
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

A (full-rank) lattice \({\mathcal L}\) of dimension n can be generated by a basis \(\mathbf B \) made of linearly independent vectors \(\mathbf b _1, \cdots , \mathbf b _n\in \mathbb {R}^{n}\) via integer combinations: \(\mathcal {L}(\mathbf B ) = \sum _{i \le n} \mathbb {Z}\mathbf b_i\). Lattice reduction aims to compute a basis made of relatively short vectors from an arbitrary input basis. Quantitatively, one measure of quality is the so-called Hermite factor \(\text{ HF }(\mathbf B) = \Vert \mathbf b_1\Vert / |\det \mathbf B|^{1/n} = \Vert \mathbf b_1\Vert / (\det \mathcal {L})^{1/n}\). Understanding the practical behavior and limits of reduction algorithms is important for setting parameters in lattice-based cryptography. Indeed, the best known attacks against lattice-based schemes typically consist in finding short vectors/bases of lattices provided by publicly available data [APS15].

In [SE94], Schnorr and Euchner proposed a practical lattice reduction algorithm, named the Block Korkine-Zolotarev (BKZ) algorithm. It is parameterized by a block-size \(\beta \ge 2\): the larger the block-size \(\beta \), the more expensive in terms of running-time, but the smaller the output Hermite factor. This is because it internally relies on an algorithm that solves the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) in dimension \(\beta \), i.e., which can find a shortest non-zero vector in any \(\beta \)-dimensional lattice. Since then, several optimizations of BKZ have been investigated, such as early termination [HPS11] and progressive reduction [CN11, AWHT16]. In [HPS11] (see also [Neu17]), it was shown that in the worst case, BKZ\(_\beta \) (with early termination) achieves a Hermite factor of \(\beta ^{O(n/\beta )}\) within a polynomial number of calls to the SVP solver, for \(\beta = o(n)\) and n growing to infinity. It was shown in [HS08] that there exist bases with such Hermite factors (up to a constant factor in the exponent) which are left unchanged when given as inputs to BKZ\(_\beta \). Unfortunately, these worst-case bounds are quantitatively very far from experimental data.

The BKZ algorithm proceeds by improving the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization \(\mathbf B^*= (\mathbf b_1^*, \cdots ,\mathbf b_n^*)\) of the current basis \(\mathbf B = (\mathbf b_1, \cdots ,\mathbf b_n)\). More precisely, it aims at updating \(\mathbf B\) such that the norms \(\Vert \mathbf b_1^*\Vert , \cdots ,\Vert \mathbf b_n^*\Vert \) of the Gram–Schmidt vectors do not decrease too fast. In [Sch03], Schnorr presented a heuristic on the shape of the Gram–Schmidt norms of the output basis, named the Geometric Series Assumption (GSA). It states that there exists a constant \(r >1\) such that the output basis satisfies \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert / \Vert \mathbf b_{i+1}^*\Vert \approx r\) for all \(i < n\). Among others, this implies that \(\text{ HF }(\mathbf B) \approx r^{(n-1)/2}\). It was argued in [CN11] (see also [Che09, Chp. 4]) that for \(\beta \) small compared to n, one should have \(r \approx (\frac{\beta }{2\pi \mathrm {e}}(\pi \beta )^{\frac{1}{\beta }})^{\frac{1}{\beta -1}}\). The latter value is derived by relying on the Gaussian heuristicFootnote 1 to estimate the smallest non-zero norm in a \(\beta \)-dimensional lattice \(\mathcal {L}\) by \(\mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L}) := ((\det L)/v_\beta )^{1/\beta }\), where \(v_\beta \) denotes the volume of the \(\beta \)-dimensional unit ball. It was experimentally observed that the GSA is a good first approximation to the practical behavior of BKZ. Nevertheless, it does not provide an exact fit: for \(\beta \gtrsim 30\), the typical BKZ output basis has its first few Gram–Schmidt norms and its last \(\approx \beta \) Gram–Schmidt norms violate this assumption. These first and last Gram–Schmidt norms are respectively called the head and the tail, the rest being the body. In [CN11], Chen and Nguyen refined the sandpile model from [HPS11] and provided a BKZ simulator based on the Gaussian heuristic (with a modification for the tail, see Subsect. 2.3). Their BKZ simulator captures the body and tail behaviors of the Gram–Schmidt norms very precisely [CN11, YD17]. However, as investigated in [CN11, AWHT16, YD17], the Chen–Nguyen simulator fails to capture the head phenomenon: the head almost follows the GSA in the simulations, whereas, in the experiments, the logarithmic Gram–Schmidt norms form a concave curve (instead of a line). Put plainly, BKZ finds shorter vectors than predicted by the Chen–Nguyen simulator. Refer to Figs. 1 and 2 for an example: we run BKZ with block-size 45 on 100-dimensional lattices (generated by the Darmstadt lattice challenge generator)Footnote 2 and record the Gram–Schmidt norms of the reduced bases after 2000 tours (each data is averaged over 100 trials). This inaccuracy may lead to overestimated security evaluations in cryptographic design. Understanding the head concavity phenomenon was put forward as an important open problem in [YD17], for assessing the bit-security of concrete lattice-based cryptosystems.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Gram–Schmidt log-norms for BKZ\(_{45}\) at tour 2, 000.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Same as left hand side, but zoomed in.

Contributions. Our first main contribution is the design of a more accurate BKZ simulator, relying on a probabilistic version of the Gaussian heuristic. More precisely, we take into account the fact that the norm of a shortest non-zero vector of a random lattice is not a fixed quantity driven by the Gaussian heuristic, but a random variable. Concretely, we use a distribution derived from the result on the distribution of short vectors in random lattices by Södergren [Söd11]. We compare our probabilistic simulator and experimental BKZ, and observe that our simulator provides accurate predictions of the head region, while maintaining a good approximation on both body and tail regions. If we focus on the head region, the new simulator is always more precise than the Chen–Nguyen simulator, and similarly accurate for body and tail. Therefore, the Hermite factors estimated by the new simulator are more accurate and fit the experimental results more precisely. This is established through extensive experiments designed to measure the head concavity phenomenon. Such understanding also allows to efficiently assess how it scales for larger block-sizes: when \(\beta \) increases, the head phenomenon decreases, i.e., the GSA is followed more closely.

Our second main contribution is an algorithmic exploitation of the fact that BKZ performs better than the GSA for its first output vectors. We propose a new variant of BKZ, pressed-BKZ, that aims to exploit the head phenomenon everywhere in the graph of Gram–Schmidt norms. To do so, we proceed iteratively: we run BKZ between indices 1 and n, then we freeze the first basis vector and run BKZ between indices 2 and n (i.e., on the appropriately projected basis), then we freeze the first two basis vectors and run BKZ between 3 and n, etc. The bonus of being at the start of the basis is exploited at every position. The output basis tightly follows the GSA in the head and body regions. The gain is that the logarithmic Gram–Schmidt slope is better than that from the original BKZ. Overall, for the same block-size as in BKZ, pressed-BKZ produces lattice bases of improved quality. We adapt our BKZ simulator to pressed-BKZ, and again, the simulation seems quite accurate, giving further confidence that our simulation correctly captures the head phenomenon.

Another way to exploit the head phenomenon was suggested in [AWHT16]. As the first BKZ blocks are more reduced, solving the corresponding SVP instances is easier. In [AWHT16], Aono et al. propose using a larger block-size in the head region than in the rest of the basis. The purpose is to make the head region even better, without increasing the overall cost significantly. We combine this “adaptive block-size” strategy with pressed-BKZ. This allows to accelerate the convergence of pressed-BKZ towards its typical output quality.

Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of the BKZ variant by testing it on an SVP-120 instance obtained with the Darmstadt lattice challenge generator. We also compare the quality of pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced bases with standard BKZ\(_\beta \)-reduced bases for various block-sizes \(\beta \).

Impact. For concrete lattice-based cryptosystems with parameters set using the Chen–Nguyen simulator (or the corresponding GSA ratio), the head phenomenon is a potential security risk: as BKZ performs better than what has been taken into account while setting parameters, the parameters were potentially set too low for the targeted bit-security levels. Our simulator, which accurately predicts the head phenomenon, suggests that the head phenomenon vanishes when the block-size becomes large. We conjecture this is because the distribution of the first minimum in random lattices has a standard deviation that decreases to 0 relatively quickly when the lattice dimension increases (this lattice dimension corresponds to the BKZ block-size \(\beta \)). Quantitatively, the phenomenon has almost fully disappeared for \(\beta \approx 200\). It is also less important when n is much larger than \(\beta \). Concrete figures are provided at the end of Subsect. 4.4.

The lattice-based submissions to the NIST post-quantum standardization processFootnote 3 use conservative security estimates. In particular, they rely on lower bounds for the cost of solving SVP in dimension \(\beta \), which are significantly below what can currently be achieved in practice (we refer to [ACD+18] for concrete figures). Note that this seems unrelated to the head phenomenon: the BKZ block-sizes needed to break the scheme are often in the hundreds, a range of block-sizes for which the head phenomenon has already vanished. The NIST candidates most impacted are those that were more aggressive in setting their parameters, though the impact remains limited even for them.

Oppositely, for block-sizes that can be handled in practice (e.g., \(\beta \lesssim 100\)), the head concavity phenomenon is non-negligible, and can be exploited. Our work can then help make concrete cryptanalysis more accurate. By allowing one to solve SVP in larger dimensions \(\beta \) using pressed-BKZ\(_{\beta '}\) with \(\beta ' < \beta \) as a preprocessing, our work should allow one to perform BKZ in larger block-sizes \(\beta \). It is well-known that for small block-sizes (say \(\beta \lesssim 35\)), the BKZ output quality is inaccurately predicted by the Gaussian Heuristic (see [CN11], for example). This phenomenon vanishes when the block-size becomes higher. But then BKZ\(_\beta \) benefits from the head concavity phenomenon. As a result, extrapolating concrete experiments in such block-sizes to draw conclusions in much larger block-sizes seems to amount to wild guessing. On the other hand, we have a better simulation of the head phenomenon for BKZ with practical block-sizes. By exploiting the head phenomenon, we can hope to reach higher block-sizes, for which such small block-size effects do not occur anymore. In this smoother regime, extrapolating experiments should become sounder.

Related Works. The first simulator for predicting the Gram–Schmidt norms of a BKZ-reduced basis was proposed by Chen and Nguyen in [CN11]. It relies on the assumption that each SVP-solver in the projected local block finds a lattice vector whose norm exactly matches its Gaussian heuristic estimate for that local block, except for a few blocks at the end of the basis. It is a good first approximation, but remains inaccurate in two ways. First, it does not capture the head concavity phenomenon (which is reported nevertheless in the experiments of [CN11]). Second, it does not take into account that in practice it is preferable to use heuristic SVP-solvers which may miss the optimal solutions. The main such heuristic SVP-solver is pruned enumeration, introduced in [SE94] and refined and improved in [GNR10]. It consists of pruning the enumeration tree by keeping only the nodes that are most likely to lead to interesting leaves. As a result, only a subset of lattice points are enumerated within the required radius, and the optimal solution may be missed. Extreme pruning [GNR10] goes even further: it decreases the probability of finding a shortest non-zero vector to lower the time/probability ratio, and runs the process several times to boost the success probability. Each time, the lattice basis is re-randomized and reduced with a lower block-size to prepare for the enumeration. An alternative approach for solving SVP is lattice sieving. The fast sieving variants, such as [NV08, MV10, Duc18, BDGL16], are also not guaranteed to return a shortest non-zero lattice vector.

In [AWHT16], Aono et al. described the so-called progressive-BKZ. The main new ingredient is that the latter tries to avoid the re-randomization/preprocessing overheads by using a single enumeration in any \(\mathrm {SVP}\) call. For this, the authors increase the search radius in the enumeration, aiming to find a short vector but not necessarily a shortest one by pruning the enumeration tree. This search radius is adaptively derived from the current basis quality. Since the authors are not in the regime of finding a shortest non-zero vector, to estimate the success probability, the authors model lattice points of norm below the search radius as random points in the ball of that radius (see [AWHT16, Lemma 1]). This pruned enumeration with increased search radius heuristically produces a non-zero vector in lattice \(\varLambda \) of norm \(\frac{\beta }{\beta +1} \cdot \alpha \cdot \mathrm {GH} (\varLambda )\) for some \(\alpha \ge 1\), using their random point model. For \(\alpha = 1\), we obtain an expectation for the first minimum that is lower than the Gaussian heuristic. Aono et al. also adapted the Chen–Nguyen simulator by modifying the expected norm found by the SVP-solver using the random points model rather than the Gaussian heuristic value. Note that the updated simulator takes some probabilistic phenomenon into account but remains deterministic. In particular, it does not capture the head concavity phenomenon. Finally, as mentioned earlier, Aono et al. also experimentally observed the head concavity phenomenon, and proposed to exploit it by using BKZ with larger block-size on the first few blocks.

Yu and Ducas [YD17] ran extensive experiments to assess the practical behavior of BKZ. They have two main experimental observations. First, the distribution of differences \(v_i := \log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert - \log \Vert \mathbf b_{i+1}^*\Vert \) between two consecutive Gram–Schmidt log-norms, varies as a function of the index i when i belongs to the head and tail regions (and it does not in the body region). Second, the covariance between \(v_i\) and \(v_{i+2}\) is 0 for all i, but \(v_i\) and \(v_{i+1}\) are negatively correlated: in the head and tail regions, their covariance depends on both i and the block-size \(\beta \), but in the body region only the block-size \(\beta \) contributes to their covariance. These observations quantify the head concavity phenomenon more precisely.

Software. The BKZ experiments were run using the fplll [dt16] (version 5.2.0) and fpylll [dt17] (version 0.4.0dev) open-source libraries. The efficiency of these libraries for large block sizes \(\beta \ge 50\) was essential for obtaining useful statistics. Our simulator, coded in Python, and the BKZ variants, coded in C++, are freely available.

As mentioned earlier, we report experiments on pressed-BKZ with an adaptive block-size strategy, for the SVP-120 challenge. We expect our BKZ improvements to be useful in larger dimensions as well (e.g., SVP-150), if given sufficient computational resources. We want to stress that our primary goal is to model, predict and exploit the head phenomenon, the SVP-120 experiment being an illustration of its relevance.

Auxiliary material. We provide a significant amount of material to make our results reproducible and to report experimental observations in more details. Concretely, we provide codes (as mentioned above), experimental raw data, graphs that could not fit within the page limit and video files. Data and links are provided on the authors’ webpages.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we recall some basic facts on lattices and lattice reduction. We refer the reader to the survey [NV09] for more background. We first introduce the notations used throughout the paper.

Notations. We let lower-case bold letters denote (column) vectors and upper-case bold letters denote matrices. For a vector \(\mathbf x\), we use \(\Vert \mathbf x\Vert \) to denote its \(\ell _2\)-norm. Similarly, a matrix \(\mathbf B = (\mathbf b_1,\cdots ,\mathbf b_n)\) is also parsed column-wise. For \(n\ge 1\) and \(r>0\), we let \(V_n(r)\) denote the volume of an n-dimensional ball with radius r and \(v_n\) the volume of an n-dimensional unit ball. Correspondingly, we let \(c_n\) denote the radius of an n-dimensional ball of unit volume. Logarithms are in base 2. For \(\lambda > 0\), we let \(\mathrm {Expo}(\lambda )\) denote the exponential distribution with density function proportional to \(x \mapsto \lambda \mathrm {e}^{-\lambda x}\), up to a normalization factor. We let \(\log \) denotes the natural logarithm with base e.

2.1 Euclidean Lattices

Let \(\mathbf B\in \mathbb {R}^{n \times n}\) be full rank. The lattice \(\mathcal {L}\) generated by \(\mathbf B\) is \(\mathcal {L}(\mathbf B) = \{\mathbf B\mathbf x \mid \mathbf x\in \mathbb {Z}^n\}\), and the matrix \(\mathbf B\) is called a basis of \(\mathcal {L}\). We let \(\mathbf B^* = (\mathbf b_1^*,\cdots ,\mathbf b_n^*)\) denote the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization of \(\mathbf B\). The determinant of a lattice \(\mathcal {L}\) with basis \(\mathbf B\) is defined as \(\det (\mathcal {L}) = \prod _{i\le n}\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \). The norm of a shortest non-zero vector in \(\mathcal {L}\) is denoted by \(\lambda _1(\mathcal {L})\) and called the minimum of \({\mathcal L}\). Minkowski’s theorem asserts that \(\lambda _1(\mathcal {L}) \le 2\cdot v_n^{-1/n}\cdot \det (\mathcal {L})^{1/n}\). For \(i\le n\), we let \(\pi _i\) denote the orthogonal projection onto the linear subspace \((\mathbf b_1,\cdots ,\mathbf b_{i-1})^{\perp }\). For \(i < j\le n\), we let \(\mathbf B_{[i,j]}\) denote the local block \((\pi _i(\mathbf b_i),\cdots ,\pi _i(\mathbf b_j))\), and \({\mathcal L}_{[i,j]}\) denote the lattice generated by \(\mathbf B_{[i,j]}\).

Lattice Reduction. A lattice basis \(\mathbf B\) is called size-reduced, if it satisfies \(|\mu _{i,j}|\le 1/2\) for \(j < i\le n\) where \(\mu _{i,j} = \langle \mathbf b_i^{},\mathbf b_j^*\rangle /\langle \mathbf b_j^*,\mathbf b_j^*\rangle \). A basis \(\mathbf B\) is HKZ-reduced if it is size-reduced and further satisfies:

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert = \lambda _1(\mathcal {L}_{[i,n]}), \; \forall i \le n. \end{aligned}$$

A basis \(\mathbf B\) is BKZ-\({\beta }\) reduced for block size \(\beta \ge 2\) if it is size-reduced and satisfies:

$$\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert = \lambda _1(\mathcal {L}_{[i,\min (i+\beta -1,n)]}), \; \forall i \le n.$$

Heuristics. Lattice reduction algorithms and their analyses often rely on heuristic assumptions. Let \(\mathcal {L}\) be an n-dimensional lattice and \(\mathcal {S}\) a measurable set in the real span of \(\mathcal {L}\). The Gaussian Heuristic states that the number of lattice points in \(\mathcal {S}\), denoted \(|\mathcal {L} \cap \mathcal {S}|\), is about \(\mathrm {vol}(\mathcal {S})/\det ({\mathcal L})\). In particular, taking \(\mathcal {S}\) as a centered n-ball of radius R, the number of lattice points contained in the n-ball is about \(V_n(R) / \det ({\mathcal L})\). Furthermore, by setting \(V_n(R) \approx \det ({\mathcal L})\), we see that \(\lambda _1(\mathcal {L})\) is about \(\mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L}) := v_n^{-1/n}\cdot \det (\mathcal {L})^{1/n}\). Note that this is a factor of 2 smaller than the rigorous upper bound provided by Minkowski’s theorem. In [Sch03], Schnorr introduced the Geometric Series Assumption (GSA), which states that the Gram-Schmidt norms \(\{\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \}_{i\le n}\) of a BKZ-reduced basis behave as a geometric series, i.e., there exists \(r>1\) such that \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert /\Vert \mathbf b_{i+1}^*\Vert \approx r\) for all \(i <n\).

Random Lattices. We use \(\varGamma _n = \left\{ \mathcal {L}\in \mathbb {R}^n \mid \mathrm {vol}(\mathcal {L})=1\right\} \) to denote the set of all full-rank lattices of rank n with unit volume. The distribution of short(est) vectors in random lattices uniformly chosen in \(\varGamma _n\) was studied, among others, in [Rog56, Sch59, Söd11]. In [Che09], Chen proposed the following statement as a direct corollary of [Söd11, Theorem 1].

Theorem 1

[Che09, Corollary 3.1.4] Sample \(\mathcal {L}\) uniformly in \(\varGamma _n\). The distribution of \(v_n\cdot \lambda _1(\mathcal {L})^n\) converges in distribution to \(\mathrm {Expo}(1/2)\) as \(n \rightarrow \infty \).

If we set \(\lambda _1(\mathcal {L})\) as a random variable \(Y = X^{1/n}\cdot \mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L})\), with X sampled from \(\mathrm {Expo}(1/2)\), then the expected value of \(\lambda _1\) is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E}(\lambda _1(\mathcal {L})) = 2^{1/n} \cdot \varGamma \left( 1+1/n\right) \cdot \mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L}). \end{aligned}$$

In lattices of unit volume, the \(\mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L})\) term can be replaced by \(v_n^{-1/n}\). In the rest of this paper, we refer to this quantity as the minimum expectation. For large n, this is \(\approx (1+0.116/n+o(1/n))\cdot \mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L})\). It can be also seen that the variance is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {V}(\lambda _1(\mathcal {L})) = 2^{2/n} \cdot \left( \varGamma \left( 1+2/n\right) - (\varGamma \left( 1+1/n\right) )^2 \right) \cdot \big (\mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L})\big )^2, \end{aligned}$$

which is \(\approx \frac{\pi ^2}{6n^2}(1+o(1)) \cdot (\mathrm {GH}(\mathcal {L}))^2\) for large n.

2.2 The BKZ Algorithm

The Schnorr-Euchner BKZ algorithm [SE94] takes as inputs a block-size \(\beta \) and a basis \(\mathbf B= (\mathbf b_1,\cdots ,\mathbf b_n)\) of a lattice \(\varLambda \), and outputs a basis which is “close” to being BKZ\(_{\beta }\)-reduced (up to numerical inaccuracies, as the underlying Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization is computed in floating-point arithmetic, and up to the progress parameter \(\delta <1\)). BKZ can be seen as a practical variant of Schnorr’s algorithm from [Sch87]. BKZ starts by LLL-reducing the input basis, then calls an SVP-solver on consecutive local blocks \(\mathbf B_{[k,\min (k+\beta -1,n)]}\) for \(k=1,\cdots ,n-1\). This is called a BKZ tour. After each execution of the SVP-solver, if we have \(\lambda _1(\varLambda _{[k,\min (k+\beta -1,n)]}) < \delta \cdot \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \), then BKZ updates the block \(\mathbf B_{[k,\min (k+\beta -1,n)]}\) by inserting the vector found by the SVP-solver between indices \(k-1\) and k, and LLL-reducing the updated block (in this case, the input is a generating set instead of a basis). Otherwise, we LLL-reduce the local block directly, without any insertion. The procedure terminates when no change occurs at all during a tour. We refer to Algorithm 1 for a complete description of the BKZ algorithm.

figure a

For practical reasons, there are diverse BKZ variants.

  • Early-abort. The BKZ reduction aborts when a selected number of tours are completed or when a desired output quality has been reached [HPS11].

  • SVP-solver. BKZ could be run with any SVP solver; in practice for typical block sizes, the fastest one is lattice enumeration [Kan83, FP83]; the latter can be significantly accelerated with tree pruning [SE94] and even further with extreme pruning [GNR10]. In the case of enumeration with pruning, the SVP solver is not guaranteed to return a shortest non-zero vector in its input lattice. Furthermore, one can set the enumeration radius to either \(\left\| \mathbf{b}_i^*\right\| \) or Gaussian heuristic (whichever is smaller). In the experiments of Sects. 3 and 4, we use the enumeration radius \(0.99 \cdot \left\| \mathbf{b}_i^*\right\| \), which is the default choice in the implementation of BKZ in fplll [dt16]. In the experiments of Sect. 5.4, we set the enumeration radius to be 1.05 times the Gaussian heuristic of the local block. In all these cases, the SVP solver is not guaranteed to return a shortest non-zero vector.

  • Pre-processing and post-processing. Pre-processing is performed before the call to the SVP solver. In the pre-processing step, some strategies (e.g., BKZ with a smaller block size) are chosen to further improve the basis. Post-processing is executed after the call to the SVP-solver, e.g., running LLL on indices 1 to \(\min (k+\beta -1,n)\), in order to propagate the progress made at index k.

2.3 The Chen–Nguyen Simulator

In [CN11], Chen and Nguyen proposed a simulator to capture the practical behavior of BKZ with relatively large block size (e.g., \(\beta \ge 45\)). The goal was to estimate the practical behavior of BKZ for hard-to-solve instances. Overall, the simulation proceeds closely to BKZ. It considers successive tours. For each tour, it computes new Gram-Schmidt log-norms \(\hat{\ell }_1,\ldots ,\hat{\ell }_n\) from current Gram-Schmidt log-norms \(\ell _1,\ldots ,\ell _n\). At the beginning of each BKZ tour, a boolean flag \(\tau \) is initialized to be \(\texttt {true}\). To update each local block, the simulator first (deterministically) compute the Gaussian heuristic value GH\((\mathbf B_{[k, \min (k+\beta -1,n)]})\) as an estimation of first miminum, by looking at the Gram–Schmidt norms of the current local block (except for small blocks in the end). This corresponds to Line 8 of Algorithm 2, we recall that the \(v_d\) denotes the volume of d-dimensional unit ball. The computed Gaussian heuristic value is then used to update the current local block, if it is smaller than the current \(\Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \) (as written in Line 10–11). Else, the local block is kept unchanged. To update, the first Gram–Schmidt norm is replaced by the selected value, and the boolean flag \(\tau \) is flipped once such an update occurs (as written in Line 12). Once the boolean flag \(\tau \) is changed, all the remaining Gram–Schmidt norms, of indices \(k' \in [k+1,n-45]\) are updated one by one to GH\((\mathbf B_{[k', \min (k'+\beta -1,n)]})\), independently of whether the current \(\Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \) is already small enough or not (as written in Line 15). At the end of each tour, there is an additional update of the tail block of length 45 (as written in Line 19–21). The Gram–Schmidt norms in this tail block are simulated with the experimental Gram–Schmidt norms of HKZ-reduced bases of 45-dimensional unit-volume lattices. The experimental Gram–Schmidt norms are prepared in Line 1–2 of Algorithm 2. This length of 45 was chosen because the minimum of blocks of dimension \(\ge 45\) within BKZ follows the Gaussian heuristic quite well (as observed by the extensive experiments of [CN11]). This special treatment on the tail block also make the simulator more precise for capturing the practical behavior of BKZ compared to GSA assumption.

figure b

3 Measuring the Head Concavity

In this section, we describe in detail the concavity phenomenon in the leading Gram–Schmidt log-norms. In particular, we report experiments on the quality of bases output by BKZ\(_\beta \) and on the evolution of Gram–Schmidt norms during the execution of the algorithm.

In our experiments, we consider the knapsack-type lattice bases generated by the Darmstadt lattice challenge generator. In dimension n, the generator selects a prime p of bitsize \(10 \cdot n\) and sets the first basis vector as \((p,0,\cdots ,0)\). For \(i>1\), the i-th basis vector starts with a uniformly chosen integer modulo p, and all other entries are 0 except the i-th entry which is 1. When using the generator file, the seed is from the set \(\{0,\cdots ,k-1\}\), where k is total number of samples in the experiment, which enables reproducibility. We always run LLL reduction before a BKZ reduction. We use the default LLL in fplll of parameter \(\delta = 0.99\).

3.1 BKZ Output Quality

In our first set of experiments, we measure the output quality of the BKZ algorithm. We consider the final reduced basis, for increasing block sizes \(\beta \). We let BKZ run until it fully stops and use a full enumeration as SVP-solver (without pruning), to avoid side-effects. We then measure the Gram–Schmidt \(\log \)-norms \(\{\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \}_{i \le n}\) of the reduced basis \(\mathbf B\). In particular, when BKZ completes, the vector \(\mathbf b_i^*\) is a shortest non-zero vector of the lattice \(\varLambda _{[i,i+\min (i+\beta -1,n)]}\) (up to the 0.99 factor), for every i (see Subsect. 2.2).

As we use BKZ until exhaustion with full enumeration, the experiments are quite lengthy. We restricted them to dimension \(n=100\), with selected block sizes \(\beta \) ranging from 4 to 40. For each choice of \(\beta \), we conduct the experiment 100 times using input lattices generated with different seeds. For each experiment, we normalize the \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \)’s of the reduced basis by substracting one hundredth of the logarithmic determinants of its input lattice, such that the summation of the new logarithmic Gram–Schmidt norms is normalized to be 0. This step helps eliminate the small differences of determinants of all generated lattices. We then average \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \) for each i over the 100 samples.

We plotted the results for the various block sizes in Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The x-axis corresponds to the basis vector at index i and the y-axis is the Gram–Schmidt log-norm. Each figure contains several plots: the red dots are the (averaged) experimental \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \)’s; the brown dots are obtained by applying the first Minkowski’s theorem to each one of the experimentally obtained local blocks \(\mathbf B_{[i,i+\min (i+\beta -1,n)]}\) of the output basis; the purple dots are the values obtained by replacing Minkowski’s theorem by the Gaussian heuristic value \(\text{ GH }(\varLambda _{[i,i+\min (i+\beta -1,n)]})\), and the blue dots are the expected \(\lambda _1(\varLambda _{[i,i+\min (i+\beta -1,n)]})\) (see Subsect. 2.1).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Output of BKZ\(_4\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Output of BKZ\(_8\).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Output of BKZ\(_{16}\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Output of BKZ\(_{20}\).

The experiments highlight that the Gaussian heuristic and expected value of first minimum are not very accurate for predicting the output of the BKZ algorithm (and neither is Minkowski’s theorem, but that is less surprising). For small block sizes, the experimental Gram–Schmidt log-norms are above the Gaussian heuristic values. Notice this even appears to happen for the tail blocks for large \(\beta \). When the block size increases, the Gaussian heuristic and first minimum expectation get closer to each other (except in the tail region), but still do not accurately predict the genuine BKZ output. In particular, the experimental Gram–Schmidt log-norms are concave in the head region (the other curves are also somewhat concave, but less so, as they are smoothed versions of the experimental curve). This is essentially the same as the phenomenon we already observed in Sect. 1, which we refer to as head concavity. It starts being quite noticeable with \(\beta \approx 30\).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Output of BKZ\(_{30}\).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Output of BKZ\(_{40}\).

3.2 Enumeration Costs in Local Blocks

The enumeration cost for SVP in each local block is also an interesting quantity for evaluating the extent of the head concavity of a BKZ-reduced basis. As explained in [HS07], under the Gaussian heuristic, the full enumeration cost (in terms of number of nodes enumerated, denoted by “# nodes”) of a d-dimensional lattice using enumeration radius \(\left\| \mathbf{b}_1^*\right\| \) can be estimated by

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{k=1}^d \frac{1}{2}\cdot \frac{V_k(\left\| \mathbf{b}_1^*\right\| )}{\prod _{i=d-k+1}^d \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert }. \end{aligned}$$

We take the (averaged) BKZ\(_{40}\) preprocessed basis from the previous subsection and compute the local SVP costs of BKZ\(_{50}\) and BKZ\(_{60}\) on the BKZ\(_{40}\)-preprocessed basis. We also compute the local SVP costs of BKZ\(_{40}\) which can be considered as the cost for checking that the basis is indeed BKZ\(_{40}\)-reduced. In Fig. 9, we plot the logarithm of the quantity above for each local block of \(\mathrm {SVP}_{40}\), \(\mathrm {SVP}_{50}\) and \(\mathrm {SVP}_{60}\). It can be seen that the local SVP costs in the first few blocks are cheaper. The enumeration costs keep increasing until the last \(\beta -1\) blocks. These last blocks are of smaller dimensions, explaining why their enumeration costs become lower. As cheaper enumeration reflects stronger reducedness, Fig. 9 hints at a concavity of the \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \)’s in the head.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Estimated enumeration costs (of each local block) for BKZ\(_{40}\), BKZ\(_{50}\) and BKZ\(_{60}\) on a BKZ\(_{40}\) reduced basis.

3.3 Evolution of the Gram–Schmidt Norms During the Execution

The previous experiments suggest that the Gaussian heuristic may be inaccurate for a BKZ-reduced basis in the head region. Below, we further investigate the evolution of the accuracy of the Gaussian heuristic for each local block \(\varLambda _{[i,\min (i+\beta ,n)]}\) during the running of the BKZ algorithm. We focus on the evolution of the BKZ\(_{40}\) experiments from Subsect. 3.1. After each BKZ tour, we record \(\{\mathbf b_i^*\}_{i\in [n]}\) for each experiment. Again we use a full enumeration as SVP-solver (without pruning), to avoid side-effects and wait until BKZ completes.

In Fig. 10, we plot the Gram–Schmidt log-norms after each tour (for the first 1000 tours, plus those of the initial LLL-reduced input). For each BKZ\(_{40}\) experiment, we normalize the log-norms after each tour as in Subsect. 3.1. Furthermore, we take the average of the log-norms for the 100 experiments (one individual graph would be less smooth). Finally, we plot the log-norms for the first 1000 tours (one BKZ instance completes before 1000 tours; and after this one completes, for a given tour number, we take the average over the BKZ experiments that are running for more than 1000 tours). The dots corresponding to the earlier tours are colored in blue, and those corresponding to the later tours are colored in red (the color changes gradually).

The plot shows the evolution of the log-norms across tours. However, it does not clearly highlight the evolution of the relation between the \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \)’s and the Gaussian heuristic values. Hence we further compute the quantities

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert }{\mathrm {GH}(\varLambda _{[i,\min (i+\beta ,n)]})} \ \text{ for } \ i \le n. \end{aligned}$$

Note that this should be expected to be close to 1 for a random lattice, under the Gaussian heuristic. For each tour, for all indices i, we record all the (averaged) quantities at i’s across the 100 experiments. We plot a line for each tour and hence Fig. 11 contains 1001 lines. In Fig. 11, the x-axis corresponds to the index i; the y-axis corresponds to the quantities above. Note that for each i, there are 1001 dots vertically, corresponding to the number of BKZ tours plus the initial LLL-reduced input.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Evolution of the Gram–Schmidt log-norms during BKZ\(_{40}\)’s execution.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Evolution of the \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert /\text{ GH }\)’s during BKZ\(_{40}\)’s execution.

As observed in prior works, BKZ distorts the distribution of the projected lattices: the first projected sublattices are denser (the minimum is smaller) and the last projected sublattices are sparser. This can be seen from Fig. 11 since the red points are significantly lower than 1 in the first indices. Further, this distortion occurs often quickly during the execution of BKZ, sometimes within a few tours.

3.4 Evolution of Root Hermite Factor of the Basis

We now consider the asymptote of the root Hermite factor of the basis being BKZ-reduced, as the number of BKZ tours increases. A similar experiment was done in [HPS11]. We compare the experimental behavior to the Chen–Nguyen simulator. Note that the root Hermite factor only measures the head concavity phenomenon for the first basis vector. We fix the block size at \(\beta =45\) and run BKZ\(_{\beta }\) on 100 random instances. After each tour, we record the average root Hermite factor. In Fig. 23 (we also duplicate it here for convenience, as Fig. 12), we plot the averaged root Hermite factors over all experiments. The root Hermite factor \(\delta \) is computed as:

$$ \delta = (\Vert \mathbf b_1^*\Vert / \left( \det {\varLambda }\right) ^{1/n})^{1/n}. $$

It can be seen that the evolution of the root Hermite factor does not match with its prediction by the Chen–Nguyen simulator. Indeed, the root Hermite factor obtained with the Chen–Nguyen simulator does not further improve after the first few tours; while it keeps improving in the actual experiments. It should also be noted that in the first few tours, the root Hermite factors in the actual experiments are worse than those of the Chen–Nguyen simulation. In the experiments, we do not use pruned enumeration nor early-abort. One potential reason is that the local \(\mathrm {SVP}\) solver used only attempts to find a vector slightly smaller than \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \) (instead of the Gaussian heuristic value). As the number of tours increases, the root Hermite factors in experiments become smaller than those obtained by the Chen–Nguyen simulator.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Evolution of Root Hermite factors during the execution of BKZ\(_{45}\).

3.5 BKZ with Pruning

All of the previous experiments used BKZ without pruning to avoid side-effects on the quality. The purpose of this subsection is to show that using extreme pruning within the enumeration indeed affects the behavior of BKZ to some extent (this was also observed in [YD17]). Nevertheless, the head concavity phenomenon remains visible even in pruned-enumeration BKZ. Again we run the BKZ experiments until they fully complete (i.e., no early-abort).

We consider two experiments. First, we run BKZ\(_{40}\) with pruned enumeration and compare it with standard BKZ\(_{40}\). We used the default pruning strategy of fplll. We note that there is no known canonically best way to prune, and the experimental results may vary a little across different pruning strategies. We see by comparing Fig. 13 (with pruned enumeration) with Fig. 8 (without) that the extent of the head concavity phenomenon is less than without pruned enumeration. In the second experiment, we run BKZ with pruned enumeration with larger block size, which is also more relevant to cryptanalysis. In particular, we run BKZ\(_{60}\) with pruned enumeration and then plot the evolution of the corresponding \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert / \text{ GH }\)’s (for the first 500 tours) in Fig. 14. This is to be compared with Fig. 11. We can conclude that the head concavity phenomenon still exists for practical versions of BKZ with larger block sizes.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Output Gram–Schmidt log-norms for BKZ\(_{40}\) with pruning.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Evolution of the \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert /\mathrm {GH}\)’s during the execution of BKZ\(_{60}\) with pruning.

4 A Refined BKZ Simulator

In this section, we describe a refined BKZ simulator, and report on experiments indicating that the simulation is quite accurate, in particular in capturing the head concavity phenomenon.

4.1 The Refined Simulator

Our probabilistic BKZ simulator aims to provide a more accurate simulation of the experimental behavior of the BKZ algorithm. Our simulator has similar structure as the Chen–Nguyen simulator (refer to Subsect. 2.2), in particular, we also consider the Gram–Schmidt log-norms. There are several differences with the Chen–Nguyen simulator.

The main difference is the emulation of the probabilistic nature of the minimum in random lattices. Theorem 1 provides the distribution of the minimum of a uniform unit-volume lattice. The new BKZ simulator, given as Algorithm 3, is probabilistic. It takes this distribution into consideration when updating each local block. In more detail, suppose that we are updating the local block \(\varLambda _{[k,e]} = \varLambda (\mathbf B_{[k,e]})\) for some \(k \le n-45\) and \(e = \min (k+\beta -1,n)\) with dimension \(d = \min (\beta ,n-k+1)\). Let us assume this is a random lattice. By Theorem 1, we have that \(\lambda _1(\varLambda _{[k,e]})\) is distributed as

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _1(\varLambda _{[k,e]}) = \left( \frac{X\cdot \mathrm {vol}(\varLambda _{[k,e]})}{v_d}\right) ^{1/d}, \end{aligned}$$

where X is sampled with distribution \(\text{ Expo }[1/2]\). Recall that \(v_d\) is the volume of n-dimensional unit ball. Now we can take the logarithm to obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \log \lambda _1(\varLambda _{[k,e]}) = \frac{\log X + \log \mathrm {vol}(\varLambda _{[k,e]}) - \log v_d}{d}. \end{aligned}$$

This explains Line 14 in Algorithm 3. In Line 15, the simulator checks whether a value sampled as above, e.g., \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \), is smaller than the current \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \). If it is indeed smaller, then the value of \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \) is updated. Else the former one is kept. This is corresponding to the main step in the BKZ algorithm (Line 4–7): once the found vector (in the SVP call) is shorter than current \(\mathbf b_i^*\) in current local block, then the found vector will be used to replace \(\mathbf b_i\), thus \(\mathbf b_i^*\) is updated. Otherwise the found vector will be discarded, and the simulation assumes that \(\mathbf b_i^*\) is not changed during the LLL-reduction.

A further difference with the Chen–Nguyen simulator is the way we handle the remaining Gram–Schmidt log-norms in the current local block in case \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \) has been updated. In the Chen–Nguyen simulator, after updating the first Gram–Schmidt log-norms \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \) in the current local block, all the remaining log-norms \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \) for \(i > k\) will be updated by using the Gaussian heuristic directly without further checking whether the estimated value gives an improvement or not (refer to Algorithm 2). In our simulator, we consider a refined update of the remaining \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \)’s of the block. Concretely, we update all the remaining indices in the current local block by increasing them by a common amount chosen so that the volume of current block is preserved (it compensates for the decrease of \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_k^*\Vert \)). There is one further subtlety in the actual update applied by the simulator. For the second Gram–Schmidt log-norm of the block, it sets \(\widehat{\ell }_{k+1} \leftarrow \ell _k + \log (\sqrt{1-1/d})\) rather than increasing it by the same amount as for the \(d-2\) remaining log-norms. The quantity \(\sqrt{1-1/d}\) is used to simulate the change in norm for the old vector \(\mathbf b_k^*\) after being projected with respect to a new vector (the shortest vector of the local block inserted). We assume that the coefficients of the shortest vector in terms of the normalized Gram–Schmidt basis \((\mathbf b_1^*/ \left\| \mathbf b_1^*\right\| , \mathbf b_2^*/ \left\| \mathbf b_2^*\right\| , \cdots , \mathbf b_n^*/ \left\| \mathbf b_n^*\right\| )\) looks like a uniformly distributed vector of the same norm. This twist also occurs in experiments: the updated second Gram–Schmidt norm is almost always a bit smaller than the old first Gram–Schmidt norm of the block. Such a strategy also makes the simulator more flexible. In the new simulator, it is not necessary to update all the remaining blocks with the value estimated by the Gaussian heuristic once we have an update: the simulator makes an update only when needed, i.e., when an improving Gram–Schmidt norm is sampled.

We also use two sets of boolean values \(\{t_0^{(i)}\}_{i\le n}\) and \(\{t_1^{(i)}\}_{i \le n}\), to record if there is a change of \(\log \Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \) in the last and the current tours, respectively. If we know there was no change at all in current local block during the last tour, we simply skip the current block and go to the next one. Correspondingly, in BKZ, it means that the found shortest vector in current block in this tour will be the same as the one in current block in last tour. As it was not used to make an update during the last tour, so will it not be used in this tour.

figure c

As the Chen–Nguyen simulator is deterministic, it terminates relatively fast, within a few hundreds of tours typically. Oppositely, our probabilistic simulator may perform far more tours and continue making further (though smaller and smaller) Gram–Schmidt progress. Another difference between the behaviors of the simulators comes from the fact that the expectation of a given sample (g in Line 14 of Algorithm 3) for updating each local block in our simulator is slightly larger than the one used in the Chen–Nguyen simulator that uses the Gaussian heuristic (but they are closer to each other as the block size increases). As a result, the sampled value for the first minimum of a local block can be slightly larger than in the Chen–Nguyen simulator. However (and more importantly), the chosen value can also be smaller than the Gaussian heuristic, and in fact smaller than the current value even if that one is already quite small. This is exactly what makes the Gram–Schmidt log-norms progress further in the simulations and makes the simulations closer to the practical behavior of BKZ.

4.2 Heuristic Justification

We now give a heuristic explanation as to why the probabilistic simulator (and BKZ) keeps making progress even after some significant amount of time. Every time it considers a block, it keeps trying to find a shorter vector than the current first vector of the block, thanks to fresh random sampling. Let \(X \hookleftarrow \mathrm {Expo}(1/2)\) and \(Y = X^{1/n}\). Assume for simplicity that there is only one block (i.e., \(n = \beta \)) and that the lattice \(\varLambda \) has been scaled so that the volume of the lattice is 1, which implies that \(\lambda _1(\varLambda )\) has the same distribution as Y. The CDF of Y is

$$\begin{aligned} F(y) = 1 - \mathrm {e}^{- y^n /2}. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(Y_{\min ,K}\) be the minimum among K independent \(Y_i\)’s. Its CDF and PDF are

$$ F_{\min , K} (y) = 1 - \mathrm {e}^{- K y^n /2} \ \text{ and } \ f_{\min , K} (y) = K n y^{n-1} \mathrm {e}^{- K y^n /2}/2, $$

respectively. We can hence compute the expected value

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E}(Y_{K,min}) = (2/K)^{1/n} \cdot \varGamma (1+1/n) = \mathbb {E}(\lambda _1(\varLambda )) / K^{1/n}. \end{aligned}$$

One sees that the expectancy keeps decreasing, although much more slowly as K increases. Notice that K here can be regarded as proportional to the number of tours in our probabilistic simulator. We conjecture that BKZ is enjoying a similar phenomenon.

This simple model does not work for explaining BKZ with a single block (because for a single block, once the SVP instance has been solved, it cannot be improved further). In the more interesting case where \(\beta < n\), the fact there are many intertwined blocks helps as an improvement for one block ‘refreshes’ the neighbouring blocks, which then have a chance to be improved. In this case, however, this simple model does not capture the impact of one block on the neighbouring blocks, nor the fact that the SVP instances across blocks are not statistically independent (in particular, the blocks overlap).

4.3 Quality of the New Simulator

In this subsection, we describe experiments aiming to assess the accuracy of our probabilistic BKZ simulator. We measure the quality of our simulator by comparing with the practical BKZ and the Chen–Nguyen simulator using two quantities: the Gram–Schmidt log-norms after certain tours and the root Hermite factors. We then describe some limitations of our simulator.

(a) Graph of Gram–Schmidt Log-norms. In practice, the full sequence of Gram–Schmidt log-norms is important for evaluating the quality of a basis. For example, if we extrapolate the log-norms by a straight line, the slope of the line can be used to indicate whether the basis is of good quality or not. For this reason, we are interested in how accurately the simulator predicts the evolution of the full sequence of Gram–Schmidt log-norms during the BKZ execution. We consider the following two experiments: (1) The input lattices are SVP-100 instances and we use BKZ\(_{45}\) without pruned enumeration up to 2, 000 tours. For this experiment, the setup is the same as the one used in Subsect. 3.4. We plot the averaged Gram–Schmidt log-norms at tours 50 and 2, 000. (2) The input lattices are SVP-150 instances and we use BKZ\(_{60}\) with pruned enumeration up to 20, 000 tours. Note some experiments (and simulation) completes before 20, 000 tours. In such cases, we take the Gram–Schmidt log-norms of the basis obtained at completion. We plot the averaged Gram–Schmidt log-norms at tours 50 and 20, 000 (or the last Gram–Schmidt log-norms if it completes before 20, 000 tours). We record the full log-norm sequences at the end of selected tours. As shown in Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, after a few tours, both the new BKZ simulator and the Chen–Nguyen simulator approach the experimental behavior of BKZ. As the number of BKZ tours increases, both the experimental BKZ and the probabilistic BKZ simulator evolve, and the corresponding log-norms eventually become concave in the head region. However, the Chen–Nguyen simulator stops making progress after a few tours. By comparison, the new simulator fits the experimental results quite accurately in both situations.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Gram–Schmidt log-norms for BKZ\(_{45}\) at tour 50.

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Same as left hand side, but zoomed in.

Fig. 17.
figure 17

Gram–Schmidt log-norms for BKZ\(_{45}\) at tour 2, 000.

Fig. 18.
figure 18

Same as left hand side, but zoomed in.

Fig. 19.
figure 19

Gram–Schmidt log-norms for BKZ\(_{60}\) at tour 50.

Fig. 20.
figure 20

Same as left hand side, but zoomed in.

Fig. 21.
figure 21

Gram–Schmidt log-norms for BKZ\(_{60}\) at tour 20, 000.

Fig. 22.
figure 22

Same as left hand side, but zoomed in.

(b) Root Hermite Factor. In Subsect. 3.4, we have seen that the asymptotes (for a large number of tours) of the root Hermite factors obtained with the genuine BKZ algorithm and the Chen–Nguyen simulator diverge. Here in Figs. 23 and 24, we investigate the behavior of the root Hermite factor obtained with the new probabilistic simulator, when the number of tours increases. One can observe that, after a few tours, the probabilistic simulator predicts the experimental data more closely. One can also observe that, in the very first several tours, neither the Chen–Nguyen simulator nor the probabilistic simulator is very accurate. In the case of pruned enumeration, the experimental root Hermite factors seem to drop faster than in the simulators; while with non-pruned enumeration, the root Hermite factors in experiments evolve more slowly. This may be due to the algorithmic and implementation complications brought by the pre-processing, the SVP solver, pruning and post-processing.

Fig. 23.
figure 23

Evolution of the root Hermite factor during the execution of BKZ\(_{45}\) (no pruned enumeration) on SVP-100.

Fig. 24.
figure 24

Evolution of the root Hermite factor during the execution of BKZ\(_{60}\) (with pruned enumeration) on SVP-150.

(c) Limitations of the New Simulator. The probabilistic simulator does not fully match with the experimental behavior of BKZ in the first few tours. In particular, the progress of the real Gram–Schmidt log-norms with BKZ with non-pruned enumeration is slower than the simulator’s (refer to Fig. 23). One potential reason is the local \(\mathrm {SVP}\) solver only attempts to find a vector slightly smaller than \(\Vert \mathbf b_i^*\Vert \) (instead of the Gaussian heuristic value). On the other hand, it may be observed that the progress of the real Gram–Schmidt log-norms is a bit faster than the simulated log-norms in the very first BKZ tours, for BKZ with pruned enumeration (refer to Fig. 24) in these experiments. One potential reason could be that the pruned enumeration uses extensive pre-processing in a local block (which is not captured by the simulator), and this helps to lower the root Hermite factor in the beginning of the execution. However, as soon as the number of tours increases, the probabilistic phenomenon seems to weigh more and the new simulator becomes accurate.

Next, we verify if the preprocessing indeed helps make the experimental root Hermite factor decrease faster than the corresponding quality in the simulator. To verify the impact of preprocessing in pruned enumeration, we run BKZ\(_{60}\) (with pruned enumeration) without pre-processing on \(\mathrm {SVP}_{150}\) instances. We plot the root Hermite factor of the basis after each tours (up to 100 tours). Each data is taken averaged over 100 results. As shown in Fig. 25, the BKZ variant without pre-processing makes progress no faster than the simulator. This suggests that pre-processing indeed accelerates the progress made by BKZ. On the other hand, we can also observe that without preprocessing, the root Hermite factor decrease slower than the corresponding quality in the simulator. One possible reason for this could be that the vector found by extreme pruning in each local block may be longer than the minimum of the local lattice.

Fig. 25.
figure 25

Comparison of Gram–Schmidt log-norms obtained by the simulators and BKZ\(_{60}\) (no pre-processing) on SVP-150, after 4,000 tours.

In conclusion, it seems quite difficult to use the simulator to estimate the precise evolution of Gram–Schmidt log-norms for the first few tours due to the following two reasons: (1) we are not clear about how much improvement is provided by the pre-processing; (2) we do not have a precise understanding on the distribution of norms of vectors output by the enumeration (ideally with pruning). On other hand, after the first few tours, the simulator seems to be more accurate when estimating the Hermite factors, which is important for cryptographic applications.

4.4 Predicting the Root Hermite Factor for Large Block Sizes

As our proposed simulator predicts real BKZ quite well for the range of block sizes for which such experiments can be run, we expect that our simulator keeps this accuracy for larger block sizes. This is in particular relevant in cryptanalysis and for security analyses of concrete lattice-based cryptosystems. Indeed, many of the existing security analyses rely on the root Hermite factor predicted by the Chen–Nguyen simulator (see [ACD+18] and the references therein), which, as we have seen, is an over-estimate. We thus run the simulators for large block sizes and large dimensions, to assess how the discrepancy scales.

In this experiment, we consider two cases:

  1. (1)

    the dimension n is much larger than the block-size \(\beta \).

  2. (2)

    the dimension n is a small constant times larger than the block-size \(\beta \).

The Case (1) is a scenario often considered to assess the quality of BKZ-type algorithms (see, e.g., [CN11]). On the other hand, in practice, we are also interested in Case (2) where the dimension/block-size ratio is small. This is a typical situation for the lattice-based NIST candidates (see [ACD+18]). Concretely, in the first case, we run our simulator of BKZ with block-size \(\beta \in [50,250]\) on 1000-dimensional lattices and our simulator on BKZ with block-size \(\beta \in [260,300]\) in 2000-dimensional lattices, both with 20,000 tours. In the second case, we run the same experiment as above except with a fixed ratio of 3 between dimension and block-size. Each data point is averaged over 10 samples. We plot the root Hermite factor corresponding to the Gram–Schmidt log-norms output by our simulator.

Fig. 26.
figure 26

Root Hermite factor for selected \(\beta \in \{50,60,\cdots ,300\}\). Here the dimension is 1000 for \(\beta \in [50,250]\) and 2000 for \(\beta \in [260,300]\).

Fig. 27.
figure 27

Root Hermite factor for selected \(\beta \in \{50,60,\cdots ,300\}\). Here the dimension is \(3\cdot \beta \).

As can be seen in Figs. 26 and 27, for large block sizes, the discrepancy vanishes: both simulators converge to the same root Hermite factors. This may be explained by considering the distribution of the minimum of a uniform unit-volume lattice, used in the probabilistic simulator. The expectation is \(2^{1/\beta } \cdot \varGamma (1+1/\beta )\), which converges to 1, the Gaussian heuristic value (when \(\beta \) grows to infinity). Further, as we have seen in Subsect. 2.1, the variance of the selected value is \(2^{2/\beta } \cdot \big ( \varGamma \left( 1+2/\beta \right) - (\varGamma \left( 1+1/\beta \right) )^2 \big ) \cdot v_\beta ^{-2/\beta }\), which decreases to 0 as \(O(1/\beta ^2)\), making the distribution “more concentrated” and lowering the chance of being“lucky” in finding unexpectedly short vectors in local lattices.

5 Pressing the Concavity

In this section, we propose a new BKZ variant. For practical purposes, we further twist this new algorithm with several different strategies. We also quantify the quality of the obtained lattice bases.

5.1 Pressed-BKZ

Below, we first describe the new BKZ variant, pressed-BKZ, and then explain why it provides an improvement. Pressed-BKZ is described as Algorithm 4.

figure d

The pressed-BKZ algorithm runs standard BKZ on block \(\varLambda _{[s,n]}\) with an incrementally increased starting index \(s \in [1,n-\beta +1]\). In particular, in the case of \(s=1\), pressed-BKZ executes standard BKZ. Note that in Line 12, “no change occurs” means that no local block was updated during the last tour (from \(k=s\) to \(k=n-1\)). The difference between pressed-BKZ and standard BKZ starts with \(s>1\). At that stage, it does not run BKZ on the full lattice basis anymore. Instead, it freezes the first \(s-1\) lattice vectors \(\{\mathbf b_i\}_{i\in [1,s-1]}\) and re-randomizes the projected lattice \(\varLambda _{[s,n]}\), then runs stardard BKZ on the projected lattice. Note that the re-randomization is necessary, otherwise after the BKZ reduction on \(\varLambda _{[1,n]}\), no improvement will happen in BKZ reduction on \(\varLambda _{[2,n]}\) in the second iteration and either in the following iterations. In particular, in the second iteration, the re-randomization helps randomize the basis vectors of the projected lattice \(\varLambda _{[2,n]}\), thus gives a chance of generating a denser leading block of \(\varLambda _{[2,n]}\) via BKZ reduction. The re-randomization on the projected lattice is done via tranforming the basis of the projected lattice with a unimodular matrix. Here, we use the unimodular matrix generated in the fplll library.

The design rationale is as follows. Suppose BKZ creates a head concavity for the Gram–Schmidt log-norms. Then the first iteration with \(s=1\) will help to lower \(\log \Vert \mathbf{b}_1^*\Vert \). The iteration with \(s=2\) will preserve \(\log \Vert \mathbf{b}_1^*\Vert \) and help to lower \(\log \Vert \mathbf{b}_2^*\Vert \), etc. This explains the name of the algorithm.

5.2 On the Behavior of Pressed-BKZ

The goal of pressed-BKZ is to further improve the quality of bases obtained by the original BKZ algorithm without a block-size increase. In order to illustrate the idea, we run standard BKZ\(_{60}\) on 120-dimensional random lattices (generated in the same way as mentioned at the start of Sect. 4) with 500 tours (i.e., with early-abort) first, and then run pressed-BKZ with the same number of tours in each iteration with start index \(s=2\). Each data point is averaged over 100 samples. As shown in Fig. 28, pressed-BKZ successfully presses the “head concavity” that was produced by the standard BKZ algorithm.

From the experiment above, we can already see that pressed-BKZ produces a basis with better quality, as its corresponding Gram–Schmidt log-norms achieve a smaller slope. Next, we try to assess by how much pressed-BKZ improves standard BKZ in this respect. We first adapt the simulator for BKZ from Sect. 4 in the direct way to simulate pressed-BKZ. Before we go further, we check the accuracy of our simulator when simulating the behavior of pressed-BKZ by running the same experiment above, but with the simulator. As shown in Fig. 29, our simulator produces a result that is close to the one experimentally obtain with pressed-BKZ.

Fig. 28.
figure 28

Full sequences of Gram–Schmidt log-norms of bases returned by BKZ\(_{60}\) and pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\).

Fig. 29.
figure 29

Full sequences of Gram–Schmidt log-norms of bases returned by BKZ\(_{60}\), pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and simulated pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\).

Now we have an accurate simulator for pressed-BKZ, we can proceed to check the behavior of pressed-BKZ further. For this, we run our simulator of pressed-BKZ for block-sizes between 50 and 300, with many tours. We again consider two cases: (1) the dimension n is much larger than the block-size \(\beta \); (2) the dimension n is a small constant times larger than the block-size \(\beta \). In the first case, we simulate pressed-BKZ with block-size \(\beta \in [50,250]\) on 1,000-dimensional lattices with 5,000 tours for each iteration, and pressed-BKZ with block-size \(\beta \in [260,300]\) on 2,000-dimensional lattices with 10,000 tours. Each data is averaged over 10 samples. In the second case, we run the same experiment as above except with the dimension/block-size ratio set to 3. Further, we recall the Chen–Nguyen simulator for a comparison. Note that we can also adapt the Chen–Nguyen simulator for pressed-BKZ, which however, gives a same result as the simulation for standard BKZ. Here, we use the extrapolated slope to evaluate the quality of a reduced basis. To compute the slope, we fit the Gram–Schmidt log-norms with a line using the least square method of fplll and fpylll. Note that the default implementation in fplll and fpylll computes the slope using the Gram–Schmidt log-norms multiplied by 2. Here we compute the slope using the Gram–Schmidt log-norms only. As we can see in Fig. 30, there is a difference between our simulator for pressed-BKZ and the Chen–Nguyen simulator (for standard BKZ), which means our simulator for pressed-BKZ may be used to make a severer cryptanalysis on lattice-based cryptography compared to the Chen–Nguyen simulator.

As can be seen in Fig. 31, when the dimension is relatively close to the block-size, our simulator for pressed-BKZ outputs the Gram–Schmidt norms with slope more significantlly better than the one output by the Chen–Nguyen simulator. In particular, for small block-size \(\beta = 50\), our simulator for pressed-BKZ can produce Gram–Schmidt norms with slope almost equal to the one produced by the Chen–Nguyen simulator for standard BKZ with block-size 85. Thus we earn almost 35 dimensions while only relying on an SVP solver in dimension 50. The difference becomes very small when the block-size considered is larger than 200.

Fig. 30.
figure 30

Comparison of the slopes of Gram–Schmidt log-norms between our simulator for pressed-BKZ and the Chen–Nguyen simulator for standard BKZ for selected \(\beta \in \{50,60,\cdots , 300\}\). Here the dimension is 1000 for \(\beta \in [50,250]\) and 2000 for \(\beta \in [260,300]\).

Fig. 31.
figure 31

Comparison of the slopes of Gram–Schmidt log-norms between our simulator for pressed-BKZ and the Chen–Nguyen simulator for standard BKZ for selected \(\beta \in \{50,60, \cdots , 300\}\). Here the dimension is \(3\cdot \beta \).

5.3 Variable Block-Size Strategy

Pressed-BKZ helps improve the quality of the basis such that its Gram–Schmidt log-norms approximate a line. However, the concavity phenomenon may still exist within each iteration during pressed-BKZ. Concretely, in the BKZ\(_{\beta }\) reduction for each projected sub-lattice \(\varLambda _{[s,n]}\) for \(s\in [1,\cdots ,n-\beta +1]\), one can still observe the head concavity phenomenon after a few tours of the BKZ algorithm. As a result, the costs of solving SVP instances in the leading blocks become less than those for the middle blocks (we refer to Subsect. 3.2 for the correspondence between quality of basis and enumeration cost for \(\mathrm {SVP}\)).

We adapt the variable block-size strategy from [AWHT16]. The principle of the variable block-size strategy is to adaptively use larger block-sizes for the leading blocks, so that their enumeration costs match the enumeration costs for the middle blocks. We use the following simple variant: for the case of BKZ\(_{\beta }\) on the projected \((n-s+1)\)-dimensional sub-lattice, we always take the specific block \(\varLambda _{[k,e]}\) in the middle with \(k = \lfloor n/2 \rfloor - \lfloor \beta /2 \rfloor + \lfloor s/2 \rfloor + 1\) and \(e = \lfloor n/2 \rfloor + \lfloor \beta /2 \rfloor + \lfloor s/2 \rfloor \) as the standard SVP cost for comparison. When the estimated SVP cost for any leading block is smaller than the cost of this middle block, we progressively increase the block-size of the current leading block until its SVP cost matches the standard SVP cost. Correspondingly, we only use the variable block-size strategy for those leading blocks, with starting index not exceeding k (the starting index of the selected middle block).

Note that if such variable block-size strategy improves standard BKZ, then it is likely to improve pressed-BKZ: if the variable block-size strategy can decrease the first Gram–Schmidt norm of the projected lattice \(\varLambda _{[k,n]}\) (for k from 1 to \(n-\beta +1\)) a little more (compared to standard BKZ without such a strategy), then the improvement from each iteration will eventually contribute to the final pressed-BKZ reduced basis. Thus we will only consider such variable block-size strategy with standard BKZ. As our simulator seems to be precise on the quality of BKZ, we first compare BKZ with and without such a variable block-size strategy using our simulator.

We run the simulation (100 instances) for BKZ\(_{60}\) (with and without the variable block-size strategy) and plot the average root Hermite factor after each tour. As shown in Figs. 32 and 33, BKZ with variable block-size makes the root Hermite factor decrease slightly faster. It seems that the difference becomes smaller when the number of tours increases. However, we also notice that after sufficiently many tours, such a difference reoccurs as shown in Fig. 33. One can observe that the largest gap in Fig. 33 is less than 0.0001. Thus we may conclude that the variable block-size strategy helps improve the root Hermite factor faster. However, it does not seem to give a significant improvement on the root Hermite factor itself.

Fig. 32.
figure 32

Comparison of root Hermite factors of simulated BKZ with and without variable block-size. The simulation is performed with our new simulator up to 40 tours.

Fig. 33.
figure 33

Comparison of root Hermite factors of simulated BKZ with and without variable block-size. The simulation is performed with our new simulator up to 2,000 tours.

Next, we run experiment to verify if the variable block-size strategy indeed helps decreasing the root Hermite factor faster (and check if this matches the simulated results). We run standard BKZ\(_{60}\) with and without variable block-size on an SVP-120 instance from the Darmstadt lattice challenge. We plot the average root Hermite factor (over 100 samples) after each tour. As can be seen in Figs. 34 and 35, the convergence of root Hermite factor of basis output by the standard BKZ\(_{60}\) with variable block-size is slightly better than the one output by BKZ\(_{60}\) without such strategy.

Fig. 34.
figure 34

Comparison of root Hermite factors of standard BKZ\(_{60}\) with and without variable block-size within 40 tours.

Fig. 35.
figure 35

Comparison of root Hermite factors of standard BKZ\(_{60}\) with and without variable block-size within 2,000 tours.

5.4 Solving SVP-120 with Pressed-BKZ

In this subsection, we use pressed-BKZ for the preprocessing phase to solve an SVP-120 challenge, to demonstrate its practical relevance. We are interested in the quality of pressed-BKZ-reduced bases as reflected by the total enumeration cost, i.e., the sum the preprocessing and enumeration costs, divided by the success probability. In the experiment, we consider an SVP challenge of dimension 120 (generated using the Darmstadt lattice challenge generator) and preprocess it using pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) with the adaptive block-size strategy described in the previous subsection. The preprocessing took a total \(5\times 10^5\) s on an Intel Xeon processor of 2.67GHz (the enumeration speed is \(2\times 10^7\) nodes per second and hence the runtime corresponds to an enumeration tree of \(1 \times 10^{13}\) nodes).

Comparison with Standard BKZ. We first investigate the quality of the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\)-reduced basis in terms of BKZ-reducedness. The aim is to find the block-sizes \(\beta \) (and the number of tours) for which the output of standard BKZ\(_\beta \) would be of similar quality. This suggests that the bases produced by pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and standard BKZ\(_\beta \) have similar full enumeration cost.

We have to determine some criterion for the quality of bases. Essentially, one wants to compare the pruned enumeration cost of the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\)-reduced basis with the pruned enumeration cost of the standard BKZ\(_{\beta }\)-reduced basis. As a first approximation, we compute the full enumeration cost of BKZ\(_{\beta }\)-reduced basis (right after each BKZ tour) and stop as soon as it is close to the full enumeration cost for the pressed-BKZ-reduced basis. This also gives us roughly the number of tours needed for BKZ with the corresponding block-size to achieve a similar quality as our basis reduced by pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\). A better approach, which we did not implement, would be to invoke the pruning optimizer right after each local SVP to estimate the enumeration cost and stop as soon as it is close to the pruned enumeration cost for the pressed-BKZ reduced basis.

Instead of doing the actual BKZ\(_{\beta }\) experiment for all candidate blocksizes, we first use simulation to find the most competitive blocksizes. As investigated in Sect. 4, the probabilistic simulator seems quite precise after the first few tours: if the number of tours involved in the simulation is tiny, we conduct true BKZ experiments for confirmation. After we have determined the most appropriate blocksizes \(\beta \), we conduct true BKZ experiments for these blocksizes to double-check their quality and run-time (as opposed to simulation).

To start with, we have to determine some suitable searching range for the block-size \(\beta \). As we already saw, in the case where the dimension is not much larger than the block-size, the quality of a basis reduced by pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) can be quite superior to that obtained by using BKZ\(_{\beta }\) for \(\beta > 60\). Thus we try several larger blocksizes starting for \(\beta = 70, 75, 80, 85, 90\). For each blocksize \(\beta \), the Gram–Schmidt norms of standard BKZ\(_{\beta }\) are simulated by the probabilistic simulator. We start with the LLL-reduced basis of the SVP-120 input and average over the 100 simulations for each \(\beta \). We set a maximum of 50, 000 tours in the simulator but break as soon as (if possible) the full enumeration cost is smaller than the full enumeration cost of our reduced pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\).

Fig. 36.
figure 36

Gram–Schmidt log-norms of simulated pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and simulated BKZ\(_\beta \).

Fig. 37.
figure 37

Gram–Schmidt log-norms of experimental pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\) (28 tours).

For blocksizes 70 and 75, the full enumeration cost cannot beat the full enumeration cost of pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced basis within the limit of 50, 000 tours and therefore terminates. For other blocksizes, after the simulator terminates, we compute the (average) minimum number of tours needed. They are listed in the legend of Fig. 36. In Fig. 36, we also plot the Gram–Schmidt log-norms of the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\)-reduced basis along with the average simulated Gram–Schmidt log-norms of the output bases of standard BKZ\(_\beta \) (for the relevant numbers of tours). One can observe that, at the point of termination, the simulated Gram–Schmidt log-norms have comparable shape as the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced basis. We confirm this by examining their full enumeration cost in Table 1. The full enumeration cost is tabulated for each (averaged) simulated basis. As a conclusion, it can be seen that the most competitive blocksizes are 85 and 90: the number of tours involved for blocksizes 70, 75, 80 are too large.

So far, we have only judged the quality of the preprocessed basis using simulation. It should be noted that the probabilistic simulator may not to be accurate when the number of tours involved are tiny (see Subsect. 4.3). This is the case for blocksizes 85 and 90. Therefore, instead of simulation, we conduct actual BKZ\(_{85}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\) experiments with the LLL-reduced basis as input: we used a parallel implementation of the BKZ algorithm implemented in fpylll and ran BKZ\(_{90}\) on the LLL-reduced basis with 280 cores. The local \(\mathrm {SVP}\) solver attempts to find a vector smaller than 1.05 times the Gaussian heuristic of the local block. Also, if too many trials have been attempted without a success, then it moves to the next block. Therefore, the number of tours in experiments could be larger than in simulations (but each local SVP takes less time).

In the experiments, we aborted the BKZ\(_{90}\) execution right after the full enumeration cost of the current basis is similar to (if possible) that of the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\)-reduced basis. Then we used the previous BKZ tour (where the full enumeration cost was slightly larger than that of the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\)-reduced basis). BKZ\(_{90}\) took 28 tours to reach a similar full enumeration cost and the overall run-time was \(5 \times 10^6\) s (the number of cores is taken into account). In Fig. 37, we plot the Gram–Schmidt log-norms of this BKZ\(_{90}\)-reduced basis and compare it with pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\). This confirms that their qualities are analogous. For BKZ\(_{85}\), we aborted the computation after 100 tours as the overall run-time was already \(8 \times 10^6\) s. Note that both are already much larger than the cost we spent on the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) preprocessing, of \(5 \times 10^5\) s. The full enumeration costs of BKZ\(_{90}\) and BKZ\(_{85}\)-reduced bases is computed in Table 1. Note that the experiments for BKZ\(_{90}\) (and BKZ\(_{85}\)) took much more tours to achieve the same quality (if possible) compared to simulation. This might be due to the facts that our implementation is greedy as mentioned above and does not always solve the local SVP problem.

So far, we have only used the full enumeration cost to measure the quality. We confirm this using a pruner to estimate the enumeration cost (for Pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\)-reduced bases). A pruner optimizes the pruning coefficients to minimize the overall run-time of preprocessing plus enumeration divided by the success probability. The general strategy in extreme pruning [CN11] is to preprocess the basis using BKZ and then run the enumeration with a certain success probability p. If the enumeration fails, it rerandomizes the basis and then conducts the preprocessing and enumeration again. The expected number of repetitions to succeed in the enumeration is \(\approx 1/p\). It remains to determine the preprocessing time before each enumeration. It should be noted if the first enumeration fails, one usually runs a mild re-randomization before the next preprocessing, thus the next preprocessing will be faster than the first preprocessing, since it still benefits from the BKZ reduction in last preprocessing.

Table 1. Estimated enumeration cost to solve the SVP-120 instance. The row “Full of Sim.” records the full enumeration cost (number of nodes) based on the simulated preprocessed basis. The row “Full of Exp.” records the full enumeration cost on BKZ\(_{85}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\)-reduced bases (from experiments) after 100 tours and 28 tours respectively. The row “Prune of Exp.” records the cost for pruned enumeration for Pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\) reduced basis (from experiments): it includes the costs of all trial enumerations and the cost of preprocessing before each trial enumeration (but excludes the initial preprocessing cost).

We determine the preprocessing time with the following experiment. For the BKZ\(_{90}\)-reduced basis, after re-randomization, the full enumeration cost increases from \(1.35 \times 10^{27}\) to \(1.56 \times 10^{27}\). We re-preprocess the randomized basis using BKZ\(_{80}\) until the full enumeration cost decreases to around \(1.35 \times 10^{27}\). Here we just used BKZ\(_{80}\) for simplicity (there could be other strategies). The re-preprocessing took \(1.7 \times 10^{5}\) s (i.e., \(3.4 \times 10^{12}\) nodes). We use this preprocessing cost (the preprocessing before each trial enumeration except the initial preprocessing) as input to the pruner (for both Pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\)-reduced bases). The total pruned enumeration cost estimate in fpylll, tabulated in Table 1, confirms that Pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\)-reduced bases indeed have similar quality as they all admit similar total pruned enumeration costs. In general, the pruner seems to be quite precise in practice (hence so are the estimates in Table 1). Thus it suffices to compare the initial preprocessing cost between Pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and BKZ\(_{90}\): pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) (\(5 \times 10^{5}\) s) took less time compared to BKZ\(_{90}\) (28 tours in \(5 \times 10^{6}\) s).

In this subsection, we have only considered a straightforward strategy, BKZ plus enumeration, for solving the SVP-120 instance. In the following we will further compare with progressive-BKZ [AWHT16].

Comparison with Progressive-BKZ. The main idea of progressive-BKZ is to preprocess the basis using BKZ with progressively increased blocksizes and use local enumeration with high success probability to avoid the overheads brought in by the preprocessing. Furthermore, a progressive blocksize strategy (optimized based on their adaptation of the Chen–Nguyen simulator for their progressive-BKZ algorithm) was used for preprocessing before a final enumeration. In particular, [AWHT16, Table 4] gives the cost of solving SVP challenges using their blocksize strategy: this table is to be understood as the cost of an idealized algorithm and is hence optimistic compared to current algorithms. We re-investigate the estimates in that table by combining their progressive-BKZ method with our pressed-BKZ algorithm.

Given the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced basis, we use the progressive-BKZ method in the bkz2_sweet_spotFootnote 4 branch in fplll. Note that it implements a variant of progressive-BKZ: the progressive strategy differs from that of [AWHT16] but it suffices for our comparison. It should be noted that our pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced basis is already quite reduced so we start progressive-BKZ with blocksize \(\approx 75\) to avoid a superfluous re-computation. We used 80 cores for the computation on the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced basis. We spent 5.78 core days (\(5 \times 10^5\) s) on the initial pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) and 1.21 core days for the progressive-BKZ to complete the SVP instance. In total, we completed the computation in a total of 6.99 core days (with enumeration speed of \(\approx 2 \times 10^7\) nodes per second), faster than the 14.94 lower bound (with enumeration speed of \(6 \times 10^7\) nodes per second) in [AWHT16, Table 4].

For further comparison, we also ran the same experiment using an LLL-reduced basis instead of pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\) reduced basis in the beginning. The overall run-time was 8.75 core days. This implies that bkz2_sweet_spot is faster than the estimates in [AWHT16]. Compared to this LLL-based experiment, the pressed-BKZ\(_{60}\)-reduced basis helps to reduce the overall run-time by about \(20\%\).

It should be noted that we only provide one such strategy that lowers the estimates in [AWHT16, Table 4] and demonstrate the usefulness of the pressed-BKZ algorithm. It is quite possible that this is far from an optimal strategy, which could combine variants of progressive preprocessing, extreme pruning and adaptive choices based on simulation. For instance, it may be better to also use pressed-BKZ inside progressive-BKZ (recursively for any preprocessing) to better maintain the shape of the pressed-BKZ preprocessed basis. Also, we only conducted two SVP-120 experiments, which is not statistically significant. We leave the question of how to optimize the strategy based on the existing approaches open for future work.