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Pediatric Nephrology

Journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association

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Pediatric Nephrology - What’s New in Dialysis: a topical collection

Pediatric dialysis has come a long way since it began in the 1960s, especially over the recent decades, when advances in technology and our understanding of the complications of dialysis have created new horizons for what is possible in clinical practice. There is an increasing armory of treatments, from the array of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis machines and regimens, including neonatal dialysis machines, to techniques specifically developed for resource-limited situations. However, while improvements in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis have led to better recovery for children with AKI, and increased life-expectancy, growth and quality of life for children with chronic kidney disease, the burden of dialysis is still high. This raises new challenges, from how to implement new technologies and optimise existing techniques to improve outcomes, to ethical considerations about when and how to start/stop dialysis. This Topical Collection brings together the latest up-to-date research and reviews in pediatric dialysis with the aim of resourcing pediatric nephrologists to better treat and care for our patients.

What's New in Dialysis
