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Journal of Bioeconomics
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Aims and scope

*The Journal of Bioeconomics is no longer accepting submissions and will discontinue publication as of January 1, 2024.  For authors publishing research on the topic, we encourage you to consider submitting to the Bioeconomics collection at Public Choice:

The Journal of Bioeconomics is devoted to creative interdisciplinary dialogues between biologists and economists. It promotes the mutual exchange of theories, methods, and data where biology can help explaining economic behavior and the nature of the human economy; and where economics is conducive to understanding the economy of nature. The Journal invites contributions relevant to the bioeconomic agenda from economic fields such as behavioral economics, biometric studies, neuroeconomics, consumer studies, ecological economics, evolutionary economics, evolutionary game theory, political economy, and ethnicity studies. From biology, the Journal welcomes contributions from, among others, evolutionary biology, systematic biology, behavioral ecology, ethology, paleobiology, and sociobiology. The scholarly discussion also covers selected topics from behavioral sciences, cognitive science, evolutionary anthropology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology, and ethics.  

Officially cited as: J Bioecon  
