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Journal updates

  • Topical Collections

    The journal Pediatric Cardiology publishes the following topical collections:

    PDA Stenting: Past, Present and Future

    What is a topical collection?

    A continuous collection of original research or review articles on a specific topic that falls within the discipline of the journal. Articles included in a topical collection may also be selected for a special issue. All submissions to a topical collection are assessed by the Editor-in-Chief and undergo peer review in the journal’s peer review system by at least two external experts. Publication in a Topical Collection provides an additional possibility to draw the attention of the audience interested in a specific theme.

    How to submit?

    Submit your article to one of the topical collections by clicking on the Submit manuscript button on the home page of Pediatric Cardiology. During submission authors can choose to submit their article to a topical collection.

  • Call for Papers: PDA Stenting: Past, Present and Future

    The journal Pediatric Cardiology publishes the topical collection PDA Stenting: Past Present and Future

    We now call for original research and review papers on the topic of PDA stenting, specifically focusing on areas such as advanced imaging, procedural techniques, post-procedure care and follow-up, and surgery post ductal stenting, long term results, new stent development and work related to this subject.
    We particularly encourage original research papers that present new scientific findings and outcomes, as well as review papers that provide a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-art and future directions on this topic. For review papers, we encourage authors to critically evaluate and synthesize existing research, identify key gaps in knowledge or limitations in current practices, and propose innovative ideas or new directions for future research on this topic.

    Submit your manuscript here

  • Top Cited Articles in 2021

    In 2021, Pediatric Cardiology articles were cited over 750 times. Here are the ten that received the most citations according to Web of Science.

  • Top Downloaded Articles in 2021

    In 2021, Pediatric Cardiology articles were downloaded over 400,000 timesWe would like to highlight the ten that were most downloaded.
