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Plant and Soil

An International Journal on Plant-Soil Relationships

Publishing model:

Plant and Soil - Call for Papers: Special Issue on “Effects of fire on plant-soil-microorganism interactions"

Plant and Soil is seeking submissions for a Special Issue on “Effects of fire on plant-soil-microorganism interactions” guest edited by Adam Pellegrini (University of Cambridge, UK), Minerva Garcia Camona (University Miguel Hernandez, Spain), Joan Romanyà (University of Barcelona), Giacomo Certini (University of Florence, Italy), and Carmen Sánchez-García (Swansea University, UK).

Submissions close on 31 December 2023.

Papers accepted for publication in the special issue will be available online shortly after acceptance and before inclusion in the special issue. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 independent reviewers and handled by the Guest Editors, in collaboration with the Journal’s Section Editors.

This special issue aims to address emerging paradigms on factors that explain how fire impacts soil microorganisms and their interactions with plants. We envision papers with a broad range of topics such as using compositional change and traits to predict fire effects, understanding the role of soil physicochemical properties, and identifying cross-biome trends in responses. We are particularly interested in papers that evaluate the potential impact of changing fire regimes (e.g., rising intensity and frequency in forests) on plant and soil microorganisms.

Important Submission Information

To submit a manuscript for this special issue, authors should follow the steps below:

1. Authors submit their paper through the following website

2. In the Select Article Type step of the online submission procedure, authors must select ‘Special Issue S115 – Fire’ from the dropdown box.

3. In the General Information step, authors must specify their Article Category.


If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Guest Editor Adam Pellegrini (, Editor in Chief Hans Lambers ( or Managing Editor Lieve Bultynck (
