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Marine Biology

International Journal on Life in Oceans and Coastal Waters

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Marine Biology - Call for Papers: Topical Collection Global change and interactions within marine pelagic food webs: current trends and future perspectives


Global change and interactions within marine pelagic food webs: current trends and future perspectives
Guest Editor: Cédric Meunier 

Ecological conditions of marine pelagic habitats are strongly affected by changes in, for example, seawater temperature, pH, salinity, as well as oxygen and nutrient concentrations. As such, global change puts marine pelagic systems under enormous pressure, threatening food web structure and functioning, and altering the associated ecosystem services. While research has demonstrated significant effects of diverse global change drivers on population abundances, community composition, and organismal physiology, these may also cause less obvious alterations to the networks of interactions among pelagic organisms. Changes in the abundance of primary producers influence the availability of food for higher trophic levels (bottom-up effects), whereas changes in the abundance of predators can modulate the trophic pressure exerted on lower trophic levels (top-down effects). Furthermore, biotic interactions such as parasitism, competition, and predation play an important role in the maintenance of biodiversity, in the mediation of ecosystem responses to global change, and in the stability of those ecosystem services on which human well-being is dependent. This Topical Collection invites contributions relating to the influence of global change drivers on biotic interactions within and between populations and communities of pelagic organisms, from viruses to top predators.

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