Correction to: Internal and Emergency Medicine (2019) 14:59–69

In the original publication, all the collaborator names were incorrectly tagged and published online. The correct given and family names for the collaborators names should list as follows.

M. Camafort, E. Rovira, E. Jarauta, I. García, J.C. Arévalo, J. Portillo, I. Martínez, C. de la Guerra, C. Argüello, SI. Aranda, I. Novo, M. Pena, F. Salgado, J.A. Vargas, J. González, NR. Tobares, P. Freixas, I. Campodarve, C. Fernández, LM. Palomar, AB. Gómez, D. Chivite, M.A. Rico, JL. Hernández, E. Coloma, X. Sobrino, J. Grandes, M. Martín, R. Cuenca, JB. Pérez, A. de la Peña, G. López, E. Montero, E. Calderón, C. Lahoz, A. de los Santos, J.A. Martínez, J. Alfonso, J.I. Cuende, R. Cotos, JJ. Tamarit, F. Bonilla, A. Epalza, M. Morales, L. Manzano, S. Freire, A. Rodríguez, M. Menduiña, A. López, JF. Sánchez, M.D. Martín , JA. Ortiz, J.C. Martínez-Acitores, M.B. Alonso, D. Filella, H. Ágreda, M. Romero, ME. Fernández, J.L. Díaz, C. Pérez, R. Martínez, J.A. Nieto, J. Masferrer, L. Mérida, J.M. Varela, A. Mujal, L. Castilla, P. Castellanos, G. Tiberio, E. Guevara, and J. Fernández.