
1 Introduction

In Test-comp 2022 [1], cooperative verification tools showed their strength by being the best tools in each category. FuSeBMC [9, 10] is a test-generation tool that employs cooperative verification using fuzzing and BMC. FuSeBMC starts with the analysis to instrument the Program Under Test (PUT); then, based on the results from BMC/AFL, it generates the initial seeds for the fuzzer. Finally, FuSeBMC keeps track of the goals covered and updates the seeds, while producing test cases using BMC/Fuzzing/Selective fuzzer. This year, we introduce abstract interpretation to FuSeBMC to improve the test case generation. In particular, we use interval methods to help our instrumentation and fuzzing by providing intervals to help reach (instrumented) goals faster. The selective fuzzer is a crucial component of FuSeBMC, which generates test cases for uncovered goals based on information obtained from test cases produced by BMC/fuzzer [9]. This work is based on our previous study, where CSP/CP by contractor techniques are applied to prune the state-space search [12]. Our approach also uses Frama-C [4, 8] to obtain variable intervals, further pruning the state space exploration. Our original contributions are: (1) improve instrumentation to allow abstract interpretation to provide information about variable intervals; (2) apply interval methods to improve the fuzzing and produce higher impact test cases by pruning the search space exploration; (3) reduce the usage of resources (incl. memory and CPU time).

2 Interval Analysis and Methods for Test Case Generation

FuSeBMC_IA improves the original FuSeBMC using Interval Analysis and Methods [3]. Fig. 1 illustrates the FuSeBMC_IA’s architecture. Our approach starts from the analysis phase of FuSeBMC [9, 10]. It parses statement conditions required to reach a goal, to construct a Constraint Satisfaction Problem/Constraint Programming (CSP/CP) [5] with three components: constraints (program conditions), variables (used in a condition), and domains (provided by the static analyzer Frama-C via eva plugin [7]). We instrument the PUT with Frama-C intrinsic functions to obtain the domains, which generate intervals of a given set of variables at a specific program location. Then, we apply the contractor to each goal’s CSP and output the results to a file used by the selective fuzzer.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

FuSeBMC_IA’s architecture. The changes introduced in FuSeBMC_IA for Test-Comp 2023 are highlighted in green. The new Interval Analysis & Methods component generates intervals to be used by the selective fuzzer.

Contractor Programming is a set of interval methods that estimate the solution of a given CSP [5]. The used contractor technique is the Forward-Backward contractor, which is applied to a CSP/CP with a single constraint [3], which is implemented in the IBEX library [6]. IBEX is a C++ library for constraint processing over real numbers that implement contractors. More details regarding contractors can be found in our current work-in-progress [12].

Parsing Conditions and CSP/CP creation for each goal. While traversing the PUT clang AST [2], we consider each statement’s conditions that lead to an injected goal: the conditions are parsed and converted from Clang expression [2] to IBEX expression [6]. The converted expressions are used as the constraints in CSP/CP to create a contractor. After parsing the goals, we have a CSP/CP for each goal. In case of a goal does not have a CSP/CP, the intervals for the variables are left unchanged. We also create a constraint for each condition in case of multiple conditions and take the intersection/union. At the end of this phase, we have a list of each goal and its contractor. Also, a list of variables for each contractor will be used to instrument the Frama-C file in the next phase.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The figure illustrates an example of files produced. We are starting from the instrumented file that shows the goals injected. Then, we instrument the file with the Frama-C intrinsic function. Finally, we produce a file with each goal and the intervals to satisfy the conditions for each goal.

Domains reduction. In this step, we attempt to reduce the domains (primarily starting from \((-\infty ,\infty )\)) to a smaller range. This is done via Frama-C eva plugin (evolved value analysis) [7]. First, during the instrumentation, we make an instrumented file aimed to be used by Frama-C using its intrinsic functions Frama_c_show_each() (cf. Fig. 2). This function allows us to add custom text to identify goals and how many variables are in each call. Second, we run Frama-C to obtain the new variable intervals. Finally, we update the domains for the corresponding CSP/CP.

Applying contractors. Contractors will help prune the domains of the variables by removing a subset of the domain that is guaranteed not to satisfy the constraints. With all the components for a CSP/CP available, we now apply the contractor for each goal and produce the output file in Figure 2. The result will be split per goal into two categories. The first category lists each variable and the possible intervals (lower bound followed by upper bound) to enter the condition given. The second category contains unreachable goals, i.e. when the contractor result is an empty vector.

Selective Fuzzer. The Selective Fuzzer parses the file produced by the analyzer, extracts all the intervals, applies these intervals to each goal, and starts fuzzing within the given interval. Thus, pruning the search space from random intervals to informed intervals. The selective fuzzer will also prioritize the goals with smaller intervals and set a low priority to goals with unreachable results.

3 Strengths and Weaknesses

Using abstract interpretation in FuSeBMC_IA improved the test-case generation regarding resources. The new contractors generated by the Interval Analysis and Methods component are used by our selective fuzzer: (1) the information provided helps the selective fuzzer to start from a given range of values rather than a random range (as was our strategy in the previous version); (2) the selective fuzzer uses the information about unreachable goals to set their priority low for reachability; (3) when compared to FuSeBMC v4, this improvement helped saving CPU time by 37% and memory by 13%, which leads to saving 40% of energy; (4) although our approach produces fewer test cases for a given category, the impact of these test cases is higher in terms of reaching instrumented goals; (5) there is potential for future work to use the information provided by Frama-C, especially regarding overflow warnings. Finally, the intervals provided may not affect the FuSeBMC_IA’s outcome in the worst case. i.e., the selective fuzzer performs no better than not having interval information for seed generation. The time it takes to generate the intervals is only a tiny fraction of the time it takes to produce the test cases; its impact when the information is not useful is negligible.

Our approach suffers from a significant technical limitation: FuSeBMC_IA cannot create complementary contractors; we can only create intervals that satisfy the constraints of a branch (i.e., outer contractors). In practice, we can only create intervals to if-statements and ignore its else-statements (the inner contractor). We also skip any if-statement inside else-statements, as this may lead to unsound intervals. This is a technical limitation rather than a theoretical one: we use run-time type information (RTTI) to identify ibex expressions. However, we link our tool with Clang, which requires compilation with no RTTI information. We are investigating approaches to address this limitation, e.g., to encapsulate all ibex expressions and manually store expression information, but currently, no proper fix has been implemented. Additionally, a bug has been found that caused FuSeBMC_IA to crash on some benchmarks that made FuSeBMC_IA scores much less than FuSeBMC in the coverage category.

4 Tool Setup and Configuration

When running FuSeBMC_IA, the user is required to set the architecture with -a, the property file path with -p, and the benchmark path, as:

figure a

For Test-Comp 2023, FuSeBMC_IA uses incr for incremental BMC, which relies on the ESBMC’s symbolic execution engine [11]. The and FuSeBMC.xml files are the Benchexec tool info module and the benchmark definition file respectively.

5 Software Project

FuSeBMC_IA is publicly available on GitHubFootnote 1 under the terms of MIT License. In the repository, FuSeBMC_IA is implemented using a combination of Python and C++. Build instructions and dependencies are all available in file. FuSeBMC_IA is a fork of the main project FuSeBMC available on GitHubFootnote 2.

6 Data-Availability Statement

All files necessary to run the tool are available on Zenodo [13].