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Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Call for Papers: Latin American Crops and Human Nutrition

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (QUAL) is delighted to announce this call for a special issue on the topic of Latin American Crops and Human Nutrition, guest edited by Dr. Claudia Monika Haros (Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos, Spain) and Dr. Norma Sammán (Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Tecnologías y Desarrollo Social para el NOA, Argentina).

The term ‘Latin American crops’ refers to plants that were cultivated for thousands of years by pre-Columbian cultures, and have remained largely unchanged by their ethnic groups. These crops have a long history of being used as staple foods by populations such as the Aztecs, Mayans, or Incas, and have gained popularity in recent years due to their nutritional benefits, unique flavours, and potential health advantages compared to common crops. They are often sought after for their higher nutritional and functional value, as well as their potential to be more easily digested by sensitive populations.

In addition to promoting safe, sustainable, nutritious, and healthy food, this special issue also aims to recognize the crucial role of these crops in preserving biodiversity and enhancing resilience in agricultural systems. Given this wide/broad context, this Special Issue of Plant Foods for Human Nutrition will feature original research and critical reviews focused on enhancing and evaluating the nutritional quality of plant-based foods for humans, considering:

  • Advances in biotechnology, molecular biology or genetic engineering on Latin American Crops. 
  • Innovations in food science and technology using Latin American crops.
  • Development and characterization of functional, nutraceutical, or pharmaceutical food products including Latin American crops. 
  • Studies on specific nutrients or non-nutritional compounds naturally present in Latin American crops-derived foods.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30th September 2024.

All manuscripts will undergo QUAL’s peer review process and be handled by the Guest Editors.

Special Issue Editors:

Dr. Claudia Monika Haros

Guest Editor

Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA)

Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)

Interests: Nutritional studies of vegetable raw materials and/or their by-products on their biological activity for their subsequent integration into new food matrices. Use of different in vitro and in vivo strategies to determine nutritional and/or biological activities, including the evaluation of bio-accessibility/bioavailability of minerals, glycaemic index and nutrient inputs according to Dietary Reference Intakes/Adequate Intakes (DRIs/AIs). The objective is to identify dietary solutions and innovations to prevent diseases and to improve consumers’ well-being and health.



Dr. Norma Sammán

Guest Editor

Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Tecnologías y Desarrollo Social para el NOA (CIITED)

Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (UNJu)-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Interests: Study the relationship between the components of potential food plants originating in Latin America and human nutrition; modification of metabolic processes to improve the nutritional potential of plants; study of plant, their fruits and grains compounds with bioactive activity. Contribute to the revaluation of productive chains by encouraging their production, transformation and consumption, thus improving the socioeconomic situation of impoverished communities.


Important Submission Information:

Please Follow QUAL’s submission guidelines when submitting manuscripts, found at this link:

Submission guidelines | Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Guest Editors or Editor in Chief. We invite you to participate in this issue and look forward to your valuable contributions.


Amaranthus spp.

Chenopodium quinoa Willd

Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen

Lupinus mutabilis

Plukenetia volubilis

Phaseolus vulgaris

Salvia hispanica L.

Zea mays L.

Other Latin American crops
