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Service Business

An International Journal

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Service Business - Call for Papers for Special Issue “Innovation, Future of Work, and Economic Growth”

The United Nations established 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform the world (UN SDGs, 2015). The World Health Organization (WHO) also called for resilient health systems during Covid-19 and beyond (Ghebreyesus, 2022). Indeed, sustainability has emerged as an important business strategic outlook expanding beyond organizational boundaries to include the supply and service chains, especially in the aftermath of Covid-19 (Silva et al., 2022). To become high performers in the new landscape, companies are driven to create new ways to demonstrate environmental and social responsibility bringing innovation in business processes, management practices, products, and services (Array, 2021); Hence, it has drawn much attention in today’s sustainability research. Indeed, researchers have noted that sustainability performance is predicated on the development of increasingly efficient operations through optimizing resource usage and reducing waste as well as developing new innovative capabilities and eco-friendly products or services (Elia et al., 2022; Hasitha & Wijethilake, Willimas, 2022; Silvestre et al., 2021; Tuni et al., 2020). As such, there is a need for scholars and practitioners to understand how a myriad of innovation practices (e.g., open innovation (Patrucco et al., 2022; Elia et al., 2021); responsive/agile innovation (Arslan & Tarakci, 2022); innovation-oriented dynamic capabilities (Dovbischuk, 2022); radical innovation (Fisher et al., 2021); service innovation paradigm shift (Heinonen & Strandvik, 2021; Lee and Lee, 2020); technology innovation (Ikpe et al, 2021); innovation-inspired leadership (Kathleen, 2021); accelerated innovation (Liu et al., 2022)) affect a firm’s sustainability performance through promoting innovation.

The objective of this special issue at Service Business is to present original and high-quality research papers on achieving and maintaining sustainability through innovation in the service industry. Many different methodologies are welcome for this special issue including empirical survey, secondary data, case study, bibliometric analysis & narrative literature review, and conceptual papers.   

Recommended Topics

Recommended topics for this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Relationship between innovation and sustainable service business   
  • Role of information technology innovation to enable service sustainability
  • Understanding the strategic value of big data analytics innovation in achieving sustainable service chain 
  • Innovative leadership role in managing service sustainability
  • Application of agile innovation in achieving service business sustainability
  • Barriers and opportunities to effective implementation of sustainable service innovation
  • Impact of rapid innovation on sustainable service business
  • Role of innovation strategies in achieving and maintaining sustainability in service business
  • Governance mechanisms and innovation systems to service chain sustainability 
  • Adoption and diffusion of big data innovation in building service chain sustainability 
  •  Implementation of open innovation for sustainable service chains
  • Research frameworks exploring the relationship between innovation and sustainability  
  • Bibliometric analysis of current research in innovation and sustainability

Guest Editors

Ray Qing Cao (Lead Guest Editor), University of Houston – Downtown, USA

Vicky Ching Gu, University of Houston – Clear Lake, USA

Dara Schniederjans, University of Rhode Island, USA

Important Dates

January 15, 2023: Submission deadline

March 15, 2023: Reviewers’ reports in (target date)

May 15, 2023: Revised manuscript submission deadline (estimated)

July 15, 2023: Final revision submission deadline

Publication in special issue: 2023


Submitted manuscripts must be original and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions should be made online to Service Business. Manuscripts will be reviewed by independent referees, as per the journal’s standard evaluation process. The editors will base their final decisions on the relevance to the special issue, technical quality, innovative content, and originality of research approaches and results. All submitted manuscripts must be fully compliant with the Service Business author guidelines and style requirements.

Submissions should be uploaded via Editorial Manager (see To ensure your paper is considered for this special issue, reply “yes” when asked during submission whether it is intended for a special issue and select the relevant title from the drop-down menu. You may also wish to mention the special issue in your cover letter.


  1. Aray, Y., Veselova, A., Knatko, D., & Levchenko, A. (2021). Drivers for adoption of sustainability initiatives in supply chains of large russian firms under environmental uncertainty. Corporate Governance, 21(2), 322-338. 
  2. Arslan, B., & Tarakci, M. (2022). Negative spillovers across partnerships for responsible innovation: Evidence from the 2014 ebola outbreak. The Journal of Management Studies, 59(1), 126-162.
  3. Dovbischuk, I. (2022). Innovation-oriented dynamic capabilities of logistics service providers, dynamic resilience and firm performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Logistics Management, 33(2), 499-519. 
  4. Elia, G., Margherita, A., Massaro, A., & Vacca, A. (2022). Adoption of open innovation in the COVID-19 emergency: Developing a process-based information coordination system. Business Process Management Journal, 28(2), 419-441.
  5. Fischer, D., Prasuhn, J., STRESE, S., & Brettel, M. (2021). The role of social media for radical innovation in the new digital age. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(7), 1-41. 
  6. Ghebreyesus, T. A., Jakab, Z., Ryan, M. J., Mahjour, J., Dalil, S., Chungong, S., Saikat, S. (2022). WHO recommendations for resilient health systems. World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 100(4), 240-241.
  7. Hasitha, D. R., & Wijethilake, C. (2021). The impact of leanness on supply chain sustainability: Examining the role of sustainability control systems. Corporate Governance, 21(3), 410-432. 
  8. Heinonen, K., & Strandvik, T. (2021). Reframing service innovation: COVID-19 as a catalyst for imposed service innovation. Journal of Service Management, 32(1), 101-112.
  9. Ikpe, J. A., Soopramanien, D., & Dong-Heon (Austin) Kwak. (2021). Cutting-edge technologies for small business and innovation in the era of COVID-19 global health pandemic. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 33(6), 607-617.
  10. Kathleen, M. P. (2021). Navigating the digital revolution and crisis times: Humanitarian and innovation-inspired leadership through the pandemic. Journal of Strategy and Management, 14(3), 360-377.
  11. Lee, S. M., & Lee, D. (2020). “Untact”: A new customer service strategy in the digital age. Service Business14(1), 1-22.
  12. Liu, W., Ahmad, B., Songhe, Y., & Williamson, P. (2022). Harnessing exaptation and ecosystem strategy for accelerated innovation: Lessons from the Ventilator Challenge UK. California Management Review, 64(3), 78-98.
  13. Patrucco, A. S., Trabucchi, D., Frattini, F., & Lynch, J. (2022). The impact of Covid‐19 on innovation policies promoting open innovation. R & D Management, 52(2), 273-293.
  14. Silva, M. E., Ana Paula, F. A., Dias, P., & Luis Felipe, M. N. (2022). The role of orientation towards sustainability in supply chains: Insights from empirical experiences. Benchmarking, 29(1), 305-324. 
  15. Silvestre, B. S., Silva, M. E., Cormack, A., & Antônio Márcio, T. T. (2020). Supply chain sustainability trajectories: Learning through sustainability initiatives. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 40(9), 1301-1337. 
  16. UN SDGs (2015):
  17. Tuni, A., Rentizelas, A., & Chinese, D. (2020). An integrative approach to assess environmental and economic sustainability in multi-tier supply chains. Production Planning & Control, 31(11-12), 861-882. 
  18. Williams, S. J., & Radnor, Z. J. (2022). Moving from service to sustainable services: A healthcare case study. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 71(4), 1126-1148.
