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Plant Reproduction - Call for Submissions: Hormones in Plant Reproduction

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An Arabidopsis mature gynoecium of the cytokinin signalling TCS::GFP reporter line showing fluorescence in the valve margins. Figure reused with permission, originally published as Figure 1j in Marsch-Martínez, N., Ramos-Cruz, D., Irepan Reyes-Olalde, J., Lozano-Sotomayor, P., Zúñiga-Mayo, V.M. and de Folter, S. (2012), The role of cytokinin during Arabidopsis gynoecia and fruit morphogenesis and patterning. The Plant Journal, 72: 222-234.

Plant hormones (phytohormones) have a rich history of investigation and play important roles in virtually all growth and developmental processes. In past decades, much progress has been made in understanding how plant hormones control processes central to reproduction in plants. These include well-studied roles of auxin in flower initiation, female gametophyte cell specification, patterning and embryogenesis, ethylene in fruit ripening, and abscisic acid in floral abscission, but also more recent findings.

In this special issue of Plant Reproduction, we wish to showcase the role of all hormones in plant reproduction and the status, developments, and challenges in the area of hormone function and biology in plant reproduction. We welcome manuscripts of all types (reviews, original articles, opinions, perspectives, methods, short communications) and encourage authors to submit papers on non-traditional model plant species. While we appreciate the value of observational and descriptive studies, we particularly invite submissions that highlight the underlying cellular, molecular, and genetic mechanisms that mediate hormonal control of plant reproduction.

Questions related to suitability of submissions can be addressed to the special issue editors Nayelli Marsch-Martinez, Paula McSteen, Lars Østergaard, and Dolf Weijers.

Submission deadline is April 15, 2024. Once accepted, papers will be immediately made available online.


Nayelli Marsch-Martinez
Departamento de Biotecnología y Bioquímica
Unidad Irapuato, CINVESTAV-IPN

Paula McSteen
Division of Biological Sciences, Interdisciplinary Plant Group, and Missouri Maize Center
University of Missouri

Lars Østergaard
Department of Biology
Oxford University
John Innes Centre

Dolf Weijers
Laboratory of Biochemistry
Wageningen University 
