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Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung

Publishing model:

Publizistik - Neue Rubrik „Infrastrukturen und Ressourcen für die Kommunikations- und Medienforschung“

New section “Infrastructures and Resources for Communication and Media Research”.

Since 2024, the Publizistik section “Infrastructures and Resources for Communication and Media Research” provides a forum in which the scientific community can exchange information on relevant research infrastructures and resources. The scope of this section is on all “instruments and institutions that are available to all members of the respective scientific community to support their research” (Wissenschaftsrat, 2011, p. 13), such as reusable research data, archives and collections, or research software.

The aim of this section is to increase the visibility of infrastructures and resources and thus provide (additional) incentives for their development, expansion and use in the discipline. Please find here further information and details in German and English.
