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Experiments in Fluids

Experimental Methods and their Applications to Fluid Flow

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Experiments in Fluids - Join the biweekly Experiment in Fluids Webinar!

Join the biweekly Experiments in Fluids Webinar Series!

Experiments in Fluids conducts a Seminar Series, held biweekly on Tuesdays at 4pm (Central European Time) with a format offering either a 30 minutes seminar followed by 15 minutes discussion, or two Article Teaser presentations (each 15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion) presenting key results of recent articles appearing in Experiments in Fluids. These talks are held live, but in most cases are recorded and can be found on our YouTube channel. The current schedule of up-coming seminars is given below. To obtain the weekly link to this seminar it is necessary to register here, providing an institutional Email address. Of course you can remove yourself from the registration list at any time.

We look forward to greeting you shortly at one of our up-coming seminars.

