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Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) - Editor-in-Chief Highlights: August 2020

IJMS Issue Cover ImageFind Prof. Tormey’s ‘EIC Highlights’ from our August 2020 issue (Vol 189, Iss 3) below. You can access the complete issue here.

Health organisation and reformation
The role of primary care in management of rare diseases in Ireland. Niall Byrne, Jacqueline Turner, Rita Marron et al.

Primary care
Risk of drug interactions and prescription appropriateness in elderly patients. Elisa Petrini, Gian Paolo Caviglia, Rinaldo Pellicano et al.

Hypotension during hip fracture surgery and postoperative morbidity. Gabriel Beecham, Rachael Cusack, Sebastian Vencken et al. 

History of medicine
Irish Medical Organisation Doolin Memorial Lecture 2019: rhetoric and reality in mental health—Ireland and the world. Brendan D. Kelly.

Sponsorship, advertising and alcohol control in Ireland: the importance of both premises and products in regulating intoxigenic environments. Frank Houghton & Derek McInerney.
