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1 Submitted by Fleming: February 24, 2009

I have a patient who is 3 years after uncomplicated subfascial bilateral augmentation mammaplasty (BAM) via the inframammary fold (IMF) with round smooth gel implants. She has recently returned from overseas where she went to live shortly after the surgery. She describes the primary onset of bilateral axillary hyperhidrosis about 1 month after surgery. She is euthyroid. I cannot find any association in the literature.

Have any of the group heard of this occurring after a BAM?

Shiffman: February 26, 2009

There have been no reports in the medical literature on axillary hyperhidrosis following BAM. There would be no cause and effect relationship since the axilla was not involved with the surgery. Pure coincidence. There is the possibility that the disorder was developing before the surgery and would require careful and detailed discussion with the patient trying to elicit even minor symptoms preoperatively.

Kim: March 9, 2009

This is a perplexing clinical case.

I could not find any association between the BAM and hyperhidrosis, but there were two interesting case reports where trauma (electrical burn and traumatic amputation) was considered to be etiological factors. I have attached these two case reports [1, 2].