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Journal of Elasticity

The Physical and Mathematical Science of Solids

Publishing model:

Journal of Elasticity - Call for Papers - Special Collection to Celebrate the Contributions of the late Professor A.P.S. (Patrick) Selvadurai

Guest Editors:
Dr. Quentin Zhong Qi Yue, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Parham Samea, University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Shunde Yin, University of Waterloo, Canada
Dr. Leo Rothenburg, University of Waterloo, Canada

Submission Status: Open - By Invitation Only |   Submission Deadline: 30 December 2024

Summary and scope
This Special Issue will comprise a collection of high quality interdisciplinary (invited) papers to honour the contributions of the late Professor A.P.S. (Patrick) Selvadurai (1942 – 2023), McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Patrick had a long and distinguished career making outstanding contributions to applied mechanics, geomechanics and applied mathematics for which he received numerous awards including the Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (Germany), the Killam Research Fellowship (Canada Council for the Arts), the inaugural John Booker Medal (International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics), the Max Planck Research Prize in the Engineering Sciences (Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany), and The Killam Prize for Engineering (Canada Council for the Arts). He served on the Editorial Boards of nine leading International Journals devoted to Geomechanics, Applied Mechanics, Computational Mechanics and Engineering Mathematics. He was a Fellow of The Royal Society of Canada, The Canadian Academy of Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Canada, The American Academy of Mechanics, The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, and The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (UK).

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to United Nation Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action

Submission guidelines
All papers must be prepared in accordance with the Instructions for Authors at: Authors should submit via the online submission site and select article type “SI - Special Collection to Celebrate the Contributions of the late Professor A.P.S. (Patrick) Selvadurai”.

Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the Special Issue. All papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation by at least two reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the review process. Final decisions on all papers are made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Meet the Guest Editors:
New Content ItemQuentin Zhong Qi Yue is a professor in geotechnical engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.  He obtained his BSc and MSc in geology from Peking University and his PhD degree in geomechanics from Carleton University. He chartered as a professional engineer in Ontario and in Hong Kong. His teaching and research interests include geomechanics, landslide, land reclamation, earthquake, volcano, and the Earth.  

New Content ItemParham Samea is currently a Research Associate in the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering at the University of British Columbia. He received his PhD in Environmental Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering from McGill University. Dr. Samea’s research is mainly focused on multi-phase transport and thermo-hydromechanical processes in porous media. His research also delves into the interaction of microwave energy with materials.

New Content ItemShunde Yin is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Previously, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Yin and his team’s research is focused on the coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical phenomena. 


Leo Rothenburg is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo. 
