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Multimedia Tools and Applications - Call for Papers: Computer Vision with Small Data: A Focus on Human and Animals [1251]

Aims and Scope

The aim of the CV4Human&Animal special issue is to foster comprehensive discussions surrounding the effective handling of limited data, investigating novel approaches for building high-performance machine learning models with minimal data. This is particularly vital in fields such as healthcare and animal behavior research. Focusing on the concept of Small Data, our special issue seeks to promote inclusivity and equity in AI applications, underscoring the significance of these considerations in the current era dominated by data-centric technology. CV4Human&Animal is dedicated to exploring the complexities and innovations of applying computer vision techniques to scenarios characterized by data scarcity, with a specific focus on human-centric and endangered animal-related contexts. Given the unique data constraints within these domains, our special issue aims to facilitate discussions and propose solutions that address these challenges while harnessing the potential of computer vision for data-sensitive applications.

The covered methodological topics with the focus on visual perception in the context of human or animal include but not limited to:

  • Transfer Learning, Domain adaptation Learning with Weak or No Supervision Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning Active and Continual Learning Learning with Data Augmentation: Data-Driven Generative Models such as Variational Auto Encoder
  • (VAE), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Stable Diffusion 
  • Learning from Synthetic Data: Physics-Based Simulation
  • Multi-Task and Meta Learning Learning with Enforced Structured Prior Knowledge Explainable AI
  • (XAI) methods

Applications covered include but are not limited to:

  • Human/Animal Image Segmentation, Registration, and Classification
  • Human/Animal 2D or 3D Pose Estimation, and Posture Classification
  • Human/Animal Facial Landmark Detection and Tracking
  • Human/Animal Action Recognition
  • Human/Animal Multi-View Multi-Subject Tracking
  • Human/Animal 3D Body Reconstruction, Image/Motion/Video Generation
  • Human/Animal healthcare-related applications in computer vision

Multimedia Tools and Applications is committed to publishing research that advances the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This special issue welcomes submissions related to SDG 9, which covers industry, innovation, and infrastructure ( (this opens in a new tab).

Special Requirement:
Please make sure to add a "Small Data Statement" subsection at the end of your Introduction Section. This should detail: (1) the reasons your research qualifies as small data research and (2) the methods you've employed to tackle this challenge within your study. Failure to include this section will result in your submission being rejected without review.

Important Dates
Submissions Open: March 1, 2024
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

Guest Editors:

Sarah Ostadabbas, Northeastern University, 
Elaheh Hatamimajoumerd, Northeastern University, 
Somaieh Amraee, Northeastern University, 
Michael Wan, Northeastern University, 
Chen Chen, University of Central Florida,
Silvia Zuffi, Max Planck Institute

Submission Guidelines:

Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Instructions for Authors available from the Multimedia Tools and Applications website. Authors should submit through the online submission site at and select “SI 1251- Computer Vision with Small Data: A Focus on Human and Animals” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the special issue. All submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation, by at least three independent reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the review process. Please note that the authors of selected papers presented at CV4Smalls are invited to submit an extended version of their contributions by taking into consideration both the reviewers’ comments on their conference paper, and the feedback received during presentation at the conference. It is worth clarifying that the extended version is expected to contain a substantial scientific contribution, e.g., in the form of new algorithms, experiments or qualitative/quantitative comparisons, and that neither verbatim transfer of large parts of the conference paper nor reproduction of already published figures will be tolerated. The extended versions of CV4Smalls papers will undergo the standard, rigorous journal review process and be accepted only if well-suited to the topic of this special issue and meeting the scientific level of the journal. Final decisions on all papers are made by the Editor in Chief.
