
1 Development Challenge (Problem Identification)

1.1 Sanitation as Development Challenge

Access to sustainable sanitation in the developing world is lacking, fundamental, and overlooked. Globally, 1 in 3 people still do not have access to improved sanitation, contributing to over 3.6 million water-related, preventable deaths each year (WHO/UNICEF Joint Water Supply et al., 2015). In Kenya, 75% of the population lives in rural areas with little access to sanitation infrastructure (World Health Organization, 2013). Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, only treats half of its wastewater and often uses untreated wastewater to irrigate crops (Scott et al., 2004). Irrigating food crops with untreated wastewater leads to a high risk of exposure to pathogens for consumers (United Nations, 2015, p. 6). Only 10–15% of Nairobi’s informal settlements are sewered, and sewer pipes are often broken or clogged. In total, four million tons of human waste from Kenya’s informal settlements are dumped untreated into waterways each year – polluting the environment, spreading disease, and threatening community health (Auerbach, 2016).

Sanitation is fundamental – it improves public health and environmental quality by separating excreta from water, food, and soil, reducing the prevalence of preventable diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid; it also improves women’s lives by increasing access to nearby toilets, saving time and decreasing the risk of sexual violence (World Health Organization, 2011). School sanitation facilities increase girls’ attendance and literacy rates, thereby improving women’s job opportunities (World Health Organization, 2019). When people are not sick at home, productivity at school and work increase, generating more income. The global cost of inadequate sanitation is $260 billion, including healthcare costs, premature deaths, and productivity losses (Ki-Moon, 2013). The loss of productivity due to sanitation-related illness costs Kenya’s GDP a million dollars a day (O’Keefe et al., 2015; UN-Habitat 2006); instead, the average dollar invested in sanitation shows a fivefold return (Ki-Moon, 2013). In addition to improving public health, sanitation also addresses environmental quality. Untreated excreta cause nutrients in the form of nitrogen and phosphorus to be released in high concentrations, irreversibly altering aquatic environments and contaminating groundwater (Galloway et al., 2008; Kringel et al., 2016).

Sanitation is overlooked, with access expanding more slowly than for drinking water because of less investment, although both are needed to prevent water-related diseases (Ki-Moon, 2013). To inspire and facilitate a global response for sanitation progress, Millennium Development Goal 7(c) aimed to halve the number of people without sustainable access to sanitation by the end of 2015. Since this goal was not met (Fig. 16.1), the Sustainable Development Goals, approved by the UN in 2015, revised the MDG commitment to “achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation” by 2030 (United Nations, 2015). In Kenya, sanitation infrastructure has not kept up with population growth, leading to the net failure to meet Millennium Development Goal 7(c): 70% of the country in 2015 did not have access to improved sanitation (WHO/UNICEF Joint Water Supply et al., 2015). At current rates, reaching complete sanitation coverage in Kenya will take 150 years. As a result, low-income communities like Mukuru, an urban Nairobi informal settlement with over 185,000 residents, are left without adequate sanitation solutions. These implications extend beyond Nairobi as the majority of people in the developing world live with untreated feces and urine in their communities.

Fig. 16.1
figure 1

Graphical representation of Millennium Development Goal 7(c): halving the population without access to improved sanitation. Here we compare the global population with access to sanitation as defined by excreta collection (improved vs. unimproved fixtures, gray/green bars) and as defined by excreta treatment in 2010 (untreated vs. treated, red/black bars). For excreta collection, the Millennium Development Goals were developed in 2000 and aimed to halve the 1990 population without sanitation access by 2015. Original data from (Baum et al., 2013; United Nations, 2015, p. 6)

The developing world’s sanitation needs will intensify in the next few decades, necessitating robust sanitation methods that can be rapidly and efficiently implemented. Providing access to sanitation will be particularly challenging in urban informal settlements, which will double in population over the next decade; this explosive population growth outpaces provision of essential services like water, sanitation, and electricity (United Nations Human Settlements Programme and United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2003). At current installation rates, traditional, centralized wastewater treatment systems would still reach less than half of the populations of Asia and Africa by 2050 due to high infrastructure, staffing, and energy requirements (Larsen et al., 2016). On-site, decentralized options must be considered as an alternative to rapidly increase access to improved sanitation.

1.2 Partnership Between UC Berkeley and Sanergy

In this chapter, we describe a multi-year, ongoing partnership between researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and Sanergy, a sanitation service provider in Kenya. The UC Berkeley team was led by Professor Kara Nelson in Civil and Environmental Engineering and continues to involve William Tarpeh, a former PhD student in Prof. Nelson’s group and now an assistant professor of Chemical Engineering at Stanford. Sanergy is a social enterprise that provides comprehensive sanitation services, including manufacturing, installation, operation (via franchisees), maintenance, and resource recovery from source-separating toilets in informal settlements around Nairobi, Kenya. The Nelson group experience with pathogen inactivation and treatment processes was complementary, and both partners prioritized recovery of valuable products from excreta through their continual interactions over the past several years. After 2013, we refer to the team as ElectroSan, the name of the process engineering spinoff from the urine valorization technologies we developed during this project. Related, ongoing activities in the Tarpeh group at Stanford are also considered part of ElectroSan’s efforts.

In 2012, Nelson led a Gates Foundation Grand Challenge team focused on in-toilet disinfection. Dubbed Safe Sludge, the innovation focused on using ammonia in urine to disinfect feces using an attractive, ergonomic toilet design. The project team attended the August 2012 Gates Reinvent the Toilet Exposition in Seattle, Washington, and met Sanergy, another Gates grantee. This conversation eventually led to several research exchanges, observation- and practice-driven innovations, and blended industrial and academic expertise that has catalyzed the development of options to recover nutrients from urine. Designing technologies for use in informal settlements around Nairobi (Sanergy’s primary region) demands rapid scaling and constant adaptation to dynamic needs, such as the explosive population growth associated with informal settlements near sub-Saharan African cities (Jacobsen et al., 2012). Over the past decade, Sanergy has established itself as a pioneer in container-based sanitation by meeting the needs for rapid scaling of toilets, collaborating with local stakeholders, and designing diversified income streams. In terms of resource recovery, Sanergy has focused on the production of valuable end products from the collected feces and has successfully brought two products to market. The ElectroSan team has focused on novel processes for converting collected urine into valuable products. This narrowed scope was critical to problem definition and progress on a clearly defined challenge while staying connected to the broader development challenge of increasing access to sanitation.

1.3 Problem Iteration

The first iteration of our problem was addressing the pathogen risks from feces during toilet or pit emptying, especially for toilet users and sanitation workers. The Safe Sludge Toilet was developed as a self-disinfecting fixture that separated urine and feces, created disinfectant in urine through urea hydrolysis and lime addition, and then ensured sufficient contact time to disinfect the feces (Ogunyoku et al., 2016). We envisioned Sanergy adapting the Safe Sludge approach to its Fresh Life Toilets (FLTs) to reduce the risk of pathogen exposure for collection staff and community members.

While hydrolyzed urine could be used to disinfect feces, its high ammonia content might interfere with thermophilic composting, Sanergy’s primary method of valorizing feces at the time. A field visit by the UC Berkeley team focused on the effect of ammonia on composting identified an additional problem to solve: how to separately valorize urine. Urine-diverting toilets were being increasingly installed in Nairobi and by other sanitation service providers; however, resource-oriented urine treatment technologies lagged behind feces valorization. We further specified this problem to what nitrogen products could be extracted from urine, because struvite precipitation, a mature phosphate recovery technique that generates a phosphate-rich fertilizer, recovers only 5% of nitrogen from urine (Etter et al., 2011). Nitrogen recovery from urine was less understood at the time (2012) and benefited from lessons learned during nitrogen fertilizer recovery from other wastewaters.

From 2013 onward, ElectroSan focused on developing treatment processes to extract nitrogen from urine. We made several choices early on to constrain the problem but remained flexible to revisit them as needed. First, we focused on nitrogen fertilizer because Sanergy was already focused on agricultural products with its feces-derived soil conditioner. Second, we focused on liquid fertilizers because they required minimal post-processing and could be combined with irrigation. After a preliminary market analysis, we identified ammonium sulfate as a promising product because it is among the highest used fertilizers worldwide and is typically sold in liquid form (Chien et al., 2011). We also chose to focus on treating urine once it was collected from several toilets at a collection depot, which provided relatively stable design constraints as the number of toilets and installation sites (e.g., schools, private, public, residential) grew rapidly. Based on this decision, we concentrated our efforts on hydrolyzed urine because urine was hydrolyzed by the time it reached the collection center and was added to containers of already hydrolyzed urine. The major difference between fresh and hydrolyzed urine is the form of nitrogen: uncharged urea in fresh urine and positively charged ammonium in hydrolyzed urine (see Sect. 3.1).

Thus, the large problem of crafting economically viable sanitation was reduced to the narrow challenge of designing technologies to recover ammonium sulfate fertilizer from urine. Establishing the problem in the context of Sanergy and economically viable sanitation facilitated translation of laboratory results to evaluation of factors critical for real-world implementation (see Sect. 3.2).

1.4 Lessons from Problem Definition

1.4.1 Problem Definition: Access to Sanitation and Fertilizer

Like many Development Engineering efforts, the process of defining our problem was iterative and time-consuming. Based on the team’s expertise, we approached the problem primarily from the motivation of increasing access to sanitation. We hypothesized that recovering valuable products from excreta could generate revenue for sanitation service providers. While we started with the technical aspects of designing recovery processes, we also had to consider the market viability of the recovered products, which involved another value chain, agricultural inputs, including fertilizers. Because our innovations could affect two dire needs in Kenya (access to sanitation and access to fertilizer), we spent considerable time talking with partners and subject matter experts to situate our project among the many stakeholders involved. We also constructed business model canvases and theories of change for both sanitation and fertilizer (see Sect. 3). As can be seen from our project timeline, we focused first on sanitation, then added agriculture, and then refined our vision at the nexus of both problems among partners in both sectors.

1.4.2 Theory: Circular Economy and Resource Recovery

Our work on resource-oriented sanitation was motivated by two increasingly recognized theories: the circular economy and resource recovery from wastewater. For decades, fecal matter has been repurposed as compost, energy, and even irrigation water. Recently, efforts have intensified to recover additional valuable products from excreta, including microbial protein products (Calvert, 1979), building materials (Diener et al., 2014; Mohajerani et al., 2019), cooking charcoal (Ohm et al., 2013), and disinfectants (Huang et al., 2016). This resource recovery perspective aims to extract all possible value from waste before disposal. Most recently, a US National Academies of Engineering report identified one of the major twenty first-century environmental engineering challenges as “designing a future without pollution and waste” (Board and National Academies of Sciences 2019). Several of these extracted products intersect with other critical industries, including agriculture and energy storage. Another one of these five grand challenges is “sustainably supplying food, water, and energy”; resource recovery may play a major goal in realizing this vision over the next several decades.

More broadly, the circular economy re-envisions current linear, extract-and-emit chemical manufacturing as loops that use every molecule as many times as possible before disposal (Fig. 16.2). With this perspective, waste streams of all kinds, including excreta, should be maximally repurposed into useful products (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). The circular economy perspective is a broader instantiation of resource recovery and can apply to gaseous carbon dioxide emissions (Amouroux et al., 2016), solid domestic waste (Tisserant et al., 2017), and consumer products (Singh & Ordoñez, 2016). The circular economy concept in sanitation is well-recognized and regularly discussed at conferences like the Fecal Sludge Management Conference and the International Water Association Conference on Resource-Oriented Sanitation. Recently, the concept has been synthesized as the Circular Sanitation Economy by the Toilet Board Coalition, a network of multinational industries in sanitation provision (Toilet Board Coalition, 2016).

Fig. 16.2
figure 2

Contrasting linear (top) and circular (bottom) economies for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Image adapted courtesy of Heather Goetsch

1.4.3 Observation-Driven: Valorizing Urine

While our academic focus on converting excreta into valuable products embodies resource recovery and a circular economy, our approach was also radically informed by observations in resource-constrained communities. By the ElectroSan team’s estimation in 2012–2013, resource recovery tended to focus on combined wastewater (urine and feces) most, followed by separately collected feces and urine as a distant third. From our informal review of resource-oriented toilet systems, the major motivation for separately collecting feces was to reduce water content by removing urine, which enhances composting and drying techniques. We observed that urine was underutilized, in part because of its large volume and high water content (Kvarnström et al., 2006), which would lead to high transport costs. Once we decided to concentrate our efforts on urine, we considered several possible recovered products. The most established product to recover from urine is struvite, or magnesium ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4∙6H2O), a phosphate-rich fertilizer (NPK mass ratio 6:29:0). Urine contains the majority of macronutrients in excreta (80% N, 50% P, 60% K), making it an ideal stream from which fertilizer nutrients can be concentrated (Larsen & Gujer, 1996). At the time, we observed that urine efforts were more focused on phosphorus than nitrogen; thus, we concentrated our efforts on recovering nitrogen from urine. In addition to being understudied, nitrogen is the primary parameter by which fertilizer application rates are determined; furthermore, nitrogen recovery from excreta could benefit the global nitrogen cycle, which humans have severely imbalanced due to synthetic fertilizer production (Galloway et al., 2008). Ultimately, recovering nitrogen from urine was an untapped opportunity for recovery of valuable products from excreta.

2 Implementation Context

2.1 Partners and Implementation Setting

Sanergy operates over 3690 Fresh Life Toilets that are collectively used over 126,600 times daily in informal settlements around Nairobi. As of 2019, FLTs are primarily owned and operated by local entrepreneurs as pay-per-use, but others are open to the public, located at schools, or associated with multifamily dwellings. The toilet user interface is a squat plate with separate holes for urine and feces. Toilet operators pay for urine and feces containers (25 L urine, 30 L feces) to be collected and replaced twice per week by Sanergy employees (O’Keefe et al. 2015). The containers are taken to a central collection center where urine and feces are processed separately. Fecal waste is trucked 30 km to a processing facility and converted into the following value-added products: a soil additive branded as Evergrow through a co-composting process and a black soldier fly animal feed (Fig. 16.3). Urine from the toilets is stored in 1000 L tanks at the collection center and periodically disposed of in a nearby sewer or trucked 20 km to a wastewater treatment facility. Sanergy’s New Technologies team identifies and scales novel methods to treat the separated feces and urine, establishing a sanitation value chain (Fig. 16.4).

Fig. 16.3
figure 3

(Left) Evergrow organic soil conditioner. Photo credit: William Tarpeh. (Right) The black soldier fly larvae are sold as an animal protein feed. Photo credit: Kevin Orner

Fig. 16.4
figure 4

Conceptual sanitation value chain, including collection, treatment, and reuse. Image credit: Sanergy

2.2 Aligning Incentives

Both ElectroSan and Sanergy aimed to create a diversified portfolio of excreta-derived products, including valorizing urine as a critical business and innovation opportunity. Several practical questions posed by experiences in Nairobi inspired laboratory research at UC Berkeley; conversely, Sanergy provided an ideal testbed for several research questions (e.g., urine composition at different toilets) based on their large volumes of collected urine, which quickly outgrew urine-separating networks in the United States.

At times, our focus on fundamental research was not completely aligned with Sanergy’s business objectives. After our pilot study of ion exchange (i.e., flowing urine through columns of negatively charged polymeric resin beads that adsorb cations; see Sect. 3.1.1 for more details) in Nairobi, we determined that urine-derived fertilizers cost 40% less than trucking urine to a wastewater treatment facility and cost 70% less than commercial fertilizers in Kenya (Tarpeh et al., 2018a, b). However, the supply chain for the resins and the customer based for urine-derived fertilizers were not well established. Thus, Sanergy pivoted more to scaling up feces valorization with anaerobic digesters and black soldier fly larvae, eventually favoring the latter. Technical challenges still remained, and ElectroSan focused on addressing those in the laboratory. Partners stayed in contact, but diverged efforts for a time period as the research team focused on reducing regeneration costs and combining nitrogen recovery with phosphate recovery. Once these practical questions were answered in the laboratory and urine valorization became a priority for Sanergy again, the partners planned another field visit and pilot-scale facility. Regular communication played a key role in identifying catalytic collaborative opportunities for ElectroSan and Sanergy when incentives aligned. Before each field visit, both partners iteratively agreed on a work plan and desired outcomes from the interaction.

2.3 Overcoming Constraints

One early challenge was establishing an analytical laboratory on-site. Our first field visits entailed battery-operated lab equipment brought from UC Berkeley. Within a few years, Sanergy purchased additional warehouse space near the operations office and collection depot in Mukuru and hired several laboratory staff. Berkeley researchers (both within and outside of ElectroSan) were involved as consultants and even on-site employees for the laboratory design, which facilitated future experiments and regular monitoring of Sanergy’s excreta-derived products. Close collaborative preparations between ElectroSan and Sanergy facilitated successful equipment planning, and some equipment used during field visits was donated to the Sanergy lab (e.g., spectrophotometer for ammonia analysis).

To overcome the variability of data collected during field studies, field methods were benchmarked with more precise laboratory methods before and after deployment. Fieldwork in turn revealed issues to be resolved in the laboratory, including ion exchange column pressure management during long-term operation. Based on ion exchange resin regeneration consuming the majority of operating expenses, we also turned to alternative regeneration schemes in the laboratory with clear field motivation. Because the urine-derived fertilizer market was not as well established as its feces-derived counterpart, we also began considering other high-nitrogen waste streams and other products beyond fertilizers. In our preliminary field experiments, we demonstrated nitrogen recovery from anaerobic digester effluent to reduce ammonia inhibition and create ammonia fertilizers. These preliminary data catalyzed further laboratory experiments with adsorbent and electrochemistry-based approaches to recovering nitrogen from additional waste streams.

2.4 Lessons Learned from Implementation

One of our major lessons, which is common to many Development Engineering studies, is the value of close and continued partnership. Sanergy and ElectroSan have complementary and overlapping missions that allowed both entities to focus on their core business: increasing toilet access (Sanergy) and creating value from liquid waste streams (ElectroSan). Our shared interests in expanding the product portfolio for excreta-derived products and our willingness to experiment with bold ideas were fundamental ingredients of the successful development and implementation of fertilizer recovery from urine in Nairobi. Partnership also includes broader networks of academic researchers, practitioners, and funders from which Sanergy and ElectroSan have benefited. Conferences and alliances like the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), the Container-Based Sanitation Alliance (CBSA), and the Rich Earth Summit have fostered catalytic conversations and created enabling environments within the sanitation community.

One of the largest challenges of Development Engineering is making decisions based on limited information. Throughout this experience, we became comfortable with making as informed a decision as possible, documenting our thought process, and remaining open to revisiting the decision later. We decided early on to focus on designing processes at the collection depot level for several reasons: we expected urine to be hydrolyzed (so that nitrogen was present as ammonia), variability would be less acute than at the toilet level, and samples would be easier to gather. This decision constrained some of our applications, but ultimately in a manner that led to meaningful progress on recovering ammonium sulfate fertilizer from hydrolyzed urine. We have since relaxed some of these assumptions to expand the applications of our technological innovations, as informed by our preliminary efforts. Expanded applications have included treating fresh urine and accelerating urea hydrolysis, producing alternative ammonia products from hydrolyzed urine, and recovering nitrogen from other waste streams besides urine.

During technology development, we used an iterative design process in the laboratory (Berkeley) and the field (Nairobi). We did not wait until the technology was “complete” before going into the field but instead aimed to learn as much as we could in the field to drive further laboratory research. For example, we learned early on that showing the robustness of the technology to deal with variable influent composition was crucial to implementation; thus, we focused on mechanistic laboratory studies to identify which components most influenced ammonia recovery performance metrics (e.g., recovery efficiency). Based on making the practical decision to focus on treatment of thousands of liters of urine, we were very interested in how the choice of scale would impact process design. After establishing performance in our lab-scale columns, we explored increasingly large columns capable of treating a larger volume of urine on-site with Sanergy. This scientific equivalent of rapid prototyping aligns with the lean business model canvas approach of failing fast and gathering rich information on the target customer. Focusing on one target application with one partner led to deep insights that informed and directed our laboratory development of nitrogen-selective extraction technologies.

Fig. 16.5
figure 5

(Top) Schematic of urine and feces treatment at Sanergy and placement of ElectroSan technologies. (Bottom) Schematic of ion exchange in urine treatment train

3 Innovate, Implement, Evaluate, and Adapt

3.1 Innovation

Within the broader context of resource-oriented sanitation, our work addresses one overarching question: can valuable nitrogen products be made and profitably sold from separately collected urine? Within the potential urine-derived product portfolio, ElectroSan focused on nitrogen fertilizers because 90% of global ammonia is used to manufacture fertilizer (Nørskov et al., 2016); we focused on liquid fertilizers because they could be easily combined with irrigation (fertigation) and because they are simpler to produce from a process engineering perspective. Even more specific to Sanergy, we aimed to design unit processes that could treat thousands of liters of urine each day at the collection depot (Fig. 16.5). Based on this constraint, we designed for hydrolyzed urine treatment after phosphorus was recovered. We compared the aqueous chemical compositions of fresh and hydrolyzed urine to inform design of recovery processes focused on ammonia over urea (Table 16.1). We always imagined the ElectroSan processes within a treatment train that would recover phosphorus precipitates as valuable products and mitigate fouling in the ElectroSan reactors. Designing for a unit process within a larger process scheme helped constrain the possible composition and informed repeatable laboratory influents (synthetic urine) for experiments.

Table 16.1 Composition of fresh and stored urine

Our core innovation is selective separation processes that extract ammonium from urine as high-purity ammonium sulfate, a common liquid fertilizer. Thus, we focused on both urine treatment and fertilizer production. For fertilizer production, we considered how liquid ammonium sulfate could be generated and used as a viable product. We considered three major value propositions: reducing urine treatment volume, supplementing Evergrow solid organic fertilizer from feces, and producing ammonium sulfate fertilizer. We evaluated these value propositions by considering several metrics, including volume of regenerant compared to volume of urine treated, purity of product, and ammonium concentration of the product.

3.1.1 Technology

After reviewing existing methods for nitrogen recovery from wastewater in practice and in academic literature, ElectroSan developed two technological solutions to achieve selective separations: ion exchange and electrochemical stripping. Ion exchange and electrochemistry were first identified as methods with untapped potential for selective nitrogen recovery; within those two areas, we iterated ideas over several months. Throughout this chapter, we focus primarily on ion exchange, as we chose to do during technology development in Kenya, because it was the more mature technology. The relative maturity of ion exchange eased communication with partners and integration with existing treatment processes.

Ion exchange leverages solid adsorbents in a fixed-bed column, where liquid flows over stationary adsorbent beads. For nitrogen recovery, positive ammonium ions are passed over a negatively charged ion exchange resin and trade places with protons (Fig. 16.6). After all adsorption sites are filled with ammonium, an acid (proton-rich) solution is passed over the resin to regenerate the resin and produce concentrated ammonia solution. To produce ammonium sulfate fertilizer, we used sulfuric acid as an eluent. Previously, adsorbents were primarily used for nitrogen removal rather than recovery and rarely used in hydrolyzed urine with the aim of producing high-purity ammonia concentrate. In our first study, we compared the behavior of clinoptilolite, wood husk biochar, and two industrial ion exchange resins for ammonium adsorption and fertilizer production (Tarpeh et al., 2017). In addition to characterizing adsorption mechanisms in ideal solutions and real urine, we examined several performance criteria: maximum adsorption density (mg ammonia/g resin), regeneration efficiency (ratio of ammonia eluted to ammonia adsorbed), and cost per mass of nitrogen recovered.

Fig. 16.6
figure 6

Conceptual diagram of ammonium adsorption and regeneration via ion exchange adsorption

Electrochemical nitrogen stripping was still in development as we concentrated our efforts on ion exchange in Nairobi. As electrons are removed from solution via the circuit, ammonium (NH4 +) ions and protons cross the cation exchange membrane (CEM) to the cathode (Fig. 16.7). Both diffusion due to concentration gradients and migration due to applied current contribute to transmembrane flux. Protons are produced from the oxidation of water, which decreases the pH of the anode, making it strongly acidic. Once ammonium reaches the cathode, it is transformed into aqueous ammonia (NH3) due to high pH resulting from the production of hydroxide ions. Aqueous ammonia is selectively transported to the trap chamber, which conserves the driving force for ammonia flux from cathode to trap by consuming the ammonia with dilute acid and producing ammonium concentrate, a key ingredient for fertilizer. The liquid can be further processed by distillation or freeze-drying to produce concentrated liquid and solid fertilizer. The cathodic reduction of oxygen produces hydroxide ions that raise pH, facilitating the production of ammonia from ammonium (Tarpeh et al. 2018a, b).

Fig. 16.7
figure 7

Conceptual diagram of electrochemical stripping, where nitrogen as ammonia is selectively recovered based on positive charge (cation exchange membrane) and volatility (gas-permeable membrane)

We regularly benchmarked the energy consumption, nitrogen recovery efficiency, and selectivity of electrochemical stripping with ion exchange and the other existing nitrogen treatment technologies. Even during our field study of ion exchange, we operated preliminary tests on electrochemical stripping on the same influent that accelerated development back in the laboratory. Ultimately, electrochemical stripping excels in its low chemical and energy input requirements, as well as its much higher selectivity than ion exchange. On the other hand, ion exchange requires less technical maintenance and exhibits potentially longer lifetime due to its relative simplicity compared to electrochemical stripping.

Designing with the user in mind, and even more specifically operators within Sanergy, drove design decisions like combining columns in series for easy operation. Working closely with Sanergy treatment operators helped the ElectroSan team understand their schedules, incentives, and challenges (e.g., intermittent electricity). These users were kept in mind when developing technologies and provided informal and formal feedback on the technologies during our field visits. Based on discussion with Sanergy, we have since aimed to reduce chemical inputs due to limited and potentially volatile supply chains to informal settlements.

3.1.2 Theories of Change: Fertilizer and Agriculture

There are two main direct beneficiaries of ElectroSan innovations: fertilizer consumers and sanitation collection services. Within fertilizer consumers, we characterized smallholder farmers who would benefit from access to locally produced affordable fertilizers to improve their crop yield and increase income. Currently, almost all fertilizer is produced outside of Kenya and distributed by either the national government or private wholesalers. Utilizing local distribution networks and incorporating education with product distribution, ElectroSan targeted farmers who need agricultural innovation the most. Sanitation collection services like Sanergy would benefit by avoiding transport of collected urine for disposal and by increasing revenue due to sales of urine-derived products. As such, we developed two theories of change: one for agriculture and one for sanitation (Fig. 16.8).

Fig. 16.8
figure 8

Agricultural and sanitation theories of change for ElectroSan. Image adapted courtesy of Rachel Dzombak, Ivan Buchanan, Woojin Jung, Martha Lesniewski, and William Tarpeh

We characterized user needs by incorporating feedback from multiple stakeholders with experience in Kenya including agricultural experts, farmers, and sanitation and fertilizer distribution companies. Based on our team’s expertise, we primarily focused on the sanitation theory of change but were informed by our agriculture theory of change. We engaged several potential agriculture partners, both with Sanergy and on our own. With Sanergy, we engaged potential organic fertilizer users, such as Lipton and horticulture farms. In parallel, the ElectroSan team consulted with businesses focused on farming inputs (e.g., One Acre Fund, Mavuuno). These did not lead to formal partnerships but informed our technology design and instilled confidence that these activities could be carried out once the fertilizer product was more firmly characterized.

3.1.3 Markets/Economic Sustainability

Several versions of both business model and social impact canvases have been iterated within ElectroSan (one example in Fig. 16.9). A key part of our business model is partnering with fertilizer distributors so that ElectroSan can focus on fertilizer production. Ongoing work focuses on characterizing the market for liquid fertilizers in Nairobi, as well as the potential for producing solid fertilizer by freeze-drying or other similar methods. Anecdotally, most fertilizer is distributed in solid form, so we would need to identify submarkets open to liquid fertilizer (e.g., horticulture) or show that liquid fertilizer has marked advantages over solid fertilizer to elicit behavior change. Another key aspect related to behavior change is demonstrating the efficacy of our fertilizer product, which we have considered piloting during exhibitions, landscaping projects, or cooperative farms to double as research and demonstration sites.

Fig. 16.9
figure 9

Business model for urine-derived fertilizers. Image adapted courtesy of Hannah Greenwald, Luis Anaya, John Law, and William Tarpeh

In parallel with our laboratory development, we catalogued cost and forecasted costs at scale. Initially, we used experimentally determined adsorption densities to estimate operating costs of ion exchange adsorbents. Naturally derived adsorbents (clinoptilolite and biochar) were cheaper than conventional nitrogen removal via nitrification-denitrification but exhibited suboptimal recovery efficiencies. Of the synthetic resins tested, Dowex Mac 3, a weak cation exchange resin, exhibited the lowest cost because of its high nitrogen adsorption density and high regeneration efficiency (99%) (Tarpeh et al. 2017). Our preliminary cost estimates showed that just ten uses of Dowex Mac 3 would make it more cost-effective than conventional nitrogen removal, which we demonstrated during our pilot study in Nairobi. Urine-derived ammonium sulfate fertilizer was also produced at lower cost than urea and diammonium phosphate (Tarpeh et al., 2018a, b). We used local fertilizer prices in Nairobi, which reflect the costs of importing fertilizer and markups associated with transport from the port of Mombasa to inland Nairobi. Through this market analysis, we determined the major value of urine-derived fertilizer: its local and steady production. An ongoing challenge is to communicate the most fitting comparison for nitrogen fertilizer recovery to the sum of fertilizer production and nitrogen removal. Wastewater treatment experts tend to compare nitrogen recovery to only nitrogen removal, and fertilizer producers tend to compare nitrogen recovery to only Haber-Bosch nitrogen fixation. However, nitrogen recovery meets both value propositions: curtailing nitrogen wastewater discharges and producing usable fertilizer.

A market analysis for positioning human urine and derivatives as fertilizers was conducted by Sanergy and ElectroSan in 2014. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers use the Haber-Bosch process, which requires million-dollar capital investments and large quantities of natural gas that limit the number of installations in sub-Saharan Africa (Buluswar et al., 2014). According to stakeholder interviews, urine is commonly viewed as a means to achieve increased crop yield as well as an effective insecticide (Sanergy, 2014). ElectroSan aims to leverage this market opportunity for our urine-derived fertilizer product. Based on interviews, farmers value low-risk, repeatable yield increases and return on investment. We identified several competitors and existing options for fertilizer, including synthetic fertilizers. Both solid synthetic fertilizers (e.g., calcium ammonium nitrate) and liquid synthetic fertilizers (e.g., solubilized diammonium phosphate) are commonly used across Kenya but are often cost prohibitive for low-income farmers. Import tariffs, a 30% markup due to transportation costs, and few importers contribute to high price points (Sanergy, 2014). Solid fertilizers tend to be easier to transport, but each formulation requires different production mechanisms. Liquid fertilizers may be more difficult to transport but can be easily combined with irrigation. ElectroSan exhibits several competitive advantages: local production, regular supply, customization to various chemical compositions, and application by fertigation.

3.1.4 Environmental Sustainability

Protecting environments for future generations is a major motivation of ElectroSan’s vision of reimagining waste. Worldwide, 80% of wastewater is discharged without treatment (Larsen et al., 2016); re-envisioning toilets as collection centers for raw materials could incentivize collection and treatment. Reimagining waste as a resource is particularly beneficial for global nitrogen use, because the global nitrogen cycle is severely unbalanced due to anthropogenic interferences. Industrial ammonia production, large-scale agriculture, and fossil fuel combustion have added unprecedented amounts of reactive nitrogen (e.g., NO3 , NH4 +, N2O) to the biosphere from the atmosphere, outpacing denitrification that converts reactive nitrogen back to dinitrogen gas (N2). Because of the widespread untreated wastewater discharge, much of the world’s synthetic reactive nitrogen contributes to eutrophication and threatens aquatic ecosystems. Recovering nitrogen directly from wastewater could reduce the demand for atmospheric N2 extraction and incentivizes restoration of polluted aqueous environments.

Even while we were still developing our ion exchange technology, we evaluated the environmental impacts of its potential implementation using life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economic assessment (TEA). LCA considers embedded energy and emissions associated with engineered processes from raw materials to disposal; TEA considers process modeling, engineering design, and cost estimation. These system-level assessments of new technologies can serve two major goals: (1) comparing to existing approaches and (2) prioritizing opportunities for optimization (Corominas et al., 2013a,b). We considered ion exchange cartridges or ammonia recovery from urine for both purposes and using both TEA and LCA, along with geospatial modeling for a citywide collection scheme (Kavvada et al., 2017). Our analysis demonstrated that ion exchange was not only less environmentally harmful than conventional nitrogen removal but net-negative for greenhouse gas emissions and energy input considering the avoided Haber-Bosch production. Within ion exchange-based ammonia recovery, we expected transport (collection of cartridges from households) to be the major emitter and energy consumer; however, the sulfuric acid for regenerating the resin represented 70% of greenhouse gas emissions and energy input (deriving from the manufacturing process). Although the city used for the environmental impact analysis (San Francisco, CA) differs in important ways from Nairobi, the finding that the sulfuric acid contributed such a large footprint would likely apply in both contexts. This insight inspired another laboratory iteration focused on alternative regenerants including acids (hydrochloric, nitric) and brine (sodium chloride). We found that the acids were similar in performance but the brine exhibited a trade-off: lower environmental impacts but also lower regeneration efficiency. Ongoing efforts focus on alternative regeneration schemes to further reduce the emissions and energy input required for nitrogen recovery from urine.

3.2 Iterative Implementation

The ElectroSan experience exemplifies a major aspect of Development Engineering: iterative implementation. Rapid and frequent iterations between laboratory research and field implementation, even with imperfect prototypes, accelerated the development of technologies to recover nitrogen from urine. Both laboratory and field research were supported by educational experiences (many through the Development Engineering program at UC Berkeley) and diverse funding sources. The interplay of funding, education, laboratory research, and field implementation is illustrated in the multicomponent timeline in Fig. 16.10.

Fig. 16.10
figure 10

Parallel timelines of funding, education, laboratory research, and field implementation. Safe Sludge activities are striped to identify them as preceding the formal start of ElectroSan but integral to the ElectroSan story

3.2.1 Laboratory Research and Implementation

Early Visits

ElectroSan built on the foundation of the Safe Sludge project, which connected the Nelson group at UC Berkeley with Sanergy in 2012. Safe Sludge combined laboratory experiments with multidisciplinary design to create a conceptual prototype of a self-disinfecting toilet. In parallel, laboratory experiments documenting ideal ratios of urine to feces for inactivation of waterborne pathogens were determined (Ogunyoku et al., 2016). Once these results proved promising in Berkeley, Dr. Temi Ogunyoku planned a presentation at the second Fecal Sludge Management Conference in Durban, South Africa, followed by a field study of Safe Sludge for Sanergy excreta in December 2012.

The team returned to UC Berkeley to plan the next trip to Nairobi, with the major objective of identifying effects of the Safe Sludge process on compost in small-scale containers. We also explored the impact of lime addition as a cover material during toilet use on the thermophilic composting process at Sanergy’s collection depot. Both the 2012 and 2013 field visits built a relationship with Sanergy and familiarized the UC Berkeley team with their operations by visiting toilets, meeting operations and collection team members, and working alongside treatment operators. In January 2014, two ElectroSan team members (Tarpeh and MBA student Ryan Jung) visited Sanergy to conduct focus groups with Fresh Life Toilet users. The major goals were to survey existing business resources in Nairobi, examine the price and cost needs for a successful business model to sell Fresh Life toilets to homeowners, and obtain feedback from users on prototyped treatment options.

These early trips also identified several challenges and opportunities for Safe Sludge. A major challenge was conducting experiments without a fully functional laboratory, which incentivized both partners to accelerate laboratory installation. Experiments during the 2012 trip were conducted some 15 km from Mukuru, the center of operations. During the 2013 trip, experiments were conducted at the composting treatment site; however, intermittent electricity required largely battery-operated experiments (e.g., pH meters, mass balances).

Starting ElectroSan

ElectroSan was formed out of the 2013–2015 visits and literature review on urine treatment technologies. We identified urine as underutilized during visits to Sanergy and conversations with other sanitation service providers visited in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Working closely with treatment plant operators at Sanergy on a daily basis was a major precipitator, including regular visits from a truck to collect urine and transport it to a wastewater treatment plant. Based on these insights, Tarpeh and Nelson connected this opportunity with the ongoing experiments in Berkeley to selectively recover nitrogen from urine.

From January 2014 to December 2015, the ElectroSan team dedicated its efforts to developing ion exchange and electrochemical stripping in the laboratory. A major goal of laboratory efforts was to establish an experimental dataset and descriptive model that could be used to predict adsorption density for a given urine composition. We also successfully identified mechanisms of adsorption and the influence of composition by comparing simplified solution, synthetic urine, and real urine for both ion exchange and electrochemical stripping. During this focused time in the laboratory, the ElectroSan team still engaged with Sanergy through conference calls, meeting at conferences (e.g., Fecal Sludge Management Conference), and Sanergy visits to Berkeley. During this time, Sanergy grew rapidly in staff, number of toilets, and volume of excreta collected daily. We originally planned to visit Nairobi in Summer 2015 but decided to delay for a year to better characterize adsorption in realistic continuous operation and achieve publication-quality results during the field trial.

In 2016, the ElectroSan team had collected enough experimental data to plan for a field study of ion exchange. We met approximately monthly with Sanergy staff, particularly the laboratory manager and personnel. Pictures and supply lists were shared between the Berkeley and Sanergy laboratories to ensure compatibility. In 6 weeks during June to August 2016, Tarpeh, Nelson, and MS student Ileana Wald collected data on repeatable column performance using Dowex Mac 3 and Sanergy urine, surveyed urine composition across a representative set of Sanergy toilets, and monitored composition changes during collection. We also fabricated and operated columns at ten times the size of lab scale, which could then treat ten toilets’ daily production of waste based on Sanergy’s average across all toilets. Key performance metrics, including adsorption density and regeneration efficiency, were conserved over ten cycles at 6.5 L/d (one average Sanergy toilet) and for two cycles at 65 L/d (ten average Sanergy toilets). We continued analyzing the data collected in Nairobi over the 2016–2017 academic year that resulted in a publication in the new Development Engineering Journal in (Tarpeh et al., 2018b) (

Based on the encouraging results from our work in Nairobi, the ElectroSan team continued to develop larger-scale setups in Berkeley, as well as relax some of the assumptions that accelerated previous laboratory experiments. A master’s student from ETH Zurich (Maja Wiprächtiger) explored urea hydrolysis and combining nitrogen recovery with phosphate recovery. We explored several options of combined nitrogen and phosphorus recovery: struvite precipitation followed by cation exchange, anion exchange followed by cation exchange, and simultaneous anion and cation exchange. We hypothesized that phosphate recovery could be conducted before nitrogen recovery with minimal effects on nitrogen recovery. In 2017 and 2018, we published several articles on our findings and presented our work at several conferences.

Dr. Kevin Orner, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley, conducted the most recent visit to Sanergy in September 2019. The objectives of the visit included (1) evaluating the economic feasibility of producing and selling urine-derived fertilizer, (2) exploring the technical feasibility of toilet-level nutrient recovery, and (3) determining if pit latrine waste could be used to produce liquid fertilizer via ion exchange. ElectroSan and Sanergy explored selling to Unilever, the owner of Lipton, which makes teas that require liquid fertilizer. Although Lipton could pay a premium for organic liquid fertilizer for their organic teas, we later learned that urine-derived fertilizer could not be classified as organic under current regulations. Another strategy for economically treating urine is to recover nutrients via ion exchange and locally dispose the treated urine effluent, which avoids transportation and disposal costs. Ion exchange can be used to recover ammonium and phosphate but will require additional treatment steps to meet effluent discharge requirements (e.g., pathogens, organic contaminants). This need motivates current research at UC Berkeley on urea hydrolysis, ion exchange, and media filtration that can take place underneath the Sanergy source-separating toilets. Liquid from fecal sludge could also be an influent to ElectroSan processes, which Orner explored with Sanergy and Sanivation, another sanitation company in Kenya.

3.2.2 Education and Funding

ElectroSan came of age with the Development Engineering program at Berkeley and benefited richly from interacting with the DevEng ecosystem of students, faculty, and collaborators. This enabling ecosystem also included the Blum Center for Developing Economies and the Development Impact Lab, supported by the US Agency of International Development through the Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN).

In Spring 2013, Tarpeh led a team of students in a Design for Sustainable Communities course to design an in-home toilet with Sanergy. This assessment validated the existing business model of shared public toilets being more profitable and user-friendly than in-home toilets. After pivoting away from in-home toilets, the ElectroSan team applied for class funds for the Summer 2013 field visit. The project continued during Fall 2013 as part of Cooperative Innovation, a new course focused on designing with low-income communities. The team designed and evaluated business models for excreta-derived products in Nairobi. Students traveled to Nairobi for several weeks in January 2014, supported by a Development Impact Lab Explore Grant ($5000) to seed new projects or pivots.

ElectroSan was first identified as an independent project through the Big Ideas at Berkeley grant competition, in which the team placed first in the Global Poverty Alleviation Category. As a Big Ideas recipient, the team benefited from mentoring from sanitation experts, funders, and impact investors. The work in progress was also presented at several conferences, which provided professional development to ElectroSan students, including Tarpeh.

In Fall 2014, the Development Engineering core course was offered for the first time at UC Berkeley. ElectroSan was pitched as a project and benefited from contributions from a multidisciplinary team (environmental/sustainability engineering, social work, business) that developed business models and surveyed potential users. This was a major step in articulating ElectroSan’s relationship with Sanergy and role at the food-energy-water nexus: producing an agricultural input from wastewater at reduced energy. ElectroSan benefited from a free supply of urine to test its technologies, and Sanergy benefited from research and development that could expand the product portfolio of excreta-derived products by valorizing urine rather than paying for its disposal. A major output of this class was a Development Innovation Ventures Proposal, which is a USAID competition. ElectroSan did not actually submit the proposal, but articulating the ideas in a concise way guided both technology development and planning for future implementation.

ElectroSan continued to conduct research, funded in part by Big Ideas, NSF fellowship support, and the VentureWell business competition, which we won based on a presentation at the HESN annual meeting in 2016. VentureWell funds supported planning for installing a pilot source-separating toilet on the UC Berkeley campus to supply urine for research and attract visitors. ElectroSan successfully applied for the Scaling Up Big Ideas Program in 2018, which helped fund the next iteration of technology development. We also extended preliminary results on accelerating urea hydrolysis to facilitate toilet-level recovery. This iteration was again the subject of a Development Engineering course project that informed the most recent visit to Nairobi in Fall 2019. Several students have benefited from the ElectroSan project at UC Berkeley and Stanford, including undergraduates, MS students, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers.

3.3 Adaptation

3.3.1 Reaching Scale: Scaling Down to Toilet-Level Recovery and Scaling Up to Pilot

Reaching meaningful scale for nitrogen recovery from urine could involve numerous small installations or a few large ones. We aim to identify optimal scale by combined experimental and modeling efforts. On the modeling side, we identified Pareto-efficient scales that minimize energy consumption and emissions in San Francisco. We will conduct similar analyses with Nairobi data to identify optimal scales for environmental impacts and costs. Experimentally, we have expanded our focus from larger-scale pilot installations to toilet-level treatment, which requires engineered urea hydrolysis.

Sanergy’s rapidly scaled toilet collection inspired rapid scaling of feces and urine treatment. Several iterations of feces treatment have been considered, including thermophilic composting, anaerobic digestion, and, most recently, black soldier fly larvae. Sanergy now has a profitable full-scale plant for treating feces but transports and disposes urine without cost recovery due to no economically viable options. Thus, ElectroSan efforts were generally dedicated to developing pilot- and full-scale treatment options to recover nitrogen fertilizer from urine.

More recently, we have considered toilet-level urine treatment to recover nutrients and discharge treated effluent. Accordingly, ElectroSan researchers at UC Berkeley are currently investigating media filtration for removal of carbon and pathogens prior to local discharge (Fig. 16.11). This option would achieve scale by thousands of installations (one per Fresh Life Toilet). The real optimum may be a hybrid of toilet-level and centralized urine treatment, but further characterization of toilet-level nitrogen recovery is needed. Regardless, a practical, effective urine treatment solution could reach hundreds of thousands of users in Nairobi alone.

Fig. 16.11
figure 11

Process flow diagram for treating urine from Fresh Life Toilet via urea hydrolysis, ion exchange, and media filtration prior to subsurface disposal

3.3.2 Current State of Technology

A challenge in recovering ammonium on-site from source-separated urine via ion exchange is accelerating the hydrolysis of urea. When urine exits the body, nitrogen is in the form of urea. The urea-N must be hydrolyzed into ammonium-N prior to nutrient recovery via ion exchange; however, the urea hydrolysis process can last multiple days. Accelerating urea hydrolysis by varying biofilm carriers or the bacterial inoculum could reduce reactor size to be feasible for individual source-separating toilets in informal settlements (Deleu 2020). Urine will be collected from a LAUFEN Save! urine-separating toilet installed in a bathroom on campus at UC Berkeley and used as an influent to the pilot treatment system that integrates urea hydrolysis, ion exchange, and media filtration.

In parallel with toilet-level efforts to recover urine, ElectroSan researchers at Stanford are investigating more selective adsorbents to improve the lifetime, cost-effectiveness, and purity of the process (Clark & Tarpeh, 2020; Clark et al., 2022). Electrochemical stripping has also been further developed with predictive models for removal and recovery and energy estimations that show that electrochemical stripping is on par with other nitrogen removal technologies (Liu et al., 2020). We have also demonstrated high recovery efficiencies in various wastewaters, which may expand the applications of electrochemical nitrogen stripping (Fig. 16.12). This line of research was first inspired by ElectroSan’s 2016 visit to Sanergy, in which ion exchange was tested on anaerobic digester effluent because of potential scale-up of anaerobic digestion at the time.

Fig. 16.12
figure 12

Ammonium recovery efficiency for electrochemical stripping in various wastewaters. RO = reverse osmosis. Citations: real urine, Tarpeh et al. (2018a,b); hydrothermal liquefaction effluent, Li et al. (2018); anaerobic digestate, Liu et al. (2020); RO concentrate, unpublished

3.3.3 Reaching Scale: Opportunities and Challenges

As is typical for Development Engineering, research questions have evolved over time from fundamental and proof-of-concept to applied, practical questions. Now that we have demonstrated that high-purity ammonium sulfate can be recovered from various wastewaters, including urine, several questions remain to reach scale. Establishing a regular supply chain for adsorbents is one such practical question. Making infrequent bulk purchases could be possible, but the overall lifetime of the adsorbent needs to be characterized to inform purchasing decisions. We have explored several alternative methods for regeneration in the laboratory but look forward to contextualizing this regeneration decision based on cost and available supply chains for various acids and brine solutions. During a 2018 field trial in the United States, we encountered the practical challenge of how to apply an acidic ammonium sulfate fertilizer. Fertigation seems to be the best option, but dilution ratios must be devised and adapted from conventional ammonium sulfate application. Another question to reach scale is how to automate the continuous nitrogen recovery process, which we can adapt from other industrial ion exchange processes, such as water softening. Building on our cost analysis of ion exchange, we aim to identify marginal costs at scale. We expect economies of scale to exist, especially for resin purchasing and potential regenerant reuse, but aim to do a more long-term pilot study to further establish both technical and economic feasibilities. This was the aim of our pilot scale study with Lipton, but classifying urine-derived fertilizers as organic may be a prerequisite to running such a pilot study with fertilizer consumer interest.

Throughout its development, ElectroSan reported its results in scientific and gray literature, ranging from academic articles to reports and general media. Research collaborations have also played a critical role in disseminating our results, including with the University of Michigan where Tarpeh conducted postdoctoral research with Professors Nancy Love and Krista Wigginton. Ion exchange columns were constructed and operated at the University of Michigan to create ammonium sulfate fertilizer and applied to fields in Vermont. A growing community of urine-focused researchers now gathers annually at the Urine Summit, sponsored by the Rich Earth Institute in Vermont and most recently by the University of Michigan. Professor Tarpeh’s research group at Stanford also led a recent short course in Senegal with master’s students from Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. Additional installations of urine-diverting dry toilets have led to informal communication among urine researchers, especially at conference symposia at several conferences, including the American Chemical Society and the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors.

Another major challenge is reaching scale beyond Sanergy to other sanitation service providers (SSPs). To date, we have depended on building relationships with SSPs through our networks, including Sanivation and Delvic Sanitation Initiatives. The Container-Based Sanitation Alliance (CBSA) brings together several of these entities, some of whom have encountered ElectroSan at conferences and other meetings. To reach the needed scale of billions, we will need to leverage this increasingly robust network and develop regional models that cities can learn from and adapt.

3.3.4 Adapting to New Contexts

Since 2018, ElectroSan team members have explored electrochemical nitrogen stripping in partnership with Delvic Sanitation Initiatives (DSI), an SSP in Dakar, Senegal. This context differs considerably from Nairobi along several dimensions. In Dakar, the majority of the population is served by septic tanks that are exhausted by private trucks. DSI works with L’Office National de l’Assainissement de Senegal (ONAS), the national sanitation agency, to operate fecal sludge treatment plants in Dakar and recover valuable products. We have recently demonstrated high recovery efficiency from fecal sludge collected from anaerobic digesters at one such fecal sludge treatment plant and can produce both fertilizer and disinfectant from influents of varying composition. DSI benefits from strong collaborations with ONAS and Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD), from where its founders graduated. This enabling environment has accelerated field visits, funding, and student exchanges from 2018 to 2020. Most recently, a field visit in December 2019 included demonstration of electrochemical stripping, tours of fecal sludge treatment plants, meetings with ONAS and UCAD collaborators, and a short course on resource recovery for UCAD master’s students. Diversifying ElectroSan’s product portfolio will help identify additional markets and customers to incentivize urine collection and treatment.

4 Results/Lessons Learned

Our major lessons can be summarized as follows:

  • Iterative development between laboratory and practical implementation accelerated innovation by facilitating rapid adaptation of laboratory findings to practical problems.

  • Developing multiple technologies simultaneously helped establish relative advantages and value propositions.

  • Flexible consideration of value propositions facilitated prioritization amidst changing partner priorities, constraints, and findings. Documenting rationale for our choices helped constrain our research questions and facilitated revisiting as needed.

  • Strong in-country partnerships allowed ElectroSan to situate our expertise and focus on our core activity: converting urine into value-added products.

  • Prospective assessment of costs and environmental impacts helped compare ElectroSan approaches to existing alternatives and prioritize future optimization opportunities.

4.1 Context and Vision for Our Results

Ultimately, our findings have advanced the case for a circular sanitation economy. Reimagining excreta as a resource has increasingly entered the public sphere through the collective efforts of the sanitation research community over decades, and ElectroSan is fortunate to contribute to this transformation and build on contributions from this dynamic community. Our vision remains to establish a diverse and profitable portfolio of urine-derived products, including fertilizers, disinfectants, fuel, water, and commodity chemicals. Recently, other researchers have extracted microbial proteins and brickmaking materials from urine (Randall et al., 2016; Christiaens et al., 2017). As the field matures, we expect to realize the vision of a suite of technologies and products that resource-oriented sanitation service providers can consider when they separately collect urine.

Within the field of resource-oriented sanitation, ElectroSan has focused primarily on a circular nitrogen economy. These efforts can help rebalance the nitrogen cycle by reusing reactive nitrogen, thus reducing discharges that foster eutrophication and harmful algal blooms, which damage aquatic ecosystems and threaten human health. Designing selective separation processes and materials will make this vision a reality. Just as we have integrated lab and field studies, we integrate investigations of novel materials that enable novel processes with process engineering that outlines criteria for groundbreaking materials.

While many problems are interdisciplinary, crafting profitable sanitation initiatives absolutely demands contributions from several fields (Hyun et al., 2019). The ElectroSan story demonstrates the multifaceted contributions required from engineering, business, policy, social sciences, public health, and humanities. Sanitation is often considered a “boundary object” to which many fields refer (Hyun et al., 2019), but will require communication and coordination between disciplines to meet the demanding challenge of providing billions of people with sanitation access.

4.2 Pivots

Like many Development Engineering projects, the story of ElectroSan is a series of pivots, design sprints, and iterative technology development. We have identified several pivot points throughout this chapter but highlight several significant changes in direction here:

  1. 1.

    We shifted from the Safe Sludge focus on using urine as a feces disinfectant to the ElectroSan focus of making separate valuable products from urine. This shift was motivated by separate collection of urine and feces and Sanergy already having thermophilic composting of feces. There was a major need to separately valorize urine, and ElectroSan developed to fulfill that need.

  2. 2.

    Although we developed two technologies in parallel, we chose to focus on ion exchange because it was more mature, logistically simple, easier to operate, and better proven at the time of our field trial. This decision was difficult at the time but in retrospect was a clear choice to accelerate the overall project and still apply learnings from ion exchange to electrochemical stripping that have facilitated transfer to other settings besides Nairobi.

  3. 3.

    Our brief expansion from urine to anaerobic digester effluent seeded the idea of using ion exchange and electrochemical stripping for other waste streams, but did not end up being installed at Sanergy. This decision allowed us to focus on urine at Sanergy, which we had most thoroughly characterized; at the same time, the decision opened up applications for ElectroSan technologies in the United States and other settings outside of urine.

  4. 4.

    Most recently, we pivoted from depot-level urine treatment to toilet-level recovery, which could obviate the need to transport urine. This was identified early on as a potential value proposition for urine treatment (during the 2016 field visit) but revisited with the scientific question of accelerating urea hydrolysis on site. The continued search for customer for urine-derived fertilizer also informed this choice, because scaling up will likely involve many installations rather than a few large installations.

We consider these pivots learning experiences more than failures or successes. Because hypotheses are constantly being generated in the laboratory and tested in the field or vice versa, we expect to continue to pivot as the idea of extracting value from urine matures.

4.3 Ongoing and Future Work

We have also identified several areas of ongoing work throughout this chapter. Significant highlights include:

  1. 1.

    Analyzing potential uses and buyers of ammonium sulfate fertilizer and other urine-derived products.

  2. 2.

    Engineering nutrient capture and urine treatment within the size constraints of a Fresh Life Toilet.

  3. 3.

    Adapting ion exchange and media filtration from treating urine to treating fecal sludge.

  4. 4.

    Developing more nitrogen-selective adsorbents to enhance adsorbent lifetime and product purity.

5 Summary and Interpretive Text Boxes

Guiding Framework

Throughout ElectroSan’s activities, we have focused on several criteria: (1) maximizing nitrogen recovery efficiency, (2) creating profit by value of products exceeding costs of extraction, (3) operating at scale, (4) beating conventional methods in costs and/or environmental impacts, and (5) evaluating social acceptance from product users and/or treatment operators. Ideas have constantly been evaluated against this framework to inform our future research. For example, when we performed our life cycle assessment of ion exchange, we would have pursued other options if conventional nitrogen management was less costly and less environmentally harmful than ion exchange. We also conducted a preliminary estimate of the size of ion exchange cartridge needed for an average household (4 L); if it were prohibitively large, we would have pivoted to other adsorbents earlier on in the design process.


One major pivot was our focus on ion exchange over electrochemical stripping, although electrochemical stripping was the newer and potentially more exciting technical option at the time. Another was our recent choice to pivot from selling liquid fertilizer at a premium because of its potentially organic source (urine) to instead reduce transport of urine, because the latter was easier to monetize. While we continue to work on establishing demand for urine-derived fertilizers, Sanergy’s collection costs are a more sorely felt need that our innovations can address in the near term.

Responsible Research and Capacity

Many stories exist of organizations building a project far from home and then losing contact and thus failing to ensure that the project is sustainably operated and maintained. One best practice in international sustainable development efforts is partnering with a strong in-country partner who knows the social and economic landscape. In this case, our in-country partner Sanergy employs 400 people, 60% of whom live in communities where Fresh Life Toilets are being utilized (Jobs, 2020). Maintaining close communication with Sanergy leadership and field staff promotes quick realistic feedback and iteration during laboratory and pilot research even while being located almost 10,000 miles away. The ElectroSan team has also engaged Sanergy laboratory staff to a high degree, including training laboratory staff on urine treatment technologies and having two New Technologies (Sanergy department) researchers as co-authors on our Development Engineering Journal publication (Tarpeh et al., 2018b). Similarly, training students and providing opportunities for research exchanges has been a major focus of our recent activities with Delvic in Senegal. UC Berkeley students also worked at Sanergy, helping establish the laboratory and build capacity for pathogen inactivation experiments and ammonia analysis.

Discussion Questions

  1. 1.

    How should “sustainability” be defined for sanitation service provision? How should trade-offs between human health, cost, and environmental protection be evaluated? For example, should Sanergy prioritize reducing nitrogen discharges to the environment at additional cost, given that the majority of human waste in Nairobi is discharged to the environment with minimal or no treatment? As another example, is it sustainable to treat urine using ion exchange resin materials that must be imported? Suggest other decisions facing Sanergy and ElectroSan, and evaluate them through your definition of sustainability.

  2. 2.

    What factors would most significantly affect the ElectroSan business model if it were implemented in Dakar, Senegal? Rural Kenya? India? Choose other settings and reflect on the same question. List the questions you would ask to ascertain the required changes. Describe the factors that companies like ElectroSan and Sanergy should consider when expanding their geographical scope and business verticals.

  3. 3.

    What is the role of beneficiary communities in the development of human waste collection services and waste-derived products? What is the importance of community input? What is the importance of culture?

  4. 4.

    How might fields other than economics/business and STEM provide value in Development Engineering contexts and specifically in this case study?

  5. 5.

    What are the benefits and potential drawbacks of franchising toilets instead of Sanergy maintaining complete ownership over toilets? How would changes in the toilet provision and excreta collection affect the ElectroSan business model?

  6. 6.

    How might businesses like Sanergy and ElectroSan be affected or adapt in the coming decades as developing areas change according to various forecasts (e.g., technological, environmental, political, economic)? Consider some best case, worst case, and moderate scenarios.

  7. 7.

    For researchers located far away from their Development Engineering enterprise or partners, what strategies are important for maximizing the effectiveness of trips to the enterprise location? Moreover, what are the most important aspects for maintaining effective productivity between both locations while distanced?

  8. 8.

    How might related enterprises be different or similar if sponsored or operated by a government instead of a private entity? What are the pros and cons of public vs. private sponsorship, for various countries?

  9. 9.

    When collaborating on a development venture, how might academic and business realms differ in the enterprise aspects that they emphasize or overlook? How might they overcome these differences to make integrated progress?

  10. 10.

    Comment on the timeline and workflow of this case study from inception to present day. Are there certain work strategies or order of events that you consider beneficial or would have modified?

  11. 11.

    How can mission-driven companies focused on social impact, like Sanergy and ElectroSan, balance ethical provision of services with profitability and financial sustainability, especially if business competition begins to arise?