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Acta Informatica - Topical Collection on Quantum Programming Languages: Theories and Methodologies

Quantum computing harbors the potential for remarkable strides in our computational capabilities, offering solutions to historically unsolvable problems. However, numerous challenges must be overcome to realize the profound potential of quantum computing fully. Among these challenges lies the design and implementation of programming languages for quantum computers. 

This topical collection of Acta Informatica is spotlighting recent advancements within the realm of quantum programming languages and their practical applications. It delves into the evolving techniques that underpin quantum programming, shedding light on their significance.
Topics of interest to this special issue include, but are not limited to:

1. theoretical issues in the design of quantum programming languages
2. type systems for quantum programming languages
3. theoretical issues in compilation of quantum programs, including quantum circuit synthesis and optimization
4. analysis of quantum programs (e.g. invariants, termination analysis)
5. quantum program logics and verification of quantum programs
6. models of quantum-classical hybrid programming
7. quantum algorithms for analysis and verification of classical/quantum programs

Guest Editors

Nengkung Yu, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brooks University, USA,
Mingsheng Ying (Lead Guest Editor), Professor, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China,

Manuscript submission deadline: 1st April 2024

Peer Review Process

All the papers will go through peer review,  and will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. A thorough check will be completed, and the guest editor will check any significant similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or submitted manuscripts of which they are aware. In such case, the article will be directly rejected without proceeding further. Guest editors will make all reasonable effort to receive the reviewer’s comments and recommendation on time. The final decision is taken by the Editor-in-chief.

The submitted papers must provide original research that has not been published nor currently under review by other venues. Previously published conference papers should be clearly identified by the authors at the submission stage and an explanation should be provided about how such papers have been extended to be considered for this special issue (with at least 30% difference from the original works).

Submission Guidelines

Paper submissions for the topical collection should strictly follow the submission format and guidelines ( 

Manuscripts must be submitted via the 'Submit manuscript' button on the journal homepage.
During the submission process authors should select the appropriate collection title when asked if the manuscript belongs to a special issue.

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