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Journal of Productivity Analysis - About the International Society for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (ISEAPA)

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The International Society for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (ISEAPA) promotes and diffuses the study of theoretical and applied research addressing the measurement, analysis, and improvements in productivity and its components, particularly innovation and efficiency. ISEAPA supports and fosters research that uses theory and empirical techniques to the measurement of productivity and sets forth implications for managerial strategies and public policy to enhance productivity. The Society’s broad scope spans economics, management sciences, operations research, and business and public administration. A partial list of topics includes productivity theory, organizational design, index number theory, and related foundations of productivity analysis, research on computational methods employed in productivity analysis and empirical research based on data at all levels of aggregation.

For more information about ISEAPA, including how to become a member of the society which includes a number of benefits including access a discounted annual subscription to the Journal of Productivity Analysis, please visit the ISEAPA website.

ISEAPA Website
