAT (Summed-Area Table) algorithms, called psat_cpps, psat_sarpps and psat_mcstl, for many-core and multi-core systems. Our algorithms are generalizations of three block-based parallel prefix-sums algorithms, and can process rectangular and non-rectangular blocks in order to utilize better the cache subsystem. We provide performance and speedup results after comparing against Kasagi et al. [7] and Zhang [16]. Our next step will be designing an auto-tuning mechanism capable of finding the best configurations (parallel and sequential SAT, matrix partitioning, etc.) for different problem sizes in order to increase system efficiency.