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Veterinary Research Communications

An International Journal Publishing Topical Reviews and Research Articles on all Aspects of the Veterinary Sciences

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Veterinary Research Communications - Special Edition on Diseases in Old and New World Camelids

The large and the small, living in the desert or highlands, from the old or the new world. These are parallelism once common to camelids. In the last couple of decades, camelids have become more geographically spread and gained relevance in science and the economy. Aware of the veterinary challenges that the new role camelids have, we at the journal Veterinary Research Communications invite researchers around the globe to submit their research to the Special Edition on Diseases in Old and New World Camelids. The subjects of reference include but are not limited to the production medicine of camelids, infectious, and non-infectious diseases, and emerging pathogens, zoonotic or high-impact pathogens, among others.

If you are unsure if your research is suitable for the special Edition, please contact the Guest Editor directly.

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Note: this call was originally designed to focus on South American Camelids.
