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Journal updates

  • Call for Papers: A Means to an ENDS: The Uncertainty of ENDS Use and Cardiovascular Disease From Human Research to Basic Science Mechanisms

    For this we invite all varieties of research papers on ENDS effects from basic science projects to human studies covering all endpoints related to CVD outcomes including thrombosis, vascular dysfunction, and cardiac arrythmias in cell and animal studies to human panel, cross-sectional and prospective studies. As emerging data has developed on the effects of in utero and pre-pregnancy exposures on fetal outcomes, and revealed transplacental effects, we encourage research in this area as well – again, both from animal and human studies.

    Image Credit: RyanJLane / Getty Images / iStock

  • Call for Papers: Impact of Metal Exposures on Cardiovascular including Cardiometabolic Diseases: Pre-clinical models, Mechanistic Insights, Clinical Applications

    Through this Special Issue, we aspire to bring together bring epidemiologists, clinicians, translational, and molecular toxicologists together to explore the role of occupational and environmental exposure to heavy metals through direct toxicity and indirect effects by disturbing homeostatic mechanisms regulating essential metals, as well systemic parameters including lipid levels and blood pressure, etc... We seek data linking multiple different metals to CVD/metabolic disease to define differences and commonalities between outcomes associated with metal exposures. We believe that all these discussions will accelerate the development of efficient prevention and therapeutic strategies necessary to prevent epidemic of cardiometabolic disease.   

  • New EiC Announcement

    Dr. Daniel J. Conklin will take over the role of Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of Cardiovascular Toxicology (CATO), starting from April 2023.

    With Dan’s onboarding, I’m confident we’ll start another excellent chapter for CATO. Please join us in welcoming Dan as the new EiC. 
