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Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing - General Instructions

Expected Submission Formatting

In addition to the instructions provided in the Journal's Submission Guidelines, submissions should follow the principles of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” as formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( 

Learn more and review the ICMJE Uniform Requirements by clicking here

Copyright Information

Apart from certain exceptions, the copyright of all contributions published in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing is vested in the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering for the protection of authors and the Society. 

A ‘‘Copyright Transfer Statement’’ (CTF) should be provided at the moment requested by the publisher.

Nightingale Prize

First presented in 2003, this annual prize in the amount of £250 is awarded by IPEM (Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, UK) for the best scientific paper published in the Journal. This award was initiated in memory of Alfred Nightingale, one of the first editors of the Journal of the IFMBE, former title of Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

There is no need to apply; all papers are automatically considered for this award.
