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Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing - JCMC PODCAST

New Content Item (1)

The Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing is interviewing authors of selected papers recently published.
The whole Podcast series is available via multiple channels:

PODCAST 10 - SPECIAL EPISODE - Interview with the Board 

This is a special podcast to celebrate the 10th episode of our interview series! We interview key people from the Journal: Francisco Lobo (Editor in Chief), Moritz Flick (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), and Barbara Pedrotti (Publisher).


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews Erta Beqiri, from the Brain Physics Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, and Marta García-Orellana, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain regarding the recently published paper: "Cerebral autoregulation derived blood pressure targets in elective neurosurgery"


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews Ilonka N. De Kejizer from the Department of Anesthesiology, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands, and first author of the paper "Impact of clinicians’ behavior, an educational intervention with mandated blood pressure and the hypotension prediction index software on intraoperative hypotension: a mixed methods study"


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews Johannes Enevoldsen, from the Department of Anaesthesiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, regarding the recently published paper "The effects of respiratory rate and tidal volume on pulse pressure variation in healthy lungs–a generalized additive model approach may help overcome limitations


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews prof. Ashish K. Khanna, from the Department of Anesthesiology of the Wake Forest School of Medicine in Wiston Salem, on his recent study "Assessment of skin pigmentation-related bias in pulse oximetry readings among adults"


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna involves two hosts in the discussion on Closed Loop IV delivery systems.

Dr. Ana Spataru from the Southampton General Hospital in UK and first author of the recent study "Performance of closed-loop systems for intravenous drug administration: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials".

We are also proud to welcome the contribution of dr. Sean Coeckelenbergh from the Hôpital Paul-Brousse, APHP, Université Paris-Saclay, on this important topic.


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews Anthony James Cartwright, from Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, on the recently released review "The elephant in the room: cybersecurity in healthcare"


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews with Dr. Denise Battaglini, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, first author of the study "Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on brain oxygenation, systemic oxygen cascade and metabolism in acute brain injured patients: a pilot physiological cross-sectional study"


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews dr. Jakob Højlund, Department of Anaesthesiology, Hvidovre University Hospital, Denmark regarding the new article "The peripheral perfusion index discriminates haemodynamic responses to induction of general anaesthesia"


On this episode, dr. Michele Introna interviews Majid O. Shangab from the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, on his paper "Oxygen Reserve Index and Arterial Partial Pressure of Oxygen: Relationship in Open Heart Surgery".
