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Formal Methods in System Design - Editor's Choice Papers 2021

To celebrate the breadth and quality of articles published in Formal Methods and Signal Processing, the Editor-in-Chief has nominated three of his favorite articles from the past few years. Please enjoy free access to this list of quality papers for the month of January, courtesy of our Editor-in-Chief.

Boolean functional synthesis: hardness and practical algorithms
S. Akshay, Supratik Chakraborty, Shubham Goel, Sumith Kulal & Shetal Shah

Model checking boot code from AWS data centers

Byron Cook, Kareem Khazem, Daniel Kroening, Serdar Tasiran, Michael Tautschnig & Mark R. Tuttle 

Certifying proofs for SAT-based model checking
Alberto Griggio, Marco Roveri & Stefano Tonetta
