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An Ecological Overview of Halophytes in Inland Areas of Central Europe

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Handbook of Halophytes
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In humid regions, inland salt marshes are mostly related to fossil salt deposits and salty springs and need to be continuously supported by saline water. Halophytes from inland saline areas can be identified based on their species frequency in salt marshes and existing knowledge about their salt tolerance, in conjunction with known definitions, or based on a habitat approach. Inland salt marshes in Central Europe are inhabited by many plant species, and not only those known as halophytes. Most are salt-tolerant but known from nonsaline areas. There is still a lack of knowledge that would allow halophytes to be recognized as a well-defined group. Research on halotolerant species in controlled environments is needed to recognize salt tolerance mechanisms. Different sources list different sets of species typical of inland saline areas. A habitat approach will allow us to identify the group of species that are typical of inland salt marshes and that form the individual associations typical of saline sites, such as Salicornia europaea, Puccinellia distans, Spergularia salina, Atriplex prostrata, Juncus gerardi, Aster tripolium, Triglochin maritimum, Glaux maritima, Suaeada maritima, etc. However, there is still a Europe-wide lack of a generalization and typology for temperate inland salt marsh vegetation that might help in a description of all typical species.

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Piernik, A. (2020). An Ecological Overview of Halophytes in Inland Areas of Central Europe. In: Grigore, MN. (eds) Handbook of Halophytes. Springer, Cham.

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