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Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)

The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices

Publishing model:


Bibliographical formalities
The CSCW Journal has moved to the Chicago Author-Date format standard for citations and references.

The journal has since its launch some 30 years ago been using a house format. The house format was devised and adopted because it, for a journal that should be a venue for scholars from very different disciplinary and cultural backgrounds, was important that the bibliographic information should be unambiguous and accessible to a heterogeneous readership, and because the common bibliographic standards left out much information and their use thus might give rise to ambiguities and hamper access to sources. 

However, with the widespread adoption of the DOI standard for publication IDs, the risk of ambiguity and disorientation has been seriously reduced. On that background, there is no longer any serious reason to require of authors that they use a bibliographic format that to many might seem esoteric and for which there are no standard templates. 

We trust our authors will appreciate this transition.

Myriam Lewkowicz and Kjeld Schmidt
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices
 is devoted to innovative research in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). It provides an interdisciplinary and international forum for the debate and exchange of ideas concerning theoretical, practical, technical, and social issues in CSCW. 

The CSCW Journal encourages contributions that are mindful of the relations between social-science studies of cooperative work practices and their requirements with respect to computing technology. For example, we would urge social scientists who have made a study of a workgroup to spell out clearly what the implications of their findings are for design of appropriate computer support. Equally, we would urge computer scientists reporting on a technological innovation in, say, meeting room support, to spell out clearly how this work is motivated by studies of meetings or what new studies of meetings it suggests. What is required, is that contributions to the CSCW Journal have visible implications for CSCW: implications for the development of practice-oriented computing technologies.

  • Kjeld Schmidt
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
  • Myriam Lewkowicz
Impact factor
2.4 (2022)
5 year impact factor
2.6 (2022)
Submission to first decision (median)
30 days
256,042 (2023)

Latest issue

June 2024 |

Volume 33, Issue 2

Machine Learning and the Work of the User

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Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  1. ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide
  2. ACM Digital Library
  3. ANVUR
  4. Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List
  5. Baidu
  7. CNKI
  9. DBLP
  10. Dimensions
  11. EBSCO
  12. EI Compendex
  13. Google Scholar
  14. INSPEC
  15. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  16. Naver
  17. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  18. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  19. Portico
  20. ProQuest
  21. PsycINFO
  22. Psyndex
  23. SCImago
  24. SCOPUS
  25. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  26. TD Net Discovery Service
  27. UGC-CARE List (India)
  28. WTI AG
  29. Wanfang
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