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International Ophthalmology

The International Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

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International Ophthalmology - Editor's pick - Basic science

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Thia, B., McGuinness, M.B., Ebeling, P.R. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of Immulite® TSI immunoassay for thyroid-associated orbitopathy in patients with recently diagnosed Graves’ hyperthyroidism. Int Ophthalmol (2021).

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Precise measures represent a must in modern medicine. The authors of the present manuscript offer an interesting description on diagnostic accuracy of an immunoassay used for thyroid-associated orbitopathy in patients with recently diagnosed Graves’ hyperthyroidism. I believe this may offer the chance for the readers to open an interesting discussion on the importance of a rigorous measurement of biomarkers.

Prof. Piergiorgio Neri


International Ophthalmology
